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Revised Emergency Procedures,Including Rev 1 to EP IV-107, Manual Effluent Dose Calculations & Rev 1 to EP IV-106, Computerized Effluent Dose Calculations
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/1985
From: Clancy J, Salvesen R, Watson C
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML20151Z248 List:
PROC-851015, NUDOCS 8602140114
Download: ML20151Z258 (57)


or tv-lu t f,4y Pg. 1 of 37 s

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EP IV-107 he


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J y


The content of this procedure has been approved with the l

exception of information to be provided later, namely 0

updated RMS system information.

As such, this procedure is not to be implemented until revised to replace all items marked later.

It may, however, be used for validation purposes to prove the content and intent of the procedure.


Action Level Upon the decisicn to compute dose estimates using manual computational methods.


Individuals Who Will Implement This Procedure Dose Calculators 3.



3.1 Contact the Control Room (initial and short-term


augment) or TSC, as appropriate, to obtain a briefing on the incident and identify the probable pathways for release of radioactive material.

3.2 Obtain a copy of the most recently completed Dose Assessment Data Sheet.

Ensure that the time of reading on the data sheet is from the 15 minute interval immediately proceeding the dose calculation to be performed.

Based on the briefing and data t

available, use the decision tree and/or table of I

contents (Attachment lA and IB) to select the most applicable dose calculation method.

i l

l l

l L,

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F l

HCGS Rev. 1


R-l l

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~. iv ivi Pg. 2 of 37 l'


The forms necessary to complete this procedure,


i namely the Dose Assessment Data Sheet and the Dose i

Calculation Report Sheet are available in Addendum 4.


3.3 Quick Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Method Using Default Conversion Factors For Monitored Releases From the FRVS, NPV or SPV.

Perform the following steps.

NOTE This method should be used only if critical data such as plant vent flow rate, wind speed and/or time between accident and release is unknown or un-available.

3.3.1 Obtain the effluent monitor reading (uCi/cc) of interest from the Dose Assessment Data Sheet.

i 3.3.2 Select the appropriate conversion factor from the table in Attachment 2.


3.3.3 Calculate the whole body dose (arem/hr) by i

t multiplying the monitor reading by the conversion factor.

This will be the dose administered at the centerline downwind distance selected for the conversion factor.


3.3.4' Record the results on the Dose Calculation Report Sheet.

Report this dose when requested.

3.4 Extended Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Method for Monitored Releases From the FRVS, NPV or SPV.

Perform the following steps.

i 3.4.1 Calculate the release rate.


Obtain the monitor reading (uci/cc) of a.

interest from the Dose Assessment Data Sheet.


Obtain the vent flow reading (cfm).

Multiply the above by conversion factor 472 c.

y to calculate the release rate.

i HCGS t

i Rev. I

' O



Pg. 3 of '.37 uCi/cc cfm 472 uCi/cac Monitor Racding x V&nt Flow x Convercion = R31ec00 Rate Factor 3.4.2 Calculate the whole body dose.

O a.

Obtain the release rate as calculated f rom I

3.4.1 above.


Obtain the Xu/O value from Att. 4E.


Obtain the time corrected Noble Gas DRCF from I

Att. 6.


Multiply all of the above terms by 2.2E-6 conversion factor.

  • l e.

Divide that product by the adj usted wind l

speed as calculated f rom Att. 5.

t f.

Record the results on the Dose Calculation Report Sheet.

Report this value when so instructed.

This is the whole body dose rate, at the Xu/Q distance selected.

uCi/sec x x

x 2.2E-6 Release Rate from Xu/Q Noble Gas Conver-3.4.1 above (Att. 4E)

DRCF sion ii (Att. 6) factor x

1 mrom/hr


Dose Rate at sph Xu/O Distance u ( Adj usted Wind Speed From Att. 5)

O 3.5 Quick Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation

  • Method Using Default Conversion Factors For Monitored Releases From the FRVS, NPV or SPV.

Perform the following steps.

2 NOTE This method should be used only if criticial data j

such as plant vent flow rate, wind speed and/or i

time between accident release is unknown or un-l available.

i 3.5.1 Obtain the effluent monitor reading (uci/cc) of i

interest from the Dose Assessment Data Sheet.

l 3.5.2 Select the appropriate conversion factor from the I't table in Attachment 3.


i Defined as a 50 year thyroid dose commitment.

HCGS pey, 1

. _ -. =-

3.5.3 Calculato tha thyroid dozo commitmont rato 4

4 (mr:m/hr) by multiplying tho monitor roading by j l the conversion factor.

This will be the 1

committed dose rate administered at the center-4 line downwind distance -selected for the conver-

" ()

sion factor.

3.5.4 Record the results on the Dose Calcula. tion Report Sheet.

Report this dose when requested.

h; p,

3.5.5 To obtain the 50 year dose commitment, multiply the dose commitment rate by the hours exposed to l

that rate, e.g.,15 mrom/hr x 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 75 mrom.

3.5.6 If the plant vent radioiodine monitors are offscale and FRVS samples are not available determine the I-131 release rate with default calculation of 0.001 times the noble gas release rate.

3.6 Extended Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation Method

  • Using Charcoal and Silver teolite Sample Analysis From the FRVS.

Perform the following steps.

'3.6.1 Calculate the release rate using actual analysis data (concentration).

See EP IV-105 Evaluation of RMS Data From High-Range channel RE-4811B (DAPA).


uCi/sec l

uCi/cc x CFM x 472


Actual Vent Flow Conversion Release Rate Concentration Rate Factor NOTE If the above method is infeasible, calculate the estimated iodine concentration based on the High-Range Noble Gas Monitor readings.

i 3.6.2 Calculate the estimated release rate as follows.

l a.

Obtain 'the High-Range Noble Gas Monitor Reading (uCi/cc) from the Dose Assessment Data Sheet.


Obtain the plant vent flow, rate (cfm).


Multiply the above by 0.001 and 472 to obtain the estimated release rate.

uCi/see t

uCi/cc x

0.001 x

cfm x 472


RE 4811B (DAPA) Correction Vent Flow Conversion Release Rate Reading Factor **

Rate Factor

  • Defined as a 50 year thyroid dose commitment.
    • Based on Reactor Building Iodine to Noble Gas def ault ratio of 0.001:1.


HCGS Rev. 1 t


Pg. 5 of 37 3.6.3 Calculate the thyroid dose commitment rate.


Obtain the release rate as calculated from 4'

3. 6.1 or 3.6. 2 above.



Obtain the Xu/O value from Att. 4.6.


Obtain the time corrected Iodine DRCP from q

Att. 7.

i d.

Multiply all of the above terms by 2.2E-6


conversion factor.

i e.

Divide that product by the adjusted wind speed i

as calculated from Att. 5.


Record the results on the Dose Calculation Report Sheet.

Repor't this value. when so instructed.

This is the Thyroid Dose Commit-ment rate.


To obtain in the 50 year commitment for the exposure in question, multiply the dose commitment rate by the hours exposed to that rate, e.g.,15 mrom/hr x 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 75 mrem.

t uCi/sec x x

x2.2E-6 Release Rate Xu/O Iodine DRCF Conversion from 3.6.1 or (Att. 4E)

(Att. 7)

Factor 3.6.2 above mrom/hr


Dose Rate at Xu/O distance mph u (Adjusted Wind Speed From Att.5) 3.7 Extended Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation Method

  • for Monitored Releases From the NPV or SPV.

Perform the following steps:

3.7.1 Calculate'the estimated release rate.


Obtain the monitor reading (uci/cc) of interest from the Dose Assessment Data Sheet.


Obtain the vent flow rate (cfm).


Multiply the above by 472 to obtain the estimated release rate.

l uCi/cc x cfm x 472 uCi/sec


Monitor Vent Flow Conversion Release Rate Reading Rate Factor 1


  • Defined as a 50 year thyroid dose commitment.

l HCGS Rev. 1 lC l


i Pg. 6 of 37 i


-3.7.2 Calculate the thyroid dose commitment rato.


Obtain the release rate as calculated from j

O 3.7.1 above.


Obtain the Xu/O value from Att. 4E.


Obtain the time corrected Iodine DRCF from Att. 7.


Multiply all of the above terms by 2.2E-6 conversion factor.


Divide that product by the adjusted wind speed as calculated from Att. 5.


Record the results on the Dose Calculation Repor't Sheet.

Report this value when so instructed.

This is the thyroid dose commitment rate.


To obtain the 50 year Dose commitment for the exposure in question, multiply the dose commitment rate by the hours exposed to that rate. e.g.,15 mres/hr x 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 75 mrom.


uCi/sec x x

x 2.2E-6 Release Rate Xu/O Iodine Conversion from 3.7.1 (Att. 4E)

DCFR Factor mrom/hr above (Att.7)


Dose Rate at uph Xu/O Distance u ( Adjusted Wind Speed From Att. 5) 3.8 If other methods are not available use the Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Nomogram (Att. 8) to determine release rates and proj ected dose rates.

Perform I

the following steps.

3.8.1 Obtain the Drywell Atmosphere Post Accident (DAPA)

High Range Monitor reading (R/hr) from the Dose Assessment Data sheet.

j 3.8.2 Obtain the containment leak rate as estimated by engineering or use the def ault rate of.St/ day if


leak rate is unknown.

3.8.3 From this point draw a horizontal line to line A.

3.8.4 Determine the X/O to offsite location of interest using the following equation, Xu/O as determined


from Att. 4E, and adjusted wind speed from Att. 5.



HCGS Rev. 1 O

Pg. 7 of 37 2

1/n 2

Xu/Q (Att. 4E) sec/m3


g O

mph x

.45 u (Adjusted Wind Conversion Speed From Att. 5)

Factor (m/s/ mph) 3.8.5' From the intersect with Line A, draw a' straight line through the X/Q to Line C.

