LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-1 REV. 15, SEPTEMBER 2010 1.7 DRAWINGS AND OTHER DETAILED INFORMATION Table 1.7-1 provides a listing of electrical drawings used in the plant design.
Table 1.7-2 provides a listing of P&ID drawings, with a reference to their former UFSAR figure number where applicable.
Table 1.7-3 provides a listing of control and instrumentation drawings used in the plant design.
Table 1.7-4 provides a listing of miscellaneous drawings, with a reference to their former UFSAR figure number where applicable.
Note: Refer to the corresponding Limerick design drawings and their associated open change documentation for up to date plant design information.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-2 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Station 8.1-1 Sh.1 E-2 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Phasing, 220KV, 22KV, 13.2KV, 23KV & 440V Systems Unit 1 and Comm E-3 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Phasing, 500KV, 22KV, 13.2KV, 440V Systems Unit 2 E-4 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Phasing 4 kV & 440 V Safeguard Systems - Unit 1 E-5 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Phasing 4 kV & 440 V Safeguard Systems - Unit 2 E-6 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Synchronizing - Unit 1 E-7 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Synchronizing - Unit 2 E-8 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Site Services Substation SINGLE LINE METER & RELAY DIAGRAMS E-10 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 1 Generator, 1 Transformer & 11 Auxiliary Transformer - Unit 1 E-11 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 2 Generator, 2 Transformer &211 Auxiliary Transformer - Unit 2 E-12 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Unit Auxiliary Power System - Unit 1 E-12 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Unit Auxiliary Power System - Unit 1 E-13 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Unit Auxiliary Power System - Unit 2 E-13 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Unit Auxiliary Power System - Unit 2 E-14 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram E-14 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram E-15 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 4 kV Safeguard Power System - Unit 1 8.3-1 Sh.1 E-16 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 4 kV Safeguard Power System - Unit 2 8.3-1 Sh.2 E-17 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 114A & 124A Generator Area L.C. & 114B and 124B Reactor Area L.C., 440V-Unit 1 E-18 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 114C & 124C Turbine Area L.C., 440V - Unit 1 E-19 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 2.3 KV Plant Services Power System - Comm E-20 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - Diesel Generator - Units 1 & 2 E-21 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 214A & 224A Generator Area L.C. and 214B and 224B Reactor Area L.C. - 440V - Unit 2 E-22 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 214C & 224C Turbine Area L.C. - 440V - Unit 2 E-23 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - Load Center Load tab, Non-Safeguard Load Center - Unit 1 only E-23 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - Load Center Load tab, Non-Safeguard Load Center - Unit 2 only E-23 Sh.3 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - Load Center Load tab, Non-Safeguard Load Center - Comm only E-24 Sh.1 Safeguard LC Load tab - Units 1 & 2 E-25 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 114D, 124D, 134D, 214D, 224D & 234D Plant Serv. & Admin. Complex L.C.-440-Comm E-25 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 134D, 234D, 144D, 244D Admin. Building & Technical Supp. Center L.C.-440-Comm E-26 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - 120 V ac Power Supply HVAC Safeguard Motor-Operated Valves & Dampers - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-26 Sh.2 Single Line Diagram - 120 V ac Power Supply HVAC Safeguard Motor-Operated Valves & Dampers - Units 1 & 2 & Comm Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-3 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-27 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D214-R-G1 & D224-R-G1 - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-28 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - D114, D124, D134, D144 Safeguard Load Centers, 440 V - Unit 1 8.3-2 Sh.1 E-29 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - D214, D224, D234, D244 Safeguard Load Centers, 440 V - Unit 2 8.3-2 Sh.2 E-30 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Instrumentation ac System - Unit 1 E-30 Sh.2 Single Line Diagram - Instrumentation ac System - Unit 1 E-30 Sh.3 Single Line Diagram - Instrumentation ac System - Unit 1 E-31 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Instrumentation ac System - Unit 2 E-31 Sh.2 Single Line Diagram - Instrumentation ac System - Unit 2 E-31 Sh.3 Single Line Diagram - Instrumentation ac System - Unit 2 E-32 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - Uninterruptible ac System - RPS, UPS and Computer Systems - Units 1 & 2 7.2-16 Sh.1 E-32 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - Uninterruptible ac System - RPS, UPS and Computer Systems - Units 1 & 2 E-33 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Unit 1 8.3-3 Sh.1 E-33 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Unit 1 8.3-3 Sh.2 E-33 Sh.3 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Unit 1 8.3-3 Sh.3 E-34 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Unit 2 8.3-3 Sh.4 E-34 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Unit 2 8.3-3 Sh.5 E-34 Sh.3 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Unit 2 8.3-3 Sh.6 E-35 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D114-R-G1 & D124-R-G1 - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-36 Sh.1 Single Line Diagram - Totalizing Demand Metering - Units 1 & 2 E-37 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D114-S-L, D124-S-L, D234-S-L & D244-S-L-Spray Pond Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Comm E-37 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D114-S-L, D124-S-L, D234-S-L & D244-S-L - Spray Pond Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Comm E-39 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - D114-G-D & D124-G-D, Generator Area, 440V, Unit 1 E-40 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114A-G-F & 124A-G-F, Generator Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-40 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114A-G-F & 124A-G-F, Generator Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-41 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114A-G-D & 124A-G-D, Generator Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-41 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114A-G-D & 124A-G-D, Generator Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-42 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114B-G-B & 124B-G-B, Generator Area MCC and 124B-R-C Reactor Area MCC, Unit 1 E-42 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114B-G-B & 124B-G-B, Generator Area MCC and 124B-R-C Reactor Area MCC, Unit 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-4 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-43 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114C-T-F & 124C-T-F, Turbine Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-43 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114C-T-F & 124C-T-F, Turbine Area MCC, 440V, Unit 2 E-44 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114C-T-G & 124C-T-G, Turbine Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-44 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114C-T-G & 124C-T-G, Turbine Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-44A Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 104C-T-G, Turbine Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-45 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114C-R-A & 124C-R-A, Reactor Area MCC, 440V, Unit 1 E-46 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114D-T-B & 214D-T-B, Turbine Area MCC & 114D-V-G &
214D-V-G Water Treatment Enclosure MCC Comm E-47 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 134D-M-F, 234D-M-F & 234D-M-F2 Machine Shop Area MCC 440V - Comm E-47 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 134D-M-F, 234D-M-F Mach. Shop Area MCC 440V - Comm E-47 Sh.3 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 134D-M-F, 234D-M-F1 & 234D-M-F2 Machine Shop Area MCC 440V - Comm E-48 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114D-P-G, 214D-P-G Pump House MCC 440V - Comm E-48 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114D-P-G, 214D-P-G Pump House MCC 440V - Comm E-49 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114B-F-G, 214B-F-G Boiler House Area MCC 440V - Comm E-50 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 114D-T-G, 214D-T-G Turb Area MCC & 124D-W-E &
Sh.1 224D-W-E Radwaste Enclosure 440V - Comm E-51 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 124D-W-K, 224D-W-K Radwaste Area MCC 440V - Comm E-52 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 124D-W-J, 224D-W-J Radwaste Enclosure Sh.1 MCC 440V - Comm E-53 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 124D-X-M Sewage Treatment Facility MCC, 124D-Y-N &
Sh.1 224D-Y-N Schukill River Facility MCC 440V - Comm E-54 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D134-C-B & D144-C-B Control Enclosure Safeguard MCC - 440 V Sh.1 Comm E-55 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D114-R-G & D124-R-G - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-55 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D114-R-G & D124-R-G - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-56 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D114-D-G, D124-D-G, D134-D-G & D144-D-G - Diesel Generator Area Sh.1 Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-56 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D114-D-G, D124-D-G, D134-D-G & D144-D-G -
Diesel Generator Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-57 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D134-R-H & D144-R-H - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-57 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D134-R-H & D144-R-H - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-5 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-58 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D114-R-C, D124-R-C, D134-R-E & D144-R-E - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-58 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D114-R-C, D124-R-C, D134-R-E & D144-R-E - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-58 Sh.3 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D114-R-C, D124-R-C, D134-R-E & D144-R-E - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-58 Sh.4 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D114-R-C, D124-R-C, D134-R-E & D144-R-E - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 1 E-59 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D214-D-G, D224-D-G, D234-D-G & D244-D-G - Diesel Generator Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-59 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load tab - D214-D-G, D224-D-G, D234-D-G & D244-D-G - Diesel Generator Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-60 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 214A-G-F & 224A-G-F Generator Area MCC 440V - Unit 2 E-60 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 214A-G-F & 224A-G-F Generator Area MCC 440V - Unit 2 E-61 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 214A-G-D & 224A-G-D Generator Area MCC 440V - Unit 2 E-61 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 214A-G-D & 224A-G-D Generator Area MCC 440V - Unit 2 E-62 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 214B-G-B & 224B-G-B Generator Area MCC & 214B-R-C and 224B-R-C Reactor Area MCC -440V - Unit 2 E-62 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load tab - 214B-G-B & 224B-G-B Generator Area MCC & 214B-R-C and 224B-R-C Reactor Area MCC -440V - Unit 2 E-63 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - 214C-T-F & 224C-T-F Turbine Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-63 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - 214C-T-F & 224C-T-F Turbine Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-64 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - 214C-T-G & 224C-T-G Turbine Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-64 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - 214C-T-G & 224C-T-G Turbine Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-64A Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - 204C-T-G Turbine Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-65 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - 214C-R-A & 224C-R-A Reactor Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-66 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram - MCC Load Tab - D214-G-D & D224-G-D Generator Area MCC - 440V - Unit 2 E-67 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D214-R-G & D224-R-G - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-67 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D214-R-G & D224-R-G - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-68 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D214-R-A, D224-R-A, D234-R-E & D244-R-E - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-68 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D214-R-A, D224-R-A, D234-R-E & D244-R-E - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-6 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-69 Sh.1 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D234-R-H & D244-R-H - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-69 Sh.2 Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram MCC Load Tab - D234-R-H & D244-R-H - Reactor Area Safeguard MCC 440 V - Unit 2 E-70 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 1 Generator, 11 Unit Auxiliary Transformer - Unit 1 E-70 Sh.2 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 1 Generator, 11 Unit Auxiliary Transformer - Unit 1 E-72 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 2 Generator, 21 Unit Auxiliary Transformer - Unit 2 E-72 Sh.2 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 2 Generator, 21 Unit Auxiliary Transformer - Unit 2 E-74 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Unit Auxiliary Power System - Unit 1 E-75 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Unit Auxiliary Power System - Unit 2 E-76 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Station Auxiliary Power System - Unit 1 E-77 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 13.2KV Station Auxiliary Power System - Unit 2 E-78 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 1 Transformer - Unit 1 E-79 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 2 Transformer - Unit 2 E-80 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - D11 & D12 Safeguard Buses, 4 kV - Unit 1 E-81 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - D13 & D14 Safeguard Buses, 4 kV - Unit 1 E-82 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - D21 & D22 Safeguard Buses, 4 kV - Unit 2 E-83 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - D23 & D24 Safeguard Buses, 4 kV - Unit 2 E-84 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 114A, 114B, 114C, 114D, 124A, 124B, 124C, 124D, 214D, 224D, 134D, 234D E-85 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - Diesel Generators, 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-85 Sh.2 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - Diesel Generators, 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-87 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 214A, 214B, 214C, 224A, 224B & 224C Load Centers 440 V - Unit 2 E-88 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - D114, D214, D314, D414 Safeguard Load Centers 440 V - Unit 1 E-89 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - D124, D224, D324, D424 Safeguard Load Centers 440 V - Unit 2 E-92 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Units 1 & 2 E-92 Sh.2 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Units 1 & 2 E-92 Sh.3 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 125/250 V dc System - Units 1 & 2 E-92 Sh.4 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 125V/250V DC System Units 1 & 2 E-97 Sh.1 Schematic Meter & Relay Diagram - 2.3 KV Plant Services Power System - Comm SCHEMATIC BLOCK DIAGRAM - REACTOR SYSTEM E-100 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Steam Leak Detection System - Units 1 & 2 E-101 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System - Units 1 & 2 E-101 Sh.2 Schematic Block Diagram - Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System - Units 1 & 2 E-101 Sh.3 Schematic Block Diagram - Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System - Units 1 & 2 E-102 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - RHR System - Units 1 & 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-7 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-102 Sh.2 Schematic Block Diagram - RHR System - Units 1 & 2 E-102 Sh.3 Schematic Block Diagram - RHR System - Units 1 & 2 E-103 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Core Spray System - Units 1 & 2 E-104 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - HPCI System - Units 1 & 2 E-104 Sh.2 Schematic Block Diagram - HPCI System - Units 1 & 2 E-105 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - RCIC System - Units 1 & 2 E-105 Sh.2 Schematic Block Diagram - RCIC System - Units 1 & 2 E-106 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Process Radiation Monitor System - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-107 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Reactor Water Cleanup System - Units 1 & 2 E-109 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Nuclear Boiler Process Instrumentation System - Units 1 & 2 E-110 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Auto-depressurization and Standby Liquid Control Systems - Units 1 & 2 E-113 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - MSIV Leakage Control System - Units 1 & 2 E-120 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Power Range Neutron Monitoring System - Units 1 & 2 E-120 Sh.2 Schematic Block Diagram - Power Range Neutron Monitoring System - Units 1 & 2 E-126 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Startup Range Neutron Monitoring System - Units 1 & 2 E-129 Sh.1 Schematic Block Diagram - Reactor Protection System - Units 1 & 2 E-129 Sh.2 Schematic Block Diagram - Reactor Protection System - Units 1 & 2 E-129 Sh.3 Schematic Block Diagram - Reactor Protection System - Units 1 & 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS - AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM E-156 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - 10 & 20 Auxiliary Buses - 101 & 201 Safeguard Transformer Breakers, 13.2 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-159 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Load Center Swgr-MCC Feeder Breakers 440 V - 1 and 2 Units E-159 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Load Center Swgr-MCC Feeder Breakers 440 V - 1 and 2 Units E-159 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Load Center Swgr-MCC Feeder Breakers 440 V - 1 and 2 Units E-160 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - 101 & 201 Safeguard Bus Feeder Breakers 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-160 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - 101 & 201 Safeguard Bus Feeder Breakers 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-160 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - 101 & 201 Safeguard Bus Feeder Breakers 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-160 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - 101 & 201 Safeguard Bus Feeder Breakers 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-162 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D144 & D244 Safeguard Load Control Transformer Breakers, 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-163 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D114, D124, D134, D214, D224 & D234 Safeguard Load Control Transformer Bkrs, 4kV Units 1 & 2 E-164 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D11, D12, D13, D14, D21, D22, D23 & D24 Generator Bkrs 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-164 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D11, D12, D13, D14, D21, D22, D23 & D24 Generator Bkrs 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-164 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D11, D12, D13, D14, D21, D22, D23 & D24 Generator Bkrs 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-8 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-164 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D11, D12, D13, D14, D21, D22, D23 & D24 Generator Bkrs 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-168 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safeguard Buses - D11, D12, D13, D14, D21, D22, D23, D24 Protective Relaying 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-169 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Protective Relaying - 4 kV - Units 1 & 2 E-171 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - 101 & 201 Safeguard Transformer Protective Relaying - Units 1 & 2 E-185 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - MCC Breaker Shunt Trip Coil Circuits & Auxiliary Control - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-185 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - MCC Breaker Shunt Trip Coil Circuits & Auxiliary Control - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-277 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Main Steam to RFPT & Radwaste Recombiner Free Heater to Hotwell Steam Spargers & to Steam Seal Evaporators Shutoff MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-321 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Emergency Service Water Pumps - Comm E-321 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Emergency Service Water Pumps - Comm E-321 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Emergency Service Water Pumps - Comm E-321 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Emergency Service Water Pumps - Comm E-321 Sh.5 Schematic Diagram - Emergency Service Water Pumps - Comm E-321 Sh.6 Schematic Diagram - Emergency Service Water Pumps - Comm E-322 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator ESW Inlet and Outlet MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-322 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator ESW Inlet and Outlet MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-323 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Turbine Enclosure Cooling Water Heat Exchanger ESW MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-324 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - ESW Discharge to RHRSW MOVs - Comm E-324 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - ESW Discharge to RHRSW MOVs - Comm E-324 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - ESW Discharge to RHRSW MOVs - Comm E-325 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Cooling Water Shutoff Valves to Service Water & ESW - Units 1 & 2 E-325 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Cooling Water Shutoff Valves to Service Water & ESW - Units 1 & 2 E-325 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Cooling Water Shutoff Valves to Service Water & ESW - Units 1 & 2 E-325 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Cooling Water Shutoff Valves to Service Water & ESW - Units 1 & 2 E-326 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - ESW Shutoff Valves to Reactor Enclosure Cooling Water Heat Exchangers - Units 1 & 2 E-327 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chiller Cooling Water Shutoff Valves & ESW Valves Auxiliary Ckt - Comm E-327 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chiller Cooling Water Shutoff Valves & ESW Valves Auxiliary Ckt - Comm E-327 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chiller Cooling Water Shutoff Valves & ESW Valves Auxiliary Ckt - Comm E-328 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Cooling Water Heat Exchangers Shutoff Valves to ESW - Units 1 & 2 E-343 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Containment Isolation Signal Bypass Permissive - Units 1 & 2 E-343 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Containment Isolation Signal Bypass Permissive - Units 1 & 2 E-350 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Core Spray Pumps - Units 1 & 2 E-350 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Core Spray Pumps - Units 1 & 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-9 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-351 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Suppression Pool Water Filter Pump Isolation MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-352 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Rod Drive Water Pumps 1 & 2 Units E-352 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Rod Drive Water Pumps 1 & 2 Units E-353 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Vacuum Breaker to Suppression Pool Isolation MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-354 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell & Suppression Pool Instrument Line Shutoff Valve - Units 1 & 2 E-354 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell & Suppression Pool Instrument Line Shutoff Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-354 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Drywell & Suppression Pool Instrument Line Shutoff Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-354 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Drywell & Suppression Pool Instrument Line Shutoff Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-355 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - BOP Main Steam Line Leak Detection - Units 1 & 2 E-357 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Instrument Gas Compressor Suction Line Inboard Isolation MOV - Units 1 & 2 E-358 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Reactor FW Startup Flushing & ECCS Pumps Suct from Cond Storage Tank MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-358 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Reactor FW Startup Flushing & ECCS Pumps Suct from Cond Storage Tank MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-359 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Makeup Line MOV - Comm E-360 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Pumps - Units 1 & 2 E-360 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - RHR Pumps - Units 1 & 2 E-360 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - RHR Pumps - Units 1 & 2 E-361 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Service Water Pumps - Comm E-361 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - RHR Service Water Pumps - Comm E-361 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - RHR Service Water Pumps - Comm E-362 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Header Cross-tie & Cooling Water Return Cross-tie MOVs - Comm E-362 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Header Cross-tie & Cooling Water Return Cross-tie MOVs - Comm E-363 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - TBCW Htx Cooling Water Return to RHR Service Water MOVs - 1 & 2 Units E-364 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Drain to Radwaste Inboard Isolation Valve - Units 1 & 2 E-365 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Primary Containment Instrumentation Gas Outboard Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-366 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Full Flow Test Line Shutoff & Min Flow Bypass MOVs E-366 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - RHR Full Flow Test Line Shutoff & Min Flow Bypass MOVs E-371 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Heat Exchanger Tube Side Inlet MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-371 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - RHR Heat Exchanger Tube Side Inlet MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-372 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR Heat Exchanger Tube Side Outlet MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-372 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - RHR Heat Exchanger Tube Side Outlet MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-373 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RHR SW/ESW to Cooling Tower Shutoff MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-373 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - RHR SW/ESW to Cooling Tower Shutoff MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-374 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Cooling Tower Return to Spray Pond Shutoff MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-374 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Cooling Tower Return to Spray Pond Shutoff MOVs - Units 1 & 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-10 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-375 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Spray Nozzle Inlet MOVs - Comm E-375 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Spray Nozzle Inlet MOVs - Comm E-375 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Spray Nozzle Inlet MOVs - Comm E-376 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Spray Nozzle Bypass MOVs - Comm E-376 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Spray Nozzle Bypass MOVs - Comm E-377 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Wetwell Inlet Motor-Operated Gates - Comm E-377 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Wetwell Inlet Motor-Operated Gates - Comm E-378 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Wetwell Cross-tie Motor-Operated Gate - Comm E-380 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - HPCI Steam to RHR Heat Exchanger Shutoff Valves Bypass MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-380 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - HPCI Steam to RHR Heat Exchanger Shutoff Valves Bypass MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-382 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell and Suppression Pool Purge Line Outboard Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-382 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell and Suppression Pool Purge Line Outboard Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-383 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Nitrogen Makeup Line Isolation Valve - Units 1 & 2 E-384 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Nitrogen Purge Line Control Valve and Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-384 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Nitrogen Purge Line Control Valve and Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-385 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Containment Atmosphere Sampling System Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-385 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Containment Atmosphere Sampling System Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-385 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Containment Atmosphere Sampling System Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-386 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Hydrogen-Oxygen Analyzer Package Pumps & Sample Select Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-386 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Hydrogen-Oxygen Analyzer Package Pumps & Sample Select Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-388 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell & Supp Pool Lines to Containment Hydrogen Recombiner Outboard Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 E-406 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Floor Drain Sump & Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Drain Isolation Valves - Units 1 & 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS - HEATING & VENTILATION SYSTEM E-453 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Turbine Enclosure Equipment Compartment Exhaust Fans - Units 1 & 2 E-453 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Turbine Enclosure Equipment Compartment Exhaust Fans - Units 1 & 2 E-462 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chilled Water Circulation Pump - Comm E-463 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressor - Comm E-463 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressor - Comm E-463 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressor - Comm E-463 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressor - Comm E-464 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressors - Units 1 & 2 E-464 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressors - Units 1 & 2 E-464 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Chillers, Oil Pumps & Pumpout Compressors - Units 1 & 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-11 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-465 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Chilled Cooling Water Supply & Return MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-465 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Chilled Cooling Water Supply & Return MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-466 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Cooling Water Supply & Return Isolation MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-466 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Cooling Water Supply & Return Isolation MOVs - Units 1 & 2 E-470 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Air Recirculation Fan & Auxiliary Control - Units 1 & 2 E-470 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Air Recirculation Fan & Auxiliary Control - Units 1 & 2 E-470 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Air Recirculation Fan & Auxiliary Control - Units 1 & 2 E-470 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Air Recirculation Fan & Auxiliary Control - Units 1 & 2 E-471 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - RCIC, HPCI, RHR and Core Spray Room Unit Coolers - Units 1 & 2 E-474 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure & Refueling Floor Isolation System - Units 1 & 2 E-474 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure & Refueling Floor Isolation System - Units 1 & 2 E-476 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Area Unit Coolers - Units 1 & 2 E-476 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Area Unit