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Proposed Tech Specs Permitting Increase in Allowable Leak Rate for MSIVs & Deleting MSIV Sealing Sys
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Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1998
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML20198N395 List:
NUDOCS 9901060118
Download: ML20198N398 (11)


{{#Wiki_filter:.-. D: cum:nt Central D:tk LR-N98564 Attachm:nt 3 LCR H98-10 HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NPF-57 DOCKET NO. 50-354 REVISIONS TO THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (TS) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES WITH PROPOSED CHANGES The following Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License No. NPF-57 are affected by this change request: Technical Specification Page Index xi 3/4 6-2 & 6-3 3/4 6-7 3.6.3 3/4 6-20 Bases 3/ B 3/4 6-1 [ i i I 9901060118 981228 ' PDR ADOCK 05000354 P PDRA

1 INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.4.6 PRESSURE / TEMPERATURE LIMITS l Reactor Coolant System............................... 3/4 4-21 1 Figure Minimus Reactor Pressure Vessel Metal Temperature Versus Reactor Vessel Pressure................................ 3/4 4-23 l Table (0eleted)............................. 3/4 4-24 Reactor Steam Dome............ 3/4 4-25 3/4.4.7 MAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION VALVES.......................... 3/4 4-26 3/4.4.8 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY...................................... 3/4 4-27 3/4.4.9 RESIOUAL HEAT REMOVAL H o t S h u t d own............................................. 3/4 4-28 Cold Shutdown............................................. 3/4 4-29 3/4.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS 3/4.5.1 ECCS - 0PERATING.......................................... 3/4 5-1 3/4.5.2 ECCS - SHUT 00WN.......... 3/4 5-6 3/4.5.3 S U P P R E S S I ON CMM8 E R....................................... 3/4 5-8 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAI MENT Primary Containment Integrity............................. 3/4 6-1 Primary Containment Leakage. 3/4 6-2 -5 Prima Containeen ..3 Mfd L6Aggd Tit 4MMM FAT W M........ 3/Y(o Pr mary onta noen Structural Integrity.......%..n. d 4 M Drywell and Suppression Chamber Internal Pressure......... 3/4 6-9 HOPE CREEK xi Amendment No. 46

l l i CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONT LEAKAGE i l LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 1 Primary containment leakage rates shall be limited to: I l a. An overall integrated leakage rate (Type A test) in accordance with i the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. i b. A combined leskage rate in accordance with the Primary Containment l I Leakage Rate Testing Program for all penetrations and all valves listed in Table 3.6.3-1, except for main steam line isolation valves *, valves which form the boundary for the long-term seal of the feedwater lines, and other valves which are hydrostatically tested per Table l j 4 3.6.3-1, subject to Type _B and C test _s._ 144h ht_nSM,eWAMleSS b k c.

  • Less than or equal to 46v1Fsefh cFmbined through all four main steam i

lines when tested at 5 psig,. _^.., L .,7 - R ce,. ugu.A to A combined leakage rate of less(te.v 3 d. than or equal to 10 gym for all MP N *4 containment isolation valves which form the boundary for the long-rm j seal of the feedwater lines in Table 3.6.3-1,'when tested at 1.10 Pa, l 52.9 psig, e. A combined leakage rate of less than or equal to 10 gym for all other i penetrations and containment isolation valves in hydrostatically j gested lines in Table 3.6.3-1 which penetrate the primary containment, I when tested at 1.10 Pa, 52.9 psig Ap. APPLICABILITY: When PRIMARY CONMINMENT INTEGRITY is required per Specification ACTION: With: a. The measured overall integrated primary containment leakage rate (Type A test) not in accordance with the Primary Containment Leakage Rat r Testing Program, or b. The measured combined leakage rate for all penetrations and all valves listed in Table 3.6.3-1, except for main steam line isolation valves *, valves which form the boundary for the long-term seal of the feedwater lines, and other valves which are hydrostatically tested per Table 3.6.3-1, subject to Type B and C tests not in accordance with the l Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, or c. The measured leakage rate exceeding fh combined through all four main steam line, o -- ye or Loo ScM h h,g,,, mein 5% M - ~.

