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Rev 4 to Solid Radwaste Sys Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1987
Shared Package
ML20237K112 List:
PBAPS-PCP, NUDOCS 8709040233
Download: ML20237K174 (16)


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3 PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4

'] Page 1 of 14 2,

71 5











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$ e709040233 070028

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f PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 pj Page 2 of 14 a l h TABLE OF CONTEh'TS P

a .




.h 1.0 PURPOSE ,

3 -


> 2.0 SCOPE . 3 J




3 i '


. 6

[ >

.~. 6.0 -PROCESSING 7 +


!i h 6.1 WASTE TYPES 7

~ J s.M 6. 2e '. PROCESS? DESCRIPTION .e, 7


^1' -. .:6.3". PROCESS CONTROL ' .i . , l 9' -s-.



- . .6.6 . PROCEDURE CONTROL 11 .

, ('

4 '

7.O RECORDS . 12 t'


12- 3n

? . . ,.'

i- < 9. 0 REVISIONS 12 t

a H



m._ ,7 d..'.

b L;-

PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4. .

p i Page 3 of 14 I


{, 1.0 PURPOSE

} .' _ : qu To provide guidance and boundary conditions for' preparation;<*

[ g .s , A w y m.- 4 ef of specific procedures for proce'ssing, sampling, analyzing, 6,.

, . packaging.and shipp,ing solid radioactive waste in b


nccordance' with State and Federal a regulat'ory. requirements.M i - i fi;:

L +

f'2.0 ' SCOPE - * *'


[ .H This ' program is applicable to the ' Peach . Bottom Atomic Power '


'* 1

f. Station solid radwaste processing system. Wastes d- considered in.this' scope are filter / demineralized and bead y . resins, sludge, oil, and aqueous liquids.

p.s, .,

.. +.

.this dry active waste processing.

Not included in sn.



1;. 'NE j

V j- x 3.1 49 CPR Parts 170.through'178 -

,Y * * * ' 2' 10.CFR~Paits 20,.50, 61 and 71 -

1  !- t

};;;;4/.d,.- 3 3=,zStandard,ReviewiPlan al.4/aRev. 2,Jincluding Branch," '

V' '

TTechnical Position ETSB 11-3, Rev. 2 - "J '

rc' W, . +' c 3.WMLow ' Level ' Waste Licensing Branchi Technical Position b c~

!c ,

.<.on Radioactive Waste Classification,.Rev.-0 (S/83) -W C c 4 %"-


.. "-3.5" ' Loti Level Waste Licensing Branch; Technical Position on Waste Form, Rev. 0 (5/83).

3 3.6 General Criteria for High Integrity Containers (SCDHEC) dated 10/22/80.

9 E ,

,, 3.'7 ,. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental 6

".u, Control Radioactive Material: License No.a097,: Amendment T g#



--s s

'.No.(41;.  :(Barnwell. Facility)

- '4

., . .c . .f

$3.8 ',- Ba rnwell Site Disposal' Criteria, f (Chem. ' Nuclear k - ~ ^ .y I 1

'- W'

.;Systens Jnc. ).. November.:1982.  ; >  ?

,. r i w- .

gg;3,9;MState ; of' Washing ton (RadioactivebMa t'erials license I, ,

%. , .,; 'e No'. WN-10lS-2,:. Amendment.No'. 17t(Richland Site)e M

,-4.q3.10. Transportable Modular AZTECH Plante. Licensing 2Sopical, '3<- '

i L..{ ' NEDE-30878, January 1985.

II 3.11 NUPAC Dewatering Topical Report, No. TP ~02-P-A, Rev. 1.

3.12 Bartlett Nuclear Inc. Modified Portland Cement (MPC-1)

}? -


[,d Yi

pe . .-

'4 G.

y* n

).. :th s

PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 h- Page 4 of-14 y ,

o' l

o and. Portable Mixing Station' Solidification -


J j (Topical Report).

l- .

9 I

4.. -3.13; Station Radwaste Procedures (RW). /$ -' '

.3114~ Station' Chemistry Procedures (CO).

QW jy

[ * ..,

f. , .3.152 S tati on :. Surveillance t Tes t.. Procedures DST ) . . AY i'

y '3.16tStation Routine TestrProcedures.{RT).- t X -  %

N S i- 3.17. Corporate Quality Assurance Plan, Volume III, ~

l Operational Phase (HP&C).

