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Forwards Addl Info on Resolution of Concern Re Support of Cables in Vertical Conduits,Including Rev 0 to Special Maint Instruction SMI-0-317-32 & Cable Sidewall Bearing Pressure Tests
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/08/1986
From: Gridley R
To: Youngblood B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20215C552 List:
NUDOCS 8612150233
Download: ML20215C547 (16)


{ y '

i 3'



SN 1578 Lookout Place December 8, 1986 Director of Nuc' lear Reactor Regulation Attn: Mr. B. J.'Youngblood, Project Director PHR Project Directorate No. 4

' Division of Pressurized Water Reactors (PHR Licensing-A)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Youngblood:

In the Matter of the )' Docket Nos. 50-327 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-328

, SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT (SQN) - CABLE PULLING QUESTIONS: SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES An interim response to your letter dated August 29, 1986 to S. A. White was f provided by a letter from me to you dated October 31, 1986. This-letter /

provides the balance of the information requested in your August 29, 1986 j well as some additional information on the resolution of the concern regarding support of cables in vertical conduits. Enclosure 1 contains TVA's

. final response to questions 2 through 5 which were outstanding in TVA's interim response.

At.the July 17, 1986 meeting in Knoxville between your reviewers and TVA, TVA agreed to provide its cable sidewall bearing pressure tests (SWPT) report upon completion of a third-party review. This third-party review is now complete.

Enclosure 2 contains TVA's SWPT report.

The SHPT report details an extensive testing program undertaken by TVA to determine the maximum allowable sidewall bearing pressure values for various different cables. These cables are representative of cable procured from the many manufacturers and installed in the various voltage levels in all of TVA's nuclear power plants. These tests conclusively established allowable SWPs in excess of_that previcusly specified by the cable industry and/or manufacturers. The test results were consistent with recent tests performed by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to establish higher SWP values.

The final report from the third-party reviewer, David A. Silver and Associates, states that the higher tested SWPs "had minimal to relatively small effect on the dielectric strength of the cables tested," dielectric strength being " considered as a primary criteria for evaluation of cables subjected to a sidewall bearing pressure test." The report concludes that, "The results of this test program in conjunction with the results of the EPRI ,

sponsored R&D Project 1519-1 can serve as the basis for consideration of higher permissible sidewall bearing pressures for the same and similar cables than the present limits of 300 pounds / foot for power and control cables and 100 pounds / foot for signal and instrumentation cables." '


ReA' 188M 8ea88827 F \ \

P PDR y' An Equal opportunity Employer

.g . - -

5 ' '

, t ' . ,

y, -

2 iDecember8,$986: '

? ~ ! Director.of NucleargReactor! Reg'ulation

The; minor corrections.noted in the third-party review did not detract from the

.overall conclusionsiof:the report. Tne final' report of1the' third-party:

treview? as well as a synopostsof.the reviewer's qualifications and ~


_ lM experience, are enclosure 3. 'The SWP values listed in column 2, page 8, of -

. enclosure 3 represent the correct tested values.

. .TVA has, through the'above testing and analysis, conclusively demonstrated-

[ that the practices employed during the installation of. electrical cable at SQN.

= maintained the adequacy and integrity of the Class 1E cable with~ respect to SWP. In. addition, SHP parameters'in excess of.that previously specified by the~ cable industry and/or manufacturers have been. established. Accordingly,

.TVA intends to revise its installation proceduresLto. allow.for a conservative yet higher fraction of the tested values in its future cable installation.

iThe increased allowable sidewall pressure values are 1000 pounds / foot for-

. power and control' cables, 500 pounds / foot.for-instrumentation cables, and'300

. pounds / foot for coaxial, twinaxial, and triaxial cables. All of these are well within the bounds of'the recent-testing. The effort outlined above ,

concludes TVA's evaluation of cable SWP at.SQN.

