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Rev. 21 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 3, Appendix 3A - Design Assessment Report
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Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/2022
Constellation Energy Generation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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3A.1.3 Mark II Containment Program 3A.1.4 Plant Description 3A.1.41 Primary Containment 3A. Penetrations 3A. Internal Structures 3A.2


3A.2.1 Load Definition Summary 3A.2.1.1 SRV Load Definition Summary 3A.2.1.2 LOCA Load Definition Summary 3A.2.2 Design Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.1 Containment Structure, Reactor Enclosure, and Control Structure Assessment Summary 3A. Containment Structure Assessment Summary 3A. Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.2 Containment Submerged Structures Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.3 BOP Piping Systems Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.4 NSSS Assessment Summary 3A. Introduction 3A. Design Assessment Results 3A.2.2.5 BOP Equipment Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.6 Electrical Raceway System Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.7 HVAC Duct System Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.8 Suppression Pool Temperature Assessment Summary 3A.2.2.9 Wetwell-to-Drywell Vacuum Breaker and Downcomer Capping Assessment Summary 3A.3 SRV DISCHARGE AND LOCA TRANSIENT DESCRIPTION 3A.3.1 Description of Safety/Relief Valve Discharge 3A.3.1.1 Causes of SRV Discharge 3A.3.1.2 Description of the SRV Discharge Phenomena and SRV Loading Cases


APPENDIX 03A 3A-ii REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A.3.2 Description of Loss-of-Coolant Accident 3A.3.2.1 Small Break Accident 3A.3.2.2 Intermediate Break Accident 3A.3.2.3 Design Basis Accident 3A.4 LOAD DEFINITION 3A.4.1 Main Steam Safety/Relief Valve Discharge Load Definition (Proprietary - See Appendix 3B) 3A.4.2 LOCA Load Definition 3A.4.2.1 LOCA Loads Associated with Pool-Swell 3A. Wetwell/Drywell Pressures During Pool-Swell 3A. Submerged Boundary Loads During Vent Clearing 3A. LOCA Jet Loads 3A. Boundary Loads During Pool-swell 3A. Pool-Swell Asymmetric Air Bubble Load 3A. Pool-Swell Impact Load 3A. LOCA Air Bubble Submerged Structure Load 3A. Pool-Swell Drag Load 3A. Pool-Swell Fallback Load 3A.4.2.2 Condensation Oscillations and Chugging Loads 3A. Containment Boundary Loads Due to Condensation Oscillations 3A. Pool Boundary Loads Due to Chugging 3A. Downcomer Lateral Loads 3A. Multiple Vent Lateral Loads 3A. Submerged Structure Loads Due to Condensation Oscillation and Chugging 3A.4.2.3 Secondary Loads 3A. Downcomer Friction Drag Loads 3A. Sonic Waves 3A. Compressive Wave 3A. Fallback Loads on Submerged Boundaries 3A. Vent Clearing Loads on the Downcomers 3A. Postpool-Swell Waves 3A. Seismic Slosh 3A. Thrust Loads 3A.4.2.4 Long-Term LOCA Loads 3A. Design Basis Accident Transients 3A. Intermediate Break Accident Transients 3A. Small Break Accident Transients 3A.4.2.5 LOCA Loading Histories for LGS Containment Components 3A. LOCA Loads on the Containment Wall and Pedestal 3A. LOCA Loads on the Basemat and Liner Plate 3A. LOCA Loads on the Drywell and Drywell Floor 3A. LOCA Loads on the Columns 3A. LOCA Loads on the Downcomers 3A. LOCA Loads on the Downcomer Bracing 3A. LOCA Loads on the Wetwell Piping