$ 3.18 Station Audit Section Instructions (ASI-01),

b Subsection Radioactive Waste Material Instruction


A.cuFor Audits of Radioactive Waste Material Activity.

I ,

3s19 Bird Instruction Manual (EIM-30-1-0), Solid Bowl

.. s 3. - x WCentrifuge.,CDocument , Number...M1J ",-9-1-. - un s':

h. ,
f. . 4 l 3.20~. Safety devaluation"for MOD 1259 f70il ' Decontamination. ,

4 3.21SafetyIEv31uat'ionforMOD1750A,Rev.3 Radwaste Dewatering Facility _ Peach Bottom .

j - <5 Atomic Power, Station. -

. e, .

  • ~


' h [i

,- 4 4,1 Batch M:s 3 An *itolated' quantity >of feed waste to be processed i;. * "

ja wJahaving. essentially cons tant physical and chemical

/m characteristics. For the purposes of. resin type waste, J

a batch is defined as one full volume of phase 1 separator.

m 5 4.2 Operable


c - ,

.- .s .A, system, subsystem, train, component orEdevice shall4 $ $'^N; '

u ;_ be operable or have/ operability.when it is capable.ofi . -


, e,-t performing.its.specified function (s), and when all' W, . - ',q$,N

. necessaryiattendant instrum'ntation, e controls, 4-' -R .,-. 7 Us ls* -

electrical power, cooling or seal water,*1ubrication.or 0;,

, . i-co

, other auxiliary equipment.ethatt are required.for the'.- ' ,tg g.g.a - e j .y .... y Wa

system,'. subsystem, train, component, or device to
  • u -

' perform its function (s) are als.o capable of performing

  • _ 2 . i y ., . thelrerelated support function (.s).

i 4

(' a t _ _ - _- _-__ _ _____ _ - _________ - __ A

. _ ....s . 7,, _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

! ^( a .

b PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 h Page 5 of 14 D'

il n

4.3 Processing 7w .g .. cg Changing, modifying, and/or packaging the. commercial-2 r ;c nuclear power; plant generated -wet . radioactive waste 10 '

, an

,;into af. form; acceptable to.a.. disposal facility.



n .i '


3 J.4; Quality Assurance / Quality.Cdntrol 'f. >

.yn M- As used in' this ; document,r " quality. a'ssurance" comprises.

.,, O'-

'Qp:( e.:

all those planned and systematic actions necessary to u Q4 v.s provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, '


j or' component will perform satisfactorily in service.

Quality assurance includes quality. control, which comprises those' quality assurance actions related to


the physical characteristics bf a material, structure,

, component, or system which-provide a means to control

[ ,

the quality ofothe material, structure, component, or

s. * - - -

system to predetermined requirements.

V ,

" ^>' . A.:5 Sampling RP1*an " -"

. ,14 A sampling program implemented'to ensure-that + V: 70


  • h,.,

, representative samples f rom the feed waste 'and the ." bi r M. final waste form are obtained and tested for. 's '

.conformancejwith parameters stated in-the PCP a6d5wastei C


.fprmeacceptance criteria.

  • L s 1!. < - -L 6 Sow-Level'1 Radioactive ' Waste LLW)- 4%VAv

, # 4 - ThosClow-level radioactive ' wastes containir.g "sourcef w.

m.gv. '- ,,o m ,

e, special nuclear,. or by-product' material that are w OWip' d 49 4 .fr ^ acceptable for disposal in a land disposal facility.

u t 7, For the purposes of this' definition, low-level w, e radioactive waste has the*same meaning-as in the Low-p Level Waste Policy Act, that is radioactive waste not

classified as high-level radioactive waste, transuranic


waste, spent nuclear fuel, or by product material as

f. defined in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act f- g v; (uranium or thorium tallings and waste).

, 4is ;4.7. Waste Container '

4' F s, e s.

( A vessel;of any shape, siz.e, and composition used-to c:contain.the final processed waste.

hhfjg# ; t e l W M

. Wu 4.8.:Masteerarm .,.

f ,4 n


, Waste in a waste ~ container acceptable for disposal'at a licensed' disposal facility.

