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Forwards Update of TVA Activities for Wks of 870309 & 16
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/1987
From: Gridley R
To: Barr K, Thompson H
0085B, 85B, NUDOCS 8703120155
Download: ML20212M729 (28)



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.L4 4 870306 011 TO: Hugh Thompson (NRC) Bethesda, Maryland Ken Barr (NRC), Atlanta, Georgia FROM: R. L. Gridley, Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing (TVA)

DATE: March 6, 1987


Attached are updates of TVA activities for the weeks of March 9 and March 16, 1987.

If you have any questions, call R. H. Shell at (615) 751-2688 I

d JAD:RHS:VYA Attachments cc (Attachments):

RIMS, HR 4N 72A-C H. L. Abercromble, ONP, O&PS 4. Sequoyah R. E. Alsup, LP SN 1378-C R. W. Cantrell, W12 A12 C-K '

. E. S. Christenbury, E11 B33 C-K C. Crawford, MR SN 52A-C .

J. P. Darling, ONP, Bellefonte - '- -

J. A. Domer. LP 5N 1058-C C. H. Fox, LP 6N 3BA-C T. A. Ippolito, Bethesda L. L. Jackson, LP 6N 38A-C

- M. R. Harding, ONP, O&PS-4, Sequoyah

0. L. Lambert, LP 5N 1188-C M. J. May, Browns Ferry D. E. McCloud, LP 5N 1088-C J. A. Mcdonald, FSB, ONP, Hatts Bar D. R. N1chols, LP SN 3028-C R. C. Parker, LP 4N 45A-C R. A. Pedde,101 PHO, Watts Bar J. A. Poleyn, LP 6N 38A-C H. P. Pomrehn, Browns Ferry C. C. Robertson, LP SS 83E-C R. H. Shell, LP SN 1568-C D. L. Terrill, ONP, Bellefonte G. Toto, ONP, Matts Bar , ,

bc: R. L. Gridley (File copy) 0085b G703120155 870306 PDR ADOCK 05000327 R PDR

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  • Items In Process for ConDietton by 3/20/87 (Con't)
7. Response to Inspection Report 87-01, NRC letter from K. P. Bart to S. A. White dated February 5, 1987.
8. 1966 Annual Operating Report.

9 Update on Vendor Manual Control Program.

Items in Process - Estimated Complotton within 2 Months

1. Response to additional request for information on smote detectors surveillance, NRC letter from M. Grotenhuis to 5. A. White dated January 13, 1987.
2. Phase II Welding Report.
3. Additional information on seismic design issues; NRC letter R. J. Clark to S.-A. White dated July 31, 1986.
4. Response to NRC questions related to withdrawal schedule of reactor material test specimens; NRC letter dated October 27, 1986.
5. Response to ATHS rule review, Plant Specific Reviews; NRC letter from .

G. E. Gears to 5. A. White dated January 8, 1987. '


6. Additional information on PASF operation (criteria 6). " -

~ ~~


7. Summary of Maintenance Improvement Program.
8. Additional information on SPDS; NRC letter from G. E. Gears to l S. A. White dated February 3, 1987.
9. Description of Design Baseline Program,
10. Description of Restart Test Program.
NRC Correspondence. Reports, and Closures
1. Response from NRC is needed to TVA's letter dated September 2, 1986 regarding cable qualification.

l 2. NRC approval of Organizational Technical Specif1' cations is requested.

3. Response to TVA's letter dated June 26, 1986, regarding NUREG-0737*

Item II.E.4.1 is requested.

4. Received letter regarding summary of Restart Issues from January 28, 1987 NRC/TVA meeting, NRC letter February 24, 1987, from D. R. Nuller to S. A. White.

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IV. Site Activities Replacement items Proiect The Browns Ferry Replacement Items Project has been established as part of the Corporate Replacement Items Program.

Escloyee Concerns Natts Bar ECTG is reporting on these items for Browns Ferry.

Unit 1

1. Draining of feed water heater she11 side is complete and valve line-up of vents and drains for lay-up should be complete by the middle of next week.
2. Torus vacuum cleaning with divers is scheduled to be completed by March 6, 1987.

