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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Security Plan
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 07/15/1974
From: Goller K
To: Hicks T
Shared Package
ML20237H679 List:
FOIA-85-196 NUDOCS 8709030406
Download: ML20237H848 (5)


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Docket tio. 50-142


En c l o s u r a.','c. 1 The follcuing p;ragraph rc Lers refer to those secticas of the l

l interica guidance documen: (Enclosure 2) which are not addressed


in sufficient detail to perait a thorough evaluatica of your securit, plan.

l Paraaraoh i:o.

S_ubject 1

l 1.A.

Essential Equiprent


l l

j 1.B.

Security Arec j


Security Systems II.A.

Organization 1


Access Control II.C.

Surveillance l


Procedures II.E.

Security Program :'evieu l

You are reminded that since your license authorizes possession of SNM in excess of 5 kilograms U-235, that compliance with 10CFR73.50 and 73.60 would oe required if your inventory of non-exe pt S*N equals or exceeds the formula quantity specified in 10CFR73.1.

l A

'% '. 1 T,..

l Interim Guidance - Organization and Content of Security Plans for 1

i Low Porter Research and Training Reactors j

i l

Applicability - This interim guidance is for use in developing and evalua'.inc security plans for 1cw power research and training reactors.

For purposes M this guide, these reactors are defined as TRIGA reactors with authorized pt..Er levels less than or equal to 250 KW and all other research and training reccLces with power levels less than or equal to 103 K.l, including AGN's, zero power, end critical facilities.

I Purpose - The purpose of the security plan developed according to this guidance is to protect the reactor against acts of sabotage.

It is i

intended for use t>y the licansee to demonstrate cc pliance with 10CFR50.34(c) and 10CFR73.40.

Conformar.ce wit:. this guide wiil not j

assure compliance with 10CFR73.50 and 10CFR73.50, if these parts a e applicable to tne licensee.

l l

l l


Design Features A.

Essential Equipment, - Essential equipment should be designated in the security plan.

This should include, but not r.ecessarily be limited to, the following:

the reactor, the reactor coolant system, reactor controls, and any associated equipment the L________._____.__.________

I l

i I

' failure of which could endanger the health and safety of j

l the publio.


Security Area - security areas should be identified and described, including plan drawings or sketches showing those in context of the site location and showing access points.

l I

At least the fuel storage area, the reactor control room, and the reactor room or building should be described as security areas.


Security Systens l


Locks and Keys - a description of tSe lock and key system should be provided; describe how keys are controlled; loent1ry tne specific individuci (by positivo LiLie) responsible for the security of the keys.


Communications - the communication system to be used in the event of a security violation should be described.

1 II.

Administrative Controls A.

Organization 1.

Security organization - the person responsible for the l

l facility security program should be identified (by position 1

l title); the person (s) or group (s) having security functions and responsibilities on a day to day basis should be identified.


_3 2.

Local Law Enforcer'ent Authorities - arrangements with the local law enforcement agen:ies for aid in the event l

of a security violation ct the reactor facility should be described.


Access Control 1.

Personnel - the categories of personnel who are au;horized to enter security areas shoulo be identified.


Control - the means en,sloyed to control access to security areas should be described.


Surveillance - Plans for providing surveillance of essential equipment and security arees durin, vorking and non-workino bours should be described.


Procedures - procedures and plans for dealing with the fcilowing situations should be briefly described:


Respense to detected unauthorized intrusions of security a reas.


Security violations by authorized personnel.


Bomb threats.


Acts of civil discrder.


Security Procram Review 1.

The security procram should be reviewed not less frequently than once every two years by the individual designated in i tem II. A.l.

This provision should be documented in the security pian itsel f.

In tnis cor.nection the licensee is directed to the provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).

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