Coolers - Units 1 & 2 E-482 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Charcoal Filter Valves - Comm E-482 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Charcoal Filter Valves - Comm E-482 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Charcoal Filter Valves - Comm E-483 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Exhaust Fans - Comm E-483 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Exhaust Fans - Comm E-484 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Heater - Comm E-485 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Room Unit Coolers - Comm E-485 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment System Room Unit Coolers - Comm E-486 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Drywell Purge Exhaust Fans Isolation Valves - Comm E-488 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Auxiliary Equipment Room Supply Air Fans, Humidifiers & Cooling Coil Valves - Comm E-488 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Auxiliary Equipment Room Supply Air Fans, Humidifiers & Cooling Coil Valves - Comm E-488 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Auxiliary Equipment Room Supply Air Fans, Humidifiers & Cooling Coil Valves - Comm E-488 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Auxiliary Equipment Room Supply Air Fans, Humidifiers & Cooling Coil Valves - Comm E-489 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Room & Auxiliary Equipment Room Return Air Fans & Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-489 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Room & Auxiliary Equipment Room Return Air Fans & Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-489 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Control Room & Auxiliary Equipment Room Return Air Fans & Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-490 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Ventilation Air Exhaust Fans & Air Control - Units 1 & 2 E-490 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Ventilation Air Exhaust Fans & Air Control - Units 1 & 2 E-491 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Pump Structure Fan Heater and Auxiliary Control - Comm E-491 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Pump Structure Fan Heater and Auxiliary Control - Comm E-491 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Spray Pond Pump Structure Fan Heater and Auxiliary Control - Comm Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-12 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-495 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Emergency Fresh Air Supply Fans and Intake Heaters - Comm E-495 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Emergency Fresh Air Supply Fans and Intake Heaters - Comm E-495 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Emergency Fresh Air Supply Fans and Intake Heaters - Comm E-496 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Isolation System & Valves - Comm E-496 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Isolation System & Valves - Comm E-496 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Control Room Isolation System & Valves - Comm E-498 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Enclosure Purge System - Comm E-508 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-508 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-508 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Reactor Enclosure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-509 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Structure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-509 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Structure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-509 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Control Structure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-509 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Control Structure Steam Flooding Dampers - Units 1 & 2 E-509 Sh.5 Schematic Diagram - Control Structure Steam Flooding Dampers - 1 7 2 Units E-521 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Enclosure Emergency Swgr & Battery Rooms Supply Air Fans & Dampers - Comm E-521 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Control Enclosure Emergency Swgr & Battery Rooms Supply Air Fans & Dampers - Comm E-522 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Control Enclosure - Battery Room Exhaust & Recirculation Dampers - Comm SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS E-560 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Diesel Oil Transfer Pumps - Units 1 & 2 E-565 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Turbine Enclosure & Reactor Enclosure Cooling Water Pumps - Units 1 & 2 E-585 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Containment Hydrogen Recombiner System E-585 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Containment Hydrogen Recombiner System E-585 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Containment Hydrogen Recombiner System E-591 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 E-591 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 E-591 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 E-591 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 E-591 Sh.5 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 E-591 Sh.6 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 E-591 Sh.7 Schematic Diagram - Diesel Generator Control & Auxiliaries - Units 1 & 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-13 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-648 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Bypass/Inop Status Indication Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-648 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Bypass/Inop Status Indication Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-648 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Bypass/Inop Status Indication Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.5 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.6 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.7 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.8 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.9 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-649 Sh.10 Schematic Diagram - Safety System Annunciator Auxiliary Relay Circuits - Units 1 & 2 E-686 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.3 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.4 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.5 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.6 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.7 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.8 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.9 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.10 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.11 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.12 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.13 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.14 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-686 Sh.15 Schematic Diagram - HVAC Miscellaneous Safeguard Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 & Comm E-688 Sh.1 Schematic Diagram - Miscellaneous Systems Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 E-688 Sh.2 Schematic Diagram - Miscellaneous Systems Instrumentation - Units 1 & 2 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT DRAWINGS E-1001 Sh.1 Electric Duct Layout - Site Plan E-1002 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - North Area Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-14 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1003 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - East Area E-1004 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - Southeast Area E-1005 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - Southwest Area E-1006 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - West Area Control System E-1007 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - West Area Startup & Pump Structural Ducts E-1008 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout - Spray Pond Area - Plan E-1009 Sh.1 Electrical Duct Layout Profiles, Sections & Details - Spray Pond Area E-1010 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit - Turbine Enclosure Unit 1 - Below el 217'-0" E-1011 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit - Turbine Enclosure Unit 2 - Below el 217'-0" E-1013 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit - Reactor Enclosure Unit 1 - Below el 177'-0" E-1014 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit - Reactor Enclosure Unit 2 - Below el 177'-0" E-1015 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit - Reactor Enclosure Unit 1 - Below el 217'-0" E-1016 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit - Reactor Enclosure Unit 2 - Below el 217'-0" E-1034 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Spray Pond Pump Structure E-1036 Sh.1 Electrical Details - Spray Pond Pump Structure E-1055 Sh.1 Lighting - Cable Spreading Room - Units 1 & 2 Above el 254'-0" E-1056 Sh.1 Lighting - Cable Spreading Room - Units 1 & 2 Above el 254'-0" E-1056 Sh.2 Lighting - Cable Spreading Room - Units 1 & 2 Above el 254'-0" E-1060 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 177'-0" E-1061 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 201'-0" E-1062 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 217'-0" E-1063 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 253'-0" E-1064 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 283'-0" E-1065 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 313'-0" E-1066 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 352'-0" E-1066 Sh.2 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 411'-9" E-1067 Sh.1 Lighting - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 217'-0" E-1075 Sh.1 Lighting - Control Room - Above el 269'-0" E-1076 Sh.1 Lighting - Auxiliary Equipment Room - Above el 289'-0" E-1080 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 177'-0" E-1081 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 201'-0" E-1082 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 217'-0" E-1083 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 253'-0" E-1084 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 283'-0" Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-15 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1085 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 313'-0" & 331'-0" E-1086 Sh.1 Lighting - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 352'-0" E-1087 Sh.1 Lighting - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 217'-0" E-1112 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns R-N & 5-12 (Area 1) el 239'-0" 7.2-10 Sh.1 E-1121 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns R-N & 5-12 (Area 1) el 269'-0" E-1124 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns N-J & 5-12 (Area 6) el 269'-0" E-1125 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns N-J & 12-19.2 (Area 7) el 269'-0" E-1141 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Unit 1 J Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 9-3-23. el 162'-0" to 217'-0" E-1141 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Unit 1 J Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 9-3-23. el 162'-0" to 217'-0" E-1142 Sh.1 Tray Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 Columns N-J & 19.2-26 (Area 8) Auxiliary Equipment Room Sections E-1143 Sh.1 Tray Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 Columns N-J & 24.5-26.6 (Area 8) Auxiliary Equipment Room Sections E-1144 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 Mh Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 19.2-25.5 el 217'-0" to 318'-0" E-1145 Sh.1 Raceway Layout Turbine Enclosure Elevation Mh Wall Looking South Columns 19.2 to 26.8 el 217'-0" to 304'-0" E-1146 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Sections and Details E-1147 Sh.1 Raceway Layout Turbine Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 Plans of Mh Wall from el 217'-0" to 300'-0" E-1148 Sh.1 Raceway Layout Turbine Enclosure Sections and Details of Mh Wall E-1149 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Section and Plans of 19.4 Wall E-1149 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Section and Plans of 19.4 Wall E-1150 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1151 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1152 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G.D. & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1152 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G.D. & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1153 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G.D. & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1154 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1155 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1156 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1157 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1158 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1158 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1159 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1159 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1160 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1160 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1160 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-16 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1161 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1161 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1162 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1162 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1163 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1163 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1163 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1164 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-14 Sh.1 E-1164 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Hydraulic Control Unit Raceway Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-14 Sh.2 E-1165 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-15 Sh.1 E-1166 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1166 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1166 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1167 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1167 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1167 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1168 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1169 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1169 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1170 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1171 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1172 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1173 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns D-G & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1174 Sh.1 Conduit and Gutter Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns N-J & 19.2-23 (Area 8) Cable Spreading Room - Plan el 254'-0" Slab & Above E-1174 Sh.2 Conduit Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 Columns N-J & 19.2-23 (Area 8) Cable Spreading Room Plan el 254'-0" Slab &
Above E-1175 Sh.1 Conduit and Gutter Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns N-J & 23-26.6 (Area 8) Cable Spreading Room Plan El. 234'-0" Slab & Above E-1175 Sh.2 Conduit Layout - Turbine Encl - Unit 2 Columns N-J & 23-26.6 (Area 8) Cable Spring Room - Plan el 254'-0" Slab & Above E-1176 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 331'-0" Slab & Above E-1177 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 331'-0" Slab & Above E-1178 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 14.1-18.5 (Area 11) Plan el 352'-0" Slab & Above Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-17 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1179 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 352'-0" Slab & Above E-1179 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns J-G & 18.5-23 (Area 12) Plan el 352'-0" Slab & Above E-1180 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 14.1-18.5 (Area 15) Plan el 352'-0" Slab & Above E-1181 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Unit 1 Columns G-D & 18.5-23 (Area 16) Plan el 352'-0" Slab & Above E-1182 Sh.1 Panels & Floor Penetration Identification - Turbine Encl - Units 1 & 2 Columns N-J 19.2-26.8 (Area 8) Control Room Plan el 269'-0" Slab & Above E-1183 Sh.1 Conduit and Gutter Layout - Turbine Encl - Units 1 & 2 Columns N-J & 19.2-26.6 (Area 8) Plan el 289'-0" Slab & Above E-1183 Sh.2 Conduit and Gutter Layout - Turbine Encl - Units 1 & 2 Columns N-J & 19.2-26.6 (Area 8) Plan el 289'-0" Slab & Above E-1184 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Unit 1 D Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 15.5-21.5 el 217'-0" to 313'-0" E-1185 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Encl - Units 1 & 2 J Wall Elevation - Looking North Columns 19.4-26.6 el 217'-0" to 332'-0" E-1186 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Section AZ-0 to AZ-90 E-1186 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Section AZ-0 to AZ-90 E-1186 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Section AZ-0 to AZ-90 E-1186 Sh.4 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Section AZ-0 to AZ-90 E-1187 Sh.1 Drywell - Units 1 & 2 Electrical Raceway Supports el 243'-0" E-1187 Sh.2 Drywell - Units 1 & 2 Electrical Raceway Supports el 243'-0" E-1187 Sh.3 Drywell - Units 1 & 2 Electrical Raceway Supports el 243'-0" E-1187 Sh.4 Drywell - Units 1 & 2 Electrical Raceway Supports el 243'-0" to 322'-0" & 6 E-1188 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell RPV Instrumentation E-1189 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Plan Above el 217'-0" E-1190 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Unit 1 Raceway Supported from Steel at el 253'-0" E-1191 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 CRD & LPRM Inside RPV Pedestal E-1192 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Miscellaneous Plans & Details E-1193 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Raceway Supported from Steel at el 272'-9" E-1194 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Raceway Supported from Steel at el 277'-6" E-1195 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Raceway Supported from Steel at el 286'-1" E-1196 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Raceway Supported from Steel at el 295'-11" E-1198 Sh.1 Raceway Layout E-1199 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Drywell Tray Section & Details E-1209 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2, Area 5, el 239'-0" 7.2-10 Sh.2 E-1209 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2, Area 5 el 239'-0" 7.2-10 Sh.3 E-1233 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 Mh Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 19.4-26.6, el 217'-0" to 304'-0" E-1234 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 J Line Wall Elevation Looking South Columns 19.4-26.6 & el 200'-0" to 289'-0" Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-18 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1235 Sh.1 Class I Bus Duct Supports E-1241 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Unit 2 J Line Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 23-31.9 el 177'-0" to 217'-0" E-1241 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Unit 2 J Line Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 23-31.9 el 177'-0" to 217'-0" E-1244 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Turbine Enclosure - Wall Elevation Columns 19.4 and 26.6 J to N el 217'-0" to 332'-0" E-1250 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1250 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1251 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1252 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1252 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1253 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1253 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 177'-0" Slab & Above E-1254 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns J-G & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1254 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns J-G & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1256 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1256 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1257 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1257 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 201'-0" Slab & Above E-1258 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1258 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1259 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1260 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1260 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1260 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1261 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1261 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1261 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1262 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1262 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1262 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1263 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-K & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1263 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-K & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above E-1264 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-14 Sh.3 E-1264 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-14 Sh.4 E-1264 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2, Area 18 el 253'-0" 7.2-14 Sh.5 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-19 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1264 Sh.4 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2, Area 18 el 253'-0" 7.2-14 Sh.6 E-1265 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-15 Sh.2 E-1265 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 253'-0" Slab & Above 7.2-15 Sh.3 E-1265 Sh.3 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2, Area 18 el 253'-0" 7.2-15 Sh.4 E-1266 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1266 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1267 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1267 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1268 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1268 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1269 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 283'-0" Slab & Above E-1269 Sh.2 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns E-H & 14.1-18.5 (Area 14, 17, & 18) Plan el 300'-3" Slab E-1270 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 23-27.5 (Area 13) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1271 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns G-J & 27.5-31.9 (Area 14) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1272 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 23-27.5 (Area 17) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1273 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Columns D-G & 27.5-31.9 (Area 18) Plan el 313'-0" Slab & Above E-1276 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 (Area 17) Plan Above el 331'-0" E-1277 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 (Area 18) Plan Above el 331'-0" E-1278 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 (Area 13) Plan Above el 352'-0" E-1279 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 (Area 14) Plan Above el 352'-0" E-1280 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 (Area 17) Plan Above el 352'-0" E-1281 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 (Area 18) Plan Above el 352'-0" E-1284 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Unit 2 D Wall Elevation Looking North Columns 24.5-30.5 el 217'-0" to 313'-0" E-1288 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Drywell RPV Instrumentation E-1289 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Drywell Plan Above el 217'-0" E-1291 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 CRD & LPRM Inside RPV Pedestal E-1292 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Drywell Misc. Plans & Details E-1297 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Drywell Raceway Sections - Sheet 1 E-1298 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Containment - Unit 2 Drywell Tray Layout E-1299 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Containment - Unit 2 Drywell Tray Sections E-1300 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 Plan el 162'-0" Slab & Above E-1301 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 22 Plan el 162'-0" Slab & Above E-1302 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 23 Plan el 162'-0" Slab & Above Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-20 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1303 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 Plan el 191'-0" Slab & Above E-1304 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 22 Plan el 191'-0" Slab & Above E-1305 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 23 Plan el 191'-0" Slab & Above E-1306 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1307 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 22 Plan el 217'-0" Slab & Above E-1308 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 Plan el 237'-0" Slab & Above E-1309 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 22 Plan el 237'-0" Slab & Above E-1310 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 Plan el 257'-0" Slab & Above E-1311 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 22 Plan Above el 257'-0" E-1314 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 19 Plan el 195'-0" Slab & Above E-1315 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 21 Plan el 195'-0" Slab & Above E-1316 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Misc. Plans, Details & Sections E-1317 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Misc. Plans, Details & Sections E-1318 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 - Partial Plan Below Radwaste Control Room E-1319 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Radwaste Enclosure Area 20 Sections Below Radwaste Control Room E-1328 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Lube Oil Storage Enclosure E-1332 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit Layout - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 1 E-1335 Sh.1 Embedded Conduit Layout - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 2 E-1348 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 1 Plan el 217'-0" E-1349 Sh.1 Raceway Layout - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 2 Plan el 217'-0" E-1360 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Fire Alarm System - Unit 1 E-1360 Sh.2 Riser Diagram - Fire Alarm System - Unit 1 E-1361 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Fire Alarm System - Unit 2 E-1362 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Fire Alarm System (FA) Remote Enclosure - Comm E-1364 Sh.1 Wiring/Connection Diagram - Evacuation Alarm & River Warning Systems E-1367 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Public Address System (PA) Unit 2 9.5-3 Sh.1 E-1368 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Public Address System (PA) Remote Enclosure - Comm 9.5-4 Sh.1 E-1369 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Telephone System (PABX) Unit 1 9.5-5 Sh.1 E-1370 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Telephone System (PABX) Unit 2 9.5-6 Sh.1 E-1366 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Public Address System (PA) Unit 1 9.5-2 Sh.1 E-1371 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Telephone System (PABX) Remote Enclosure - Comm 9.5-7 Sh.1 E-1373 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Lighting, Power & Fire Alarm Panel boards Unit 1 Turbine & Reactor Enclosure E-1374 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Lighting, Power, and Fire Alarm Panel boards Unit 2 - Turbine & Reactor Enclosures Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-21 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-1 (Contd)
ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E-1375 Sh.1 Riser Diagram - Lighting, Power, and Fire Alarm Panel boards Remote Enclosure - Comm E-1405 Sh.1 Lighting - Notes, Symbols & Details E-1406 Sh.1 Conduit & Cable Tray Notes, Symbols & Details E-1407 Sh.1 Communication Notes, Symbols & Details E-1408 Sh.1 Fire Alarm System Notes, Symbols & Details E-1412 Sh.1 Wire & Cable - Notes & Details E-1425 Sh.1 Lighting, Power & Fire Alarm Panel Schedules E-1460 Sh.1 Communication and Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Plan Above el 177'-0" E-1461 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Plan Above el 201'-0" E-1462 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 217'-0" E-1463 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 253'-0" E-1464 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 283'-0" E-1465 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 313'-0" E-1466 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 Above el 352'-0" E-1467 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Diesel Generator Bids - Unit 1 E-1480 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 177'-0" E-1495 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Spray Pond Pumphouse Above el 251'-0" & 268'-0" E-1500 Sh.1 Raceway Schedule - Engineered Safeguard System - Unit 1 E-1501 Sh.1 Raceway Schedule - Reactor Protection System - Unit 1 E-1506 Sh.1 Circuit Schedule - Engineered Safeguard System - Unit 1 & Comm E-1507 Sh.1 Circuit Schedule - Reactor Protection System - Unit 1 & Comm E-1515 Sh.1 Raceway Schedule - Engineered Safeguard Systems - Unit 2 E-1516 Sh.1 Raceway Schedule - Reactor Protection System - Unit 2 E-1521 Sh.1 Circuit Schedule - Engineered Safeguard System - Unit 2 & Comm E-1522 Sh.1 Circuit Schedule - Reactor Protection System - Unit 2 & Comm E-1675 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Main Control Room - Above el 269'-0" E-1676 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Auxiliary Equipment Room Above el 289'-0" E-1681 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 201'-0" E-1682 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 217'-0" E-1683 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 253'-0" E-1684 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 283'-0" E-1685 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Plan Above el 313'-0" E-1686 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 Plan Above el 352'-0" E-1687 Sh.1 Communication & Fire Alarm Layout - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Unit 2 Above el 217'-0" Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-22 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-00 Sh. 1 Legend 1.10-1 Sh.1 M-00 Sh. 2 Legend 1.10-1 Sh.2 M-01 Sh. 1 Main Steam 10.3-1 Sh. 1 M-01 Sh. 2 Main Steam 10.3-1 Sh. 2 M-01 Sh. 3 Main Steam 10.3-1 Sh. 3 M-01 Sh. 4 Main Steam 10.3-1 Sh. 4 M-02 Sh. 1 Extraction Steam 10.2-1 Sh. 1 M-02 Sh. 2 Extraction Steam 10.2-1 Sh. 2 M-02 Sh. 3 Extraction Steam 10.2-1 Sh. 3 M-02 Sh. 4 Extraction Steam 10.2-1 Sh. 4 M-03 Sh. 1 Vents and Drains, Heaters 1 & 2 Drain Cooler 1 10.4-7 Sh.1 M-03 Sh. 2 Vents and Drains, Heaters 1 & 2 Drain Cooler 1 10.4-7 Sh.2 M-04 Sh. 1 Vents and Drains, Heaters 3,4,5 & 6 10.4-8 Sh. 1 M-04 Sh. 2 Vents and Drains, Heaters 3,4,5 & 6 10.4-8 Sh. 2 M-04 Sh. 3 Vents and Drains, Heaters 3,4,5 & 6 10.4-8 Sh. 3 M-04 Sh. 4 Vents and Drains, Heaters 3,4,5 & 6 10.4-8 Sh. 4 M-04 Sh. 5 Vents and Drains, Heaters 3,4,5 & 6 10.4-8 Sh. 5 M-04 Sh. 6 Vents and Drains, Heaters 3,4,5 & 6 10.4-8 Sh. 6 M-05 Sh. 1 Condensate 10.4-4 Sh. 1 M-05 Sh. 2 Condensate 10.4-4 Sh. 2 M-05 Sh. 3 Condensate 10.4-4 Sh. 3 M-05 Sh. 4 Condensate 10.4-4 Sh. 4 M-06 Sh. 1 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 1 M-06 Sh. 2 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 2 M-06 Sh. 3 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 3 M-06 Sh. 4 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 4 M-06 Sh. 5 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 5 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-23 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-06 Sh. 6 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 6 M-06 Sh. 7 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 7 M-06 Sh. 8 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 8 M-06 Sh. 9 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh. 9 M-06 Sh.10 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh.10 M-06 Sh.11 Feedwater 10.4-5 Sh.11 M-07 Sh. 1 Air Removal & Sealing Steam 10.4-1 Sh. 1 M-07 Sh. 2 Air Removal & Sealing Steam 10.4-1 Sh. 2 M-07 Sh. 3 Air Removal & Sealing Steam 10.4-1 Sh. 3 M-07 Sh. 4 Air Removal & Sealing Steam 10.4-1 Sh. 4 M-08 Sh. 1 Condensate and Refueling Water Storage 9.2-24 Sh. 1 M-08 Sh. 2 Condensate and Refueling Water Storage 9.2-24 Sh. 2 M-08 Sh. 3 Condensate and Refueling Water Storage 9.2-24 Sh. 3 M-09 Sh. 1 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 1 M-09 Sh. 2 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 2 M-09 Sh. 3 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 3 M-09 Sh. 4 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 4 M-09 Sh. 5 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 5 M-09 Sh. 6 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 6 M-09 Sh. 7 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 7 M-09 Sh. 8 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 8 M-09 Sh. 9 Circulating Water 10.4-2 Sh. 9 M-09 Sh. 10 Circulating Water M-09 Sh. 11 Circulating Water M-09 Sh. 12 Circulating Water M-09 Sh. 13 Circulating Water M-09 Sh. 14 Circulating Water M-10 Sh. 1 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 1 M-10 Sh. 2 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-24 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-10 Sh. 3 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 3 M-10 Sh. 4 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 4 M-10 Sh. 5 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 5 M-10 Sh. 6 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 6 M-10 Sh. 7 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 7 M-10 Sh. 8 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 8 M-10 Sh. 9 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh. 9 M-10 Sh.10 Service Water 9.2-1 Sh.10 M-11 Sh. 1 Emergency Service Water 9.2-2 Sh. 1 M-11 Sh. 2 Emergency Service Water 9.2-2 Sh. 2 M-11 Sh. 3 Emergency Service Water 9.2-2 Sh. 3 M-11 Sh. 4 Emergency Service Water 9.2-2 Sh. 4 M-11 Sh. 5 Emergency Service Water 9.2-2 Sh. 5 M-12 Sh. 1 RHR