.In enclosure 3 of my letter to you dated October 31, 1986, TVA provided a.

response to concerns on the adequacy of cables-installed in vertical conduit runs. TVA's position was substantiated by the results of a 3-year-detailed experimental and analytical study on cable failure prepared by Sandia Laboratories for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This1 study is entitled,' " Correlation of Electrical Reactor Cable Failure With Materials Degradation," and was printed in March 1986.

As stated in the 0ctober 31, 1986 response, SQN is currently inspecting' all vertical conduit runs which contain 10 CFR 50.49 cables for conformance to the applicable ~ criteria. However, as a result of the test conclusions and the p -correlation to the SQN design presented in the enclosure to the referenced

' October 31, 1986 letter, it is apparent to TVA that this concern no longer represents a significant safety issue.



-Accordingly, TVA will continue to pursue resolution of this concern as i previously stated, with completion of the evaluation and implementation of any  ;

corrective action, if required, scheduled for the next refueling outage. This concern will be removed as a restart item for SQN.


i  !

, .. u _A. . . . ~ . - _ , ......-...,-,_--._-.,_-...m._.,_, . _ . . . - _ . . - - , . . _ , . - , . -


-December 8,'1986-Director of' Nuclear Reactor Regulation

.Your staff has been k'ept informed of the status of this response. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please get in touch-with M. K. Brandon at (615) 751-8076.

Very truly yours,

-TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY R. L. Gridle , Director Nuclear Safety and Licensing Enclosures-cc:(Enclosures):

U.S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Attn: Dr. J.. Nelson Grace, Regional Administrator

. 101-Marietta Street, Nll, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323

-Mr. Gary'Zech, Director.

TVA Projects'

'U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. Carl Stahle Sequoyah Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland '20814 i

y-: . , .- .-


4 e



ITEM 2 Have the worst-case conduits for tough cable pulls been determined for SQN?

If so, supply isometric drawings, pull cards, and work orders for the worst-case pulls (i.e., those which exceed tension or sidewall bearing pressure limits) and for the next worst-case conduits. Conduits in harsh and mild areas should be included in the determination of worst case.

INITIAL RESPONSE A preliminary set of 16 worst-case conduits had been selected. The selection of these 16 worst-case conduits was made by a designer who had 4 been involved with the design of most of the conduits in the Auxiliary Building. His selection was made from conduit and grounding drawings using his judgment as to which conduits he suspected to be worst-case based on the number of bends, long runs, changes in elevation, etc.

Isometrics and sidewall bearing pressure calculations for these 16 have been informally provided to your reviewers for purposes of discussion only.

Because of some concerns about the assumptions used in the preliminary selection, evaluation, and calculations regarding the worst-case conduits, TVA has opted to broaden the scope of its worst-case determination at SQN.

The evaluation at SQN will be in accordance with the guidance provided by TVA's Chief Electrical Engineer in his June 23, 1986 memorandum (attached).

TVA's revised evaluation will consider these original 16 conduits as well as additional potential worst-case conduits. The final worst-case conduits will be selected from this larger group. -

SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE The worst-case conduits for tough cable pulls have been determined and ar?

documented in the calculation package, " Identifying Sidewall Pressure Violations" (attached).

Following a detailed reevaluation, five of the original 16 conduits were replaced with ones which better represent the worst-case condition.

Conduits containing 10 CFR 50.49 cables in all structures, in both mild and harsh areas were included in the selection process. Isometric drawings and, for conduits with multiple cables, copies of pull cards and II28 carJs are included in the calculation package.

- . h

TvA 10697 (DNECJI61 . DNE CALCULATIONS c5[s[o'n"0 hh**,"


m L. -

p*mNTiuNiT Iden+ifvino Sidewall Pressure Violations .g- .Saouovah 142 PREPARING ORGANIZATION 6 KEY NOUNS (Consult RIMS DESCRIPTORS LIST) I SGEP E-2, EEB Sidawall 3ressure Vielaffons .