3.8.6 The intersect with Line C is the maximum offsite dose rate.for exposure (ares /hr) at the distance selected for the Xu/O value.

3.8.7 Record the results on the Dose Calculation Report Sheet.

Report'this value when so

. instructed.

3.9 Concentration Determination Methods For Main Steam Line Releases.

Determine the concentration in the main steam Lines using one of following three methods.

'3.9.1 Calculate the concentration via direct read out from main steam line monitors.


Use highest monitor indication and record the,following information l

mR/hr Ib/hr l

Exposure Rate Total Steam Flow Rate b.

Calculate the following:

uCi/cc mR/hr x



Exposure Rate

'uCi/cc/mR/hr Concentration in Steam Line l


Enter the value(s) in Section 3.10.1 or l

3.11.1 for whole body thyroid dose calculations, respectively.





i I

l l

t HCGS Rev. 1 O

l b

Pg. 8 of 37 3.9.2 Detsrmino th3 concOntration (uCi/cc) via Eurysy cator and Attsch=cnt 9.

j a.

Once an inplant team has entered the i

g relative area or locations, and surveyed the af fected main steam lines at predetermined 1

survey points, obtain the following information from the Control Point for each affected line.

4 1

mR/hr Contact Rate Line Number Location e.e.e.eee e ee eee eeeee.e e e CAUTION


e e ee e e e e e e e e eee e e e e e e e e e t


Use the contact rate, (mR/hr) corrected for e

background and Att. 9 to determine the con;entration (uCi/cc) in the main steam line(s') of concern.


Enter the concentration value(s) in Section 3.10.1 or 3.11.1 f or whole body or thyroid dose calculations, respectively.

O, I

OR 3.9.3 Determine the concentration via actual steam line sample and analysis data.


Obtain/ request main steam sample and analysis data f rom the Chemistry Department personnel.


Enter the actual concentrations obtained into Section 3.10.1 or 3.11.1 for whole body or thyroid dose calculatons, respectively.

NOTE If none of the above three methods are g(/

available, use the Main Steam Default Release Rates found in Att. 10.



these values in Section 3.10.2 or 3.11.2 to calculate whole body or thyroid dose, respectively.

HCGS Rev. 1

Pg. 9 of 37 I

3.10 Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Method From Main Releases.

Perform the following steps.

I 3.10.1 Calculate the release rate.

j G

j NOTE p

If more than one steam line is affected, calculate the release rate for each release point.

The release rates may then be summed as a " total" release rate and used for dose I

calculations below.


Obtain the noble gas steam line concentration (uCi/cc) as determined in either section 3.9.1, 3.9.2 or 3.9.3.

j b.

Obtain the steam line flow rate in (lb/hr)


from the Control Room, where applicable.


Multiply the above by 3.3 conversion factor to calculate the release rate.

uCi/see uCi/cc x lb/hr x 3.3


Noble Gas Steam Steam Line Conversion Release Rate Line Concentration Flow Rate Factor from 3.9 3.10.2 Calculate the whole body dose rate due to noble gas release.


Obtain the release rate as calculated from 3.10.1 above, b.

Obtain the Xu/O value from Att. 4E.


Obtain the time corrected Noble Gas DRCF from Att. 6.


Multiply all of the above by 2.2E-6 conversion factor.

Divide that product by the adjusted wind e.

speed calculated from Att. 5.


Record the results on the Dose Calculation Report Sheet.

Report this,value when so instructed.

This is the noble gas dose rate at the Xu/O distance selected.


_. _, _ _ _ _. _ _ ~... _ _. _ _ _. _ _.. _ _. - _ _ _. _. _ _ _

EP IV-107 Pg. 10 of 37 uCi/sec x x

x 2.2E-6 Release Rate Xu/Q Noble Gas Conversion

(' )

from 3.10.1 (Att. 4E)

DRCF Factor


or Default value (Att. 6)


mrem /hr (Att. 10)


Whole Body Dose Rate aph at Xu/O I

u (Adjusted Wind distance Speed From Att. 5) 3.11 Thyroid (Iodine)' Dose Commitment Calculation Method for Main Steam Line Releases.

Perform the following steps.

3.11.1 Calculate the release rate using one of the two methods described below.

Using actual iodine concentration as derived a.

from sample analysis.

- Obtain the actual iodine concentration (uCi/cc) f rom Chemistry Department personnel.

- Obtain the steam line flow rate (lb/hr).

- Multiply the above by 3.3 conversion factor.




Using estimated iodine concentrations *.

- Obtain the noble gas concentration (uci/cc).

- Multiply by 0.0013 iodine to noble gas correction factor.

- Obtain the steam line flow rate (1b/hr).

- Multiply 'he above by 3.3 conversion factor.

uCi/sec uCi/cc x 1.3E-3 x

lb/hr x 3.3


i Noble Gas Iodine to Steam Line Conversion Release Rate l

Steam Line Noble Gas Flow Rate Factor Concentration Correction Factor 3.11.2 Calculate the thyroid dose commitment rate ** due to iodine release.


Obtain the release rate as calculated from 3.11.1 above.

  • Estimated concentrations based on steam line iodine to noble gas ratio of 3.5:1 (HCGS FSAR Table 15.6-11)
    • Defined as a 50 year thyroid done commitment.

l HCGS Rev. I 1

l l -.. -

Pg. 11 of 37 b.

Obtcin tho Xu/O valus from Att. 4E.


Obtcin tho time corrOctOd Iodino DRCF from j.

Att. 7.



Multiply all of the above terms by 2.2E-6 g

conversion factor.



Divide that product by the adjusted wind speed as calculated from Att. 5.


Record the results on the Dose Calculation Report Sheet.

Report this value.when so instructed.

This is the thyroid dose commitment rate.


To obtain the 50 year commitment for the exposure in question, multiply the dose commitment rate by the hours exposed to that rate, e.g.,15 mrom/hr x 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 75 mrom.

uCi/secx x

x 2.2E -6 Release Rate Xu/Q Iodine Conversion from 3.11.1 (Att. 4E)

DRCF Factor or default (Att. 7) value (Att. 10) mrem /hr


Thyroid Dose sph Commitment u (Adj usted Wind Rate at Xu/O Speed From Att. 5) distance 3.12 Unmonitored Release Calculations.

Use either of two methods described below.

3.12.1 Using actual radionuclide concentrations, perform


the following calculation.

gpm x 63 x uCi/cc or uCi/a x uCi/see



Kp Release Rate Where:


= Leak rate in gallons per minute (gpm).

CF (63) = Conversion factor for gallons to cubic centimeters, minutes to seconds.


= Radionuclide concentration in uCi/cc or uCi/g.

May also be used specifically for Noble gas or total Iodine activity in uCi/cc.


= Partition coefficient for"radionuclide of interest.

Kp for noble gases = 1.0 r.

Kp for Iodine




Kp may be modified at the instruction of the SNSS/EDO/RAC/RSM or designee.

5 7.

HCGS Rev. 1

3.12.2 Using tha SAM-2 for radionuclida concantration d

datorminaticn, perform tho following steps.


Request from Chemistry that a 20cc sample be taken and analyzed as follows.

- Obtain a 20 cc water sample and place in


a beaker (250 ml).

Place the sample on J

top of the SAM-2 detector probe.

(The l

beaker's geometry is considered similar to that of a charcoal cartridge).

- Record the following informations


Date, time, and location of sample taken l

Date, time, and sample counted y


Determine the gross concentration.

DCi/l com x 1.5E3


Total counts Conversion Gross from SAM-2 Factor

  • Concentration J

4 3.12.3 Determine the Dose Rate Conversion Factors for swimming or boating from liquid releases.


Determine the DRCF for water immersion (swimming) or boating from the equations below, if the nuclide mix is known.

Swimming =' 2.13 x 10-6 (Eg + Eb/2) arem/hr/pCi/l Boating

= 1.07 x 10-6 (Eg) aren/hr/pCi/1 Where:

Eg = average gamma energy ** per disintegration (MEV) for nuclide of interest, and Eb = average beta energy ** per disintegration (MEV) for nuclide of interest.

i NOTE The boating equation accounts for the physical geometry and the beta shielding af forded by the boat hull.

An additional i

reduction factor for gamma shielding is also appropriate but such a factor is not i

included due to the uncertainty of boat l


This conversion Factor consists of:

67,. dom (ef ficiency) x 4. 5E-7 uCi x lE6pCi x IE3cc


com dom uCi liter

= 1.5E3 pCi/ liter 20 cc

    • Refer to the Radiological Health Handbook for average energy l


HCGS Rev. 1

!o l

l l

ut 4v, Pg. 13 of 37 l


Determina tho DRCF for wcter imm0rcicn J

(swimming) or boating if the exact nuclide mix l

and energies are unknown.


Swimming = 1.44E-6 mrem /hr/pCi/l Boating = 7.21E-7 mrom/hr/pCi/1.

3.12.4 Calculate the dose.

x pCi/l x

hr x mrom/hr


DRCF Total Exposure Dilution Dose arem/hr/pCi/l Concentration Time Factor

  • of weighted isotopic from 3.12.2 mix from 3.12.3 3.13 Recovery Assessment Using Deposition Calculations.

Perform the following calculation.

x x

x x

x 3600 F

V Xu/O O

T Conversion uCi/m2 Factor


U x 0.45 Deposition



= Fraction of isotope available for deposition (.05 for radioiodine, O for noble gases, and 1.0 for other radionuclides).


= Deposition velocity in meters /sec (0.05 meter /sec).

