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Applicant Exhibit E-61,consisting of Draft 4 to Upper Perkiomen School District...,Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Incidents at Limerick Generating Station Dtd Nov 1984
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/28/1984
OL-A-E-061, OL-A-E-61, NUDOCS 8507050199
Download: ML20128D810 (53)



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.. t., mm Prepared for:

Upper Perkioaen School District 201 W. Fifth Street East Greenville, PA 18041-1S98 l

Novemoer 1984 by:

Ener3y Consultants 2101 N. Front Street Harri suu ry , PA 17110 Y


8507050199 841128


PDR ADOCK 05000352 G PDR ,

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F i Draft 4 U









11 Draft 4

, )

Table of Contents


.Page I\_)\

Re c o rd o f C h a n g e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Pr omu l g a t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 L Ta b l e o f Co n t e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i i

- I.

Introducticn....................................................... 1 A. Au t h o r i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 B. Purpose........................................................ 1 C. . References..................................................... 1 D. De f i n i t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 E. Objectives..................................................... 5 II. BasicPlan......................................................... 6 A. Ge n e ra l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 g B. Di rec tio n a nd Co o rd i na tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 C. Di s t r i c t Org a n i z a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

0. Fixed Nucl ear Facil i ty Incident Si tuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 E. Al e r t/ No t i f i c a t i o n Sy s t em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 F. School Cl o s i ng/ Ca ncel l a ti on o f Ev ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 G. Pro te c t i v e Ac t i o n Co nc e p ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 H. Co.nti nui ty o f Sc hool Admi n i s tra tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I. Reo p e n i n g o f Sc h o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 J. Ilutual Aid / Re ques ts fo r As s i stance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 K. Re s po n s i b i l i t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

-III. Tra i n i n g/ Dri l l s/ Ex e rc i s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 IV. Pl an Ma intenance and Di s tri bu tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 -

V. Concept o f Ope ra t ions - Sc hool i n Se ss i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A. Un u s u a l Ev e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 i ~

iii Dra f t 4

B. Alert.......................................................... 16

( ') C. S i t e En e r g e n c y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 V

D. Ge n e ra l En e rg e n c y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 E. Recove ry/ Reoccu pa tion / Reo peni ng o f School s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 VI. Concept o f Ope rations - School no t i n Se ssion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A. Un u s u a l Ev e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 B. Alert.........................................................24 C. S i t e En e r 9 e n c y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 D. Ge n e ra l Em e rg e n c y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 E. Re c o v e ry/ Re u c c u p a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 VII. Sc hool Di st ri c t Pro fil e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 AttacNnents Attachment 1 Sc hool Di s tri c t Pro fil e Fo ra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al-1 c'

Attachment 2 Sc hool Bu i l d i n g Pro fil e Fo rm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2- 1


Attachaent 3 Le tte r to Pa re n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 - 1 Attachment 4 School Evacua tion E65 Announcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4-1 Attachment 5 Ag r e em e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS - 1 Attachment 6 Sc h o o l Ca l en d a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6 - 1

. , ~



iv Draft 4




The authority for the preparation of this plan is provided by the Board of Education, Upper Perkiomen School District, and is consistent with P. L.1332, the Pennsylvania Ener3ency Management Services Act of 1978.

B. Purpose This plan is presented to establish responsibilities, define a concept of operations, offer workable procedures for the protection of school students, and provide for the direction and control of District school facilities, staff, and students in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

C. References

1. Pennsylvania Eaergency Management Services Act of 1978, P. L.


T 2. Ibntgomery County Radiolo31 cal Energenc/ Response Plan, nnnex H,


\-- School Services.

3. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Disaster Operations Plan, Annex E, Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents, Appendix 11, Scnools and Colleges Ener3 enc / Plans.1981, witn chan3es.
4. . School Emersency Planning Guide, Pennsylvania Department of Education, 1980. .
5. Resolution (# ) of the Upper Perkiomen School District Board of Education, ,1984 (reference Page 11 of this Plan).
6. ' O. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Federal Energency Management Agency " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Energencj Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG 0654, FEHA-REP-1, REV 1.

tbvember 1980.

D. Definitions

1. Access Control Point ( ACP) - Those points manned pri.aarily by State or local police, augmented when necessary by the intional Guard, established around all roads leading into an evacuated 9 area, or an area where occupants are taking shelter, for the purpose of controlling access into the area.

1 Draft 4 1

2. Amateur Radio- Licensed volunteer radio amateur communications personnel affiliated with county emergency management organiza-( ) tion. (Such organizations include Anateur Radio Emergency

() Service ( ARES), Radio Anateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES),

4 Wheel Drive Clubs for Emergency Services, Civil Defense /

Citizens Band, and Radio Emergency Action Teams (REACT).

3. Central Resource Receiving Point - A predesignated location outside tne plume exposure pathway EPZ, suitable for the reception and distribution of supplies and equipaent.
4. Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Announcements - Official announcements made at the county level for tne specific purpose of providing instructions or directions from the County Commissioners, or their designated official representative, to the permanent and transient residents of the county. Announ:e-ments are made over the legally desi nated 3 EBS network. EBS announcements at the State level are made only when they are applicable statewide. Priorities for EBS announcements are specified in law; first priority to the Federal government, second priority to county governments, and third priority to state governments. Restriction on use of EBS announcements does not preclude appropriate use of newspapers, radio and television for public information statements.
5. Emergency Management - The judicious planning, assi 3nment and coorcination of all available resources in an integrated pro 3rau

(] of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery

(,/ for emergencies of any kind, whether from enemj attack, man-made or natural sources. (May oe termed Emergency Prepareoness.)