Unit 2 1.'The Electrical Modification Section reported the following work items '

during this reporting period. ,

a) The major work effort continues on development of work plans for .

field installation of modifications.

l b) The Conax penetration replacement modification (ECN P3180) is continuing with approval of the work plans for removal of field interferences. Installation of the Conax penetrations EB and EE

' will continue this week. The vendor representative for Conax is onsite for the next five days to support disassembly and reassembly of the EE containment penetration.

c) The Electrical Modifications section received approximately 150 drawings for the Appendix R modifications. Work plan development is currently underway.

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2. The Mechanical Modification Section reported the following work items j

during this reporting period.

a) Preparation of work plans for the (Mechanical) Appendix R Fire Protection modifications are 80% complete.

b) Mechanical hanger installations for the Analog Trip Modification (ECN P0126) are 90% complete. Hydro testing is in progress on the l

' instrument lines for P0126.

l c) The long term Torus Integrity modification (ECN P0361) support inspections were completed. Results of the inspection are being evaluated by Modifications and Design Engineering.

d) The EECW modification (ECN t.1970) for change out of system piping material from carbon steel to stainless steel is complete with all field installation including closecut and technical review of the documentation.

l 3. The Rectreulation System Inlet Nozzle Replacement modification (ECN P0957) is reported to be 44 percent complete with the welding effort.

The radiography and ISI acceptance is estimated at 28 percent complete.

a) Helding is in process on 4 safe ends C, E. H, & K.

b) Held-out is complete on A, B D. F, G, and S safe-ends. '

c) Nachining is complete on 3 of 10 closure spools. .

d) Installation of the "G" closure spool will start this week. -- . .

Unit 3 and Re' fuel / Turbine Floor

1. Disassembly of low pressure turbine 3B and 3C temporarily stopped due r

I to break down of crane. Purchase order for new gear was approved and expected delivery is April 13, 1987.

2. Unit 3 core offload finished as scheduled on February 27, 1987, and fuel pool gates have been closed.
3. "A" - Diesel generator outage for annual maintenance started on March 2, 1987, and eddy current testing of engine coolers are in progress.
4. Fuel pools are being covered in preparation of refuel floor roof maintenance.

RHS:VYA 3/6/87 0085b e

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. Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Neekly Summary of Activities for the Weeks of March 9, 1987 and March 16, 1987

1. Audits. Meetings and Insnections l

l None ,

II. TVA Correspondence. Reports. Closures i

A. Items Completed l 1. Correspondence to Recion II Issued Date

, Response to Violation 41-08165-10/87-01 February 27, 1987 Interim response to Inspection Report 86-08 February 27, 1987

2. Correspondence to NRR Issued Date Clattftcation of our 12/29/86 response to February 27, 1987 1 Generic Letter 83-28, item 4.3 B. Items in Process
1. Correspondence to Renton !! Expected Date to RII Clartftcation of Our Final Report on March 1987 '

GEN NES 8603


Final response to Inspection Report 86-08 March 1987 - - - -

BLN 3615 Final Report and BN-C-82-04(2) March 1987 Revised Final Report

2. Correspondence to NRR . Expected Date to NRR None i

III. NRC Correspondence Reports, Closures E_xpected Date Inspection Report 86-09 March 1987

Inspection Report 86-11 March 1987 Containment Temperature March 1987 CP Extension March 1987 IV. Site Activities A. Nuclear Operations Activities i ,
1. Unit 2 system layup recommendations are being evaluated and implemented in the preventive maintenance (PM) data base.

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. 4

2. Layup procedures have been preoared for the unit 2 KE (ERCW) system.


3. Procedures have been drafted to troubleshoot and repair a vital Inverter.
8. Nuclear Engineering Activities
1. ECN for crane consistency program modifications based on scope statement BLP 86009 has been submitted for approval. Proceeding based on the installation schedule. (Completion scheduled for September 1987.)
2. Raw Service Water Vibration Problems - Redesigning to extend Power Stores Warehouse HPFP header to make a loop header and install sway struts.
3. Proceeding with engineering design and procurement of materials for the Hot Shop for the building shell. Schedule is contingent on available msnpower resources.