Xu/O = Atmospheric dispersion,1/m2 (Att. 4E).


= Radionuclide release rate in uCi/sec.


= Adj usted wind speed (Att. 5).


= Estimated release duration in hours.

3600 = Number of seconds / hour.

0.45 = Number of meter /sec mph 4.

References 1.

NUREG-0654, FEMA REP 1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and i

i Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plant, November, 1980.


Salem Generating Station Emergency Plan Procedures, Volume II,Section IV, Radiation Protection Emergency Procedure, EP IV-lll, Rev. 6.

t 3.

Hbpe Creek Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 15.

  • The average yearly dilution factor for routine releases is 10.

Use 1.0 if the dilution factor is unknown or uncertain.

HCGS Rev. 1

. O 1

EP IV-107 Pg. 14 of 37 4.

U.S. Nuclcar Regulotcry C:mmiccion R gulatcry Guid c, 1.109, 1.111, 1.145 and 1.21.

i 5.

Porter Consultants Inc. Technical Report 263A.






Development of Xu/O for Salem and Hope Creek, Radiation m

i Hazards Analysis, No.85-002, Radiation Protection Services.



Radiological Health Handbook, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, January 1970.


Signature Page i'



Attachments lA.

Decision Tree for Dose Calculation Method Selection 18.

Table of Contents 2.

Quick Dose Method For Noble Gas i

t' 3.

Quick Dose Method For Iodine I

1 4.

Xd/Q Value Determination 4A.

Beauford Scale For Wind Speed Estimation 4B.

Conversion Table For Meteorological Stability 4C.

O Classification Of Atmospheric Stability By A T And Other MET Conditions 4 D.

Classification Of Atmospheric Stability As A Function Of Date, Cloud Cover And Wind Speed 4E.

Xu/O values Using The Pasquill Gifford (A-G) Classification System l


Adj usted Wind Speed Determination 6.

Noble Gas DRCF l


Iodine DRCF 8.

Dose Assessment Nomogram Using The Drywell Atmospheric Post Accident Monitor 9.

Survey Meter Response vs. Main Steam Line Concentration t.


Default Release Rates By Accident Type j


Unit Analysis for Dose Calculations 12A. Access To The Meteorological Monitoring And Display System (MET-DAS)

O 128. kemote Interrogation of the MET-DAS System HCGS Rev. 1


EP IV-107 Pg. 15 of 37 SIGNATURE PAGE 1

i Prepared By:

C. Watson /J. Clancy

/ O f y d' Date g

e Reviewed By:

11 l ^

u) / S'/5 l

Department Bead Date Reviewed By:.

O mM o

,a /f f5 Energency Preparedn'el nager

' Date SORC Meeting No.: IS*-f i R.S. Salvesen jp,jf ((

SORC Chairman Date Approved By:


gnIvnenn General Manager - Hope Creek Operations Date l

f HCGS Rev. 1

/$ _,


' ~)dh5lNi 3

i s


/tjgs}k O y 1 l i N ijll, a hm i I 1 I5 1,I 81 la11 ks,il 33 {,jI{$ t a' { \\ j att ~ 7 g gi, s jll}iN., I2 / all l{1.}; akll i$sti 3gs I O l "11 um 1" i,1.! a a \\ siii g$l115 g 31. I$5 i \\ r 0# i,,lg (d,m.. i q j', q8 ,f kk lih g,1}i 'as $lII'I d'fidIk l O

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EP IV-107 Pg.17 of 37 l t /~N ATTACHMENT IB ,] 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR MANUAL DOSE CALCULATION METHODS BY RELEASE TYPE 3 Title Section Pajyt Quick Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Method Using Default Conversion Factors For Monitored Releases From The Filtration, Recirculation, Ventilation System (FRVS), North Plant Vent (NPV), or South Plant Vent (SPV)...................................... 3.3 2 i Extended Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Method For Monitored Releases From the FRVS, NPV, o r S PV.................................... 3. 4 2 Ouick Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation Method Using Default Conversion Factors For Monitored Releases From The FRVS, NPV, or SPV............. 3.5 3 Extended Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation Method O Using Charcoal or Silver Zeolite Sample Analysis From the FRVS................................... 3.6 4 Extended Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation Method For Monitored Releases From The NPV or SPV...... 3.7 5 Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Nomogram Using The Drywell Atmosphere Post-Accident (DAPA) Monitor and Drywell Leak Rates...................................... 3.8 6 Concentration Determination Methods For Main Steam Line Releases....................... 3.9 7 Whole Body (Noble Gas) Dose Calculation Method From Main Steam Line Releases........... 3.10 9 Thyroid (Iodine) Dose Calculation Method From Main, Steam Line Releases................... 3.11 10 Environmental Liquid Release Calculations...... 3.12 11 Recovery Assessment Using Deposition Calculations.................................... 3.13 13 0 HCGS Rev. 1

Q(N O AT HMENT 2 V QUICK WHOLE BODY DOSE CALCULATION METHOD USING DEFAULT CONVERSION FACTORSI MET STABILITY CLASS 2 UNSTABLE NEUTRAL STABLE Distance Relesse Ht3 Ground Elevated Ground Elevated Ground Elevated MEA .5 mi FRVS 1.0E2 5.4E2 1.3E3 2.0 mi CONVERSION 8.6E0 8.6El 3.7E2 LPZ 5.0 mi FACTORS 1.5E0 2.3El 1.3E2 EPZ 10.0 mi 1.5E0 8.6E0 5.8El MEA .5 mi NPV 4.9E2 4.882 2.5E3 1.6E3 6.3E3 3.8E2 2.0 mi CONVERSION 4.0El 4.0El 4.0E2 3.8E2 1.7E3 1.0E3 LPZ 5.0 mi FACTORS 6.8E0 6.8E0 1.lE2 1.3E2 5.9E2 4.4 E2 EPZ 10.0 mi 6.8E0 6.8E0 4.0E1 4.0El 2.7E2 2.lE2 MEA .5 mi SPV 5.lE3 5.0E3 2.6E4' l.6E4 6.6E4 4.0E3 2.0 mi CONVERSION 4.2E2 4.2E2 4.2E3 4,0E3 1.884 1.0E4 LPZ 5.0 mi FACTORS 7.lEl 7.lEl 1.lE3 1.lE3 6.2E3 4.6E3 EPZ 10.0 mi 7.lEl 7.1E1 4.2E2 4.2E2 2.8E3 2.2E3 WORK SPACE: X = Monitor Reading (uCi/cc) Appropriate Conversion Factor Whole Body Dose Commitment Rate At Selected Xu/O Distance 1. Default Assumptions: a) Time between Accident and Release = 0 hours, b) Adjusted Wind Speed = 1 mph. c) FRVS Vent Flow = 9,000 cfm, NPV Vent Flow = 41,900 cfm, SPV Vent Flow = 440,180 cfm. 2. See Attachment 4B for Meteorological Stability Conversion Table, if necessary. 3. See Attachment 4 for Elevated / Ground release height criteria. HCGS Rev. 1

I QUICK THYROID (IODINE) DOSE CALCULATION METHOD USING DEFAULT CONVERSIG8 FACTORSI j MET STABILITY CLASS 2 UNSTABLE NEUTRAL STABLE l pistance Release Ht3 cround Elevated cround Elevated around Elevated MEA .5 mi FRVS 7.0E5 3.6E6 9.0E6 ) 2.0 mi CONVERSION 5.7E4 5.8E5 2.5E6 j LPZ 5.0 mi FACTORS 9.0E3 1.5E5 8.5E5 j EPZ 10.0 mi 9.8E3 5.7E4 3.9E5 l 1 j f MEA .5 mi NPV 3.2E6 3.2E6 1.7E7 1.0E7 4.2E7 2.6E6 ) 2.0 mi CONVERSION 2.7ES 2.7ES 2.7E6 2.5E6 1.2E7 6.7E6 i LPZ 5.0 mi FACTORS 4.5E4 4.4E4 7.2E5 6.9E5 3.9E6 2.9E6 EPZ 10.0 mi 4.5E4 4.5E4 2.7ES 2.6E5 1.8E6 1.4E6 i MEA .5 mi SPV 3'.4E7 3.3E7 1.8E8 1.lE8 4.4E8 2.7E7 } 2.0 mi CONVERSION 2.8E6 3.4E6 2.7E7 1.9E7 1.2E8 7.0E7 i LPZ 5.0 mi FACTORS 4.77ES 7.2E5 7.6E6 5.0E6 4.lE7 3.lE7 1 EPZ 10.0 mi 4.77ES 2.2E5 2.8E6 1.7E6 1.9E7 1.5E7 l f I i WORK SPACE: i X = Monitor Reading (uCi/cc) or Appropriate Conversion Thyroid Dose Commitment Actual Sample' Concentration Factor Rate on Selected Xu/O j Distance

  • l 1.