Service Water 9.2-3 Sh. 1 M-12 Sh. 2 RHR Service Water 9.2-3 Sh. 2 M-13 Sh. 1 Reactor Enclosure Cooling Water 9.2-25 Sh. 1 M-13 Sh. 2 Reactor Enclosure Cooling Water 9.2-25 Sh. 2 M-14 Sh. 1 Turbine Enclosure Cooling Water 9.2-26 Sh. 1 M-14 Sh. 2 Turbine Enclosure Cooling Water 9.2-26 Sh. 2 M-15 Sh. 1 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 1 M-15 Sh. 2 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 2 M-15 Sh. 3 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 3 M-15 Sh. 4 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 4 M-15 Sh. 5 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 5 M-15 Sh. 6 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 6 M-15 Sh. 7 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 7 M-15 Sh. 8 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 8 M-15 Sh. 9 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 9 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-25 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-15 Sh. 10 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 10 M-15 Sh. 11 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 11 M-15 Sh. 12 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 12 M-15 Sh. 13 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 13 M-15 Sh. 14 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 14 M-15 Sh. 15 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 15 M-15 Sh. 16 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 16 M-15 Sh. 17 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 17 M-15 Sh. 18 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 18 M-15 Sh. 19 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 19 M-15 Sh. 20 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 20 M-15 Sh. 21 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 21 M-15 Sh. 22 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 22 M-15 Sh. 23 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 23 M-15 Sh. 24 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 24 M-15 Sh..25 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh..25 M-15 Sh..26 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh..26 M-15 Sh. 27 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 27 M-15 Sh. 28 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 28 M-15 Sh. 29 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 29 M-15 Sh. 30 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 30 M-15 Sh. 31 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 31 M-15 Sh. 32 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 32 M-15 Sh. 33 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 33 M-15 Sh. 34 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 34 M-15 Sh. 35 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 35 M-15 Sh. 36 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 36 M-15 Sh. 37 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 37 M-15 Sh. 38 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 38 M-15 Sh. 39 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 39 M-15 Sh. 40 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 40 M-15 Sh. 41 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 41 M-15 Sh. 42 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 42 M-15 Sh. 43 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 43 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-26 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-15 Sh. 44 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 44 M-15 Sh. 45 Compressed Air 9.3-1 Sh. 45 M-16 Sh. 1 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers 10.4-3 Sh. 1 M-16 Sh. 2 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers 10.4-3 Sh. 2 M-16 Sh. 3 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers 10.4-3 Sh. 3 M-16 Sh. 4 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers 10.4-3 Sh. 4 M-16 Sh. 5 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers 10.4-3 Sh. 5 M-16 Sh. 6 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers 10.4-3 Sh. 6 M-17 Sh. 1 Clarified Water 9.2-4 Sh. 1 M-17 Sh. 2 Clarified Water 9.2-4 Sh. 2 M-18 Sh. 1 Makeup Demineralizer 9.2-5 Sh. 1 M-18 Sh. 2 Makeup Demineralizer 9.2-5 Sh. 2 M-18 Sh. 3 Makeup Demineralizer 9.2-5 Sh. 3 M-19 Sh. 1 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 2 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 3 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 4 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 5 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 6 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 7 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 8 Lube Oil M-19 Sh. 9 Lube Oil M-19 Sh.10 Lube Oil M-20 Sh. 1 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer M-20 Sh. 2 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer M-20 Sh. 3 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Fuel oil & Transfer System Unit 1 9.5-8 Sh.1 M-20 Sh. 4 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Cooling Water System Unit 1) 9.5-9 Sh.1 M-20 Sh. 5 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Cooling Water System Unit 1) 9.5-9 Sh.3 M-20 Sh. 6 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Starting Air System Unit 1) 9.5-10 Sh.1 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-27 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-20 Sh. 7 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Lube Oil System Unit 1) 9.5-11 Sh.1 M-20 Sh. 8 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Combustion air intake & Exhaust Unit 1) 9.5-12 Sh.1 M-20 Sh. 9 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Fuel Oil & Transfer System Unit 2) 9.5-8 Sh.2 M-20 Sh. 10 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Cooling Water System Unit 2) 9.5.9 Sh.2 M-20 Sh. 11 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Cooling Water System Unit 2) 9.5-9 Sh.4 M-20 Sh. 12 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Starting Air System Unit 2) 9.5-10 Sh.2 M-20 Sh. 13 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Lube Oil System Unit 2) 9.5-11 Sh.2 M-20 Sh. 14 Fuel & Diesel Oil Storage & Transfer (Combustion air intake & Exhaust Unit 2) 9.5-12 Sh.2 M-21 Sh. 1 Auxiliary Steam 10.4-6 Sh. 1 M-21 Sh. 2 Auxiliary Steam 10.4-6 Sh. 2 M-21 Sh. 3 Auxiliary Steam 10.4-6 Sh. 3 M-21 Sh. 4 Auxiliary Steam M-22 Sh. 1 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 1 M-22 Sh. 2 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 2 M-22 Sh. 3 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 3 M-22 Sh. 4 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 4 M-22 Sh. 5 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 5 M-22 Sh. 6 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 6 M-22 Sh. 7 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 7 M-22 Sh. 8 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 8 M-22 Sh. 9 Fire Protection 9.5-1 Sh. 9 M-22 Sh. 10 Fire Protection M-23 Sh. 1 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 1 M-23 Sh. 2 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 2 M-23 Sh. 3 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 3 M-23 Sh. 4 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 4 M-23 Sh. 5 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 5 M-23 Sh. 6 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 6 M-23 Sh. 7 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 7 M-23 Sh. 8 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 8 M-23 Sh. 9 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 9 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-28 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-23 Sh. 10 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 10 M-23 Sh. 11 Process Sampling 9.3-3 Sh. 11 M-24 Sh. 1 Chlorination M-24 Sh. 2 Chlorination M-25 Sh. 1 Plant Leak Detection 5.2-11 Sh. 1 M-25 Sh. 2 Plant Leak Detection 5.2-11 Sh. 2 M-25 Sh. 3 Plant Leak Detection 5.2-11 Sh. 3 M-25 Sh. 4 Plant Leak Detection 5.2-11 Sh. 4 M-26 Sh. 1 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 1 M-26 Sh. 2 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 2 M-26 Sh. 3 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 3 M-26 Sh. 4 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 4 M-26 Sh. 5 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 5 M-26 Sh. 6 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 6 M-26 Sh. 7 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 7 M-26 Sh. 8 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh. 8 M-26 Sh. 9 Plant Process Radiation Monitoring 11.5-1 Sh.1 M-28 Sh. 1 Generator H2 Cooling and C02 Purge 10.2-2 Sh.1 M-28 Sh. 2 Generator H2 Cooling and C02 Purge 10.2-2 Sh. 2 M-28 Sh. 3 Generator H2 Cooling and C02 Purge M-28 Sh. 4 Generator H2 Cooling and C02 Purge M-30 Sh. 1 Postaccident Sample 11.5-2 Sh.1 M-30 Sh. 2 Postaccident Sample 11.5-2 Sh. 2 M-31 Sh. 1 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 2 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 3 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 4 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 5 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 6 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 7 Main Turbine EHC M-31 Sh. 8 Main Turbine EHC Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-29 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-33 Sh. 1 Stator Cooling M-33 Sh. 2 Stator Cooling M-41 Sh. 1 Nuclear Boiler 5.1-3 Sh. 1 M-41 Sh. 2 Nuclear Boiler 5.1-3 Sh. 2 M-41 Sh. 3 Nuclear Boiler 5.1-3 Sh. 3 M-41 Sh. 4 Nuclear Boiler 5.1-3 Sh. 4 M-41 Sh. 5 Nuclear Boiler 5.1-3 Sh. 5 M-41 Sh. 6 Nuclear Boiler 5.1-3 Sh. 6 M-42 Sh. 1 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation 5.1-4 Sh. 1 M-42 Sh. 2 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation 5.1-4 Sh. 2 M-42 Sh. 3 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation 5.1-4 Sh. 3 M-42 Sh. 4 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation 5.1-4 Sh. 4 M-42 Sh. 5 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation M-42 Sh. 6 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation M-43 Sh. 1 Reactor Recirculation Pump 5.4-2 Sh. 1 M-43 Sh. 2 Reactor Recirculation Pump 5.4-2 Sh. 2 M-43 Sh. 3 Reactor Recirculation Pump 5.4-2 Sh. 3 M-43 Sh. 4 Reactor Recirculation Pump 5.4-2 Sh. 4 M-44 Sh. 1 Reactor Water Cleanup 5.4-16 Sh. 1 M-44 Sh. 2 Reactor Water Cleanup 5.4-16 Sh. 2 M-44 Sh. 3 Reactor Water Cleanup 5.4-16 Sh. 3 M-44 Sh. 4 Reactor Water Cleanup 5.4-16 Sh. 4 M-45 Sh. 1 Cleanup Filter/Demineralizer 5.4-18 Sh.1 M-45 Sh. 2 Cleanup Filter/Demineralizer 5.4-18 Sh. 2 M-46 Sh. 1 Control Rod Drive Hydraulics Part A 4.6-5 Sh.1 M-46 Sh. 2 Control Rod Drive Hydraulics Part A 4.6-5 Sh. 2 M-47 Sh. 1 Control Rod Drive Hydraulics Part B 4.6-6 Sh.1 M-47 Sh 2 Control Rod Drive Hydraulics Part B 4.6-6 Sh. 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-30 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-48 Sh. 1 Standby Liquid Control 9.3-5 Sh.1 M-48 Sh. 2 Standby Liquid Control 9.3-5 Sh. 2 M-49 Sh. 1 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 5.4-8 Sh.1 M-49 Sh. 2 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 5.4-8 Sh. 2 M-50 Sh. 1 RCIC Pump-Turbine 5.4-9 Sh. 1 M-50 Sh. 2 RCIC Pump-Turbine 5.4-9 Sh. 2 M-50 Sh. 3 RCIC Pump-Turbine 5.4-9 Sh. 3 M-50 Sh. 4 RCIC Pump-Turbine 5.4-9 Sh. 4 M-51 Sh. 1 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 1 M-51 Sh. 2 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 2 M-51 Sh. 3 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 3 M-51 Sh. 4 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 4 M-51 Sh. 5 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 5 M-51 Sh. 6 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 6 M-51 Sh. 7 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 7 M-51 Sh. 8 Residual Heat Removal 5.4-13 Sh. 8 M-52 Sh. 1 Core Spray 6.3-9 Sh. 1 M-52 Sh. 2 Core Spray 6.3-9 Sh. 2 M-52 Sh. 3 Core Spray 6.3-9 Sh. 3 M-52 Sh. 4 Core Spray 6.3-9 Sh. 4 M-53 Sh. 1 Fuel Pool Cooling 9.1-3 Sh. 1 M-53 Sh. 2 Fuel Pool Cooling 9.1-3 Sh. 2 M-53 Sh. 3 Fuel Pool Cooling 9.1-3 Sh. 3 M-53 Sh. 4 Fuel Pool Cooling 9.1-3 Sh. 4 M-54 Sh. 1 Fuel Pool Filter/Demineralizer 9.1-4 Sh. 1 M-54 Sh. 2 Fuel Pool Filter/Demineralizer 9.1-4 Sh. 2 M-55 Sh. 1 High Pressure Coolant Injection 6.3-7 Sh. 1 M-55 Sh. 2 High Pressure Coolant Injection 6.3-7 Sh. 2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-31 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-56 Sh. 1 HPCI Pump-Turbine 6.3-8 Sh. 1 M-56 Sh. 2 HPCI Pump-Turbine 6.3-8 Sh. 2 M-56 Sh. 3 HPCI Pump-Turbine 6.3-8 Sh. 3 M-56 Sh. 4 HPCI Pump-Turbine 6.3-8 Sh. 4 M-57 Sh. 1 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 1 M-57 Sh. 2 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 2 M-57 Sh. 3 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 3 M-57 Sh. 4 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 4 M-57 Sh. 5 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 5 M-57 Sh. 6 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 6 M-57 Sh. 7 Containment Atmospheric Control 9.4-5 Sh. 7 M-57 Sh. 8 Containment Atmospheric Control M-57 Sh. 9 Containment Atmospheric Control M-57 Sh.10 Containment Atmospheric Control M-57 Sh.11 Containment Atmospheric Control M-58 Sh. 1 Containment Hydrogen Recombiner "A" 6.2-37 Sh. 1 M-58 Sh. 2 Containment Hydrogen Recombiner "B" 6.2-37 Sh. 2 M-58 Sh. 3 Containment Hydrogen Recombiner "A" 6.2-37 Sh. 3 M-58 Sh. 4 Containment Hydrogen Recombiner "B" 6.2-37 Sh. 4 M-59 Sh. 1 Primary Containment Instrument Gas 9.3-2 Sh. 1 M-59 Sh. 2 Primary Containment Instrument Gas 9.3-2 Sh. 2 M-59 Sh. 3 Primary Containment Instrument Gas 9.3-2 Sh. 3 M-59 Sh. 4 Primary Containment Instrument Gas 9.3-2 Sh. 4 M-60 Sh. 1 Primary Containment Leak Testing 6.2-47 Sh. 1 M-60 Sh. 2 Primary Containment Leak Testing 6.2-47 Sh. 2 M-61 Sh. 1 Liquid Radwaste Collection 9.3-4 Sh. 1 M-61 Sh. 2 Liquid Radwaste Collection 9.3-4 Sh. 2 M-61 Sh. 3 Liquid Radwaste Collection 9.3-4 Sh. 3 M-61 Sh. 4 Liquid Radwaste Collection 9.3-4 Sh. 4 M-61 Sh. 5 Liquid Radwaste Collection 9.3-4 Sh. 5 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-32 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-62 Sh. 1 Liquid Waste Equipment Drain Processing 11.2-1 Sh. 1 M-62 Sh. 2 Liquid Waste Equipment Drain Processing 11.2-1 Sh. 2 M-63 Sh. 1 Liquid Radwaste Floor Drain Processing 11.2-2 Sh. 1 M-63 Sh. 2 Liquid Radwaste Floor Drain Processing 11.2-2 Sh. 2 M-64 Sh. 1 Liquid Radwaste Chemical and Laundry Processing 11.2-3 Sh. 1 M-64 Sh. 2 Liquid Radwaste Chemical and Laundry Processing 11.2-3 Sh. 2 M-66 Sh. 1 Solid Radwaste Collection 11.4-1 Sh. 1 M-66 Sh. 2 Solid Radwaste Collection 11.4-1 Sh. 2 M-67 Sh. 1 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing 11.4-2 Sh. 1 M-67 Sh. 2 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing 11.4-2 Sh. 2 M-67 Sh. 3 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing 11.4-2 Sh. 3 M-67 Sh. 4 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing 11.4-2 Sh. 4 M-67 Sh. 5 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing 11.4-2 Sh. 5 M-68 Sh. 1 Plant Waste Water Effluent M-68 Sh. 2 Plant Waste Water Effluent M-69 Sh 1 Gaseous Radwaste - Recombination 11.3-2 Sh 1 M-69 Sh. 2 Gaseous Radwaste - Recombination 11.3-2 Sh. 2 M-69 Sh. 3 Gaseous Radwaste - Recombination 11.3-2 Sh. 3 M-69 Sh. 4 Gaseous Radwaste - Recombination 11.3-2 Sh. 4 M-70 Sh. 1 Gaseous Radwaste - Ambient Charcoal Treatment 11.3-3 Sh. 1 M-70 Sh. 2 Gaseous Radwaste - Ambient Charcoal Treatment 11.3-3 Sh. 2 M-70 Sh. 3 Gaseous Radwaste - Ambient Charcoal Treatment 11.3-3 Sh. 3 M-70 Sh. 4 Gaseous Radwaste - Ambient Charcoal Treatment 11.3-3 Sh. 4 M-75 Sh. 1 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 1 M-75 Sh. 2 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 2 M-75 Sh. 3 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 3 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-33 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-75 Sh. 4 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 4 M-75 Sh. 5 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 5 M-75 Sh. 6 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 6 M-75 Sh. 7 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 7 M-75 Sh. 8 Turbine Enclosure HVAC 9.4-4 Sh. 8 M-76 Sh. 1 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 1 M-76 Sh. 2 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 2 M-76 Sh. 3 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 3 M-76 Sh. 4 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 4 M-76 Sh. 5 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 5 M-76 Sh. 6 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 6 M-76 Sh. 7 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 7 M-76 Sh. 8 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 8 M-76 Sh. 9 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh. 9 M-76 Sh.10 Reactor Enclosure HVAC 9.4-2 Sh.10 M-77 Sh. 1 Drywell Air Cooling 9.4-7 Sh.1 M-77 Sh. 2 Drywell Air Cooling 9.4-7 Sh. 2 M-78 Sh. 1 Control Structure HVAC 9.4-1 Sh. 1 M-78 Sh. 2 Control Structure HVAC 9.4-1 Sh. 2 M-78 Sh. 3 Control Structure HVAC 9.4-1 Sh. 3 M-78 Sh. 4 Control Structure HVAC 9.4-1 Sh. 4 M-79 Sh. 1 Radwaste Enclosure HVAC 9.4-3 Sh. 1 M-79 Sh. 2 Radwaste Enclosure HVAC 9.4-3 Sh. 2 M-79 Sh. 3 Radwaste Enclosure HVAC 9.4-3 Sh. 3 M-80 Sh. 1 Administration Complex, Offices-Shops-HVAC 9.4-11 Sh. 1 M-80 Sh. 2 Administration Complex, Offices-Shops-HVAC 9.4-11 Sh. 2 M-80 Sh. 3 Administration Complex, Offices-Shops-HVAC 9.4-11 Sh. 3 M-80 Sh. 4 Administration Complex, Offices-Shops-HVAC 9.4-11 Sh. 4 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-34 REV. 18, SEPTEMBER 2016 Table 1.7-2 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR PLANT SYSTEMS P&ID Number System Former UFSAR Figure Number M-81 Sh. 1 Miscellaneous Structures HVAC 9.4-10 Sh. 1 M-81 Sh. 2 Miscellaneous Structures HVAC 9.4-10 Sh. 2 M-81 Sh. 3 Miscellaneous Structures HVAC 9.4-10 Sh. 3 M-82 Sh. 1 Hot Maintenance Shop HVAC 9.4-9 Sh.1 M-82 Sh. 2 Hot Maintenance Shop HVAC 9.4-9 Sh. 2 M-83 Sh. 1 Administration Complex Guard Station HVAC M-87 Sh. 1 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 1 M-87 Sh. 2 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 2 M-87 Sh. 3 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 3 M-87 Sh. 4 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 4 M-87 Sh. 5 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 5 M-87 Sh. 6 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 6 M-87 Sh. 7 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 7 M-87 Sh. 8 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 8 M-87 Sh. 9 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 9 M-87 Sh. 10 Drywell Chilled Water 9.2-27 Sh. 10 M-90 Sh. 1 Control Structure Chilled Water 9.2-28 Sh. 1 M-90 Sh. 2 Control Structure Chilled Water 9.2-28 Sh. 2 M-96 Sh. 1 Plant Heating System M-96 Sh. 2 Plant Heating System M-96 Sh. 3 Plant Heating System M-96 Sh. 4 Plant Heating System M-96 Sh. 5 Plant Heating System M-96 Sh. 6 Plant Heating System Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-35 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-01FD Sh.1 Main Steam M-02FD Sh.1 Extraction Steam M-02FD Sh.2 Extraction Steam M-03FD Sh.1 Vents and Drains Heaters 1 & 2 Drain Cooler 1 M-04FD Sh.1 Vents and Drains Heaters 3, 4, 5 & 6 M-05FD Sh.1 Condensate System M-05FD Sh.2 Condensate System M-06FD Sh.1 Feedwater System M-06FD Sh.2 Feedwater System M-06FD Sh.3 Feedwater System M-07FD Sh.1 Air Removal and Sealing Steam M-07FD Sh.2 Air Removal and Sealing Steam M-07FD Sh.3 Air Removal and Sealing Steam M-08FD Sh.1 Condensate and Refueling Water Storage M-08FD Sh.2 Condensate and Refueling Water Storage M-09FD Sh.1 Circulating Water M-09FD Sh.2 Circulating Water M-09FD Sh.3 Circulating Water M-09FD Sh.4 Circulating Water M-09FD Sh.5 Circulating Water M-10FD Sh.1 Service Water M-10FD Sh.2 Service Water M-10FD Sh.3 Service Water M-11FD Sh.1 Emergency Service Water 7.3-21 Sh.1 M-11FD Sh.2 Emergency Service Water 7.3-21 Sh.2 M-11FD Sh.3 Emergency Service Water 7.3-21 Sh.3 M-11FD Sh.4 Emergency Service Water 7.3-21 Sh.4 M-12FD Sh.1 RHR Service Water 7.3-22 Sh.1 M-12FD Sh.2 RHR Service Water 7.3-22 Sh.2 M-12FD Sh.3 RHR Service Water 7.3-22 Sh.3 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-36 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-12FD Sh.4 RHR Service Water 7.3-22 Sh.4 M-12FD Sh.5 RHR Service Water 7.3-22 Sh.5 M-12FD Sh.6 RHR Service Water 7.3-22 Sh.6 M-13FD Sh.1 Reactor Building Cooling Water 7.3-17 Sh.1 M-14FD Sh.1 Turbine Building Cooling Water M-15FD Sh.1 Compressed Air M-16FD Sh.1 Condensate Filter/Demineralizers M-17FD Sh.1 Clarified Water M-18FD Sh.1 Make-Up Demineralizer M-19FD Sh.1 Lube Oil M-20FD Sh.1 Fuel and Diesel Oil Storage and Transfer M-21FD Sh.1 Auxiliary Steam M-26FD Sh.1 Radiation Monitoring M-41FD Sh.1 Nuclear Boiler M-41FD Sh.2 Nuclear Boiler M-42FD Sh.1 Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation M-45FD Sh.1 Clean-Up Filter Demineralizer M-46FD Sh.1 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic Part "A" M-49FD Sh.1 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling M-50FD Sh.1 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling M-51FD Sh.1 Residual Heat Removal 7.3-16 Sh.1 M-51FD Sh.2 Residual Heat Removal 7.3-16 Sh.2 M-51FD Sh.3 Residual Heat Removal 7.3-16 Sh.3 M-51FD Sh.4 Residual Heat Removal 7.3-16 Sh.4 M-52FD Sh.1 Core Spray 7.3-15 Sh.1 M-53FD Sh.1 Fuel Pooling Cooling and Cleanup M-54FD Sh.1 Fuel Pool Filter Demineralizer M-55FD Sh.1 High Pressure Coolant Injection 7.3-14 Sh.1 M-57FD Sh.1 Containment Atmospheric Control 7.3-18 Sh.1 M-57FD Sh.2 Containment Atmospheric Control 7.3-18 Sh.2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-37 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-57FD Sh.3 Containment Atmospheric Control 7.3-18 Sh.3 M-57FD Sh.4 Containment Atmospheric Control 7.3-18 Sh.4 M-57FD Sh.5 Containment Atmospheric Control 7.3-18 Sh.5 M-59FD Sh.1 Primary Containment Instrument Gas 7.3-19 Sh.1 M-59FD Sh.2 Primary Containment Instrument Gas 7.3-19 Sh.2 M-60FD Sh.1 Primary Containment Leak Testing M-61FD Sh.1 Liquid Radwaste Collection 7.3-20 Sh.1 M-61FD Sh.2 Radwaste Collection 7.3-20 Sh.2 M-62FD Sh.1 Liquid Radwaste Equipment Drain Processing M-62FD Sh.2 Liquid Radwaste Equipment Drain Processing M-63FD Sh.1 Liquid Radwaste Floor Drain Processing M-63FD Sh.2 Liquid Radwaste Floor Drain Processing M-64FD Sh.1 Liquid Radwaste Chemical and Laundry Processing M-64FD Sh.2 Liquid Radwaste Chemical and Laundry Processing M-66FD Sh.1 Solid Radwaste Collection M-66FD Sh.2 Solid Radwaste Collection M-67FD Sh.1 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing M-67FD Sh.2 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing M-67FD Sh.3 Solid Radwaste Collection and Processing M-68FD Sh.1 Plant Waste Water Treatment M-68FD Sh.2 Plant Waste Water Treatment M-69FD Sh.1 Gaseous Radwaste Recombination M-70FD Sh.1 Gaseous Radwaste, Ambient Charcoal Treatment M-75FD Sh.1 Turbine Enclosure - HVAC M-75FD Sh.2 Turbine Enclosure - HVAC M-75FD Sh.3 Turbine Enclosure - HVAC M-75FD Sh.4 Turbine Enclosure - HVAC M-76FD Sh.1 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.1 M-76FD Sh.2 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.2 M-76FD Sh.3 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.3 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-38 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-76FD Sh.4 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.4 M-76FD Sh.5 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.5 M-76FD Sh.6 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.6 M-76FD Sh.7 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.7 M-76FD Sh.8 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.8 M-76FD Sh.9 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.9 M-76FD Sh.10 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.10 M-76FD Sh.11 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.11 M-76FD Sh.12 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.12 M-76FD Sh.13 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.13 M-76FD Sh.14 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.14 M-76FD Sh.15 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.15 M-76FD Sh.16 Reactor Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-23 Sh.16 M-77FD Sh.1 Drywell - HVAC 7.3-13 Sh.1 M-77FD Sh.2 Drywell - HVAC 7.3-13 Sh.2 M-78FD Sh.1 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.1 M-78FD Sh.2 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.2 M-78FD Sh.3 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.3 M-78FD Sh.4 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.4 M-78FD Sh.5 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.5 M-78FD Sh.6 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.6 M-78FD Sh.7 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.7 M-78FD Sh.8 Control Enclosure - HVAC 7.3-24 Sh.8 M-79FD Sh.1 Radwaste Enclosure - HVAC M-79FD Sh.2 Radwaste Enclosure - HVAC M-79FD Sh.3 Radwaste Enclosure - HVAC M-80FD Sh.1 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.2 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.3 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.4 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-39 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-80FD Sh.5 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.6 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.7 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.8 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.9 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.10 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.11 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-80FD Sh.12 Administration Complex, Offices and Shop-HVAC M-81FD Sh.1 Miscellaneous Structures-HVAC 7.3-12 Sh.1 M-81FD Sh.2 Miscellaneous Structures-HVAC 7.3-12 Sh.2 M-81FD Sh.3 Miscellaneous Structures-HVAC 7.3-12 Sh.3 M-81FD Sh.4 Miscellaneous Structures-HVAC 7.3-12 Sh.4 M-82FD Sh.1 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.2 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.3 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.4 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.5 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.6 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.7 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-82FD Sh.8 Administration Complex, Hot Maintenance Shop M-83FD Sh.1 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-83FD Sh.2 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-83FD Sh.3 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-83FD Sh.4 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-83FD Sh.5 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-83FD Sh.6 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-83FD Sh.7 Administration Complex, Guard Station M-87FD Sh.1 Drywell Chilled Water M-87FD Sh.2 Drywell Chilled Water M-87FD Sh.3 Drywell Chilled Water Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-40 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-90FD Sh.1 Control Structure Chilled Water 7.3-25 Sh.1 M-96FD Sh.1 Plant Heating Steam M-602 Sh.1 Control Room Arrangement - El. 269' 7.5-1 Sh.1 M-602 Sh.2 Control Room Arrangement - El. 269' 7.5-1 Sh.2 M-603 Sh.1 Auxiliary Equipment Room Arrangement el 289'-0" 7.5-2 Sh.1 M-603 Sh.2 Auxiliary Equipment Room Arrangement el 289'-0" 7.5-2 Sh.2 M-675 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 1 M-676 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 1 M-677 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 255'-0" Area 1 7.2-11 Sh.1 M-678 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 1 M-679 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 189'-0" Area 2 M-680 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 2 M-681 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 2 M-682 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 255'-0" Area 2 M-683 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 2 M-685 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 189'-0" Area 3 M-686 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 3 M-687 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 3 M-688 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 3 M-689 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 200'-0" Area 6 M-690 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 6 M-691 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 6 M-693 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 6 M-695 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 200'-0" Area 7 M-696 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 7 M-697 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 7 M-699 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 7 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-41 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-700 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 285'-0" Area 7 M-701 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 180'-0" Area 8 M-701 Sh.2 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 180'-0" Area 8 M-702 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 180'-0" Area 8 M-703 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 180'-0" Area 8 M-704 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 200'-0" Area 8 M-704 Sh.2 Unit 1 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 200'-0" Area 8 M-705 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 11 M-706 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 11 M-707 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 11 M-708 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 11 M-709 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 11 M-710 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 11 M-711 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 12 M-712 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 12 M-713 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 12 M-714 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 12 M-715 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 12 M-716 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 12 M-717 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 15 M-718 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 15 M-719 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 15 M-720 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 15 M-721 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 15 M-722 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 15 M-723 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 16 M-724 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 16 M-725 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 16 M-726 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 16 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-42 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-727 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 16 M-728 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 16 M-729 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Radwaste Piping Tunnel M-730 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Radwaste Piping Tunnel M-731 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Plan el 352'-0" Area 11 M-732 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Plan el 352'-0" Area 12 M-733 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Plan el 352'-0" Area 15 M-734 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Plan el 352'-0" Area 16 M-735 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 195'-0" Area 19 M-736 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 162'-0" Area 20 M-737 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 191'-0" Area 20 M-738 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 20 M-740 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 195'-0" Area 21 M-741 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 162'-0" Area 22 M-742 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 191'-0" Area 22 M-743 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 22 M-744 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 257'-0" Area 22 M-745 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 162'-0" Area 23 M-746 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 191'-0" Area 23 M-747 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 237'-0" Area 20 M-748 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Building Instrument Location Plan el 257'-0" Area 20 M-749 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Reactor Building Tunnel el 198'-0" Areas 15 and 16 M-750 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building el 302'-0" Area 6 M-751 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Turbine Building el 302'-0" Area 7 M-752 Sh.1 Control Area el 304'-0" Area 8 M-753 Sh.1 Control Area el 332'-0" Area 8 M-754 Sh.1 Control Area el 350'-0" Area 8 M-755 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing Radwaste Building Plan el 217'-0" Area 19 M-756 Sh.1 Instrument Location Condensate & Refueling Water M-757 Sh.1 Auxiliary Boiler el 217'-0" and 230'-9" Storage Tank, Piping Plan & Section Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-43 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-758 Sh.1 Fuel Oil Tank, Condensation Storage Tank Number 2 and Pump House M-759 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Instrument Location Plan Circulating Water Pump House M-760 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Instrument Location Plan Service Water Pump M-761 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Instrument Location Plan Circulating Water Pump House M-762 Sh.1 Instrument Installation Detail Circulating Water Pumps M-763 Sh.1 Instrument Location Circulating Water, Chlorination and H2SO4 FD System M-764 Sh.1 Instrument Location Water Treatment Building M-765 Sh.1 Instrument Installation Detail Water Treatment Building Sh.2 Instrument Installation Detail Water Treatment Building M-765 Sh.1 Instrument Installation Detail Water Treatment Building M-766 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing Unit 1 - Reactor Building el 331'-0" Area 16 M-767 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing Spray Pond Pumphouse M-768 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing Hydrogen Generating Facility M-769 Sh.1 Yard Work - Partial Area H and J Valve and Meter Pit M-838 Sh.1 Supports for Condenser Water Box Instrument Lines Units 1 and 2 M-840 Sh.1 Drywell Plan el 253'-0" Areas 11, 12, 15 and 16 M-841 Sh.1 Administration Building, Shop and Warehouse el 217'-0" M-842 Sh.1 Administration Building, Shop and Warehouse el 203'-0", 230'-0" and 269'-0" M-843 Sh.1 Units 1 and 2 Control Area 8 el 269'-0" M-844 Sh.1 Units 1 and 2 Control Area 8 el 289'-0" M-845 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing - Yard Work M-846 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing - Diesel Oil Storage and Yard el 217'-0" M-847 Sh.1 Unit 1 - Instrument Location Drawing Diesel Generator Enclosure el 217'-0" M-848 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing Reactor Roof Units 1 and 2 Plan at el 411'-9" M-849 Sh.1 Instrument Location Radwaste Building Plan at el 237'-0" Area 22 M-850 Sh.1 Instrument Location Drawing Suppression Pool Platforms M-883 Sh.1 Containment Leak Detection Radiation Monitor Seismic Modifications M-969 Sh.1 Process Diagram Gaseous Radwaste - Recombiners M-970 Sh.1 Process Diagram Off Gas Charcoal Absorber System Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-44 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-1500 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 189'-0" Area 4 M-1501 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 4 M-1502 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 4 M-1503 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 255'-0" Area 4 M-1504 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 4 M-1507 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 5 M-1508 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 5 M-1509 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 255'-0" Area 5 M-1510 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 5 M-1511 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 200'-0" Area 9 M-1512 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 9 M-1513 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 239'-0" Area 9 M-1515 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 9 M-1516 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 285'-0" Area 9 M-1517 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 302'-0" Area 9 M-1520 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 200'-0" Area 10 M-1521 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 10 M-1522 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 236'-0" Area 10 M-1524 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 269'-0" Area 10 M-1526 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 302'-0" Area 10 M-1527 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Turbine Building Instrument Location Plan el 180'-0" Area 8 M-1529 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Diesel Generator Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" M-1530 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 13 M-1531 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 13 M-1532 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 13 M-1533 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 13 M-1534 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 13 M-1535 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 13 M-1536 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 14 M-1537 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 14 M-1538 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 14 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-45 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Table 1.7-3 (Contd)