APPENDIX 03A 3A-iii REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A.5 LOAD COMBINATIONS FOR STRUCTURES, PIPING, AND EQUIPMENT 3A.5.1 Introduction 3A.5.2 Load Combinations for Concrete Design in Containment, Reactor Enclosure, and Control Structure 3A.5.3 Structural Steel and ASME Class MC Steel Components Load Combinations 3A.5.4 Liner Plate Load Combinations 3A.5.5 Downcomer Load Combinations 3A.5.6 Piping, Quencher, and Quencher Support Load Combinations 3A.5.6.1 Load Considerations for Piping Inside the Drywell 3A.5.6.2 Load Considerations for Piping Inside the Wetwell 3A.5.6.3 Quencher and Quencher Support Load Considerations 3A.5.6.4 Load Considerations for Piping in the Reactor Enclosure 3A.5.7 NSSS Load Combinations 3A.5.8 BOP Equipment Load Combinations 3A.5.9 Electrical Raceway System Load Combinations 3A.5.10 HVAC Duct System Load Combinations 3A.6 DESIGN CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 3A.6.1 Introduction 3A.6.2 Containment, Reactor Enclosure, and Control Structure Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.2.1 Containment Structure Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.2.2 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.3 Structural Steel and ASME Class MC Steel Component Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.4 Liner Plate Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.5 Downcomer Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.6 BOP Piping, Quencher, and Quencher Support Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.7 NSSS Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.8 BOP Equipment Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.8.1 Analysis 3A.6.8.2 Testing 3A.6.8.3 Combined Analysis and Test 3A.6.9 Electrical Raceway System Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.6.10 HVAC Duct System Capability Assessment Criteria 3A.7 DESIGN ASSESSMENT 3A.7.1 Assessment Methodology 3A.7.1.1 Containment, Reactor Enclosure, and Control Structure Assessment Methodology 3A. Containment Structure 3A. Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure 3A.7.1.2 Structural Steel and ASME Class MC Steel Components Assessment Methodology 3A. Suppression Chamber Columns 3A. Downcomer Bracing 3A. ASME Class MC Steel Components


APPENDIX 03A 3A-iv REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A.7.1.3 Liner Plate Assessment Methodology 3A.7.1.4 Downcomer Assessment Methodology 3A. Structural Model 3A. Loads 3A. Analysis 3A. Design Assessment 3A. Fatigue Evaluation of Downcomers in Wetwell Air Space 3A.7.1.5 BOP Piping and SRV Systems Assessment Methodology 3A. Fatigue Evaluation of MSRV Discharge Lines in Wetwell Air Volume 3A.7.1.6 NSSS Assessment Methodology 3A. NSSS Qualification Methods 3A.7.1.7 BOP Equipment Assessment Methodology 3A. Dynamic Loads 3A. Load Combinations 3A. Other Loads 3A. Qualification Methods 3A.7.1.8 Electrical Raceway System Assessment Methodology 3A. General 3A. Loads 3A. Analytical Methods 3A.7.1.9 HVAC Duct System Assessment Methodology 3A.7.2 Design Capability Margins 3A.7.2.1 Stress Margins 3A. Containment Structure 3A. Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure 3A. Suppression Chamber Columns 3A. Downcomer Bracing 3A. Liner Plate 3A. Downcomers 3A. Electrical Raceway System 3A. HVAC Duct System 3A. ASME Class MC Steel Components Margins 3A. BOP Piping and MSRV Systems Margins 3A. BOP Equipment Margins 3A. NSSS Margins 3A.7.2.2 Acceleration Response Spectra 3A. Containment Structure 3A. Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure 3A.8 MARK II T-QUENCHER VERIFICATION TEST (PROPRIETARY - SEE APPENDIX 3B) 3A.9 CONTAINMENT MODE SHAPES AND HYDRODYNAMIC RESPONSE SPECTRA 3A.9.1 Containment Mode Shapes 3A.9.2 Containment Hydrodynamic Response Spectra