6. Emergency Operations Center (E0C) - A facility used by state, county or municipal yovernments from which to direct operations in the event of an emergency.
7. Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) - A generic area defined about a nuclear facility to facilitate offsite emergency planning and develop a significant response base. It is defined for tne plume and ingestion exposure pathways,
a. Plume Exposure Pathway - The area surroundin, a fixed nuclear facility whicn potentially is suoject to radiation exposure' as a result of an incident involving radioactive material emanating from the facility. Such potential exposure could involve: (1) whole body external exposure to gamma radiation from the plume and from deposited materials, and (2) inhalation exposure from the passing radioactive plume. The EPZ for this pathway consists of an area of approximately ten miles in radius around the fixed nuclear facility. (The exact size and configuration of the plume exposure pathway EPZ for the Limerick Generating Station was determined in relation to local emergency response needs and

(~3 capabilities as they are affected by conditions such as

() demography, topography, access routes, and surisdictional boundaries.

2 Draft 4

b. Ingestion Exposure Pathway - That area surrounding a fixed nuclear facility which, as a result of a release of

. /~N ' radioactive material, is a potential source of exposure

(._,) . through the ingestion of water and foods, such as milk or ,

fresh vegetables ori@inating there. This EPZ consists of a '

circular area of 50 miles radius around the fixed nuclear facil ity.

8. Host School - Predetennined schools outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ to which risk school students are evacuated, at which they remain under risk school officials' supervision, until they are picked up by their parents or legal guardians.

Students residing in the plume exposure pathway EPZ and attend-ing school outside will be held for pick-up at the school they attend.

9. Incident - An event or condition at a nuclear facility which could result in impact on public health and safety. Four emergency incident levels have been developed to facilitate planning for response to nuclear incidents:
a. Unusual Events - An occurrence which indicates a potential degradation of the level of safety of the facility. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.



b. Alert - An occurrence which involves actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the facil i ty. Any releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protective action-guideline exposure levels,
c. Site Emergency - An occurrence which involves actual or likely major failures of facility functions needed for the protection of the public. Radioactive releases are not expected to exceer the EPZ_ protective action suideline exposure levels except near the facilitj site boundary.
d. General Energency - An occurrence which involves actual or imminent suDstantial core degradation or melting with the potential for loss of containment integrity. Releases can reasonably by expected to exceed EPA protective action guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area boundaries.
10. Main Evacuation Routes - Those roadways identified in state and risk county plans as tne principal routes leading from the plume .

exposure pathway EPZ for use by vehicles in the event of an incident requiring evacuation. Traffic control points will be manned by the, Pennsylvania State Police to expedite traffic


J r .

3 Draft 4


11. flass Care Center - Fixed facilities suitable for providing emergency lodging for victims of a disaster left temporarilj homeless. Feeding may be done within a mass care center (in V)


suitable dining facilities) or nearoy.

12. Mobilize - The act of bringing a staff or agency to the stren3th required to accomplish its mission; including the prepositioning or movement of equipment or personnel.
13. Municipality - For the purposes of this plan, the . terms

" municipality" or " municipal government" are defined or referring, singularly or collectively, to cities, boroughs, townships and incorporated towns within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

14. Parent County - The county in which the nuclear facility is physically located. (Montgomery County for the Limerick Generating Station.)
15. Projected Dose - An estimate of the radiation dose which affected individuals could potentially receive if protective actions are not taken.
16. Protective Action - An action taken to avoid or reduce a projected dose of radiation. Some of the basic actions are:
a. Sheltering - Action taken by the public to take advantage of O the protection against radiation exposure afforded by V remaining indoors, away from doors and windows, during and following the passage of tne radioactive plume.
b. General Evacuation - The evacuation of the entire population within a specifiec 3eographic area.
c. Selective Evacuation - The evacuation of specific elements of the population,~ such as pregnant women, pre-school children or the infina.
17. Public Information Statements - Public announcements made by the Pennsylvania Emergency Manage:nent Agency (PEHA) or county official spokespersons via newspaper, radio or television to explain government actions being taken to protect the public in event of any public emergency. The purpose of the announcement is to provide accurate infonnation, prevent panic and counteract misinformation and rumors. Reference to the emergency incident itself will be made only in the context of the reasons for governmental actions, and not to provide detailed information about it.
18. Radiological Emergency Response Plans (RERP) - Detailed response plans developed oy tne state and its agencies, county and municipal emergency management agencies, school districts; etc.


V in coordination with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the respective fixed nuclear facility.

4 Draft.4 c


19. Reception Center - A predesi3nated site outside the exposure pathway EPZ through which evacuees will pass to obtain Os infonnation and directions to mass care centers.

.D Risk County - A county located within the plume exposure pathway 20.

EPZ of a nuclear facility.

21. Risk School District - A school district located partially or wholly-within tne plume expsoure pathway EPZ of a fixed nuclear facil ity. Use of the term school district shall include all public and non-profit private schools.
22. School Services Officer - An individual appointed by the Montgomery County Of fice of Guer3ency Preparedness (OEP) who ensures the coordination of risk school district plans for protective response and coordinates the alert / notification and resource requirements of risk schools at the time of the emer-gency incident. .This individual provides staff assistance to the Montgomery County EOC and operates under the direction and control of the Montgomery County OEP Director / Coordinator.
23. Standby Status - The term used to describe state of readiness.

Standard operating procedures have been reviewed; materiel, communications and required supplies are available and adequate for initial operations; and sufficent personnel are on hand to commence operations. Augmentation personnel necessary for sustained operations are alerted and ready to report for duty when called.

24. - Support County - Tne county or counties outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ of a nuclear facility that, through prior a,reement, will provide support to a risk county in the event of an incident. Depending on size and location, tne same county may be both a risk and support county
25. Traffic Control Points. (TCP) - Those points established at critical road intersections for the purpose of controlling or limiting traffic.
26. Transportation Providers - Owners / operators, school district vehicles and drivers and/or contract transportation resources provided for both routine (bus) movement of students, and any

- special transportation resource provided during emergency conditions.

27. Unmet Needs - Capabilities and/or resources required to support emergency operations neither available nor provided for at the respective levels of government or by the District.