BR ANCH/ PROJECT IDENTIFIERS Eac these calculat. ons are assued. pro 6are, asure that the original (RO) RIMS eccession -

S GW - t3. 2-01,5~


" ' RiuS'usei g RiuS acension nun,bu APPLICA8LE DESIGN DOCUMENT (S) 860731C001 kB25 86 0724 's o 1 R4 6 4C0013(9ga 3 861112 8oo a3 SAR SECTION(S) UNID SYSTEMts)

IB 2 .5 861203 8 fU R-Revision 0 R1 R2 R3 Safety < elated?

ECN No o scate Not Applicable) YesO No O p,,,,,,o D.T. Kirk pgg gg n.,o.g u naq.s Choose _ and analyze condull.s

.wilh malfipie bends behacen Q%&7-24*jfRy pulI >oints to deiermine.

tuheNer maximon sidewall S$

Rev " ' ' ' ' ' " af a- $.,eph. W t pressures for electrical

' oat.

""' % t j ,x &6 %gadil~ cable have been exceeded 6N 7-2-v s? /

INI-r/o n +f as required ggnggfc gcq by;g W,3q7 any List all pages added I"7 through g/

g.j by this revision. 727 ge,, ty (o270. j List all pages deleted Q 4ttachineAts

};r,;j by this revision. l 2a M 2P Si! List all pages changed by this revision. l 1 and 2 l j2,+596 1

\ WW5W 22 i

Abstract 5 \

These calculations contain an unverified assumpt ont )_ 727 1

,, that must be verified later. Yes O No B This ccdculc& ion +cok the da+o, found durinc a field walkdown of conduMs and used i+ +o de+erdine if cable cidewall pressures inside tae conduit.s have exceedec.

. the al owable ;5(xteen o9 he. worst cose limi+s as for . before as bendsthe walkdown.ts -

w cho.sen to be stud (iecl. The resul+s) conduiw

- whether or nof WBN

. +o 634,an verifyd 6270 cqely a+ SNPpenertc NCRA- .

foF the ceiginal sixteen cases,Sive were eliminated and cerlaced by new cases +kt g' conduit seleh'en l ql Isbetteru represented the worst case coiidition.The meth I B &plained on the.dached sheef and cable evaluation was bas the memorandum & Tune 23,n86 Lmt WS.Raughley 1ot%se lis+ed.The QA

\ cable oullina recnis & all nesoad old were re+cieved +o veriFv

  • pull bys*?

O 2croviim an'd store cSicuiations in Rius Service Ceater.

uncroisim and desirov. O .

E Microfilm and return calculations to: M. d, 8LAN '

Address: D/[p QL/=E.8 ee: RIMS.5L 26 C.K _

4 f,

AfEP-3.I h.2 +

z -8 ldentifyinq3idewaH %sure ViolakonslR.2


s.n. P.

LIctrfIca+ ions Ci

- u #]X., it-29-iw -

_ . . _ _ . . - . _ _ _ ~ h +2 4 y Ori inally +ke selections ,walkdown!and calculations we SMk-O-Sl7-32 r.0 g. Musk l(o oS 727.This procedu

imited the samale to the Auxiliary bull ding. Aher the. .

presentation oE 1he calculation to the NRC. hther investic l was recruiced.To direct us on resubmi+tal wei memorc:ndum Fwen W G. Ra thley 9717 drough 26 of 727. .

1: The emples were wt limited o +neluxiliary Building +hi.s

+ime bu+ Included all 50.% condush in mild and hansh areas.  !

Also +he cable pulls were calculafed in two pulline dit'ections anc the pull carel.s and GA reconds of Me cable pulls were u+ilized to verify pullb i

that on +he Q A recock oS -the. c6ble Is, the I.1-2epul'y.s.

aards +ha+ no rope sizes or dynamome+er numbers were i

recorded in +hele designaled spaces +o dencie cable tens 1on

( limiting Tension limiHng devices were called for only on mechanically -assi.s+e8 ylls until 5-3-79 when the xceedure cal ec For all pulling tensions anc. me+ hods i

