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{{#Wiki_filter:P 0 bu~14OGl,.Juno beai~l 334OS OCiO APL JUN 27 1990 L-90-216 U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.20555 Gentlemen:
{{#Wiki_filter:P 0 bu 14OGl,.Juno beai
Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos.50-250 and 50-251 Request for Information on the Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved with Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions Generic Letter 90-04 By Generic Letter&0-04, dated April 25, 1990, the NRC staff requested that licensees review the status of, and provide documentation concerning the implementation status of the generic safety issues identified in Generic Letter 90-04.The requested information for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 is attached.If further discussion is required on this topic, please contact us.Very truly yours,).l(,., K.N Harris Vic President Tur ey Point Plant KNH/TCG/gp Attachment cc: Stewart D.Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Plant 90~i-Oi~~9C)0+>7 PDR ADClCf,<3.600250 p l-'an FPl Gluop con'pun>
                                                            ~                ~l 334OS OCiO APL JUN   27 1990 L-90-216 U. S.         Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:           Document Control Desk Washington, D. C.               20555 Gentlemen:
FACILITY NAME: Turkey Point Unit 4 DOCKET NO.: 50-251 LICENSEE: Florida Power and Light Co.STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OF GFHERIC SAFETY ISSUES GSI MPA No.40 (B065)41 (B058')43 (B107)51 (L913)TITLE Safety Concerns Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System BWR Scram Discharge Uolume Systems Reliability Of Air Systems Improving the Reliability of Open-Cycle Service Water Systems APPLICABILITY All BWRs All BWRs All Plants All Plants STATUS*COMMENTS NA NA Note 1 L-90-29.dated Jan.30, 1990 67.3.3 (A017)75**(B076)75 (B085)Improved Accident Monitoring Item 1.1-Post-Trip Review (Program Description and Procedure)
Re:       Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Request for Information on the Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved with Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions Generic Letter 90-04 By Generic Letter &0-04, dated April 25, 1990, the NRC staff requested that licensees review the status of, and provide documentation concerning the implementation status of the generic safety issues identified in Generic Letter 90-04. The requested information for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 is attached.
Item 1.2-Post-Trip Review-Data and Information Capability All Plants All Plants All Plants I (12/90)Note 2 Note 3 Note 3*Please follow attached guidance for completing this column.**The 16 items listed for GSI 75 all relate to actions derived from the generic implications of Salem ATWS events.Item numbers correspond to Generic Letter 83-28 action item numbers.
If further discussion             is required on this topic, please contact                 us.
2~GSI MPA~No 75 (B077)75 (B086)75 (L003)TITLE Item 2.1-Equipment Classi-fication and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components)
Very       truly         yours,
Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classifi-cation for Safety-Related Components Item 2.2.2-Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components APPLICABILITY All Plants All Plants All Plants STATUS*NMENTS Note 3 Notes 3, 5 Notes 3, 5 75 (B078)Items 3.1.1&3.1.2-Post-Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)
  ).K.      l(,.,
All Plants Note 3 75 (B079)Item 3.1.3-Post-Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components)
N Harris Vic President Tur ey Point Plant KNH/TCG/gp Attachment cc:       Stewart D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II,                         USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Plant 90~i-Oi~~ 9C)0+               >7 600250 PDR       ADClCf,     <3.
All Plants Note 3 75 (B087)Items 3.2.1&3.2.2-Post-Maintenance Testing (All Other Safety-Related Components)
p                           l-'
All Plants I (9/1/90)Note 3 75 (B088)Item 3.2.3-Post-Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (All Other Safety-Related Components)
an FPl Gluop con'pun>
All Plants Note 3 75 (B080)Item 4.1-Reactor Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications)
All Plants Note 3 3 GSI MPA No.75 (B081)TITLE Items 4.2.1&4.2.2-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers)APPLICABILITY All PWRs STATUS*COMMENTS Note 3 75 (B082)Item 4.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability
FACILITY NAME:   Turkey Point Unit 4 DOCKET NO.:     50-251 LICENSEE:       Florida Power and   Light Co.
-Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants)All W and B&W Plants Note 3 75 (B090)Item 4.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability
STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OF GFHERIC SAFETY ISSUES GSI   MPA No.                       TITLE                        APPLICABILITY        STATUS*      COMMENTS 40 (B065)               Safety Concerns Associated With           All BWRs                          NA Pipe Breaks   In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058')              BWR Scram Discharge Uolume Systems       All BWRs                          NA 43 (B107)                Reliability Of Air Systems               All Plants                        Note 1 51 (L913)                Improving the Reliability of             All Plants                        L-90-29. dated Open-Cycle Service Water Systems                                             Jan. 30, 1990
-Tech Spec Changes (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and BW Plants)All W&B&W Plants Notes 3, 5 75 (B091)Item 4.4-Reactor Trip System Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)All B&W Plants NA 4 GSI/(MPA~No 75 (B092)75 (B093)86 (B084)93 (B098)TITLE Item 4.5.1-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing)Items 4.5.2&4.5.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability
: 67. 3. 3 (A017)         Improved Accident Monitoring             All Plants            I (12/90)    Note 2 75** (B076)              Item 1.1   - Post-Trip Review             All Plants                        Note 3 (Program Description and Procedure) 75 (B085)                Item 1.2 - Post-Trip Review-             All Plants                        Note 3 Data and Information Capability
-Test Alterna-tives and Intervals (System Functional Testing)Long Range Plan for Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps APPLICABILITY All Plants All Plants All BWRs All PWRs STATUS*NA COMMENTS Note 3 Note 3 L-88-237, dated May 24, 1988 99 (L817)RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs All PWRs Notes 4, 5 124 Auxiliary Feedwater System Reliability AN0-1&2, Rancho Seco, Prairie Island 1&2, Crystal River-3 Ft.Calhoun-NA A-13 (B017)Snubber Operability Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers All Plants NA See 8022 Hydraulic snubbers have been replaced with mechanical snubbers 5~GSI MPA~No.A-13 (B022)A-16 (D012)A-35 (B023)TITLE Snubber Operability Assurance Mechanical Snubbers Steam Effects on BWR Core Spray Distribution Adequacy of Offsite Power Systems APPLICABILITY All Plants Oyster Creek&NMP-1 All Plants STATUS*NA t'OMMENTS Amend 90, dated Oct 14, 1983 Amend 98, dated Aug 14, 1984 B-10 Behavior of BWR Mark III Containments All BWR Mark III NA Plants B-36 Develop Design, Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Uentilation Systems All Plants with OL Applications After 4/1/80 NA B-63 (B045)Isolation of Low Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary All Plants Order dated April 20, 1981 L-87-264, dated June 23, 1987 NOTES In letter L-90-197 dated May 30, 1990, FPL reported that the design and operations verification of the instrument air system, as required by GL 88-14 was complete.Schedules for action items resulting from the required verification are stated in that letter.2.3~4~5.The Area Radiation Monitoring System upgrade will be completed by December 31, 1990.An NRC review of compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97 requirements was included in NRC Inspection Report 50-250/90-01 and 50-251/90-01 dated February 2, 1990.A detailed status of implementation of required actions based on the generic implications of the ATWS events at the Salem Nuclear Plant was provided by FPL in letter L-90-95 dated April 5, 1990.FPL is reviewing GL 90-03, Relaxation of Staff Position in Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.2, Part 2,"Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components", and will provide a response by September 29, 1990.FPL's response to GL 88-17,"Loss of Decay Heat Removal", was provided in letters L-88-559 dated January 3, 1989 and February 1, 1989.Required action items and schedules for their completion were identified in that letter.The NRC has not yet completed its review of this item.
*Please follow attached guidance   for completing this column.
FACILITY NAME: Turke Point Unit 4 DOCKET NO.:-1 ilCENSEE:~Pi ht C GSI Status Summar ENCLOSURE 2~m GSI/MPA No.40 (B065)Title Safety Concerns Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System Licensee Status Determination N/A Staff Status Determination N/A Remarks 41 (B058)43 (8107)51 (L913)BWR Scram Discharge N/A Volume Systems Reliability Of Air Systems Improving the Reliability of Open-Cycle Servi ce Water Systems N/A Licensee met requirements of GL 88-14 by letter dated 5/30/90.Licensee still implementing identified improvements.
