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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/97-20 Issued on 971114.Actions Responsive to Concerns Raised.Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Inspections
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 01/14/1998
From: Murray B
To: Maynard O
50-482-97-20, NUDOCS 9801200294
Download: ML20198N219 (4)

See also: IR 05000482/1997020



  • N8 %g UNef tD STAf tS

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%f ,, "' , ,o ARLINGTON, T E xAB 76011 A064

January 14, 1998~



. Otto L Maynard, President and

Chief Executive Officer

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation

P.0, Box 411  !

Buriington, Kansas 66839


Dear Mr. Maynard:  !

Thank you for your letter of December 12,1997, in response to our letter and Notica of Violation

dated November 14,1997. We reviewed your reply and requested additionalinformation during

a telephone conversation on December 31,1997, between M. Blow of your staff and


L Ricketson of Region IV. After reviewing the information in your response and that provided

during the telephonc conversation, wu find your actions responsive to the concems raised in our

Notice of Violation.

With respect to Violation 50-482/9720 02, we understand that, in addition to the focused

corrective actions described in your letter, you addressed the violation more broadly by

discussing the procedural requirements for conditionally releasing items from the radiologically

controlled area with the entire operational health physics staff,

With respect to Violation 50-482/9720-03, we understand that your corrective actions will

address the identified root cause of the violation, which was the vague procedural guidance. We


understand that you will not only perform evaluations of the items discussed in your response,

but you willimplement revisions to trect any shortcomings identified.

If we have improperly characterized your corrective actions, please contact us for additional

discussion. We will review the implementation of your corrective actions during a future

' inspection to determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.




1 1

M Blain Murray, Chief \


$ Plant Support Branch

Division of Reactor Safety (

cc: i

Chlef Operating Officer . '


  • '

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

P,0. Box 411

m ,Burlington, Kansas 66839




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, .


Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -2

Jay Silberg, Esq. f

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge l


2300 N Street, NW -

Washington, D.C. 20037

Supervisor Lloonsing  !


Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

P.O. Box 411 i

Buriington, Kansas 66830 ,


Chief Engineer

Utilities Division i

Kansas Corporation Commissico

1500 SW Arrowhead Rd.

Topeka, 66004 4027

Office of the Govemor

State of Kansas t

Topeka, Kansas 66612 l

Attomey General *

Judicial Center

301 S.W.10th

2nd Floor

Topeka, Kansas 66612 1597

County Clerk

Coffey County Courthouse

Burlington, Kansas 66839-1798 ,

Vick L. Cooper, Chief

Radiation Control Program  :

Kansas Department of Health

and Environment ,

Bureau of Air and Radiation

Forbes Field Building 283

Topeka, Kansas 66620

Mr. Frank Moussa

- Division of Emergency Preparedness

l 2800 SW Topeka Blvd

L Topeka, Kansas 66611 1287-






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Wolf Creek Nucieer Operating Corporation -3-l {



DISTRipuTION w/ mpy of licannan's letter dated December 12.1997:  ;

DMB (IE06)  ;

. Regional Administrator - .

Wolf Creek Resident inspector ' l

DHS Dweetor .i

DRS Deputy Director.

DRP Director ,



. SRI (Callaway, RIV)  ;

Branch Chief (DRP/B) -l

Project Engineer (DRP/B)  !

Branch Chief (DRPF7' i

MIS System -  :

RIV File .


L Ti Ricketson, DRS/PSB - -;


. i

L At 97-G 138 .






















7. e.ema oopy or e wn ni. inmeme in bon: c = copy m enciosum a = copy ws, .ncio um v = No cay - ,


RIV:PSB -1 _



LTRicketson:nh D BWlurW L BJohnson PW i

01/1/98 01/g98 - I 01/M98







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Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation - 3-

Ql1TRIBUTION w/emy of skannee's letter da*M December 12.1997: ,

- DM8 (IE06)  :

Ragional Administrator

Wolf Creek Resident inspector

DRS Director

DRS Deputy Dir'ector

DRP Director


SRI (Callaway, RIV)  :

Branch Chief (DRP/B)

Project Engineer (DRP/B)

Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) .