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-1539 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 14 M-1540 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 14 M-1541 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 14 M-1542 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 17 M-1543 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 17 M-1544 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 17 M-1545 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 17 M-1546 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 17 M-1547 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 1 M-1548 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Piping Tunnel Areas 17 and 18 M-1550 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 177'-0" Area 18 M-1551 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 201'-0" Area 18 M-1552 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 217'-0" Area 18 M-1553 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 253'-0" Area 18 M-1554 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 283'-0" Area 18 M-1555 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building Instrument Location Plan el 313'-0" Area 18 M-1556 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building el 352'-0" Area 13 M-1557 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building el 352'-0" Area 14 M-1558 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building el 352'-0" Area 17 M-1559 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Reactor Building el 352'-0" Area 18 M-1560 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Tunnel Piping M-1561 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Tunnel Piping M-1562 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Radwaste Tunnel Piping M-1563 Sh.1 Unit 2 - Instrument Location Plan Circulating Water and H2SO4 M-1564 Sh.1 Reactor Units 1 and 2 Instrument Location Plan (North Stack) el 364'-0" to 410'-0" M-1565 Sh.1 Reactor Units 1 and 2 Instrument Location Plan (South Stack) el 352'-0" to 398'-7" M-1566 Sh.1 Drywell Plan el 253'-0" Areas 13, 14, 17 and 18 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-46 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number B21-1030-F-001 GE FCD - Nuclear Boiler System 7.3-8 Sh.1 B21-1030-F-002 GE FCD - Nuclear Boiler System 7.3-8 Sh.2 B21-1030-F-002 Sh.2 GE FCD - Nuclear Boiler System 7.3-8 Sh.3 B21-1030-F-003 GE FCD - Nuclear Boiler System 7.3-8 Sh.4 B21-1030-F-004 GE FCD - Nuclear Boiler System 7.3-8 Sh.5 B21-1030-F-005 GE FCD - Nuclear Boiler System 7.3-8 Sh.6 B32-1020-F-002 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.1 B32-1020-F-003 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.2 B32-1020-F-004 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.3 B32-1020-F-005 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.4 B32-1020-F-006 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.5 C11-1020-G-004 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.1 C11-1020-G-005 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.2 C11-1020-G-006 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.3 C11-1020-G-007 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.4 C11-1030-F-008 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.1 C11-1030-F-009 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.2 C11-1030-F-010 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.3 C11-1030-F-011 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.4 C11-1030-F-012 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.5 C11-1030-F-013 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.6 C11-1030-F-014 GE FCD - Control Rod Drive System 7.7-2 Sh.7 C32-1010-F-001 GE IED - Feedwater Control System - Turbine Feedpump 7.7-8 Sh.1 C41-1030-F-002 GE FCD - Standby Liquid Control System 7.4-2 Sh.1 C41-1030-F-003 GE FCD - Standby Liquid Control System 7.4-2 Sh.2 C41-1030-F-004 GE FCD - Standby Liquid Control System 7.4-2 Sh.3 C51-1010-F-002 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-1 Sh.1 C51-1010-F-003 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-1 Sh.2 C51-1010-F-004 Sh.1 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-1 Sh.3 C51-1010-F-004 Sh.2 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-1 Sh.4 C51-1020-F-009 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.1 C51-1020-F-010 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.2 C51-1020-F-011 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.3 C51-1020-F-012 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.4 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-47 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number C51-1020-F-013 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.5 C51-1020-F-014 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.6 C51-1020-F-015 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.7 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.1 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.8 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.2 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.9 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.3 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.10 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.4 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.11 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.5 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.12 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.6 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.13 C51-1020-F-016 Sh.7 GE FCD - Neutron Monitoring System 7.6-4 Sh.14 C71-1010-F-002 GE IED - Reactor Protection System 7.2-1 Sh.1 C71-1010-F-003 GE IED - Reactor Protection System 7.2-1 Sh.2 C71-1010-F-004 GE IED - Reactor Protection System 7.2-1 Sh.3 C71-1010-F-005 GE IED - Reactor Protection System 7.2-1 Sh.4 DBA-110-E0001 Sh.1 RPV Head Vent Piping Isometric - Unit 1 3.6-30 Sh.1 DBA-110-J0001 Sh.1 RPV Head Vent Piping Isometric - Unit 1 3.6-30 Sh.1 E11-1020-G002 Sh.1 GE Process Diagram - Residual Heat Removal System 6.3-3 Sh.1 E11-1020-G002 Sh.2 GE Process Diagram - Residual Heat Removal System 6.3-3 Sh.2 E11-1020-G002 Sh.3 GE Process Diagram - Residual Heat Removal System 6.3-3 Sh.3 E11-1030-F-001 GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.3-10 Sh.1 E11-1030-F-001 Sh.1A GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.3-10 Sh.1 E11-1030-F-002 GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.3-10 Sh.1 E11-1030-F-003 GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.7-10 Sh.3 E11-1030-F-003 Sh.1A GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.3-10 Sh.3 E21-1020-G-001 GE Process Diagram - Core Spray System 6.3-2 Sh.1 E21-1030-F-004 GE FCD - Core Spray System 7.3-9 Sh.1 E21-1030-F-005 GE FCD - Core Spray System 7.3-9 Sh.2 E41-1020-G-002 GE Process Diagram - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 6.3-1 Sh.1 E41-1030-F-004 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.1 Sh.2 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.2 E41-1030-F-005 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.3 Sh.2 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.4 E41-1030-F-006 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.5 E41-1030-F-007 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.6 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-48 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number E41-1030-F-008 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.7 E41-1030-F-009 GE FCD - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 7.3-7 Sh.8 E51-1020-G-002 GE Process Diagram - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 5.4-10 Sh.1 E51-1030-F-004 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.1 E51-1030-F-004 Sh.2 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.2 E51-1030-F-005 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.3 E51-1030-F-006 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.4 E51-1030-F-007 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.5 E51-1030-F-008 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.6 E51-1030-F-009 GE FCD - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 7.4-1 Sh.7 G31-1020-F-001 GE FCD - Reactor Water Cleanup System 7.7.11 Sh.1 G31-1030-G-001 GE Process Diagram - Reactor Water Cleanup System 5.4.17 Sh.1 N-00E-246-00193 Sh.1 Heat Balance Diagram-100%
10.1-1 Sh.1 C-2 Sh.1 Yardwork - Plot Plan 1.2-1 Sh.1 C-11 Sh.1 Yardwork - Fire Sytem 9A-3 Sh.1 C-12 Sh.1 Yardwork - Domestic Water System 9.2-29 Sh.1 M-110 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 200' 1.2-17 Sh.1 M-111 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 217' 1.2-19 Sh.1 M-112 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 and Control Structure - Plan at El 239' 1.2-21 Sh.1 M-113 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 269' 1.2-23 Sh.1 M-114 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Section A-A 1.2-28 Sh.1 M-115 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 and Control Structure - Plan at El 302' & 304' 1.2-25 Sh.1 M-116 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 177' 1.2-2 Sh.1 M-117 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 201' 1.2-4 Sh.1 M-118 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 217' 1.2-6 Sh.1 M-119 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 253' 1.2-8 Sh.1 M-120 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 & 2 - Plan at El 283' 1.2-10 Sh.1 M-121 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El 313' 1.2-12 Sh.1 M-122 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure Refueling Area - Unit 1 - Plan at El 352' 1.2-14 Sh.1 Sh.1 9.1-17A Sh.1 M-123 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Section A-A 1.2-16 Sh.1 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-49 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-124 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Control Structure - Plan at El 321', 332', and 350' 1.2-27 Sh.1 M-125 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 200' 1.2-18 Sh.1 M-126 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 217' 1.2-20 Sh.1 M-127 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 and Control Structure - Plan at El 239' 1.2-22 Sh.1 M-128 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 269' 1.2-24 Sh.1 M-129 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Section A-A 1.2-29 Sh.1 M-130 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 and Control Structure - Plan at El 302' & 304' 1.2-26 Sh.1 M-131 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 177' 1.2-3 Sh.1 M-132 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 201' 1.2-5 Sh.1 M-133 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 217' 1.2-7 Sh.1 M-134 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 253' 1.2-9 Sh.1 M-135 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 283' 1.2-11 Sh.1 M-136 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El 313' 1.2-13 Sh.1 M-137 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure Refueling Area - Unit 2 - Plan at El 352' 1.2-15 Sh.1 Sh.1 9.1-17B Sh.1 M-138 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Section A-A 1.2-16 Sh.2 M-140 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Radwaste Enclosure - Plan at El 162' 1.2-30 Sh.1 M-141 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Radwaste Enclosure - Plan at El 191' 1.2-31 Sh.1 M-142 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Radwaste Enclosure - Plan at El 217' 1.2-32 Sh.1 M-143 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Radwaste Enclosure - Plan at El 237' & 257' 1.2-33 Sh.1 M-144 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Radwaste Enclosure - Sections 1.2-34 Sh.1 M-145 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 - Plan at El 217' 1.2-35 Sh.1 M-146 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Diesel Generator Enclosure - Units 1 & 2 - Sections 1.2-36 Sh.1 M-191 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 180' - Area 8 1.2-75 Sh.1 M-192 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 180' - Area 8 1.2-74 Sh.1 M-195 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 200' - Area 8 1.2-76 Sh.1 M-196 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 217' - Area 8 1.2-77 Sh.1 M-197 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 239' - Area 8 1.2-78 Sh.1 M-198 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 254' - Area 8 1.2-79 Sh.1 M-200 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 269' - Area 8 1.2-80 Sh.1 M-201 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 289' - Area 8 1.2-81 Sh.1 M-202 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Turbine Building - Units 1 & 2 - El 304' - Area 8 1.2-82 Sh.1 M-206 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.177' - Area 11 1.2-40 Sh.1 M-207 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.201'- Area 11 1.2-45 Sh.1 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-50 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-208 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.217' - Area 11 1.2-49 Sh.1 M-209 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.253' - Area 11 1.2-53 Sh.1 M-210 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.283" - Area 11 1.2-57 Sh.1 M-211 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.313' - Area 11 1.2-61 Sh.1 M-213 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Drywell Plan at El.238' - Area 11, 12, 15, & 16 1.2-65 Sh.1 M-215 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Section B-B - Areas 11, 12, & 16 1.2-71 Sh.1 M-217 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Section D-D - Areas 12, & 16 1.2-72 Sh.1 M-218 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.177' - Area 12 1.2-41 Sh.1 M-219 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.201' - Area 12 1.2-46 Sh.1 M-220 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.217' - Area 12 1.2-50 Sh.1 M-221 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.253' - Area 12 1.2-54 Sh.1 M-222 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.283' - Area 12 1.2-58 Sh.1 M-223 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.313' - Area 12 1.2-62 Sh.1 M-225 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Drywell Plan at El.253' - Area 11, 12, 15, & 16 1.2-66 Sh.1 M-226 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Drywell Plan at El.272'-9" - Area 11, 12, 15, & 16 1.2-67 Sh.1 M-227 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.177' - Area 15 1.2-42 Sh.1 M-228 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.210' - Area 15 1.2-47 Sh.1 M-229 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.217' - Area 15 1.2-51 Sh.1 M-230 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.253' - Area 15 1.2-55 Sh.1 M-231 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.283' - Area 15 1.2-59 Sh.1 M-232 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.313' - Area 15 1.2-63 Sh.1 M-234 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Drywell Plan at El.286' - Area 11, 12, 15, & 16 1.2-68 Sh.1 M-235 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Drywell Plan at El.295' - Area 11, 12, 15, & 16 1.2-69 Sh.1 M-236 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Drywell Plan at El.310' - Area 11, 12, 15, & 16 1.2-70 Sh.1 M-237 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.177' Area 16 1.2-43 Sh.1 M-238 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.210' - Area 16 1.2-48 Sh.1 M-239 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.217' - Area 16 1.2-52 Sh.1 M-240 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.253' - Area 16 1.2-56 Sh.1 M-241 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.283' - Area 16 1.2-60 Sh.1 M-242 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El.313' - Area 16 1.2-64 Sh.1 M-246 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El.191' Area 15 & 16 1.2-44 Sh.1 M-312 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.283' - Area 17 1.2-60 Sh.2 M-313 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.313' - Area 17 1.2-64 Sh.2 M-316 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Section B-B - Areas 13, & 14 1.2-71 Sh.2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-51 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-317 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El.191' Area 17 & 18 1.2-44 Sh.2 M-318 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El 177' - Area 18 1.2-42 Sh.2 M-319 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El 201' - Area 18 1.2-47 Sh.2 M-320 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El 217' - Area 18 1.2-51 Sh.2 M-321 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El 253' - Area 18 1.2-55 Sh.2 M-322 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El 283' - Area 18 1.2-59 Sh.2 M-323 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El 313' - Area 18 1.2-63 Sh.2 M-326 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Section D-D - Areas 13, & 17 1.2-72 Sh.2 M-384 Sh.1 Piping Assembly for Spray Network A B C & D 9.2-7 Sh.1 M-388 Sh.1 Equipment Location - Spray Pond Pump Structure -Plans at El 268 and 251 1.2-37 Sh.1 M-389 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Spray Pond Pump Structure, Sections 1.2-39 Sh.1 M-390 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Spray Pond Pump Structure - Plan at El 237' 1.2-38 Sh.1 M-677 Sh.1 Instrument Location - Turbine Bldg - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 255 - Area 1 7.2-11 Sh.1 M-6389 Sh.1 Sewage Treatment Facility - Equipment, Instrumentation & Piping Diagram 9.3-9 Sh.1 M-8320 Sh.1 RHR & Core Spray Strainer Gen. Arrgt.-Plan-Reactor Enclosure Areas 11,12,15 1.2-83 Sh.1 N-110 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 200' 12.3-8 Sh.1 N-111 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 217' 12.3-9 Sh.1 N-112 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 239' 12.3-10 Sh.1 N-113 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 269' 12.3-11 Sh.1 N-115 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 302' & 304' 12.3-12 Sh.1 N-116 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 177' 12.3-13 Sh.1 N-117 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 201' 12.3-14 Sh.1 N-118 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 217' 12.3-15 Sh.1 N-119 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 253' 12.3-16 Sh.1 N-120 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 283' 12.3-17 Sh.1 N-121 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 313' 12.3-18 Sh.1 N-122 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 1 - Plan at El. 352' 12.3-19 Sh.1 N-124 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Cont Structure - Plans at El. 321', 332', 350', & Sect.
12.3-24 Sh.1 N-125 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 200' 12.3-8 Sh.2 N-126 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 217' 12.3-9 Sh.2 N-127 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 239' 12.3-10 Sh.2 N-128 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 269' 12.3-11 Sh.2 N-130 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Turbine Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 302' & 304' 12.3-12 Sh.2 N-131 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 177' 12.3-13 Sh.2 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-52 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number M-288 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El.177' Area 13 1.2-41 Sh.2 M-289 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.201' - Area 13 1.2-46 Sh.2 M-290 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.217' - Area 13 1.2-50 Sh.2 M-291 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.253' - Area 13 1.2-54 Sh.2 M-292 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.283' - Area 13 1.2-58 Sh.2 M-293 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.313' - Area 13 1.2-62 Sh.2 M-295 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Drywell Plan at El.238' - Area 13, 14, 17, & 18 1.2-65 Sh.2 M-296 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Drywell Plan at El.253' - Area 13, 14, 17, & 18 1.2-66 Sh.2 M-297 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Drywell Plan at El.272'-9" - Area 13, 14, 17, & 18 1.2-67 Sh.2 M-298 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.177' - Area 14 1.2-40 Sh.2 M-299 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.201' - Area 14 1.2-45 Sh.2 M-300 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.217' - Area 14 1.2-49 Sh.2 M-301 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El.253' Area 14 1.2-53 Sh.2 M-302 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.283' - Area 14 1.2-57 Sh.2 M-303 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.313' - Area 14 1.2-61 Sh.2 M-305 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Drywell Plan at El.286' - Area 13, 14, 17, & 18 1.2-68 Sh.2 M-306 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Drywell Plan at El.295' - Area 13, 14, 17, & 18 1.2-69 Sh.2 M-307 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Drywell Plan at El.310' - Area 13, 14, 17, & 18 1.2-70 Sh.2 M-308 Sh.1 Piping and Equipment Layout - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El.177' Area 17 1.2-43 Sh.2 M-309 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.201' - Area 17 1.2-48 Sh.2 M-310 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.217' - Area 17 1.2-52 Sh.2 M-311 Sh.1 Piping and Mechanical - Reactor Bldg - Unit 2 - Plan at El.253' - Area 17 1.2-56 Sh.2 N-132 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 201' 12.3-14 Sh.2 N-133 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 217' 12.3-15 Sh.2 N-134 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 253' 12.3-16 Sh.2 N-135 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 283' 12.3-17 Sh.2 N-136 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 313' 12.3-18 Sh.2 N-137 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Reactor Enclosure - Unit 2 - Plan at El. 352' 12.3-19 Sh.2 N-139 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - Roof Areas of Rx.Enc., RW Encl., & Control Encl.
12.3-25 Sh.1 N-140 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - RW & Offgas Enclosures - Plan at El. 162' & 187'-6" 12.3-20 Sh.1 N-141 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - RW & Offgas Enclosures - Plan at El. 191' & 195' 12.3-21 Sh.1 N-142 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - RW & Offgas Enclosures - Plan at El. 217' 12.3-22 Sh.1 N-143 Sh.1 Shielding and Radiation Zoning Drawing - RW Enclosure - Plan at El. 237' & 257' 12.3-23 Sh.1 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.7-53 REV. 17, SEPTEMBER 2014 Table 1.7-4 (Contd)
FIGURE INDEX FOR MISC. DRAWINGS Drawing Number Title Former UFSAR Figure Number 105D5584 Sh.1 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.1 Sh.2 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.2 Sh.3 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.3 Sh.4 GE Process Diagram - Control Rod Drive System 4.6-7 Sh.4 731E769AD Sh.1 GE Process Diagram - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 5.4-10 Sh.1 761E292AD Sh.1 GE Process Diagram - Residual Heat Removal System 5.4-14 Sh.1 Sh.2 GE Process Diagram - Residual Heat Removal System 5.4-14 Sh.2 Sh.3 GE Process Diagram - Residual Heat Removal System 5.4-14 Sh.3 761E270AD Sh.1 GE Process Diagram - High Pressure Coolant Injection System 6.3-1 Sh.1 761E280A Sh.1 GE Process Diagram - Core Spray System 6.3-2 Sh.1 729E613AD Sh.1 GE FCD - Core Spray System 7.3-9 Sh.1 Sh.2 GE FCD - Core Spray System 7.3-9 Sh.2 919D694AD Sh.1 GE FCD - Standby Liquid Control System 7.4-2 Sh.1 Sh.2 GE FCD - Standby Liquid Control System 7.4-2 Sh.2 Sh.3 GE FCD - Standby Liquid Control System 7.4-2 Sh.3 729E618AD Sh.1 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.1 Sh.4 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.4 Sh.5 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.5 Sh.6 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-2 Sh.6 729E630AD Sh.1 GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.3-10 Sh.1 Sh.2 GE FCD - Residual Heat Removal System 7.3-10 Sh.2 761E477 Sh.3 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.3 Sh.4 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.4 Sh.5 GE FCD - Reactor Recirculation System 7.7-6 Sh.5 Note: See note in Section 1.7 for drawing considerations.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-1 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 1.8 CONFORMANCE TO NRC REGULATORY GUIDES This section provides a brief description of LGS conformance with the guidelines presented in the regulatory guides and provides reference to the UFSAR sections where the LGS design and details of conformance or alternate approaches are discussed.
The conformance information below applies only to the particular guide being addressed and not necessarily to other guides that may be referenced in that guide.
This section also identifies those guides classified as Category 1,2,3 or 4 per Reference 1.11-2, as discussed in Section 1.11.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.1 Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1)
Rev 0, November 2 1970 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections 5.4.7 and 6.3.2.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.2 Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels (Safety Guide 2)
Rev 0, November 2 1970 Although not used as a design basis, LGS is evaluated as being in conformance with this guide.
Reactor vessel integrity is discussed in Section 5.3.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.3 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss-of-Coolant Accident for Boiling Water Reactors Rev 2, June 1974___________________________________________________
Regulatory Guide 1.3 was used for the original plant design. Regulatory Guide 1.3 is used for the determination of in-plant doses, shielding design and equipment unless such evaluations are re-performed using Alternate Source Terms. The requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.3, as they apply to the determination of control room and off-site radiological consequences for LOCA, are superseded by the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.4 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a
Loss-of-Coolant Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors Rev 2, June 1974 This guide is for pressurized water reactors and therefore is not applicable to LGS.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.5 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Steam Line Break Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Safety Guide 5)
Rev 0, March 10 1971
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-2 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 Regulatory Guide 1.5 was used for the original design of LGS. Regulatory Guide 1.5 is used for the determination of in-plant doses, shielding design and equipment unless such evaluations are re-performed using Alternate Source Terms. Regulatory Guide 1.5 steam cloud dispersion methodology is used for the MSLB does assessment for Alternate Source Terms. The requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.5, as they apply to the determination of control room and off-site radiological consequences for a Main Steam Line Break, are superseded by the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.183.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.6 Independence Between Redundant Standby (Onsite) Power Sources and Between Their Distribution Systems (Safety Guide 6)
Rev 0, March 10 1971 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections, and
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.7 Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident Rev 2, November 1978 LGS is in conformance with this guide. There is a clarification of quality group requirements of paragraph C.3 for the gas analyzer packages, as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.8 Personnel Selection and Training Rev 1-R, May 1977 LGS is in conformance with this guide to the extent discussed in Section, 13.1 and 13.2.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.9 Selection of Diesel Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Supplies (Safety Guide 9)
Rev 2, December 1979 LGS is in conformance with Revision 0 (3/10/71) of this guide as discussed in Section
Revision 1 of this guide was for comment only, and Revision 2 is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after December, 1979).
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.10 Mechanical (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Category I Concrete Structures Rev 1, January 2 1973
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-3 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that there are alternate approaches to paragraphs C.4.a, C.4.b, C.5.a, and C.5.b in that some testing procedures differ but are interpreted to be equally or more stringent than those recommended in the regulatory guide. Details are discussed in Section 3.8.6.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.11 Instrument Lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Containment (Safety Guide 11)
Rev 0, March 10, 1971 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that position indication of excess flow check valves is provided locally, rather than in the control room as suggested in Paragraph C.1.c. of the guide.
Details are discussed in Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.6. LGS is in conformance with this guide for the TIP system lines to the extent discussed in Section 6.2.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.12 Instrumentation for Earthquakes Rev 2, March 1997 The LGS design is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.13 Spent Fuel Storage Facility Design Basis Rev 1, December 1975 This guide applies to LGS on a case-by-case basis. LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections 9.1.2 and 9.1.4.
(Category 4)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.14 Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Integrity Rev 1, August 1975 The subject matter does not apply to LGS as reactor coolant recirculation pumps do not have inertia flywheels.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-4 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.15 Testing of Reinforcing Bars for Category 1 Concrete Structures Rev 1, December 28, 1972 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.16 Reporting of Operating Information - Appendix A Technical Specifications Rev 4, August 1975 LGS reporting requirements are established in Chapter 16, Technical Specifications, which were based on NUREG-0123, Revision 2, "Standard Technical Specifications for GE Boiling Water Reactors."
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.17 Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Industrial Sabotage Rev 1, June 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide to the extent discussed in Section 13.6.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.18 Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary Reactor Containments Rev 1, December 28, 1972 LGS is in conformance with paragraphs C.4 through C.8 & C.13. Alternate approaches are employed for portions of paragraphs C.1, C.2, and C.3 regarding pressure tests, measurement locations, and deflection measurement. The test environment of paragraph C.9 is not considered applicable, and LGS has not utilized the test pressure drop procedures of paragraph C.10. Details are discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.19 Nondestructive Examination of Primary Containment Liner Welds (Safety Guide 19)
Rev 1, August 11 1972 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that alternate approaches are employed for paragraphs C.1.a (radiographic examination increments) and C.7.a and C.7.b (acceptance standards). Conformance to paragraph C.4 (personnel qualification) is subject to an interpretation.
Details are discussed in Sections 3.8.1 and 3.8.2.