M be in accordance with G-SEr. Allof the QA record

~~~~ cards in this calcula+1on were sicred >y a certiRed ,

l QA inspec+or and Jafed stating hat"+ht.s cable was L pulled in accordance with revision & aodialde) of +his l Instruction " II-28 In&lly the sam (ples we)re to include. a mini L  ;

ger voltage level per uni +.In our evaluafton process of i

l 8etermininc +he worst case. ,we. %nd a v2 conduit- + hat

' a>peared tb be worse fhan +he. V3 sample.s. It was decided to use .6 v2 samples and 3 V3 mmples rather than ,

i -

H each due to +he mor

! values for V2 cables. e limi+ing. allowable pulI tension


For embedded condui+ runs case number 10 enly calculates a max 1 mum allowa,ble eullin9. +ensien +naf l may be used at- +haf node. poin+ To achieve. a .5W.P value -for this study embeddec runs were calculafec os exposed (ie two 90* bends and a straic h+ run) .



NEP-3.i AW.2 s s

centifyinc lSicewaDfressure"/rolasonsTR.2C

~ ~

6.Nd .._

(- Cari0ica+ ions Con +'c'. hny ca

.JK n>n

, Domputer Program c.larifications i

' he each node. entered in a.sechn of conduit the case, .-

le radius and r degrees of the nede is used to ca$lebte Tex,p a +1en usin all +he aforementioned s +o cc \cu ate .swP. IS for a a calar nde the answer-

necative clnted I for tae calculation

.but not used in +he calcu cf Tex $afion next nule as is bf the,it negative. but is set to zero. As stafeJ beere. de.

calculated Texp for each node is used to calculate

+he swP. The last calculated real mlue d SWP Goi necessocil it has not i

exceeded the. highest mIculated e maniacturers recommen value)d SWP in i

any of the revious calculations,is pf as" b r

! Cq u\ated idewall Pressure = t the inni of C

qiven a "CaIcula'af+er xoSram the in>ut cable of th a yo 're l +ed Madm Pulline Force For Tour 6a eenn C6)es . This is"ain arrivedAllowab 4+ by the

~' data on the cables inpuHed into the computer and 4ctally I

awt from conduit informa+1on. When it s+ arts calcdakng

  1. e moxImum allowable alling tens 1on be+ ween pull poinis.

, it is accom lished by e computer in + hts manner....

i The. com u r progg1.gerements the. las+ value of '

i Tex G had a r ca.w w l eS wP) by one untii i+ posi+ive Meer calculated value

~ -For Fmax or SwP anc: then xin+s-%e lasf value i- beGre exceeding Fmax or swP as +he mcurmum .

pu})inc tension b'e.fween these. pull points .

l L

4 J

NEP-31 At2 Identihinc[Sideva ?mssure Vioation R.2 i YS.P.. _

Yehcdo offor $onclu?t Gelec jonT ~~ ~1,)fx% p.n.:ss-L

..- ma

. u 2,-sc AlI co oles (approx. 5600) connec+1no to +he IOCFR509cy j

equipment were identified. A comptder sor+ of all condwk .

(ayptox. 5400) with these. cables roatecl % rough + hem was obtained. A review of +hese condai+s was condxled j from design dn2wincs +o eliminate those that W short len#hs,Je no chan I

more ce the worst c{ase criteria es+ahlished he selec.+ ton bye procecure. When conJm'ts rnee+ine+all did not exist the condw'ts fha + m2 the maj'on,fy of +he criteria were selecFed.This was accompitshed as a firs +

step in the elimination process of findina our worst case conduits and approximately 4775 condWfs were. renved by +his process'.This left ol5 proximately 625 conduifs that were physically walked ciown i walkdown approximately could hal/a the plan be eliminated as not+. Fr meetin s)cetc.g.all on the majority of the criteria without doing hing.