Default Assumptions: a) Time between Accident and Release = 0 hours, i b) Adj usted Wind Speed = 1 mph. j c) FRV3 Vent Flow = 9,000 cfm, NPV Vent Flow = 41,900 cfm, SPV Vent Flow = 440,180 cfm. l 2. See Attachment 4B for Meteorological Stability Conversion Table, if necessary. j i 3. See Attachment 4 for Elevated / Ground release height criteria. Defined as a 50 year Thyroid Dose Commitment. l j HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-107 Pg. 20 of 37 I ATTACHMENT 4 Xu/Q VALUE DETERMINATION Determine the Xu/Q value according to the following steps. 1. Obtain meteorological data as necessary via one of the MET information methods provided below. They are listed in order of priority. a. MET DATA on the Dose Assessment Data Sheet (Addendum 4). b. MET-DAS Computer (Attachment 12). c. MIDAS Computer System (EP IV-106). d. Salem Unit 1 RPI panel. e. Wilmington Airport NOAA (302-573-6142). f. Estimation using the Beaufort Scale (Attachment 4A). t 2. Determine the release point height (ground or elevated) as a function of windspeed for the release point of interest from the ta.ble below. Ground Release if Elevated Release Release Point windspeed* ist if windspeed is: SPV Winter 2,14 mph < 14 mph SPV Spring & Fall > 18 mph < 18 mph SPV Summer 2,21 mph < 21 mph NPV 6 mph 6 mph FRVS Always Ground Release 3. Determine the stability class using the A T values f rom the table below. NOTE l l The manual dose calculation procedure uses the l Brookhaven Stability Classification System l (unstable, ne ut ra l, stable), for simplicity in determining a Xu/Q value. However, all other i MET stability classification is done using the t. Pasquill System (A-G). Use Attachment 4B to I aid in converting between these systems, if necessary. Windspeed refers to the actual windspeed at the sensor, not-the ~} adjusted windspeed as calculated in Attachment 5. l HCGS Rev. 1 i l

Pg221of 37 Primary Method Back-@ nothod Tower Sensor, tower sensor, ' Brookhaven 300-33 ft tanger-150-33 ft c Stability ature Difference, Temperature ( Class A T, *C Difference, A T 'C Unstable T < - 1.2 T < - 0.5 Neutral - 1.2 < T I - 0.4 - 0.5 < T I - 0.2 ~ ~ Stable - 0.4 < T - 0.2 < T e g If A T is not available, use Attachment 4C to determine stability class by use of other meteorological conditions. i: 4. Select the correct Xtv0 value from the table below by using the I appropriate release point height, stability class and distance of interest. L Selected Xu/O values (E-6An2) Distance Ground Release Elevated Release Meters M'ilos Unstable (B) Neutral (D) Stable (F) Unstable (B) Neutral (D) Stable (F) 901 MEA * .56 24.3 125.1 .314.0 23.8 77.9 19.2 '3218 2.0 2.0 20.1 87.3 2.0 19.0 50.0 8045 LPZ 5.0 .34 5.4 29.5 .34 5.2 22.0 16090 EPZ10.0 .34 2.0 13.5 .34 2.0 10.6

  • MEA = MinimLan Exclusion Area IEZ = Iow Population Zone EPZ = Etnergency Planning Zone

.== ==


Exangles Selease is fran the SPV in the stagner, windspeed is b 6 mph, A T fran the 300-33 ft sensors is - 0.1*C. j Determine the correct Xu/O value at the LPZ. 1. From Step 62, Release point height is ELEVAIED. 2. Fran Step 93, Stability Class is STABIE. 3. Fran Step 64, The Xu/O value for the above conditions is 22.0 HCGS Rev. 1

~ .-.-= I EP IV-107 Pg. 22 of 37 f ) j ATTACHMENT 4A BEAUFORT SCALE FOR WIND SPEED ESTIMATION Estimated Wind Specifications velocity (mph) Smoke rises vertically 1 Smoke drift gives direction, 1-3 but wind not fsit on face Wind felt on face, leaves 4-7 rustle vane novod by wind Leaves & twigs in constant 8 - 11 motion; wind ext. ends light flag Moves dust,' loose paper & 12 - 16 small branches 4 Small trees in leaf begin to sway 17 - 22 Large branches in motion; high 23 - 27 wires whistle Whole trees in motion 28 - 34 Twigs broken off trees; 35 - 41 j progress impeded Slight structural damage occurs 42 - 48 j Trees uprooted; considerable 49 - 56 structural damage Rare; widespread damage 57 - 67 Hurricane 69 + /

HCG, Rev. 1

EP IV-107 Pg. 23 of 37 ATrACMENT 4B i 00NVIRSION 1RBut ICR MitB0pnrmTChL SMBILrrY-Pasquill Class Brookhaven Stability Classes Description Extremely tmstable (A5 Moderately testable (B) Unstable Slightly tmstable (C) Neutral (D) Neutral Slightly stable (E) Moderately stable (F) Stable Stable (G) l l t s HCGS Rev. 1 L

Pg. 24 of 37 ATTA09ENT 4C j CIASSIFICATICH OF JEMOSPHERIC SMBILITY1 BY SU N WtD DEVIATIGi & 10RIJONML WDO DUtBCTIGi (gr e) AIO VERTICAL '11DfERATURE DIFFERENG (& T) I Stability Pasquill F.g 2 AT*C AT*C Classification Categories (decrees) 300 - 33 ft 150 - 33 ft Extremely tmstable A @ _ 22.5 AT 1 - 1.5 AT 1.7 ; Moderately unstable B 22.5 >e $.> 17.5 -1.5 <AT 1 - 1.4 .7 <AT 1 .6 Slightly unstable C 17.5 >r t > 12.5 -1.4 < AT 1 - 1.2 .6 <AT i .5 , Neutral D 12.5 >r& > 7.5 -1.2 < AT i - .4 .5<AT1 .2 Slightly stable E 7.5 >e @ > 3.8 .4<AT1 1.2 .2 <AT 1 5 Moderately stable F

3. 8 >e& > 2.1 1.2 <AT 1 3.3

.5 <AT 11.4 Extremely stable G 2.1 >0'f 3.3 < AT 1.4 <AT ~ DEI 10pnrrr:TCAL CDOITIGIS IEFINDG PASQUIIL 1UIUMXJBI3 TYPES A: Extrencly unstable conditions D: Neutral conditions 3 B: Moderately unstable conditions E: Slightly stable a:mditions C: Slightly unstable conditions F: Moderately stable conditions Nighttime conditions 4 Daytime insolation Surface Wind Thin overcast or < 3/8 speed, m/sec Strong Moderate Slight > 3/8 cloudiness cloudiness ~ <2 A A-B B 2-3 A-B B C E F 3-5 B-C B-C C D E 5-6 C C-D D D D >6 C D D D D 1 Use of to represent atmospheric stability when wind speeds are less than 1.5 m/s should be substantiated. If is to be used as an indicator of vertical diffusion (atmospheric stability), adjustments to the sangling interval may be needed to eliminate wind fluctuations in t'w horizontal which do not occur in the vertical, especially during night-tiime conditions. 2 Determined for a 15 minute to one hour oeriod for horizontal diffusion. 3 Applicable to heavy overcast day cr nig'ht. 4 The degree of cloudiness is defined as that fraction of the sky above the local apparent horizon that is covered by clouds. HCGS Rev'.'l HCGS Rev. 1

-.. - _ = i EP IV-107 Page 25 of 37' ATTACHMENT 4D CLASSIFICATION OF.ATMOSPBERIC STABILITY AS A FUNCTION OF DATE, CLOUD COVER AND WIND SPEED 3 A 1 Perform the following steps: 1. From Table 1, Determine the Insolation Class Number (ICLNO) as a function of Hour and Date. TABLE 1 t ICLNO AS A FUNCTION OF HOUR AND DATE Ho'r of Day (EST) All Other u Date 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Times 1/5 - 1/22 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1/23 - 2/6 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2/7 - 2/21 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 s_ 2/22 - 3/8 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 3/9 - 3/23 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 3/24 - 4/7 1 '2 3 3 3 3 3 3. 3 2 1 1 4/8 - 4/22 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2-1 4/23 - 5/7. 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 5/8 - 5/22 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 5/23 - 6/6 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 6/7 - 6/21 2 3' 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 i 6/22 - 7/6 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 7/7 - 7/21 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 7/22 - 8/5 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 '2 2 1 j 8/6 - 8/20 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 8/21 - 9/4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 9/5 - 9/19 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 9/20 - 10/4 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 10/5 - 10/19 1 2 2 2-3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 10/20 - 11/3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 11/4 ~ 11/18 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 11/19 - 12/3-1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 12/4 - 12/18 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 12/19 - 1/4 1 1 1 2 2-2 2 2 1 1 1 1 HCGS Rev. 1

rg. 26 ot 37 2. Enter th3 ICLNO in Table determina the NRAD Index (NRADI). ( TABLE 2 NRADI DURING DAYTIME (FUNCTION OF CLOUD COVER (CLCVR) AND CLOUD CEILING (CLCEG) AND NIGHTTIME (FUNCTION OF CLCVR) CONDITIONS Daytime *** Nighttime *** CLCEG CLCVR < 7,000 ft 7,000 - 15,000 ft > 16,000 ft 0/10 1/10 2/10 NRADI = ICLNO NRADI = -2 3/10 4/10-5/10 l 6/10 7/10 NRADI* = ICLNO -2 NRADI* = ICLNO -1 NRADI** = -1 8/10- . ( ]) 8/10 10/10 NRADI = 0

  • If NRADI is less than 1, set NRADI equal to 1.
    • If CLCVR is 10/10 NRADI equals to 0.
      • Daytime is determined by the presence of daylight or sunlight.