**The 16 items listed for GSI 75 all relate to actions derived from the generic implications of Salem ATWS events.
Expect to complete by 12/07/90.Licensee response dated 1/30/90 established the required 5 programs.All additional actions such as reviews or inspections to carry out the programs, are scheduled and documented in t/30/90 lette'r al1 ,to be complete~by restart from dual unit outage ending in 12/ (A017)Improved Accident Monitoring I/12-90 I/12-90 RG 1.97 implementation inspected in IR 90-01 and found acceptable.
Item numbers correspond to Generic Letter 83-28 action item numbers.
Area Rad.Monitoring System upgrade to be complete 12/31/90.Exception for ARMS had been re-3 quested to permit a range~f 10 4 to 10 R/hr instead of 10 to 10.Licensee will withdraw request for exception and meet RG 1.97 by 12/31/90.
GS I/HPA No.75**(8076)75 (B085)75 (B077)75 (B086)75 (L003)75 (B078)Title Item 1.1-Post-Trip Review (Program Description and Procedure)
Item 1.2-Post-Trip Review-Data and Information Capability Item 2.1-Equipment Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components)
~GSI MPA ~No             TITLE                      APPLICABILITY STATUS*      NMENTS 75 (B077)     Item 2.1 - Equipment Classi-           All Plants              Note 3 fication   and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086)      Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classifi-       All Plants              Notes 3, 5 cation for Safety-Related Components 75 (L003)      Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface         All Plants              Notes 3, 5 for Safety-Related   Components 75 (B078)     Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 - Post-           All Plants              Note 3 Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B079)     Item 3.1.3 - Post-Maintenance         All Plants              Note 3 Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087)     Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 - Post-           All Plants   I (9/1/90) Note 3 Maintenance Testing (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B088)     Item 3.2.3 - Post-Maintenance         All Plants              Note 3 Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080)     Item 4.1 - Reactor Trip System         All Plants              Note 3 Reliability   (Vendor-Related Modifications)
Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classification for Saf ety-Re 1 ated Components Item 2.2.2-Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components Items 3.1.1&3.1.2-Post-Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)
Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination C 8/15/85 C 4/17/87 C 4/17/87 E/09-29-90 C 7/31/86 C C 5/31/85 Remarks Li censee implementation complete.Staff issued SER 8/09/90.GL 90-03 supercedes 2.2.2.**The dates shown for the Salem ATWS items are contained in a 4/5/90 letter from the licensee. GSI/MPA No.75 (B079)Title Item 3.1.3-Post-Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components)
3 GSI MPA No.       TITLE                          APPLICABILITY  STATUS* COMMENTS 75 (B081)     Items 4.2.1   & 4.2.2 - Reactor       All PWRs              Note 3 Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082)     Item 4.3   - Reactor Trip System       All W  and B&W        Note 3 Reliability  - Design Modifications   Plants (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B090)     Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System         All W  & B&W          Notes 3, 5 Reliability   - Tech Spec Changes     Plants (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and BW Plants) 75 (B091)     Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip System         All B&W Plants NA Reliability   (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)
Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination C 7/31/86 Remar ks 75 (B087)75 (B088)75 (B080)Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2-Post-Maintenance Testing (All Othe~Safety-Related Components)
Item 3.2.3-Post-Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components)
4 GSI/(MPA ~No           TITLE                        APPLICABILITY  STATUS* COMMENTS 75 (B092)     Item 4.5.1 - Reactor Trip System       All Plants              Note 3 Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093)    Items 4.5.2   & 4.5.3   - Reactor Trip   All Plants              Note  3 System Reliability   - Test Alterna-tives and Intervals   (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084)    Long Range Plan   for Dealing           All BWRs        NA with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping 93 (B098)    Steam Binding of Auxiliary             All PWRs               L-88-237, dated Feedwater Pumps                                                  May 24, 1988 99 (L817)     RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve             All PWRs               Notes 4, 5 Interlock  on  PWRs 124           Auxiliary Feedwater     System           AN0-1&2, Rancho NA Reliability                              Seco, Prairie Island 1&2, Crystal River-3 Ft. Calhoun-A-13 (B017)   Snubber Operability Assurance-         All Plants     NA     See 8022 Hydraulic Snubbers                                              Hydraulic snubbers have been replaced with mechanical snubbers
Item 4.1-Reactor Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications)
I/9-1-90 I/10/15/90 C 7/31/86 C 11/8/83 Licensee has indicated verbally item was completed about 9/1/90.~Letter to NRC documenting completion expected by 10/15/90.SER dated ll/14/85.0 GSI/MPA No.75 (B081)Title Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination C C 1/18/85 Items 4.2.1&4.2.2-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and.Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers)Remarks 75 (8082)75 (B090)75 (B091)Item 4.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants)Item 4.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Tech Spec Changes (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and B&W Plants)Item 4.4-Reactor Trip System Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)N/A C 6/30/86 C 12/31/87 N/A Licensee's design accepted by NRC.TS are part of the TS upgrade amendment issued 8/28/90.Implementation required by 8/28/91.TS have been implemented in 1987 by administrative procedure.
GSI/HPA No.75 (B092)75 (B093)86 (B084)93 (B098)99 (L817)124 A-13 (B017)Ti tie Item 4.5.1-Reactor Trip System Re 1 i ab i 1 i ty-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing)Items 4.5.2 8 4.5.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Test Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing)Long Range Plan for Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs Auxiliary Feedwater System Rel iabi 1 ity Snubber Operability Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers Licensee Status Determination N/A N/A N/A Staff Status Determination C 5/1/86 C 5/1/86 N/A C 5/24/88 I 12/91 N/A-N/A Remarks NRC letter dated 6/15/88.GL 88-17, Licensee actions/schedules provided in letters dated 1/3/89, 2/1/89.Staff review not complete.Imple-mentation expected to be complete 12/91.
~GSI MPA ~No.           TITLE                  APPLICABILITY    STATUS* t'OMMENTS A-13 (B022)   Snubber  Operability Assurance    All Plants              Amend 90,  dated Mechanical Snubbers                                        Oct 14, 1983 A-16 (D012)   Steam  Effects on BWR Core     Oyster Creek    NA Spray Distribution               & NMP-1 A-35 (B023)    Adequacy of Offsite   Power     All Plants               Amend 98, dated Systems                                                    Aug 14, 1984 B-10           Behavior of BWR   Mark III       All BWR Mark III NA Containments                      Plants B-36           Develop Design, Testing and       All Plants with  NA Maintenance Criteria for           OL Applications Atmosphere Cleanup System         After 4/1/80 Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Uentilation Systems B-63 (B045)   Isolation of   Low Pressure       All Plants              Order dated Systems Connected to the Reactor                           April 20, 1981 Coolant System Pressure                                    L-87-264, dated Boundary                                                    June 23, 1987
GSI/MPA No.A-13 (B022)A-16 (D012)A-35 (8023)B-10 B-36 Tit1e Snubber Operability Assurance-Mechanical Snubbers Steam Effects on BWR Core Spray Distribution Adequacy of Offsite Power Systems Behavior of BWR Hark III Containments Develop Design, Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems Licensee Status Determination N/A N/A N/A Staff Status Determination C 10/14/83 N/A C 5/10/84 N/A N/A Remarks Amendments 96 and 90 for Units 3 and 4 Licensee (G.Salamon)indicated verbally that Plant Change Modification b'80-44 dated 5/10/84 was completed.
See also FPL letter L-85-347 to J.Nelson Grace (Region II)dated 9/3/85,"10 CFR 50.59 Report."
NOTES In letter L-90-197 dated May 30, 1990, FPL reported that the design and operations verification of the instrument air system, as required by GL 88-14 was complete. Schedules for action items resulting from the required verification are stated in that letter.
GSI/HPA No.B-63 (B045)Title Isolation of Low Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination C 4/20/81 Remarks  Item 99 (L817)(cont)Status RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs (7)Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators.