APPENDIX 03A 3A-v REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A.10 REACTOR ENCLOSURE AND CONTROL STRUCTURE MODE SHAPES AND HYDRODYNAMIC RESPONSE SPECTRA 3A.10.1 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Mode Shapes 3A.10.2 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Hydrodynamic Acceleration Response Spectra 3A.11 SUBMERGED STRUCTURE METHODOLOGY 3A.11.1 Introduction 3A.11.2 Drag and Lift Coefficients for Unsteady Flow 3A.11.2.1 General Considerations 3A.11.2.2 LOCA Charging Air Bubble 3A. Lift Due to Vortex Shedding 3A.11.2.3 Pool-Swell 3A.11.2.4 Fallback 3A.11.2.5 SRV Air Bubbles 3A.11.3 Interference Effects on Acceleration Drag 3A.11.3.1 Method of Analysis 3A.11.3.2 Two Stationary Cylinders (Real Cylinders) 3A.11.3.3 Stationary Cylinders Near a Plane Boundary (Real and Imaginary Cylinders) 3A.11.3.4 Total Acceleration Drag Force 3A.11.3.5 Practical Application 3A.11.3.6 Model/Data Comparisons 3A.11.4 Interference Effects on Standard Drag 3A.11.4.1 Interference Between Two Cylinders of Equal Diameter 3A.11.4.2 Interference Between More Than Two Cylinders of Equal Diameter 3A.11.4.3 Drag on Small Cylinder Upstream of Large Cylinder 3A.11.4.4 Standard Drag on Smaller Cylinder Downstream of Large Cylinder 3A.11.4.5 Standard Drag on the Large Cylinder 3A.11.4.6 Structures of Noncircular Cross-Section 3A.11.4.7 Interference Between Nonparallel Cylinders 3A.11.5 Flow Blockage Effects of Downcomer Bracing 3A.12 CONTAINMENT AND SUBMERGED STRUCTURE - STRUCTURAL DESIGN ASSESSMENT 3A.12.1 Containment Structure - Structural Design Assessment 3A.12.2 Submerged Structure - Structural Design Assessment 3A.13 REACTOR ENCLOSURE AND CONTROL STRUCTURE - STRUCTURAL DESIGN ASSESSMENT 3A.14 BOP PIPING DESIGN ASSESSMENT 3A.15 SUPPRESSION POOL TEMPERATURE DESIGN ASSESSMENT


APPENDIX 03A 3A-vi REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A.15.1 Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring System 3A.15.1.1 Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring System Design Criteria 3A. Sensor Locations 3A. Safety Evaluation 3A. Equipment Design 3A. Alarm Setpoints 3A.15.1.2 SPTMS Adequacy Assessment 3A. Stuck Open Relief Valve Scenarios 3A. Individual SPTMS Sensor Predictions 3A. Average SPTMS Sensor Prediction 3A. Conclusion 3A.15.2 Suppression Pool Temperature Response to SRV Discharge 3A.15.2.1 Introduction 3A.15.2.2 Events for the Analysis of Pool Temperature Transients 3A. Event 1: Stuck Open SRV at Power Operation 3A. Event 2: SRV Discharge Following Isolation/Scram 3A. Event 3: SRV Discharge Following a Small Break Accident 3A.15.2.3 Assumptions Used in the Analysis 3A. General Assumptions 3A. Assumptions for Specific Events 3A.15.2.4 Analysis Results and Conclusions 3A.15.3 Suppression Pool Local-to-Bulk Temperature Difference Adequacy Assessment 3A.15.3.1 Introduction 3A.15.3.2 SRV-H Blowdown Under High Reactor Pressure 3A.15.3.3 SRV-L Blowdown Under High Reactor Pressure 3A.15.3.4 SRV-H Blowdown Under Low Reactor Pressure 3A.15.3.5 Conclusion 3A.16 WETWELL-TO-DRYWELL VACUUM BREAKER AND DOWNCOMER CAPPING ADEQUACY ASSESSMENT 3A.16.1 Introduction 3A.16.2 Design Assessment 3A.16.2.1 Vacuum Breaker Cycling During Pool-Swell 3A.16.2.2 Vacuum Breaker Cycling During Chugging 3A. Downcomer Capping Design Assessment 3A.17 REFERENCES 3A.17.1 References 3A.17.2 References (Proprietary - See Appendix 3B)