3.. Determine the Stability Class using Table 3. t,- / () HCGS Rev. 1

i) TABLE 3 1 STABILITY CLASS AS A FUNCTION OF NRADI AND WS33 NRADI j J Wind Speed Daytime Nighttime ? 33 ft (aph) 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 < WS 1 1.5 A A B C D F G 1.5- < WS i 3.5 A B B C D F G 3.5 < WS 1 5.5 A B C D D E F 5.5 < WS s s.5 B B C D D E r 6.5 < WS i 7.5 B B C D D D E 7.5 < WS 1 9.5 B C C D D D E 9.5 < WS 1 10.5 C C D D D D E 10.5 < WS < 11.5 C C D D D D D 11.5 < WS C D D D D D D i 4. Use the Stability Class to Conduct Dose Calculations based on MET Conditions. ~ tl / HCGS O Rev. 1 w -,-y e-=----w-

EP DJ-107 Pg. 28 of 37 ATUO9ENE 48 XuAf VAWES LEING 'DE PASQUIII \\ GIFPGtD (A-G) CUESIFICATIG4 SYSIEM GKXBD MMASE (l(31) Distance Stability Class Meters Miles A B C D E F G MFA 901 .56 5.1 24.3 53.0 125.1 205.1 314.0 417.4 3218 2.0 .59 2.0 '5.8 20.1 42.7 87.3 168.8 LPZ 8045 5.0 .32 .34 1.1 5.4 12.6 29.5 67.1 EPZ 16090 10.0 .32 .34 .39 2.0 19.7 13.5 31.1 E2VMIED MutASE (35M) Distanm Stability Class Meters Miles A B C D E F G MFA 901 .56 5.1 23.8 48.2 77.9 70.2 19.2 .23 3218 2.0 .59 2.0 5.8 19.0 34.2 50.0 36.0 LPZ 8045 5.0 .32 .34 1.1 5.2 11.4 22.0 28.6 EPZ 16090 10.0 .32 .34 .39 2.0 4.8 10.6 17.4

  • Units h$ E-6/M2 unless otherwise noted.

/ 1 HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-107 Page 29 of 37 l O i 1 i 1.- Use the approp:iate instnanent neight fma which wind speed was obtained, height of release, MEr stability (Attactanent 4), and the table below to calculate the adjusted wind speed.- Instnanent i Height of Release: Ground (10m) Height MET Stability Class: A B C D E F G 33 ft (10.0 m) Wind Speed 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 150 ft (45.7 m) Adjustment 0.89 0.86 0.85 0.76 0.62 0.53 0.47 300 ft (91.4 m) Factors 0.84 0.80 0.78 0.67 0.50 0.39 0.33 Instrument Height of Release: Elevated (35m) l Height MET Stability Class: A B C D E F G ~ O 33 ft (10.0 m) Wind Speed 1.11 1.13 1.15 1.25 1.47 1.69 1.87 150 ft (45.7 m) Adj ustment 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.95 0.92 0.89 0.88 300 ft (91.4 m) Factors 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.84 0.74 0.67 0.62 mph x = mph Wind Speed at Instrunent Wind Speed Adjustment Factor Adjusted Wind Speed At (from tables above) Point of Release Example: Ground Release, unstable stability class (B),150 ft instrunent height, wind speed at instrument = 3 riph. Find the wind speed at the point of release. l 3 mph x .86 2.58 mph = Wind Spend at Instrunent Wind Speed Adjustment Factor Adjusted Wind Speed At Point of Release l

  • Use B Stability for 'mstable, D Stability for Neutral and F Stability for Stable Classifications.

HCGS Rev. 1

Pg. 30 of 37 ATTACHMENT 6 i l 'HCGS FSAR (Generic) Noble Gas Whole Body and Total Skin DRCG's i f' (Including Rubidium-88) N Normalized to total noble gas. concentration of 1 uCi/cc. Full core inventory. Total Whole Total Whole Decay Body DRCF: Decay Body DRCF2 Times (mrem /hr)/ Time: (mrem /hr)/ hours (uCi/cc of Tot NG) hours (uCi/cc of Tot NG) 0 4.59E+05 31 5.04E+04 1 5.00E+05 32 4.92E+04 2 4.50E+05 33 4.81E+04 3 3.94E+05 34 4.71E+04 4 3.44E+05 35 4.62E+04 5 3.01E+05 36 4.53E+04 6 2.63E+05 37 4.45E+04 7 8 2.31E+05 38 4.37E+04 2.04E+05 39 4.30E+04 9 1.82E+05 40 4.24E+04 10 1.62E+05 41 4.18E+04 11 1.46E+05 42 4.12E+04 12 1.32E+05 43 4.07E+04 13 1.20E+05 44 4.02E+04 14 1.10E+05 45 3.97E+04 15 1.02E+05 46 3.93E+04 16 9.45E+04 47 3.89E+04 17 8.83E+04 48

3. 8 5 E+ 04 18 8.29E+04 49 3.81E+04

(~N 19 7.83E+04 50

3. 78E+ 04 20 7.42E+04 51 3.75E+04 5

21 7.07E+04 52 3.72E+04 22 6.75E+04 53 3.69E+04 23 6.48E+04 54 3.67E+04 24 6.23E+04 55 3.64E+04 25 6.01E+04 56 3.62E+04 26 5.80E+04 57

3. 6 0 E+ 0 4 27 5.62E+04 58 3.58E+04 28 5.46E+04 59 3.56E+04 29 5.31E+04 60 3.55E+04 l

30 5.17E+04 A. Time from shutdown to time of release in hours hr = B. Time for transport = (Desired Distance)/(Wind Speed) ( mi) { mph) hr = C. Total decay time = (Step A) + (Step B) hr ( ) + ( ) = l D. Correlate the total decay timeto the table determine the dose (hours following shutdown) conversion factors for noble gas. HbGS Rev. 1 /

Pg. 31 of 37 ATTACHMENT 7 HCGS FSAR (Generic) Total Thyroid DRCF's l_ Full core inventory, ingrowth f rom precursors not included. Total Whole Total Whole Decay Body DRCP: Decay Body DRCP:- i Times (mrem /hr)/ Time: (mrem /hr)/ i hours (uCi/cc of Tot NG) hours (uci/cc of Tot NG) 0 3.07E+09 31 2.25E+09 1 3.01E+09 32 2.24E+09 2 2.95E+09 33 2.23E+09 3 2.90E+09 34 2.22E+09 4 2.86E+09 35 2.21E+09 5 2.82E+09 36 2.20E+09 6 2.78E+09 37 2.19E+09 7 2.75E+09 38 2.18E+09 8 2.71E+09 39 2.17E+09 9 2.68E+09 40 2.16E+09 10 2.65E+09 41 2.15E+09 11 2.62E+09 42 2.14E+09 12 2.60E+09 43 2.13 E+ 09 13 2.57E+09 44 2.12 E+ 09 14 2.55E+09 45 2.11E+09 15 2.52E+09 46 2.llE+09 16 2.50E+09 47 2.10 E+ 0 9 17

2. 4 8E+ 0 9 48 2.09E+09 s

18 2.46E+09 49 2.08E+09 19 2.44E+09 50

2. 08E+ 09 20 2.42E+09 51 2.07E+09 l

21 2.40E+09 52 2.06E+09 22 2.39E+09 53 2.06E+09 23 2.37E+09 54 2.05E+09 24 2.35E+09 55 2.05E+09 l 25-2.34E+09 56 2.04E+09 26 2.32E+09 57 2.04E+09 27 2.31E+09 58 2.03E+09 28 2.29E+09 59 2.02E+09 29 2.28E+09 60 30 r 2.27E+09 2.02E+09 2.02E+09 A. Time from shutdown to time of release in hours hr = B. Time for transport = (Desired Distance)/(Wind Speed) ( mi) ( mph) l hr = l r j C. %ctal decay time = (Step A) + (Step B) / ( ) + ( ) hr = D. Correlate the total decay time (hours following shutdown) to the table determine the dose conversion factors for noble gas. l HCGS v. 1 i l

4-- N D, IIIn s O Y h gewets. LEAR RATE (% Per d*7) Release Rete mg (uCt/sec) Q 100 10 l.o e.5 oI 1g 3 - - - -. x x..x x ggyg pgggg

  • I* BedF flestnum Offett, 100 g.te.

e. 2 hre.) IEI 136 N N N N N 1,.----. 1 ~ 584 1., 1:5----. .. 584 I/O,.., N 585 s IB6 III

  • II"3

.582 \\ 13 4 See 182 137 ----- S - 6 181 \\ \\ SET .580 _, 7 - 8 ~] Direettene \\ 38-I 58-2 N

e. Soteratee the BAPA Drywell Isomiter Insel s

and leek rate (1/ day).* \\ \\ ' 1ElO - - - - -

b. From thte pointe drew a bortsental

'I' ~ II"* "* II"* A* 3 \\\\

e. noterates the s/g (arr tv-107. Att. 4) for f

. ni. oireit. 1.coroot.-

4. From the intersect with time A. drew

~ gg t! - -- - - - OQ e straight line through the 3/Q to N line C. gg,4 g I y \\ .58 5

e. The latersect with Itse C to the

%. Sell O whole body aesteme effette Igl2 - - - - - dose rate (area /hr). SE-l SEO SEI SE2 SE3 S E'4 SES 5d 85*5 ga gg.g IED lEl IF2 Ig3 IE4 IES lE6 LEI y y

  • To obtain leek rate in % per day, DRWELL (PRIMARY CONTAINMENT) NICH RANCE MONITOR RESPONSE (DAPA) R/hr g
  • multiply the leek rete in ec/see by i

3.g3 g.) sec/ day /ce/% w l

~ ~ ^ A so SURVEY METER RESPONSE VS. MAIN STEAM LINE CONCENTRATION ~, .t+5 O * - / i l-1EM j SE+3 ' / / 1E+3 L SE+1 < l. / !' ( ~ ~ Li ::

  1. e/

4/ g) ,y

y a

l LE+1 5EM / / l[ j / .i j LE+4 -l i l l / I I 3E-1 s. a i /- j 1, l 'l ,/ l l LE-1' l LE-3 5E-3 LE-2 SE-2 1E-; 5E-L ;E+0 SEW