E. Objectives'of the Plan Tne plan-is presented to:

1. Clarify lines of authority and establish responsibilities for the protection of school students and staff.

5 Draft 4

_. _ ~ _ . _ _ _ _ .__ _ _ _ _ _ -

2. Ensuresthat!plannedactionsareinconsonancewithHunicipal, County and State RERP's.

\ -

1 3. . Identify necessary resources and required personnel to assure protective actions can be . implemented for the Upper Perkiomen School District population.

4. Provide the basis for orientation of school staff, students and parents / guardians regarding appropriate actions in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

II. BASIC PLAN A. General Because a number of school districts are found within the 10.aile plume expsoure pathway EPZ of the Limerick Generating Station, all of which might be expected to implement their respectvie RERP's simultaneously, the safety of the school population can Dest be served through an emergency plan that is in consonance amans all districts, as well as with the state and risk county RERP's.

Accordingly, the Upper Perkiomen School District RERP has been developed in such a _ manner that it'will function harmoniously with other plans without risk of conflict.

This plan is designed to protect school students wnile attending any school function, including classroc.a and/or extracurricular activities, special events or any function sponsored by the school.

3. Direction and Coordination
1. The Superintendent of Schools shall exercise all authority
granted in accordance with the policies set forth by the School Board and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
2. The -Superintendent of . Schools is responsible to the School Goard for all school emergency plans and procedures assuring the safety of students and staff in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.
3. Non-profit private schools within the territory covered by the '

Upper Perkiomen School District come under the School District for planning.. notification and coordination of transportation j resource requirements. t

4. The Superintendent of- Schools coordinates with the Hont omery 3  :

County 0EP for protective response to include _the direction and control of evacaution and/or sheltering of students and staff and for the cancellation of school-or ssecial activities.

5. All students, school buildings, school equipment, staff and contracts will' remain under the supervision and control the.the=


O Superintendent of- Schools. The Upper Perkio.nen School District V Administration Office will serve as the interfacing point in -

16. Draft 4 Li

4 In ~no case will students be dismissed to their own care if 15.

protective action is inninent. School officials will remain N responsible for student safety until parents / guardians can

[ - (d assume responsioility.

C. District Organization An Organizational Chart for the Upper Perkiomen School District

  • is maintained on file at the District Office.

D. Fixed Nuclear Facility Incident Situation

1. All incidents occuriny at the Limerick Generating Station will j be classified according to the emergency action levels: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency General Emergency.


2. . A fixed nucl' ear facility incident could occur during school hours and result in the disruption of school services for an extended period of time.

} 3. County officials and school administration will initiate ,

. protective actions including all those actions considered i necessary for the safety of the general population, requiring students and staff to either initiate shelterins actions or

. evacuate directly to designated host schools.

E. Alert / Notification System

1. Montgomery County OEP and the Upper Perkiomen School District will maintain an alert / notification procedure and a priaarf and
  • backup telecommunications system to provide for alert /notifica-

, tion and information exchange in the event of an incident at the l

Limerick Generating Station. The teleconnunications system includes telephones located at the Upper Perkiomen School District Administrative Office (and each school principal's s

office). Connercial telephone service shall serve as the

primary method of connunication. The Montgomery County OEP notify the Superintendent of ALERT, SITE EMERGENCY and GEHERAL EHERGENCY. The Upper Perkiomen School District Administrative Office to provide an alternate means of radio communication in the event of a telephone failure, i

i tin the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station 1

requiring notification of schools, Montymery County OFP will _

i. notify the Superintendent and ALERT. SITE EHERGENCY and
  • 4 GENERAL EMERGENCY. The Upper Perkiomen School District Super-f5Teiident-is responsible to assure notification of all school



2. Schuol District Superintendent In' the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station, bQ


the Superintendent will be notified by the County School Services Officer from the . Montgomery County EOC. .The 8 Dra f t 4 t -- --

9 y--v--y7 +se+-- -e7w w y w q w -- w y qr-%9 y--  % r- +, --sq,4.- ir-+ - ---p- --

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_ _ _ _ _ ~ .. _ _ _ _. . ._ .~ -_ _ _ _ .. ._ _ _

Pennsylvania Department of Education (POE) maj confina 4 notification of school Superintendents for the purpose of p

! redundancy.

f d '

! 3. School' Prinicipals

When school is. not in session, public and non-profit private school building principals will be notified by the

. Superintendent.

When school is in session, public and non-profit private school principals.will be notified by the Superintendent or the Montgomery County OEP or School Services Officer from the Montgomery County EOC, should the Superintendent be unavailable. i l

4. Public Notification  !

- a .- The public will be alerted through the public alert systen as activated by Montgomer/ County OEP. This system consists


of sirens, activated by Montgomery County CEP, capable

  • g of providing a distinctive three (3) minute steady tone.

)- g

b. To assure coverage, personnel and equipment through the

- Montgomery _ County OEP (Fire Departments) will be dispatched by the Mont30mery County E0C to supplement this alertin3 >

j procedure.

c. The' public alert sjstem may be activated durin, Alert, Site O- Emergency, and General Emergency when (a) there is signif-icant information that will reassure the public of their .

safety; (b) the public is to be informed of plant status that may lead them to implenent specific actions on their own; or (c) specific. actions (to include protective actions) are to be _ taken by' the public. This systen will be activated at General Emergency.


d .- - Following public alert system activation, detailed instruc-

4. tions for protective _ actions will _be made through the alect and' warning Emergency Broadcast Systen (EBS). A school
  • evacuation EBS message has been prepared (reference '

Attachment 5).

