IR 05000454/1987004

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Insp Repts 50-454/87-04 & 50-455/87-03 on 870102-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Previous Insp Findings & Review of Conditions for OL
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/1987
From: Phil Brochman, Mccormickbarge, Vandenburgh C, Wright G
Shared Package
ML20212N216 List:
50-454-87-04, 50-454-87-4, 50-455-87-03, 50-455-87-3, NUDOCS 8703120408
Download: ML20212N226 (6)



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Reports No: 50-454/87004(DRS);50-455/87003(DRS)

Docket Nos. 50-454; 50-455 Licenses No. NPF-37; NPF-60 Licensee: Coraronwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Narre: Byron Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection at: Byron Station, Byron, Illinois Inspection Conducted: January 2-29, 1987 Inspectors: .L o ck-Barger 7/9[87 Date !

(A.L @ v Y 9/77

]g P. G. Brochman Date eumL C. A. VanDenburgh C Date V

Approved By: . Wright, Chief Test Programs Section 7[97 Date


Inspection Sumary Inspection on January 2-29, 1987 (Report No. 50-454/8700_4] licensee action onDRS);50-Areas Inspected: Routine, announced safety inspection of previous inspection findings; and review of conditions for Unit 2 Operating License No. NPF-6 Results: No violations or deviations were identified.



{ 8703120408 870310 l PDR ADOCK 05000454 0 PDR l

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' Persons Contacted

. Commonwealth Edison Company

  1. R. Querio, Station Manager
  1. L. Sues, Assistant Superintendent, Operations
  1. R. Pleniewicz, Production Superintendent R. Tuetken, Startup Superintendent E. Falb, Unit 2 Testing Supervisor
  1. E. Zittle, Regulatory Assurance Staff
  1. C. Smith, Regulatory Assurance Staff
  1. D. Berg, Nuclear Safety
  1. A. Britton, Quality Assurance Inspector Additional station technical and administrative personnel were contacted by the inspectors during the course of the inspectio # Denotes those present during the exit interview on January 29, 198 . Action on Previous Inspection Findings (92701) (0 pen) Open Item (454/84038-01(DRS)): AF005 valves will not throttle effectively below 50% flow. To permit effective throttling below 50% flow, the licensee has developed a plan to modify the " flow measuring and runout protection" orifices. The new orifices will be installed under Modification M6-1-86-0208. After installation and testing, the inspector will review the post-modification test to verify the AF005 valves will control at less than 50% flo Following the orifice installation, retesting regarding the simultaneous starts of auxiliary feedwater Pumps IA and IB will be required. Performance of this test and subsequent NRC review will be tracked as Open Item (454/87004-01(DRS)). (Closed) Open Item (455/86041-05(DRS)): Review of Auxiliary Feedwater (AF) Retest R-2088. Retest R-2088 demonstrated the performance of the j alarm, control, and protective features of the AF pump suction pressure transmitters, that the AF pumps would automatically restart on recovery of suction pressure following a pump trip on low suction pressure with a valid emergency actuation signal present, and that the low lube oil pressure and high jacket water temperature trips would trip the AF diesel. The inspector reviewed R-2088 and verified that the required results had been obtained. Based on this review I the inspector has no further concerns related to this matter, and this item is considered closed.

l (Closed) Open Item (455/86041-06(DRS)): Review of Auxiliary Feedwater


(AF) Retest R-2089. Retest R-2089 demonstrated that both AF pumps

! could be simultaneously started without dropping, with the condensate storage tank at minimum level and the steam generators at no load


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pressure. The inspector reviewed R-2089 and verified that the required results had been obtained. In the Project Engineering Department (PED) letter which reviewed the results of R-2089, PED st&ted that a retesting and reverification of the simultaneous starts of AF Pumps 2A and 2B will be performed after modifications to the AF flow measuring and runout protection orifices had been complete The testing of the AF005 valve control loop will be performed under Retest R-2058 and is_being tracked under Open Item (455/86041-04(DRS)).