MIS System  ;

RIV File  :


L T. Ricketson, DRS/PSB

- Al 97-G 138 ,






To rocsive e.opy of document, indkate in boa:"C" = Copy without enclosures *Eae Copy wth er closures *N" = No copy


LTRicketson:nh D BMurM}h BJohnson '


01/1/98 01/g98 I 01/W98





. . . , - . . . _ . - , --~m-m+ , - - . --e-wr-E-n..m - - * , = -

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Clay C. Warren

Chef Operating Officer ~R , l n,'-

i- ., ya <

h9 f,4

t ; .1 ,, ---

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liial. l 6 hGT 7


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December 12, 1997

,. '


WO 97-0133

U. S. t1uclear Regulatory Commission

ATT11: Document Control Desk

Mail Station P1-137

Washington, D. C. 20555

Reference: Letter dated 11ovember 14, 1997, from A. T. Howell III,

NRC, to 0. L. !!aynard, i?C110C

Subject: Docket tio. 50-482: Response to flotice of

Violations 50-482/9720-01, 9720-02, and 9720-03


This letter transmits Wolf Creek 11uclear Operating Corporation's (WCriOC)

response to Notice of violations 50-482/9720-01, 9720-07, and 9720-03.

Violation 9720-01 cites a failure to post and control a locked high radiation

areas Violation 's720-02 addresses a failure to track and label items

containing radioactive materials and Violation 9720-03 identifies a failure to

conspicuously post a contaminated area.

WCNOC's response to these violations is provided in the attachment. If you

have any questions regarding this response, please contact me at (316) 364-

883*., extension 4485, or Mr. Michael J. Angus at extension 4077.

Very truly y urs,

.IiT *W%%4 a


Clay C. Warten V


cc W. D. Johnson (NRC), w/a

E. W. Herschoff (NRC), w/a

J. F. Ringwald (NRC), w/a

K. M. Thomas (NRC), w/a

} R- D dh'h b

PO Don 411/ Burhngton, KS 66839 / Phone:1316) 364 8831

MMM i[p An Eauni Cmors u rwty Envovw M FmvCT


Attcchm:nt to UO 97-0133

. Fage 1 of 8

Violation 50-482/9720-01:

"10 CFR 70.1003 defines a high radiation area as an area, accessible to

individuals, in which radiation levels could result in an individual

receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 100 milliren.s in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30

cantimeters from the radiation source or from any surface that radiation

penetrates. 10 CPR 20.1902(b) requires the licensee to post a high

radiation area with a conspicuous sign or signs bearing the radiation

symbol and the words, ' Caution, high radiation area.'

Technical Specification 6.12.2 requires, in part, that areas accessible

to personnel with radiation of greater than 1000 millirems per hour

shall be previded with locked doors to prevent unauthorized entry or,

where no enclosure exists for the purpose of locxing and no enclosure

can be reasonably constructed around the individual area, that

individual area be barricaded, conspicuously posted, and a flashing

light shall be activated as a warning device.

Contrary to the above, October 12-13, 1997, an area above filter THBil

with radiation levels greater than 1000 millirems per hour was not

conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and a flashing light was

not activated as a warning device."

Reason for Violation:

During routin9 replacement of the FHB11 filter, the wotk was stopped due to a

broken cover telt (one of four). At shift turnover, the job was left for the

oncoming crew to replace the broken bolt, once an engineering disposition was

received, and then to continue with completion of the filter change-out in

accordance with the work package. The oncoming crew supervisor was directed

by Outage Control Center personnel to torque the three bolts, so the system

could be returned to service. The decision was based on the need to support

Refuel Outage IX activities.

Maintenance per.sonnel tightened the three bolts, and signed off the work.

package as complete, with annotations by the supervit,or that only three tolts

were tightened, and that WCNOC Operations personnel would replace the shield


The unit was leak tested and placed in service at 2:30 AM en October 13, 1997.

I.: approximately 1:00 FM on October 13, 1997, it was discovered that the

shield plug had not been replaced. This condition went undetected, and the

radiation levels began ircreasing af ter the filtration unit was placed inte


Dose rates gradually increased until the condition was discovered,

approximately ten hours later. Dose rates at that time were found to be ten

REM per hour on contact, and three REM per hour at twelve inches. This

condition had the potential to cause significant personnel radiation exposure;

however, no significant exposure was recorded because of the event.

Root Cause

The root cause of this event was failure of individuals to follow the

renuirements of maintenance procedure MCM M723Q-01, Revision 9, "NSSS Filter


__. ,_




.. A~tcchment to CO 97-0133

  • - Page 2 of 9

Contrikuting Factors

The following causal factors contributed to the failure to follow the

requirements of procedure M2M M7230-0A.

e A Maintenance past practice of allowing individuals outside the Maintenance

department to complete procedure work steps for them.

  • A failure of Maintenance personnel to adhera to the admir.istrative

requirements of procedure AP 15C-002, " Procedure "se and Adherence."

e A failure by the individuals involved to communicate the need for actions

to assure the work was completed in a satisfactory manner.