4 h '

p 4,9 Sludge l- s Contaminated liquid which may contain water, oil, and p suspended solids.

L i B

L i

y, o- , .

, s ,, g jE a


[f n .

; The operating structure of the solid radwaste processing . - .

'. J & system is outlined in Section 13.2 of.the FSAR." 'A j Sal, Responsibilities - w" 9 ,

..y. +.; . ~,q

', et 5.1.1 The Corporate Nuclear

  • OperatI'ons - Quality..Assuraisce '," J' 4

. +f' Division is responsible for establishment of a .

,. s 4 Quality Assurance Program. The Audit.Section'of 4 ' /

.l . j , .., P -

this division performs audits to ensure compliance a.. 4

+ with the Quality Assurance Plan. Nuclear i.0 Operations and contracted personnel are responsible 3

for implementation of' procedures and good practices so as to provide Quality Assurance.

- ' 5.1 2' ?In-house trainingiis the; responsibility of the k p

  • Corporate' Nuclear Training Section.

Li K . t "4? 5.1.3 Record keeping and document, control of shipping and- <


.c y p' 3 . -

7,, O

b. .. processing data are the responsibility.of the - '

, P.'  ;

y ( , ; s. station Engineer-Radwaste. .

! j t 5.1.4 Compliance with this PCP is.the/ Tresponsibility of f, a

  • the station. Engineer-Radwaste. +

>r.:Y .5,1 S 3.The maintenance arid . verification 6 of. procedure V operate appropriate.radwaste systems is

.- C the- responsibility of the < station Engineer- ,,

-Radwaste. The Engineer-vperations is. responsible * , *

. P: 5- I

%  ! .. - for providing trained operate . ' Ot3]

< W appropriate;radwaste process equipment. -

.. .5 i.6 Developments and implementation of a training

, program for personnel having responsibilities related to waste processing operations to ensure that waste processing shall be performed within the e

N requirements of this Process Control Program shall be._the responsibility of the station Engineer- ,


, MRadwaste. This training shall be updated '.,. .

.c' ,

, f,7 periodically :to ensure ; continued: comp 1 i we. ' iia -

. , .e 521.7.9 Nuclear Operationa.and contracted personnel are ' ' ' "\

b ,.

/ responsible for impleme'ntation .of procedures .and 4? good practices soras to maintain ALARA. -



'l l

f L.3


m _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


n 73 -

g. .x .

.. , e PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4' E Page 7 of.14 J . -


' 6 . 0' PROCESSING a, i' '6.1 . Waste Types h ,

6sLI D,g. condensate Filter / Demineralized 2 Waste ' '/ i '

O i '

>(a.. The contaminat,ed waste product genefited by the:

3 . 2 G1- -

n,j 2.. backnessh ofathercondensate.111 ten rhmi neralizers. - alk

~~ '


  • Waste.tconsists of contaminated powdered . io'n '

- w L

'" n WlN.m

, ... exchange resins at varying. degrees of exhaustion, -

9' A

  • C . s fibrous filter media, and small concentrations of. ' # '"M various' solids, activ'ated and non-activated I h corrosion products and fission. products.

n .

%. u s , 6,.l.2 Radwaste Demineralized Waste

,. , wp. qf a . ?The contaminated waste product generated by the backwash of the liquid radwaste filters and

y qg,e . '

demineraltizers, collected in the. waste sludge. tank. '.W e- .

[/ 4 3; c

b. Waste consists of. contaminated powdered ion',- 4o U ' ' "

n n 4 exchange resins and bead resins atLvarying degreais .

J. of exhaustion, fibrous filter media, carbon overlay

{- . material along with small concentrations of various.

N e ,' e 3

solids;,c activation productsg fission; products, nand # 4

' ^4 %

both. contaminated-,and non-contaminated corrosion </ 9 v1

,o .

'" i

.. products.

! wh 3.M , s - L6 l.3< VReactor Water Cleanup Filter / Demineralized' Wastev N/- ~*

.g P'/

. n a ca . 7A* contaminated waste product" generated by the "


e backwash tf the ReactorDWater. Cleanup filter n demineralizers. +-

! b. Waste consists of contaminated powered ion exchange resins at. varying degrees of exhaustion, fibrous s.: filter media, and small concentrations of various f' % , , solids, corrosion products, . activation products, ,

' % ;r ' -:w and fission. products.