LGS UFSAR APPENDIX 03A 3A-vii REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 APPENDIX - 3A DESIGN ASSESSMENT REPORT LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE 3A-1 LGS Licensing Basis 3A-2 Comparison of LGS Licensing Basis With NRC Acceptance Criteria 3A-3 Containment Design Parameters 3A-4 LGS Containment Dimensions 3A-5 Short-Term LOCA Loads Associated With Pool-Swell 3A-6 Short-Term Drywell Pressures During Pool-Swell 3A-7 LGS Plant Unique Pool-Swell Code Input Data 3A-8 LOCA Water Jet Loads 3A-9 Pool-Swell Air Bubble Loads 3A-10 Pool-Swell Water Friction Drag Loads 3A-11 Maximum Load on Submerged Structures 3A-12 Component LOCA Load Chart for LGS 3A-13 Wetwell Piping LOCA Loading Situations 3A-14 Load Combinations for Concrete Design in Containment, Reactor Enclosure, and Control Structures (Considering Hydrodynamic Loads) 3A-15 Load Combinations and Allowable Stresses for Structural Steel Components (Suppression Chamber Columns, Downcomer Bracing, and Reactor Building Structural Steel) 3A-16 Load Combinations and Allowable Stresses for ASME Class MC Components 3A-17 Load Combinations and Allowable Stresses for Downcomers 3A-18 Load Combinations and Stress Limits for BOP Piping Systems 3A-19 Load Combinations and Acceptance Criteria for ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 NSSS Piping, Equipment, and Supports 3A-20 Load Combinations and Damping Values for Safety-Related BOP Equipment in the Primary Containment, Reactor Enclosure, and Control Structures 3A-21 Load Combinations and Allowable Stresses for Electrical Raceway System 3A-22 Load Combinations and Allowable Stresses for HVAC Duct Systems 3A-23 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure: Summary of Hydrodynamic Analyses and Corresponding Mathematical Models 3A-24 Control Structure Floor Model Material Properties 3A-25 Maximum Spectral Accelerations of Containment Due to SRV and LOCA Loads at 1% Damping 3A-26 Example Comparison of Seismic Forces Acting on Fully Loaded and Empty Cable Trays 3A-27 Maximum Cumulative Usage Factors for MSRV Discharge Lines in Wetwell Air Space 3A-28 Summary of BOP Piping Stresses 3A-29 System Characteristics and Input Parameters 3A-30 Peak Suppression Pool Temperatures 3A-31 Material Properties for Analytical Elements of the Axisymmetric SRV Analysis Model