: 2. The Area Radiation Monitoring System upgrade will be completed by December 31, 1990.       An NRC review of compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97 requirements was included in NRC Inspection Report 50-250/90-01 and 50-251/90-01 dated February 2, 1990.
Implementation of the above modifications wi 11 proceed during the outage.All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91.This is an acceptable schedule.Gordon E.Edison, Sr.Project Hanager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II  
3 ~ A detailed status of implementation of required actions based on the generic implications of the ATWS events at the Salem Nuclear Plant was provided by FPL in letter L-90-95 dated April 5, 1990. FPL is reviewing GL 90-03, Relaxation of Staff Position in Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.2, Part 2, "Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components", and will provide a response by September 29, 1990.
4 ~ FPL's response to GL 88-17, "Loss of Decay Heat Removal", was provided in letters L-88-559 dated January 3, 1989 and February 1, 1989. Required action items and schedules for their completion were identified in that letter.
: 5. The NRC has not yet completed   its review of this item.
                                                                                                                        ~ m ENCLOSURE 2 FACILITY NAME: Turke   Point Unit 4 DOCKET NO.:     - 1 ilCENSEE:                           ht C GSI Status Summar Licensee          Staff GSI/MPA                                   Status            Status No.             Title                    Determination      Determination          Remarks 40 (B065)       Safety Concerns           N/A                N/A Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058)      BWR  Scram Discharge      N/A               N/A Volume Systems 43 (8107)       Reliability Of                                                     Licensee met requirements of Air Systems                                                        GL 88-14 by letter dated 5/30/90.
Licensee still implementing identified improvements. Expect to complete by 12/07/90.
51 (L913)      Improving the                                                      Licensee response dated 1/30/90 Reliability of                                                      established the required 5 Open-Cycle Servi ce                                                programs. All additional actions Water Systems                                                      such as reviews or inspections to carry out the programs, are scheduled and documented in t/30/90 lette'r al1,to be complete by restart from dual unit outage
ending in 12/91.
67.3.3 (A017)   Improved Accident         I/12-90           I/12-90               RG 1.97 implementation inspected Monitoring                                                          in IR 90-01 and found acceptable.
Area Rad. Monitoring System upgrade to be complete 12/31/90.
Exception for ARMS had been re-quested to permit a range ~f 10 3 to 10 R/hr instead of 10 to 10 4 .
Licensee will withdraw request   for exception and meet RG 1.97 by 12/31/90.
Licensee          Staff GS I/HPA                                   Status            Status No.             Title                      Determination    Determination          Remarks 75** (8076)     Item 1.1 - Post-Trip             C            C  5/31/85 Review (Program Description and Procedure) 75 (B085)      Item 1.2   - Post-Trip                         C  8/15/85 Review   - Data and Information Capability 75 (B077)      Item 2.1 - Equipment                           C  4/17/87 Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086)      Item 2.2.1   - Equipment                     C  4/17/87            Li censee implementation Classification for                                                   complete. Staff issued Saf ety-Re 1 ated                                                     SER  8/09/90.
Components 75 (L003)      Item 2.2.2   - Vendor                       E/09-29-90              GL  90-03 supercedes  2.2.2.
Interface for Safety-Related Components 75 (B078)      Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2-                           C  7/31/86 Post - Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)
**The dates shown  for the  Salem  ATWS items are contained in a  4/5/90  letter from the licensee.
Licensee          Staff GSI/MPA                            Status            Status No.      Title                    Determination    Determination Remar ks 75 (B079) Item 3.1.3  - Post-                           C 7/31/86 Maintenance  Testing-Changes  to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2-      I/9-1-90          I/10/15/90   Licensee has indicated verbally Post-Maintenance Testing (All Othe~
Safety-Related item was completed about 9/1/90.
Letter to NRC documenting completion expected by 10/15/90.
Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post-                           C  7/31/86  SER dated ll/14/85.
Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1  - Reactor                          C 11/8/83 Trip System Reliability  (Vendor-Related Modifications) 0
Licensee    Staff GSI/MPA                              Status        Status No.        Title                      Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2-             C        C  1/18/85 Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and  Testing (Preventative Maintenance and
          .Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (8082) Item 4.3   - Reactor Trip                  C  6/30/86 System Reliability-Design  Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for  Westinghouse  and B&W Plants) 75 (B090)  Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip                    C  12/31/87 Licensee's design accepted by System Reliability-                                    NRC. TS are part of the TS Tech Spec Changes                                      upgrade amendment issued 8/28/90.
(Automatic Actuation of                                Implementation required by 8/28/91.
Shunt Trip Attachment                                  TS have been implemented in 1987 For Westinghouse and                                  by administrative procedure.
B&W  Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4   - Reactor Trip       N/A      N/A System Reliability
( Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)
Licensee      Staff GSI/HPA                              Status        Status No.        Ti tie                  Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B092)   Item 4.5.1    - Reactor                 C  5/1/86 Trip   System i i 1 i ty-Diverse Re 1 ab Trip Features    (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093)   Items 4.5.2 8    4.5.3-                 C  5/1/86 Reactor Trip System   Reliability-Test Alternatives and  Intervals (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084)  Long Range Plan    for         N/A       N/A Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping 93 (B098)  Steam Binding of                        C 5/24/88  NRC letter dated 6/15/88.
Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 99 (L817)  RCS/RHR  Suction                        I 12/91     GL  88-17, Licensee actions/
Line Valve                                          schedules provided in letters Interlock    on PWRs                                dated 1/3/89, 2/1/89. Staff review not complete. Imple-mentation expected to be complete 12/91.
124         Auxiliary Feedwater          N/A        N/A-System Rel iabi 1 ity A-13 (B017) Snubber  Operability        N/A        N/A Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers
Licensee      Staff GSI/MPA                            Status        Status No.         Tit1e                  Determination Determination Remarks A-13 (B022) Snubber Operability                    C  10/14/83 Amendments 96 and 90  for Assurance - Mechanical                              Units 3 and 4 Snubbers A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on  BWR        N/A      N/A Core Spray Distribution A-35 (8023) Adequacy of Offsite                    C  5/10/84  Licensee (G. Salamon) indicated Power Systems                                      verbally that Plant Change Modification b'80-44 dated 5/10/84 was completed. See also FPL letter  L-85-347 to J. Nelson Grace (Region II) dated 9/3/85, "10 CFR 50.59 Report."
B-10        Behavior of  BWR              N/A       N/A Hark III Containments B-36        Develop Design,              N/A        N/A Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration  and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal  Ventilation Systems
Licensee      Staff GSI/HPA                            Status        Status No.        Title                  Determination Determination Remarks B-63 (B045) Isolation of  Low                      C  4/20/81 Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary
Item                  Status 99 (L817)            RCS/RHR  Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs (cont)
(7) Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators. Implementation of the above modifications wi 11 proceed during the outage.
All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91. This is an acceptable schedule.
Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Hanager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II

