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Summary of ACRS Subcommittee 740912 Meeting W/Util & Consultants,Westinghouse & USGS in Washington DC Re Early Review of Util OL Application.Attendance List Encl
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, 05000000
Issue date: 09/27/1974
From: Hirons T
Shared Package
ML20236A877 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-214 NUDOCS 8707290134
Download: ML20236B514 (5)



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FACILITY: DIABID CANYON, UNITS 1 AND 2 SLHeRY OF ACRS SUBO}HITIEE lEETING IfELD ON SDTIMBER 12, 1974 An AmS Subcommittee Meeting regarding the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Station was held in Washington, D. C. on September 12, 1974. The purpose 1

of the meeting was to provide the ACRS and their consultants with an 1

early review of the Diablo Canyon operating license application, with emphases on geology and seismology and ECCS - Appendix K evaluation.

A complete list of attendees is given in Enclosure No. 1.

After opening recarks by the Subemmittee Chairman and a stamary of the status of the Regulatory staff review, PG6E and Westinghouse presented i

a summary of the ECCS - Appendix K calculations for the Diablo Canyon Units. hse calculations have been doctamented in Amendment 15 of the PSAR (sutaitted on August 5,1974). h applicant first reviewed the evoluitim of the BCCS development from the time of the construction


pennit review on Unit 1 (1967). At that time the ACRS recommended that further work be done on improved passive failure protection, evaluation of blowdown forces on the reactor internals, and verification regarding the ability of the BCCS to perfom in preventing fuel clad melting in the presence of failed fuel. PCEB also reviewed some of the considerations whic2 led to their decision to change the fuel design.from the then existing 15 x 15 configuration to the present 17 x 17 design.

g Westinghouse then phesented the results of the Appendix K analysis of g n.

the Diablo Canyon reactors. For comparison purposes, results of some previous analyses, based on the interim acceptance criteria (IAC), were o

g, presented for both 15 x 15 and 17 x 17 fuel designs. The Appendix K g calculations utilized a total peaking factor.of-2.32, and resulted in b i lower peak power and lower clad temperatures than those calculations 55S perfomed using the IAC. Several reactor parameters, e.g., peak clad gu.g temperature, pressure, core flow, were presented as a function of break. size, oz discharge coefficient and time following the ecidant. N limiting break' R$@ was defined as the double-ended, cold-leg guillotine, with a discharge j

ma.o coefficient of 0.6.

After numerous questions from the Subormittee 1d masbers, the staff summarized the review sche &11e for Ap-adiv K


I calculations. h generic review of the Westinghouse model with regard I




SEP 2 71974


to Appendix K calculations will be crupleted by October 10, 1974, and a report will be issued. A supplement to the Diablo Canyon safety evaluation report covering the speific Diablo Canyon calculations will be issued around the end of Octoser. The staff indicated that the ACRS Subcosaittee on LCCS plans to meet on September 28, 1974, and that a complete status report of our review of the Westinghouse rodel will be given at that time.

' ' As a final issue with regard to the Westinghouse 17 x 17 fuel design, the staff connented on each of the remaining outstanding items in the generic review of the 17 x 17 fuel design. Rese outstanding items were documented in a letter to R. Salvatori of Westinghouse dated July 26, 1974, and include the following:


Puel performance surveillance program and schedule for that program; 2.

Details of the technical specification procedures for maintaining the peaking factor within limits, including the alams to be provided; 3.

Design value of the criticality actor for the core during refueling and for the fuel f

storage pool; 4.

A dynamic analysis of the reactor vessel internals; 5.

The results of the planned DNB tests using non-uniform axial heat flux which must be used to verify the 17 x 17 DNB correlation and the DNBR that corresponds to the 95/95 criterion; and 6 The effects.of bowing on the 17 x 17 fuel. h staff responded individually-to each of these items, and indicated that each one would have to be resolved on the Diablo Canyon docket, ne majority of the remaining portien of the meeting was devoted to a detailed presentation by PG6E's consultants on the geology and~ seismology of the central California Coastal region, including both onshore and


offshore areas. he presentation was handled chiefly by.D. H. Henilton of Earth Sciences Associates. Hastilton first' discussed the regional


geologic setting within which the Diablo Canyon site is located.

In this discussion he utilized a USGS geologic map which had been supplemented with 'same additional lines indicating the location of major. offshore faults. The presentation included the details of all known faults in the area,_ and a description of the age of these faults, their composition,.-


etc. The ACRS and their consultants asked rasnerous questions regarding j

the material that was presented.

Dr. Stewart Smith, PG4E's seismic consultant, then made a brief presentation an the location of various earthquake epicenters in the area. Dr. Smith,

has been involved with the seismic analysis of the area for almost 10 years. Smith indicated that the earthquake epicenter maps.abailable in 1966 showed only a few scattered epicenters in the range magnitude of


i a.

