NL-04-1455, July 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2

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July 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/2004
From: Gasser J
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML042300150 (3)


Jeffrey T.Gasser Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company, Inc.

40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham. Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.7721 Fax 205.992.0403 SOUTHERN COMPANY A

August 13, 2004 Energy to Serve YourWorld' Docket Nos.: 50-424 NL-04-1455 50425 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Monthly Operating Reports Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed are the July 2004 Monthly Operating Reports as required by Section 5.6.4 of the Technical Specifications.

If you have any questions, please advise.


TI -

Jeffrey T. Gas!ser JTG/TDH


El - VEGP Unit I Monthly Operating Report E2 - VEGP Unit 2 Monthly Operating Report cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. J. B. Beasley, Jr., Executive Vice President Mr. W. F. Kitchens, General Manager - Plant Vogtle RType: CVC7000 U. S. Nuclear Regulatorv Commission Dr. W. D. Travers, Regional Administrator Mr. C. Gratton, NRR Project Manager - Vogtle Mr. G. J. McCoy, Senior Resident Inspector - Vogtle

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50 -424 UNIT NAME Vcogtie I DATE Auigust 5, 2004 COMPLETED BY Anidrew R. Cato TELEPHONE )6) 826-3823 7(_


1. Design Electrical Rating 1,169.00
2. Maximum Dependable Capacity (MWe-Net) 1,1 52.00 This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative
3. Number of Hours the Reactor was Critical 744.00 5,078.18 135,409.01
4. Number of Hours Generator On-line 744.00 5,021.63 133,742.90
5. Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWHrs) 858,928.00 5,863,237.00 150,359,537.0 UNIT SHUTDOWNS Type Method of F: Forced Duration Shutting Cause & Corrective Action No. Date S: Scheduled (Hours) Reason 1 Down 2 Comments


July 01 00:00 Unit 1 at 100% power with no significant operating problems. July 31 23:59 Unit 1 at 100%

power with no significant operating problems. There were no challenges to the Pressurizer PORV's and Pressurizer Safety Valves.

1 2 Reason: Method:

A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 Manual Trip/Scram C Refueling 3 Automatic Trip/Scram D Regulatory Restriction 4 Continuation E Operator Training & License Examination 5 Other (Explain)

F Administration G Operational Error (Explain)

H Other (Explain)

El -1 1

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 500-425 UNIT NAME Ve)gtle 2 DATE ALigust 5, 2004 COMPLETED BY Ar idrew R. Cato TELEPHONE (7106) 826-3823 REPORTING PERIOD: July 2004

1. Design Electrical Rating 1,16900
2. Maximum Dependable Capacity (MWe-Net) 1,149.00 This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative
3. Number of Hours the Reactor was Critical 744.00 4,430.52 121,319.12
4. Number of Hours Generator On-line 744.00 4,369.18 120,340.38
5. Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWHrs) 858,092.00 5,055,374.00 136,003,382.0 UNIT SHUTDOWNS Type Method of F: Forced Duration Shutting Cause & Corrective Action No. Date S: Scheduled (Hours) Reason1 Down 2 Comments


July 01 00:00 Unit 2 at 100% power with no significant operating problems. July 30 21:35 Unit 2 began planned derate to approximately 90% power for Heater Drain Pump A Maintenance. July 31 10:08 Unit 2 received what appears to be a small reactivity anomaly. July 31 22:06 Unit 2 Heater Drain Pump A in-service and feeding forward in auto. July 31 23:59 Unit 2 at approximately 90% power awaiting completion of investigation of the reactivity anomaly. There were no challenges to the Pressurizer PORV's and Pressurizer Safety Valves.

1 2 Reason: Method:

A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 Manual Trip/Scram C Refueling 3 Automatic Trip/Scram D Regulatory Restriction 4 Continuation E Operator Training & License Examination 5 Other (Explain)

F Administration G Operational Error (Explain)

H Other (Explain)

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