were skA+c% hed forffmginjn{

furt1 er evaluation. From the ske4 7"~ l opproximately 160 were evaluated and -Poun he.


maqority of the.

Sili,tohl degrees eGworse case criteriq bencs between aall pomby length'ts an j , elevation changes.The. coer 150 + hat were sketched were. elimina+ef as nc+ meetino the uers+ case. criferld.

of i

mad +be selec+ ion onocedu/'e.The +yimI selecti e 4 rom he H50 + hat were evduated as nee +tnc the

' C' worst case eriteria. . .

R.2 Ihe oriCina[ Ifo that were Selectec. d6 worsY COSC Werd' C

reevaluated with +he 150. We ended u> mplacinc 5.

V So and 5 now new there are !I d +he cases ceded.The rittenoric%.inal enlanations cades l -for +hese conduits mincl selected as Worst case

-follows thts 9 age.



c_5 +6 _

.Icentify+ing Sidewa' Pressure. Vichtions R.2 Sequo Explana )on For Conduits Beinq Selected As_ _ Plant .

[ Wars + Case per section 2.2.I99 22 d.727 w.~~Km lh2%8G

~-- W ,~ itM.W I.



' M32.4lB" This A++achmen+

was the con 3,db+ es 27 +hmugh 98. of 72 c.hosen -frem volfoge

level Il. it has vnultipel bends be+ ween ullpoin+s, .

os rnach as 3OO*.It has a high gerce e of

cable fill , 28.47 '/o with six cables p . It L cha elevation. It was one of the original sixt en that were. kept.

ilPM4704A- A11achment 4,duit chosen hm This was a con level 2.It has indipie oends be+ ween pull In+s

as much as 27s"l+ has exceetlect the hi h for, percentage of cable fill,36.01% wie eso1+

cables insYallect.It changes elevaflon.Ifis

( one. of +he oricinal _ sixteen that were kept.

IP 3562 8 - A++achmenf 5, eaaes 176 +hrough 208 of 727

' This was a condui+ ehosen Gorn voltage level 16.It has multiple bends be+ ween pull

. r points as much 46 270?It changes eleva+/on.

> It is th, e. next +o the. worst case we found for I this voltage level. Itis one d +he original srxfeen,

' ' i that were. kept. i IPP575A - A++achrnent 6,e43cs 209 through 219 of 727 ,

- - - - This wds a conduit' chosen fmrn Volfa3e IeVel 14-


1 I+ chages elevation. It is the naf to the worst coe. .

I we found fer thu volta Sixteen tha+ wece hej+ge level. It fg one .  ;

es 220 +hroa 238 C 727 l

2PL3722A This-is A+tachmenta condai 7'fchosen

e. level 12.from .It vo has a lonpleu ren+er +han th lengfh~s in G-30,
Argitfix Fgg. r'th , es elevation.1+ 15
one of the. c.7.,~ riginal It chagixteen +haf were ke

,--~,,-----,,,,-n-.m-,--e.-- -.-nr--, ,,n,,-.-n.---,-,-----,s -

n,,,-.m,m,,,-, ,.-,,m._ ,,m-

NEP. -3. I a.:2 t.'a ._ ? E Icentifying...Sicewol 3ressure '/lolations R.2 .- Seqa a6 Nuclece Explanahon for Conclulis Beine Selected As ._ . _flant __

( WorsLCase per secRon 2.2.I.n.22 e.727  :- n U-29xe

e h" tt.2-t&


2 es 239 +hna

2 3(o37B- A++acament This is a conduit c 8, a@wsen levelfrom /S.L veld i

I has multiple bends be+ ween p ll points,as much .

as 315" lt has a Ion leng , reafer Man +be i length in G-38 App ix F' Ie l. I+ exceeds

+he. high for per,centoce of cable fil/ 30.2 %.

l It changes eleva+ ion an2 was one. & +he., original I

nirteen that uere.kept.


2PL3003A-i A++achinen+ 9, mes 2sl ihn,ugh sos a 727 This is a conka+ chosen from voltagelevel 10.

I+ has a lon elevakn.1+g lengA of 104.6 fee + .I+ change were kept.