5. Notification of Parents / Legal Guardians i

j a. -Parents and . legal guardians will be notified of school

closing and/or_ reopening utilizing the normal Upper

' Perkiomen School District media procedures - unless '

preenpted by public alert / notification procedures and/or an

EBS annoucement. Parental' notifications will be coordinated with Montgomery County OEP..


b. Informational material regarding plans for the protection of -

. school _ students in tne event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station,- descriptive of school closure, i

9 Oraft 4

< ,.-w-- -, 've n 4 --, s 9,, b,.v, -- - m., .-,y.-gu - -----me-2< r m- ~v nygtvweggw

evacuation procedures and appropriate parent / guardian response has been developed for distribution to parents /

guardians as a cooperative effort of the Montvomery County

' ~

OEP, Methacton School District and PENA /POE.

F. School Closing / Cancellation of Events /Early Dismissal

1. If protective action becomes imminent while school is not in session, a decision made to keep schools closed. The decision will be made' based on a recommendation made by PEilA/


PDE, and received from the Montgomery County OEP. The target

' times for receipt of PEllA/PDE recommendatiuons are 1; p.m.

and/or 6 a.m.. The recommendations will be prior to 6 a.m. to allow. time for appropriate notifications. Parents / guardians and staff will be notified utilizing regular District procedures for I school closing announcements. Note: Consideration for the


closing of school may be made at Site and General Emergency.

All schools in the District will be closed, not just tnose in i' the EPI.

2. School special activities, extracurricular events, sports contests, competitions, club meetings, class trips, etc. will be cancelled / terminated during Alert, Site Emergency, and General d

Snergency and resumed only at the termination of incident classification or reduction to Unusual Event.

3. Schools in session will not send children home early should an I evacuation appear imminent or be in progress. Regular disaissal l' \J policy / transportation routes will be in effect unless pre-empted

1 by parental notification from.the District and/or a protective

action recommendation from the ilontgomery County OEP.  !

G. Protective ~ Action Concepts

1. Protective Action Option


4 Evacuation is a protective action option which involves movesent i

of the population from the. plume exposure pathway EPZ. It may be acco.nplished on a selective or general basis. Sheltering is

.a protective action that involves remaining indoors.

2. Authorization and Control

!' a. The' Governor, or his con:titutionally designated successor, has the sole authority and responsibility for directing and compelling a selective or general evacuation or shelterinw .

i i

b. Elected county or municipal officials in authority may i recommend an evacuation or sheltering for their respective jurisdictions.


c. PEllA has the primary responsibility for directing and A, controlling protective action orders made by the Governor.-

U f

-10 Oraft 4 i

, , ,;.-,.,r,-- , ,. .. ._ , . _ . , , _ _ _ . , , , , _ , , . _ , . , . - - . - ,

d. A decision to evacuate risk municipalities (includ'ing school districts) will be announced by PEMA through the 1iontgomerj

(_T County OEP channels to school districts and building V principals. (Note: The Pennsylvania Department of Education maj notify District Superintendents for the purpose of redundancy and municipal EMA Coordintors will confirm the notification of building principals in their municipality.)

e. The Upper Perkiomen School District has the authority to close schools at its discretion. During a fixed nuclear facility incident, the Ibntgomery County OEP must be kept informed of decisions to close school or have school remain closed; as the Montgomery County OEP will coordinate school closings among all districts and schools and dispatch or
  • provide needed transportation in the event of a need to evacuate.
3. Logistics of Protective Actions *
a. If an evacuation of the EPZ is required, all students at the Green Lane Elementary School; and students attending other district schools who reside within the Limerick Generatin3 Station Energency Planning Zone (EPZ) will be sheltered in their school building to await pick-up by their parents, legal guardians, or designee.



b. School staff and personnel will remain with the sheltered students until they are reunited with parents, 3uardians, etc.
c. When the school attended is outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ and parents' homes are inside the plume exposure pathway EPZ, students will remain at the school they attend until picked up by parents or legal guar'ians.



d. Students may be p1cked up by parent, legal guardian or designate, as authorized in writing (reference- Attachment 4), in accordance with District policy.
e. Should student pick-up extend beyond 3 p.m., remaining students may be bused to ilorth Penn Senior High School designated feeding center, to be fed, properly housed and await pick-up. A notice will be posted to direct garents and guardians to this location, should any movement occur.

(flote: The Upper Perkiomen School District maj request to have students remain at district schools, providing food, etc. should conditions dictate this course of action.)

4. Protective Action Support th '

i 11 Oraft 4 ,


a. State, county and municipal RERP's offer detail'ed plans to provide for evacuatiun routes, traffic control points manned t X1 by police, roadway clearance, access control puints, V security, and emergency fuel supply.
b. Specific arrangements have been developed with Upper Perkiomen High School to act as a host school for students at the Western-Montgomery County Area Vocational-
  • Technical Schoo) . Students at the West-ibnt Vo-Tech School are from Upper Perkiomen, Pottsgrove and Sprin3-Ford Area School Districts.
c. Speciafic arrangements have been developed with Montgomery County OEP for the High School to function as an emergency
  • worker relocation point.
d. Specific materials have been developed to provide parents /

suardians a detailed description of school protective action procedures. (reference Attachment 3)

H. Continuity of School Administration

1. In the event of a general evacuation of the EPZ, the Upper Perkfomen School District shall continue to transact required ousiness at its District Administration Office, located outside tne EPZ, 201 u. Fifth Street, East Greenville, PA.

C1 2. School principals will notify the District of their evacuation

( ,) location and provide a means for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day contact, if they reside within the EPZ.

3. The Superintendent will notify the Montgomery County OEP School Services Officer of his evacuation location, wnen not at the Administrative Of fice.
4. The Superintendent of , Schools shall assure uninterrupted coveras e of the District administrative functions defined herein, including:
a. Designating and training of two (2) alternates to function in his absence.
b. Assisting school building principals to designate and train two (2) alternates to function in their absence.
c. Maintaining rosters, including methods of contact, telephone nuuoers, etc., as provided in Attachments 1 and 2.

I. Reopening of School

1. The Superintendent shall detenaine the date to reopen the District scnools, notifying the Montgomery County OEP Director /

Coordinator, who will coordinate with other schools and PEN.

