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Suppls 870203 Response to GG Zech Re Engineering Change Notice Closeout Effort & FSAR Discrepancy Described in SQ-CAR-86-04-21,per F Mccoy & M Branch Requests During 870410 Meeting.Addl Info & List of Commitments Encl
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/22/1987
From: Domer J
NUDOCS 8706030144
Download: ML20214N926 (15)


{{#Wiki_filter:. _ _. _ .e TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY : ' CH ATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE 37401 SN 157B Lookout Place MAY 221987 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ATTN: Document Control Desk i Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen: In the Matter of ) Docket Mos. 50-327 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-328 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT (SQN) UNITS 1 AND.2 - ENGINEERING CHANGE NOTICE (ECN) CLOSEOUT AND FSAR UPDATES - SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE e This supplemental response to Gary G. Zech's letter to S. A. White dated -December 18, 1986, regarding the ECN closure effort and_the FSAR discrepancy described in SQ-CAR-86-04-21, is provided in accordance with'a l request from Frank McCoy and Morris Branch during an April. 10, 1987 meeting at SQN. The initial response to Mr. Zech's December 18, 1986 letter was provided in a letter to J. Nelson Grace from J. A. Domer dated i February 3, 1987. of this supplemental response provides. additional information about the ECN closure effort and enclosure 2 provides additional information about the FSAR corrective actions. ~ ' contains the list of comitments in enclosures 1 and 2. ) If you have any questions, please call M. R. Harding at (615) 870-6422. 1 To the best of my knowledge, I declare the statements contained herein are complete and true. + i 1 Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY . d. )J.A.Domer,AssistantDirector Nuclear Safety and Licensing Enclosures cc: See page 2 i ~ 8706030144 870522 i 4 PDR ADOCK 0500 7-P An Equal Opportunity Employer

' U.S. Nuclear _ Regulatory Conunission f hj h[ cc (Enclosures): Mr. G. G. Zech, Assistant Director for Inspection Programs Office of Special Projects Division of TVA Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Region II 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900-Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. J. A. Zwolinski, Assistant Director for Projects Division of TVA Projects Office of Special Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i 4350 East West Highway EWW 322 J Bethesda, Maryland 20814. l Sequoyah Resident Inspector i Sequoyah Nuclear Plant i 2600 Igou Ferry Road Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 1 .I } r I 4 i 1 i t e i

E . ENCLOSURE 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE ECN CLOSURE EFFORT This enclosure provides details about the type and complexity of ECNs which have been closed by the ECM closure effort, compensatory measures taken which address the minor discrepancies identified during the closure i effort, and the manpower allocations required to support closure of the _i ECW backlog at SQN by October 1988 as committed in TVA's original response. As described in TVA's original response, the ECN closure group has closed approximately 100 ECNs (selected at random) from the ECN backlog at SQN. j provides a breakdown of the 104 ECNs closed by this effort. From the table in attachment 1, it can be seen that this effort affected a i cross section of the modification disciplines (principally mechanical and i electrical). Of the 104 ECNs closed, 43 were mechanical (M), 44 were electrical (E), 10 were civil (C), and seven were mixed disciplines.. These ECNs ranged in complexity from affecting one system and no drawings I to involving three systems and 42 drawings. An average of four to five I drawings and one to three workplans per ECN were closed in this effort, i l provides a key to the system numbers used in attachment 1. f As explained in TVA's original response, the types of errors identified by the ECN closure process have been minor in nature. The one area of discrepancy that does appear more often, however, is with the 47W611 4 } series logic diagrams. This drawing series, because of the number of discrepancies identified, has been removed from the main control room 4 (MCR). The operations personnel instead rely on other MCR drawings (e.g., 1 flow, control, and single-line diagrams). TVA's current plans involve including seven of the principle logic diagrams in the "as constructed" drawing program to be verified and corrected before unit 2 restart in I accordance with SQN's previous commitments (letter from R. Gridley to J. Nelson Grace dated December 12, 1986). i The schedule for closure of the ECM backlog at SQN as provided in TVA's original response is to close the approximately 1,200 ECNs by October 15, 1988. Approximately 670 of those are on Critical Structures, Systems, and Components (CSSC). This schedule is based on six full-time individuals working in the closure group and approximately 19 man-hours required to review each ECN for closure. Although not a commitment, SQN's l schedule for completion of the 670 CSSC ECNs is December 1987, with the balance of the backlog resolved by October 15, 1988 (as previously j committed). This schedule supports inclusion in the 1989 FSAR update and completion of the FSAR corrective actions described in SQN's original response. I i i .i d 1