C. Nuclear Construction Activities

1. Erecting small and large seismic pipe supports in R81, AB, and C8 (RBI, A8, and CB--ongoing untti Hot Functional). ,
2. Erecting safety-related HVAC ductwork in C8', AB, and DGB1 .;

(90 percent complete). -- -

3. Installing and reworking safety-related conduit in RBI, CB, A8, and IPS (ongoing until Not Functional--76 percent complete).
4. Erect 1 g miscellaneous seismically qualtfled platforms in A8 (ongoing untti Hot Functional--80 percent complete).
5. Installing and flushing instrument and control tubing in RBI and AB (ongoing untti Hot Functional).
6. Applying protective coating in R81 (ongoing untti Hay 27, 1988).
7. Flushing fire protection piping in AB and TB (ongoing over the next 2 years--80 percent complete).
8. Butiding Hot Shop and Decontamination factittles (completion scheduled for June 1988--45 percent complete).

D. Replacement Items Project Bellefonte Replacement Items Project has been estabitsbed as part of the Corporate Replacement Items Program following Sequoyah's lead.

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E. Union of Concerned Scientist's Petition TVA is working with the B&W Owners' Group to prepare a position paper in response to the petition.

F. Employee Concerns Watts Bar ECTG is reporting on these items for BLN.

RHS:VYA 3/6/87 008Sb e

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1. AUDITS. MEETINGS. AND INSPECTIONS NRC Inspections - Tentative Dates 3/2 DBVP SYSTERS and Corrective Actions.

3/9 Status of Restart Items List.

3/16 Employee Concerns: Operations Category (Cont.).

3/16 SSOMI Testing and PMT Review.

NRC Heettnes - Tentative Dates 3/10 - SMT Meeting in Bethesda.

II. TVA CORRESPONDENCE. REPORTS. CLOSURES TVA Submittals - This week i Report on Unit 1 S/G Tube Plugging.

Sense Line Slope Questions.

50.49 EQ Certification Letter (on hold).

IR 86 Response tc 4 violations for Sequoyah (on hold).

Steam Generator Tube Stress Relief.

Postmodification Testing (PMT) Review.

D/C Load Sequences Analyzed.

TVA Submittals - Next Week '