1 SEP 2 71974 of 4 to 4 1/2 within about C0 miles of the site. As a result of this, PGGE was not really able to rely on the seismic history of the area because the time sample was short and the seismographic coverage was poor because the area lies midway between the Berkeley and Cal Tech j

seismic networks. PGSE therefore chose the approach of looking more


at the geologic evidence for faulting and associating earthquakes with j


In addition, the concept of an unassociated earthquake (not associated with a known fault) close to the site was introduced. This procedure reflected the basic uncertainties in where earthquakes would take place in the future, and at the same time attempted to take into account what might occur in the way of aftershocks from a great earthquake on the San Andreas Fault. Dr. Smith's presentation also included a description of the methods used in arriving at the design acceleration values for the plant structures. As before, the ACRS and their consultants asked a number of questions regarding the presentation.

The formal agenda for the meeting was concluded with brief presentations by PGGE on their tsunamic analysis for waves caused by near-shore generators, and a description of the tornado capability analysis performed for safety-related structures and components.

As a final point on geology and seismology, PGSE stated that their final report would be submitted to the staff sometime in early October of 1974.

The ACRS indicated that they would require another Full Subcommittee meeting on geology and seismology. and that this meeting should be held x

after the staff's (and USGS) evaluation of these areas has been completed.

MrA> f An?

ThomasJ.Hiron!I Light Water Reactors Project Branch 1-3 Directorate of Licensing


Attendance List i

cc: Mr. P. A. Crane Mr. W. J. Lindblad Andrew J. Skaff, Esq.

Ms. Elizabeth E. Apfelberg Ms. Sandra A. Silver Mr. John Forster Mr. Lonnie Valentine Mr. Frederick Eissler Mr. Williep P. Corsc11 Mr. J. W. Dorrycott L: LWR 1 3




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ACRS AEC - STAFF Dr. Monson D. P. Allison Dr. Isbin J. M. Cutchin M. S. Dunenfeld ACRS CONSULTANTS G. Fess W. P. Gammill Dr. S. Philbrick T. J. Hirons Dr. M. Trifunac D. M. Ibuston Dr. G. Thompson R. B. McMullen T. M. Novak ACRS STAFF

0. D. Parr J. C. Stepp J. Conran P. Wood PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC C04PANY R. Bettinger P. A. Crane V. J. Ghio H. J. Gormley l

J. B. Ibch t

W. J. Lindblad E. Wollak NSE CONSULTANTS D. H. Hamilton (Earth Sciences Associates)

Dr. S. W. Smith (University of Washington)~

J WESTINGHOUSE A. J. Abels P. Blau J. W. Dorrycott S. Kopelic D. Peacock T Zordan USGS J. Devine F. Ibuser F. McKeown


... y Distribution:

Docket Fil F. Schroeder AEC PDR H. Denton j

Local PDR R. Maccary j

L Reading V. Stello R. C. DeYoung R. Tedesco i

R. Denise


V. Benaroya K. Goller C. Long D. Muller J. Kastner D. Skovholt G. Lainas I

V. Moore D. Ross W. Butler T. Ippolito D. Vassallo S. Pawlicki i

0. Parr J. Knight j

K. Kniel L. Shao l

A. Schwencer B. Grimes l

J. Stolz W. Gammill l

R. A. Clark R. Ballard i

l R. Ireland P. Fine R. Purple T. Novak D. Ziemann M. Spangler j

P. Collins EP Project Manager - R. Cushman R. Vollmer 0GC W. Houston R0 (3)

G. Knighton V. Wilson G. Dicker R. F. Fraley, ACRS (16)

B. J. Youngblood LWR l-3 Reading W. H. Regan, Jr.

LRR l-3 File S. Varga G. Lear R. W. Klecker D. Allison G. Fess J. Cutchin T. Ilirons M. Dunenfeld D. Ibuston R. McMullen J. Stepp P. Wood l

l l

l l

l l

t J


q T


.,A DEisenhut' Distribution:

JCStepp Docket File RBMcMullen L Reading DAllison SEP 6 1974 LWR 1-3 Reading THirons LWR 1-3 File RCDeYoung j

AGiambusso VAMoore Docket Nos. 50-27!p RSBoyd.

KRGoller and 50-323 FSchroeder DJSkovholt HDenton VHWilson WPGammill LWR 1 & 2 Br. Cfs.