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-5 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.20 Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program for Reactor Internals During Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing Rev 2, May 1976 LGS's program is evaluated as being in conformance with this guide and is discussed in Section and 14.2.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.21 Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, June 1974 The LGS process and effluent radiological monitoring and sampling systems are designed to allow conformance to this guide, as discussed in Section 7.7, 11.5 and 12.3. Evaluation and reporting procedures during operation will conform to this guide.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.22 Periodic Testing of Protection System Actuation Functions (Safety Guide 22)
Rev 0, February 17 1972 The LGS design is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections and
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.23 Onsite Meteorological Programs (Safety Guide 23)
Rev 0, February 17 1972 The LGS onsite meteorological instrumentation systems met NRC requirements at the time of installation, prior to the issuance of this guide. LGS conforms to the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.23, except as discussed in detail in Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.24 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Failure (Safety Guide 24)
Rev 0, March 23 1972 This guide is for PWRs and therefore does not apply to LGS.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.25 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Facility for Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactors (Safety Guide 25)
Rev 0, March 23 1972
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-6 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 Regulatory Guide 1.25 was used for the original design. Regulatory Guide 1.25 is used for the determination of in-plant doses, shielding design and equipment unless such evaluations are re-performed using Alternate Source Terms. The requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.25, as they apply to the determination of control room and off-site radiological consequences for a Fuel Handling Accident, are superseded by the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.183.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.26 Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water-,
Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 3, February 1976 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that alternate approaches are used for the CRD hydraulic control units, isolation of certain steam lines, parts of the fuel pool cooling system, diesel generator cooling system, and control structure chilled water system, instrument tubing for "passive" instrumentation, the SLCS storage tanks and accumulator vessels, and the HPCI globe stop-check valves. Details are discussed in Section 3.2.2.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.27 Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, January 1976 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that alternate approaches were used to paragraphs C.1, C.1.a, C.1.b, and C.1.c regarding thermal analysis methods and selection of meteorology. The design meteorology is in conformance with Revision 1 of the guide. Details for both Revision 1 and Revision 2 are discussed in Section
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.28 Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)
Rev 3, August 1985 At the time of initial licensing, this guide, which endorsed/modified ANSI N45.2 (1977), was not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after October 1979); Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction." The LGS QA program during operation will be in conformance with this guide, as discussed in the QATR.
Further, as discussed in a letter of approval from the NRC to Exelon, dated December 24, 2002, Regulatory Guide 1.28, Rev 3 endorses NQA-1-1983. The NRC letter approves Exelon's proposal to update its commitment to quality standards by adopting the guidance of NQA-1-1994.
Therefore, N45.2.13-1976, superseded by NQA-1-1983 has been superseded by NQA-1-1994.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.29 Seismic Design Classification Rev 3, September 1978
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-7 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that alternate approaches have been taken for the fuel pool cooling system and isolation of certain steam lines. There are clarifications for certain reactor internals and reactivity control systems. Details are discussed in Section 3.2.1.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.30 Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment (Safety Guide 30)
Rev 0, August 11 1972 LGS is constructed in accordance with this guide, which endorses/ modifies ANSI N45.2.4 (1972)/IEEE 336 (1971), although the standard is not specifically a part of construction quality assurance procedures as discussed in Section
The commitments to this Regulatory Guide and ANSI N45.2.4 were deleted since they were superseded by Exelons commitment to ASME NQA-1 1994 subpart 2.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.31 Control of Ferrite Content in Stainless Steel Weld Metal Rev 3, April 1978 Revision 3 of this guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after October 1, 1978). For the GE scope of supply, Revision 1 of the guide is used as a design basis for LGS, with certain alternate approaches considered to meet the intent of the guide. Details are discussed in Section, along with a comparison of Bechtel procedures with Revision 3 of the guide.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.32 Criteria for Safety-Related Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, February 1977 This guide, which endorses/modifies IEEE 308 (1974), is not applicable to LGS (for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after April 14, 1977). The LGS design is in conformance as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.33 Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)
Rev 2, February 1978 LGS is in conformance with this guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N18.7 (1976), except for certain alternate approaches to the guide and the ANSI standard, as discussed in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.34 Control of Electroslag Weld Properties Rev 0, December 28 1972 Electroslag welding was not used on LGS and therefore this guide is not applicable.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-8 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.35 Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures Rev 2, January 1976 LGS does not have a prestressed concrete containment and therefore this guide does not apply.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.36 Nonmetallic Thermal Insulation for Austenitic Stainless Steel Rev 0, February 23 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.37 Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, March 16 1973 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.1 (1973). While this standard is not specifically applied in Bechtel's scope of work, the procedures in use satisfy the intent of the guide as discussed in Section The GE scope of supply is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections 4.5.
The commitments to this Regulatory Guide and ANSI N45.2.1 were deleted since they were superseded by Exelons commitment to ASME NQA-1 1994 subpart 2.1.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.38 Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, May 1977 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.2 (1972). The guide/ standard is not specifically utilized during construction, although procedures in use for LGS conform with the intent of the guide.
Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
The GE scope of supply is in conformance with this guide as discussed in NEDO-11209-04A, "Nuclear Energy Business Group Boiling Water Reactor Quality Assurance Program" February, 1980.
The commitments to this Regulatory Guide and ANSI N45.2.2 were deleted since they were superseded by Exelons commitment to ASME NQA-1 1994 subpart 2.2.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.39 Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, September 1977
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-9 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 LGS is in general conformance with this guide, which endorses/ modifies ANSI N45.2.3 (1973),
although the ANSI Standard is not specifically a part of construction quality assurance procedures.
Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
The commitments to this Regulatory Guide and ANSI N45.2.3 were deleted since they were superseded by Exelons commitment to ASME NQA-1 1994 subpart 2.3.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.40 Qualification Tests of Continuous-Duty Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, March 16, 1973 Limerick is in conformance with the intent of this guide, which endorses/modifies trial use standard IEEE 334-1971, as discussed in Section The Standard was revised on October 29, 1974, and the method of qualification testing was modified from the trial use version. The in-containment motors at LGS were qualified by testing performed in accordance with the enhanced methods stated in the 1974 version of IEEE Standard 334.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.41 Preoperational Testing of Redundant Onsite Electric Power Systems to Verify Proper Load Group Assignments Rev 0, March 16 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections,, and
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.42 Interim Licensing Policy on as Low as Practicable for Gaseous Radioiodine Releases Withdrawn by the NRC March 22, 1976.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.43 Control of Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of Low-Alloy Steel Components Rev 0, May 1973 This guide applies to welding of cladding to low-alloy steels made to coarse grain practice. LGS vessel plate and nozzle forgings are made to fine grain practice and a low heat input process is used. Other components are not clad. Therefore, the guide is not applicable.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.44 Control of the Use of Sensitized Stainless Steel Rev 0, May 1973
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-10 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 For GE scope of supply, this guide is not used as a design basis for LGS and in some instances alternate approaches are used which, however, conform to the intent of this guide. For the Bechtel scope of supply, there is conformance with the guide except for alternate approaches taken for nonsensitization and intergranular corrosion testing. Details are discussed in Section
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.45 Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection Systems Rev 0, May 1973 The LGS design complies with the intent of this regulatory guide. Three diverse methods of detection have been provided. The design bases, limitations, and operation of these systems are discussed in Sections through These provisions meet or exceed the recommendations of ANSI/ISA S67.03. Each of the three systems provided for leak detection has readouts and alarms in the main control room in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.45.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.46 Protection Against Pipe Whip Inside Containment Rev 0, May 1973 For the recirculation system, pipe break locations are selected by alternate criteria which are in accordance with the intent of this guide. For all other systems, the criteria of BTP MEB 3-1 (dated 11/24/75) are used in lieu of the criteria of the regulatory guide. Protection against the effects of postulated pipe ruptures, both inside and outside the primary containment, is discussed in Section 3.6.2.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.47 Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication for Nuclear Power Plant Safety Systems Rev 0, May 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections and
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.48 Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Seismic Category I Fluid System Components Rev 0, May 1973 The design limits and loading combinations for non-NSSS seismic Category I fluid systems is in accordance with this guide, as shown in Section 3.9. The NSSS systems were designed prior to the issuance of this guide and therefore the guide was not a design basis requirement, however, there is general agreement with the guide. A comparison between Regulatory Guide 1.48 and the NSSS design is provided in Section 3.9.3.
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-11 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.49 Power Levels of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, December 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section 15.0.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.50 Control of Preheat Temperature for Welding of Low-Alloy Steel Rev 0, May 1973 For GE scope of supply, the guide was not used as a design basis for LGS and in some cases alternate approaches are employed that satisfy the intent of the guide. For Bechtel scope of supply, alternate approaches are employed for portions of the procedure qualifications and maintenance of preheat temperature beyond completion of welding. Details are discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.51 Inservice Inspection of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Nuclear Power Plant Components Withdrawn by the NRC July 15, 1975.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.52 Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Post Accident Engineered Safety Feature Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, March 1978 The LGS system was designed prior to the original issuance of this guide in 1973, and therefore the guide was not specifically considered in the design. While there is substantial conformance, there are various exceptions and alternate approaches. These, however, are not considered significantly different from the intent of the guide. Details are discussed in Section 6.5.1 and Table 6.5-2. The initial test program will be in conformance except as may be modified by the general statement on regulatory guides in Section 14.2. Testing during operation is discussed in Chapter
- 16.
(Category 2 for Revision 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.53 Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Plant Protection Systems Rev 0, June 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide, which endorses/modifies trial use standard IEEE 379 (1972), as discussed in Sections and
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-12 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.54 Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, June 1973 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N101.4 (1972). Non-NSSS practice is in conformance with the guide except that, since there are no Class I Service Level coatings in LGS, a quality assurance program was not applied. Most NSSS equipment for LGS was ordered prior to the issuance of the guide and ANSI N101.4 was not used as a design basis. GE procedures are considered to satisfy the intent of the guide. Details are discussed in Section 6.1.2. During operation, LGS will be in conformance with ASTM D3843-93 with an additional clarification, exception, and requirement as discussed in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.55 Concrete Placement in Category I Structures Rev 0, June 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that an alternate approach used for paragraphs C.2 and C.3 regarding the division of responsibilities of "designer" and "constructor" within Bechtel.
Details are discussed in Section Also, this guide references ACI 301-72 and ACI 305-72 and LGS is in conformance with ACI 301-66 and ACI 605-59.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.56 Maintenance of Water Purity in Boiling Water Reactors Rev 1, July 1978 The LGS design is in conformance with this guide except for alternate approaches to measurement of deep bed condensate demineralizer flow and methods of determining resin exhaustion for the condensate cleanup system. The condensate cleanup system is discussed in Section 10.4.6. The RWCU system is discussed in Section 5.4.8.
Water purity limits are presented in Chapter 16.
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.57 Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor Containment System Components Rev 0, June 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide, which applies to hatches and other metal components on LGS, with the clarification that the Code Addenda in effect at the time of design were used, rather than the later one cited by the guide. Details are discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.58 Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel Rev 1, September 1980
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-13 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.6. QA during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
During operation, for NDE personnel, the Company and contractor personnel performing NDE are trained, tested, qualified, or certified in accordance with a company procedure that meets applicable requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a and ASME Section XI with specific exceptions and clarifications as discussed in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.59 Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, August 1977 Although this guide does not apply to LGS (being for construction permit applications docketed after the guide's issuance), LGS is in conformance as discussed in Section
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.60 Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, December 1973 A letter from J.M. Hendrie (NRC) to R.M. Collins (Bechtel) dated Dec. 21, 1973 stated that this guide is applicable only to plants docketed for construction permit review after April 1, 1973. LGS was docketed prior to this date, and therefore the guide is not applicable. The design response spectra were determined prior to the issuance of this guide and LGS has employed alternate approaches. Details are discussed in Section
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.61 Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, October 1973 A letter from J.M. Hendrie (NRC) to R.M. Collins (Bechtel) dated Dec. 21, 1973 stated that this guide is applicable only to plants docketed for construction permit review after April 1, 1973.
LGS was docketed prior to this date and therefore the guide is not applicable. The damping values for both the NSSS and non-NSSS scope were determined prior to the issuance of this guide. For the NSSS design, an alternate approach has been employed that is more conservative than the recommendations of the guide. The non-NSSS design uses values equal to or more conservative than the guides except for the SSE value for welded steel structures.
Details are discussed in Section 3.7.1.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.62 Manual Initiation of Protective Actions Rev 0, October 1973 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Sections and
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-14 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.63 Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, July 1978 The LGS electric penetration assemblies were purchased when Revision 0 (10/73) of this guide, which endorses/modifies IEEE 317 (1972), was in effect. The LGS assemblies are in full conformance with this revision of the guide. Revision 2 of the guide, which endorses/modifies IEEE 317 (1976), is not applicable to LGS per its implementation section (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after August 31, 1978). There are several exceptions and clarifications to this revision of the guide as discussed in Section
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.64 Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, June 1976 This guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.11, does not apply to LGS (being for construction permits docketed after July 15, 1976). Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction." LGS will conform during operation, except for certain alternate approaches to paragraph C.2 of the guide regarding design verification, as discussed in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.65 Materials and Inspections for Reactor Vessel Closure Studs Rev 0, October 1973 The reactor vessel closure studs were ordered prior to the issuance of this guide and therefore the guide was not used as a design basis for LGS. The LGS design, is in conformance except that alternate approaches were used for Charpy V impact testing of paragraph C.1.B.(2) of the guide and ultrasonic examination procedures of paragraph C.2.b. Material details and use are discussed in Section The cleanliness recommendations of the guide will be followed during operation.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.66 Nondestructive Examination of Tubular Products Withdrawn by NRC September 1977. Discussion of activities prior to that time is provided in Section
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.67 Installation of Overpressure Protection Devices Rev 0, October 1973 There are no ASME Section III, Class 1, 2 or 3 relief valves employed in the LGS design, to which Code Case 1569 applies, therefore, the subject matter of this guide is not applicable to LGS.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-15 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.68 Initial Test Program for Water-Cooled Reactor Power Plants Rev 2, August 1978 LGS will be in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.68.1 Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing of Feedwater and Condensate Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Power Plants Rev 1, January 1977 LGS will be in conformance with the guide as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.68.2 Initial Startup Test Program to Demonstrate Remote Shutdown Capability for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, July 1978 LGS will be in conformance with the guide.
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.68.3 Preoperational Testing of Instrument and Control Air Systems Rev 0, April 1982 LGS will be in conformance with the applicable portions of this guide.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.69 Concrete Radiation Shields for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, December 1973 LGS did not directly apply this guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N101.6 (1972). Certain provisions of the guide, including those pertaining to structural aspects of radiation shield design are met by LGS via conformance to concrete standards. LGS concrete standards are discussed in Section 3.8.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.70 Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 3, November 1978 The LGS FSAR is in conformance with the format and content requirements of this guide.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.71 Welder Qualification for Areas of Limited Accessibility
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-16 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 Rev 0, December 1973 GE does not employ this guide as a design basis for LGS and in some cases employs alternate approaches that are evaluated as satisfying the intent of the guide. Details are discussed in Section Bechtel employs alternate approaches to portions of this guide as in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.72 Spray Pond Piping Made from Fiberglass-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Rev 2, November 1978 The LGS spray pond does not use this type of pipe and therefore the guide does not apply.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.73 Qualification Tests of Electric Valve Operators Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, January 1974 This Regulatory Guide is applicable to safety-related valve operators. Limerick safety-related valve operators are in conformance with this guide which endorses/modifies IEEE 382-1972 as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.74 Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions Rev 0, February 1974 Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
LGS will be in conformance with this guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.10 (1973), during operation as discussed in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.75 Physical Independence of Electric Systems Rev 2, September 1978 Although this guide, which endorses/modifies IEEE 384 (1974), does not apply to LGS (being for construction permit applications whose SER's are dated after February 1, 1974), the approach was taken to incorporate as much as possible of the guidelines into the partially completed design.
There are various alternate approaches and exceptions to the guide and IEEE 384 as discussed in Sections and
(Category 4 for Revision 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.76 Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, April 1974
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-17 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that an alternate equivalent approach to paragraph C.1, regarding design basis tornado characteristics, is used. Details are discussed in Sections and 3.3.
(Category 4)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.77 Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors Rev 0, May 1974 This guide is for PWRs and therefore is not applicable to LGS.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.78 Assumptions for Evaluating the Habitability of a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Chemical Release Rev 0, June 1974 LGS complies with the intent of this guide. Details are discussed in Sections 2.2.3 and 6.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.79 Preoperational Testing of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water Reactors Rev 1, September 1975 This guide is for PWRs and therefore does not apply to LGS.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.80 Preoperational Testing of Instrument Air Systems Rev 0, June 1974 This guide was superseded by Regulatory Guide 1.68.3 in April 1982.
(Category 4)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.81 Shared Emergency and Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, January 1975 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.82 Water Sources for Long-Term Recirculation Cooling Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident Rev 2, May 1996 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.83 Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tubes Rev 1, July 1975
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-18 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 This guide is for PWRs and therefore is not applicable to LGS.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.84 Code Case Acceptability - ASME Section III Design and Fabrication The non-NSSS scope of supply is in accordance with this guide with the exception of the spray pond nozzles which used Code Case N-316 for installation. Approval of code cases for Class 3 equipment is not currently required by 10CFR50.55a. The NSSS scope of supply procedure for meeting the regulatory requirements is to obtain NRC approval for code cases applicable to Class I components only. These cases are discussed in Section Approval of code cases for Class 2 and 3 equipment was not required at the time of the design of LGS, and is not currently required by 10CFR50.55a. Therefore, GE believes that this procedure in conjunction with 10CFR50, Appendix B, and other regulatory requirements provide adequate assurance of quality in the design and fabrication of safety-related equipment.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.85 Code Case Acceptability - ASME Section III Materials The non-NSSS scope of supply is in accordance with this guide except that Code Cases 1330-3 and 1481 were used in the manufacture of the offgas system aftercondensers. In addition, Code Case 1481 was applied to the post-LOCA hydrogen recombiners. Code Case 1330-3 was incorporated into the 1974 edition of the ASME B&PV Code,Section III. Code Case 1481 addresses the use of materials used in equipment operating above 800°F, since the present ASME B&PV Code,Section III is limited in applicability to equipment operating below 800°F. In order for the aftercondensers and recombiners to meet the requirements of the ASME B&PV Code, Code Case 1481 must be applied. The NSSS scope of supply procedure for meeting the regulatory requirements is to obtain NRC approval for code cases applicable to Class I components only.
These cases are discussed in Section Approval of code cases for Class 2 and 3 equipment was not required at the time of the design of LGS, and is not currently required to 10CFR50.55a. Therefore, GE believes that this procedure in conjunction with 10CFR50, Appendix B and other regulatory requirements provide adequate assurance of quality in the design and fabrication of safety-related equipment.
With regard to Code Case N242 "Materials Certification,Section III, Division 1, Classes 1, 2, 3, MC and CS Construction," Regulatory Guide 1.85 calls for identification in the FSAR of those components and supports requiring the use of Paragraphs 1.0 through 4.0 of the Code Case.
Accordingly, Table 1.8-1, is provided.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.86 Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors Rev 0, June 1974 This guide is not applicable at the operating license stage.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-19 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.87 Guidance for Construction of Class 1 Components in Elevated-Temperature Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section III Code Cases 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, and 1596)
Rev 1, June 1975 This guide is not applicable to LGS.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.88 Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant, Quality Assurance Records Rev 2, October 1976 This guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.9 (1974), is not applicable to LGS (being for construction permit application submittals after October 1976). Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction." LGS will be in conformance during operation, except for certain alternate approaches to the ANSI Standard regarding correction to documents and storage, as discussed in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.89 Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, November 1974 Regulatory Guide 1.89, Revision 0, does not apply to LGS. LGS equipment requiring qualification was qualified in accordance with NUREG-0588, Category II as described in Sections and 3.11.
(Category 4)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.90 Inservice Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures with Grouted Tendons Rev 1, August 1977 LGS does not have a prestressed concrete containment and therefore this guide is not applicable.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.91 Evaluation of Explosions Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, February 1978 Although this guide does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits were docketed after February 24, 1978), LGS is in conformance as discussed in Section 2.2.3.
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.92 Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic Response Analysis Rev 1, February 1976
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-20 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 This guide does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose instruction permits were docketed after February, 1976). LGS seismic response analysis methods are discussed in Section 3.7 and 3.9.
Refer to Section 3.10.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.93 Availability of Electric Power Sources Rev 0, December 1974 The LGS design is in conformance as discussed in Section 8.2. LGS will conform to this guide during operation as discussed in Chapter 16.
(Category 4)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.94 Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, April 1976 This guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N45.25 (1974), is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits are docketed after October, 1976). Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
The commitments to this Regulatory Guide and ANSI N45.2.5 were deleted since they were superseded by Exelons commitment to ASME NQA-1 1994 subpart 2.5.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.95 Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release Rev 1, January 1977 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits were docketed after the guide's issuance). The LGS design for protection against accidental chlorine release is discussed in Sections 2.2.3 and 6.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.96 Design of Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, May 1975 In 1994, LGS received approval to remove the MSIV-LCS and replace it with the MSIV Leakage Alternate Drain Pathway discussed in Section 6.7 (Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-21 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.97 Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Accident Rev 2, December 1980 LGS is in conformance with this guide to the extent discussed in Section 7.5.
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.98 Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas System Failure in a Boiling Water Reactor Rev 0, March 1976 LGS is in conformance with this guide except that an alternate approach is used for paragraph C.4.b (dose conversion factors) and there is a clarification to paragraph C.4.a regarding surface body dose rates. Details are discussed in Section 15.0.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.99 Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials Rev 2, May 1988 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.100 Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, August 1977 This guide which endorses/modifies IEEE 344 (1975) does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits are docketed after the guide's issuance). LGS seismic qualification of electrical components is discussed in Section 3.10.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.101 Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 2, October 1981 LGS is in conformance with this guide except for certain alternate approaches discussed in the Emergency Plan.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.102 Flood Protection for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, September 1976 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section 3.4.
(Category 2)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-22 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.103 Post-Tensioned Prestressing Systems for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments Rev 1, October 1976 LGS does not have a prestressed concrete containment and therefore this guide is not applicable.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.104 Overhead Crane Handling Systems for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, February 1976 This guide was withdrawn by the NRC on August 16, 1979. The LGS reactor enclosure crane was designed and procured prior to the issuance of this guide. For explanatory purposes, a comparison with the guide is given in Section 9.1.5.
(Category 4)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.105 Instrument Setpoints Rev 1, November 1976 Although this guide does not apply to LGS except for the RRCS (being for plants whose construction permits applications are docketed after Dec. 15, 1976). LGS will be in conformance during operation as discussed in Section and Chapter 16.
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.106 Thermal Overload Protection for Electric Motors on Motor-Operated Valves Rev 1, March 1977 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits are docketed after issuance of the guide). The LGS design is discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.107 Qualifications for Cement Grouting for Prestressing Tendons in Containment Structures Rev 1, February 1977 LGS does not have a prestressed concrete containment and therefore this guide is not applicable.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.108 Periodic Testing of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, August 1977 Although this guide does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits are docketed after issuance of the guide), LGS is in conformance. All diesel generator protective trips which are enforced during a LOOP or emergency operation, are annunciated in a group trouble alarm in the main control room and individually in the diesel generator local annunciator panel. An indication of which of the protective trips is activated first is provided on the local annunciator panel to facilitate diagnosis of trouble. The surveillance feature which would indicate the first diesel generator protective trip, is not necessary for the safe and orderly shutdown and for maintaining the
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-23 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 plant in a safe shutdown condition. Periodic testing of the diesel generators is described in Section LGS will be in conformance during operation as discussed and clarified in Chapter 16.
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.109 Calculations of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I Rev 1, October 1977 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section 5.2 of the EROL.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.110 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Radwaste Systems for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors Rev 0, March 1976 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after June 4, 1976). This analysis was not performed for LGS.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.111 Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors Rev 1, July 1977 LGS is in conformance with this guide except for certain alternate approaches as discussed in Section 2.3.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.112 Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Power Reactors Rev 0-R, May 1977 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section 11.1.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.113 Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I Rev 1, April 1977 LGS is in conformance with this guide as discussed in Section 5.2 of the EROL.
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-24 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.114 Guidance on Being Operator at the Controls of a Nuclear Power Plant Rev 1, November 1976 LGS will be in conformance with the guide.
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.115 Protection Against Low-Trajectory Turbine Missiles Rev 1, July 1977 The LGS analysis does not employ the guidelines of paragraph C.4 regarding damage probabilities assuming turbine failure. However, the total probability, calculated using assumptions acceptable to NRC on other projects, is well within the limits. Details are discussed in Section
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.116 Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems Rev 0-R, May 1977 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.8 (1975). The ANSI standard is not specifically a part of the construction QA program, however, LGS is in general conformance with the guide. Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
The commitments to this Regulatory Guide and ANSI N45.2.8 were deleted since they were superseded by Exelons commitment to ASME NQA-1 1994 subpart 2.8.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.117 Tornado Design Classification Rev 1, April 1978 Although this guide does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after May 30, 1978), LGS is in conformance except that an alternate approach is used for protection of the spray pond spray networks. Details are discussed in Section
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.118 Periodic Testing of Electric Power and Protection Systems Rev 2, June 1978 This guide, which endorses/modifies IEEE 338 (1977), does not apply to LGS except for the RRCS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after issuance of the guide).
The design for periodic testing of electric power and protection systems is discussed in Sections and, respectively.
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-25 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.119 Surveillance Program for New Fuel Assembly Design Rev 0, June 1976 This guide was withdrawn June 1977.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.120 Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, November 1977 Per the letter transmitting Regulatory Guide 1.120 (Rev 1) LGS will be evaluated against BTP ASB 9.5-1 in lieu of this guide. LGS's conformance to ASB 9.5-1 is discussed in Appendix 9A.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.121 Bases for Plugging Degraded PWR Steam Generator Tubes Rev 0, August 1976 This guide is for PWRs and therefore is not applicable to LGS.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.122 Development of Floor Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components Rev 1, February 1978 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are under review after issuance of the guide). LGS floor design response spectra are discussed in Section
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.123 Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, July 1977 Historical Information This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.13 (1976). Neither the guide nor the ANSI standard are specifically used during construction. Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction." LGS will conform during operation, as discussed and clarified in the QATR.