Corrective Steps Taken and Results Achieved: I

e When the condition was identified, the Shift Supervisor, Health Physics

Shif t Technician, and Health Physics Supervision were immediately informed.

Health Physics personnel surveyed and posted the area, then secured the

area by having the shield plug replaced.

  • Procedure GEN 00-030, Revision 16, " Solid Radwaste System Filter Change"

was revised on October 14, 1997, to add specific direction to operators for

installing the shield plug.

  • On December 4, 1997, procedure MCM M7230-01 was revised by On-the-Spot-

Change (OTSC) 97-0829, to cover only the steps which Maintenance persor.nel


  • The Superintendent Chemistry / Radiation Protection reinforced nanagement

expectations regarding communications with Health Physics personnel dur'ng

a two hour stand down period ,n October 14, 1997. This session included

b3th in house and cor'.ractor technicians. The Superintendent

Chemistry / Radiation Protection einphasized the need to apply focus on work

expectations, to be intrusive, and to demand to be notified of system


e On October 14, 1997, the Superintendent Chemistry / Radiation Protection also

gave directirn to the Health Physics organization to not allow the filter

shield plur to be removed, in the future, without continuouc Health

Physics covs age. Administrative Procedure AP 25A-200, " Access to Locked

High or Very High Radiation Areas" was revised on November 18, 1997, to

reflect this direction,

e On November 6, 1997, the Manager Maintenance gave training to all

Maintenance Sepervisors and workcts, to reinforce:

1. That procedures must be followed, even if told something different

2. That workers should never allow anyons in authority to give direction

which would cause a violation of procedures;

3. That workers should never allow another organization to perform work you

are responsible to performs-

4. That supervisors are allowed to annotate steps not performed in a

proceduro only if not performing the step has no affect on ths outcome

of the work activity; and,

. . . _ .




. Attachm:nt to WO 97-0133

  • . Page 3 of 8

5. The nead for better communications when exceptions to routine activities

are encountered.

Corrective Pteps To Be Takent

  • A supplement to Performance Improvement Request (PIR) 97-3199 will be

developed to document the actions taken to clarify the requirements for-

placing non-cenforming equipment into service. This clarification will be

communicated to site persor.ael by February 1, 1998.

Date When rull Compliance Will Be Achieved:

At approximately 100 PM on October 13, 1997, it was discovered that the

shield plug had not Jeen replaced. The area was immediately surveyed by

Health Physics, and proper postings established. This posting re-

established complj ance to 10 CFR 20.1902 (b) and Technical Specification 6.1

2.2 on October 13, 1997.

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. Attcchm:nt to WO 97-0133


Page 4 of B.

Violation 50-482/9720-02:

" Technical Specification 6.8.1.a requires, in part, t hat written

procedures be established, implemented, and maintained covsring the

procedures recommended in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision

2, February 1978. Section 7.e.(4) lists radiation protection procedures

for contamination control. ...

Procedure RPP 02-515, 'Pelease of Material From the RCA,' Revision 8,

Section 9.4.1 states, in part, ' Material 110T meeting the unconditional

release criteria may be taken outside the normally established RCA. Form

RPF 02-515-02 is used for conditional release of items.' Section 9.4.1.d

states, in part, "The item must be labeled . . . .'

Contrary to the above, Snubbers 17994 and 20231, items not meeting the


unconditional release criteria were taken outside the

established radiological controlled area on October 12, 1997, without

using Form RPF 02-515-02 and without being labeled to dentify the

presence of radioactive contaminatior."

Raason for Violation:

On October 12, 1997, a Health Physics sechnician conditionally released two

snubbers from the Radiologically Controled Area (RCA) using form RPF 02-210-1,

"WCGS Radiological Survey Map." The correct form for conditional release of

material from the RCA is RPF 02-515-2, " Conditional Rolease Form."

Investigation identified that the individual received a call from the Health

Physics Shift Technician with information that tuo workers would be needing

snubbers released from the RCA. The snubbers aere to be installed in Area 5

(main steam enclosure) which is normally a part of the RCA, but had been

temporarily released f rom the RCA to support main steam isolation valve work

for Refuel Outage IX. The correct procedure, RPP 02-515, Revision 8,

" Release of Material f rom the RCA," was provided to the individual by the

Shift Technician, and the individual was told to release the snubbers if they

were radiologically acceptable. Upon surveying the snubbers the individual

was able to detect 40 counts per minute by direct frisk, which meets the

criteria for unconditional release. Because there were areas not accessible

to survey, the individual chose to be conservative and leave the radioactive

material stickers on the snubbers, and release them conditionally. The

snubbers were transported to Area 5 and installe( in their permanent location.