  • Exemption to Appendix "J" of 10 CTR 50.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 6-2 Amendment No. 104

e p courransemur arenes LIMITI3IG CMERICN FOR OPERATICII (Continued) j &C22gg (Contisused) d. The measured combined leakage rate for all containment isolation valves which form the boundary for the long-term seal of the feedwater lines in Table 3.6.3-1 exceeding 10 gym, or j e. The measured combined leakage rate for all other penetrations and J containment isolation valves in hydrostatically tested lines in Table 3.6.3 1 which penetrate the primary contain=.nt exceeding 10 gym, restore: i a. The overall integrated leakage rate (s) (Type A test) to be in accordance with the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, and b. The combined leakage rate for all penetrations and all valves listed in Table 3.6.3-1, excupt for main steam line isolation valves *, valves which form the boundary for the long-term seal of the feedwater lines, and other valves which are hydrostatically tested per Table 3.6.3-1, subject. to Type B and C tests to be in accordance with the Primary Containment faakage Rate Testing Program, and ~ ;gQ p % W5 , % _ w$) c. The leakage rate to less than or equal to sefh - lirr - rr p ell e tous--anta-seemm4&mesPand i d. The combined leakage rate for all containment isolation valves which form the boundary for the long-term sesi of the feedwater lines in Table j 3.6.3-1 to less than or equal to 10 gym, and i e. The combined leakage rate for all other penetrations and contain= ant l isolation valves in hydrostatically tested lines in Table 3.6.3-1 which j penetrate the primary containment to less than or equal to 10 gym, j prior to increasing reac:or coolant system temperature above 200*P. SURVIILIANCE REQUIREMEIFFS j ..........................n........... ..........o............................ 1 % e primary containment leakage rates shall be demonstrated in q accordance utth the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program for the following j

1. Type A test.


2. Type 3 and C tests (including air locks).



,i j



  • Exesqption to Appendix "J" of 10 CFR 50.

3, l HCPE CREEK 3/4 6-3 Amendment No, ICE

l l CONTA!f#IENT SYSTEMS MSIV SEALING-SYSTEM LIMITING CON 0! TION FOR OPERATION Two independent MSIV sealing system (MSIVSS) subsystems shall b OPERA 8LE. i APPLICA8ILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2 and 3. ACTION: i With one MSIV sealing system subsystem inoperable, restore the noperable sub-system to OPERA 8LE status within 30 days or be in at least No SHUT 00WN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 4 hours. l SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each MSIV sealing system subsystem shall be emonstrated l OPERA 8LE: i a. At least once per 92 days by cycling a h testable motor-operated j valve except the Main Steam Stop Val s (MSSVs) through at least one complete cycle cf full travel. b. During each COLD SHUTDOWN, if performed within the previous 92 days, by cycling each moto operated valve including the Main Steam Stop Valves (MSSVs) n testable during operation through a least one complete cycle full travel. c. At least once per 18 nths by performance of a functional test of the subsystem thro out its operating sequence, and verifying that each interlock a timer operates as designed and each automatic valve actuates its correct position. d. By verifyi the control instrumentation to be OPERA 8LE by performa e of a: 1. NNEL CHECK at least once per 24 hours, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per 92 days, and 3. CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months. l lN HOPE CREEK 3/4 6-7

_ _ _ _ _. _ ~. _... 4 I h l CONTAI!flEILT SY.5IElis l 451VLEAKAGE A6MTfvidd_fPATHWAY LINITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION i The M51V Leakage. T W g Pathway shall be OPERABLE. I APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2, and 3. } 81119!!: With the MSIV LEAM NmW Pathway inoperable, restore-the pathway to OPERABLE status within @ d in COLD SHUTDOWNdays or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours an within the following 24 hours. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 5 ] The MSIV leakage TMfTfff16 Pathway shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: a. In accordance with 4.0.5, by cycling each motor operated valve. j required to be repositioned, through at least one complete cycle of full travel. d 4 i i i ) i j J

'} TABLE 3.6.3-1 zj PRIMARY CONTAlletENT ISOLATION VALVES S MAXIf890 E PENETRATION' ISOLATION TIME 1 I VALVE FUNCTION AND NUISER NUISER (Seconds) NOTE (S) P&10 A. Automatic Isolation Valves 1. Group 1 - Main Steam system (a) Main Steam Isolation. Valves (MSIVs) M-41-1 l t Inside: Line A HV-F022A (A8-V028) PIA 5 1 Line B HV-F0228 (A8-V029) PIB 5 .1 Line C HV-F022C (A8-V030) PIC - 5 1 i Line D HV-F0220 (A8-V031) PID 5 1 i. M Outside-Line A HV-F028A (A8-V032) PIA 5 1 l T Line 8 HV-F0288 (A8-V033) PIB 5 1 G Line C HV-F028C (A8-V034) PIC 5 1 Line D HV-F0280 (A8-V035) PID 5 1 j (b) Main Steam Line Drain Isolation M-41-1 [ i Inside: HV-F016 (A8-V039) P12 30 3 t Outs ide:--- _ -- A HV-F067A ( -V059 PIA 45 4 Line (""^^^^^' 1 '^"" ,.-{iQ-FM7fL (AR-VMQA M-