12 Dra f t 4

'd . Paren:s/ guardians and students will De notified of tne date of reopening, utilizin3 normal District procedures for school j~(,,

')g announcetaants . Announceaents will also De publisnea in all major -newspapers circulated in tne District's territorj and coordinated with Montgoney Coun:j OE/.

J. Mutual Aid Reuuests for Assistance


1. rne Superintendent, assisted by tne Montgomery dounty OEP, is responsiale for establisning mutual aid agreeaents witn other agencies deeiaed necessary to assist the scnools in implementing tne district's RERP. Written agreenents, as requirac, are =

maintained on file at tne District Office and Montgonary County OEP.

2. Prior to and during an incident, school principals are responsible to determine unmet needs for each school Dullding and ~ notify tne Superintendent of resource requireaents. Tne Superintancent snall report unmet neecs to tne Montgomery County OEP (Scnool Services Of ficer). Provision of unmet needs will be coordinated by the Montgomery County OEP.

K. Resoonsibilites

1. School Dis:rict Superintendent.

N a. dotain approval of tne Scnool dis:rict plans by :na District Board of Education. In the even of an inciden: at tne Limeri:( Generating Station, exercise authority , ranted oy tne 3aard of Education to icalece1: One RE4F.

o. Proti:e uninterrupted scnoot adminis: ration in tne event of evacuation.

.c. Ensure that emergeqcj actions planned or implemented are in conformance witn the ' Montgomery County RERP.

d. Ensure tna: coiamunications systeas (telepnone ana/or racio) necessary for the successful implementation of tnis plan are availaole, or will De provided tnrougn Montgomery County OEP.

e.- Develop and maintain any necessary Mutual Aid Agree:nents.

f. . Determine unmet needs and inform tne Montgcmery County OEP.

9 Maintain expense records of personnel and resource utili:a:f on resulting from RERP iaplementation.

n. Upon reentry af ter evicuation or reopening, ascertain all resources needed to return tne district /buildin3s to normai

.('"T opera: ion and repor: 'tnea uto tne Montgomery Coun:j 06).


13 draft 4

1. Provide training .for all District personnel utilized in the implementation of the RERP.

7i D 2. School Building Principals

a. Prepare.and update individual school emergency (disaster) procedures and to execute-the procedures described herein.
b. Determine unmet needs and inform the Superintendent.
c. . Maintain building expense records of personnel and resource l

utilization resulting. from RERP implementation.

d. Upon reentry after evacuation or reopening, assist the i Superintendent to ascertain all resources needed to return 4

the school building to normal operation. ,

e. . Provide training for all. building staff utilized in the  !

implementation of the RERP.

f. Assure uninterrupted coverage of sch'ool building administration. l l


.A. The Superinten' dent, advised by the 'Hontgomery Count / OEP, is  !

responsible for providing for radiological emergency response training to Upper Perkiomen School District staff and faculty.

l I

S. School. principal (s) shall ensure that school emergency response personnel understand their responsibilites a'nd can complete i appropriate procedures.


C. All drills and exercises related to the Limerick Generating Station  !

will be coordinated through the Montgomery County OEP. i



1. .The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring the of RERP is j current, including the development and distribution of all changes, as well as accomplishin3 an annual review.
2. All changes to the RERP shall be : 1) coordinated throagh the-Montgomery County OEP and, 2) provided to each holder of the Pl a n. .
3. All changes to the RERP which involve policy shall be approved i by the Superintendent and, as appropriate, the Upper Perkiomen i School District Board of Education, after coordination with each

, building principal.; ,


} 14 Draft 4

4. The change number and current date shall be placed on any page that is changed and all changes shall be recorded on the " Record

[- of Changes" page (page 1).

B. Plan Distribution

1. Upper Perkiomen School District Board of School Directors (9 copies)
2. Upper Perkiomen School District Superintendent (3 copies) .
3. Hontgomery County OEP Coordinator (1 copy)
4. Pennsylvania Emergency llanageiaent Agency (1 copy through perla)
5. Pennsylvania Department of Education (1 copy)
6. Principals for each school building in the District *

(5 copies)

7. Upper Perkiomen School District Transportation Coordinator '

(1 copy)

8. Levy School Bus Co. (1 copy)
9. Upper Hanover Township ENA Coordinator. (1 copy)
10. East Greenville Borou3h EMA Coordinator. (1 copy)
11. Red Hill Borough EMA Coordinator. (1 copy)
12. Pennsburg Borough EMA Coordinator. (1 copy) ,
13. Marlborough Township EMA Coordinator. (1 copy)
14. Green Lane Borough EMA. Coordinator. (1 copy)
15. Harlborough Township police department. (1 copy)


O 15 Draft 4 j

V. -CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS - SCHOOL IN SESS10ll The Upper Perkioinen School District schools are outside the ten mile

[' radius plume exposure pathway EPZ. Therefore, students whose homes are inside the pluma exposure pathway EPZ will be retained in the schools J they attend if an evacuation is ordered or recommended, until their parents, guardians, or designated alternates can pick them up. ' Students who are not. picked up by 8:00 p.m. will be moved to North Penn Senior

! High School for feeding by the Red Cross, where they will remain under supervision anc care of district personnel until they are picked up.

A. Unusual Event (School in- Session)

No actions required and Upper Perkiomen School District will not be notified of' an Unusual Event.

B. Alert (School in Session)

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notifica-tion from the Montgomery County OEP (School Services Officer):
a. Assure operation of appropriate school district tele-communications systems.
b. Confir:n the notification b/ the of the Green Lane Elementary School principal (reference Attachment 2).

, c. Order District-wide cancellation of:

(1) Special activities.

(2) Extracurricular events.

(3) Intramural / interscholastic sparting events.

(4) Compe titions .. '

(5) Club meetin;s.

(6) Class trips. . ,

(7) After school. activities. .

d.- Assure that all schools covered by the school district's plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).

e. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notifications I with Hontgomery County 0EP.