. SI Review Program Description. -

l Cable Pulling Test Program. .

~~~ - -

D8VP: Phase !! Schedule.

  • SQN As-Constructed Drawings.

NSRB Review of Technical Specifications ABGTS/EGTS Heater Test Requirements.

Appendl> B Technical Specification organization changes.

Rad. Monitor Test Requirements.

RHR Spray.

CO, System.


Letter from G. G. Zech to S.A. White dated February 26 on Report NOS.


Letter from G. G. Zech to S. A. White dated March 3rd on Report NOS.


Letter from J.M. Taylor to S. A. White dated March 5th on Sequoyah Des,tgn



l Calculation Review.

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-HNHFHM 14WWIW6' 16 IV. SITE ACTIVITIES EMPLOYEE CONCERNS AND SWEC AND NSRS REPORTS Watts Bar ECTG 1s reporting on these items for Sequoyah.


DNE is developing supplemental walkdown packages based upon the results of the initial walkdowns. On untt 2, as of March 4, a total of 44 supplemental packages have been received by the Systems Walkdown Group for additional walkdowns; all of these have been finished and returned to DNE.


! An inspection of the DNE calculation efforts and their overlap of the l Sequoyah DBVP was concluded on February 13. This 2-week inspection I examined programmatic aspects of the calculation efforts, as well as technical adequacy of specific calculations. TVA was presented with 36 observations and was requested to formally submit addltional information. Transmittal of the requested information is scheduled for March 27, 1987.

TVA has respoeded to the draft DBVP SER and will make an additional submittal by March 20, 1987, addressing the retaining issues on drawing control and Phase II scope and schedule. .

t NRC is presently conducting a'n inspection of D5VP SYSTERs which will _;

l conclude on March 13 and which should be the final D8VP inspection for -

I SQN unit 2. The TVA response to IE Report 86-55 1s now scheduled for l submittal to NRC on March 27, 1987.

  • All 35 SYSTERs have been issued. The project is condu: ting an Addendum Program on the SYSTERs as a means to update issued SYSTERs to reflect any changes that may have occurred since issuance. This program is carried out in the same manner as the original SYSTER preparation (f.e.,

use of procedures, etc.). Engineering Assurance (EA) has completed approximately 80 percent of their review of SYSTERs as of February 27, 1987.

A preliminary version of the DBVP Phase I final report (for internal use) was issued on March 5. EA plans to issue a final report by April 17, 1987.

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CABLE AMPACITY ISSUE The ampacity program description was submttted to NRC on December 23.

1986. The program results were submitted to NRC on February 27, 1987.

The' cable ampacity evaluation for Sequoyah has now been completed and the problems identified. Calculations originally used to dorate cables

! do not meet presort standards, and this affects the quallfled life of the cables. The work required to correct these problems is being I performed by an electrical section that is completely dedicated to ampacity concerns. The 108 circuits required for unit 2 restart are being evaluated and redesigned by this section as quickly as possible.

The schedule for this issue is currently being evaluated by TVA.

E0 PROJECT S1to modtf1 cat 1ons and work on closure of remaining open items for EQ t binder documentation continues. Remaining work includes resolution of a limited number of technical issues and field implementation items.

Approximately 92 percent of the original scope open items have been

resolved and closed out.

l Evaluation of Raychem splices installed in other than nanufacturer's recommended configuration is continuing. Adattional testing of Raychem splices representative of as-installed configurations is complete, and test results indicate no failures. Installation problems outside the '

configuration limits of the test have been noted through sample walkdowns, and a plan for corrective action has been developed that ,-

includes field inspection of all 50.49 spitees. Many problems have beert -

identified by field inspection, and corrective action has been initiated to replace unacceptable splices.

A program has been initiated to evaluate acceptability of piece parts

procured to QA Level II requirements. The impact on EQ will be addressed as specific problems are identified.

A DNQA audit of the EQ Program was completed on March 4, 1987. No significant impact on the EQ Program was identified.

SUPERHEAT l TVA provided a response to seven NRC superheat questions on February 18, i

1987. TVA noted in this response that 10 CFR 50.49 conduit seals for specific limit switches in the valve vaults have been added to the EQ program. TVA anticipates establishing qualification of these conduit sea s for superheat conditions by utilizing a methodology similar to the

February 18 submittal. Full qualification documentation will be
  • i included for the conduit seals in the approp'rtate SQN EQ binder in accordance with TVA's established procedures.


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NRC's contract reviewers (Frankitn Research Center) indicated that TVA's February response provided the information necessary to approve TVA's methodology for qualification of equipment under superheat conditions.

SURVEILLANCE INSTRUCTION REVIEW The total number of instructions requiring review before unit 2 restart has been reevaluated by each section, and a new master list of 805 instructions has been approved by the acting plant manager. As of March 3, 1987, 516 revised SI-I Appendix F checklists have been completed for these instructions which satisfy technical specification (TS) surveillance requirements and are required before unit 2 restart.

At this time, there are 73 re-reviewed TS-related sis through formal PORC.