J ,). ) 3 T , -g .a. ,, 6.1. 4. . A Dils/ Sludges-Wet: Radioactive" Wastes - - -- - ;


  • i

~j a;. Oils consist oflnon-reclaimable. contaminated oils -

.A. r # -

s,.;,:and grease of;sarious grades both synthetic and- ' '"Vj p.a cva, lr


,, c - a natural,.in free.: form or containing various.. amounts



4 N y of. solid" material. Sludge consists of sump wastes,  ?? -

f..3., ". ~ '

i * f. filter solids, strainer solids and other wet solids


g', d anot handled.by4 conventional dewatering. techniques. *md h



hi-o it

(ym . - ~ .

m  ;

y . .

) PBAPS-PCP Reva 4 j, Page 8 of 14 3

1: ,


g.% , ,, 6.2.1 Condensate Filter / Demineralized Waste ,

.,.4. > p,gra.:,yA. condensate. filter-demineralized backwash consists M

4 1 of approximately 9,000 gallons of slurry with an i . - ,, , average. of.:350 Ibs.3(drf. wt. ) spent rasins ,andf:b ,

. . T.r u d . -

g. -

S . ge.

3; , b; ' Backwashes are collected and settled. in.a v  %~

$ : k.s~ i .

2 .

condensate phase separator. 7 Clarified liquid is<#. -

WA kJ decanted until sufficient volume of settled sludge '

y i is obtained for processing.

h4 c. Phase separator contents 'are mixed before g . processing. <

i f'

-car $'7Dv ' *d.' 'The slurry is fed rto a centrif uge or 'to the NUPAC i

. Dewatering. System for dewatering.

g ,

. s . . ,

dd,jt.c,. .

e. Slurry fed to the centrifuge will be controlled at i Ra ab -

approximately 20 gpm. 3 ae '

. n' 2:1 4 'f... Slurry input to the NUPAC Dewatering System is' h+'

. p.t.ransfered to the system from the phase separators J: 'g .ovia;the sludge discharge pumps.- <X. ' - 14 - -



_ 6.2.2 .Radwaste Demineralized

  • ' . . 'I D.

,'d.'1 r i

,y- M]

' ' /

c backwash f romra radwaste filter . consists of "

O-N1 ui  ;

'", approx'imately 1,9257 gallons of slurry, with an

,- average of 60 lbs. (dry wt.) spent resins and crud.

Filters may contain charcoal overlay for oil 6 removal.

b. A backwash from the radwaste deep bed demineralized '

@" consists of approximately 1,500 gallona of slurry,

, ,, with an average of 3,200 lbs. (dry wt.) spent -

resins. '

M -

tc. ~ Backwashes .from radwaste . filter demineralizers,i %Wi

's . ..

radwaste. deep bedrdemineralizers, and' fuel pool


. . . filter-demineralizers are collected in.the Waste

[' n a J Sludge: Tank untilt approximately)13,'900 gallons..of

, -e cy.- liquid is accumulated. +

. d 2 ., Waste. Sludge Tank contents are mixed before  !

,+ processing.

[ During normal operation the waste sludge tank 1

, contains only the radwaste and fuel pool filter p demineralized backwashes. *

' rr 4

s ib i

m . _ - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _. _


. -PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 4 Page 9 of 14 a .

~ s

f- . f k

y-p 4 le. The slurry may be fe' to a centrifuge.

4 4 "N. ' 1 ,. .. f. Slurry fed to the c.e ttrifuge will be controlled at' Mr

.. + .9 approximately 20 gpm.  ;'

.y .V .s 4 'lg.TWastesludgetankcontents.,mayalsobesenttoa'id-

!) _.1 2 ".'1' .-

'? - p condensate. phase separat'or, for processing in W f, -

. , accordance witha Section 6.2.1. From the-condensate-sfg. ,

, , + - :- ci. phase' separators, vaste4may be processed using '

t.P [ -

w:.y ; either the centrifuge or the -NUPAC. Dewatering

' '^

L, M ' System.

C. 6.2.3 Reactor Water Cleanup Waste N

r 4

a. A RWCU filter-demineralized backwash consists of N . .- f approximately.1,100 gallons.of slurry with an

[ 3; ' -,9: ,

aver.agemof ":35 db. . (dry >w.t . ) ' spent resins.