E+i SEvi 'LE*2 l


EP IV-107 Pg. 34 of 37 ATTACHMENT 10 e o RELEASE RATE DEFAULT TABLE FOR BOPS CREEK Noble Gas 1-131 ( f\\ Release Rate Release Rate I:NG j' TYPE (Duration) Analysis Clase** (uC1/sec) (uC1/sec) Ratio J' LOCA - No fuel Realistic 6.250 1.4E-3 2.3E-4 damage (1 hour) l LOCA - Reactor Realistic 5.4E5 1.5E4 2.7 E-2 !i Coolant & Gap Activity (1 hour) LOCA - Reactor Realistic 6.0E5 1.6E4 2.7E-2 Coolant, Gap Activity 6 14 fuel damage (1 hour) LOCA - Reactor Realistic 1.156 2.9E4 2.7E-2 Coolant, Gap Activity a lot fuel damage (1 hour) LOCA - Reactor Realistic 3.2E6 8.7E4 2.7E-2 Coolant, Gap Activity & 50% fuel damage (1 hour) ~ LOCA - Reactor

  • Realistic 5.9F4 1.6E5 2.7E-2 Coolant, Gap Activity 6 100%

fuel damage (1 hour) LOCA - 1 HR DBA 4.7E6 2.0E5 4.3E-2 LOCA

    • HR 5.5E5 8.6E3 1.6E-2 3.2E4 Instrument Line Realistic Failure (4 hours)

Steam Line Realistic 4.3E3 3.4E0 7.9E-4 Break (2 hours) Steam Line Break DBA 6.0E3 1.4E5 2.3E+1 3.7E0 Feedwater Line Realistic Break (2 hours) Control Rod DBA 9.5E4 3.4E2 3.5E-3 Drop (24 hours) Offgas System DBA 1.4E9 Failure (2 hours) I l Fuel Handling Realistic 1.3E4

8. 4 E-1 6.5E-5 Accident (2 hours)

Fuel Handling Accident DBA 1.1E7 8.3E3 8E-4 Reference calculation Verification Form 085-006, Radiation Protection Services, l 9/12/85. t,- Refers to either Realistic or Design Basis Accident (DBA) as described in HCGS FSAR Section 15. 1 Rev. 1 HCGS N,/ w

EP IV-107 Pg. 35 of 37 ATTACHNENT 11 4 () UNIT ANALYSIS & CONVERSION FACTOR i DEVELOPNENT FOR OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONS 1. For ef fluent monitor readings given in uCi/cc and flow rates in - cfm. uCi x ft3 x 2.83E4cc x 1 min = 472 uCi/sec cc min ftJ 60 sec 2' For steam releases given in uCi/cc and flow rates in 1b/hr. . uCi x lb x 1.2E4cc x lhr 3.3 uCi/sec = cc hr lb 3600 9 3. Dose rate. using given release rate, MET conditions and DRCFs. uCi x 1* x m3 x mrem /hr** sec iPI lE6cc uCi/cc 2.2E-6 mrem /hr = .45m/sec mph 4. Liquid release rate. uCi or uCi x gal x 3785cc x'l min x Kp 63 uCi/cc = cc gram min gal 60 sec unitiess 5. Liquid release (SAM 2). 67 dpm *** x 4.5E-7 uCi x lE3pci x lE6cc cpm dpm uCi 1 1.5 E3pCi/l = 20cc Xu/O. term DPCF (iodine or' noble gas as applicable)

      • SAM 2 efficiency given as 1.5% cpm /dpm HCGS Rev. 1

~~ e

EP IV-107 Pg. 36 of 37 ATT.ACHMENT 12A ACCESS TO THE METEOROLOGICAL' MONITORING AND DISPLAY SYSTEM Access to the MET-DAS is available at the following locations. 1. Control Room (behind the ControlRoom) 2. Hope Creek TSC 3. EOF - Data Room (Rm 50) - Nuclear Training Center Communication is through two menu options:

1) current 15-minute meteorological parameter averages, or 2) historical 15-minute meteorological averages stored for the previous 12 hours.- Password and commands are entered by pressing the

" return" or " enter" key on the display device. Current. 15-minute averages will automatically be provided as they become available every 15 minutes. Should remote interrogation of the system be necessary (e.g., TSC evacuation), use Attachment 12B for access. Note: All time displays (terminal and printout) are output in Eastern Standard Time (EST). It is important to realize this potential time difference as the seasons change and the clock is adj us ted. For example, real time MET data received may have a time posted on it as 0800 (EST) when it is actually 0900 daylight savings time (DST). THE ACTUAL TIME OF THE DATA IS THEN 0900 DST or 0800 EST. This adj ustment is most important for historical data files in this system. When you request the latest fifteen minute data, you receive the latest data even though the MET, clock may seem incorrect. t, / O 4 HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-107 gs Pg. 37 of 37 (/ ATTACHMENT 12B REMOTE INTERROGATION OF THE MET-DAS SYSTEM I. Description Remote interrogation of the Artificial Island Meteorological Monitoring and Display System is accomplished through a system communication computer. The communication computer is a Digital Equipment Corporation LSI 11/23. Access is pro-vided through voice grade telephone dial-up using a Bell 212A compatible modem or acoustic coupler. II. System Characteristics BAUD rate 300 Characters ASCII in the form of 8-data bits, one stop bit and no parity Line length maximum 80 characters Auto line feed - off gs III. Procedures System access is provided by dialing the system access number, (609)935-5019 and entering the system password, " pas 5", upon system request for the password. The system will respond with " SALEM METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING AND DISPLAY SYSTEM". NOTE Even though the response is for " Salem", Hope Creek meteorology is the same. i l Communication is available through two menu options: 1

1) current 15 minute meteorological parameter averages, or i
2) historical 15 minute meteorological averages stored for the previous 12 hours.

Password and commands are entered by pressing the " return" or " enter" key on the display device. Current 15 minute averages will automatically be provided as they become available every 15 minutes. Communications are ended by simply hanging up the telephone, or turning off the communication device. C) l I HCGS Rev. 1 l

y_ E ATTACHMENT.II i 5 i l

i A 6 ^g(;b'*s w-i 4 EP IV-106 pn. 1 of 19 (\\U CON"ROL EMERGENCY PROCEDURE: C0PY#8/3 EP IV-106 COMPUTERIZED EFFLUENT DOSE CALCULATIONS The content of this procedure has been approved with the exception of the information to be provided later, namely updated RMS system information. As such, this procedure is not to be implemented until revised to replace all items marked later. It may, however, be used for validation purposes to prove the content and intent of the procedure. 1. Action Level Upon the decision to compute dose estimates using the MIDAS or COMPAQ computer systems. 2. Individuals Who Will Implement This Procedure Dose Calculators (m) 3. Action Statements v THE DOSE CALCULATORS SHALL: 3.1 Contact the Control Room, (initial and short-term augment) or TSC, as appropriate, to obtain a briefing on the incident and identify the probable pathway for release of radioactive material. 3.2 Select the_ computerized dose calculation system to be used. For MIDAS, _see step 3.3; for COMPAO, see step 3.4. MIDAS is the primary method of choice. NOTE Since the Midas System is presently in an in-terim configuration, it is to be used for dose calculation only at the discretion of the RAC or RSM. b) s, HCGS Rev. 1

3 EP IV-106 3.3 MIDAS Computer System Pg. 2 of 19 -s 3.3.1 Ensure that the terminal is plugged in and that the appropriate cables are in their respective sockets. 3.3.2 Power up the terminal by pressing the " Power" button on the~ front of the terminal. A small blinking cursor will appear on the upper left hand corner of the screen. 3.3.3 Press the " Caps Lock" key. A small red light on the key will go on. 3.3.4 Press the " Return" key. The following should appear: Digital Graphics Incorporated VAX-ll/75 VMS 3.4 Username: NOTE Screen display is noted in brackets. If this does not appear, re-check the O, connections, and repeat the above steps. If it still doesn't work, there may be transmission line failure. Refer to for instruction on how to use the 300/1200 Back-up Dial-up Modem. 3.3.5 Enter the appropriate username ("HC") and press " Return". The following will appear: [ PASSWORD] 3.3.6 Enter the appropriate password (" DOSE") and press " Return". The password will not be l displayed on the screen. Upon successful username and password entry, a lengthy message will appear. The screen will flash and the following will appear in yellow type: WELCOME TO MIDAS --- DATE TIME ENTER [XX] FUNCTION OR TASK CODE [XXXX] FUNCTION AND TASK CODE [FM) FUNCTION MENU [ CTRL - 2] EXIT HCGS Rev. 1 J

1 EP IV-106 Pg. 3 of 19 3.3.7 Decide which one of two dose calculational models will be run. Both are straight line Gaussian projections. Some of the features are as follows: "A" Model " AUTOMATIC OUICK DOSE PROJECTIONS CLASS A". This is a simplified input model. It requires the user to supply: 4 Manual entry of one MET condition, Manual entry.of monitor data and MCA by accident type. 1 It enables the user to select or change: Unit of interest (Salem Unit 1 or 2, or Hope Creek) Accident type Size of Plume Map Gamma (whole body), Iodine (thyroid) or O Dose Projections Point of interest, pan, zoom and other features. (See Attachment 2.) This model defaults to supply other parameters. i The "C" Model " MANUAL ENTRY OF DETAILED CALCULATIONS CLASS-"A" l This is a slightly more flexible input model than the "A" model. It requires the user to . supply: i Manual entry of one MET condition Manual entry of monitor data and MCA by ~ accident type Time or trip accident sample Time between trip or accident, and start of release (hrs) l' Duration of release after start of release I (hrs) FRVS flow exit velocity (9,000 cfm by ( i default). ' O HCGS Rev. 1 l