As a result of the SI review, a total of 68 Pros have been generated.

Of these Pros, 20 have become LERs, 42 PR0s were not reportable, and 6 are still under review.

HEAT CODE TRACEABILITY DNE has provided a position statement concerning applicable codes for piping at SON to DNS&L for review with respect to the current '

requirements shown in the FSAR. This review will determine if a clarification of the FSAR is necessary. Senior DNE management met with . . ,

the ECTG to determine issues to be addressed in the corrective sction -

plan (CAP) and corrective action tracking documents (CATDs). Agreement on the CAP and CATDs was not reached on February 7, 1987. Mr. Fox has been apprised of the specific points of the disagreement and has called for an independent assessment prior to taking any further action. TVA has contracted the services of two industry assess the points of disagreement and provide recommendations for resolution of the issues.

REPLACEMENT ITEMS PROJECT Sequoyah is the lead plant for implementing the Corporate Replacement Items Program (RIP). This week tie Replacement Items Project added 15 engineers and one technician to the project staff, bringing the overall staffing to 63. The status of principal activities is presented in the table below.

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1/814 ...-HNMPHH 14WWIWb 13

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4 5-REPLACEMENT ITEMS PROJECT (Cont'd) i Activity Status Inventory Conditional Release Tracking of QA Level I, !!, III installations continuing.

Evaluation of conditionally installed items is continuing.

Replacement Items History Maintenance records (MRs) being reviewed. Completed review of approx. 16,000 records potentially pertaining to 50.49 equipment.

. Preventive Maintenance Instructions (PNs) are being reviewed (identified approx.

l l 6500). Surveillance Instructions

' - (sis) are being reviewed (identified approx. 550).

Site and Engineering Procedures o Quality Release Site Administrative Instruction (AI) in review for PORC i approval, o SQEP for Commercial-Grade '

Dedication has been turned into Technical Instruction .

(TI) 105. It has been- - - -

approved as TI-105 and will be sent to the Bethesda Office shortly.

l 0 SQA-45 (Procurement), AI-36 (Storage), and SQN-2 (Maintenance) have been revised to fully implement the dedication process and are in review for PORC approval.

o Maintenance Review and Evaluation (TI-107) in review for PORC approval.

! Training o Training on Commercial-l Grade Dedication (TI-105) is i complete.

Project Planning and Scheduling o Project Plan Draft is in internal review. It includes the pre-restart schedule for the RIP. ,


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  • 6 .-HNHFHR 14U0106 14 I WG /-WW-W3 .


Evaluation of 50.49 Installed Items o Continuing.

Evaluation of Seismically Sensitive o Detailed implementation plan for Items screening and evaluation of seismically sensitive items is being drafted.

The RIP was described to the NRC Staff at a meeting in Bethesda on January 15, 1987. At that meeting, TVA received feedback from NRC indicating that they saw a need for the RIP to address the assurance of operability of all systems within the scope of the 08VP, especially seismically sensitive items. At the meeting with the Staff held March 3, 1987, TVA discussed the proposed action plan that addresses these concerns. Currently, TVA is drafting an implementation plan for examining seismically sensitive replacement items that are within the scope of the DBVP.


RMS:VYA 3/6/87 0085b 1

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.-. NATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT - UNITS 1 AND 2 ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEKS OF March 9, 1987 AND March 16, 1987 I. AUDIT 5. MEETINGS. AND INSPECTIONS DNQA audit of measuring and test equipment and document control -


DNQA audit of plant chemistry - entrance meeting 3/9/87.


A. 10 CFR 50.55(e) Reports Subiect Date CDR Number 390/86-64, Second Interim Report 03/16/87

Concerning Failure of Limitorque Motor Pinton Key and Motor Shaft I B. Employee Concern Task Group (ECTG)

As of February 26, 1987, all but four of the Sequoyah element reports had been submitted in final form to the NRC. All of these reports, i except for the report concerning heat code traceability, were expected to be submitted by March 1,1987. Subsequent reports to be' submitted to the NRC will b6 subcategory and category reports. These ,, not affect Sequoyah restart. These reports are TVAr.wtde - -


reports and address concerns at all four nuclear plants and corporate offices. The progress of these reports is shown below:

! Status of subcategory Reports as of 2/25/87 Subcategory Reports Reports SRP NRC C/A SRP NRC Category Needed Prenared Concur Initial Provided Final Finst EN 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 19 1< '

O O' 0 0 0" MC 7 . c 0 0 0 0 0 CA 6 0 0 0 0 0 0

__ C P 13 I) 0 0 0 0 0 NSRS-8FN 0 i) 0 0 0 0 0 l

NSRS-Bl,N 0 0 0 0 0 0 NSRS-W IN 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

$NEC-B rN 0 0 0 0 0 0 SNEC-8LN 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SNEC-NBN 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 90 21 0 0 0 0 0 C. During this period, a submittal concerning response to RTO bypass questions is anticipated.


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1/ 14 s , -HNHF Htt 14WWlW6 lb 3WW/-WJ-W6 .

D. A submittal concerning control room design review schedule is expected during this period.

E. Responses to inspection reports 390, 391/86-25, -24, and -21 will be submitted.