.b. Backwashes,are. collected and.. settled in a phase -

" ,. ~ separator. 'Cla'rified liquid:-is decanted.until w."

. .< ms .. , f. .s ,w sufficient volume of settled sludge is obtained for -

'wd; O.

e processing.

p C y a

K. . .; c. Phase separator contents are niixed beforec

f. processing. .

i  ; -

.e v ~ ,r' w 4 , d. The' slurry is' f ed toya icentri.fuge ::or to:the .NUPACl' '~.3 r

~v ,- Na dewatering system..for. dewatering. ':/

  • * ~

f .we.~ 9 Slurry efed. toithe centrifuge wil'1 tbe' contr'olled 2t~

J A pproximat.ely>20 gpm.

'W$b > q s

0'#43* '2'.T

' 4 , t..?* Slurry input 7to"the'NUPAC' dewatering system is -

.s. transferred to the system from the phase separators via the sludge discharge pumps. j 6.2.4 Oils / Sludges /

. , a. . Sludges and oils generated during operation and m i- 4 b , r, maintenance are collected in containers in '-

+n  :.. appropriate approved. areas throughout.the' plant.

. @,,W;s a y .,'iThe' filled:and labeled containers:are. sealed and


  • g 2vailable. areas foretemporary storage.

s i"P h

' R ;(

1 c .y -

.> ) ,,

+ . . ..

6.2.5 ^ Miscellaneous Waste -

N. "

1 4-

, f.9;ea. . Certaimvet' wastesimay be. allowed 'to dry sand "

be tt M j t,- ,

treated as-dry active vaste. '4'-

p l ui

!9 L-  !

t.' l G f g -

t i

sys.;;.c.a.werawe6gehnah.- raa waremmh.:cas..amma:easv.e:w:rwac4.msh,U,aze=.;.4 2 y' .

PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 g -

Page 10 of 14 a

h: 6.3 PROCESS CONTROL A. Resin 7

T. 2.1 -4 6.3.1 Resin, processing may be performed;;,using either%. --'

centrifuges or the NUPAC Dewateriyg Jystem. W'J

+: l r .

.. a.' Centrifuge System - -  % *

.v 6.3.2. Resin ~processingc(dewatering) performed via N -*'

j.. r., ,. centrifuge is accomplished by delivering resin.from **

% a phase separator or waste sludge tank. See Figure

[, 1 for details.


> 6.3.3 The slurries discussed in' sections 6.2.1 to 6.2.3

, 3- ,

, shall be-sfed to a-centrifuge. sat about 20 gpm.

6 . P. 4 ' Properccentrifuge" operation shall be demonstrated

[fn %

g. by successful processing of waste for disposal.
  • tAbnormal' observations shall be documented. #

l -

p ,

i j

.6.3.5 The design Qf High Integrity / Containers which are ' l' ' -

E,! -

. package dewatered. resin shall be acceptable.


by the State of south Carolina. Applicable station i 9

procedures . describe; techniques for veri.fying that I

, , , . .c. less than 1% of the volumerin the HIC is-free ;5

.g. i -

. standing; liquid when shipped. -  ? '

. b. NUPAC Dewatering

2.1 4 .i

'6 3.6 .The NUPAC. dewatering systeme. processes resin-by -*J ,%w using an air driven displacement pump to remove the


1 bul.k of f ree water and blowing the recirculating w: air.through the waste container and water separator

[ to facilitate drying of the resin (Figure 2).

s- 2.1 4 6.3.7 Applicable station Radwaste Procedures shall be i observed. Successful processing of waste for )

, disposal shall serve as an indicator of system 3 H n p, 1 . ' operability.. Abnormal observations shall be k n

documented. ' '

b2.2 2 304- 6.3.B . Resins are. fed to and packaged in ' liners. 'When ' V '

n High Integrity, containers are used, they shall be '

acceptable.bysthe State of South, Carolina. 'a

':The NUPAC' Dewatering System shall.' be' operated in' N f'..,. "2.3,p.3 4 6 3.9 ~%.

y accordance with the system's. Topical Report. ~"

.47 2.3,p.3 4 6.3.10 Station to NUPAC System interphasing is~ addressed  %

in the MOD 1750A, Rev. 3, Safety Evaluation.