Area 5 has since been returned to its normal status as part of the RCA,

All survey conditions required by form RPF 02-515-2 were performed and

documented in a retrievable form on the Radiological Survey Map; however, not

using the correct conditional release was contrary to procedure RPP 02-515,

Revision 8 " Release of Material From the RCA." The release of equipment,

without using the proper form, increases the potential to lose accountability

and documentation of the equipment regarding destination, owner, Health

Physics requirements for the return of the item, and acknowledgment of the

item's return. Even though the decision to conditionally release these

snubbers was conservative, and not required, the correct form should have been

used. The correct f o rm, RPF 02-515-2, was completed upon identification of

the fact that the incorrect form was used.

Root Cause

The root cause for this incident was inadequate work practice, as evidenced by

the individual involved not follcwing procedural direction for conditionally

releasing equipment from the RCA. This was demonstrated when tha individual


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E.S Attcchment to'WO 97a0133 '

5-' Page 5 of 8 . ,

' '

6 *

f -


7 r


used an survey mapi tio'- document = tNa; radiological l conditions iof :the conditionally - .

released equipment instead.of_the Conditional-Release Form RPF 02-515-2.5


7 g_c_ _





correct mi ' steps Taken and Results Achieved:

4.. . - .

. _ . .



e -i A . fact .- finding -investigation ~ has been performed .: for , the '. event.

appropriate =. disciplinary actions _have been completed. ,

  • : The Health Physics - technician responsible" for : the -incident _ was . counseled

that RPFr02-515-2- - is the correct form i to ur:e when - performing conditional?


release L of _- tools and equipment - f rom; the RCA," and was: required to-. fill. out -

the. correct form,



Corrective Steps'To Be Talen:

4 -


}Nofurthercorrectiveactions-arenecessary.- - .


j Date when Full compliance will se Achieved:


3ru11 Compliance was achieved on-October 24, 1997, when the-correct RPr.02-515-

12 form was completed. _At thatttime, the two snubbers ' (17994 and ' 20231)' were -


correctly econtrolled' _ and documented, as required by procec*ure RPP 02-515,



. Revision: 8; . " Release of Material from the RCA."

- -

















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Attechm:nt to WO 97-0133

.. Page 6 of 8

Violation 50-482/9720-03:

" Procedure RPP 02-215, ' Posting of Radiological Controlled Areas,'

Revision 11, Section 9.1.1 states, in part, ' Area Postings are shown

in Attachment A. ' Attachment A of the procedure requires that an area

be posted if contamination levels are equal to or greater than

1000 disintegrations per minute per 100 centimeters squared

(beta / gamma). S e ct f.on 9.1. 2 states, in part, ' Posted areas must be

clearly and conspicuously marked at all accessible sides and


Contrary to the above, on or about August 7, 1997, an area around the

spent fuel pool with contamination levels equal to or greater than

1000 disintegrations per minute per 100 centimeters squared

(beta / gamma) was not conspicuously marked on all accessible sides."

Reason for Violation:

On August 5, 1997, while performing an investigation survey for personnel who

had become contaminated while in the clean area around the work area, it was

noted by the contract Health Physics Technicians covering the work, that the

workers were grabbing the boundary rail as they used the ladder for access

into and out of the transfer canal. This had caused at least two personnel

contaminations to the " clean" area. This contamination has radiological

safety significance because the area around the Spent Fuel Pool is posted as a

Potential Hot Particle Area, with the pool itself being posted as a Hot

Particle Area.

To remedy the condition described above a herculite boundary was raised by

approximately one foot on the outside of the handrail. When the additional

herculite was installed, the strap, which is sewn to the permanent herculite

rail covers to allow for hanging a Health Physics posting, was covered over

af ter the posting was removed. After completing the addition of the extra

herculite the Health Physics ?ochnician(s) failed to re-hang the posting,

believing that the remaining postings round the area met the requirement for

" conspicuously marked."

On Thursday, August 14, 1997, Health Fhysics was notified by a resident NRC

inspector that the radiological postings around the Spent Fuel Pool on 2047'

elevation of the Fuel Building did not meet the " conspicuously marked"

requirements of RPP 02-215. His concern was that there was no Health Physics

posting for the Spent Fuel Pool area in a direct line of site as he enterec

the 2047' elevation of the fuel Building from the 2047' elevation of the

Auxiliary Building.

