ML20010F907: Difference between revisions

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(StriderTol Bot change)
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pae asrg O COI1 Sum 8IS P0Wer                                                     .,,,,,,,,m Q&                                                     Vice Pressdent - Projects, Engineering and Construction General offices: 1945 West Pernali Road, Jackson, MI 49201 * (517) 788-0453 81-04 //3 September 4, 1981 D         D Mr J G Keppler, Regicnal Director                                               O                       4 p,''
pae asrg O COI1 Sum 8IS P0Wer
Office of Inspection & Enforcement US Huelear Regulatory Commission Region III                                                                  {
.,,,,,,,,m Q&
s_    W,, P J l}
Vice Pressdent - Projects, Engineering and Construction General offices: 1945 West Pernali Road, Jackson, MI 49201 * (517) 788-0453 81-04 //3 September 4, 1981 D
799 Roosevcit Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137                                                       $844 g%abh -[g   m MIDLAND FROJECT -                                                              N
D 4
Mr J G Keppler, Regicnal Director O
                                                                                                                ,s ITE-GOULD CLASS 1E EQUIPMEIC DOCKET HOS 50-329 AND 50-330 q        h-FILE:     0.h.9 52         SERIAL: 13659
Office of Inspection & Enforcement US Huelear Regulatory Commission
W,, P Region III J l}
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
$844 g%abh -[g s_
799 Roosevcit Road m
0.h.9 52 SERIAL: 13659

Line 30: Line 40:
: 1) Serial 11991, dated May 15, 1981
: 1) Serial 11991, dated May 15, 1981
: 2) Serial 12065, dated July 31, 1981 l
: 2) Serial 12065, dated July 31, 1981 l
The referenced letters were interim 50 55(e) reports concerning the use
The referenced letters were interim 50 55(e) reports concerning the use of unqualified cable in ITE-Gould Class 1E equipment. This letter is
!        of unqualified cable in ITE-Gould Class 1E equipment. This letter is
)       the final report on this subject.
the final report on this subject. provides a description of the corrective actions being taken to resolve this matter.
Attachment 1 provides a description of the corrective actions being taken to resolve this matter.
\                                                                                 0#ws             .
0#ws WRB/1r

(1) Bechtel MCAR 50, Final Report, "h60 V Motor C.antrol Center Unqualified Wiring,'' dated August 11, 1981 l       CC:   Director, Office of Inspection & Enforcement i             Att Mr Victor Stello, USNRC (15)
(1) Bechtel MCAR 50, Final Report, "h60 V Motor C.antrol Center Unqualified Wiring,'' dated August 11, 1981 l
Director, Office of Inspection & Enforcement i
Att Mr Victor Stello, USNRC (15)
Director, Office of Management Information & Program Control, USNRC (1)
Director, Office of Management Information & Program Control, USNRC (1)
RJCook, USNRC Resident Inspector                                                             pf Midland Nuclear Plant (1)                                                               hl 8' I e109150097 B10904 PDR ADOCK 03000329 PDR g 49g S                                                                                 .gEP
RJCook, USNRC Resident Inspector pf Midland Nuclear Plant (1) hl 8' I e109150097 B10904 PDR ADOCK 03000329 g 49g S

                          - +   .    ..            - . - . _          . - -.                        -            ,.                          . ._
- +
* Serial 13659 81-04 #3                                                                                                                   2 CC:       CBechhoefer, ASLB Panel RSDecker, ASLB Fanel FPCcvan, ASLB Panel
Serial 13659 81-04 #3 2
;                                      AS&L Appeal Panel MMCherry, Esq MSinclair BStamiris CRStephens, USNRC WDPaton, Esq, USNRC FJKelly, Esq, Attorney General SHFreeman, Esq, Asst Attorney General WhMarshall GJMerritt , Esq, TNK&J i
CBechhoefer, ASLB Panel RSDecker, ASLB Fanel FPCcvan, ASLB Panel AS&L Appeal Panel MMCherry, Esq MSinclair BStamiris CRStephens, USNRC WDPaton, Esq, USNRC FJKelly, Esq, Attorney General SHFreeman, Esq, Asst Attorney General WhMarshall GJMerritt, Esq, TNK&J i
a I
a I
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n -
- vr r - w