.~. .___.-____ ~__ i l ENCLOSURE 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REGARDING FSAR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TVA's original response provided the corrective actions planned to resolve i the FSAR discrepancies. This supplemental response describes SQN's efforts to compensate for the FSAR discrepancies when internal TVA reviews / evaluations and NRC review / evaluations involving the FSAR are conducted. Additionally, this response describes how discrepancies identified during the FSAR verification program will be handled. l On January 28, 1987, the Site Licensing Staff issued a memorandum from-l M. R. Harding to L. M. Nobles (Acting Plant Manager) and D. W. Wilson, Division of Nuclear Engineering.(DNE), concerning 10 CFR 50.59 + evaluations. This memorandum stated that, in preparation of Unreviewed Safety Question Determinations (USQD), evaluators are not to rely solely on the FSAR.. SQN's technical specifications, verified "as-constructed" i drawings, verified design criteria, and.other resources should be utilized in addition to the FSAR for USQD evaluations. SQN Standard Practice (SQA)-119. "Unreviewed Safety Question Determination," has been revised to incorporate this polict. Likewise, DNE SQN Project is issuing a memorandum to ensure that the FSAR is not the sole source of information in preparation of USQDs and modification packages and will issue Nuclear 4 Engineering Procedure (NEP)-6.6, " Safety Evaluations," by June 30, 1987, to include this policy. Because of the deficiencies with the SQN FSAR, TVA will provide a copy of critical "as-constructed" drawings to NRC Washington and Region II Incident Response Centers by June 30, 1987. These drawings will include flow, logic, control, and single-line drawings for those systems esstatial to safely operate the plant and are currently included in the FSAR. TVA's plans for periodically updating the drawings provided to NRC's incident response centers will be included in the June 30, 1987 drawing submittal referenced above. This will provide NRC with up-to-date information to assist in responding to and analyzing emergency situations that may-i arise. Furthermore, TVA will provide specific information, in~each I application, as necessary to support technical specification changes by supplementing the FSAR where deficiencies exist. The FSAR Verification Program (described in TVA's initial response) will l use the established corrective action program (Administrative Instruction j [AI]-19, Part 1, " Conditions Adverse to Quality") to currect design j discrepancies identified during the verification process. This approach will ensure that Conditions Adverse To Quality (CAQs) are promptly l identified, documented, evaluated, corrected, and reported to management l in a manner consistent with their importance to safety. i 1 \\

ENCLOSURE S LIST OF COMMITMENTS 1. By June 30, 1987, DNE will issue NEP-6.6 to include the policy for not solely relying on the SQN FSAR for 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations. 2. By June 30, 1987, provide NRC copies of the critical "as-constructed" drawings for SQN restart'and TVA's plans for periodically updating those drawings. These drawings will include flow, logic, control and-single-line drawings for those systems essential to operate the plant and are currently included in the FSAR. \\ .I i a 4 i i 1 J r

Attachm nt 1 ECN SYSTEM DISC tPL/AfE jlll

  1. ?c'R

"$?Nxb L500 ?. 26 M l 'N lO L 5'0 3 7 87 E I I to L 506 5 ff M l O y Lso70 26 M l l 2 tso7a l7 m a i 27 Lst c2. 2 E / o 15 L sits' 7tf E 2 I /7 Ls/17 t}3 E / / / <_ s/56 6 e. ' C, E a / '3 L5175 43 E i I 6 LSI84 30 M l l 3 Lstse 30 m I o 7 L S/9 2. 30 M / / tl L520L 90 E l 0 i L 52/2 Jo, 3/c, 45 M a o 3 L 5822 5& E 2 0 3 _LS223 87 E / O e L5224 VArt r ous E 3 o 6 LG228 6s M l c if Ls? 33 90 E

  • /

Q 3 L5238 6l M f o O L524I $ 68, 77 E I o G t-52 43 45 E,M t O 3 Lsc45 3 E / o l L5as 1 96 M / O 2 L527C Sb M l { y L52'8 31 M i / / ts284 30 E, An e. ty L s 2 c/ 3 2/ 7 'C / o~ / c530c 67 5 l 6 j g a.5eut i.s fon : vs rem:, 3, cc, 63, 68, 77 e 7