  1. ' - ---___.___________A

W . ,,

k '

PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 h Page 11 of 14 g:

t O

'B. Oils / Sludges l;: .

6.3.6 V '

L w '- ~ : WC b solidification S tf oily. waste is accomplished id r ..q:b accordance.with station radwa,ste procedures and;the i .

, c Bartlett. Nuclear Inc.. solidification' process

..,g c : sprocedure and*Processt Control Program - W2, "2

(p ,- j . ,

h. 4 c / .bi'. decontamination of oil may be performed'.on-siteE y% .,' ,usingca vendor service. The service shall be "
r$ ; '

$ performed in accordance with the applicable Safety Evaluation.




( m. "

6.4.1 A samplerfrom.each> batch:'i's analyzed quantitative 1y'

F for activity and! isotopic identity. If g .. radionuclides distributions are shown to be y j.c e #- reasonably monsistentabe. tween-similar. batches,. 3 a

.e consideration may be given to~ decreasing the. ,

N ,y .:

frequency of routine measurements.


h) @f ~ constitutes routine sampling.

This -

t . ~, N

' - c.

6.4.2 Scaling factors for nuclides which are hardito'.

o q r p, ,s -

identify are established for waste by analysis'- , off-site vendor. Frequency 'of-samplingfe


i e, . , a .. Wis:normally on an annual basis. This frequency should be raised or lowered based upon i "!y 3')f 7

- y.

- o consideration of waste stream or radionuclides .-

- M NN 4 l

N characteristics. Factors which would-influence ' *t - MM l

4~ -

~this consideration include the frequency of process

, .; ' vessel change out3or-vaste shipment, the difficulty (e.g. , costs, occupational exposures) in obtaining

o. a representative sample of a particular waste stream, the variability of the radionuclides distribution within the waste stream over time, and c the availability of analytical capability for i particular radionuclides.

wc - ;u ,  ? If.. radionuclides" distributions are shown to be .v"

,, reasonably -consistent /between shnilar batches,, c .  : O TO


- consideration may be given to decreasing._the *


<4 cfrequency>of: routine measur~ements d * '

/ , ' , p . .. ..& 6.4.3. Radionuclides;, concentrations and. classification of 'W

! .. ~ov ,

future > wastesshipments are expected to be similar "


,- to those of previous shipments for each specific f t. , ,

waste stream. " Values are available:from.. shipment manifest forms.


[; '

,a . q M"

6.4.4 Administrative Controls'for preventing I unsatisfactory waste forms from being released for e


gym = ==a q pp.;w ,2 gs. u.,; _ ,, ,e%w ww.  ;,_s,...w...c m.s,,4 j n.

p ;. .,

? PBAPS-PCP Rev.'4 Page 12 of,14 v


shipment are described in applicable station l

$ procedures. .

i gO 4

,6.4.G Solidi.fied or absorbed radioactive wastes shall Y " ~~

- ' have -mo, detectable f ree standing liquids. No

- #~ -


p n detectab1p free.n standing ligdid shall be defined as' d;[,


b  ;, y,

. f ..t not ' more ;than.Df 5% or one gallon per container.,

whichever.gis 'less . This is verified using & 4 v.

g m.f r.~ -

appropriate station procedures.

.Q. g.- A 6: 416 h hrocessed resin shall be. sampled in accordance with' Ac" 'd y regulatory guidance and applicable station 1 4 procedures to verify'that the free liquid content

$ of the' packaged product is within limits j -established by applicable regulatory agencies.

i.  ? sampling and measurement of. free liquid content shallabe'performede.whenever process. changes occur >

that may'significantly. alter system performance, .

L i

t until ccmpliance with moisture content limits under OO' - ;these conditions ccan be Demonstrated. . 4

?, - t  %.,

%= @,% .c . E ' 66 4. 8 . Each-waste shipment shall be' accompanied by a

[; >. ..n

... . shipping manifest giving a physical description'of ^

  1. l the waste, the volume, the radionuclides identity I

and quantity, the total radioactivity, the .

h _ , o , ;.s . principal chemical form and waste class, based on 10CFR61.55. #

J[N iv r w;

. c' g 1 .6.'4.9 Radwaste Solidification Systems which provide ,. <t Q

.x - - . stabilization shall be operated within.parsmeters $1 5 >. We Wwr , identified in prequalified ensure

<- *W8 p e,. *' ,#: ~

acceptable .vaste.cform. j h.f# 2.3 4 6.d 10.JSufficient analyses /shall',becper. formed to verify )

L vthat the quality of waste forms prepared for 1 disposal by vendor's on-site processing shall be.  !

similar to vendor's test results. .!