us one of the crifnal sixteen +his

( es 3o4 +hcoa h 32s 4 727 2PL303, This A- A++achment is a conduit 10, bosen f' rom vold It has mul+)ple bends between pull poinfs,as much as 315'.1+ bas a long lengsk of 110 fee +.1+ has Tr~  !

a hip percen+ age of cabk fil ,29.8%. It changes  ;

eleva+ ion . I+ is one or +he orig.inal sixteen the i were kep+.

1 2PPro25A- ThisA++aehmen+

is a conja osenI;lt)es from324 vor+a+hrough e level 14. sse o It has multiple bends be.been pull m+s -

i i

as 360 leng.+h in G-38, Appendix F

  • It has a long leng+ kan deTabl .

+he. high for percenta

! It changes elevation .ge of coble. fili sixteen that were kept.

(. G

i!  !


-' ~



Pressure Viola' ions R.YL h kuclear 2enHF@"

Explan Sidewain For Conduits Being Se _

xe secfion 727_ m a-2psc 4 Worst _ Case m.

~. -nWr6 12

2V2627A- This f A+tachmen+duiI is a con c e"hes 339 +hcough 400 of een -From voltage level 10.

It has multiplebends befu;een pull pmts as much .

I as 260 It exceeds the high for porcen,tage of i ca ole Sil, , 36.82 % wi+h five cables installecl.I+

l changes eleva+ ion . It is one of the original sixteen that were kep+.

!2PMl8Holli- Anachment 13. nays 401 through 418 of 727 l This is the condmf chosen from volfage level 8.

It exceecls the limit of so between pdl points with one secflon having 412*of bends.

It has a long. length greatec +han the lengfh in 6-39,Ap I+ is one.eenaix F Tab'le3. .e It chance

( ond -founcl to be a worse case.It rep 4ceci I ene ol' +he original sixfeen.


23M185HI This - /ttachment is +he condai14'+eaces 419 +hrough 448 of

%sen frorn voltage level (o.

! It emeeds 1he limi+- of 3(o0* betu>een pulI with one secfion havig yaro" of bends.l+poinls has a long len greder +han +he leng+k in G-38 i

Appendixis onecasesthaf ae new of +c Table 3. I1- change us evaluafed i and -Found to be a worse case..It .replaad one a-P 1he original six+een. .,

2PWl4Sco11- Attachment is, nges 449 +hccugh 487 af 727

This isihe.conduF chosen froin vol+ age level 7.

It exceeds the. lindt e 360 between pull

,. points wik one secticn having 3(o(o bends total.

L c' I+ has a h le th oF 203 k+. It changes ai elevations."It is one oF the. new cases + hat was

ekalua+ed foud +o be a worse. case,and replaced '

= one of the. orichal six+cen.

\ >

IE ^%f.g

,, s

cenW IndESidewah Ex>\anakioh' For Condui4s Being Pressure.%ation Selected As .._ Elo f WorstCaseL persection 2 2. oL727-teK., &29i8G c...~,

tw. >nn

2PlV 472GA- Affachment 1/o,pages'188 thmugh 548 of 727.

This It hasisa along conduct cbsen fram legth greater than vohg+ehe leng.+h level 2 in G-38 Appenchx f Table 3. It exceeds

+he high for percentage of coble fill I

I+ chays e'levafion. I+ is one of the,3ro.8 original l sixteen tha4 were kept.

599 arough 595 of 727.

IMC FimThisBis-theAmchment l

con 17,Nt chosen It has mulkple bends between ull pants,as much as 31o*.1t has a l 1 +h areater than the length in G-38 dix F" Table I.

1+ chances Elevation. It is one of +he new C cases +h'at was evaluated found to be a worse case , and replaced one oY the.6riginal suxteen.

MC15434 -- Afachmen+ 18, page.s 596 through 727 of 727, This is a conduff chosen feorn Wol+ age level 12. '

i It has mul+i le bends bettueen all poin+s as '