Attachmsnt 1 2-ECN SYSTEM D/ScIPUME ""l##l,l,; #f#f#" #"lf#l ~ L53/4-3 E 2. / /2. L5349 78 M / 0 II L53se G3 E I 2. 9 L5364 77 M / 0 i Ls367 92. E / o / L 5344 30 ? C / E 4 Ls370 86 M / 3 // L54ao 3a E / O / L5430 (- E l 0 f LG456 62 N1 l 0 3 L5463 68 E / f 6 LS490 44 6 C-l ( 2. LSSI3 3/ 7 E / O e L 55/7 7? C l l Q, LSS41 67 M / Q ? t SS53 3/7 M I O / \\ L5557 249 C / e 4 l L Ss&7 /, 3 C l 0 /gg L5605 26 N\\ ?.- 0 3 l L S608 68 C 2. O z ts632 .3 6 2 0 /3 Ls633 ?6 M 2. O 3 LsC72 UT E / O 5 L5678 SS, 6 2. E I O 7 L 57co 3c E, y j j Q L 5762 f3 (, AA j c 5-L s7/b 24l L= l c j L 57/7 T E l 0 3 LG725 7S M / O 3 L5'31 67, 70, ei3 l= l / if L

3 ECN sYS TEM DIScIPLtME "$$$laj

  1. lc'n's' "b$bx?s LS734 7tl E

l o j L57t/5 3i A3 I o l L5748 bl l 0 j L5756 3 M j g y LS 757 l lH E o l L5740 3 E j e 3 LS76Y 39 /M l t.) ll L s768 fe 5 l g z L 5 777 g,- j g 3 = L S 780 43 5 g L G781 3l 5 j g L 5785 70 M j c z L G726 87 4 g a 'S?S9 I,3 E z j 3 Ls795 7j p o z L5797 f3 p j 9 L 5'96 7e

  • 1 l

o j L 58*7 88 C e e 4 Lse6 / 27 g j j 7 L 5'!54 ea A1 e i Ls%3 1 m j g L5972 97 M 2 l z LS973 68 prl 3 o L5985 74 l o q_ L5993 90 5 7 L5996 303 C j LG999 4c E / o 3 L60" l f a 2. Llo35 260 e 7 L LCS'l 4/ A1 l l z O n.-.,

- ECN SYSTEM DisctPL/MG "$$fl, *# #fff,' "lllgg*#3 L&os8 l m l l l ^ L 6od3 8a /v\\ / o / L607t/ yy m j j g L6690 IL E l 0 g L 6/c a fg m g j j L6/06 W E l o il L6/a a 70 C / l 4/. L6 TBS 3 m j y y L6/75 32 E / j j L6/ 95 gc E, p 7 j i L6/ 98 g z. 5,m j z Lf228 3 y g L6273 qq g j q g LL362 yy y j g g l 1

n i 1, Attachmsnt 2 y T Standard Practice Page 66 SQM2 Revision 23 f ATTACHMENT.C SYSTEM CODES 1 Main Steam System inc1'uding Steam Generator Blowdown 2 Condensate System ..t 3 Main,and Aux 111ary Feedwater System ~ ._ _. l. c I' 5 Extraction Steam System ,I.?, : { 6 Heater Drains and Vents System ~.I;. f TurbineExtractionTrapsandDra[nsSystem _ f,, -{:: - 7 8 Miscellaneous Turbine Connections .... _..[.f.z, Misc 511aneousTurbinehentSystems 9 ~ 4 12 Aux 111ary Boller Systems 13 Fire Protection i0ther than HPFP and-C02 fire protection) Systems ~ 14 Condensate emineralizer System ' ~ 15 Steam Generator Blowdown System I'- 18 Fuel 011 System Lig5 ting - Off 011 and Air Piping System 19 20 Central Lubricating 011 System 24 Raw Cooling Hater System 25 Raw Service Hater System' 26 High-Pressure Fire-Protection System 27 Condenser Circulating Hater System 28 Hater Treatment System 29 Potable Water Olstribution System L t 30 Ventilation System 0323S/ jaw w e

e .~

  • Standard Practice Page 67 SQM2 Revision 23 ATTACHMENT C (Continued)

SYSTEM CODES 31 Heating and Air Conditioning System 32 Control Air System ~ 33 S'ervice Air System 34 Vacuum Priming System 35 Generator Cooling System 36 Feedwater Secondary Treatment System ~ ~ 37 G1,and Seal Water System ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ 38 Insulating 011 System 39 CO, Storage,. Fire Protection, and Purging System 40 .StitionDrainageSystem 41 Layup Ha'ter Treatment System' 42 Chemical Cleaning System 43 Sampling and Water Control System. ~ 44 Bullding Heating System (Instruments and Controls) 46 Feedwater Control System 47 Turbogenerator Control System 49 Breathing Air System l 50 Hypochlorits System 51 Raw Water Chlorination (Acrolein) System ~ 52 System Test Facility (Instrumentation) 54 Injection Water System 0323S/dri n e o