6.5 Training  ;<


'% . c Tiij 6'. 5 1- ' Processing of; solid ~ radioactive waste shall be ' ( #' I

% per. formed by qualified:and..' t rained operating-

.. n' . .a; , e 4V Records. of ' training' shall be. maintainedh * "'

^ '

E , >

personnel f3 *, E ,, -for operators of mobile' vendor.; processing. units." * '

$ ~,A.E.6 se.Procedurescontrol* '-

' d.('

  • V -
J 36.6.'1 On-site processing of radioactive waste.shall be '


  • performed in accordance with approved station t g, procedures.

a )

h~ , 6.6.2 Processing of radioactive waste by off . site vendors shall be performed in accordance with applicable



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PBAPS-PCP Rev. 4 Page 13 of 14 s

Process Control Programs, procedures, and applicable NRC guidance. 5

, 9,

'C .K 6.6.3 . Procedures for processing, c' containerization, and -

N otransport of wastes .shall ensure that specific = DOT, v.n .

3 y '10-CFR and burial. site 2, requirements are satisfied. .


[6 7.0 RECORDS - -

"7.1 Waste cla sification records, waste form records, and 'i i other records required for the preparation of the J _ semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall be i

) prepared and retained in acco'rdance with the I

f , requirements of 10CFR20, 10CFR71, 49CFR170-178, and )

m Jeach pSottom /, Technical; Specifica t ions .

I 0 .. , . , -

7,.2. Records of data, test and analysis results, Sand results of training, inspection, and audits are ;s 4 q

p, :c , e , _s retained in accordance with the Corporate Quality j 3 +.j' Assurance Plan and applicable Sta' tion Quality Assurance. .

f and Administrative procedures.

Y t . t 7.3 Sufficient d' documentation shall be maintained to -

-  :.e demonstrate compliance of solid radwastet processing

,,t with this Process Control Program. ,



8.1 Qual'ity Assurance shall'be maintained as defined by the Station Quality. Assurance Plan,- Volume III, Operational Phase (HP&C). The QA Plan shall ensure compliance with NRC and burial site criteria for waste classification and waste form. Audits are conducted in accordance ,

q with station Audit Section Instructions (ASI)-01),

subsection Radioactive Waste Material Activity  !

,4 sc Instructi~on for Audits of Radioactive Waste Material j

, Activity.' - '


. 2.3,p.3 4 .8.21The Topical Reports of vendor; supplied ra6 waste 4 r &

t aprocessing systems shall undergo managhment review.- . e The review shall ensure the vendor suppidted system will 1

c a be compatible with plant ; operations. . -

h 8.3e AudiNs'of 'a sampling of implementing procedures shall - ' t 3 4 r, at: 1 east once every 24 months 1 Any changes to procedures shall be reviewed to ensure

[', continual compliance with the requirements and process  :


4 parameters of-this. Process Control Program.

O Radioactive wastes not described within this document 1 or wastes that do not fall within previous waste

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j'- .e Page 14 of 14 f


f ,

processing experience must be evaluated and approved

}g' ,,, ,

. for inclusion,4,n this Process Control Program p.cior. to t-c r

,% processing.

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,4 s, . - nf; ; f' e g'c.,,. .

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V__'"m ~~ ',l. .

I 7

l- 9.1 Any changest to .the Solid Radwaste ' Process Control' -

Program shall he. approved by the Plant-Operations - < .

Review Committee ~ (PORC)vand" submitted'to the . Corporate - ^" %

,; Engineer-In-Charge of Licensing for input to the Semi-l, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

r J

',. 9.2 PORC approval shall be indicated by the signature of l the:PORC Chairman or designated alternate. This '

,, : s e , N. : g.. .n signature shall besin'the upper.right hand corner of ys ", ,

, ,. ; , . pr rgthe document along'with the meeting number at which the c ,,g program,was approv.ed.

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