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Clarifies Tech Spec 4.7.9.a Re Snubber Visual Insp.Next Snubber Visual Insp for Unit 1 Scheduled During Next Refueling Outage Expected to Begin During Sept 1989.Unit 2 Visual Insp Expected to Be Performed During Mar 1989
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/1988
From: Hairston W
NUDOCS 8811010543
Download: ML20205L252 (2)



  • A!abama Pow;r Company 600 North 18th Street Post Off:ce Box 2641 e,rmingham, Alabama 352914400 Te:ephone 205 250-1837 W G. Hairston, til Senior Vice President Nuctear Operat,ons Alabama Power tre soorten emsc smem October 26, 1988 Docket Nos. 50-348 50-364 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Vashington, D.C.

20555 Gentlemen:

Joseph H. Farley Nuclear Plant - Units 1 and 2 Interpretation of Technical Specification 4.7.9.a Provisions On March 30, 1987, the NRC issued amendments to the Facility Operating Licenses for Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2.

These amendments modified, on a one-time basis (until startup from the eighth and fifth refueling outages on Units 1 and 2, respectively), the snubber visual inspection tables.

Alabama Power Company has revieved these amendments and determined that the provisions of the modified inspection tables may be utilized for the inspection performed during the eighth and fifth refueling outages to establish the next visual inspection periods.

One snubber visual inspection failure was identified at the last refueling outage for each unit.

For Unit 1, inaccessible snubber visual exams during the eighth refueling outage were completed May 5, 1988 and inaccessible hydraulic snubber mark number RC-R226 was identified as a visual failure.

Snubber RC-R226 attaches to a hanger outside the pressurizer cell vall and has an extension rod that passes through a hole in the vall. The extension rod then attaches to a 6" pressurizer safety line. The snubber assembly was found with the rod extension binding on the edge of the penetration and bent down at an angle approximately 70 to 80 degrees. The snubber assembly could not be functionally tested in the "as found" configuration and was functionally tested and accepted after removing the bent rod extension piece.

Although the snubber passed its functional test "as tested," determined that in the "as found" condition the snubber vould not have performed its intended function during a safety relief valve blovdovn.

For Unit 2, accessible snubber visual exams during the fifth refueling outage vere completed November 5, 1987 and accessible mechanical snubber mark number SS-13177 vas identified as a visual failure.

Snubber SS-13177 is located on a main steam drain pot in the auxiliary building and was found with the snubber forward and rear brackets rotated.

Functional testing shoved the snubber vould not have performed its intended function as a 8811010543 801026 PDR ADOCK 05000340 0


e 4

U. S. N'uclear Re.gulatory Commission Page 2 I

result of unacceptably high breakaway drag in compression and erratic running drag behavior.

Additional inspections and evaluation for these snubber failures determined that the restrained components were not adversely affected by the unsatisfactory snubbers and the attached components remained capable of performing their design service with no adverse effects on plant safety.

Utilizing the modified tables, the next snubber visual inspection period for each unit would be set at 18 months 225%. Thus, for Unit 1 the next snubber visual inspection would be performed at the next scheduled refueling outage (September 1989). This precedes the 18 month period that ends November 5, 1989.

For Unit 2, the next snubber visual inspection vould be performed at the next schsduled refueling outage (March 1989).

This precedes the 18 month period tnat ends May 5, 1989.

The use of the modified tables would allow the visual inspections to be performed during the scheduled refueling outage for each unit, precluding prior shutdowns for the sole purpose of snubber visual inspections. The NRC is requested to provide its approval of this interpretation prior to February 5, 1989 (end of Unit 2 12 month + 25% period), to preclude submittal of a Technical Specification amendment request. The required fee of $150.00, per 10 CFR 170.21, is enclosed.

In addition, it should be noted that this approval is being requested in advance of the February 28, 1989 date shown in Alabama Power Company's Status of Licensing Items submittal of September 9, 1988.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, ALABAMA POVER COMPANY v).}. LL C=

V. G. Hairston, III VGH,III/JARidst-V8.23 Enclosure cci Mr. L. B. Long Dr. J. N. Grace Mr. E. A. Reeves Mr. G. F. Maxwell