ML20086A521 | |
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Site: | Peach Bottom |
Issue date: | 09/16/1994 |
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ML20086A499 | List: |
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AG-43, NUDOCS 9507030270 | |
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05/07/95 at 10:02 PM Procedure Number:
AG-43 Revision Number:
5 Titla:
_Vait:PBSO Level:(1,Il or lil) lli Responsible Group:
Responsible Director / Manager:
Document Tvoe:
AG - Administrative Guideline Author:
PMP TC Classification: conditional (c),periaan nt movieion(R)
TC Class
TC Ntumber
~~ !
4 l
9507030270 950607 PDR ADOCK 05000277 p
AG-43, Rcv. 5 P ga 1 of 14 PMP: alm PECO ENERGY COMPANY PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION UNIT 2 AND UNIT 3 AG-43 GUIDELINE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF SYSTEM OUTAGES 1.0 PURPOSE Provide decision making and planning guidance for the execution of system outages based on Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) insights and sound operating judgement.
2.0 SCOPE This guideline provides instructions for scheduling and planning system outages / maintenance activities during power operation.
This guidance should be referenced (and followed when practicable) when emergent work impacts on-going planned system outages.
3.1 J.H. Sniezek (NRC) letter to K.A. Strahm (INPO), Dec. 27, 1990.
1 3.2 D.M. Smith letter to Z.T.
Pate (INPO), Jan 29, 1991, CCN 91-10002.
3.3 PBAPS INPO Report CE-90-09 finding No. 1.2A-1 (T00945) 3.4 PBAPS ISEG Report 91-37.
4.1 System Outaces - Refers to a time period when a specific plant system or sub-system is unable to perform its required function.
4.2 Core Damace Frecuency (CDF) - The frequency of core damage per reactor year where core damage is assumed to result if reactor water level is less than two thirds core height.
4.3 System Important to PSA Safety - Those systems that have a
measurable effect on the PSA CDF when removed from service.
4.4 System PSA Unavailability - A system is PSA unavailable when it is unable to perform its intended function.
If system performance can be assured with a simple operator action, then the system should be considered PSA available.
AG-43, Rev. 5 Pega 2 of 14 4.5 EMERGENT WORK - Any plant equipment deficiency that needs to be addressed in a shorter time frame than the 5 week system window process.
5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 The Operations and Maintenance Unit Coordinators are responsible for the overall coordination of the system 1
outages and implementation of and adherence to this i
.J i
5.2 The System Manager is responsible for supplying the
_ priorities of work to be performed and providing an oversight function to ensure work is scheduled and performed to ensure high reliability and low cost.
I 5.3 Each Director is responsible for ensuring that those i
activities within their functional area are complete per this guideline in support of the schedule.
5.4 Site Engineering Performance and Reliability personnel are responsible for forwarding system unavailability data to the NED Reliability and Risk Assessment Branch.
5.5 The NED Reliability and Risk Assessment Branch is responsible for supplying'PSA analyses to support implementation of the guideline.
6.0 PREREOUISITES None 7.0 PROCEDURE The following six sections are provided:
Provides items to be considered when establishing pre-planned outage windows.
Included are guidelines intended to maximize plant safety and. unit reliability.
Provides guidance for system outage window planning and execution process including the responsibilities and interactions of those involved.
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Provides additional guidelines to be considered for scheduling maintenance on systems where a redundant component is available for service.
Provides specific guidelines to be considered for removing specific systems ~or components from service.
Describes the tracking mechanism to be utilized.
Describes the method of identifying and controlling emergent work.
J 7.1 ESTABLISHING PLANNED SYSTEM OUTAGE WINDOWS 7.1.1 Sound operating judgement and PSA insights should be used to determine system outage frequency and duration (See Attachment AG-43:1 Systems Important to PSA Safety) in conjunction with the guidelines presented in l
procedure A-26.