As stated
                ~Li 4
=DOCKET  NO.:    - 1 LICENEEE:                          ht C GSI Status Summar Licensee          Staff GSI/MPA                                  Status            Status No.            Ti tie                  Determination      Determination          Remarks 40 (B065)      Safety Concerns          N/A                N/A Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR  Scram System 41 (B058)      BWR  Scram Discharge    N/A                N/A Volume Systems 43 (B107)      Reliability  Of                                                    Li censee met requirements of Air Systems                                                        GL  88-14 by letter dated 5/30/90.
Licensee  still implementing identified  improvements. Expect to complete by 12/07/90.
51  (L913)      Improving the                                                      Licensee response  dated 1/30/90 Reliability of                                                    established the required  5 Open-Cycle Service                                                programs. All additional actions Water Systems                                                      such as reviews or inspections to carry out the programs, are scheduled and documented in 1/30/90 Iettev, a1'I to be complete by restart from dual unit outage
ending in 12/91.
67.3.3 (A017)  Improved Accident        I/12-90            I/12-90                RG  1.97 implementation inspected Monitoring                                                        in IR 90-01 and found acceptable.
Area Rad. Monitoring System upgrade to be complete 12/31/90.
Exception for ARMS had been re-quested to permit a range ~f 10 3 to 10 R/hr instead of 10 to 10 .
Licensee will withdraw request for exception and meet RG 1.97 by 12/31/90.
Cc    ~  iU~ $          QA pe l'3 J
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LGdfl Ji GLI>U~2 O.
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Licensee        Staff GSI/NPA                                      Status          Status No.            Title                        Determination    Determination          Remarks 75** (B076)    Item 1.1    - Post-Trip            C            C 5/31/85 Review (Program Description    and Procedure) 75 (8085)        Item 1.2  - Post-Trip                          C 8/15/85 Review  -  Data and Information Capability 75 (B077)      Item 2.1    - Equipment                          C 4/17/87 Classification and Vendor  Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086)        Item 2.2.1  -  Equipment                      C 4/17/87            Licensee implementation Classification for                                                    complete. Staff issued Saf ety-Related                                                      SER  8/09/90.
Components 75 (L003)      Item 2.2.2    - Vendor                        E/09-29-90              GL  90-03 supercedes 2.2.2.
Interface for Saf ety-Related Components 75 (B078)      Items 3.1.1 5 3.1.2-                          '
7/31/86 Post - Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)
**The dates shown  for the  Salem  ATMS items are contained in  a 4/5/90  letter from the licensee.
Licensee          Staff GSI/MPA                              Status            Status No.      Title                      Determination    Determination Remar ks 75 (8079) Item 3.1.3  - Post-                          C  7/31/86 Maintenance  Testing-Changes  to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1  In 3.2.2-    I/9-1-90          I/10/15/90    Licensee has indicated verbally Post-Maintenance                                          item was completed about 9/1/90.
Testing (All Other                                        Letter to NRC documenting Safety-Related                                            completion expected by 10/15/90.
Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post-                            C  7/31/86  SER  dated ll/14/85.
Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1  - Reactor                          C  11/8/83 Trip  System Reliability    (Vendor-Related Modifications)
                                    -Licensee      Staff GSI/I'IPA                            Status        Status No.      Title                      Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2-                      C  1/18/85 Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and  Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3  - Reactor Trip                  C  6/30/86 System  Reliability-Design  Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for  Westinghouse  and B&W Plants) 75 (B090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip                    C  12/31/87 Licensee's design accepted by System Reliability-                                    NRC. TS are part of the TS Tech Spec Changes                                      upgrade amendment issued 8/28/90.
(Automatic Actuation of                                Implementation required by 8/28/91.
Shunt Trip Attachment                                  TS have been implemented in 1987 For Westinghouse and                                  by administrative procedure.
B&H  Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4  - Reactor Trip        N/A      N/A System  Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)
Licensee      Staff GSI/NPA                            Status        Status No.        Title                  Determination Determination Remarks 75 (8092)  Item 4.5.1  -  Reactor                C  5/1/86 Trip System Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093)  Items 4.5.2 5  4.5.3-                C  5/1/86 Reactor Trip System  Reliability-Test Alternatives and  Intervals (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084)  Long Range Plan  for        N/A      N/A Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping 93 (B098)  Steam Binding of                      C  5/24/88  NRC  letter dated 6/15/88.
Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 99 (L817)  RCS/RHR  Suction                      I 12/91    GL  88-17, Licensee actions/
Line Valve                                        schedules provided in letters Interlock  on PWRs                                dated 1/3/89, 2/1/89. Staff review not complete. Imple-mentation expected to be complete 12/91.
124        Auxiliary Feedwater          N/A      N/A System  Reliability A-13 (B017) Snubber  Operability        N/A      N/A Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers
Vg Licensee          Staff GSI/MPA                            Status            Status No.        Title                  Determination    Determination Remarks A-13 (B022) Snubber Operability                        C  10/14/83 Amendments 96 and 90  for Assurance - Mechanical                                  Units 3 and 4 Snubbers A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on  BWR        N/A          N/A Core Spray Distribution A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite                        C  5/10/84  Licensee (G. Salamon) indicated Power Systems                                          verbally that Plant Change Modification 880-44 dated 5/10/84 was completed. See also FPL letter  L-85-347 to J. Nelson Grace (Region II) dated 9/3/85, "IO CFR 50.59 Report."
B-10        Behavior of  BWR              N/A          N/A Mark  III Containments B-36        Develop Design,              N/A          N/A Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration  and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal  Ventilation Systems
Licensee      Staff GSI/MPA                            Status        Status No.        Title                  Determination Determination Remarks B-63 (B045) Isolation of  Low            C        C  4/20/81 Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary

As stated FACILITY NAME: Turke Point Unit 4=DOCKET NO.:-1 LICENEEE:~Li ht C GSI Status Summar ENCLOSURE 2 4 GSI/MPA No.40 (B065)Ti tie Safety Concerns Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System Licensee Status Determination N/A Staff Status Determination N/A Remarks 41 (B058)43 (B107)51 (L913)BWR Scram Discharge N/A Volume Systems Reliability Of Air Systems Improving the Reliability of Open-Cycle Service Water Systems N/A Li censee met requirements of GL 88-14 by letter dated 5/30/90.Licensee still implementing identified improvements.
Item                       Status 99 (L817)                 RCS/RHR Suction Line-Valve-Interlock-on-PWRs (cont)
Expect to complete by 12/07/90.Licensee response dated 1/30/90 established the required 5 programs.All additional actions such as reviews or inspections to carry out the programs, are scheduled and documented in 1/30/90 Iettev, a1'I to be complete~by restart from dual unit outage ending in 12/ (A017)Improved Accident Monitoring I/12-90 I/12-90 RG 1.97 implementation inspected in IR 90-01 and found acceptable.
(7) Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in     late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators. Implementation of the above modifications wi 11 proceed during the outage.
Area Rad.Monitoring System upgrade to be complete 12/31/90.Exception for ARMS had been re-3 quested to permit a range~f 10 to 10 R/hr instead of 10 to 10.Licensee will withdraw request for exception and meet RG 1.97 by 12/31/90.
All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91. This is an acceptable schedule.
~*Cc~iU~$QA pe~)hi I*l'3 J<.~" s~avVI~BC*=,>'..'3~" L~(i".4 k'~'r~"~~i~+" s~ada u.4L G (~ic yv<vflU'q~CCGC+~v4 3 U2i)GC,.<<4~~~y~La=~~i]]yV J V CUAk v vlaa~-*=I OLOOLnU2'cL....2 OL 3."2LGCglOUc,'~<+=~~Gild LvQ C",~a"~-~J'i 4 4 s v=-8 QELlk EGG~L A'Li6."~"O'X'.".l.Lg..~~a@~.-eCGL 0~46q"b'av.LGdfl Ji GLI>U~2 O.,t,(~', i, il 4 i 44L k4 CI Q*=jic pcc~11~i I*~~
Original signed by Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II
GSI/NPA No.Title Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination Remarks 75**(B076)75 (8085)75 (B077)75 (B086)75 (L003)75 (B078)Item 1.1-Post-Trip Review (Program Description and Procedure)
Item 1.2-Post-Trip Review-Data and Information Capability Item 2.1-Equipment Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components)
Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classification for Saf ety-Related Components Item 2.2.2-Vendor Interface for Saf ety-Related Components Items 3.1.1 5 3.1.2-Post-Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)
C C 5/31/85 C 8/15/85 C 4/17/87 C 4/17/87 E/09-29-90
'7/31/86 Licensee implementation complete.Staff issued SER 8/09/90.GL 90-03 supercedes 2.2.2.**The dates shown for the Salem ATMS items are contained in a 4/5/90 letter from the licensee. GSI/MPA No.75 (8079)Title Item 3.1.3-Post-Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components)
Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination C 7/31/86 Remar ks 75 (B087)75 (B088)75 (B080)Items 3.2.1 In 3.2.2-Post-Maintenance Testing (All Other Safety-Related Components)
Item 3.2.3-Post-Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components)
Item 4.1-Reactor Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications)
I/9-1-90 I/10/15/90 C 7/31/86 C 11/8/83 Licensee has indicated verbally item was completed about 9/1/90.Letter to NRC documenting completion expected by 10/15/90.SER dated ll/14/85.
GSI/I'IPA No.75 (B081)75 (B082)75 (B090)Title Items 4.2.1&4.2.2-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers)Item 4.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants)Item 4.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Tech Spec Changes (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and B&H Plants)-Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination C 1/18/85 C 6/30/86 C 12/31/87 Remarks Licensee's design accepted by NRC.TS are part of the TS upgrade amendment issued 8/28/90.Implementation required by 8/28/91.TS have been implemented in 1987 by administrative procedure.
75 (B091)Item 4.4-Reactor Trip System Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)N/A N/A GSI/NPA No.75 (8092)75 (B093)86 (B084)93 (B098)99 (L817)124 A-13 (B017)Title Item 4.5.1-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing)Items 4.5.2 5 4.5.3-Reactor Trip System Reliability-Test Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing)Long Range Plan for Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs Auxiliary Feedwater System Reliability Snubber Operability Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers Licensee Status Determination N/A N/A N/A Staff Status Determination C 5/1/86 C 5/1/86 N/A C 5/24/88 I 12/91 N/A N/A Remarks NRC letter dated 6/15/88.GL 88-17, Licensee actions/schedules provided in letters dated 1/3/89, 2/1/89.Staff review not complete.Imple-mentation expected to be complete 12/91. P~Vg GSI/MPA No.A-13 (B022)A-16 (D012)A-35 (B023)B-10 B-36 Title Snubber Operability Assurance-Mechanical Snubbers Steam Effects on BWR Core Spray Distribution Adequacy of Offsite Power Systems Behavior of BWR Mark III Containments Develop Design, Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems Licensee Status Determination N/A N/A N/A Staff Status Determination C 10/14/83 N/A C 5/10/84 N/A N/A Remarks Amendments 96 and 90 for Units 3 and 4 Licensee (G.Salamon)indicated verbally that Plant Change Modification 880-44 dated 5/10/84 was completed.
See also FPL letter L-85-347 to J.Nelson Grace (Region II)dated 9/3/85,"IO CFR 50.59 Report."
GSI/MPA No.Title Licensee Status Determination Staff Status Determination Remarks B-63 (B045)Isolation of Low Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary C C 4/20/81 Item 99 (L817)(cont)Status RCS/RHR Suction Line-Valve-Interlock-on-PWRs (7)Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators.
Implementation of the above modifications wi 11 proceed during the outage.All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91.This is an acceptable schedule.