(Tel , i

f. . Receive redundant notification /confinnation from POE, as applicable. -


, 16 Draf t 4 m



2. Green Lane Elementary Scnool principal will, upon notification:
a. Assure innediate update of student attendance and class rosters.

, b. Update rosters at 0830, 1130 and 1430.

" o

c. Report attencance to Superintendent enree (J) ti:.tes eacn day 0900, 1200, and 1500 noyrs). (Tel: ).
d. Cancel special activities ordered oy Superintendent.
e. Assure preparation of the building for sheltering, coordinating witn scnool maintenance / security personnel: I l

(1) ~ Fuel and test support systems.

(2) Review food service capaoilities. *

(3) Instruct staff to prepara snetter activities / equipment.

-(4) Report unmet needs to the Superintendent.

(Tel: )

f. Request tne school nurse to review special s:uce.,t .necical
  • supplies /needs anc advise of any resource requireinerits.

g.. Review situation and elEd? procedures wi o-agoropriate s:aff.

n. Decennine eaergency s:affing require::en:s fr tne potential to snelter.
1. Impl e>nen: procedures for parental pi:x-up of s:ucents.

-(l) Distrioute authorization for student pict-up records.

(2) Implement special entrance, parxing lot and access road

  • for parents to use.

(3) Assign administrative staff and to staff tne designa:ed

  • entrance. (reference Attachment 2)

(4) Order authorization for student pi:x-up records to be completed and returned.

3.. Principals of other schools _ in the District wi11, uport notifica- ~-*-


a. Upcate records of stucents livin.; in ene EPL o.- Cancel. special ac:ivi:ies as ordered .of tne Superin:endent.

11 Oraf t ~4

0 E. _

c. - Assure preparation of the building to host students living .

in the EPZ until 8 p.m., coordinating with maintenance /

security, food service and nursing personnel: -

A (1) Fuel and test support systems.

(2) Review food service capabilities. V,y


(3) Instruct staff to prepare shelter activities / equipment. b


-(4) Inventory special student medical needs/ supplies. g g'

,, (5) Report unmet needs to the Superintendent (Tel: ).

d. Review situation and RERP procedures with appropriate staff.
e. Determine emergency staffing requirements.
f. The High School. will prepare the facility to act as a
  • host school for West-Mont Vo Tech School and function as a relocation point for Esaergencj Workers (Tel: -)

C. Site Emergency (School in Session)


( '~

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notifica-tion from the Mont 3omery County OEP (School Services Officer):

L ) a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert, confirmlny the

  • d notification of Green Line Eleinentary Scnool principal.

, _/ -(reference Attachment 2).

/ .b. Report to the District administrative office.

c. Confirm feeding center location (s). (as provided by Montgomery County OEP) with all school principals (reference Attachment 2). .

-d. Authorize fiaplementation of energency staffing, as appro-

  • priate and recommended by Hontgomery County OEP.
e. Report unmet needs to Montgomery County OEP School Services Of ficer. (Tel '.
f. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's 4 plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).
9. Honitor EBS announcements and review parental notifications


with Montgomerj County OEP. ( Te' .)

i I h. Receive redundant notification / confirmation froin PDE, as


f 18 Draft 4 l

l. . . . . . . . . . .


2. Green Lane Elementary School principal will, upon notification:

A a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert.

b. Confirm resources necessary for 3 haltering, reporting unmet needs to Superintendent (coordinate with maintenance /

security, food service and nursing personnel). i (Tel : ). l

c. Assure distribution of authorization for student pick-up forms and other supplies,
d. Initiate emergency staffing and excuse / dismiss staff, as ordered by Superintendent.
3. Principals of other schools in the District will, upon notification:
a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert,
b. Confirm -- aurces necessary for holding students at the school, reporting unmet needs to Superintendent (coordinate with maintenance / security, food service and nursing personnel) (Tel: ). .-
c. Assure distribution of authorization for student pickup forms and other supplies.
d. High School principal will notify the Superintendent that
  • the facility is prepared to host risk students from West-Mont Vo-Tech School and function as a relocation point for emergency workers. (Tel : ).

D. General Emergency (School in Session)

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notifica-tion from the Montgoce'ry County OEP (School Services Officer):

a._ Complete all procedures outlined for Alert and Site Emergency, confirm ' . ' "--"an of Green Lane Elementary School principal. (reference Attachment 2).

b. Assure uninterrupted District Administration.

c, Assure that all schools covered by the school district's

  • plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).
d. Monitor EBS ar.nouncements and review parental notifications wim Montgomey' County OEP. '( Te
e. Proitdo protective action recommendations to building princ.ipais (reference Attachment 2).

19 Draft 4 I

1 i

. f. Authorize opening of the HM thool as an emergency

  • worker relocation point (Tei (O ,/ g. IF SHELTERING IS RECOMMENDED:

(1) Order students living in the EPZ, but attending schools outside the EPZ, to be retained and hosted at their own school, until dismissal is coordinated with the liontgomery County OEP.

(2) Coordinate sheltering of stulents attending Green Lane

  • Elementary School (in the EPZ).

(3) At 8 p.m., coordinate (with Red Cross) activities to establish feeding capability at the schools hosting students awaiting dismissal.

(4) Order suspension of shelter advisory, as directed by Hontgomery County OEP and coordinate student dis.nissal

, with risk building principals (Tel: ).

(5) Excuse building principals / staff upon completion of student dismissal.


(1) Orcer students living in the EPZ

/ Jostedat the schoyi_ ihaygM, to be_ratMned and ordinate dis.r.issal

( scWdatrToFnon-EPZ resident students and arrange for notification of parents / guardians.

(2) Monitor sheltering process, reporting unmet needs to Montgomery County OEP. (Tel  ;

(3) Report student pick-up progress / problems every two (2) hours to Mont;gomery County OEP. (Tel (4) At 8 p.m., order closigistricuchools and

-coordinate-movement or students to designated feeding center, North Penn Senior High Scjinoir--

(5 st t principals reduce 's taff, as appropriate.