7.1.2 Each week may include several system outages but only one System Important to PSA Safety per unit should be unavailable at a time.
If two or more Systems Important to PSA Safety per unit are to be unavailable i
at the same time, then the safety impact (PSA Analysis) should be reviewed by the NED Reliability and Risk l
Assessment Branch and the plan should be approved by the Manager of Operations Services or higher authority.
7.1.3 System outages should be scheduled to minimize the frequency of testing such that the post maintenance operability test satisfies the normally scheduled periodic system test.
This should be done by scheduling the activity for the same week as the periodic surveillance test.
7.1.4 When possible, system outages should be scheduled such that the surveillance requirements of a system that has a redundant function will be met prior to entry into the grace period.
7.1.5 Scheduled System Outage time should not exceed 75% of that permitted by applicable Tech. Spec. LCO.
AG-43, Rev. 5 Piga 4 of 14 7.1.6 All LCO jobs should be worked 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day to minimize system outage length.
i 7.1.7 When possible,. Maintenance activities should be scheduled during the normal work week.
i 7.1.8 System outages should be scheduled such that the j
failure of a scheduled surveillance test during the proposed system outage will not result in a Tech. Spec.
LCO of less than seven days.
7.1.9 Sys' tem outages may be rescheduled to accommodate forced outages or unplanned equipment unavailabilities.
j 7.1.10 Systems Important to PSA Safety should not be scheduled out-of-service during a planned plant transient solely to reduce outage duration.
7.1.11 Schedules shall not be developed which place the plant in a condition unanalyzed by the Updated Final Safety i
Analysis Report (UFSAR).
Schedules shall not be developed.,which requir~ ha b J entry into Section 3.0.C or..any othei:f ahugown, statement required by the Plant Technicalp specifications.,s 7.1.13 Work activities that add significant risk of unit shutdown or plant transient should be planned as follows:
1 i
Allow the suift operating staff time to become familiar with plant status and the proposed high risk activity (including simulator training as necessary).
I b)
Contingencies should be made for work completion or system stabilization upon notification by the LD of transmission system capacity deficiencies or instabilities.
The work should not be scheduled when the probability of loss of off-site power is above normal or the need i
for unit capacity is high (maximum emergency i
generation, severe thunderstorms predicted, transmission system maintenance, etc.).
No other System Important to PSA Safety should be unavailable coincident with the proposed high risk activity.
AG-43, R3v. 5 Paga 5 of 14 7.1.14 If an emergency diesel generator is inoperable then.
maintenance of systems / components should only be pirf6rmed'in accordance with GP-23./
l 7.1.15 If an offsite power source _becomes inoperable ozf degrkdsd['6r the risk. of loss' of"offsiteJpowertisJ sigriifIcan'tly increased'due~tcIplant oianny' EoiEasntar T
f activity, then those. systems,used' to;mitiggteTIoss'of' offsite power transientQ (Dieset.;GensratdisT HPCI,. RCIC'i #
Batteries, etc.) abdA be_,maint minedf6r? returned to an]
available status ns 'soon as.practicablg (Ref 3.4).
7.1.16 Within one week following the completion of a scheduled LCO window the Maintenance Unit Coordinator should conduct a Post Outage Critique.
Attendees should include the System Manager, Outage Planning System Planner, Maintenance Foreman, I & C Foreman, Installations representative, Health Physics, Operations Unit Coordinator, Operations representative, and others as appropriate.
A PEP shall be initiated to document the critique and capture action items identified.
7.2 ' SYSTEM WINDOW PLANNING PROCESS 7.2.1 Prior to removing a system from service that is Important to PSA Safety, proper planning should occur.
This should include input from all affected work groups.
The planning process is described in Attachment AG-43:2.
7.3 CONSIDERATIONS FOR MAINTENANCE ON MULTI-TRAIN SYSTEMS The following are items to be considered when removing a component in a multi-train system from service.
7.3.1 Reliability of the redundant loop or component.
Operating Capacity - Flow Pressure Heat Transfer Capability b)
Performance -
Vibration Bearing / Motor' Temperatures Material Conditions c)
Recent Operating and Maintenance History d)
In - service time required to establish confidence in the redundant loop or component.
f f
AG-43, Rav. 5 Prga 6 of 14 7.3.2 plant operations should the redundant loop or" component fail (e.g., RBCCW pumps, TBCCW pumps, EHC pumps, crosstied load centers).
7.3.3 Impact on plant operations due to possible delays in returning the system to service.
7.3.4 Other plant or environmental (thunderstorm, extreme temperature) conditions that could affect system capacity or reliability.
7.4 SYSTEM SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 7.4.1 For system specific guidelines Attachment AG-43:3 should be referenced.
These guidelines should be followed whenever a system listed is removed from service.
7.5 SYSTEM PSA UNAVAILABII.ITY TRACKING 7.5.1 The PSA unavailability time of those system listed in Attachment AG-43:1 should be tracked by the Performance and Reliability Group.
7.5.2 PSA unavailability data should be sent to the NED Reliability and Risk Assessment Branch for the calculation and trending of the yearly CDF.
7.6 IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF EMERGENT WORK 7.6.1 Emergent work is identified and prioritized each morning at the 8:00 plant staff meeting.
When the Shift Manager and Plant Staff have agreed on the priority and resources necessary to address the emergent work item, the Maintenance Unit Coordinator codes the AR or Work Order to the appropriate window.
l l
'il Attcchment AG-43:1 AG-43, Rsv. 5 P g3 7 of 14 PECO ENERGY COMPANY SYSTEMS IMPORTANT TO PSA SAFETY (Group by Importance*)
GROUP 1 - >100% increase in CDF Safeguard Battery (125VDC)
HPCI System RCIC System One Diesel Generators GROUP 2 - 10% - 100% increase in CDF ESW Pump LPCI Loop RHR Shutdown Cooling Loop RHR Torus Cooling Loop RHR Torus Spray Loop GROUP 3 - 1% - 10% increase in CDF Offsite Power Source Standby Liquid Control Pump Core Spray Train RHR Train HPSW Pump 1
Pertains to only one system being unavailable at a time as allowed by Technical Specifications.
Safeguard Battery is included since removal from service of a battery on the other unit during unit outage affects performance of SE-11.
i I
Attcchm3nt AG-43:2 AG-43, Rev. 5
- ~
Prga 8 of 14 PECO ENERGY COMPANY UNIT 2 AND UNIT 3 SYSTEM WINDOW PLANNING PROCESS 1.0 ' Prior to the window preparation week the following should be performed on a routine basis:
1.1 The System Manager should review, select, and prioritize jobs for inclusion in the system window with the following considerations:
1.1.1 Group jobs together that can be performed under a single clearance.
1.1.2 Select priorities based on safety significance drop dead dates, system improvement, system reliability, etc.
1.1.3 Provide a reasonable list of jobs to be performed, s
1.1.4 Items identified during system walkdowns (e.g.
TPA's, Housekeeping Deficiency Reports, Drip Bags, Chronic Equipment List items, etc.)
l 1.1.5 The System Manager should ensure all system AR's have a schedule code for a future work week.
Additionally all new AR's should be coded within i days of ' Reviewed' status.
The Outage Planning Department is responsible for entering the schedule code into the PIMS data bsce.
Duringthewkndowpreparationweek, (5 weeks prior to work week),
2.0 the following should be performed:
2.1 The Outage Planning System Planner and System Manager meet to review the System Manager list of jobs for inclusion in the system window.