  1. W

~ 1 i Lipe 067C (A8-V061) ^1^ 45 HV-F019 (A8-V040) P12 30 3 i i

TABLE 3.6.3-1 (Continued) PRIMARY CONTAlletEtn ISOLATION VALVES MAXIMLA4 PENETRATION ISOLATION TIME VALVE FUNCTION AND NUMBER NtMBER (Secondal NOTE (S) EMD c ing em Isolation Valves ~ ^ Outside: Line A HV-5834A (KP PIA 45 1 Line B P-V009) PE 45 1 HV-5836A (KP-V008) PIC 1 Line D HV-5837A (KP-V007) PID 45 ^

2. Group 2 - Reactor Recirculation Water Sample System (a) Reactor Recirculation Water Sample Line Isolation Valves n.43.g Instde:

BB-SV-4310 Pl? 15 3 Outside: BB-SV-4311 Pl? 15 3 i Group 3 - Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System (a) HHR Suppression Pool Cooling Water & System Test M-51-1 Isolation Valves Outside: Loop A: HV-F024A (BC-V124) P2128 180 11 HV-F010A (BC-V125) P2128 ISO 11 6 Outside: Loop B: HV-F024B (BC-V028) P212A 130 11 HV-F010B (BC-V027) P212A ISO 11 6 L (b) RHR to Supp'ression Chamber Spray Header Isolation Valves M.51-1 Outside: Loop A: HV-F027A (BC-V112i P214B 75 3 Loop B: HV-F0278 (BC-V015) P214A 75 3 I 3/4 6-20 Amendment No. 76 noeE ekEEK { i



3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 3/ PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ensures that the release of radioactive materials from the containment atmosphere will be restricted to those leakage paths and associated leak rates assumed in the accident analyses. This restriction, in conjunction with the leakage rate limitation, will lindt the site boundary radiation doses to within the limits of 10 CFR Part 100 during accident conditions. 3/ PRIMARY CONTAINMENT LEAXAGE The limitations on primary containment leakage rates ensure that the total containment leakage volume will not exceed the value assumed in the accident analyses at the design basis LOCA maximum peak containment accident pressure of 48.1 psig, P., As an added conservatism, the measured overall integrated leakage rate (Type A test) is further limited to less than or equal to 0.75 L. during performance of the periodic tests to account for possible degradation of the containment leakage barriers between leakage tests. Operating experience with the main steam line isolation valves has indicated that degradation has occasionally occurred in the leak tightness of the valves; therefore the special requirement for testing these valves. The surveillance testing for measuring leakage rates is consistent with the Primary containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. 3/ PRIMARY CONTAINMENT AIR LOCKS The limitations on closure and leak rate for the primary containment air locks are required to meet the restrictions on PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY and the Primary containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. Only one closed door in each air lock is required to maintain the integrity of the containment. 3 / 4. 6.1. 4 MSIV SEALING SYSTD4 Calculated doses resulting from the maximum leakage allowance for th main see ation valves in the postulated LOCA situations wou a small fraction of the 00 guidelines, provided the ma em line system from the isolation valves up to ciuding the t condenser remains intact. Operating experience has indica degradation has occasionally I occurred in the leak tightness MSIV's suc the specified leakage I requirements have no s been maintained continuous e sealing system will reduc ntreated leakage from the MSIVs when isolation primary and containment is required. f N N b 69 D lM'T T b HOPE CREEK B 3/4 6-1 Amendment No.104

.~. l l 0 l MSIV LEMJcf T4thTN PATHWAY 3/ Calculated doses resulting from the maximum leakage allowances for the i ill not main steamline isolation valves in the postulated LOCA situat ons w t line exceed the criteria of 10 CFR Part 100 guidelines, provided the main s eam d remains system from the isolation valves up to and including the tur leakage occurred in the leak tightness of the MSIVs such that the specified intact. The requirement for requirements have not always been continuously maintained. Pathway serves to r the M51% Leakage Treett l l l i I l l l l l