(6) Excuse building principals / staff upon completion of student pick-up.

(7) Receive student pick-up records and remain in contact with Montgomery County OEP to provide census information as required (Tel .

h.- Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.

v ,

20 Draft 4

2. Green Lane Elementary School principal will, upon notification:

d p a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert and Site V Emergency.

b. Immediately suspend any non-classroom special activities, practices, etc., not previously cancelled and recall students to campus or to a designated school building outside the EPZ, as directed by the District Superintendent' or iiontgomery County OEP (Tel: '.
  • EVACUATION) j (1) Notify all school faculty and staff.

(2) Ensure that all outside activities are terminated an all personnel moved to predesignated shelter areas. *

(3) Direct maintenance / security staff and/or assigned faculty / staff to:

(a) Shut down heating, ventilation, air conditioning and close ducts receivin, outside air.

1 (b) Closing windows and lock all exterior doors.

  • O (c) Move students to areas of the ouildin3 providin, the most shelter from outside environment (heat, sun, etc.), as appropriate.

I (4) Direct food service personnel to:

(a) Secure area to extent possible.

(b) Assemble. drinks and snacks in shelter areas.

(c) Assemble food / snacks for an 8-p.m. schedule.

(5) Direct administrative personnel to:

l (a) Secure all personnel records and student files .as  ;

for weekend departure. l (b) Take attendance records to shelter areas.

(c) Take attendance authorization for pick-up fonns to shelter areas.-

(S) Direct teachers or classroom monitors to:

(a) Close all windows in classroom.

(b) _ !!aintain discip1ine/ order.

21~ Ordft 4

(c) Verify classroom attendance and take attendance ,

A records to shelter area.

'l -

(d) Check non-classroom areas for students.

(e) Secure required materials for predetermined j.

shelter area activities. .

( f) Initiate pre-planned shelter activities.

} -'

(7) Direct school nurse to:

(a) Augment resources as needed. .

(b) Secure student health records.

(c) Assemble required health supplies in shelter area, as necesu ry.

(8) Assure administrative staff and maintenance supervisors .

prepare schools as they would for a regular weekend; closing all windows, locking doors, locking files, etc.

(9) Do not dismiss students into the EPZ.

, (10) Cooperate witn the Mont 3cmery County 0EP, Superinten-dent, (and Red Cross) to establish a mass care cap-l f" ability at the school, should the shelter 4dvisori j

i require delayin3 dismissal beyond 8 p.m. or coordinate move:aent to a designated feedirig center, iorth Penn Senior High during evacuation after 8 p.m. ,

(11) Upon receipt of suspension of protective action advisory, prepare students for delayed dismissal schedule--as during a normal school day.

3. Principals of other sc'hools in the District will, upon j notification:
a. Complete all actions listed for Alert and Site Emer3ency.

. b. Immediately suspend any non-classroom special activities, practices, etc., not previously cancelled and recall

! students to campus / facility.

c. High School principal will open a designated area to
  • function as an emergency worker relocation point.
(1) Do not dismiss students into the EPZ. *

'22 Draft 4

(2) High School principal will open designated ared to receive evacuated students.



(3) Dis.niss students living outside the EPZ only as directed by the Superintendent.

(4) . Direct food service personnel to prepare food / snacks for an 8 p.m. schedule.

(5) Direct staff to assemble students living in the EPZ in a designated area and provide for after-classroom activities. Provide authorization for student pick-up forms to appropriate staff.

(6) Assure recording of all student pick-up.

i (7) Cooparate with the Montgomery County GEP, Superin-

  • tendent, (and Red Cross) to establish a mass care capability at the school, should the sheltering advisory extend beyond 8 p.m. or coordinate movement of students to the designated feedin3 center, llorth Penn Senior High School, during evacuation a'fter 8 p.m.

E. Reopening of Schools (School in Session)

1. The Superintendent will, based on information received fro;n PEMA/PDE through ibntgomery County OEP, decide to reopen


( ,/

District school (s) and communicate this decision to school principals. (reference Attachinent 2)

, 2. Parents / faculty / staff will be notified of the decision to reopen scnools using nonnal media /information procedures supplementin3 appropriate EBS announcements. Announcements will be puolished

, in appropriate newspapers circulated in the District's territory and coordinated with Montgomery County OEP. (Tel : )

3. The Superintendent wil'1 monitor daily attendance at reopened schools until attendance returns to pre-incident levels, providing summary attendance reports the Montgomery County CEP.

'(Tel : 631-5100).

1 4


23 Dra f t 4


/'"N A. Unusual Event (School not in Session)

'O Ro actions required and alert / notification of Upper Perkfomen School District officials is not expected.

B. Alert (School not in Session)

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of


notification from the Hontgomery County OEP:

a. Assure telecommunications system is operating,
b. Confirm the notification of Green Lane Elementary School
  • Principal. (reference Attachnent 2).
c. Order District wide cancellation of:

(1) Special activities.

(2) Extracurricular events.

(3) Intramural / interscholastic sporting events.

(4) Competitions.

/i (S) Club meetings.

V (6) Class trips.

(7) After school activities.

d. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).


e. Monitor EBS announcerants and review parental notifications with hbntgomery County OEP. (Tel:
f. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.
2. Green Lane Elementary School principal will, upon receipt of notification:


a. Cancel / terminate special activities ordered by Superinten-dent.


, b. Review RERP procedures.

c. Notify any groups or individuals-occuppying the school building, requesting that all non district emplojees-vacate

/ the building.

%j 24 Dra f t . 4

3. Pri[icipals of other schools in the District will upon receipt of notification:


(_) a. Cancel / terminate special activities--as ordered b/ the Superintendent.

b. High School principal will perpare the facility to
  • function as an emergency worker relecation point.