5 RWKlecker Edson G. Case, Acting Director of Licensing THRU: A. Giambusso, Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, L STATUS OF THE GEOLOGY A ND SEISMOLOGY PORTION OF THE DIABLO CANYON OPERATING LICENSE SAFETY REVIEW The staff last met with PG&E on this item on July 5,1974. The summary of this meeting is attached as Enclosure No.1.

De primary purpose of this meeting was to review the progress of the offshore geologicalinvestigations which had recently been initiated by the applicant. At that time, PG&E stated that their final report on offshore faults would be submitted to the staff by September 1,1974. He staff indicated that 30-45 days would be required for staff and USGS review of this report, and that, assuming favorable resolution of this item, a supplement to the safety' evaluation on geology and seismology could probably be issued around mid-October of i

1974. This date would conform reasonably well with the scheduled ACRS I

full committee meeting date of November 14-15, 1974.

In late August PG&E verbally informed the staff that their final report would be delayed about three weeks from the September 1 date. hey indicated that the report would discuss all field work accomplished to date, would contain some new analysis of earthquake epicenters, and would mention the results of meetings with two oil companies regarding offshore geological data which are considered by these companies to be proprietary. He report will not contain the results of some additional (confirmatory) field work which PG&E is planning for September and October,


his three week slip will delay issuance of the SER supplement on this

.i subject to approximately the first week in November, and makes the schedule extremely tight with regard to giving ACRS and their consultants appropriate time to review the report in time for the mid-November full committee meeting. An'early Diablo Canyon ACRS subcommittee meeting emphasizing geology and seismology is scheduled for September 12,1974. At this meeting FG&E will' discuss all work performed to date, although their final written i

report will not be available at this time. his meeting will provide the ACR8 1

and their consultants with an initial presentation on the Diablo Canyon geology fn.

sad seismology.

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Edson G. Case 6 W4 I

With regard to evaluation of the seismic potential of the offshore faults in the vicinity of Diablo Canyon, the staff and USGS will need to review PG&E's report before a final determination can be made. The staff did conclude after the July 5,1974 meeting that PG&.E had undertaken a very comprehensive offshore field program. However, the feeling still prevails that it will be extremely di.fficult to establish the capability of these faults using conventional dating methods.

Orlinal si eci by t

-h dealle) for/

R. C. DeYoung, Assistant Director for Light Water Reactors Group 1 Directorate of Licensing



Meeting Summary dtd July 11, 1974 i

SSO 9/f /74 9/h /74 9/k/74 9/ 0 /74





WASHINGTON, D.C. 20545 br.

JUL 1 1 1974 DOCKET NOS:

50-275 and 50-323 APPLICANT:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)

FACILITY: Dicblo Canyon Units 1 and 2 SUTARY OF MEETING HELD ON JULY 5, 1974 REGARDIGG OFFSHORE FAULTS A meeting betren representatives of PG&E, their consultant (Earth Sciences Associates), and the AEC was held at the applicant's offices in San Francisco on July 5,1974.

A complete list of attendees is given in Enclosure No. 1.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to revicw the progress of the offshore geological investigations which have been initiated recently by the applicant.

Earth Sciences Associates prcscuted a summ6ry of the Diablo Canyon

' Ortstiore Seir.mic inter pretation Program, and the Prospectus on Future Data Acquisition and Interpretation Programs.

This summary is attached as Enclosure No. 2, and is divided into four parts:


Ex$ sting data, 2.

State of interpretation, 3.

Future data acquisitions, 4.

Prospectus on future interpretations and final report.

In addition to the offshore work, representatives of Earth Sciences also discussed additional field work to be performed on land.

This included


explorations in the San Luis Range in the vicinity of the Miguelito Fault, work near San Simeon Point where tertiary faulting has been reported, and some examination of the transverse range structures near Point Sal.

Finally, PG&E is currently conducting a review of aerial photographs that are available.

The subject of availability of oil company geological data was discussed i

at some length.

PG&E indicated that they'had contacted several companies and that arrangements could possibly be made to examine some of the data.

However, the oil companies cannot make the data available publicly.

In general, the data obtained by these companies gives only deep structure information, and provides lighter coverage than that obtained from some, of the recent USGS work.



. j PG&E indicated that all field uork, both on land and offshere, would hopefully be coinpleted by the end of July, and that their final report Allowing appropriate would be submitted [o the staff by September 1, 1974.

time for staff :,nd USGS review of this report, our safety evaluation of j

geology and seismology would probably be published around mid-October of 1974.

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Thomas J. Hirons, Project lianager Light llater Reactors Project Branch 1-3 Directorate of Licensing



AttcrHance List 2.

Sur:mry of State of Diablo Ccnyon Offshore Seismic Interpretation and Prospectus on Future Data Acquisition and Interpretation ProgrcT.s cc:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company fir. W. J. Lindbled Andtew J. Skatf, Esq.