i III. NRC CORRESPONDENCE. REPORTS. AND CLOSURES None IV. SITE ACTIVITIES A. Stoowork Orders As a result of concerns expressed by one of the resident inspectors, an NCR has been initiated and an administrative hold put in place for construction testing. The hold will be released on verification that ANSI requirements are fully implemented by the site procedures (QCT series).

In the area of instrument sensing lines, the stopwork order has been partially released, and a ilmited scopa of work is ongoing. For the remainder of the stopwork order. a release plan has been developed and approved through site level review. This plan contains the same-l elements as in the partial relette. Release of the stopwork.--order is . . ,

targeted for May. -

For hydrogen collection ductwork and safety-related, spiral welded HVAC ductwork, a resolution plan has been drafted, and review will begin during this period. Approximately 2,100 welds throughout the plant need to be proven adequate for seismic loading.

B Weld Task Groun Level III review of all untt I radiographs has begun. Issuance of engineering procedure for evaluation and corrective action is in process. Additional radiography required for evaluation is approximately 65 percent complete. Resource problems are impacting schedule.

Weld repair work for Control But1 ding, elevation 741, structural steel problems, continues. Initial sketches of connections are complete, and approximately 7 percent of the final drawings have been issued by DNE for package preparation. Roughly four percent of the required packages have been issued, and about two percent of the '

connections are complete. Inspection of the completed connections has begun.


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. 3 C. Electrical Issues Conduit supports and other electrical issues have been combined for concurrent resolution. Cost / benefit analysis will be performed to decide which walkdown method will be used. Until the cable routing program software is qualif ted, calculations must be performed for any new cable routing to prevent overft11. Reassignment of personnel is impacting the schedule for resolution.

3. Environmentaff0uattftcation of cable No significant progress - All open items requiring documentation changes have been identified. Open items remain on approximately 54 cables, of which, about 34 require resolution of computer program and procedure problems.

A draft walkdown procedure to perform calculations for acceptability of pulling force has been prepared to document as-installed conditions for 55 cables with lost installation documentation. This procedure will be reviewed for tecnnical adequacy and need. However, procedure review is on hold awaiting decision for sketching all 1E l conduits for support anal,rsts.

E. Desian Baseline and Verification Proaram (08VP)

The name was changed from Engineering Configuration Assurance Prograd l

to D8VP to be consistent with the program name at other TVA plants. ,  ;

No significant progress - Eleven of 24 procedures have been issued.

One procedure currently is being developed. The program manual has been issued. Development of the commitments / requirements data base to be used in development of the design basis document is complete.

Limited staff resources are impeding progress.

F. Manaer Analysis and Update Procram As this is currently a critical path item for fuel load, options to reduce the manhour estimate are being pursued. The identification of '

major technical issues which need to be addressed is complete, the action plan on issues has been identified, and the implementation team is in place, with areas of responsibility defined. Minor technical issues continue to be identified, extending the scope of work. Required interfaces with other major issues have been identified. Limited resources are affecting this program.

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1/81b ...-HNHFHM 146WlW6 IW tww/-WW-Ub G. Eautoment Seismic Qualification Completed detail review of open CAQs; completed recommended action plan to resolve issue for most siesmic Category I instruments; completed program description drafts and review for all areas; completed report section for open CAQs which will provide the consolldated corrective action plan; started writing the implementation plan; began trend study of all issue related CAQs; and developed recommended actions to improve the program.

I. Concrete Concerns Nondestructive testing of installed concrete, using the Windsor probe method, is complete. Results are being evaluated. Results indicated some areas of lower strength for which core drilling and testing will be used to determine in-place concrete strengths. The first three cora samples were found to be of acceptable strength.

J. Renlacement items project The Watts Bar Replacement Items Project has been established as part of the Corporate Replacement Items Program (RIP) following Sequoyah's lead. Return of shop spares to the Power Stores Warehouse is

- underway, and use of shop spares has been stopped. All shop spares should be returned during this period. A resolution plan has been '

drafted and is under review. Controlled, Ilmited, condittonal reprocurement is ongoing in support of maintenance activities. Site - -

procedures have been strengthened, providing stricter contr61 ef '

quality level 2 and 3 ttoms and conditional procurement release for replacement parts.

K. Corrective Action Team Approximately a15 corrective action plans will be required. To date, approximately 376 CATDs have been provided by ECTC. For these, approximately 273 corrective action plans (CAPS) have been returned to ECTG and received ECTG concurrence. Approximately 173 CAPS t. ave been submitted to the senior review panel, but none have yet been approved.

RHS:WA 3/6/87 0085b 6

i iii e i


, tww/-ea-ub 1/:16 -HNHFHM 14WW186 19 l 1