Jobs that may be chosen for the system window shall meet the following requirements:
2.1.1 Work Orders may not have any Planner or parts holds with the exception of Work Orders requiring an LCO.
2.1.2 Verification by the System Manager that the Post Maintenance Test (PMT) method is adequate, correct, and provides enough detail for the performing group.
i 1
e Attcchment AG-43:2 AG-43, R;v. 5 Pagn 9 of 14 2.1 ; 3' Verification that'the Work Order contains adequate suggested blocking when appropriate and accurate references.
2.1.4 The Outage Planning System Planner resource loads the craft Foreman to 80% of the total man-hour estimate provided.
2.1.5 Rad Engineering shall review the jobs in the window for any ALARA measures required, such as shielding or system flushes, to. ensure they are incorporated into the work package for the job (s).
2.2 The Outage Planning System Planner, Lead Station Representative, and Lead Installation Representative meet to review MOD related work to be included in the system window.
Any conflicts between MOD related work and scheduled window work should be resolved with the System Manager.
2.3 When agreement has been reached on what work items should be included in the window the Outage Planning System Planner codes and Premisizes the Work Order or AR to the appropriate system Window (i.e. 94XX) and foreman.
2.4 Any nonclearance work that requires the deenergization of Y-panel, 480 volt MCC or Load Center (e.g. breaker swap) will require the System Manager to compile a detailed package l
l describing the equipment that will be lost. This package i
shall be given to the Operations Unit Coordinator for review i
two weeks prior to the work week.
l l
2.5 The Maintenance /I&C craft foreman should provide the Outage Planning System Planners with a total man-hour availability estimate for the work week.
2.6 Group Testing Managers should PREMISIZE testing to the work window.
3.0 During the resource loading week (4 weeks prior to the work week) the following should be performed:
3.1 The Outage Planning System Planners meet with the Maintenance /I&C craft foremen and assign work to specific days based on the foremen's input.
.The Health Physics planner resource loads HP support and determines the required manpower.
Contract labor should be used as required to support the window.
Attcchm:nt AG-43:2 AG-43, Rev. 5 Prga 10 of 14 3.3 The Outage Planning System Planner is responsible for obtaining craft Foreman acceptance of the scheduled window work.
Alternate Foreman and/or contract labor should be used as required.
3.4 The Outage Planning System Planner notifies the System Manager of any work that is proposed to be removed from the system window due to lack of resources.
The impact on system reliability can then be reevaluated and work prioritized as necessary by the System Manager.
3.5 Group Te' sting Managers verify testing has been PREMISIZED to the work window.
3.6 The Maintenance and Operations Unit Coordinators, Outage Planning System Planner, and System Manager meet to review any work that requires entry into an LCO.
4.0 During the clearance writing week (3 weeks prior to the work week) the following should be performed:
4.1 Responsibilities for work window content transfers from the Outage Planning System Planners to the Maintenance and Operations Unit Coordinators.
4.2 The Work Control Center writes clearances based on Work Orders which are coded to the window.
4.3 The Outage Planning System Planner logic ties clearances to Work Orders as necessary.
4.4 Group Testing Managers verify testing has been PREMISIZED to the work window.
4.5 At the request of the Work Control Center Supervisor the System Manager should perform the technical review of clearances (per A-41) that require specialized system knowledge (e.g.,
Fire System, Offsite source, Diesel Generator, etc.) and are outside the scope of routine l
5.0 During the coordination week (2 weeks prior to the work week) the following should be performed:
5.1 The Maintenance and Operations Unit Coordinators meet with the Maintenance /I&C craft Foreman and HP Planner to finalize the schedule and resolve any conflicts.
'Attcchm:nt AG-43:2 AG-43, Rev. 5 Ptga 11 of 14 5.2-The Maintenance and Operations Unit Coordinators meet-with the Maintenance /I&C Foremen, HP's, Installations t
representative, etc. as necessary to discuss in detail any major LCO's scheduled for the work week.
A follow-up meeting may be held during the schedule review week at the discretion of the Unit Coordinators.