LGS UFSAR APPENDIX 03A 3A-viii REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 APPENDIX - 3A DESIGN ASSESSMENT REPORT LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE 3A-1 Cross-Section of Containment 3A-2 Suppression Chamber and Pedestal Interior, Section View 3A-3 Quencher Locations and Orientation 3A-4 Vent Clearing Pressure Distribution 3A-5 Pool-swell Air Bubble Pressure on Suppression Pool Walls 3A-6 Wetwell, Drywell, and Air Bubble Pressures During Pool-Swell 3A-7 Drywell and Wetwell P During Pool-Swell 3A-8 Pool Surface Velocity During Pool-Swell 3A-9 Pool Surface Velocity versus Pool Height 3A-10 Pool Height During Pool-Swell 3A-11 Pressure-Response-Spectrum Envelope for Time Periods Selected for CO Load Definition 3A-12 Spatial Distribution of CO Load 3A-13 Dynamic Downcomer Lateral Load Due to Chugging 3A-14 Short-Term Containment Pressure Response Following Recirculation Line Break 3A-15 Short-Term Containment Temperature Response Following Recirculation Line Break 3A-16 Short-Term Containment Pressure Response Following an Intermediate Size Break (0.1 ft2 Liquid Break) 3A-17 Short-Term Containment Temperature Response Following an Intermediate Size Break (0.1 ft2 Liquid Break) 3A-18 Typical Mark II Containment Response to the SBA 3A-19 Components Affected by LOCA Loads 3A-20 LOCA Loading History for the Containment Wall and Pedestal 3A-21 LOCA Loading History for the Basemat and Line Plate 3A-22 LOCA Loading History for the Drywell and Drywell Floor 3A-23 LOCA Loading History for the Columns 3A-24 LOCA Loading History for the Downcomers 3A-25 LOCA Loading History for the Downcomer Bracing System 3A-26 LOCA Loading History for the Wetwell Piping 3A-27 Stress Diagrams and Tables for Piping Systems Below Suppression Chamber Water Level 3A-28 Stress Diagrams and Tables for Piping Systems Within Pool-Swell Zone 3A-29 Stress Diagrams and Tables for Piping Within Pool-Swell Zone 3A-30 Stress Diagrams and Tables for Piping Systems Within Pool-Swell Zone 3A-31 3-D Containment Finite-Element Model (ANSYS Model) 3A-32 Equivalent Modal Damping Ratio versus Modal Frequency for Structural Stiffness-Proportional Damping (Containment Building) 3A-33 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Vertical Axisymmetric Coupled Model (FESS) 3A-34 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Vertical Stick Model


FIGURE TITLE APPENDIX 03A 3A-ix REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A-35 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Horizontal Stick Model 3A-36 Control Structure Floor "Half-Model" 3A-37 Control Structure Floor "Quarter-Model" 3A-38 Equivalent Modal Damping Ratio versus Modal Frequency for Structural Damping (Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure) 3A-39 Downcomer Bracing System 3A-40 Downcomer Bracing System Details 3A-41 Liner Plate Pressures - Normal Condition 3A-42 Liner Plate Pressures - Abnormal Condition 3A-43 Downcomer Analytical Model 3A-44 Suppression Chamber Column Analytical Model 3A-45 Allowable Damping Values for Electrical Raceway System Design 3A-46 Model For Containment Response Spectra 3A-47 Containment Modes and Frequencies 3A-48 Containment Mode Shapes through 3A-70 3A-71 Containment Response Spectra, SRV Axisymmetric, Direction X through 3A-77 3A-78 Containment Response Spectra, SRV Axisymmetric, Direction Z through 3A-86 3A-87 Containment Response Spectra, SRV Asymmetric, Direction X through 3A-93 3A-94 Containment Response Spectra, SRV Asymmetric, Direction Z through 3A-102 3A-103 Containment Response Spectra, Condensation Oscillation, Direction X through 3A-109 3A-110 Containment Response Spectra, Condensation Oscillation, Direction Z through 3A-118 3A-119 Containment Response Spectra, Condensation Oscillation with ADS, through Direction X 3A-125


FIGURE TITLE APPENDIX 03A 3A-x REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A-126 Containment Response Spectra, Condensation Oscillation with ADS, through Direction Z 3A-134 3A-135 Containment Response Spectra, Chugging Direction X through 3A-141 3A-142 Containment Response Spectra, Chugging Direction Z through 3A-150 3A-151 Reactor Building and Control Structure Mode Frequencies and Participation Factors (Horizontal Stick Model) 3A-152 Reactor Building and Control Structure Horizontal N-S Mode Shapes 3A-153 Reactor Building and Control Structure Horizontal E-W Mode Shapes 3A-154 Reactor Building and Control Structure Mode Frequencies and Participation Factors (Vertical Stick Model) 3A-155 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Vertical Mode Shapes 3A-156 Reactor Building and Control Structure Mode Shapes through 3A-163 3A-164 Control Structure Mode Frequencies and Participation Factors (Vertical Local Floor Model at el 269'-0")