Attachment 1 Serial 13659 81-04'#3 039295                     Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation 0 MJt519                     MCAR 50 (issued 4/23/81)
Serial 13659 81-04'#3 039295 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation 0 MJt519 MCAR 50 (issued 4/23/81)
Unqualified Wiring in T.TE-Gould 460 V Motor control Centers and 4.16 kV Swltchgear FINAL REPORT DATE:                     August 11, 1981 EROJECT:                   Consumers Power Corpany Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Bechtel Job 7220
Unqualified Wiring in T.TE-Gould 460 V Motor control Centers and 4.16 kV Swltchgear FINAL REPORT DATE:
August 11, 1981 EROJECT:
Consumers Power Corpany Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Bechtel Job 7220

A)   Qualification and Test Summary Report for Class IE Equipment (Vendor Submittal 7220-E7-129-5)
B)   Class IE Electrical Equipment SHK-250, Indoor Metal-Clad Switchi ear Environmental Qualification Report (Vendor Submittal 7220-E205-482-4)
Qualification and Test Summary Report for Class IE Equipment (Vendor Submittal 7220-E7-129-5)
C)   MPQAD Audit Report M01-203-1 D)   Supplier Quality Audit of Gould-3rown Bcveri for Assignment 7220-E205.
Class IE Electrical Equipment SHK-250, Indoor Metal-Clad Switch ear Environmental Qualification Report i
(Vendor Submittal 7220-E205-482-4)
MPQAD Audit Report M01-203-1 D)
Supplier Quality Audit of Gould-3rown Bcveri for Assignment 7220-E205.
Introduction This report provides the final status of Bechtel action pursuant to MCAR 50.
Introduction This report provides the final status of Bechtel action pursuant to MCAR 50.
Description of Potential Discrepancv Subsequent to field testing of 200 A thermal magnetic circuit breakers, engineering disccvered that the installed power cable brands were not listed on the bill of material in Reference A.
Description of Potential Discrepancv Subsequent to field testing of 200 A thermal magnetic circuit breakers, engineering disccvered that the installed power cable brands were not listed on the bill of material in Reference A.
Line 63: Line 93:
Bechtel suspected that all Q-listed MCCs and 4.16 kV switchgear delivered under Purchase Orders 7220-E-7 and 7220-E-205, respectively, may contain cable with inderminata qualification status.
Bechtel suspected that all Q-listed MCCs and 4.16 kV switchgear delivered under Purchase Orders 7220-E-7 and 7220-E-205, respectively, may contain cable with inderminata qualification status.