5.3 Health Physics assigns Work Orders to RWP's.
5.4 QC reviews and approves Work Order packages.
5.5 Utility ' shift Reactor Operators report to the WCC supervisor and review clearances for the work week and resolve any discrepancies found.
l 5.6 Group Testing Managers verify testing has been.PREMISIZED tow the correct day in the work window.s 6.0 During the schedule review week (1 week prior to the work week) the following should be performed:
6.1 The Work Management Group issues REV. O of the schedule on the first working day of the week. If revised ~due to emergent work or changing plant conditions the final schedule is issued by the last working day of the week.
6.2 Shift Management reviews the schedule and arranges operation's manpower for the work week.
6.3 Maintenance Planners pre-issue packages to the craft foreman.
Measures are listed in order of importance.
1.0 DIESEL GENERATOR OUTAGES Refer to GP-23c 2.0 HPCI OUTAGE 2.1 Do not schedule a HPCI outage at anytime when a 1/2 GP 1 isolation signal is present and unable to be reset.
2.2 Verify no LCOs are entered for other ECCS equipment.
2.3 Do not schedule a HPCI or RCIC outage on both units at the same time.
2.4 If any other ECCS system becomes inoperable for any reason, expedite the return of that system or the HPCI system to operable status.
2.5 Do not schedule a HPCI outage anytime feedpump/feedwater level control problems exist on the unit.
3.0 RCIC OUTAGE 3.1 Do not schedule a RCIC outage at anytime when a 1/2 GP 1 isolation signal is present and unable to be reset.
3.2 Verify no LCOs are entered for the other ECCS equipment.
1 3.3 Do not schedule a HPCI or RCIC outage on both units at the i
same time.
3.4 If any ECCS system becomes inoperable, expedite the return of that system or the RCIC to operable status.
j 3.5 Do not schedule a RCIC outage any time feedpump/feedwater level control problems exists on the unit.
4.0 CONDENSATE TRANSFER / REFUEL WATER STORAGE PUMP OUTAGE 4.1 Only one condensate transfer or refuel water transfer pump should be scheduled out-of-service at a time.
t i
lAttcchm2nt AG-43:3 AG-43, Rav. 5 Pega 13 of 14
.5.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OUTAGE 5.1 only one service air, back-up service air or instrument air l
compressor should be scheduled out-of-service per unit at l
the same time.
6.1 Motor operated valve preventive maintenance may occur as specified below:
PCIV TYPE LIMITOROUE BREAKER Single None None Double (Both Outside Cont.)
Full or Partial Yes Double (Vlv. Outside Cont.)
Partial Only Yes (Vlv. Inside Cont.)
None None 6.2 The following should be considered prior to performing Local Leak Rate Testing at power:
Impact on system availability if the LLRT fails.
Entry into Tech. Spec. LCO/ Action statement if the LLRT fails.
Impact on power generation if the LLRT fails.
The feasibility of valve repair if the LLRT fails.
7.O HPSW PUMP OUTAGE 7.1 Only one HPSW pump per unit should be scheduled out-of-service at a time.
3.0 CRITICAL Et%ANCE OF PLANT EOUIPMENT 8.1 The following critical plant equipment should be worked 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day in order to minimize the risk to power generation and out of service time:
RBCCW pumps TBCCW pumps CRD pumps EHC pumps Stator Water Cooling pumps Condensate Transfer pumps Condensate Demins RWCU (If down to 1 pump /Demin)
-Attcchmtnt~AG-43:3 AG-43, Rcv. 5 Pcg3 14 of 14 l
9.0 ASIATIC CLAM CHEMICAL MAINTENANCE-TREATMENT FOR.ESW AND HPSW SYSTEMS 9.1' Verify no LCO's are entered for ECCS equipment, diesel generator of offsite power _ source while performing ESW or
.HPSW system' treatment.
l 9.2 If any ECCS system, diesel generator or offsite power source becomes inoperabla for any reason, expedite the return of that system to ope.:. 4 w.catus.
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