EP IV-106 Pg. 4 of 19 It enables the user to select or changer Unit of interest (Salem Unit 1 or 2, or Hope Creek) Effluent release options Accident type Active release point (s). 3.3.8 Upon choosing a model to run, enter the appropriate letter ("A" or~"C") into the computer and press the " Return" key. The computer will now prompt for information in menu style. Select the option desired and input information f rom the Dose Assessment Data Sheet (see Addendum 4) as requested (e.g., MET and RMS information).. Check the data as displayed on the screen to avoid the need for corrections. Press the " Return" key once to input an entry. NOTE When responding to input questions on RMS, choose only one monitor for each release path and measurement type. For example, for south plant vent noble gas releases, choose to answer for only one of'the two choices (i.e., high-range or low-range monitor read-ings). To disregard the unchoosen input question, hit " Return". 3.3.9 If a mistake is made, corrections are possible. If the " Return" key was not pressed, simply press the " rub out" key to erase as many letters or numbers as desired. Then input the correct response. If the " Return" key was pressed, press down " Ctrl" (control) key on the lower lef t of the key board. While keeping this depressed, press down the "Z" key. This combination function, known as " control Z", will generally allow one to start over. Unforunately, to start over may be to begin at the complete beginning of the program run, not just where Ox the errors was made. Therefore, it is important to be sure of the input response before pressing the " Return" key. HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-106 Pg. 5 of 19 _s \\-)~ 3.3.10 During some of the input stages, the computer will display some of the intermediate data and calculations. It will then clear the screen and display the color graphics dose projection on the screen. A 10 mile finite gamma map will be displayed by default. When this is completed, the map can be printed out (hard copy) or other maps can be displayed. To choose other maps, respond to the prompt on the bottom of the screen for "more reports". Select a model as desired. In addition, function keys and other features may be used to enhance or define a feature on the map (see ). 3.3.11 If a color hard copy is desired, press the "S ~ Copy" key on the Tektronix 4107 terminal (TSC and OSC), or press the "hard copy" key on the Tektronix 4115 in the EOF. The color copy will take about 6 minutes at the TSC and OSC, and about 3.5 minutes'in the EOF. NOTE (~~) The screen and keyboard are inoperable (_j during screen plots. 3.3.12 If a grey scale (black and white) copy is desired, (only takes about 30 seconds) press the " record" lever on the Tektronix 4634 copier (TSC and OSC). To produce a grey scale copy in the EOF, perform the following steps.

a. Press the " setup" key once.
b. Enter the following.


c. Press the " setup" key again.
d. Press the "hard copy" key on the key pad.

A grey scale copy will then be produced. NOTE If the hard copy interfac'e is changed to " Mono" for grey scale, the same procedure must be performed again (steps a-d) to pro-duce a color copy. While in the set-up w mode, enter "HCINTER COLOR" instead of "HCINTER MONO" to route the signal to the color graphics printer. 1 HCGS Rev. 1

s ll {s/f EP IV-106 Pg. 6 of 19 l-i 3.3.13 Af ter every color graphics map is displayed on the screen, an option is given for " start 1 over" (SO) at the beginning of the program run. If desired, enter "SO" and then "RUN" and repeat the dose calculation procedure. 3.3.14 Upon termination of the dose calculations, disconnect the terminal from its computer mainframe as follow. Exit the program by either pressing the return i key, or entering "EX" as the menu dictates. A menu should then appear with the option " control-Z" to exit. Press the " CTRL" key and the "Z" key at the same time. This will completely disconnect the system. NOTE If all else fails, press the power switch on the face of the terminal once. This will shut the machine off and effectively discon-nect the terminal. t 3.4 COMPAO computer System 3.4.1 If the computer is not already set-up, set-up the portable computer terminal according to the following steps. j a. Place the computer on its side and extend the built-in legs. I j

b. Remove key board and extend the built-in legs.-


c. Set printer beside computer and load with paper.

d. Remove the printer, connector cable from side compartment of the computer and insert l one end into the first receptacle (closest to front of the computer). e. Insert other end of the cable into the () printer. s. i HCGS Rev. 1 i

g s f EP IV-106 ,_s Pg. 7 o f 19 l .s} f. Remove the power cable from the side compartment of the computer and plug into a 120 vac, 60 HZ power supply. g. Connect power cable from the side compart-ment of the computer and plug into a 120 Vac, 60 HZ power supply. 3.4.2 Insert floppy disk marked "HC. Dose" (insert with labels facing lef t) into Drive "A" (left drive). 3.4.3 Power the printer ON (switch is on the rear, right-hand side). 3.4.4 Power computer terminal ON (switch is on the left, rear side). The following actions will occur: Disk Drive "A" will be read. A tone will sound from computer. The line printer will respond with two ) consecutive carriage returns. The following will be displayed: A> Date Current date is Tue 1-01-1980 Enter new date: NOTE Screen display is noted in brackets. 3.4.5 Depress the " Caps Lock" key. 3.4.6 Depress " Number Lock" and the number key pad may be used. Enter date as follows: Mo-Day-Yr, (i.e., 3-1-85). Press " Return" or hit return alone to omit date. o HCGS Rev. 1

l-EP IV-106 ] Pg. 8 of 19 1, t l-6 }' NOTE If a time and date stamp is required, the time and dates must be entered here. The RAC and RSM will normally require these s tamps. 3.4.7 The following will be displayed: A > Time Current time is 0:07:51.46 Enter new times 3.4.8 Enter time as follows: Hr: Min, (i.e., 13:43). Press " Return" or hit return to omit time. ,0(_/ The following will be displayed: A> Dose At.this time the computer will load the dose program. 3. 4. 9, Determine the output device for intermediate data as follows: Select output device for data 0 = Terminal 1 = Line Printer 2 = Null Intermediate Data C) HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-106 l s Pg. 9 of 19 i ( ) 1 ~# Select parameter desired. } a. If "2" is selected, all intermediate data ? will not be displayed on the CRT or the l' printer. A choice of "2" for Intermediate Data is recommended. b. If "1" is selected, all intermediate data will be print'ed to the line printer. c. If "0" is selected, all intermediate data will not be printed. Select option, enter and press " Return". 3.4.10 Determine the output device for summary data. The following will be displayed: Summary and Dose Integration Data....... This entry follows the same format as above. Select option, enter and " Return:. - A choice of "1" for summary data is recommended. 3.4.11 Select the operation mode. The following will be displayed: Enter 0 to exit Program now - Enter 1 to continue (Enter - 9 for any subsequent entry to begin again) .....? l A choice of "1" is recommended for routine ( cperation of the model. Select modd, enter and press " Return". l NOTE If hardcopy of input parameters is desired, hit the " Control" key and (\\ the "P" key simultaneously. HCGS Rev. 1

i EP IV-106 l O1 Pg. 10 of 19 Il 3.4.12 - The following will be displayed: Emergency Procedure - Computerized Effluent i Dose Calculation: EP IV-106 Operator's Initials...... This begins the actual dose calculation procedure. Enter the necessary data from the Dose Assessment Data Sheet (see Addendum 4) as required by the computer prompts. NOTE When responding to input questions on RMS, choose only one monitor for each release path and measurement type. For example, for south plant vent noble gas releases, choose to answer for only one of the choices (i.e., high-range or low-ran'ge monitor readings). To disregard the unchosen input. question, enter "-1". NOTE ID k- / If the iodine release rate is unknown, multiply the known noble gas release rate by 0.001. If the noble gas release rate is not known or cannot be calulated enter -1 as an answar to the prompt. NOTE If erroneous data is entered, use the backspace key to correct the entry or enter "-9" to restart the program. NOTE If necessary, stability class conversion f ro'm Pasquill (Class A - F).to those presently used (unstable, neutral, stable) may be determined by using Attachment 3. CAUTION IF WIND SPEED IS LESS THAN 0.5 MPH, ENTER *

  • 0.5 MPH.





Rev. 1 HCGS

s EP IV-106 .k (j Pg. 11 of 19 s At the completion of the calculation the CRT will display: Enter distance for additional calculations (meter) or enter # of 15 minute dose pro-jections. desired (< 100) Enter 0 to Stop - Enter - 9 to begin again.. NOTE To back calculate plant release rates from field data,'see Attachment 4. 3'.4.13 Select condition, enter, press " Return". 9 If "0" is selected, the terminal will displays () top - program terminated A> A> At this point the computer may be shut down or the program rerun by typing " Dose" and pressing " Return". 4. References l. Salem Generating Station-Emergency Plan Procedures, Volume II, Action IV, Radiation Protection Emergency Procedures, EP IV-ll3. 2. 'NUREG CR-2919 XOO D00 Computer Program for Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations, p. A42. 3. MIDAS Users Guide and Training Manual, Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, Inc., July 1984 revision. 4. COMPAO Reference and Operations Guides, COMPAO Computer Corporation, February,.984. HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-106 Pg. 12 of 19 i l 5. Sianature Page 4 6. Attachments i 1. Use of the Penvil Auto Data 300/1200 Back-up Modem 2. Use if Function Keys and Other Features on the Midas Color Graphics Terminal 3. Conversion Table For Meteorological Stability 4. Backcalc Release Rate Estimation Procedure O i d O HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-106 Pg. 13 of 19 i jr 4 SIGNATURE PAGE Prepared By: K. Serotkin Q /a. f A'.M Reviewed By: ~ tepartment Head Date ~ V{ M /6 1.T f \\' Reviewed By: 4 m / Emergency Preparedness Wah& r Date ~ SORC Meeting. : f6'-if R.S. Salvesen f a ff D SORC Chairman Date Approved By: R.S. Salvesen General Manager - Hope Creek Operations Date HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-106 (~} Page 14 of 19 \\_/ ATTACBMENT 1 ii USE OF THE PENRIL AUTO DATA 300/1200 BACK-UP DIAL-UP MODEMI 1. Power up the Tektronix Computer terminal by pressing the power button on the face of the terminal. A small blinking cursor should appear in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Press the " Caps Lock" key once (located on lower left of the key pad). A small red light on the key will go on. Press the " setup" key once (located on the upper row of keys). An asterisk (*) and a blinking cursor (-) will appear. Enter the following 2 BAUD 1200 1200 (note single spaces between each). Press the " Return" key once. Upon entering the above, press the " setup" key again. The asterisk will disappear leaving just the blinking cursor. ( ) 2. . Procure the Penril Auto Data 300/1200 Modem and supporting cables. Plug the power module into the socket marked " power" in the back of the modem. Plug the other end into a 110 VAC power source. 3. Plug the modular phone plug (from a standard phone line that can dial offsite) into the " phone line" socket in the back of the modem. 4. Plug the computer cable (RS232 type) into the corresponding socket in the back of the modem. It may be necessary to unplug this cable from the back of the Penril 1800 dedicated modem which is the primary system. A small slotted screwdriver will facilitate this task., 5. Upon successful completion of the above, press the " Return" key once. The following should appear on the screens PENRIL 8216 AD 1.1 1200 BPS IThe dial-up system is designed to be used as a back-up method for the operation of the MIDAS computer should the dedicated transmission line fail. b 2 ny error may be corrected by pressing the " rub out" key ~ A providing the " Return" key has not been pressed. HCGS Rev. 1