    .~ .                                                                                     .
.~.030?93 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation MCAR 50 Final Report 039i59 August 11, 1981 Page 2 Probable _Ceuse Refer to Corrective Action Item 6.
030?93 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation MCAR 50 Final Report                             039i59 August 11, 1981 Page 2 Probable _Ceuse Refer to Corrective Action Item 6.
Corrective Action t
Corrective Action t
: 1. Inspection of delivered equipment for the purpose of identifying and tracking suspect cable by additional nonconformance reports (NCRs) till not be required based,on the following:
: a. It has been confirmed that the iw' ring installed in all delivered MCCs is presently not included in the qualification report. Be-cause of omission of the qualification data, the status of the Reference A has been revised by Bechtel to a Status Code 3:   .
Inspection of delivered equipment for the purpose of identifying and tracking suspect cable by additional nonconformance reports (NCRs) till not be required based,on the following:
                            " Revise and resubmit. Work may proceed subject to incorporation     ,
It has been confirmed that the w' ring installed in all delivered i
of changes indicated." NCR 1749 remains open on MCC qualification and will serve as the tracking requirements to ensure compliance.
: b. Reference B, which contains qualification data on a]* vendor-supplied cable, has been reviewed, accepted, and given a Status Code 1:                     " work may proceed."
MCCs is presently not included in the qualification report.
: 2. a. All installed cable in Gould-supplied Class lE motor control centers will either be qualified or replaced based on acceptance of the revised qualification reports and dispositioning of NCR 1749.
Be-cause of omission of the qualification data, the status of the Reference A has been revised by Bechtel to a Status Code 3:
: b. Class lE 4.16 KV switchgear wiring has been qualified (refer to Corrective Action Item lb).
" Revise and resubmit. Work may proceed subject to incorporation of changes indicated." NCR 1749 remains open on MCC qualification and will serve as the tracking requirements to ensure compliance.
: 3. A " hold shipment" has been placed on all undelivered Gould Class lE equipment. A Bechtel supplier quality representative will verify that the installed materials are in ac cordance with the respective qualification report as identified by engineering prior to release for shipment. This hold will be remove d af ter Bechtel acceptance of the Gould qualification report.
: 4. An audit to evaluate the adequacy of Gould's quality assurance pro-gram at the MCC facility was completed on June 5, 1981. A similar evaluation at the 4.16 kV switchgear facility was completed July 17, 1981. No problems were identified involving the qualificaticL pro-cess at either facility (see References C and D).
Reference B, which contains qualification data on a]* vendor-supplied cable, has been reviewed, accepted, and given a Status Code 1:
: 5. As stated in Corrective Action Item 4, the quality assurance ade-quacy evaluations have been completed with positive results.
" work may proceed."
All installed cable in Gould-supplied Class lE motor control centers will either be qualified or replaced based on acceptance of the revised qualification reports and dispositioning of NCR 1749.
Class lE 4.16 KV switchgear wiring has been qualified (refer to Corrective Action Item lb).
A " hold shipment" has been placed on all undelivered Gould Class lE equipment. A Bechtel supplier quality representative will verify that the installed materials are in ac cordance with the respective qualification report as identified by engineering prior to release for shipment.
This hold will be remove d af ter Bechtel acceptance of the Gould qualification report.
An audit to evaluate the adequacy of Gould's quality assurance pro-gram at the MCC facility was completed on June 5, 1981. A similar evaluation at the 4.16 kV switchgear facility was completed July 17, 1981. No problems were identified involving the qualificaticL pro-cess at either facility (see References C and D).
As stated in Corrective Action Item 4, the quality assurance ade-quacy evaluations have been completed with positive results.
Restrictions on procurement of new items are therefore removed.
Restrictions on procurement of new items are therefore removed.

.f 392b Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation i
.f               Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation i
MCAR 50 Final Report 039I5S August 11, 1981 Page 3 6.
MCAR 50 Final Report               039I5S August 11, 1981 Page 3
Could Inc., Electrical Apparatus Division (MCC), has identified the cause of the problem as an oversight in preparing Reference A root because of a change in the bill of material format. As a result of this problem Gould has improved controls for assuring consis-tency between engineering documents, hardware, and qualification reports. Could has assured that wi'e qualification was always intended to be provided (refer to Corrective Action Item 7 for comple-tion schedule).
: 6. Could Inc., Electrical Apparatus Division (MCC), has identified the root  cause of the problem as an oversight in preparing Reference A because of a change in the bill of material format. As a result of this problem Gould has improved controls for assuring consis-tency between engineering documents, hardware, and qualification reports. Could has assured that wi'e qualification was always intended to be provided (refer to Corrective Action Item 7 for comple-tion schedule).
The Brown Boveri Electric, Inc. (Gould) Switchgear Systems Division has stated that the problem was a result of an editorial error while preparing the IEEE Std 323-1974 qualification report submitted fn 1980 which fai1.ed to identify the wiring used in manufacture of sd tchgear prior to 1978. A revised report has been submitted (refer to Corrective Action Item lb).
The Brown Boveri Electric, Inc. (Gould) Switchgear Systems Division has stated that the problem was a result of an editorial error while preparing the IEEE Std 323-1974 qualification report submitted fn 1980 which fai1.ed to identify the wiring used in manufacture of sd tchgear prior to 1978. A revised report has been submitted (refer to Corrective Action Item lb).
: 7. The remaining action is Gould's resubmittal of the MCC qualification report Mth qualification data for a.ll supplied cable.     This report is scheduled for submittal on October 5,1981.
Safety Imp lications The unc,ualified wiring is installed in the power and control circuitry of Class lE 460 V MCCs and in the control r.ircuitry of Class lE 4.16 kV switchgear. Insulation meterial failure .iuring the qualified life of the equipment due to sh i ng and irradiation effects could prevent the proper operation of safety load groups.
The remaining action is Gould's resubmittal of the MCC qualification report Mth qualification data for a.ll supplied cable.
This report is scheduled for submittal on October 5,1981.
Safety Imp lications The unc,ualified wiring is installed in the power and control circuitry of Class lE 460 V MCCs and in the control r.ircuitry of Class lE 4.16 kV switchgear.
Insulation meterial failure.iuring the qualified life of the equipment due to sh ng and irradiation effects could prevent the proper i
operation of safety load groups.
Based on the possible safety implication, this discrepancy has been reported in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.55(e).
Based on the possible safety implication, this discrepancy has been reported in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.55(e).
Submitted by:         .  .
Submitted by:
B.P. Kohonetz Electrical Group Supervisor Approved by:   D5                 _ es 'e L.H. Cur *is     '
B.P. Kohonetz Electrical Group Supervisor Approved by:
Projec         r
_ es e L.H. Cur *is Projec r -/
Concurrence by:
Concurrence by:
K.D. Bd11ey M
M K.D. Bd11ey Engineering Mana er}}
Engineering Mana er}}

