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Application for Proposed Amend 131 to License DPR-54, Adding Class 1 Level Instrumentation for Condenser Storage Tank to Tech Spec Tables 3.5.1-1 & 4.1-1,per NUREG-0737.No Significant Hazards Evaluation Encl.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 06/20/1986
From: Julie Ward
To: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20206H807 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 JEW-86-066, JEW-86-66, NUDOCS 8606260312
Download: ML20206H802 (4)



7 SMUD SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT O 62o1 s street, P.O. Box 15830 Sacramento CA 95852 1830,1916) 452-3211 AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA JEW 86-066 June 20,1986 DIRECTOR OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ATTENTION FRANK J MIRAGLIA DIRECTOR PWR-B DIVISION U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC 20555 DOCKET NO. 50-312 LICENSEE NO. DPR-54 PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 131 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District proposes to amend its Operating License DPR-54 for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Unit No. 1.

Proposed Amendment No. 131 adds Class 1 level instrumentation for the Conden-sate Storage Tank pursuant to NUREG-0737.

Details of the proposed amendment are provided in Attachments I, II and III, which are the Safety Analysis, "No Significant Hazards" Evaluation and De-scription of Proposed Changes, respectively.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), the Radiological Health Branch of the Cal-ifornia State Department of Health Services has been informed of this pro-posed amendment by mailed copy of this submittal.

Enclosed is a check in the amt int of $150.00 as required by 10 CFR 170.21,

" Schedule of Fees."

Should you require any further information with respect to this proposed amendment, please contact Mr. Ron Colombo at Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Stati". Unit No. 1.






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Attachments (3)


Subscribed and sworn to before me cc: Region V (2) this 3 0 " day of 3 o n41986.

INP0 PDR ADOCK 05000312 tN,~)A Wh h0 8606260312 860620 j

P PDR Notary Public jj ual* #

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ATTACHMENT I SAFETY ANALYSIS Proposed Amendment No. 131 revises Table 3.5.1-1 and 4.1-1 to show the instrum-entation installed in the Condensate Storage Tank Water Level Monitoring system i

pursuant to NUREG-0737, Item II.E.1.1.

i The installation consists of two safety-grade level transmitters, each powered from a different channel with independent Class 1E power sources. Water level is indicated and alarmed in the control room on the plant computer.

Seismic Category I supports are used for the instrument installation, instrument tubing and electrical raceways up to and including the signal conversion (power i

supply) and the isolation and multiplexer cabinets.

In addition, all equipment used for the Condensate Storage Tank Water Level Monitoring system is environ-mentally qualified up to and including the isolation cabinets in accordance with l

the May 23, 1980 Commission Order and Memorandum (CLI-80-21).

i The circuit design is such that no single failure in the instrumentation loop will impair the ability to provide an indication of condensate storage tank water level in the control room. Only a single sensing line is used to connect i

transmitters, thus there is a possibility for a common mode failure. However, an active mode failure is not possible, and the potential of a common mode failure is minimized by having the sensing lines seismically installed and heat i


The above described information is considered an acceptable compliance with NUREG-0737, II.E.1.1, and thus judged to be a design improvement beneficial to plant safety.

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e ATTACHMENT II "N0 SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS" EVALUATION Proposed Amendment No. 131 consists of an addition to Table 3.5.-1 (Process Instrumentation Item 10) and to Table 4.1-1 (Item 58). These additions comprise level transmitters, sensing lines, cables, etc., installed in the Condensate Storage Tank Water Level Monitoring system in compliance with NUREG-0737, II.


The District has revietad the proposed change against the criterion of 10 CFR 50.92 and concluded that plant operation with added safety-grade instrumenta-tion installed in the Condensate Storage Tank Water Level Monitoring system would not:

i a.

involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The installed instrumentation provides indication and alarm in the control room of Condensate Storage Tank water level. The installation provides the control room operator with reliable information of plant status, and thus cannot be seen as in-creasing the probability or consequences of an accident previously i

j evaluated.


create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed. As stated above, the installation has the sole purpose of providing plant status information to the contral room oper-ator in accordance with NUREG-0737, II.E.1.1.

This installation is con-


sidered beneficial to safe operation of the plant, and thus is not seen as creating the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 1

any previously analyzed.


involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

In providing reliable plant status information to the control room operator, the installation is considered an enhancement of plant safety, and accord-


ingly judged to have no adverse effect on any margins of safety.

l Based on the above considerations, the District has concluded that:

1) there I

is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operating in the proposed manner, and 2) such activities will be l

conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.


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Table 3.5.1-1, page 3-30a: Added Process Instrumentation Item 10, Condensate Storage Tank Water Level.

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Table 4.1-1, page 4-7c: Added Item 58, Condensate Storage Tank Level Channels.

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