+ i EP IV-106 Pg. 15 of 19 ) j If this does.not appear recheck the connections. If this doesn't work, repeat step one. 6. ' Press the letter "k" on the key pad. The following will appear [NO. :] Enter one of the following numbers exactly as shown with no spaces. 913018814845 or 9130188148,44 If you make a mistake hit the return key until the carat (>) appears. Enter the ,cter "k" and try again. 7. Upon successfully entering of one of the above numbers, hit the " Return" key. The following should appears [ Dialing: 9130188148XX] ~ [OK] If a " Busy" message appearc, hit the "R" key once, this will redial the above number. press the " Return" key .8. Upon receiving the "OK" message r once. The following will app ~ ear: [ Digital Graphics Incorporated Vax-ll/750 VMS 3.4.] [Username:] Enter the appropriate username, and press " Return". [ Passwords] Enter the appropriate password and press Return. The password will not echo back to the screen. 9. Upon successful username and password entry, an extended message will appear. The screen will flash and the following will appear in yellow type [WELCOME TO MIDAS -- DATE TIME] () 10. You now have successfully entered the MIDAS software. Follow the MIDAS procedure for running dose calculation routines. HCGS Rev. 1

l EP IV-106 Pg. 16 of 19 r,g ATTACBMENT 2 i USE OF FUNCTION KEYS AND OTHER FEATURES ON THE MIDAS COLOR I GRAPHICS TERMINAL Function keys and special features may be used when prompted by a message in the lower portion of the screen. Function keys are toggle type, namely press once and it's on, press again and it's off. PUNCTION KEYS The function keys are used to add and remove various overlays on the MIDAS maps. Ensure that the~ message: [ FUNCTION KEYS MAY BE USED TO CHANGE MAP FEATURES] is displayed,on the lower portion of the screen (dialog area). Select a function by pressing the function key (s) of interest. Function Key Feature F1 Wind spider overlay F2 County boundary overlay " Shift"-F2 Text overlay for maps F3 EPZ overlay F6 Mobile monitoring sites overlay POINT OF INTEREST (POI) The POI allows the user to select a particular area or object on the map by the use of crosshairs. Exposure rates at thrt point a are then given. To operate the POI proceed as follows. 1. Ensure that the message: [ FUNCTION KEYG MAY BE USED TO CHANGE Mhi /EATURES] is displayed on the lower portion of the screen. 2. Enter "CO" to continue, as the menu on screen. 3. Enter the letter "I". 4. Move the crosshairs by the use of the " Joy disk" (TSC & i OSC) or the Thumbwheels (EOF) over the object of interest. HCGS Rev. 1 l I

l e ) EPIV-106 Page 17 of 19 5. Press the space bar. An exposure rate at that point will .be given based on the dose prcjections on that map. i 6. Enter the letter "E" to exit the POI feature when finished. f. 1 PAN AND ZOOM The Pan and Zoom enables the user to " zoom" in on a particular area and enlarge it for closer inspection. To operate the pan and zoom feature, proc;ed as follows. i. Ensure that the me:-Jage: [ FUNCTION KEYS MAY BE USED TO CHANGE MAP FEATURES] is displayed on the lower portion of the screen. 2. Press the " menu key" (located on the upper row of keys). 3. A white' band will appear on the lower screen. j/ 4. Press the "F2" function key. This will enter the pan and zoom function. /~' 5. Use the joy disk or thumbwheels (as appropriate). Adjust (_)g and move the " brackets of interest" to a desired location on the map. The zota feature is activated by pressing the "Fl" key, the pan feature by pressing the "F2" key. In this manner the size and location of the brackets can be changed. 6. When'the appropriate location and size desired is reached, press the "F3" key. This will redisplay the area inside-the " bracket of interest". Steps 5 and 6 may be repeated up to three times. l

NOTE, A ccior or grey scale copy of the enlarged area may be produced at any time by following steps 3.3.11 and 3.3.12 in the MIDAS procedure.

7. To return to the original map, press the " shift" key while simultaneously pressing the "F3" key. This will restore the map in progressive steps depending on how many times it was enlarged. ( ) 8. To exit the pan and zoom function, press the "menel-key. This will return the control back to the dialog area where more functions may be accessed as dictated by the menu on the screen. HCGS Rev. 1

(- l 7 4 EP IV-106 Page 18 of 19 s ATDOBE!Nr 3 CCMVERSIN 'D4EME PGt MII0pntfYNCAL SDBILITY Pasquill Class Brookhaven Stability Classes Description Extremely unstable (Af Moderately unstable (B) Unstable Slightly unstable (C) Neutral (D) Neutral Slightly stable (E) Moderately stable (F) Stable Stable (G) CIASSIFICATIN N KDOSPHERIC STABILITY *'BY SUM 3MtD DEVIATIN N 10RIENDJ. WDO DIRECYIN (66) Alg) VERTICAL 'IBE8ERMURE DIFFERENCE (AT) Stability Pasquill T*C T*C Classification Categories (degrees) 300 - 33 ft 150 - 33 ft Extremely unstable A d 9 > 22.5 AT 1 - 1.5 AT1 .7 Moderately unstable B 22.5 >d 8 > 17.5 -1.5 < AT i - 1.4 .7 <&T 1 .6 Slightly unstable C 17.5 >d 9 > 12.5 -1.4 < AT 1 - 1.2 .6 < AT 1 .5 Neutral D 12.5 >d 9 > 7.5 -1.2 < &T 1 - .4 .5<AT1 .2 Slightly stable E 7.5 >6 e > 3.8 .4 5 AT i 1.2 .2 <A T 1 5 lederately stable F 3.8 >d 9 > 2.1 1.2 < 4T 1 3.3 .5 < A T 1 1.4 Extremely stable G 2.1 > d 0 3.3 < A T 1.4 < A T Use of de to represent atmospheric stability when wind speeds are less than 1.5 m/s should be substantiated. If de is to be used as an indicator of vertical diffusion (atmospheric stability), adjustments to the sangling interval may be needed to eliminate wind fluctuations in the horizontal which cb not occur in the vertical, especially during night-time conditions. Det,ined for a 15 minute to one hour period for horizontal diffusion. HCGS Rev. 1

EP IV-106 Pg. 19 of 19 ('T ATTACHNENT 4 (,,/ BACKCALC RELEASE RATE ESTIMATION PROCEDURE Backcalc calculates the plant release rates from field dose rates using thyroid and whole body dose rate readings. Insert the floppy disk and turn the computer and printer on. 1. Obtain an A> prompt. 2. Type "Backcalc" and enter. The computer will prompt for Xu/0; determine the Xu/O using EP IV-107 Attachment 4. Enter the number only (not the exponent). 3. Enter the wind speed in MPH. 4. Determine the wind speed height adjustmant f actor using EP IV-107 Attachment 5 and enter. 5. Determine the whols body. dose rate conversion factor (DRCF) at ) the time since the release using EP IV-107 Attachment 6 and enter. 6. Determine the thyroid dose rate conversion factor (DRCF) at the time since the release using EP IV-107 Attachment 7 and -s enter. y 7. Enter the field whole body dose rate in mrem /hr. 8. Enter the field thyroid dose rate in mrem /hr. 9. Determine the time of interest by subtracting the tima the sample was taken from the distance at which the sample was taken divided by the wind speed. (e.g., sample taken at 1430 hrs., at 7000 meters (4.4 miles), wind speed is 2 mph. Then T = 1430 - 4.4/2, or T= 1430 - 2.2 hrs. T = 1218 Note that 0.1 hr. = 6 minutes. Therefore, &.2 hours = 12 minutes

10. The computer will complete the calculations and print the results.

Both the noble gas and the iodine release rates may ~ be detarmined simultaneously or individual by entering the DRCF and the field dose rate for either the noble gas or the iodine. 11.~To exit the program type "no" when prompted. You must complete a calculation before you exit (enter a return for prompt). After the computer finishes printing, it will prompt for another calculation, enter your choice and return. (_- Example: A yes (y) will begin the calculation program again. A no (n) will terminate the program and return you to the operating system. HCGS Rev. 1}}