Ms. Elizabeth E. Apfelberg Ms. Sar.dra A. Silver Mr. John Forster fir. Lonnie Valentine Mr. Gordon Silver Mr. William P. Cornwell l

l 3

El4 CLOSURE ii0.1 ATTEllDAllCE LIST Pacific Gas and Electric _Coqp_any_

Earth Sciences A:societes (PC&E Cent.ul tar.t) j R. Bettinger V. J. Ghio D. H. Hamilton J. B. Hoch R. Wellinghem F. F. Mautz*

J. C. Morrissey AEC - Licensino T. J. Hirons l

R. B. Mc"ullen 1

J. C. Stepp l

l l

  • Denotes part time attendance l

1 l

1 l



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ENCLOSW E NO. 2 Fummary of irate of Diablo Otishore Seismic hterpt etation and horpectus on Future Data Acytdsition and Interpretation Pro'; rams a


Existin; data, US35 Kelez cruise sparker data covering area from Pt. S:.1 to Cape S.m Martin a.

to = average distance of 10 miles offshore. Quality: good - poor; maximum peu:tration about 10.000 feet.


U.?GS Bat ticit data covering area from Point Sal to Cape San Martin. Tracks amoach to within 3 miles of shore and extend approxirrataly 15 Infles off ccast. Spacin;; between tracks is about G miles. Qaality good to er.cellent; inr.ximum penetration about 10,000 feet.

UE:' sparker data with h!;.h denrity coverage off Diablo Canyon site and north-c.

i wc:.t to Point Estero. Quanty good; maximum penetration 2000 feet, l


State ci if crprciation.

l A prehminnry ir.icrpretation nas t:cen compie:ed oi the tibus helez cruise and sn DBS data, nis intecpt e'ntion has concer.trated upon str uctures existing in the ?.'.iccene and Plioct strata in the effshore Santa Ihria Basin. The interpretation has also em-phasized d::crminstion ef the nattu o of the congct t>ctween the Pliocene strats and the Mesozoic ds which form the bedrock and basement comple:: boundin;; the cast side of f

the Santa ?.. aria Bastc. A detaued e : amination also has been made of the htaction of the l

WNW-trend g structures of the San Luis range with the castern border of the San Luis range.


Future Data Acquisitions BEN sparker; maximum penetration 3000 feet.


1) BBN has beca contracted to shoot 240 miles of sparker line between Cape San Martin and Point Lobos. The purpose of this data is to trace the northern extension of the offsbore structurcs located by previous sparker surveys.


Aquatronics sparker; maximum penetration about 4000 feet.

1) Aquatronics has been retained to provide a more detailed assessment of the structural merger of the S'an Luis range structures and the structures i

1 310 July 3,1974 1.

Earth C.ciences Associates

boundit., th" castern edy,e of the Pmta Maria lbsin. They will also provii recuruess ace dat:. to he util.

. in tracing 11. douthern continuaNa of I

the offi. ore structure:. f rom Ibint Sal to Point Arguello.


Oil Compan:. Data.

l 1)

Plans.;u now in operation to oL!ain any availal:le oil company data in the I

area c f emeeru. Thuse data will be useful in ilineating the form cf the baser'r.e at sedimeal interface, but because of itc caode of cullectioc will no.

i likely ;_id in interpre:iag the near surface (e.g., recent) geologic history of the region.


Prospectus on ~~uture Interpretations and Final Report, a.

Work to da:3 has delineated a major NW-trending zone of fatdting immediately off the cennal California coastline. The aval.lable data have provided a picture of the trenO und extent of major folds and fatdts in this zone. It has :dso de-i lineated th major structural styles along the coast. Areas of particuhr inter-est where ~wre interpretative work is necessary include: 1.

The juncure of


I the trends cf the San Luis range with the eastern edge of the Santa SIaria Basin; l

i 2.

The nu..tre of the sedima.t Lasement interface along the entire coastal arcs 1

in question; and 3.

The determination of the relationship of observed steuen./es v,ith tbc NT-trending latdting within and south of Monterey Bay and the EW-l treeding c:ructures associated with the northwestern Transverse {tanges.

1 l


The final report is to have the following form.


A wrinen report discussing the stratigraphy, structural style, and regional l

i tectonic significance of the offshore fault systems of significance in evalu-ating c'trthquake hazards at the Diablo Canyon reactor site.

2) The written report will be accompanied by maps showing:


The position of surface geologic contacts and position of surface and subsurface faulting and fofding.


The thickness of Pliocene sediments.

j c)

The configuration of the basement surface.


Illustrations will also be included to show examples of the data used in reaching the conclusions presented in the report.


Earth Sciences. Associates i