The inspector will review the performance of the simultaneous starts of AF Pumps 2A and 2B after the modification is completed and the review will be tracked as Open Item (455/87003-01(DRS)). Based on the review of R-2089 this item is considered closed, d. (0 pen) Open Item (454/86045-03(DRS); 455/86041-14(DRS)): Design deficiency in Diesel Generator (DG) circuit breaker. A concern was identified at Braidwood Station (Inspection Report No. 456/85008(DRS)),

relating to the ability of DG circuit breaker to reclose if an emergency start signal occurred while periodic testing was in progress. During periodic testing of the DG, while it is paralleled with the bus, a Safety Injection (SI) signal coincident with a loss-of-offsite power will cause the DG breaker to trip, in order to shed the loads on the bus, but the breaker will not automatically reclose. This does not meet the intent of the FSAR and Regulatory Guide 1.108, Position C.1.6.3. In a letter from K. A. Ainger to H. R. Denton, dated October 29, 1986, the licensee committed to the installation of a test switch on the main control boards above the DG breaker control switch. The test switch, when in the surveillance ,

test position, would defeat the breaker control interlock that prevents a breaker from reclosing following an SI coincident with loss-of-offsite power. The licensee committed to implement the design change in Unit 1 prior to startup following the first refueling outage and in Unit 2 prior to exceeding 5% power (Mode 1).

The inspector verified that the test switches were installed on Unit 2 and that the temporary instructions had been written to the DG operating procedures to control the test switches. The inspector also witnessed the post modification testing of the switches and verified they performed as designed. The licensee has submitted requested information to NRR and pending NRR's review of the technical adequacy of the design and the issuance of licensee's permanent procedure changes, the Unit 2 item will remain ope Pending NRR's review of the technical adequacy of the design, issuance of permanent procedure changes, and installation of the test switches for the Unit 1 DG circuit breakers, the Unit 1 item will remain ope e. (0 pen) Open Item (455/86041-11(DRS): This open item was issued to track the completion of numerous Unit 2 preoperational tests. With the exception of Preoperational Tests VA 84.61, " Auxiliary Building Ventilation," SX 76.60, " Essential Service Water," and PS 61.60,

" Primary Process Sampling," the preoperational tests being tracked by this item have been completed and were reviewed by the NRC as l





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I discussed below. This item will remain open pending the licensee's completion of VA 84.61, SX 76.60, and PS 61.60 and subsequent NRC l

revie (1) During Preoperational Test SI 73.63, " Safety Injection Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Check Valve Operability and Leakage - Integrated Hot Functional," the leak rate for Safety Injection Accumulator Check Valve No. 2SI89480 exceeded the test acceptance criterion of I gpm. After the valve was repaired, a leakage test was performed via Byron Unit 2 Technical Specification Surveillance 2BVS, " Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage Surveillance," performed on November 28, 1986 through December 31, 1986. The results of this surveillance yielded an acceptable adjusted leakage rate of 0.31 gpm for Valve 2SI8948 (2) The results evaluation of Preoperational Test CV 18.67,

" Chemical and Volume Control - Integrated Hot Functional,"

determined that a modification to the 2FCV110A valve internals was required to optimize automatic operation of the boric acid blender. The inspector verified that this modification has been completed and that satisfactory operation has been demonstrated by Modification Test No. M6-2-86-276 completed on December 10, 198 (3) The results evaluation of Preoperational Test CV 18.67,

" Chemical and Volume Control - Integrated Hot Functional,"

established that the portion of the test related to reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal water injection flow rates should be reperformed following adjustment of the RCP seal flow throttle valves to obtain values closer to the middle of the acceptance criterion range of 8 - 10 gpm. (Two of the four values obtained for RCP seal injection flow were below the 8 - 10 gpm acceptance criterion when adjustments for post test instrument accuracy checks were taken into consideration; the adjusted values were 7.8 gpm and 7.9 gpm.) A retest of the RCP seal injection flow rates was performed via Special Test Procedure SPP-86-179,