Latest revision as of 06:06, 21 December 2024

Final Deficiency Rept Re Unqualified Cable in ITE-Gould Class IE Equipment.Hold Shipment Placed on All Undelivered Gould Class IE Equipment.Bechtel Supplier Will Verify That Installed Matls Comply W/Qualification Rept
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 09/04/1981
From: Jackie Cook
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, 13659, 81-04-#3, NUDOCS 8109150097
Download: ML20010F907 (5)



pae asrg O COI1 Sum 8IS P0Wer

.,,,,,,,,m Q&

Vice Pressdent - Projects, Engineering and Construction General offices: 1945 West Pernali Road, Jackson, MI 49201 * (517) 788-0453 81-04 //3 September 4, 1981 D

D 4

Mr J G Keppler, Regicnal Director O


Office of Inspection & Enforcement US Huelear Regulatory Commission


W,, P Region III J l}

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

$844 g%abh -[g s_

799 Roosevcit Road m




0.h.9 52 SERIAL: 13659


J W Cook letters to J G Keppler, Same


1) Serial 11991, dated May 15, 1981
2) Serial 12065, dated July 31, 1981 l

The referenced letters were interim 50 55(e) reports concerning the use of unqualified cable in ITE-Gould Class 1E equipment. This letter is


the final report on this subject. provides a description of the corrective actions being taken to resolve this matter.


0#ws WRB/1r


(1) Bechtel MCAR 50, Final Report, "h60 V Motor C.antrol Center Unqualified Wiring, dated August 11, 1981 l


Director, Office of Inspection & Enforcement i

Att Mr Victor Stello, USNRC (15)

Director, Office of Management Information & Program Control, USNRC (1)

RJCook, USNRC Resident Inspector pf Midland Nuclear Plant (1) hl 8' I e109150097 B10904 PDR ADOCK 03000329 g 49g S



- +

Serial 13659 81-04 #3 2


CBechhoefer, ASLB Panel RSDecker, ASLB Fanel FPCcvan, ASLB Panel AS&L Appeal Panel MMCherry, Esq MSinclair BStamiris CRStephens, USNRC WDPaton, Esq, USNRC FJKelly, Esq, Attorney General SHFreeman, Esq, Asst Attorney General WhMarshall GJMerritt, Esq, TNK&J i


a I

n -







- vr r - w


Serial 13659 81-04'#3 039295 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation 0 MJt519 MCAR 50 (issued 4/23/81)

Unqualified Wiring in T.TE-Gould 460 V Motor control Centers and 4.16 kV Swltchgear FINAL REPORT DATE:

August 11, 1981 EROJECT:

Consumers Power Corpany Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Bechtel Job 7220



Qualification and Test Summary Report for Class IE Equipment (Vendor Submittal 7220-E7-129-5)


Class IE Electrical Equipment SHK-250, Indoor Metal-Clad Switch ear Environmental Qualification Report i

(Vendor Submittal 7220-E205-482-4)


MPQAD Audit Report M01-203-1 D)

Supplier Quality Audit of Gould-3rown Bcveri for Assignment 7220-E205.

