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Notice of Violation from Insp on 870817-21.Violations Noted: Electrical Drawing E-15 of Single Line Meter & Relay Diagram Not Maintained in as-built Condition in Control Room & Not Updated at Category 1 Drawing Locations
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/1987
Shared Package
ML20235W879 List:
50-352-87-19, NUDOCS 8710190074
Download: ML20235W880 (2)


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APPENDIX A' NOTICE OF VIOLATION Phi 1'adelphia Electric. Company Docket No. 50-352 Limerick I License No. NPF-39 As a result ofian inspection conducted.on August 17 - August 21,-1987,.and in accordance with NRC' Enforcement Policy (10 CFR 2, Appendix C), the following violation was identified:

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion VI, requires controls to be established in the issuance of. documents, such as instructions, procedure's and draw-

-ings, including changes which prescribe all activities affecting' quality.

Also required are measures to assure that documents, including. changes, are reviewed.for adequacy.

l l '. Administrative Procedure A-6 provides measures for the control of drawings as used by the plant staff. Step 5.3, controlled drawings, requires that the modification coordinator control and maintain in an "as-built" condition Category 1 drawings for Unit 1. the above, on August 20, 1987, electrical drawing E-15, Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram - 4 KV Safeguard Power was not maintained in an as-built condition in the control room and maintenance request coordinator office.

2. Administrative Procedure A-14, " Procedure for Control of Plant Modification," step 5.5.8 and Appendix 7 requires that the modifi-  !

cation. coordinator or his designee prepare a list of Category'1 drawings which are required to be " red lined" to reflect the '

changes implemented by the plant modification.

Contrary to the above, it was discovered that the as-built drawing update form (A-14, Appendix 7) did not reflect drawing E-15 as a Category 1 drawing requiring red lining due to plant modification 84-0026. Therefore, the applicable copies of the E-15 drawings were not updated at the Category 1 drawing locations as defined in Admin-istrative Procedure A-6.

This is a repeat of a simila violation identified in inspection report 50-352/87-05.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement 1) l'  !


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. Appendix A 2 Pursuant'to the provisions of 10 CFR'2.201, Philadelphia' Electric l hereby required to: submit to. this office within thirty days'of the date of the i letter which transmitted this Notice, a written statement or explanation in, including: . (1) the corrective steps which have been taken and .the j results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further- '

violations;:and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Where good cause is shown, consideration.will be given to extending this response time.

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