A proper posting was hanging approximately ten to twelve feet further down the

railing, and on each of the rail sections around the pool area. There is no

set maximum distance requirement for posting in the WCNOC Health Physics

procedures, and the " conspicuously marked" requirement is subjective. All the

hand rails which surround the Spent Fuel Pool area are also covered with

herculite covers, thereby forming a barricade around the area that prevents

inadvertent entry into the area.

During the planning phase of this job, the Site ALARA Committee determined the

need for an in-house Health Physics Nchnician to be assigned to this work to

promote better communications between the work groups and Health Physics, and

to ensure procedural compliance by the contract Health Physics Technicians


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/ ' Attec;un:nt - to Wo 9I-0133

r. 3Pagei7 of;8< s


.This: requirementL was noted in Attachment; 1, < Section : IV of the Pre-Job ALARA


Brief,Mbut was not: clearlyz.. stated. . Because : of the. _ unclear requirement L and  ?


-Health: Physics-staffing-versusLwork load considerations, continuous 1coveragei

byL 11n-house technicians was - not - accomplished. - Multiple = in-house -. Health  :

Physics: Technicians were rotated through tne job'as their shift rotation and- -)


' other work ~ load-- allowed,--_- which . did not allow _ for as in-house Health Physics-

Technician to be:there every day.

. .

- ..


Minimal-'*in the field" support or. WCHOC Health . Physics ,

supervisj on was given - to the workers on this job. ;Although -Health Physics

supervisioni did attend ~ the - daily morning ' briefings that were heldPhysics in the- .


Health Physics /ALARA Briefing. Room at- Access : Control, Health


supervision was_ unable to monitor the- work in the _ field on a regular basis,

It was also noted at this time,' that-the Health Physics Supervisor Operations '

has 'a_ large administrative load,- which is directly related to the very large

supervisor . ratio, approximately 17:1,__ in the Health Physics



-worker to=

Operations groups  ;


._ Root Cause

Root cause investigations revealed that Health Physics procedure RPP 02+215 is

u' individual interpretation in some areas _of posting.

vague and open -to _

requirements.-- The term " conspicuously marked" leaves the interpretation up to;

each individual.

Contributing Causes:

1. Due to Health Physics Technician staffing versus work load considerations,

Health Physics supervision changed a past practice, ar did not meet the ,

Site ALARA~ Committee requirement, by. not ' assigning a he.ise Health Physics l

Technician to continuously cover the work. [

2. Health Physics Supervision provided little "in the field" guidance or

monitoring of the work, leaving the contract workers to use their own

judgment. The administrative work load and the number of workers that the

Health Physics SO is directly responsible for, at least seventeen workers

on a routine basis, did not allow for the time "in the field" needed to

ensure work meets management expectations,

t ,

Corrective Steps Taken and Results Achieved:

p e On August 14, 1997, a Health Physics Technician was' dispatched to the area-


of concern. He placed a posting containing all required information in


direct line of- site from the door coming from the 2047' elevation-of the

Auxiliary- Building, and verified the remaining postings around the Spent ,

ruel Pool,

e: .On-' November 21,-1997, the Superintendent. of.-Radiation Protection issued - a

message 'to all Health Physics technicians and' supervisors, on management


expectations regarding the requirements of " conspicuously marked" posting.


' Corrective steps To Be'Takent ,

l .e- ' Health . Physics" Department will review the Health Physics procedures for

l = accuracy and usability. This review will be completed by March 31, 1998.

L I* Health Physics: management will evaluate:

1. The need for. dedicated personnel to perform procedure-reviews;.




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E Jj : lAttechmIntto_WOI9kOl33)

..j Pegai8 of 8:-

.2.-The use ofJcontract personnel without dedicated in-house'oversighti and,-


-3.' Actions necessary to ensure proper in-house Health Physics staffing.


This evaluation will be completed by March 31,l1998.
  • = Health Physics and Executive management - will'. evaluate responsibilities of

~ direct::line Health? Physics supervisors. . .This review -will . include

supervisory: time . spent "in the field"; organizational structure; .and' -

worker-to-supervisor ratios. -- This _ evaluation will be - completed by March



Date When Full Compliance Will-Be Achievedt

- Full compliance was re-established on August 14, 1997, when a_-Health Physics

Technician,- who was - dispatched to the area of concern, placed a posting ;

containing allL required ..information in direct line of site with the - door

coming = f rom , the 2047' elevation of the Auxiliary Building.- =This technician

also: verified the remaining postings around the Spent-ruel Pool.-









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