l CORPORATE ITEMS FOR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES REPORT TO NRC j Generic Licensing Commitment Trackine l Generic Licensing is tracking commitments to NRC that were made in the Nuclear Performance Plan. The status of each commitment is tracked through its implementation and closure. Approximately 38 percent of the comm1tments are i

on hold / verify pending the Compliance Management Section's evaluation of their completion. Each committment will be examined upon completion to determine if

, additional independent vertftcation should be performed. To date.


approximately 15 percent of the commitments have been transmitted to the Olvision of Nuclear Quality Assurance for independent verification.

I Replacement Items Progras

On March 3, 1987, a meeting with the Staff was held to discuss TVA's strategy for verifying that the seismic qualification of equipment (wtthin the Design Baseline Vertftcation Program (DBVP), Phase 1, scope) has not been degraded l

tnrough the use of unqualified replacement items. The meeting was held in

! response to the feedback that TVA received after the January 15, 1987 meeting at which TVA initially presented its Replacement Items Program (RIP) to the Staff, t

The Program Plan for the Replacement Items has been drafted and is in internal '

l review. Consistent with the direction given to TVA by the Staff at the l

March 3,1987 meeting, the Program Plan includes the basic program .,

descriptfor., schedule, seismic screening criteria, and speelfic reference to -

all appitcable program procedures by number and title. TVA is currently working with EQE, the developer of the Seismic Qualification Utility Group's (SQUG) earthquake expertence database, to look at TVA replacement items and positively screen out items not seismically sensitive based on the SQUG database. The official submittal of the program plan is expected to be made within the next two weeks. Specific activities at each site can be found under the heading " Replacement Items Project" in each site's report.

Conditions Adverse to Quality 0

A letter was sent on March 2, 1987 to NRC on the subject of the Order Modifying Licenses (EA85-49), concerning the new procedure on identification

[ and dispositioning of conditions adverse to quality (CAQ) (Part I Section i 2.16 of Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual). The new procedure provides an i effective device for processing CAQ's arising anywhere in the TVA nuclear power program whether it be in engineering, construction or operations. TVA l

t has committed to implementing the new generic CAQ procedure by providing extensive training and an employee awareness program for all plants except' Sequoyah by March 30, 1987; due to priority efforts, it was implemented at Sequoyah on February 23, 1987.

RHS:VYA 03/06/87 0065b


Generic Licensing Commitment Trackina Generic Ltcensing is tracking commitments to NRC that were made in the Nuclear Performance Plan. The status of each commitment ls tracked through its implementation and closure. Approximately 38 percent of the commitments are on hold / verify pending the CompItance Management Section's evaluation of their completion. Each commitment will be examined upon completion to determine if additional independent vertftcation should be performed. To date, approximately 15 percent of the commitments have been transmitted to the Division of Nuclear Quality Assurance for independent verification.

- Replacement Items Procram On March 3, 1987, a meeting with the Staff was held to discuss TVA's strategy for verifying that the seismic qualification of equipment (within the Design Baseline Verification Program (DBVP) Phase 1, scope) has not been degraded through the use of unqualified replacement items. The meeting was held in response to the feedback that TVA received after the January 15, 1987 meeting at which TVA initially presented its Replacement Items Program (RIP) to the


l The Program Plan for the Replacement Items has been drafted and is in internal review. Consistent with the direction given to TVA by the Staff at the March 3,1987 meeting, the Program Plan includes the basic program description, schedule, seismic screening criteria, and specific reference to I all applicable program procedures by number and title. TVA is currently l working with EQE, the developer of the Seismic Qualif1 cation Utillty Group's I (SQuG) earthquake experience database, to look at TVA replacement items and positively screen out items not seismically sensitive based on the SQUG database. The official submittal of the program plan is expected to be made within the next two weeks. Specific activities at each site can be found under the heading " Replacement Items Project" in each site's report.

Conditions Adverse to Ouality A letter was sent on March 2, 1987 to NRC on the subject of tne Order Modifying Licenses (EA85-49), concerning the new procedure on identification and dispositioning of conditions adverse to quality (CAQ) (Part I Section 2.16 of Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual). The new procedure provides an effective device for processing CAQ's arising anywhere in the TVA nuclear power program whether it be in engineering, construction or operations. TVA has committed to implementing the new generic CAQ procedure by providing extensive training and an employee awareness program for all plants except Sequoyah by March 30, 1987; due to priority efforts, it was implemented at Sequoyah on February 23, 1987.

-HNHPHX 14W015b El 200/-00-W3 1/810 Revised Corporate Nucleay Performance Plan (Volume 1)

Revision 4 o' Volume 1 ts scheduled for submittal to the NRC the week of March 12, 1937. The revision will address resolution of the conflict of interest issue, management changes, and the implementation of corporate commitments.

RHS:VYA 03/06/87 0085b M

4 MAR 09ggg7







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