As stated
      ~g DISTRIBUTION GEdison DMi 1 1 er RSchol1 OFC  :PN:PDII-2  )~+:0:PDII-2 W WWW WW ~ 0 NAME :GEdison          :HBe DATE :/ /9/ /90        : P  )
                              /90 OFFICIAL RECORD  COPY Document Name:  MEMO  GSI TURKEY 4

As stated Original signed by Gordon E.Edison, Sr.Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II DISTRIBUTION
pe AEQ(g Wp 0                         UNITED STATES ss               s 1~
~g GEdison DMi 1 1 er RSchol1 OFC NAME DATE:PN:PDII-2
    /y             ss October 1, 1990
:GEdison:HBe://9//90: P)/90 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Document Name: MEMO GSI TURKEY 4 W WWW WW~0 pe AEQ(g Wp 0 ss s 1~/y ss++*<<>>Docket No.50-251 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, O.C.20555 October 1, 1990 MEMORANDUM FOR: Docket File FROM:  
Docket No. 50-251 MEMORANDUM FOR:     Docket File FROM:               Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II

Gordon E.Edison, Sr.Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects-I/II STATUS OF RESOLVED GENERIC SAFETY ISSUE IMPLEMENTATION RE(UIREMENTS AT TURKEY POINT UNIT 4 The current status of resolved Generic Safety Issue (GSI)Implementation Requirements at the Turkey Point 4 facility is summarized in the enclosures to this memorandum. contains a copy of the information provided by the licensee in its response to Generic Letter 90-04.Enclosure 2 is a status summary for each GSI applicable to this facility.This status summary is based upon the licensee's response to the Generic Letter, discussions with the licensee and cognizant staff and my review of available NRC records and information.
STATUS OF RESOLVED GENERIC SAFETY ISSUE IMPLEMENTATION RE(UIREMENTS AT TURKEY POINT UNIT 4 The current status of resolved Generic Safety Issue (GSI) Implementation Requirements   at the Turkey Point 4 facility is summarized in the enclosures to this   memorandum.
Those items considered to be incomplete
Enclosure 1 contains a copy of the information provided by the licensee in           its response to Generic Letter 90-04.
'are listed below together with my assessment of the significance of that status and of the licensee's plans for completion.
Enclosure 2 is a status summary for each GSI applicable to this facility.
Item Status 43 (B107)*51 (L913)Reliabilit of Air S stems In a letter dated 7/25/90 the staff notified the licensee that they had met the requirements of GL 88-14 with their response dated 5/30/90.Licensee will complete implementation of identified improvements by December 7, 1990.Im rovin the Reliabilit of 0 en-C cle Service Mater~Sstems Licensee response dated 1/30/90 established the required 5 programs with schedules to carry out additional actions such as reviews or inspections.
This status summary is based upon the licensee's response to the Generic Letter, discussions with the licensee and cognizant staff and my review of available NRC records and information.
Those items considered to be incomplete 'are listed below together with my assessment of the significance of that status and of the licensee's plans           for completion.
Item                       Status 43 (B107)                   Reliabilit of Air S stems In a letter dated 7/25/90 the staff notified the licensee that they had met the requirements of GL 88-14 with their response dated 5/30/90.         Licensee will complete implementation of identified improvements by December 7, 1990.
      *51 (L913)                  Im   rovin the Reliabilit of       0 en-C cle Service Mater
                                    ~Sstems Licensee response     dated 1/30/90 established the required   5 programs with schedules to carry out additional actions such as reviews or inspections.
All implementation to be complete by restart from dual unit outage (about 12/91).
All implementation to be complete by restart from dual unit outage (about 12/91).
Item 67.3.3 (A017)75 (L003)75 (B087)99 (L817)Status Im roved Accident Monitorin NRC Inspection Report 90-01, dated 2/12/90, reviewed compliance with RG 1.97.The results of the inspection were that the licensee satisfactorily met the require-ments and intent of RG 1.97 guidelines.
Last instrumen-tation to be upgraded (Area Radiation hlonitoring) will be implemented by 12/90.This is an acceptable sc)edule.Licensee had requested relief from 10 to 10 Rjhr range requirement.
Item         Status 67.3.3 (A017) Im roved   Accident Monitorin NRC   Inspection Report 90-01, dated 2/12/90, reviewed compliance with     RG 1.97. The results of the inspection were that the licensee satisfactorily met the require-ments and intent of RG 1.97 guidelines.       Last instrumen-tation to be upgraded (Area Radiation hlonitoring) will be implemented by 12/90. This is an acceptable sc)edule. Licensee had requested relief from 10 to 10 Rjhr range requirement.       Licensee subsequently is planning to withdraw request and meet the requirement.
Licensee subsequently is planning to withdraw request and meet the requirement.
75 (L003)    Salem   ATWS Item 2.2.2   - Vendor Interface for Safet Re a e   Com   onen s Recent guidance (GL 90-03) issued 3/20/90 by       staff.
Salem ATWS Item 2.2.2-Vendor Interface for Safet Re a e Com onen s Recent guidance (GL 90-03)issued 3/20/90 by staff.Licensee response expected by 9/29/90.This is an acceptable schedule.Salem ATWS Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2-Post Maintenance estrin ot er a e e ate om onents Licensee has indicated verbally (G.Salamon to G.Edison)on 9/7/90 that these items were completed about 9/1/90, and a letter to NRC is in preparation to document the completion of implementation.
Licensee response expected by 9/29/90. This       is an acceptable   schedule.
The letter is expected by 10/15/90 and this is an acceptable schedule.RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs Licensee actions and schedules responding to GL 88-17 were provided in letters dated 1/3/89 and 2/1/89.Staff review is not complete.Licensee is in process of modifications, including:
75 (B087)    Salem   ATWS Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2 - Post Maintenance estrin         ot er a e     e ate   om onents Licensee has indicated verbally (G. Salamon to G. Edison) on 9/7/90 that these items were completed about 9/1/90, and a letter to NRC is in preparation to document the completion of implementation.         The letter is expected by 10/15/90 and this is an acceptable schedule.
(1)RCS level system (alarms in C.R., and transducers) 2)Correlation for intermediate-to-hot-leg level 3)Installation of redundant independent level channel 4)RCS temperature indication 5)RHR flow indication (6)Review Westinghouse Owners Group analyses and incorporate Item 99 (L817)(cont)Status RCS/RMR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PMRs (7)Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators.
99 (L817)    RCS/RHR   Suction Line Valve Interlock on     PWRs Licensee actions and schedules responding to GL 88-17 were provided     in letters dated 1/3/89 and 2/1/89.
Implementation of the above modifications will proceed during the outage.All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91.This is an acceptable schedule.
Staff review is not complete. Licensee is in process of modifications, including:
(1) RCS level system (alarms in C.R., and transducers)
: 2) Correlation for intermediate-to-hot-leg level
: 3) Installation of redundant independent level channel
: 4) RCS temperature indication
: 5) RHR flow indication (6) Review Westinghouse Owners Group analyses       and incorporate
Item                         Status 99 (L817)                     RCS/RMR   Suction Line Valve Interlock on PMRs (cont)
(7) Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in     late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators. Implementation of the above modifications will proceed during the outage.
All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91. This is an acceptable schedule.
Original signed by Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II

As stated
As stated Original signed by Gordon E.Edison, Sr.Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II DISTRIBUTION
        ~g DISTRIBUTION GEdison DMiller RScholl OFC:PN:PDII-2     )~+:0:PDII-2 W                                     W     ~             WW  WW NAME   :GEdison           :HBe we   ~
~g GEdison DMiller RScholl OFC:PN:PDII-2
DATE   :g /9/ /90         : KP t /90 OFFICIAL RECORD   COPY Document Name:   MEMO GSI TURKEY 4}}
)~+:0:PDII-2 W W~NAME:GEdison:HBe we~DATE:g/9//90: KP t/90 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Document Name: MEMO GSI TURKEY 4 WW WW}}

Latest revision as of 06:17, 18 March 2020

Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions.
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/1990
From: Harris K
TASK-***, TASK-OR GL-83-28, GL-88-14, GL-88-17, GL-90-03, GL-90-04, GL-90-3, GL-90-4, L-90-216, NUDOCS 9007060049
Download: ML17348A364 (27)


P 0 bu 14OGl,.Juno beai

~ ~l 334OS OCiO APL JUN 27 1990 L-90-216 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Request for Information on the Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved with Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions Generic Letter 90-04 By Generic Letter &0-04, dated April 25, 1990, the NRC staff requested that licensees review the status of, and provide documentation concerning the implementation status of the generic safety issues identified in Generic Letter 90-04. The requested information for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 is attached.

If further discussion is required on this topic, please contact us.

Very truly yours,

).K. l(,.,

N Harris Vic President Tur ey Point Plant KNH/TCG/gp Attachment cc: Stewart D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Plant 90~i-Oi~~ 9C)0+ >7 600250 PDR ADClCf, <3.

p l-'

an FPl Gluop con'pun>

FACILITY NAME: Turkey Point Unit 4 DOCKET NO.: 50-251 LICENSEE: Florida Power and Light Co.

STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OF GFHERIC SAFETY ISSUES GSI MPA No. TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS* COMMENTS 40 (B065) Safety Concerns Associated With All BWRs NA Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058') BWR Scram Discharge Uolume Systems All BWRs NA 43 (B107) Reliability Of Air Systems All Plants Note 1 51 (L913) Improving the Reliability of All Plants L-90-29. dated Open-Cycle Service Water Systems Jan. 30, 1990

67. 3. 3 (A017) Improved Accident Monitoring All Plants I (12/90) Note 2 75** (B076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip Review All Plants Note 3 (Program Description and Procedure) 75 (B085) Item 1.2 - Post-Trip Review- All Plants Note 3 Data and Information Capability
  • Please follow attached guidance for completing this column.
    • The 16 items listed for GSI 75 all relate to actions derived from the generic implications of Salem ATWS events.

Item numbers correspond to Generic Letter 83-28 action item numbers.