Regulatory Guide 1.123, Rev 1 has been withdrawn and superseded by Regulatory Guide 1.28, Rev 3, August 1985.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-26 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 Limerick will conform to Regulatory Guide 1.28, Rev.3, August 1985 during operation, as discussed and clarified in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.124 Service Limits and Loading Combinations for Class 1 Linear-Type Component Supports Rev 1, January 1978 This guide does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after January 10, 1978). This guide has not been used on LGS, and procedures for the subject matter of this guide are discussed in Section 3.9.
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.125 Physical Models for Design and Operation of Hydraulic Structures and Systems for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, October 1978 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits are under review after issuance of the guide).
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.126 An Acceptable Model and Related Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Fuel Densification Rev 1, March 1978 This guide has not been applied. The fuel densification analysis defined in section of NEDE-20944-P, "BWR 4/5 Fuel Design", September 1976 has been found acceptable by the NRC and is applicable to LGS.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.127 Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, March 1978 LGS will be in conformance with this guide during construction of the spray pond. The various investigations and inspections associated with the spray pond are discussed in Sections 2.4 and 2.5. LGS will be in conformance with this guide during operation.
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.128 Installation Design and Installation of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, October 1978 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after December 1, 1977). The LGS design of large lead storage battery facilities is discussed in Section and 8.3.2.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-27 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 (Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.129 Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, February 2 1978 This guide does not apply to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after December 1, 1977). However, LGS is in conformance with this guide as described in Section Periodic testing is discussed in Chapter 16.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.130 Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Class 1 Plate-and-Shell-Type Component Supports Rev 0, July 1977 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after April 1, 1978). LGS design limits and loading combinations are discussed in Sections 3.9 and
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.131 Qualification Tests of Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, August 1977 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after May 1, 1978). LGS qualification tests of electric cables, field splices, and connections are discussed in Section 3.11.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.132 Site Investigations for Foundations of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, March 1979 This guide is applicable to LGS only for new investigations conducted after March 30, 1979. No new investigations have been conducted since that time. Site investigations are discussed in Sections 2.4 and 2.5.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.133 Loose-Part Detection Program for the Primary System of Light-Water-Cooled Reactors Rev 1, May 1981 LGS is no longer in conformance with this guide. The Loose-Part Detection Program has been relaxed as discussed inn BWR Owners Group Licensing Topical Report NEDC-32975P and associated SER.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-28 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.134 Medical Certification and Monitoring of Personnel Requiring Operator Licenses Rev 2, April 1987 LGS will be in conformance with this guide, which endorses/ modifies ANSI/ANS 3.4-1983, as discussed in Section 13.1.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.135 Normal Water Level and Discharge at Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, November 1977 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permits are docketed after May 1, 1978). The hydrologic analysis for LGS is discussed in Section 2.4.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.136 Material for Concrete Containments Rev 1, October 1978 This guide is not applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after November 30, 1978). LGS containment material is discussed in Section 3.8.1.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.137 Fuel Oil Systems for Standby Diesel Generators Rev 1, October 1979 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N195 (1976) and is limited in its applicability to LGS to paragraph C.2, per the letter transmitting Revision 0 of this guide. LGS will conform to paragraph C.2 during operation, except that the fuel oil surveillance test requirements will be as described in the plant Technical Specifications. The design of fuel oil transfer system is discussed in Section 9.5.4.
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.138 Laboratory Investigations of Soils for Engineering Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, April 1978 This guide is applicable to LGS only for new investigations conducted after December 1, 1978. No new investigations have been conducted since that time. Site investigations are discussed in Sections 2.4 and 2.5.
(Category 1)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-29 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.139 Guidance for Residual Heat Removal Rev 0, May 1978 Although the LGS design was completed prior to the issuance of this guide, LGS is in conformance with the intent, subject to clarifications regarding system protection features and pressure relief discussed in Section 5.4.7. LGS will be in conformance with this guide during operation.
(Category 3)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.140 Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Normal Ventilation Exhaust System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, October 1979 This guide is not applicable to LGS per its implementation section. The LGS design was substantially completed prior to the issuance of this guide. For explanatory purposes, a comparison with Revision 1 of the guide is provided in Table 9.4-18.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.141 Containment Isolation Provisions for Fluid Systems Rev 0, April 1978 The LGS containment isolation system was substantially completed prior to the issuance of this guide which endorses/modifies ANSI N271 (1976). LGS is in conformance with the guide except for certain design features of closed systems inside containment, valve leakage control and leak testing. Details are provided in Section 6.2.4.
(Category 2)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.142 Safety-Related Concrete Structures for Nuclear Power Plants (Other than Reactor Vessels and Containments)
Rev 0, April 1978 This guide, which endorses/modifies ACI 349-76, is not entirely applicable to LGS (being for plants whose construction permit applications are docketed after December 15, 1978). Practices specified in the UFSAR for design and construction of safety related concrete structures bring LGS into compliance with substantial portions of the guide. LGS safety-related concrete structures are discussed in Section 3.8.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.143 Design Guidance for Radioactive Waste Management Systems Structures and Components Installed in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, October 1979 LGS is in conformance with the intent of the guide, subject to the exceptions and clarifications listed in Table 3.2-1, Note 18. The design codes, standards, and quality assurance for radwaste
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-30 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 system piping and components are presented and discussed in Table 3.2-1; design of the radwaste structure is discussed in Section 3.8; radwaste management systems are discussed in Chapter 11.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.144 Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, September 1980 This guide endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.12 (1977). The guide and the ANSI standard are not specifically utilized during construction. Quality assurance during construction is discussed in the document "LGS Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Summary Description of the Quality Assurance Program for Design and Construction."
Regulatory Guide 1.28 superseded commitments to RG 1.144. LGS will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.28 during operation, as described in the QATR.
(Category 1)
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.145 Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants Rev 1, November 1982 The LGS X/Q values resulting at the EAB and LPZ are calculated using the NRC sponsored computer code PAVAN consistent with the procedures in Regulatory Guide 1.145, as discussed in Section 2.3.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.146 Qualification of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, August 1980 LGS will comply with this guide, which endorses/modifies ANSI N45.2.23 (1978), as described in the QATR.
Regulatory Guide 1.28 superseded commitments to RG 1.146. LGS will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.28 during operation, as described in the QATR.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.147 Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability ASME Section XI Division 1 Latest Revision LGS conforms with this guide as specified in the Inservice Inspection Program and Inservice Testing documents.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.148 Functional Specification for Active Valve Assemblies in Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, March 1981 The program (Section for the initial procurement of LGS valves was developed prior to the issuance of Regulatory Guide 1.148 and therefore does not include such a functional valves
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-31 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 specification. However, the intent of a functional specification has been met by functional requirements in the existing valve specification.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.150 Ultrasonic Testing of Reactor Vessel Welds During Preservice and Inservice Examinations Rev 1, February 1983 LGS will be in conformance with Regulatory Guide 1.150 to the extent practicable. The extent of compliance will be submitted with the RPV PSI Report.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.155 Station Blackout Rev. 0, August 1988 LGS is in conformance with this guide by virtue of compliance with NUMARC 87-00, November 1987, except where Regulatory Guide 1.155 takes precedence. Compliance is discussed in Section
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.166 Pre-earthquake Planning and Immediate Nuclear Power Plant Operator Post-Earthquake Actions March 1997 This guide provides guidance acceptable to the NRC staff for a timely evaluation after an earthquake of the recorded instrumentation data and for determining whether plant shutdown is required by 10 CFR Part 50.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.167 Restart of a Nuclear Power Plant Shut Down by a Seismic Event March 1997 This guide provides guidance acceptable to the NRC staff for performing inspections and tests of nuclear power plant equipment and structures prior to restart of a plant that has been shut down by a seismic event.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.181 Content of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e)
Rev 0, September 1999 This Guideline endorses NEI 98-03, Revision 1, Industry Update Guidelines for Final Safety Analysis Reports.
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.183 Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors Rev 0, July 2000 This guideline supersedes Regulatory Guides 1.3, 1.5, and 1.25 for assumptions and methodology for assessing radiological consequences of design basis accidents. Alternative Source Terms (AST) for determination of off-site and control room dose was approved for use at LGS by NRC Safety Evaluation Report dated September 8, 2006. LGS is in conformance with this Regulatory Guide, with exceptions, as discussed in Section 15.0.4.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-32 REV. 21, SEPTEMBER 2022 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.190 Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for Determining Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence Rev 0, March 2001 This Guideline was not used as a design basis, which is discussed in Section, and LGS reactor pressure vessel neutron fluence calculations performed after October 2002 will be in conformance with this guide (Reference 5.3-13).
REGULATORY GUIDE 1.194 Atmospheric Relative Concentrations for Control Room Radiological Habitability Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants Rev 0, July 2003 The LGS X/Q values resulting at the control room intake are calculated using the NRC sponsored computer code ARCON96, consistent with the procedures in Regulatory Guide 1.194, as discussed in Section 2.3.
-2F036 compression screw, gag screw, stem, base.
PSV-50-1F018 Base, disc, compression screw,
-2F018 spring step, gag screw, stem, guide.
PSV-50-1F033 Base, disc, stem, guide, compression
-2F033 screw, spring steps, gag screws.
PSV-51-1F025A,B,C,D Disc, stem, compression screw,
-2F025A,B,C,D spring step, cap, gag screw, base(1), guide.
PSV-51-1F029 Base, disc, stem, compression screw,
-2F029 spring step, cap, gag screw, guide.
PSV-51-1F030A,B,C,D Base, disc, stem, compression screw,
-2F030A,B,C,D spring step, cap, gag screw, guide.
PSV-51-1F097 Nozzle, disc, disc holder, guide,
-2F097 stem, adjusting ring, compression screw, spring step, screw ring pin, gag screw.
PSV-56-1F018 Nozzle, disc, disc holder, guide,
-2F018 stem, gag screw, adjusting ring, compression screw, spring step, screw ring pin.
PSV-56-1F020 Base, disc, stem, spring step,
-2F020 compression screw, gag screw, guide.
PSV-51-1F055A,B Adjusting bolt, disc insert, spindle PSV-51-2F055A,B point.
PSV-56-1F050 Base, disc, guide, compression screw,
-2F050 spring steps, gag screw, stem.
PSV-69-145 Stem, compression screw, spring
-245 steps, cap, base, disc, guide.
PSV-50-219 Base, stem, gag screw.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-34 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.8-1 (Cont'd)
VALVE OR SYSTEM PARTS OR COMPONENTS PSV-56-225 Base, stem, gag screw.
PSV-45-1-61 Guide, compression screw, spring step.
PSV-45-1-62A,B Compression screw, spring steps, gag screw.
PSV-45-1-63 Guide, compression screw, spring steps.
PSV-45-1-65 Guide, compression screw, spring steps.
PSV-45-1-67 Guide, compression screw, spring steps.
PSV-52-127 Guide, compression screw, spring steps, gag screw.
PSV-52-2F012A,B Spring step, base, disc, gag screw, guide, compression screw, stem.
Main steam system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 1 Mark: 26 in.-50k-M.S.
Main steam system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 2 Mark: 26 in.-50k-M.S.
Recirculation system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 1 Mark: 22 in.-50k-Recirc.
Recirculation system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 2 Mark 22 in.-50k-Recirc.
Recirculation system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 1 Mark: 28 in.-50k-Recirc. Disc.
Recirculation system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 2 Mark: 28 in.-50k-Recirc. Disc.
Recirculation system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 1 Mark: 28 in.-50k-Recirc. Suct.
Recirculation system, Pipe clamp for snubber, Unit 2 Mark: 28 in.-50k-Recirc. Suct.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.8-35 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.8-1 (Cont'd)
VALVE OR SYSTEM PARTS OR COMPONENTS Diesel generator Starting air receiver system Diesel generator Starting air system piping and valves system Diesel generator Fuel oil day tank system Diesel generator Fuel oil system piping and valves system Diesel generator Lube oil makeup tank system Diesel generator Lube oil system piping and valves system Diesel generator Jacket water expansion tank system Diesel generator Jacket water intercooler piping system and valves (1) Unit 1 only
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.9-1 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 1.9 STANDARD DESIGNS This section is not applicable to LGS as it is not a standard design plant.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-1 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 1.10 SYMBOLS AND TERMS 1.10.1 TEXT ACRONYMS Acronyms used throughout the UFSAR are listed in Table 1.10-1.
1.10.2 LOGIC SYMBOLS Logic symbols used on FCDs are shown in Figure 1.10-2.
1.10.3 PIPING IDENTIFICATION Piping is identified by a three-group identifier where the first group is the nominal pipe size in inches; the second is a three-letter group for the pipe class; and the third is a three-digit group sequentially assigned within a pipe class.
6" HBD 116 Size-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The three-letter group for the pipe class is described in detail in Table 1.10-2.
The three-digit sequence number is assigned consecutively to identify specific lines in a pipe class as follows:
Piping common to both units 0-99 and 500-699 Piping for Unit 1 100-199, 300-399, and 700-799 Piping for Unit 2 200-299, 400-499, and 800-899 1.10.4 VALVE IDENTIFICATION All manual and remotely operated valves have unique identification numbers for tracking purposes.
Listed below are the numbering systems used for each group of valves.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-2 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Manual valves, except those which have a GE MPL number and those valves supplied by vendors as part of an equipment package and not installed by Bechtel, are identified by the following method:
52 1
006 System identification------------------------------------------------------------------
(P&ID number)
Unit number----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 - Common 1 - Unit 1 2 - Unit 2 Sequence number------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3-digit numbers)
Remote-operated valves that do not have a GE MPL number are identified by the operator number as follows:
HV 52 1
06 Valve type----------------------------------------------------------------------
System identification-------------------------------------------------------------------
(P&ID number)
Unit number----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sequence number------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Those valves in GE's MPL are identified by the GE numbering system as follows:
HV E11 1
F031 Valve type----------------------------------------------------------------------
MPL system number-------------------------------------------------------------------
(Referenced on P&ID notes)
Unit number----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GE Valve number-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Valve types are indicated in drawing M-00. Valves that are not numbered but are supplied as part of a vendor mounted equipment package are identified in the vendor's operation and maintenance manuals. This is done to avoid duplication in numbering these valves.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-3 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 1.10.5 EQUIPMENT NUMBERING Equipment is identified on the P&IDs by a four-group identifier as discussed below.
1 A
P 101 Unit number-------------------------------------------------------------------
0 - Common 1 - Unit 1 2 - Unit 2 Number of items per unit-------------------------------------------------------------
(Lettered alphabetically if more than one item; a zero(0) is used if only one item)
Equipment classification------------------------------------------------------------------------
(See description below)
Sequence number--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equipment classification is identified by type as follows:
A 13.8, 4.16, and 2.4 kV switchgear B
440 V load centers and motor control centers C
Control boards or relay boards D
Direct current equipment F
Filters and cleaning equipment G
Generators (turbine, diesel) and associated equipment H
Hoists and cranes K
Air compressors, chiller compressors, process fans, and blowers L
Lighting, heater, and distribution panels P
Pumps including drive motors R
33/220/500 kV switchgear and associated equipment S
Miscellaneous T
Tanks and pressure vessels U
Floor sections V
Air conditioning units, ventilation fans and exhausters W
Power receptacles X
Transformers Y
Instrument ac equipment Z
Computer equipment
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-4 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 1.10.6 ELECTRICAL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION This section describes the methods used to identify electrical equipment locations and to number electrical schemes, cables, and raceways. Equipment Location Numbers Each piece of electrical equipment is identified by an equipment number as described in Section 1.10.4. To facilitate cable routing from one equipment location to another, a location number is also assigned to each piece of electrical equipment. Generally, the equipment number and equipment location number for a specific piece of electrical equipment are identical. For large pieces of electrical equipment, such as switchgear, load centers, and MCC, which are compartmentalized, the equipment location number consists of the basic equipment number plus additional suffixed information to identify a location within the equipment itself. The following two examples illustrate equipment location numbers:
Example 1: 10X101 Example 2: 10B22403 In the first example, the equipment number and equipment location number for transformer 10X101 are identical. In the second example, the basic MCC equipment number 10B224 is suffixed to establish an equipment location number, 10B22403, which identifies a specific cubicle within the MCC.
Equipment location numbers are generally assigned to items listed in the circuit and raceway schedules. Accordingly, most electrical equipment related to systems such as lighting, communications, and cathodic protection is not included.
Electrical equipment that is an integral part of mechanical equipment is assigned the same number as the mechanical equipment. Scheme Cable Numbers Each electrical scheme is identified by a number with up to nine characters. The first character is numeric and refers to the plant unit number for which the scheme is applicable. The second character is alphabetic or numeric and refers to the separation group to which the cable belongs.
The third character is alphabetic and classifies the scheme by major plant system. The next six characters are numeric or alphanumeric, and provide a sequential, but arbitrary, identity for each scheme. (The letter designation at the end of the scheme number is the cable number.) Except for cabling associated with the plant lighting, communications, and cathodic protection systems, each cable in the plant is identified by a scheme cable number. Given below is an example of a typical scheme number including the cable number.
A Q 00100 A
Unit number-------------------------------------------------------
System/channel identification---------------------------------------------
Plant system---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scheme sequential number--------------------------------------------------------------------
Cable number---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raceway Numbers All electrical cable trays, ducts, conduits, manholes, conduit sleeves, and junction boxes are identified by six-character raceway numbers. The two examples given below illustrate typical raceway numbers for safety-related and nonsafety-related cable trays, respectively.
Safety-related 1
01 Unit number----------------------------------------------
System/channel identification----------------------------------
Main run--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Branch run-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Section number - (tray section 01)--------------------------------------------------------------------
Nonsafety-related 1
0 I
85 Unit Number----------------------------------------------
System/channel identification--------------------------------
Main run----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Branch run------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Section number - (tray section 85)---------------------------------------------------------------------
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-6 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 The following example illustrates a typical conduit number:
1 A
S 999 Unit number-------------------------------------------------------------------
System/channel identification-----------------------------------------------------
Conduit location-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conduit sequential number - (arbitrary no.)----------------------------------------------------------
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-7 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 ACRONYMS USED IN UFSAR AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ABS absolute summation AC alternating current ACI American Concrete Association ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ADS automatic depressurization system AE Architect/Engineer AEC Atomic Energy Commission AEOE-RMS air ejector offgas effluent radiation monitoring system AERVS auxiliary equipment room ventilation system AGC automatic gain control AGL above ground level AGMA American Gear Manufacturer Association AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute ALARA as low as reasonably achievable AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association AMS American Meteorological Society ANI American Nuclear Insurers ANS American Nuclear Society ANSI American National Standards Institute AOV air-operated valve
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-8 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
APRM average power range monitor ARI alternate rod insertion ARMS area radiation monitoring system ARS acceleration response spectra ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME B&PV American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler Code and Pressure Vessel Code ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATM analog trip module ATWS anticipated transient without scram ASD Adjustable Speed Drive AST alternative source term AWS American Welding Society AWWA American Water Works Association BMI Battelle Memorial Institute BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory BOC beginning of cycle BOP balance of plant BPV bypass valve BTP Branch Technical Position BWR boiling water reactor BWROG Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group CAC containment atmospheric control CAM continuous air monitor CAS central alarm station
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-9 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
CCU condensate cleanup CECWS control enclosure chilled water system CFD condensate filter/demineralizer CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGCS combustible gas control system CIGS containment instrument gas system CIGS-ADS containment instrument gas system - ADS control CIV combined intermediate valves CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America CMTR Certified Material Test Reports CO condensation oscillation CO-ADS condensation oscillation with ADS CP collection points CPR critical power ratio CPU central processing unit CRD control rod drive CRDM control rod drive mechanism CRDR Control Room Design Review CRGR Committee to Review Generic Requirements CREFAS control room emergency fresh air supply system CREFA-RMS control room emergency fresh air radiation monitoring system CRT cathode ray tube or equivalent video display interface device CRV-RMS control room ventilation radiation monitoring system CS core spray (system)
CSCWS control structure chilled water system CST condensate storage tank
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-10 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
CTSP-RMS charcoal treatment system process exhaust radiation monitoring system CVN charpy v-notch DA drainage area DAC distance-amplitude correction DAR Design Assessment Report DAS data acquisition system DBA design basis accident DBCD deep bed condensate demineralizer DBE design basis earthquake DBFL design basis flood level DC direct current DCWS drywell chilled water system DDOF dynamic degrees of freedom DEMA Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association DF decontamination factor DFFR Dynamic Forcing Function Information Report DG diesel generator DGEVS diesel generator enclosure ventilation system D-LDS drywell leak detection system DLPL digital loose parts locator DLV discharge line volume DLWL discharge line water-leg length DOP di-octylphthalate DOR Division of Operating Reactors (NRC)
DOT Department of Transportation DRBC Delaware River Basin Commission
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-11 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
DSLMS drywell sump level monitoring system DUC drywell unit coolers EAB exclusion area boundary ECCS emergency core cooling systems ECCS-UC emergency core cooling systems pump compartment unit coolers ECL effluent concentration limit EFCV excess flow check valve EFPY effective full power years EGM electronic governor module EHC electrohydraulic control ELLR extended lead line region EMI electromagnetic interference EOC end of cycle EOF emergency operations facility EOL end of life EOP emergency operating procedure EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPG emergency procedure guidelines/severe accident guidelines EPRI Electric Power Research Institute E/P electrical-to-pneumatic EQ environmental qualification EQR Environmental Qualification Report ERDA Energy and Research Development Administration ERFDS emergency response facility data system EROL Environmental Report - Operating License Stage
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-12 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
ESBRCS emergency switchgear and battery rooms cooling system ESD emergency shutdown ESF engineered safety feature ESW emergency service water (system)
FAA Federal Aviation Administration FATT fracture appearance transition temperature FCD functional control diagram FCS feedwater control system FM factory mutual FMEA failure modes and effects analysis FPCC fuel pool cooling and cleanup FPER Fire Protection Evaluation Report FPSS fire protection and suppression system FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report FSI fluid-structure interaction GDC General Design Criterion GE General Electric Company GE-NEPD General Electric - Nuclear Energy Program Division GKN Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Neckar GM Geiger-Mueller GRS gaseous radwaste system HCU hydraulic control unit HCRIS habitability and control room isolation system HED human engineering discrepancies
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-13 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
HELB high energy line break HEPA high efficiency particulate air HIC high integrity container HMI human machine interface HMS-RMS hot maintenance shop ventilation exhaust radiation monitoring system HP high pressure HPCI high pressure coolant injection (system)
HPCI-LDS HPCI leak detection system HPLPSI high pressure/low pressure system interlocks HSA high specific activity HTGR high temperature gas reactor HX heat exchanger H&V heating and ventilation HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HWC hydrogen water chemistry (system)
IBA intermediate break accident ICC inadequate core cooling ICFR increased core flow region IED instrument and electrical diagram IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IES Illuminating Engineering Society IFR instrument flight rule IGSCC intergranular stress corrosion cracking ILRT integrated leak rate test INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations I/O input/output
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-14 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
IP intermediate pressure IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association IPE Individual Plant Examination IRM intermediate range monitor ISI inservice inspection IWRC iron wire rope core KKB Kernkraftwerk Brunsbuettel KKPI Kernkraftwerk Phillipsburg KRB Kernkraftwerk RWE-Bayernwerk KWU Kraftwerk Union Atienqesellschaft LCO limiting condition of operation LD load LDS leak detection system LGS Limerick Generating Station LHGR linear heat generation rate LLRT local leak rate test LO licensed operators LOCA loss-of-coolant accident LOOP loss of offsite power LOR Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program LP low pressure LPCI low pressure coolant injection (system)
LPG liquid propane gas
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-15 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
LPRM local power range monitor LPZ low population zone LRD-RMS liquid radwaste discharge radiation monitoring system LRS liquid radwaste system LSA low specific activity LWR light water reactor MAPLHGR maximum average planar linear heat generation rate MARSS multiplex analog recording and switching system MCC motor control center MCM thousand circular mils MCPR minimum critical power ratio MES Meteorological Evaluation Services, Inc.
MFLCPR maximum fraction of limiting critical power ratio MFLPD maximum fraction of limiting power density MG motor-generator (set)
MLE mils lateral expansion MLHGR minimum linear heat generation rate MMDRS meteorological monitoring display and reporting system MOV motor-operated valves MPC maximum permissible concentration MPL master parts list MSIV main steam isolation valve MSIV-LCS main steam isolation valve leakage control system MSL-LDS main steam line leak detection system
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-16 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
MSL mean sea level MSL-RMS main steam line radiation monitoring system MSRV main steam relief valve MWL Maximum working load MUR PU Measurement Uncertainty Recapture - Power Uprate NAI Nuclear Associates International NBR nuclear boiler rated NBS National Bureau of Standards NDE non-destructive examination NDT nil ductility transition NDTT nil ductility transition temperature NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association NMS neutron monitoring system NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPSH net positive suction head NRB Nuclear Review Board NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSE-RMS north stack effluent radiation monitoring system NSOA Nuclear Safety Operational Analysis NSSS nuclear steam supply system NSSSS nuclear steam supply shutoff system NTSB National Transportation and Safety Board NUMAC Nuclear Measurement Analysis and Control NWC normal water chemistry NWS National Weather Service
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-17 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
OBE operating basis earthquake ODA Operating Display Assembly OPEX Operating Experience OJT on-the-job training OLCPR operating limit critical power ratio OLMCPR operating limit minimum critical power ratio OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor OSC Operations Support Center OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OS&Y outside screw and yoke OT operational transient PA public address (system)
PAB protected area boundary PABX private automatic branch system PASS postaccident sampling system PBAPS Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station PCIG primary containment isolation gas (system)
PCLD-RMS primary containment leak detector radiation monitoring system PCPL-RMS primary containment post-LOCA radiation monitoring system PCRVICS primary containment and reactor vessel isolation control system PCT peak cladding temperature PCVR primary containment vacuum relief PFH partial feedwater heating PGCC power generation control complex P&ID piping and instrument diagram
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-18 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
PJM Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland (Interconnection)
PLC Programmable Logic Controller PMF probable maximum flood PMP probable maximum precipitation PMS plant monitoring system PORC Plant Operations Review Committee PPC plant process computer (system)
PRA probabilistic risk assessment PRNM power range neutron monitor PRPM process radiation plenum monitoring PRMS process radiation monitoring system PRTGS pressure regulator and turbine-generator system PSAR Preliminary Safety Analysis Report PSAT saturated steam pressure in the RPV steam dome PSD power spectrum density PSI preservice inspection PVC polyvinyl chloride PWR pressurized water reactor QA quality assurance QC quality control RAIS refueling area isolation system RAVE-RMS refueling area ventilation exhaust radiation monitoring system RBI rod block interlock RBM rod block monitor RCIC reactor core isolation cooling (system)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-19 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 RCIC-LDS RCIC leak detection system RCIC-UC RCIC system pump compartment unit coolers RCPB reactor coolant pressure boundary RCS reactor coolant system RECW reactor enclosure cooling water (system)
RECW-RMS reactor enclosure cooling water radiation monitoring system REIS reactor enclosure isolation system RERS reactor enclosure recirculation system RERV-RMS radwaste equipment rooms ventilation exhaust radiation monitoring system REV-RMS radwaste enclosure ventilation exhaust radiation monitoring system REVE-RMS reactor enclosure ventilation exhaust radiation monitoring system RFCS recirculation flow control system RFPT reactor feed pump turbine RHR residual heat removal RHR-CSM RHR containment spray mode RHR-LDS RHR leakage detection system RHR-SCM RHR shutdown cooling mode RHR-SPCM RHR suppression pool cooling mode RHRSW RHR service water (system)
RHRSW-RMS RHR service water radiation monitoring system RHR-UC RHR system pump compartment unit coolers RI refueling interlocks RIO Remote Input/Output RMCS reactor manual control system RMDS radiation monitoring and display system
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-20 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
RMS radiation monitoring system RMMS radiation and meteorological monitoring system RO Reactor Operator RPIS rod position information system RPS reactor protection system RPS-LDS recirculation pump seal leak detection system RPT recirculation pump trip RPV reactor pressure vessel RPVH-LDS reactor pressure vessel head leak detection system RRCS redundant reactivity control system RRRC Regulatory Requirements Review Committee RRHAC-RMS recombiner rooms and hydrogen analyzer components exhaust radiation monitoring system RRS required response spectrum RSCS rod sequence control system RSS remote shutdown system RSSV RSS ventilation system RTD resistance temperature detector RTNDT reference temperature (nil ductility transition)
RVI reactor vessel instrumentation RWCU reactor water cleanup (system)
RWCU-LDS reactor water cleanup leak detection system RWE rod withdrawal error RWM rod worth minimizer RWP radiation work permit SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-22 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
SARA severe accident risk assessment SAS secondary alarm station SAW submerged arc SBA small break accident SCA single channel analyzer SCR silicon control rectifier SDIV scram discharge instrument volume SDV scram discharge volume SEB Structural Engineering Branch (NRC)
SEDVP-RMS steam exhauster discharge and vacuum pump exhaust radiation monitoring system SEP Systematic Evaluation Program SEIP Extra improved plow steel SER Safety Evaluation Report SGTS standby gas treatment system SGTS-UC SGTS filter room and access area unit cooler SIF stress intensification factor SIL Service Information Letter (General Electric)
SJAE steam jet air ejector SLCS standby liquid control system SLO senior licensed operators SMAW shielded metal arc SMUD Sacramento Municipal Utility District SOP System Operating Program SPDS safety parameter display system SPF standard project flood
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-23 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
SPFS safeguard piping fill system SPPSVS spray pond pump structure ventilation system SS stainless steel SPTMS suppression pool temperature monitoring system SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council SOE sequence of events SORV stuck open relief valve SQRT Seismic Qualification Review Team SRDI safety-related display instrumentation SRM source range monitor SRO Senior Reactor Operator SRP Standard Review Plan SRS solid radwaste system SRSS square root of the sum of the squares SRV safety/relief valve SRV-LDS safety/relief valve leak detection system SRVPI safety/relief valve position indication SSO safe shutdown SSE safe shutdown earthquake SSER Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report SSES Susquehanna Steam Electric Station SSE-RMS south stack effluent radiation monitoring system STA Shift Technical Advisor STP startup test procedure SWS service water system
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-24 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
SW-RMS Service water radiation monitoring system TAF top of active fuel TC thermocouple TCV turbine control valve TECW turbine enclosure cooling water (system)
TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association TEMR totally enclosed metallic raceway TG turbine-generator TIP traversing incore probe TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter TLV threshold limit valve TMI Three Mile Island (Unit 2)
TRA transient recording and analysis TRB Test Review Board TRS test response spectrum TSC Technical Support Center TVA Tennessee Valley Authority UBC Uniform Building Code UC unit coolers UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report UHS ultimate heat sink UL Underwriter's Laboratories UPS uninterruptible power supply USAS United States of America Standards USGS United States Geological Survey
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-25 REV. 20, SEPTEMBER 2020 Table 1.10-1 (Cont'd)
USI unresolved safety issue UT ultrasonic test UV undervoltage V&V verification and validation VBWR Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor VFR visual flight rules VOR very high frequency omni-direction range ZPA zero point acceleration
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-26 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.10-2 PIPING AND VALVE CLASS IDENTIFICATION Pipe and valve classes are designated by a three-letter code. The first letter indicates the primary valve and flange pressure rating; the second letter, the type of material; and the third letter, the code to which the piping is designed.
FIRST LETTER - PRIMARY PRESSURE RATING C - 1500 psi D - 900 psi E - 600 psi F - 400 psi G - 300 psi H - 150 psi I - 250 psi J - 125 psi K - 175 psi L - 75 psi M - General use as designated on piping class sheets N - Sanitary drainage R - Threaded vents and drains S - Welded vents and drains X - Special Rating SECOND LETTER - MATERIAL A - Alloy steel B - Carbon steel C - Austenitic steel D - Copper F - Carbon steel - copper bearing G - Carbon steel - lined H - Cast iron J - Alloy steel K - PVC L - Carbon steel - impact test as code requires M - Duriron N - Carbon steel - galvanized P - Bronze Q - Brass
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.10-27 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.10-2 (Cont'd)
Nuclear power plant components, ASME B&PV Code, Sect. III, Class 1 B -
Nuclear power plant components, ASME B&PV Code, Sect. III, Class 2 C -
Nuclear power plant components, ASME B&PV Code, Sect. III, Class 3 D -
Power Piping Code ANSI B31.1.0 F -
National Fire Protection Code G -
National Plumbing Code
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.11-1 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 1.11 RRRC CATEGORY 1, 2, 3, AND 4 MATTERS 1.11.1 DISCUSSION OF CATEGORIES The Regulatory Requirements Review Committee has characterized the backfitting potential of certain regulatory guides and branch technical positions or other proposed modifications to existing staff positions by placing them in one of three categories (Reference 1.11-1):
- a.
Category 1 - Clearly forward fit only. No further staff consideration of possible backfitting is required.
- b.
Category 2 - Further staff consideration of the need for backfitting appears to be required for certain identified items of the regulatory position. These individual issues are such that existing plants need to be evaluated to determine their status with regard to these safety issues in order to determine the need for backfitting.
- c.
Category 3 - Clearly backfit. Existing plants should be evaluated to determine whether identified items of the regulatory position are resolved in accordance with the guide or by some equivalent alternative.
In addition to the above RRRC categories, there also exists an Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRC) Category 4 list of those matters not yet reviewed by the RRRC, but which have been deemed by the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, to warrant being addressed and considered in ongoing reviews.
The NRC transmitted a list of Category 2, 3, and 4 matters to the licensee (Reference 1.11-2), and requested that the listed items be considered in the LGS FSAR. Reference 1.11-2 defines these categories as follows:
- a.
Category 1 - Matters are to be applied in accordance with the implementation section of the published guide.
- b.
Category 2 - This is a new position whose applicability is to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
- c.
Category 3 - Conformance or an acceptable alternative is required.
- d.
Category 4 - Matters are to be treated like Category 2 matters until such time as they are reviewed by the RRRC, and a definite implementation program is developed.
Table 1.11-1 identifies the UFSAR sections containing material relevant to the RRRC and to the NRC categorized matters with the exception of Category 1 (those to be implemented in accordance with the implementation section of the published NRC position) which are outside the scope of this appendix.
The categorization of regulatory guides in the RRRC and NRC lists is given in Section 1.8.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.11-2 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 1.
1.11-1 Memorandum, E.G. Case, Chairman, Regulatory Requirements Review Committee to L.V.
Gossick, Executive Director for Operations, Regulatory Requirements Review Committee Meeting No. 31, July 11, 1975, (September 24, 1975).
1.11-2 Letter, Roger S. Boyd (NRC) to Edward G. Bauer, Jr. (PECo), (November 20, 1978).
Guidelines for Fire Protection for 9.5.1, Appendix 9A Nuclear Power Plants BTP MTEB 5-7 4/77 Material Selection and Processing 5.2.3 Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping B.
1/78 Design Requirements of the Residual 5.4 Heat Removal System BTP RSB 5-2 (Draft) 0 3/78 Overpressurization Protection of Not applicable Pressurized Water Reactors While to LGS Operating at Low Temperatures
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.11-4 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.11-1 (Contd)
- 1.
11/24/75 MTEB BTP MTEB 5-3, Monitoring of Secondary Side Not applicable Water Chemistry in PWR Steam Generators to LGS
- 2.
11/24/75 CSB 6.2.1 BTP CSB 6-1, Minimum Containment Pressure Not applicable Model for PWR ECCS Performance Evaluation to LGS
- 3.
11/24/75 CSB 6.2.5 BTP CSB 6-2, Control of Combustible Gas 6.2.5 Concentrations in Containment following a LOCA
- 4.
11/24/75 CSB 6.2.3 BTP CSB 6-3, Determination of Bypass 6.2.3 Leakage Path in Dual Containment Plants
- 5.
11/24/75 CSB 6.2.4 BTP CSB 6-4, Containment Purging During 6.2.1 Normal Plant Operations
- 6.
11/24/75 ASB 9.1.4 BTP ASB 9.1, Overhead Handling Systems 9.1.4 for Nuclear Power Plants
- 7.
11/24/75 ASB 10.4.9 BTP ASB 10.1, Design Guidelines for Not applicable Auxiliary Feedwater System Pump Drive to LGS and Power Supply Diversity for PWR's
- 8.
11/24/75 SEB 3.5.3 Procedures for Composite Section Local 3.5.3 Damage Prediction (SRP Section 3.5.3, par. II.1.C)
- 9.
11/24/75 SEB 3.7.1 Development of Design Time History for 3.7.1 Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis (SRP Section 3.7.1, par. II.2)
- 10.
11/24/75 SEB 3.7.2 Procedures for Seismic System Analysis 3.7.2 (SRP Section 3.7.2 par. II)
- 11.
11/24/75 SEB 3.7.3 Procedures for Seismic Sub-system 3.7.3 Analysis (SRP Section 3.7.3, par. II)
- 12.
11/24/75 SEB 3.8.1 Design and Construction of Concrete Contain-3.8.1 ments (SRP Section 3.8.1, par. II)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.11-5 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.11-1 (Contd)
- 13.
11/24/75 SEB 3.8.2 Design and Construction of Steel Contain-Not applicable ments (SRP Section 3.8.2, par. II) to LGS
- 14.
11/24/75 SEB 3.8.3 Structural Design Criteria for 3.8.3 Category I Structures Inside Containment (SRP Section 3.8.3, par. II)
- 15.
11/24/75 SEB 3.8.4 Structural Design Criteria for Other 3.8.4 Seismic Category I Structures (SRP Section 3.8.4, par. II)
- 16.
11/24/75 SEB 3.8.5 Structural Design Criteria for Foundations 3.8.5 (SRP Section 3.8.5, par. II)
- 17.
11/24/75 SEB 3.7, 11.2 Seismic Design Requirements for Radwaste 3.2, 3.8.4 11.3, 11.4 Systems and Their Housing Structures (SRP 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 Section 11.2, BTP ETSB 11-1, par. B.v)
- 18.
11/24/75 SEB 3.3.2 Tornado Load Effect Combinations 3.3.2 (SRP Section 3.3.2, par. II.2.d)
- 19.
11/24/75 SEB 3.4.2 Dynamic Effects of Wave Action (SRP 3.4.2 Section 3.4.2, par. II)
- 20.
10/01/75 ASB 10.4.7 Water Hammer for Steam Generators with Not applicable Preheaters (SRP Section 10.4.7 par. 1.2.b) to LGS
- 21.
11/24/75 AB 4.4 Thermal-Hydraulic Stability (SRP 4.4 Section 4.4, par. II.5)
- 22.
11/24/75 RSB 5.2.5 Intersystem Leakage Detection (SRP Section 5.2.5 5.2.5 par. II.4) and Regulatory Guide 1.45 II. Other Positions
- 1.
12/1/76 SEB 3.5.3 Ductility of Reinforced Concrete and 3.5.3 Steel Structural Elements Subjected to Impactive or Impulsive Loads
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.11-6 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.11-1 (Contd)
- 2.
8/01/76 SEB 3.7.
Response Spectra in Vertical Direction Not applicable to LGS
- 3.
4/01/76 SEB 3.8.1 &
BWR Mark III Containment Pool Dynamics Not applicable 3.8.2 to LGS
- 4.
9/01/76 SEB 3.8.4 Air Blast Loads 3.8.4
- 5.
10/01/76 SEB 3.5.3 Tornado Missile Impact 3.5
- 6.
6/01/77 RSB 6.3 Passive Failures During Long-Term 6.3.1 Cooling Following LOCA
- 7.
9/01/77 RSB 6.3 Control Room Position Indication of and Manual (Handwheel) Valves in ECCS Table 6.3-7
- 8.
4/01/77 RSB 15.1.5 Long-Term Recovery from Steam Line Not applicable Break: Operator Action to Prevent to LGS Overpressurization (PWR)
- 9.
12/01/77 RSB 5.4.6, Pump Operability Requirements 5.4 5.4.7 & 6.3
- 10.
3/28/78 RSB 3.5.1 Gravity Missiles, Vessel Seal-Ring 3.5 Missiles Inside Containment
- 11.
1/01/77 AB 4.4 Core Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis 4.4.4
- 12.
1/01/78 PSB 8.3 Degraded Grid Voltage Conditions 8.3
- 13.
6/01/76 CSB Asymmetric Loads on Components Located 1.12.3, Within Containment Sub-compartments Appendix 6A
- 14.
9/01/77 CSB 6.2.6 Containment Leak Testing Program 6.2.6
- 15.
1/01/77 CSB Containment Response Due to Main Steam Not applicable Line Break and Failure of MSLIV to Close to LGS
- 16.
11/01/77 ASB 3.6.1 & 3.6.2 Main Steam and Feedwater Pipe Failures 3.6
- 17.
1/01/77 ASB 9.2.2 Design Requirements for Cooling Water 9.2.2 to Reactor Coolant Pumps
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.11-7 REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 1.11-1 (Contd)
- 18.
8/01/76 ASB 10.4.7 Design Guidelines for Water Hammer in Not applicable Steam Generators with Top Feeding Design to LGS (BTP ASB 10.2)
- 19.
1/01/76 ICSB 3.11 Environmental Control Systems for Safety-3.11 Related Equipment
( 1 )
Regulatory Guides included in the RRRC and NRR lists are addressed in Section 1.8
( 2 )
Version in effect as of the date of Reference 1.11-2
The NRC continuously evaluates the safety requirements used in its reviews against new information as it becomes available. Information related to the safety of nuclear power plants comes from a variety of sources including experience from operating reactors; research results; NRC staff and ACRS safety reviews; and vendor, architect-engineer, and utility design reviews.
Each time a new concern or safety issue is identified from one or more of these sources, the need for immediate action to ensure safe operation is assessed. This assessment includes consideration of the generic implications of the issue.
In some cases, immediate action is taken to ensure safety, for example, the derating of BWRs as a result of the channel box wear problems in 1975. In other cases, interim measures, such as modifications to operating procedures, may be sufficient to allow further study of the issue before making licensing decisions. In most cases, however, the initial assessment indicates that immediate licensing actions or changes in licensing criteria are not necessary. In any event, further study may be deemed appropriate to make judgments as to whether existing NRC requirements should be modified to address the issue for new plants or if backfitting is appropriate for the long-term operation of plants already under construction or in operation.
These issues are sometimes called generic safety issues because they are related to a particular class or type of nuclear facility rather than to a specific plant. Certain of these issues have been designated as unresolved safety issues (Reference 1.12-1). However, as discussed above, such issues are considered on a generic basis only after the NRC staff has made an initial determination that the safety significance of the issue does not prohibit continued operation or require licensing actions while the longer term generic review is under way.
In 1978, the NRC undertook a review of over 130 generic issues addressed in the NRC program.
The review is described in Reference 1.12-2. The report provides the following definition of an unresolved safety issue:
A USI is a matter affecting a number of nuclear power plants that poses important questions concerning the adequacy of existing safety requirements for which a final resolution has not yet been developed and that involves conditions not likely to be acceptable over the lifetime of the plants it affects.
Furthermore, the report indicates that in applying this definition, matters that pose "important questions concerning the adequacy of existing safety requirements" were judged to be those for which resolution is necessary to (1) compensate for a possible major reduction in the degree of protection of the public health and safety, or (2) provide a potentially significant decrease in the risk to the public health and safety. Quite simply, a USI is potentially significant from a public safety standpoint and its resolution is likely to result in NRC action on the affected plants.
All of the issues addressed in the NRC program were systematically evaluated against this definition as described in Reference 1.12-2. As a result, 17 USIs addressed by 22 tasks in the NRC program were identified. The issues and applicable task numbers are listed below. Progress on these issues was first discussed in the 1978 NRC Annual Report. The number(s) of the generic task(s) (for example, A-1) in the NRC program addressing each issue is indicated in parentheses following the title.
- 1.
Water Hammer (A-1)
- 2.
Asymmetric Blowdown Loads on the Reactor Coolant System (A-2)
- 3.
Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tube Integrity (A-3, A-4, A-5)
- 4.
BWR Mark I and Mark II Pressure-Suppression Containments (A-6, A-7, A-8, A-39)
- 5.
Anticipated Transients Without Scram (A-9)
- 6.
BWR Nozzle Cracking (A-10)
- 7.
Reactor Vessel Materials Toughness (A-11)
- 8.
Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator and Reactor Coolant Pump Supports (A-12)
- 9.
Systems Interaction in Nuclear Power Plants (A-17)
- 10.
Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment (A-24)
- 11.
Reactor Vessel Pressure Transient Protection (A-26)
- 12.
Residual Heat Removal Requirements (A-31)
- 13.
Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel (A-36)
- 14.
Seismic Design Criteria (A-40)
- 15.
Pipe Cracks at Boiling Water Reactors (A-42)
- 16.
Containment Emergency Sump Reliability (A-43)
- 17.
Station Blackout (A-44)
The NRC has performed an in-depth and systematic review of generic safety concerns identified since January 1979 to determine if any of these issues should be designated as new USIs. The candidate issues originated from concerns identified in Reference 1.12-3, ACRS recommendations, abnormal occurrence reports, and other operating experience. The Commission considered the above information and approved the following four new unresolved safety issues:
- 1.
Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Requirements (A-45)
- 2.
Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants (A-46)
- 3.
Safety Implication of Control Systems (A-47)
- 4.
Hydrogen Control Measures and Effects of Hydrogen Burns on Safety Equipment (A-48)
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-3 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 A description of the above process together with a list of the issues considered is presented in Reference 1.12-4. An expanded discussion of each of the new USIs is also contained in Reference 1.12-4.
In addition to the four issues identified above, the Commission approved another issue, A-49, Pressurized Thermal Shock, as a USI in December 1981.
In December, 1987 the NRC issued a compilation of the generic safety issues as NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues." This compilation includes the USIs and is periodically supplemented to update the status of the safety issues.
1.12.2 APPLICABILITY TO LGS Seven of the twenty-seven tasks identified with the USIs are not applicable to LGS because they apply to PWRs only. These tasks are A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, A-12, A-26, and A-49. Also, Tasks A-6 and A-7 only apply to Mark I or Mark III BWR containments. With regard to the remaining eighteen tasks that are applicable to LGS, the NRC staff has issued NUREG reports or rule changes providing its resolution of seventeen of the issues. These issues are listed below.
TASK NUMBER NUREG REPORT NO. AND TITLE A-1 NUREG-0927, "Evaluation of Water Hammer in Nuclear Power Plants - Technical Findings Relevant to Unresolved Safety Issue A-1".
NUREG-0993, "Regulatory Analysis for USI A-1, "Water Hammer".
NUREG-0800, SRP 3.9.3, 3.9.4, 5.4.6, 5.4.7, 6.3, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 10.3 and 10.4.7, Various Titles.
A-8 NUREG-0808 "Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads".
NUREG-0802, "Safety/Relief Valve Quencher Loads: Evaluation for BWR Mark II and III Containments".
NUREG-0800, SRP, "Pressure-Suppression Type BWR Containments".
A-9 NUREG-0460, Vol 4, "Anticipated Transients Without Scram for Light-Water Reactors".
10CFR50.62, Federal Register Notice 49FR2036.
A-10 NUREG-0619, "BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking".
A-11 NUREG-0744, Revision 1, "Resolution of the Task A Reactor Vessel Materials Toughness Safety Issue".
A-17 NUREG-1174, "Evaluation of Systems Interactions in Nuclear Power Plants".
NUREG-1229, "Regulatory Analysis for Resolution of USI A-17".
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-4 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 A-24 NUREG-0588, Revision 1, "Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment".
NUREG-0800, SRP 3.11, "Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment".
10CFR50.49, Federal Register Notice 47FR28363.
A-31 NUREG-0800, SRP 5.4.7 and BTP 5-1, "Residual Heat Removal Systems" (incorporate requirements of USI A-31).
A-36 NUREG-0612, "Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants".
A-39 NUREG-0802, "Safety/Relief Valve-Quencher Loads: Evaluation for BWR Mark II and III Containments".
NUREG-0800, SRP, "Pressure-Suppression Type BWR Containments".
A-40 NUREG-1233, "Regulatory Analysis for USI A-40".
NUREG-0800, SRP 2.5.2, 3.7.1, 3.7.2 and 3.7.3, Various Titles.
A-42 NUREG-0313, Revision 2, "Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping" (Note: Revision 1 is applicable prior to issuance of NRC Generic Letter 88-01.)
A-43 NUREG-0869, Revision 1, "USI A-43 Regulatory Analysis".
NUREG-0897, Revision 1, "Containment Emergency Sump Performance".
A-44 NUREG-1032, "Evaluation of Station Blackout Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants, Technical Findings Related to Unresolved Safety Issue A-44, Draft Report for Comment".
NUREG-1109, "Regulatory Analysis for the Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-44, Station Blackout, Draft Report for Comment".
10CFR50.63, Federal Register Notice 53FR23215.
A-45 NUREG-1289, "Regulatory and Backfit Analysis for the Resolution of USI A-45".
NUREG-1292, "Shutdown Heat Removal Analysis: Plant Case Studies and Special Issues Summary Report".
A-47 NUREG-1217, "Evaluation of Safety Implications of Control Systems in LWR Nuclear Power Plants".
NUREG-1218, "Regulatory Analysis for Resolution of USI A-47".
A-48 10CFR50.44, Federal Register Notice 46FR58484.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-5 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 NUREG-1370, "Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-48, "Hydrogen Control Measures and Effects of Hydrogen Burns on Safety Equipment".
The remaining issue applicable to LGS is Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants (A-46). It is further discussed below.
1.12.3 DISCUSSIONS OF TASKS AS THEY RELATE TO LGS This section provides an implementation and status summary of LGS for each of the applicable USIs. This includes the NRC requirements summary of each issue as stated in Generic Letter 89-21 (Request for Information Concerning Status of Implementation of Unresolved Safety Issue Requirements).
On March 15, 1984, the EDO sent the Commissioners a Policy Issue titled, "Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-1, Water Hammer." In this Policy Issue the staff concluded that the frequency and severity of water hammer occurrences had been significantly reduced through (a) incorporation of design features such as keep-full systems, vacuum breakers, J-tubes, void detection systems and improved venting procedures, (b) proper design of feedwater valves and control systems and (c) increased operator awareness and training. Therefore, the resolution of USI A-1 did not involve any hardware or design changes on existing plants. It did involve SRP changes (forward fits) and a comprehensive set of guidelines and criteria to evaluate and upgrade utility training programs (per TMI Item I.A.2.3.). In addition, the assumption was made that for BWRs with isolation condensers a high reactor vessel water level feedwater pump trip was in place or being installed. This was necessary because calculated values had postulated an isolation condenser failure by water hammer that opened a direct pathway to the environment.
Items to certify:
- 1.
A comprehensive set of guidelines and criteria to evaluate and upgrade utility training programs (per TMI Item I.A.2.3) is in place.
- 2.
BWRs with isolation condensers have installed and operated a high reactor vessel water level feedwater pump trip.
- 1.
TMI Item I.A.2.3 implementation was complete at the time of receipt of the operating license. The LGS training program has been upgraded and subsequently INPO accredited.
- 2.
LGS does not have an isolation condenser.
A-8 Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads REQUIREMENTS
The requirement is that the 11 BWRs having the Mark II containment shall meet the requirements of GDC 16, "Containment Design."
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-6 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 As stated in NUREG-0808, "Mark II Containment Program Load Evaluation and Acceptance Criteria", the original design of the Mark II containment system considered only those loads normally associated with DBAs that were known at the time. These included pressure and temperature loads associated with a LOCA, seismic loads, dead loads, jet impingement loads, hydrostatic loads due to water in the suppression chamber, overload pressure test loads, and construction loads. However, since the establishment of the original design criteria, additional loading conditions were identified that must be considered for the pressure-suppression containment system design.
In the course of performing large-scale testing of an advanced design pressure-suppression containment (Mark III), and during in-plant testing of Mark I containments, new suppression pool hydrodynamic loads were identified that had not been included explicitly in the original Mark II containment design basis. These additional loads result from dynamic effects of drywell air and steam being rapidly forced into the suppression pool during a postulated LOCA and from suppression pool response to SRV operation, which is generally associated with plant transient operating conditions. Because these new hydrodynamic loads had not been considered, the NRC staff determined that a detailed reevaluation of the Mark II containment system was required.
The issuance of NUREG-0808, NUREG-0802, and NUREG-0487 documented acceptable methods for calculating the hydrodynamic loads associated with plant transient conditions.
Specifically, the loads referenced in these NUREGs, as modified by the acceptance criteria, constituted the resolution of USI A-8. SRP 6.2.1 has been modified to reflect the applicability of these NUREGs to Mark II containment evaluations.
Implementation is believed to be complete for all Mark II BWRs. As part of the licensing process, the staff required that the new calculation methodology defined in the referenced NUREGs be utilized by the applicant before issuance of a full power license.
The Mark II containment pool dynamic loads were addressed in the DAR for LGS (Appendix 3A and 3B) during the initial operating license review. The NRC review is documented in SSER-2, Sections and
A-9 Anticipated Transients Without Scram The USI was resolved on June 26, 1984 with the publication of a final rule (10CFR50.62), to require improvements in plants to reduce the likelihood of failure of the RPS to shut down the reactor following anticipated transients and to mitigate the consequences of an ATWS event. The rule includes the following design-related requirements: 10CFR50.62(C)(l) - Diverse and Independent Auxiliary Feedwater Initiation and Turbine Trip for All PWRs, 10CFR50.62(C)(2) -
Diverse Scram Systems for CE and B&W Reactors, 10CFR50.62(C)(3) - ARI for BWRs, 10CFR50.62(C)(4) - SLCS for BWRs, and 10CFR50.62(C)(5) - Automatic RPT Under Conditions Indicative of an ATWS for BWRs. Information requirements and an implementation schedule are also specified.
LGS has completed implementation of ARI, RPT and adequate SLCS capacity. These were installed prior to fuel load and the Technical Specifications included RPT and SLCS. The SLCS
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-7 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Technical Specification was revised in June 1989 when minor discrepancies were identified in the original Technical Specification.
A-10 BWR Feedwater Nozzle Cracking REQUIREMENTS
Inspections of operating BWRs conducted up to April 1978 revealed cracks in the feedwater nozzles of 20 reactor vessels. It was determined that cracking was due to high-cycle fatigue caused by fluctuations in water temperature within the vessel in the nozzle region. This item was originally identified in NUREG-0371 and was later determined to be a USI.
By letter dated November 13, 1980, D.G. Eisenhut (NRC) provided licensees with a copy of NUREG-0619, "BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking." The letter stated that NUREG-0619 provided the resolution of the staffs generic technical activity A-10, a USI, which resulted from the inservice discovery of cracking in feedwater nozzles and CRD return line nozzles. NUREG-0619 describes the technical issues, GE and staff studies and analyses and the staff's positions and requirements. Licensees were required to respond, pursuant to 10CFR50.54(f), that implementation dates indicated in NUREG-0619 would be met.
Generic Letter 81-11 was subsequently issued to provide technical clarification to the November 13, 1980 letter and to clarify that it had been sent to PWR licensees for information only and that no response was required from PWR licensees.
Implementation of NUREG-0619 was reviewed during the initial operating license review. As discussed in the SER, LGS does not have a CRD system return line to the reactor vessel; equalizing valves are installed between the cooling water header and exhaust water header; the flow stabilizer loop is routed to the cooling water header; and both the exhaust header and flow stabilizer loop are stainless steel piping; and are acceptable.
A-11 Reactor Vessel Materials Toughness Because of the remote possibility of failure of nuclear RPVs designed to the ASME B&PV Code, the design of nuclear facilities does not provide protection against reactor vessel failure. Prevention of reactor vessel failure depends primarily on maintaining the reactor vessel material fracture toughness at levels that will resist brittle fracture during plant operation. At service times and operating conditions typical of current operating plants, reactor vessel fracture roughness properties provide adequate margins of safety against vessel failure; however, as plants accumulate more and more service time, neutron irradiation reduces the material fracture toughness and initial safety margins. This item was originally identified in NUREG-0371 and was later determined to be a USI.
10CFR50, Appendix G required that the charpy upper-shelf energy throughout the life of the vessel be no less than 50 ft-lbs unless it is demonstrated that lower values will provide margins of safety against failure equivalent to those provided by Appendix G of the ASME code. USI A-11 was initiated to address the staff's concern that some vessels were projected to have beltline materials with charpy upper-shelf energy less than 50 ft-lbs.
This USI was resolved in October 1982 with the issuance of NUREG-0744, Revision 1 which was later transmitted to all licensees with Generic Letter 82-26.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-8 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 NUREG-0744 provides a method for evaluation of reactor vessel materials when their charpy upper-shelf energy are predicted to fall below 50 ft-lbs. Plants will use the prescribed method when analysis of irradiation damage predicts that the charpy upper-shelf energy is below 50 ft-lbs.
Implementation of NUREG-0744 was addressed in the initial operating license review. LGS complies as discussed in SER and SSER-9 Section
A-17 Systems Interaction in Nuclear Power Plants REQUIREMENTS
Generic Letter 89-18, dated September 6, 1989, was sent to all power reactor licensees and constitutes the resolution of USI A-17. No licensee actions were required by Generic Letter 89-18.
Generic Letter 89-18 had two enclosures which (1) outlined the bases for the resolution of USI A-17, and (2) provided five general lessons learned from the review of the overall systems interaction issue. It was anticipated that licensees' review of this information would be considered in other programs, such as the "Individual Plant Examination for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities."
Specifically, the staff expected that insights concerning water intrusion and flooding from internal sources, provided in the appendix to NUREG-1174, will be considered in the IPE program. Also considered in the USI's resolution was the expectation that licensees would continue to review information on events at operating nuclear power plants in accordance with the requirements of TMI Item I.C.5 of NUREG-0737.
No changes were required for LGS.
The IPE for LGS was approved by the NRC by letter dated December 9, 1994.
TMI Item I.C.5 of NUREG-0737 is implemented through an Operating Experience Assessment Program as discussed in Section 1.13.
A-24 Qualification of Class 1E Equipment REQUIREMENTS
The publishing of NUREG-0588, Revision 1, "Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment" in July 1981 completed the staff resolution of Generic Technical Activity A-24, "Qualification of Class 1E Safety-Related Equipment." Part I of the report is the original "For Comment" NUREG-0588 which in conjunction with the DOR Guidelines was endorsed by a Commission Memorandum and Order as the interim position on this subject until "final" positions were established in rule making. On January 21, 1983 the Commission amended its regulations, in 10CFR50.49 (the rule), effective February 22, 1983 to codify existing qualification methods in national standards, regulatory guides, and certain NRC publications including NUREG-0588.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-9 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 The rule is based on the DOR Guidelines and NUREG-0588, which "provide guidance on (1) how to establish environmental service conditions, (2) how to select methods which are considered appropriate for qualifying the equipment in different areas of the plant, and (3) other areas such as margin, aging, and documentation." NUREG-0588 does not address all areas of qualification; it does supplement, in selected areas, the provisions of the 1971 and 1974 versions of IEEE 323.
The rule recognizes previous qualification efforts completed as result of Memorandum and Order CLI-80-20 and also reflects different IEEE 323 versions dependent on the date of the construction permit SER. Therefore, plant specific requirements may vary in accordance with the rule.
In summary, the resolution of A-24 is embodied in 10CFR50.49. A measure of whether each licensee has implemented the resolution of A-24 may therefore be found in the determination of compliance with 10CFR50.49. This was addressed by 72 SERs for operating plants shortly after publication of the rule and subsequently in operating license reviews pursuant to SRP 3.11. This was further addressed by the first round EQ inspections conducted by the Office of Inspection and Enforcement, the Regions, and Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
Environmental qualification of electrical equipment was addressed during the initial operating license review. LGS Unit 1 did not complete the necessary documentation until after the operating license was issued. However, the Unit 1 NPF-27 License Condition 2.C(5) was completed and closed in SSER-4. SSER-9 addressed EQ for LGS Unit 2.
A-31 RHR Shutdown Requirements This USI was resolved in May 1978 and affected PWRs and BWRs. The USI involved establishment of criteria for the design and operation of system necessary to take a power reactor from normal operating conditions to cold shutdown.
The USI was resolved with the issuance of SRP section 5.4.7. The SRP stated (BTP RSB 5-1) that, for purposes of implementation, plants would be divided into three classes: Class 1 would require full compliance with the BTP for construction permit or PDA applications which were docketed before January 1, 1978. Class 2 required a partial implementation of the BTP for all plants for which construction permit or PDA applications were docketed before January 1, 1978, and for which an operating license issuance was expected on or after January 1, 1979. Class 3 affected all operating reactors and all other plants for which issuance of the operating license was expected before January 1, 1979. The extent to which Class 3 plants would require implementation of the BTP was based on the combined inspection and enforcement and DOR review of related plant features. In general, the outcome of these evaluations were that only plants receiving operating licenses after January 1, 1979 were affected by this USI resolution.
The RHR shutdown requirements for LGS were addressed during the initial operating license review as addressed in SER and SSER-2 Section 5.4.7.
A-36 Control of Heavy Loads, Phases I & II REQUIREMENTS
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-10 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 The following is abstracted from NUREG-0612: In nuclear power plants heavy loads may be handled in several plant areas. If these loads were to drop in certain locations in the plant, they may impact spent fuel, fuel in the core, or equipment that may be required to achieve safe shutdown and continue decay heat removal. Task A-36 was established to systematically examine staff licensing criteria and the adequacy of measures in effect at operating plants, and to recommend necessary changes to assure the safe handling of heavy loads. The guidelines proposed include definition of safe load paths, use of load handling procedures, training of crane operators, guidelines on slings and special lifting devices, periodic inspection and maintenance for the crane, as well as various alternatives. The report NUREG-0612 completes Task A-36.
The requirements documents are the Generic Letter dated December 22, 1980 "Control of Heavy Loads" transmitting NUREG-0612 and Generic Letter 85-11 dated June 28, 1985 which stated that implementation of Phase I (guidelines noted above) was sufficient and that Phase II could be implemented by licensees as appropriate. Phase II was to have extended the issue beyond the guidelines noted above to include a showing that either single failure proof handling equipment was not needed or that it had been provided.
The requirements for heavy loads, NUREG-0612, were addressed in the initial operating license review. The licensee completed implementation in accordance with an August 13, 1984 submittal and Unit 1 Operating License NPF-27 License Condition 2.C(19).
See LGS UFSAR Section 3.12 for additional information on the control of heavy loads at LGS.
A-39 Determination of SRV Pool Dynamic Loads and Temperature Limits REQUIREMENTS
BWR plants are equipped with SRVs to protect the reactor from overpressurization. Plant operational transients, such as turbine trips, will actuate the SRV. Once the SRV opens, the air column within the partially submerged discharge line is compressed by the high pressure steam released from the reactor. The compressed air discharged into the suppression pool produces high pressure bubbles. Oscillatory expansion and contraction of these bubbles create hydrodynamic loads on the containment structures, piping and equipment inside containment.
NUREG-0802 presents the results of the staff's evaluation of SRV loads. The evaluation, however, is limited to the quencher devices used in Mark II and III containments. With respect to Mark I containments, the SRV acceptance criteria are presented in NUREG-0661, and are dealt with as part of USI A-7 (Mark I Long-Term Program).
SRP, "Pressure-Suppression Type BWR Containments", addresses the applicable review criteria since all Mark II and III containment designs are understood to have completed their operating license reviews subsequent to resolution of this USI and reflection of the resolution in the SRP.
In conjunction with NUREG-0661, NUREG-0763 and NUREG-0783, the issuance of NUREG-0802 concludes USI A-39.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-11 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 See A-8.
A-40 Seismic Design Criteria - Short-Term Program REQUIREMENTS
USI A-40 was originated in 1977. The basic objectives were (1) to study the seismic design criteria, (2) to quantify the conservatism associated with the criteria and (3) to recommend modifications to SRP if changes are justified. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory completed the study and published their findings in NUREG/CR-1161 dated May 1980. The report recommended specific changes to the SRP. NRC staff reviewed the report and developed some other changes that would reflect the present state of seismic design practices. The resulting SRP changes were issued for public comments in June 1988, and the final SRP changes are to be published in September 1989.
The major SRP changes as a resolution of USI A-40 consist of (1) clarification of development of site specific spectra, (2) use of single synthetic time history, (3) location of input ground motion for Soil-Structure Interaction, and (4) design of flexible vertical tanks. Except for item (4), all other items do not constitute any additional requirements for current licenses and applications, and thus, no backfits are being required for these items. However, the revised provisions could be used for margin studies and reevaluations or IPE for External Events.
The participant utilities in Seismic Qualification Utility Group agreed to implement the changed criteria for flexible vertical tank for their plants. However, there are four plants (six reactors) where this issue has to be resolved on an individual basis. (These plants are: Callaway 1/2, Wolf Creek, Shearon Harris 1, and Watts Bar 1/2.) The 50.54(f) letters have been sent to the affected utilities.
Seismic qualification was addressed during the initial operating license review. The program is discussed in UFSAR Section 3.10 and was accepted as discussed in the SER, SSER-2, SSER-3, and SSER-9, Section 3.10.
A-42 Pipe Cracks in Boiling Water Reactors Pipe cracking has occurred in the heat-affected zones of welds in primary system piping in BWRs since mid-1960. These cracks have occurred mainly in Type 304 stainless steel which is the type used in most operating BWRs. The major problem is recognized to be IGSCC of austenitic stainless steel components that have been made susceptible to this failure by being "sensitized,"
either by postweld heat treatment or by sensitization of a narrow heat-affected zone near welds.
"Safe ends" that have been highly sensitized by furnace heat treatment while attached to vessels during fabrication were very early (late 1960s) found to be susceptible to IGSCC. Most of the furnace sensitized safe ends in older plants have been removed or clad with a protective material and there are only a few BWRs that still have furnace sensitized safe ends in use. Most of these, however, are in smaller diameter lines.
Earlier reported cracks (prior to 1975) occurred primarily in 4 inch diameter recirculation loop bypass lines and in 10 inch diameter core spray lines. Cracking is most often detected during ISI using UT techniques. Some piping cracks have been discovered as a result of primary coolant leaks.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-12 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 This USI was resolved with the issuance of NUREG-0313, Revision 1 which was transmitted to all holders of BWR operating licenses or construction permits in February 1981 via Generic Letter 81-
- 03. MPA B-05 was established for implementation of the resolution at operating plants.
NUREG-0313, Revision 1 provided the NRC staff's revised acceptable methods for reducing the intergranular stress-corrosion cracking susceptibility of BWR code class 1, 2, and 3 pressure boundary piping of sizes identified above and safe ends. In addition, it provided the requirements for augmented inservice inspection of piping with nonconforming materials.
As a result of further IGSCC degradations in large piping, the staff provided licensees with additional requirements in several NRC communications (i.e.,Bulletin 82-03, Bulletin 83-2,Bulletin 84-11). The long-term resolution of IGSCC in BWR piping was provided in NUREG-0313, Revision 2 which was transmitted to all holders of BWR operating licenses via Generic Letter 88-01.
IGSCC was most recently addressed by the licensee in its response to Generic Letter 88-01. For LGS, this response consisted of an FSAR revision (Revision 54, dated October 1988), a Technical Specification revision (which was determined not to be necessary and was withdrawn on April 28, 1989) and an ISI program revision which will be completed and implemented at the next refueling outage for each unit.
A-43 Containment Emergency Sump Reliability REQUIREMENTS
An issue existed concerning the availability of adequate recirculation cooling water following a LOCA when long-term recirculation of cooling water from the PWR containment sump, or the BWR RHR system suction intake, must be initiated and maintained to prevent core melt.
The technical concerns evaluation under USI A-43 were: (1) post-LOCA adverse conditions resulting from potential vortex formation and air ingestion and subsequent pump failure, (2) blockage of sump screens with LOCA generated insulation debris causing inadequate NPSH on pumps, and (3) RHR and containment spray pumps inoperability due to possible air, debris, or particulate ingestion on pump seal and bearing systems.
NUREG-0897, Revision 1 presents the results of the staff's technical findings. These findings established a need to revise current licensing guidance on these matters. Regulatory Guide 1.82 (Rev 0) and SRP (NUREG-0800) Section 6.2.2, "Containment Heat Removal Systems" were revised to reflect this new guidance.
This revised guidance applies only to future construction permits, preliminary design approvals, final design approvals, standardized designs, and applications of licenses to manufacture. For operating plants, the staff performed a regulatory analysis to determine if this new guidance should be applied. The results of this analysis was reported in NUREG-0869, Revision 1, "USI A-43 Regulatory Analysis." The staff concluded that the regulatory analysis does not support any new generic requirements for current licensees to perform debris assessments. However, an Information Notice was issued recommending (but not requiring) licensees use the revised guidance to conduct a 10CFR50.59 analysis for future insulation modifications or replacements.
Suppression pool strainer blockage is discussed in UFSAR and SER Sections 6.2.2. Additional actions are being taken for LGS in response to NRC Bulletin 96-03.
A-44 Station Blackout Station blackout means the loss of offsite ac power to the essential and nonessential electrical buses concurrent with turbine trip and the unavailability of the redundant onsite emergency ac power system. WASH-1400 showed that station blackout could be an important risk contributor, and operating experience has indicated that the reliability of ac power systems might be less than originally anticipated. For these reasons station blackout was designated as a USI in 1980. A proposed rule was published for comment on March 21, 1986. A final rule, 10CFR50.63 "Loss of All Alternating Current Power," was published on June 21, 1988 and became effective on July 21, 1988. Regulatory Guide 1.155 was issued at the same time as the rule and references an industry guidance document NUMARC-8700. In order to comply with the A-44 resolution, licensees are required to:
maintain onsite emergency ac power supply reliability above a minimum level develop procedures and training for recovery from a station blackout determine the duration of a station blackout that the plant should be able to withstand use an alternate qualified ac power source, if available, to cope with a station blackout evaluate the plant's actual capability to withstand and recover from a station blackout backfit hardware modifications if necessary to improve coping ability 10CFR50.63(c)(1) of the rule required each licensee to submit a response including the results of their coping analysis within 270 days from issuance of an operating license or the effective date of the rule, whichever is later.
The LGS electrical distribution system met the NRC design criteria prior to development of 10CFR50.63. The simultaneous loss of both offsite and onsite power is considered to be a highly unlikely occurrence.
Long-term operation following a loss of all ac power is limited only by suppression pool heatup and ambient heatup of the HPCI and RCIC pump rooms, where compartment cooling requires ac power, and by dc battery capacity.
The LOOP and SBO incidents are programmed as training exercises during the certification program at the LGS Simulator.
The station blackout event has also been incorporated into simulator requalification programs.
The plant staff have written emergency procedures for the station blackout event.
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-14 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 The licensee submitted the LGS program for implementation of the station blackout rule on April 17, 1989.
A-45 Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Requirements REQUIREMENTS
USI A-45 was closed out without any new licensing requirements other than the IPE, as described below. Since all of the significant USI A-45 results have been found to be highly plant specific, the Commission decided it was not appropriate to propose a single generic action to be applied uniformly to all plants.
The Commission is currently implementing the Severe Accident Policy (50FR32138) and will require all plants currently operating or under construction to undergo a systematic examination termed the IPE. The reason for this examination is to identify any plant specific vulnerabilities to severe accidents. The IPE analysis intends to examine and understand the plant emergency procedures, design, operations, maintenance, and surveillance to identify vulnerabilities. The analysis will examine both the decay heat removal system and those systems used for other related functions. For CE plants without power-operated relief valves, the need for a rapid depressurization capability will be addressed in the IPE program.
NRC has decided to subsume A-45 into the IPE program as the most effective way of achieving resolution of specific plant concerns associated with A-45.
The IPE for LGS was approved by the NRC by letter dated December 9, 1994.
A-46 Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants As an outgrowth of the Systematic Evaluation Program, the need was identified for reassessment of design criteria and methods for the seismic qualification of mechanical equipment and electrical equipment. The seismic qualification of the equipment in operating plants must, therefore, be reassessed to ensure the ability to bring the plant to a safe shutdown condition when subject to a seismic event. The objective of this issue was to establish an explicit set of guidelines that could be used to judge the adequacy of the seismic qualification of mechanical and electrical equipment at operating plants in lieu of attempting to backfit current design criteria for new plants.
The resolution of USI A-46 was mainly based on work completed by the Seismic Qualification Utility Group and EPRI using the seismic and test experience data approach and reviewed and endorsed by the Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel and the NRC staff. The scope of the review was narrowed down to equipment required to bring each affected plant to hot shutdown and maintain it there for a minimum of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. A walk-through of each plant is required to inspect equipment in the scope. Evaluation of equipment will include: (a) adequacy of equipment anchorage; (b) functional capability of essential relays; (c) outliers and deficiencies (i.e., equipment with nonstandard configurations); and (d) seismic systems interaction.
The staff issued Generic Letter 87-02 on February 19, 1987, with associated guidance, requiring all affected utilities to perform an evaluation of the seismic adequacy of their plants. The specific requirements and approach for implementation are being developed jointly by the Seismic
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-15 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 Qualification Utility Group and the staff on a generic basis prior to individual member utilities proceeding with plant specific implementation (see discussion below).
Generic Letter 87-02 issued on February 19, 1987 and Supplement No. 1 thereto issued May 22, 1992, do not list Limerick as an USI A-46 Plant and therefore does not apply to Limerick, since seismic qualification was addressed during initial operating licensing review. Seismic/dynamic qualification of safety related electrical and mechanical equipment is discussed in LGS UFSAR Section 3.10 and was accepted as discussed in the SER, SSER-2, SSER-3, and SSER-9.
A-47 Safety Implications of Control Systems USI A-47 is being closed out with the issuance of Generic Letter 89-19 which was issued September 20, 1989. The Generic Letter states, "The staff has concluded that all PWR plants should provide automatic steam generator overfill protection, all BWR plants should provide automatic reactor vessel overfill protection, and that plant procedures and technical specifications for all plants should include provisions to verify periodically the operability of the overfill protection and to assure that automatic overfill protection is available to mitigate main feedwater overfeed events during reactor power operation. Also, the system design and setpoints should be selected with the objective of minimizing inadvertent trips of the main feedwater system during plant startup, normal operation, and protection system surveillance. The Technical Specifications recommendations are consistent with the criteria and the risk considerations of the Commission Interim Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvement. In addition, the staff recommends that all BWR recipients reassess and modify, if needed, their operating procedures and operator training to assure that the operators can mitigate reactor vessel overfill events that may occur via the condensate booster pumps during reduced system pressure operation."
The Generic Letter provides requirements that licensees provide NRC with their schedule and commitments within 180 days of the Generic Letter date. The implementation schedule for actions on which commitments are made should be prior to startup after the first refueling outage, but no later than the second refueling outage, beginning 9 months after receipt of the Generic Letter.
The licensees response to Generic Letter 89-19 was submitted to the NRC on March 20, 1990 and was supplemented on May 4, 1990.
A-48 Hydrogen Control Measures and Effects of Hydrogen Burns on Safety Equipment REQUIREMENTS
USI A-48 arose as a result of the large amount of hydrogen generated and burned within containment during the TMI accident. This issue covers hydrogen control measures for recoverable degraded core accidents for all BWRs and those PWRs with ice condenser containments.
Extensive research in this area has led to significant revision of the Commission's hydrogen control regulations, given in 10CFR50.44.
The rule in 10CFR50.44 requiring inerting of BWR Mark I and Mark II containments as a method for hydrogen control was published on December 2, 1981. The BWR Mark I and Mark II reactor containments have operated for a number of years with an inerted atmosphere (by addition of an
LGS UFSAR CHAPTER 01 1.12-16 REV. 16, SEPTEMBER 2012 inert gas, such as nitrogen) which effectively precludes combustion of any hydrogen generated.
USI A-48 with respect to BWR Mark I and II containments is not only resolved but understood to be fully implemented in the affected plants.
The rule for BWRs with Mark III containments and PWRs with ice condenser containments was published on January 25, 1985. The rule required that these plants be provided with a means for controlling the quantity of hydrogen produced but did not specify the control method. In addition, the action plan for USI A-48 provided for plant specific reviews of lead-plants for reactors with Mark III and ice condenser containments. Sequoyah was chosen as the lead-plant for ice condenser containments and Grand Gulf for Mark III containments. Both of the lead-plant licensees chose to install igniter-type systems to burn the hydrogen before it reached threatening concentrations within the containment. Final design igniter systems have been installed not only in both lead plants, Sequoyah and Grand Gulf, but in all other ice condenser and Mark III plants as well.
Documentation of the staff's safety evaluations of the final analyses required to be submitted by these licensees by the rule are continuing toward completion in 1989.
Large dry PWR containments were excluded from USI A-48 because they have a greater ability to accommodate the large quantities of hydrogen associated with a recoverable degraded core accident than the smaller MARK I, II, III and ice condenser containments. However, this issue has continued to be considered and in 1989, hydrogen control for large dry PWR containments was identified as a high priority Generic Issue 121. (NUREG-0933). The resolution of Generic Issue 121 is being actively pursued in close coordination with more recent research findings.
The NRC staff has concluded that USI A-48 is resolved as stated in SECY 89-122. If interested, the report should be consulted for further details regarding the relationship of A-48 to other ongoing hydrogen activities.
LGS uses an inerted containment as discussed in Section 6.2.5 (see SER and SSER section 6.2.5). Both units received temporary exemptions from inerting during the initial startup testing program. Both units are now in full compliance.
1.12-1 "NRC Program for the Resolution of Generic Issues Related to Nuclear Power Plants,"
NUREG-0410, (January 1, 1978).
1.12-2 "Identification of Unresolved Safety Issues Relating to Nuclear Power Plants - A Report to Congress," NUREG-0510, (January 1979).
1.12-3 "NRC Action Plan as a Result of the TMI-2 Accident," NUREG-0660.
1.12-4 "Identification of New Unresolved Safety Issues Relating to Nuclear Power Plants, Special Report to Congress," NUREG-0705, (March 1981).