3A-165 Control Structure Vertical Local Floor Model Mode Shapes (el. 269-0) through 3A-168 3A-169 Reactor Building and Control Structure Global Response Spectra, through N-S Horizontal, SRV Asymmetric 3A-180 3A-181 Reactor Building and Control Structure Global Response Spectra, through E-W Horizontal, SRV Asymmetric 3A-192 3A-193 Reactor Building Global Response Spectra, Vertical, SRV Axisymmetric through 3A-219


FIGURE TITLE APPENDIX 03A 3A-xi REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A-220 Control Structure Local Response Spectra, Vertical, SRV Axisymmetric through 3A-226 3A-227 Reactor Building and Control Structure Global Response Spectra through N-S Horizontal, Chug Asymmetric 3A-238 3A-239 Reactor Building and Control Structure Global Response Spectra through E-W Horizontal, Chug Asymmetric 3A-250 3A-251 Reactor Building Global Response Spectra, Vertical, Chug Axisymmetric through 3A-277 3A-278 Control Structure Local Response Spectra, Vertical, Chug Axisymmetric through 3A-284 3A-285 Reactor Building Global Response Spectra, Vertical, CO - Basic Axisymmetric through 3A-311 3A-312 Control Structure Local Response Spectra, Vertical, CO - Basic Axisymmetric through 3A-318 3A-319 Reactor Building Global Response Spectra, Vertical, CO - ADS Axisymmetric through 3A-345 3A-346 Control Structure Local Response Spectra, Vertical, CO - ADS Axisymmetric through 3A-352 3A-353 LOCA Air Clearing Velocity (4 sheets) 3A-354 LOCA Air Clearing Acceleration (4 sheets) 3A-355 Top View of 36 Degree Sector of a Typical Mark II Suppression Pool 3A-356 Schematic View of Section A-A of Typical Mark II Suppression Pool 3A-357 Model/Data Comparisons (4 sheets) 3A-358 Cylinder Locations 3A-359 Interference on Standard Drag: Three Cylinder Arrangement 3A-360 Interference on Standard Drag: Three Cylinder Side-By-Side Arrangement 3A-361 Flow Around Unequal Cylinders 3A-362 Containment Assessment Section Location


FIGURE TITLE APPENDIX 03A 3A-xii REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A-363 Containment Stresses - Drywell Wall through 3A-366 3A-367 Containment Stresses - Wetwell Wall through 3A-370 3A-371 Containment Stresses - Shield Wall through 3A-372 3A-373 Containment Stresses - RPV Pedestal through 3A-377 3A-378 Containment Stresses - Diaphragm Slab through 3A-381 3A-382 Containment Stresses - Base Slab through 3A-386 3A-387 Suppression Chamber Columns Mode Shapes 3A-388 Suppression Chamber Columns Design Margins 3A-389 Downcomer Mode Shapes, K = 50 k/in 3A-390 Downcomer Mode Shapes, K = 350 k/in 3A-391 Downcomer Mode Shapes, K = 15000 k/in 3A-392 Downcomer Design Margins 3A-393 Downcomer Fatigue Usage Factor 3A-394 Downcomer Fatigue Cycles 3A-395 Downcomer Fatigue Histogram 3A-396 Downcomer Bracing System Mathematical Model 3A-397 Downcomer Bracing System Design Margins 3A-398 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Floor Plan (el 177')

3A-399 Reactor Enclosure Steel Framing Plan (el 201',

through 217', 253', 283', 313', 331', and 352')

3A-405 3A-406 Control Structure Steel Framing Plan (el 200',

through 217', 239', 254', 269', 289', 304', 332', and


FIGURE TITLE APPENDIX 03A 3A-xiii REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A-414 350')