Introduction This report provides the final status of Bechtel action pursuant to MCAR 50.

Description of Potential Discrepancv Subsequent to field testing of 200 A thermal magnetic circuit breakers, engineering disccvered that the installed power cable brands were not listed on the bill of material in Reference A.

Random inspections by site personnel identified eight different brands of power wiring and two brands of control wiring installed in Q-listed motor control centers (MCCs).

None of the wiring brands identified during these inspections are in-cluded in Reference A.

Other Q-listed equipment supplied by the vendor was inspected. Control wiring was discovered in 4.16 kV switchgear, which is not included in Reference B.

Bechtel suspected that all Q-listed MCCs and 4.16 kV switchgear delivered under Purchase Orders 7220-E-7 and 7220-E-205, respectively, may contain cable with inderminata qualification status.

.~.030?93 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation MCAR 50 Final Report 039i59 August 11, 1981 Page 2 Probable _Ceuse Refer to Corrective Action Item 6.

Corrective Action t


Inspection of delivered equipment for the purpose of identifying and tracking suspect cable by additional nonconformance reports (NCRs) till not be required based,on the following:

It has been confirmed that the w' ring installed in all delivered i


MCCs is presently not included in the qualification report.

Be-cause of omission of the qualification data, the status of the Reference A has been revised by Bechtel to a Status Code 3:

" Revise and resubmit. Work may proceed subject to incorporation of changes indicated." NCR 1749 remains open on MCC qualification and will serve as the tracking requirements to ensure compliance.


Reference B, which contains qualification data on a]* vendor-supplied cable, has been reviewed, accepted, and given a Status Code 1:

" work may proceed."



All installed cable in Gould-supplied Class lE motor control centers will either be qualified or replaced based on acceptance of the revised qualification reports and dispositioning of NCR 1749.


Class lE 4.16 KV switchgear wiring has been qualified (refer to Corrective Action Item lb).


A " hold shipment" has been placed on all undelivered Gould Class lE equipment. A Bechtel supplier quality representative will verify that the installed materials are in ac cordance with the respective qualification report as identified by engineering prior to release for shipment.

This hold will be remove d af ter Bechtel acceptance of the Gould qualification report.


An audit to evaluate the adequacy of Gould's quality assurance pro-gram at the MCC facility was completed on June 5, 1981. A similar evaluation at the 4.16 kV switchgear facility was completed July 17, 1981. No problems were identified involving the qualificaticL pro-cess at either facility (see References C and D).


As stated in Corrective Action Item 4, the quality assurance ade-quacy evaluations have been completed with positive results.

Restrictions on procurement of new items are therefore removed.


.f 392b Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation i

MCAR 50 Final Report 039I5S August 11, 1981 Page 3 6.

Could Inc., Electrical Apparatus Division (MCC), has identified the cause of the problem as an oversight in preparing Reference A root because of a change in the bill of material format. As a result of this problem Gould has improved controls for assuring consis-tency between engineering documents, hardware, and qualification reports. Could has assured that wi'e qualification was always intended to be provided (refer to Corrective Action Item 7 for comple-tion schedule).

The Brown Boveri Electric, Inc. (Gould) Switchgear Systems Division has stated that the problem was a result of an editorial error while preparing the IEEE Std 323-1974 qualification report submitted fn 1980 which fai1.ed to identify the wiring used in manufacture of sd tchgear prior to 1978. A revised report has been submitted (refer to Corrective Action Item lb).


The remaining action is Gould's resubmittal of the MCC qualification report Mth qualification data for a.ll supplied cable.

This report is scheduled for submittal on October 5,1981.

Safety Imp lications The unc,ualified wiring is installed in the power and control circuitry of Class lE 460 V MCCs and in the control r.ircuitry of Class lE 4.16 kV switchgear.

Insulation meterial failure.iuring the qualified life of the equipment due to sh ng and irradiation effects could prevent the proper i

operation of safety load groups.

Based on the possible safety implication, this discrepancy has been reported in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.55(e).

Submitted by:

B.P. Kohonetz Electrical Group Supervisor Approved by:


_ es e L.H. Cur *is Projec r -/

Concurrence by:

M K.D. Bd11ey Engineering Mana er