"2CV121 Minimum Flow Verification." The results obtained (ranging from 9 to 9.1 gpm) were acceptable. SPP-86-179 also demonstrated satisfactory performance of flow control Valve 2FCV-121 which had behaved in an anomalous fashion during Preoperational Test CV 18.6 (4) Based on the test results of Preoperational Test PS 61.60,

" Primary Process Sampling," modifications were made to increase the flowrates of the letdown heat exchanger and the boron thermal regeneration demineralizer outlet sample path Retesting of the letdown heat exchanger sample flow rates was accomplished via Action Item Record AIR 6-86-2113 which was completed on December 22, 1986. The flow rates were determined to be acceptable. Retesting has not been performed for the

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boron thermal regeneration demineralizer outlet sampl Completion of the retesting and subsequent NRC review will continue to be tracked via Open Item 455/86041-31(DRS) (Closed) Open Item (455/86041-02(ORS)): Based on the test results of Preoperational Test RY 69.67, " Reactor Coolant Pressurizer-Integrated Hot Functional," two Action Item Requests were written (AIRS 6-86-2067


and 6-86-2068) which required a reverification of pressurizer level l and pressure indication and controls and a determination of the 2PC455A pressurizer pressure controller signal error due to the integral portion of the controlle Retest R-2082, completed January 7,1987, satisfactor'.ly verified pressurizer level and pressure control, alarms, setpoints and trips, determined the 2PC455A pressurizer pressure controller signal error due to the integral portion of the controlle No violations or deviations were identifie . Review of Conditions for Unit 2 Operating License NPF-60 (Closed) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment 1 to NPF-60, pertaining to reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal injection flow indication reverification. This item is discussed in Paragraph 2.e.(3) and, based upon satisfactory flow rates obtained during a special test of the RCP seal injection flows, this portion of the license condition is considered satisfied, (Closed) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment I to NPF-60 pertaining to valve internals modification for Valve CV110 This item is discussed in Paragraph 2.e.(2) and, based on satisfactory test results following the valve internals modification, this portion of the license condition is considered satisfie (Closed) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment 1 to NPF-60 pertaining to pressurizer level and pressure indication and controls reverification. This item is discussed in Paragraph and, based upon satisfactory results obtained during retesting of the pressurizer level and pressure indication and controls, this portion of the license condition is considered satisfie (Closed) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment 1 to NPF-60 pertaining to Reactor Containment Fan Cooler (RCFC) flow reverification and cooling capability evaluation. Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) reviewed RCFC cooling cacability data and, based on their review, concluded that this license condition was satisfie (Closed) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment 1 to NPF-60 pertaining to Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) check valve leakage. This item is discussed in Paragraph 2.e.(1) and, based on acceptable results obtained during a leakage check for Safety Injection Accumulator Check Valve 2SI89480, this portion of the license condition is considered satisfie . - - _ - _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ 1

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w (Closed) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment I to NPF-60 pertaining to auxiliary feedwater dual pump start and suction pressure return autostart. This item is discussed in Paragraphs and 2.c. and based upon satisfactory results obtained during two auxiliary feedwater retests (R-2088 and R-2089), this portion of the license condition is considered satisfie (0 pen) The portion of License Condition A of Attachment 1 to NPF-60 n pertaining to letdown heat exchanger and boron thermal regeneration i demineralizer outlet sample flow rates. This item is discussed in Paragraph 2.e.(4). The letdown heat exchanger sample flow rates were satisfactorily retested; however, the retest for the baron thermal regeneration demineralizer outlet sample flowrates has not been performed and the corresponding portion of the license condition will remain open pending completion of the retes No violations or deviations were identifie . Open Items Open items are matters which have been discussed with the licensee, which will be reviewed by the inspector and which involve some action on the part of the NRC or licensee or both. Open items disclosed during the inspection are discussed in Paragraphs 2.a. and . Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives denoted in Paragraph _1 at the conclusion of the inspection on January 29, 1987. The inspectors summarized the purpose and scope of the inspection and the finding After discussions with the licensee, the inspectors have determined there is no proprietary data contained in this inspection repor _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -