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Responds to Encl Re I Catton Requesting Clarification of Status of UCLA Security Plan & Whether Security Plan Conceived as Having Radiological Safety Aspects That Interact W/License
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 07/11/1977
From: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Brown H
Shared Package
ML20237H679 List:
FOIA-85-196 NUDOCS 8709040004
Download: ML20237J555 (2)


l II S




l WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555


  • s


July 11, 1977


7 v


Docket No. 50-142 l

The Regents of the University of California l

ATTN: Mr. harold V. Brown Environmental Health j

and Safety Officer l

Los Angeles, California 90024 i

Gentlemen i

I am pleased to respond to the enclosed letter of May 27, 1977 which has been forwarded to me for reply. You forwarded a letter dated May 19, 1977 from Ivan Catton, Director, Nuclear Energy Laboratory.

We have reviewed Dr. Catton's letter requesting (1) a clarification of the status of the UCLA Security Plan with regard to the Facility Operating License for the UCLA Training Reactor, and (2) whether the Security Plan is conceived as having radiological safety aspects that interact with the license.

With regard to the status of your Security Plan,10 CFR Part 50,


Section 50.34, " Contents of Application; Technical Infonnation" and Section 50.54, " Conditions of Licenses" clearly require you to have a security plan and also provide guidance for making changes to the plan. Although your Security Plan is not specifically incorporated in your license, we consider it to be a part of the license.

In fact, we are presently requesting licensees to agree to incorporating the security plan in the license by reference. We have already contacted your staff on this subject.

With regard to radiological safety aspects of your Security Plan, implementation of the plan provides reasonable assurance that sabotage and the theft or diversion of Special Nuclear Material ($NM) will not l

take place. Theft of SNM can have radiological implications far in excess of those activities for which your license was issued. The i

security plan, thus, is similar to other safety related components of j

your facility in that it provides reasonable assurance that occurrences which have unacceptable consequences will be prevented.

G 9709040004 B70901 FOIA PDR PDR AFTERGDB5-196


The Regents of the University of California If we can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact us.


% A,W George Lear, Chief Operating Reactors Branch f3 Division of Operating Reactors


Letter dated May 27, 1977, H. Brown to E. Case cc:

University of California ATTN:

Dr. Ivan Catton, Director Nuclear Energy Laboratory i

Los ' Angeles, California 90024 4

1 i


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