~GSI MPA ~No TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS* NMENTS 75 (B077) Item 2.1 - Equipment Classi- All Plants Note 3 fication and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classifi- All Plants Notes 3, 5 cation for Safety-Related Components 75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface All Plants Notes 3, 5 for Safety-Related Components 75 (B078) Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 - Post- All Plants Note 3 Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B079) Item 3.1.3 - Post-Maintenance All Plants Note 3 Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 - Post- All Plants I (9/1/90) Note 3 Maintenance Testing (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post-Maintenance All Plants Note 3 Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1 - Reactor Trip System All Plants Note 3 Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications)

3 GSI MPA No. TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS* COMMENTS 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 - Reactor All PWRs Note 3 Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System All W and B&W Note 3 Reliability - Design Modifications Plants (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System All W & B&W Notes 3, 5 Reliability - Tech Spec Changes Plants (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and BW Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip System All B&W Plants NA Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)

4 GSI/(MPA ~No TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS* COMMENTS 75 (B092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor Trip System All Plants Note 3 Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093) Items 4.5.2 & 4.5.3 - Reactor Trip All Plants Note 3 System Reliability - Test Alterna-tives and Intervals (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for Dealing All BWRs NA with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping 93 (B098) Steam Binding of Auxiliary All PWRs L-88-237, dated Feedwater Pumps May 24, 1988 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve All PWRs Notes 4, 5 Interlock on PWRs 124 Auxiliary Feedwater System AN0-1&2, Rancho NA Reliability Seco, Prairie Island 1&2, Crystal River-3 Ft. Calhoun-A-13 (B017) Snubber Operability Assurance- All Plants NA See 8022 Hydraulic Snubbers Hydraulic snubbers have been replaced with mechanical snubbers


~GSI MPA ~No. TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS* t'OMMENTS A-13 (B022) Snubber Operability Assurance All Plants Amend 90, dated Mechanical Snubbers Oct 14, 1983 A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR Core Oyster Creek NA Spray Distribution & NMP-1 A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite Power All Plants Amend 98, dated Systems Aug 14, 1984 B-10 Behavior of BWR Mark III All BWR Mark III NA Containments Plants B-36 Develop Design, Testing and All Plants with NA Maintenance Criteria for OL Applications Atmosphere Cleanup System After 4/1/80 Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Uentilation Systems B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low Pressure All Plants Order dated Systems Connected to the Reactor April 20, 1981 Coolant System Pressure L-87-264, dated Boundary June 23, 1987

NOTES In letter L-90-197 dated May 30, 1990, FPL reported that the design and operations verification of the instrument air system, as required by GL 88-14 was complete. Schedules for action items resulting from the required verification are stated in that letter.

2. The Area Radiation Monitoring System upgrade will be completed by December 31, 1990. An NRC review of compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97 requirements was included in NRC Inspection Report 50-250/90-01 and 50-251/90-01 dated February 2, 1990.

3 ~ A detailed status of implementation of required actions based on the generic implications of the ATWS events at the Salem Nuclear Plant was provided by FPL in letter L-90-95 dated April 5, 1990. FPL is reviewing GL 90-03, Relaxation of Staff Position in Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.2, Part 2, "Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components", and will provide a response by September 29, 1990.

4 ~ FPL's response to GL 88-17, "Loss of Decay Heat Removal", was provided in letters L-88-559 dated January 3, 1989 and February 1, 1989. Required action items and schedules for their completion were identified in that letter.

5. The NRC has not yet completed its review of this item.


~ m ENCLOSURE 2 FACILITY NAME: Turke Point Unit 4 DOCKET NO.: - 1 ilCENSEE: ht C GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 40 (B065) Safety Concerns N/A N/A Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058) BWR Scram Discharge N/A N/A Volume Systems 43 (8107) Reliability Of Licensee met requirements of Air Systems GL 88-14 by letter dated 5/30/90.

Licensee still implementing identified improvements. Expect to complete by 12/07/90.

51 (L913) Improving the Licensee response dated 1/30/90 Reliability of established the required 5 Open-Cycle Servi ce programs. All additional actions Water Systems such as reviews or inspections to carry out the programs, are scheduled and documented in t/30/90 lette'r al1,to be complete by restart from dual unit outage


ending in 12/91.

67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident I/12-90 I/12-90 RG 1.97 implementation inspected Monitoring in IR 90-01 and found acceptable.

Area Rad. Monitoring System upgrade to be complete 12/31/90.

Exception for ARMS had been re-quested to permit a range ~f 10 3 to 10 R/hr instead of 10 to 10 4 .

Licensee will withdraw request for exception and meet RG 1.97 by 12/31/90.

Licensee Staff GS I/HPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75** (8076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip C C 5/31/85 Review (Program Description and Procedure) 75 (B085) Item 1.2 - Post-Trip C 8/15/85 Review - Data and Information Capability 75 (B077) Item 2.1 - Equipment C 4/17/87 Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment C 4/17/87 Li censee implementation Classification for complete. Staff issued Saf ety-Re 1 ated SER 8/09/90.

Components 75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor E/09-29-90 GL 90-03 supercedes 2.2.2.

Interface for Safety-Related Components 75 (B078) Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2- C 7/31/86 Post - Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)

    • The dates shown for the Salem ATWS items are contained in a 4/5/90 letter from the licensee.

Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remar ks 75 (B079) Item 3.1.3 - Post- C 7/31/86 Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2- I/9-1-90 I/10/15/90 Licensee has indicated verbally Post-Maintenance Testing (All Othe~

Safety-Related item was completed about 9/1/90.

Letter to NRC documenting completion expected by 10/15/90.


Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post- C 7/31/86 SER dated ll/14/85.

Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1 - Reactor C 11/8/83 Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications) 0

Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2- C C 1/18/85 Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and

.Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (8082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip C 6/30/86 System Reliability-Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip C 12/31/87 Licensee's design accepted by System Reliability- NRC. TS are part of the TS Tech Spec Changes upgrade amendment issued 8/28/90.

(Automatic Actuation of Implementation required by 8/28/91.

Shunt Trip Attachment TS have been implemented in 1987 For Westinghouse and by administrative procedure.

B&W Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip N/A N/A System Reliability

( Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)

Licensee Staff GSI/HPA Status Status No. Ti tie Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor C 5/1/86 Trip System i i 1 i ty-Diverse Re 1 ab Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093) Items 4.5.2 8 4.5.3- C 5/1/86 Reactor Trip System Reliability-Test Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for N/A N/A Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping 93 (B098) Steam Binding of C 5/24/88 NRC letter dated 6/15/88.

Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction I 12/91 GL 88-17, Licensee actions/

Line Valve schedules provided in letters Interlock on PWRs dated 1/3/89, 2/1/89. Staff review not complete. Imple-mentation expected to be complete 12/91.

124 Auxiliary Feedwater N/A N/A-System Rel iabi 1 ity A-13 (B017) Snubber Operability N/A N/A Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers

Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Tit1e Determination Determination Remarks A-13 (B022) Snubber Operability C 10/14/83 Amendments 96 and 90 for Assurance - Mechanical Units 3 and 4 Snubbers A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR N/A N/A Core Spray Distribution A-35 (8023) Adequacy of Offsite C 5/10/84 Licensee (G. Salamon) indicated Power Systems verbally that Plant Change Modification b'80-44 dated 5/10/84 was completed. See also FPL letter L-85-347 to J. Nelson Grace (Region II) dated 9/3/85, "10 CFR 50.59 Report."

B-10 Behavior of BWR N/A N/A Hark III Containments B-36 Develop Design, N/A N/A Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems

Licensee Staff GSI/HPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low C 4/20/81 Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary

Item Status 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs (cont)

(7) Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators. Implementation of the above modifications wi 11 proceed during the outage.

All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91. This is an acceptable schedule.

Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Hanager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


As stated

~Li 4


=DOCKET NO.: - 1 LICENEEE: ht C GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Ti tie Determination Determination Remarks 40 (B065) Safety Concerns N/A N/A Associated With Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058) BWR Scram Discharge N/A N/A Volume Systems 43 (B107) Reliability Of Li censee met requirements of Air Systems GL 88-14 by letter dated 5/30/90.

Licensee still implementing identified improvements. Expect to complete by 12/07/90.