~._ e Standard Practice Page 68 ^ t~ SQM2 Revision 23 ATTACHMENT C (Continued) SYSTEM CODES 55 Annunciator and Sequential Events Recording System f 56 Tempe,rature Monitoring System 57 Genfrator Associated Electrical System (Including Protection, Excitation, and Voltage Regulation) 58 Main Generator Bus Cooling System 4., f 59 Demineralized Water'and Cask Decontamination 'e 61 Ice Condenser System (', l. .-n-1. 62 Chemical and Volume Control System ~ 63 Safety Injection Systeiri 64 Ice Condenser Containment System 65 Emergency Gas Treatment System 67 Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCH) System 68 Reactor Coolant System 70 Component Cooling System 72 Containment Spray System 74 Residual Heat Removal System 77 Waste Disposal System 78 Spent-Fuel-Pit Cooling System (Fuel Holding and Cranes) s 79 Fuel Handling Tools and Fixtures 80 Primary Containment Cooling System 81 Primary Makeup Hater System 0323S/ jaw

'*s M Standard Practice Page 69 SQM2 p Revision 23 ATTACHMENT C (Continued) SYSTEM CODES 82 Standby Diesel Generator System ) f 83 Hy,drogen Recombination System 2,, 84 ,ffood Mode Boration System- [ ~, f { 85 Control Rod Drive System t 86 Diesel Starting Air System

  1. Y, a t:

87 Upper Head Injection System ~' 88 -Containment Isolation System ~ 7. ' 'i ~ Ci= z l ~ 90 Radiation Monitoring System f 92 Neutron'Monttoring System { 94 _ Incore Flux Detectors 99 Reactor Protection System ~ 114 Plant Equipment - General Support and Minor Maintenance- ![i Performed in Response to SI-114.1 and SI-114.2 4 150 _ Measuring and. Test Equipment 162 Plant Equipment - General Support and Minor Maintenance 4 i Performed in Response to SI-162.1 and 51-162.2 l 200 Status Monitor System 201 480-V Electrical Boards and MCC ) 202 6900-V Electrical Boards (and Logic Panels) 234 Heat Tracing System Stic' yard and Transformers 241 n 244 Communications Systems 245 Security Systems 0323S/ jaw l w l

8 p , i i: F Standard Practice Page 70 SQM2 Revision 23 ATTACHMENT C (Continued) SYSTEM CODES 247 Lighting Systems f I 250 250,V DC,125-V, DC,120-V AC, Low Voltage Power 255 Dat[LoggerandAcquisitionSystem 4 [. L 260 Chemical Lab Test Equipment [ 263 Condenser Tube Cleaning System ~ i a [ 264 Technical Support System [ 265 Health Physics Test Lab Equipment ' -7 "A " '" '- 1. . c. 266 Mechanical Test Equipment 268 Permanent Hydrogen Mitigation System 282-Fleid Services Facility Electrical System l 283 Low Level Rad Waste Facility ' ' r 301 Computer Systems 1 302 Penetrations T1 s i 303 Cranes 305 Sewage f 306 Hiscellaneous Office Equipment 307 Elevators 309 Recirculation Flow Control l 311(31A) Control Building HVAC ~ 312(318) Yard and Miscellaneous Mechanical Unit Equipment 313(31C) Aux 111ary Building HVAC (Instrument and Valves) i, i 0323S/dr1 4 4 .r ... _ _.. ~ _ _ _,.., _.

V. 6 Standard Pract' ice ' Page 71 SQM2 Revision 23 1 ATTACHMENT C (Continued) SYSTEM CODES 317 Miscellaneous and Power Outlets 320 Holsts and Platforms 350 IWstrument Hangers l t 352 Instrument Conduit Hangers 361 Cables ~ - 362 Cable Trays ~ i 363 Condutt ~.' -- " 1. 2. 410 Rolling Doors ~ f 500 Instrument Panels, Control Room, and Status Monitor Boards 928,' Makeup Hater Treatment Plant 959 Demineralized Water Storage and Dis 991

  • Junction Boxes Some records exist with junction boxes identified as system 360.

u J I 1 a 0323S/ jaw I L. ..}}