3A-415 Control Structure Steel Platforms (el 313', 322', 340', and 350')

through 3A-418 3A-419 Axial Forces - OBE + SRV 3A-420 Axial Forces - DBE + SRV + LOCA 3A-421 N-S Shear Forces - OBE + SRV 3A-422 N-S Shear Forces - DBE + LOCA + SRV 3A-423 N-S Overturning Moments - OBE + SRV 3A-424 N-S Overturning Moments - DBE + LOCA + SRV 3A-425 E-W Shear Forces - OBE + SRV 3A-426 E-W Shear Forces - DBE + LOCA + SRV 3A-427 E-W Overturning Moments - OBE + SRV 3A-428 E-W Overturning Moments - DBE + LOCA + SRV 3A-429 Reactor Enclosure and Control Structure Stress Margins through 3A-436 3A-437 Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring System Sensor Locations 3A-438 Plan View of Mesh System Modeling of Suppression Pool for SRV-H High and Low Reactor Pressure Blowdown (with SPTMS Sensor Locations) 3A-439 Section View of Mesh System Modeling of Suppression Pool for SRV-H High Reactor Pressure Blowdown (With SPTMS Sensor Locations) 3A-440 Section View of Mesh System Modeling of Suppression Pool for SRV-H Low Reactor Pressure Blowdown (With SPTMS Sensor Locations) 3A-441 Plan View of Mesh System Modeling of Suppression Pool for SRV-L High Reactor Pressure Blowdown (With SPTMS Sensor Locations) 3A-442 Section View of Mesh System Modeling of Suppression Pool for SRV-L High Reactor Pressure Lowdown (With SPTMS Sensor Locations) 3A-443 Temperature Time Histories of Column Mounted SPTMS Sensors (TE-101, B, D, F, & H) for SRV-H High Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-444 Temperature Time Histories of Containment Wall-Mounted SPTMS Sensors (T-101, A, C, E & G) for SRV-H High Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-445 Temperature Time Histories of Column Mounted SPTMS Sensors (T-101, B, D, F

& H) for SRV-L High Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-446 Temperature Time Histories of Containment Wall-Mounted SPTMS Sensors (T-101, A, C, E & G) for SRV-L High Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-447 Temperature Time Histories of Column-Mounted SPTMS Sensors (T-101 B, D, F

& H) for SRV Low Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-448 Temperature Time Histories of Containment Wall-Mounted SPTMS Sensors (TE-101 A, C, E & G) for SRV-H Low Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-449 Bulk Temp. versus Avg Temp. from SPTMS Division 1 (TE-101 A...TE-101H) for SRV-H High Reactor Pressure Blowdown


FIGURE TITLE APPENDIX 03A 3A-xiv REV. 13, SEPTEMBER 2006 3A-450 Bulk Temp. versus Avg Temp. from SPTMS Division I (TE-101A...TE-101H) for SRV-L High Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-451 Bulk Temp. versus Avg Temp. from SPTMS Division I (TE-101A...TE-101H) for SRV-H Low Reactor Pressure Blowdown 3A-452 Suppression Pool Temperature Transient: Case 1.a 3A-453 Suppression Pool Temperature Transient: Case 1.b 3A-454 Suppression Pool Temperature Transient: Case 2.a 3A-455 Suppression Pool Temperature Transient: Case 2.b 3A-456 Suppression Pool Temperature Transient: Case 3.a 3A-457 Suppression Pool Temperature Transient: Case 3.b 3A-458 Local-To-Bulk Temperature Difference (T) Trace for SRV-H Blowdown Under High Reactor Pressure 3A-459 Local-To-Bulk Temperature Difference (T) Trace for SRV-L BLowdown Under High Reactor Pressure 3A-460 Local-To-Bulk Temperature Difference (T) Trace for SRV-H Blowdown Under Low Reactor Pressure 3A-461 Locations of Capped Downcomers with Vacuum Breakers 3A-462 Details of Capped Downcomer