51 (L913) Improving the Licensee response dated 1/30/90 Reliability of established the required 5 Open-Cycle Service programs. All additional actions Water Systems such as reviews or inspections to carry out the programs, are scheduled and documented in 1/30/90 Iettev, a1'I to be complete by restart from dual unit outage


ending in 12/91.

67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident I/12-90 I/12-90 RG 1.97 implementation inspected Monitoring in IR 90-01 and found acceptable.

Area Rad. Monitoring System upgrade to be complete 12/31/90.

Exception for ARMS had been re-quested to permit a range ~f 10 3 to 10 R/hr instead of 10 to 10 .

Licensee will withdraw request for exception and meet RG 1.97 by 12/31/90.


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Licensee Staff GSI/NPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75** (B076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip C C 5/31/85 Review (Program Description and Procedure) 75 (8085) Item 1.2 - Post-Trip C 8/15/85 Review - Data and Information Capability 75 (B077) Item 2.1 - Equipment C 4/17/87 Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment C 4/17/87 Licensee implementation Classification for complete. Staff issued Saf ety-Related SER 8/09/90.

Components 75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor E/09-29-90 GL 90-03 supercedes 2.2.2.

Interface for Saf ety-Related Components 75 (B078) Items 3.1.1 5 3.1.2- '

7/31/86 Post - Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components)

    • The dates shown for the Salem ATMS items are contained in a 4/5/90 letter from the licensee.

Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remar ks 75 (8079) Item 3.1.3 - Post- C 7/31/86 Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 In 3.2.2- I/9-1-90 I/10/15/90 Licensee has indicated verbally Post-Maintenance item was completed about 9/1/90.

Testing (All Other Letter to NRC documenting Safety-Related completion expected by 10/15/90.

Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post- C 7/31/86 SER dated ll/14/85.

Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1 - Reactor C 11/8/83 Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications)

-Licensee Staff GSI/I'IPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2- C 1/18/85 Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip C 6/30/86 System Reliability-Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip C 12/31/87 Licensee's design accepted by System Reliability- NRC. TS are part of the TS Tech Spec Changes upgrade amendment issued 8/28/90.

(Automatic Actuation of Implementation required by 8/28/91.

Shunt Trip Attachment TS have been implemented in 1987 For Westinghouse and by administrative procedure.

B&H Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip N/A N/A System Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)

Licensee Staff GSI/NPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (8092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor C 5/1/86 Trip System Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093) Items 4.5.2 5 4.5.3- C 5/1/86 Reactor Trip System Reliability-Test Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for N/A N/A Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping 93 (B098) Steam Binding of C 5/24/88 NRC letter dated 6/15/88.

Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction I 12/91 GL 88-17, Licensee actions/

Line Valve schedules provided in letters Interlock on PWRs dated 1/3/89, 2/1/89. Staff review not complete. Imple-mentation expected to be complete 12/91.

124 Auxiliary Feedwater N/A N/A System Reliability A-13 (B017) Snubber Operability N/A N/A Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers



Vg Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks A-13 (B022) Snubber Operability C 10/14/83 Amendments 96 and 90 for Assurance - Mechanical Units 3 and 4 Snubbers A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR N/A N/A Core Spray Distribution A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite C 5/10/84 Licensee (G. Salamon) indicated Power Systems verbally that Plant Change Modification 880-44 dated 5/10/84 was completed. See also FPL letter L-85-347 to J. Nelson Grace (Region II) dated 9/3/85, "IO CFR 50.59 Report."

B-10 Behavior of BWR N/A N/A Mark III Containments B-36 Develop Design, N/A N/A Testing and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems

Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low C C 4/20/81 Pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary

Item Status 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction Line-Valve-Interlock-on-PWRs (cont)

(7) Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators. Implementation of the above modifications wi 11 proceed during the outage.

All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91. This is an acceptable schedule.

Original signed by Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


As stated

~g DISTRIBUTION GEdison DMi 1 1 er RSchol1 OFC :PN:PDII-2 )~+:0:PDII-2 W WWW WW ~ 0 NAME :GEdison :HBe DATE :/ /9/ /90  : P )


pe AEQ(g Wp 0 UNITED STATES ss s 1~


/y ss October 1, 1990


Docket No. 50-251 MEMORANDUM FOR: Docket File FROM: Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II


STATUS OF RESOLVED GENERIC SAFETY ISSUE IMPLEMENTATION RE(UIREMENTS AT TURKEY POINT UNIT 4 The current status of resolved Generic Safety Issue (GSI) Implementation Requirements at the Turkey Point 4 facility is summarized in the enclosures to this memorandum.

Enclosure 1 contains a copy of the information provided by the licensee in its response to Generic Letter 90-04.

Enclosure 2 is a status summary for each GSI applicable to this facility.

This status summary is based upon the licensee's response to the Generic Letter, discussions with the licensee and cognizant staff and my review of available NRC records and information.

Those items considered to be incomplete 'are listed below together with my assessment of the significance of that status and of the licensee's plans for completion.

Item Status 43 (B107) Reliabilit of Air S stems In a letter dated 7/25/90 the staff notified the licensee that they had met the requirements of GL 88-14 with their response dated 5/30/90. Licensee will complete implementation of identified improvements by December 7, 1990.

  • 51 (L913) Im rovin the Reliabilit of 0 en-C cle Service Mater

~Sstems Licensee response dated 1/30/90 established the required 5 programs with schedules to carry out additional actions such as reviews or inspections.

All implementation to be complete by restart from dual unit outage (about 12/91).

Item Status 67.3.3 (A017) Im roved Accident Monitorin NRC Inspection Report 90-01, dated 2/12/90, reviewed compliance with RG 1.97. The results of the inspection were that the licensee satisfactorily met the require-ments and intent of RG 1.97 guidelines. Last instrumen-tation to be upgraded (Area Radiation hlonitoring) will be implemented by 12/90. This is an acceptable sc)edule. Licensee had requested relief from 10 to 10 Rjhr range requirement. Licensee subsequently is planning to withdraw request and meet the requirement.

75 (L003) Salem ATWS Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface for Safet Re a e Com onen s Recent guidance (GL 90-03) issued 3/20/90 by staff.

Licensee response expected by 9/29/90. This is an acceptable schedule.

75 (B087) Salem ATWS Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2 - Post Maintenance estrin ot er a e e ate om onents Licensee has indicated verbally (G. Salamon to G. Edison) on 9/7/90 that these items were completed about 9/1/90, and a letter to NRC is in preparation to document the completion of implementation. The letter is expected by 10/15/90 and this is an acceptable schedule.

99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PWRs Licensee actions and schedules responding to GL 88-17 were provided in letters dated 1/3/89 and 2/1/89.

Staff review is not complete. Licensee is in process of modifications, including:

(1) RCS level system (alarms in C.R., and transducers)

2) Correlation for intermediate-to-hot-leg level
3) Installation of redundant independent level channel
4) RCS temperature indication
5) RHR flow indication (6) Review Westinghouse Owners Group analyses and incorporate

Item Status 99 (L817) RCS/RMR Suction Line Valve Interlock on PMRs (cont)

(7) Provide permanent scale in containment for Tygon tube level indication Both reactor units will shut down beginning in late 1990, for about a year or more, to install two additional diesel generators. Implementation of the above modifications will proceed during the outage.

All implementation on this issue is expected to be complete by 12/91. This is an acceptable schedule.

Original signed by Gordon E. Edison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


As stated

~g DISTRIBUTION GEdison DMiller RScholl OFC:PN:PDII-2 )~+:0:PDII-2 W W ~ WW WW NAME :GEdison :HBe we ~

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