i much as. th reader It changes than. the ) 'e;fh leva + ion in G-387*.

epen is one .

ble 1. I+ ha

+he new

! cases % + was eval 40une 10 be a

worse Case, Qnd fef aced,'one l of +he original sixteen . .,

I t

b "

U i!

o l ._Z27 (ItenfihigSidewoPressure Vio,atione R.2 _ guyah x - ...- .~.- -

.~ a Ed C H m %

...n .ca p - u- z y n PURPOSE I -

'ne' purpass1 is to determine whether maximum

-; sicewall pressures have been exceeded in i conduits with rnul+ipie bends be. tween pu)I poinis.

. Assumpr2 ors

' That the conc'aits chosen were a gocd representation of he wors+ case conditions + hat existed in +he plan +,'

That the measacernents taken in the freld andee drowines mac'e +aerefrorn are on accurate rcresehtation o : +he field installatfors . That alI

( condui+ + fitting openings were utiliz.eo as Jull poin s.-


S.N.P. SM I-O-317-32 "Walkdown procedure for iden+ifyinq sklewall pressure vtala+ ions In conduits wilk mulHple bends in the auxiliary building."%ek.I n3&727 2 Memorandam from'.W.S.Roughley to: Those h'slec .


, subject : Electrical Issues-Caole sideell Pressure l . Tune 23,l9B(o BH38(o042(A3] nm. Awh.2 pg.17 of 727 4 DATA

( c m See affachmen+3 3E 43'NE l32 .190,6E 215 ,

j!. 7E r. 3l 12Epb.70,

=; l30p.40k,14 23o E6Ee.245,9E p


.433,15E r.470, %E p.5 , I7Ep.b71,1 18Ep.6%

Identifyim[Sidewd Preswre Violatiod~R.2  ; aT N

(~ .. -.... - .

. . - . ,u..mD3K n .It-22-E

- . . - - - . - . . . . . . . . - . -% u - W C6MPUTATloNS

! ~

See abhments so .so,4Dr.126,5D r.lso,6D e.212, l 7Dp.227, 242 p.255, /ODp .308,IlD p. 326, j 12Dp.363,1 .40ll/h .423,15Dr .459,14Dr .509,17Dr.569, 4

and 18Dp .64 .. .

I Surpontials GRaen cs t See at+achmen+s asp 2e, too,ss p210,7sp.221, 88p.240,9Bp.252,108p.307, p.325,128 340,138 .

146pH20,158p.450,I6BpH89,176p.550,and BBp4 SummAny or nesutrs See- at+achmen+3 SA .27,WipM .I .209,

.220,6A >.239,9Ar.2 I,ICAp 306, 24, 339


' P Bol, j4[p.4)q ,l5A y.449,16A p.488,I r.549,and 18Ap'.59(o 4

Conccusions al, oF the calculated As shown in the summaries'lliac sidewalI pr essures and pu within the. rescribed aidelines when +he tensions were.

cm>l we encoded to the. prograrn as bein .

pul in +he common sense direckn thai the. g '

craftsmen would hcwe pullec t,em.Of the sixteen cases onl three -failec wxn +he t

were encoded ce, 'ne alled in the non- ommon

. sense direckton ,le.. upt!rd agains+ gravity,etc .

e "L,

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... i .-. - - - _ - - . ...- ....-. .. - - - - . _ ..-. _ .- - ... -




I. This revision replaces -five of the cases with be new cases tha+ previous sixteen II-II-%

better represent the. worst case condi%n. Adds a conduit selecten -

methodology sheet and a memorandum that Sfipulated %e new cable. evaluation criferia. Also calculates each pull twice,ie once pulled in the downward direcflon and once in+he upwarcl.

2. This revision clarifies the process di#erences betnieen Rev. O and Rev.l , corrects some computee operafor input errors on one case , cd/s do the qssurnpfions , explains somc~ carnputen prograin Ic9 f c., adds explanations -for the selecfion of the cases considered worst case and lisis page numbers d'or easy reference dF memorandum and cdtachments.

r me Tvaiosuisuoss4 m compttfBr VfK //-29-F6

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