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south CAROLINA ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY poor o.rics som          v..
Cotuue'A. Soum CAnouNA 29210 O. W. Dmou. Jm.
Vice Paas.orwr _
              " * ' " " " " * "
* September 29, 1982 1
1 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Docket No. 50/395 Operating License No. NPF-12 Equipment Qualification
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
In Operating License Condi tions 2.C.8 and 2.C.23c the NRC as                                    a required South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE&G) f condition prior to exceeding 5% of full power to complete actions related to environmental qualification of equipment for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station as specf.fied in j
Section 3.11 of Supplement No. 4 to the Safety Evaluation Report        (SSER-4) and to provide documentation to the NRC to illustrate that the pressurizer safety valve position indication system is seismically qualified. This letter supplements the information provided in SCE&G letters dated July 23, 1982 and August 26, 1962.
The NRC requested to be notified when the maintenance and surveillance program at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station was implemented.            Aging related maintenance, component replacement and qualified lif e information identified during the NUREG 0588 review of equipment qualification documentation has been entered into the equipment maintenance program for all equipment for which qualification documentation has been accepted. Additional information will be entered into the system as the review of the documentation for the final pieces of equipment outlined below is completed. A procedure is in effect by which age related data is reviewed and entered into the system.                                      The equipment l
performance trending procedure is in the final review process.
l This final link in the program will be implemented before exceeding 5% power.
The seismic and environmental qualification reportG.forO'Brien                            the electrical tri-axial connectors manufactured                                  by  D.
has been reviewed and found acceptable. The updated qualifi-cation worksheets attached to this letter are provided for l                      your information.
8210050175 820929                                                              ok PDR ADOCK 05000395 l
E                          PDR
l Harold R. Denton September 29, 1982 Page #2 The electric hydrogen recombiners supplied by Westinghouse have been qualifed to IEEE 323-1971 standards and NUREG 0588 Category II aging requirements. Additional documentation to qualify the equipment to the 1974 standard is available and is being procured as a part of an upgrade of Westinghouse supplied Class lE equipment. The documentation will be reviewed and placed in the file within a month of the acceptance of the pur-chase contract currently under negotiation with Westinghouse.
As presented by Westinghouse in a meeting with the NRC in late August, 1982, the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) wide range pressure transmitter manuf actured by Veritrak, which provides a redundant and diverse method of monitoring RCS pressure, has successfully completed seismic and environmental qualification testing. SCE&G's transmitter will be modified by the vendor to ensure uniformity with the model which succetsfully passed the test. Modifications will be completed prior to our exceeding 5%
power. The test report is in the final stages of preparation and completion of SCE&G's review and acceptance is on schedule to be completed in December, 1982 as projected in our letter of July 23, 1982.
Sample pressurizer safety valve position indication switches have been subjected to seismic and environmental testing pro-g rams . The switches successfully completed all sections of the test up to the accident environment exposure.      Documenta-tion of successful completion of the seismic portion of the program was sent to the NRC in an August 26, 1982 letter. An anomaly in the accident environment test results involving lead insulation failure is being investigated at this time by the vendor, Crosby. We project that the fault can be remedied, l
I the accident environment test repeated, and the final test l        report completed by Mid-1983. It is the evaluation of SCE&G l        that operation at power levels in excess of 5% of full power is l        justified. As discussed in our letter of March 12, 1982, an l
acoustic leak detection system and temperature detectors are installed in piping downstream of the valves; in addition, pressure, temperature and level indicators are installed in the pressurizer relief tank. All of these systems would provide indication of any opening of a pressurizer safety valve. Also, the leads on the valve position indication switches installed at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station are protected by conduit.
The leads which failed during the environmental test of the switches were directly exposed to the hostile environment which apparently contributed significantly to the insulation failure.
Harold R. Denton September 29, 1982 Page #3 As discussed in our letter of March 16, 1982, and April 30, 1982, it is SCE&G's assessment that the existing incore thermocouple installation at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station is very likely to function acceptably during and following a high energy line break inside the Reactor Building. In addition, in the unlikely event the incore thermocouples should fail adequate additional information and procedures exist to detect and recover from. inadequate core cooling.      SCE&G believes that these reasons provide adequate justification to operate at levels above 5% of full power until a complete system of documented qualified equipment can be installed.
We consider this, in addition to previous letters dated March 12, 1982, March 16, 1982, April 30, 1982, June 23, 1982, and August 26, 1982, sufficient information to resolve Licensing Conditions No. 8 and 23c, for exceeding 5% power operation.
Very truly yours,
                                                          . }
O. W.t6ixon,  'r .
        /fjc cc:    V. C. Summer G. H. Fischer H. N. Cyrus T. C. Nichols, Jr.
O. W. Dixon, Jr.
M. B. Whitaker, Jr.
J. P. O'Reilly H. T. Babb D. A. Nauman C. L. Ligon (NSRC)
W. A. Williams, Jr.
R. B. Clary O. S. Bradham A. R. Koon M. N. Browne G. J. Braddick J. L. Skolds J. B. Knotts, Jr.
B. A. Bursey NPCF File
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Revision as of 00:04, 31 March 2020

Suppls 820723 & 0826 Ltrs Re Documentation to Illustrate That Pressurizer Safety Valve Position Indication Sys Is Seismically Qualified,Per Ser,Suppl 4.Info Completes Responses Needed to Resolve Licensing Condition 8 & 23C
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/1982
From: Dixon O
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8210050175
Download: ML20065H557 (7)