(Tal : )

C. Site Emergency (School not in Session)

1. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert. '


2. A recommendation to close schools or keep schools closed will be made by PEMA/PDE and be provided to Superintendents through Montgomery County OEP; and will be targeted for receipt Dy 11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m.
3. The Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from Montgomery County OEP:
a. Implement the recommendation to close, notifying parents /

guardians and staff utilizing normal District procedures, supplementing appropriate EBS announcements,

b. Confirm the notification of Green Lane Elementary School
  • principal, implementing the decision to close or keep (Q_./ schools closed, and brief him of the situation (reference Attachment 2).
c. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's plan are notified, implementing the decision to close school or keep school closed (reference Attachment 2).
d. Receive redundant potification from PDE, as applicable.
e. Monitor EBS announcements and revies parental notifications


with Mont 0mery 9 County OEP. (R

4. Green Lane Elementary School principal will, upon receipt of notification:
a. Provide the Superintendent his/her personal (evacuation) location and means of contact, and assure that the building is secured and vacated; immediately canceling any activities (Tel : ).
b. Notify key faculty department heads and supervisors of the cancellation and direct notification of faculty / staff.
5. Principals of other schools in the District will, upon receipt I

(] of notification from the Superintendent: '

V 25 Draft 4

- - ... - . . . . - . .- . - - - . . ~ - . . - -. -

a. Provide the Superintendent their personal (evacuation)

L. location and means of contact, and assure that their own

. O~-


building is secured and vacated; immediately cancelin3 any activities (Tel: -).

t .

{ b. Notify kej faculty department heads and supervisors of the cancellation and direct notification of faculty / staff.

c. Hikh School principal with confir.a the capaoility of the
  • D facility to function as an emergency worker relocation j point. (Tel: )

[ D. ' General Emer3ency (School not in Session) ,

I 1. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert and Site Emergency.

2. A decision 'to close schools or keep schools closed will be made 1

by the Governor /PEMA/PDE/the County and be provided to Superintendents through the Montgomery County OEP; and will be targeted for receipt by 11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m.


3. Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from Montgomery County OEP:
a. Assure uninterrupted District administration.

. b. Confirm the notification of Green' Lane Elementary School 4 principal, implementin, the decision to close school

  • or keep school closed. (reference Attachment 2). -
c. Assure that all schools cov'ered by the scnool district's plan are notified,--implementing the decision to close school or_ keep school closed (reference Attachment 2). -


! d. Receive redundant notification from PDE, as applicable..


i e. Monitor EBS: announcements and review parental notifications l with Montgomery County OEP. (Tel : )

!- f. Authorize the-opening of the High School as 'an emergenc/ ' *

. worker relocation point. (Te1 1

4. Green Lane School' principal will, upon receipt of notification:


a. Assure notification of faculty / staff / drivers accompanying i i

students'to special' events-(inside/outside the EPZ) to- 1 i . terminate activity and provide instructions / routes to designated mass care center.should. evacuation be ordered, or j to a designated location, mass care feeding center, North Penn Senior High School, outside the EPZ, should shelterin3 j .be in effect. ,

b. Assign appropriate staff to supervise students, as needed.

I 26- Draft 4

V . - , . .. - - ,. .e
,. - , - - - _ , . .- - ,, -
5. Principals of schools outside the EPZ will, upon receipt of notification from the Superintendent or Montgomery County OEP:
a. Assure notification of faculty / staff / drivers accompanying students to special events (inside/outside the EPZ) to terminate activity and provide instructions / routes to a desi 3 nated mass care center, should evacuation be ordered; or to a designated mass care feeding center North Penn Senior High School, should sheltering be in effect.


b. Assi9n appropriate staff to supervise students, as needed,
c. High School principal will open designated area of the
  • facility to function as an emergencj worker relocation point. (Tel : )

4 E. Reopening of School (School not in session)

1. The Superintendent will, based on information received from PEHA/PDE through Montgomery Count / OEP, decide to reopen District school (s) and communicate this decision to school principais. (reference Attachment 2).

. 2. Parents / faculty / staff will be notified of the decision to reopen schools using normal media /information procedures, supplementin 3 appropriate EBS announcements. Announcements will be published in appropriate newspapers circulated in the District's territory and coordinated with Montgomery County OEP. (Te

3. The Superintendent will monitor daily attendance at reopened schools until attendance returns to pre-incident levels, providing summary attendance reports the Montgomery Count / OEP (Tel : 631-5100).

n U

27 Draft 4



[ A. A profile of the Upper Perkiomen School District is shown in

\ . - Attachnent 1 " School District Profile Form" and Attach.aent 2 " School Building Profile Form" for each school in the District, B. All completed fonas and will be reviewed for District use and *

, updated annually, within twenty-five days of the beginning of each school term.

C. Copies of all completed forms are filed by the Upper Perkiomen School _ District Superintendent for retention and District use:

c/o Dr. Thomas E. Persing, Superintendent 201 W. Fifth Street I East Greenville, PA 18041-1598 0.- Duplicates of all Profile Forms are filed with:

1. Pennsylvania Department of Education 4 2. Levy -School Bus Company contracted School . District Trans-portation Department c/o Mr. Michael Ulrich

, (s Director of Transportation 358 East 6th Street Red Hill, PA 18D76

3. Montgarnery County Office of Energency Preparedness 1

c/o A. Lindley Bigelow, Coordinator 100 Wilson Blvd. .

Eagleville, PA '19408 l 4. Montgomery County Intermediate Unit #23 c/o Ms. Laurie Stout, Legislative Liaison Montgomery Ave. & Paper Mill Road Erdenheim, PA 19118 i

E. Resource material will be provided to all holders of the Upper Perkiomen School District RERP on an annual basis onlj, as deeraed

, appropriate by the Superintendent._


' ('D


28 LDraft 4



District: Upper Perkiomen Schools: fion-Pro fi t*

Public Parochial Private Total Primary 3 3 10 16 Intermediate -- 10 10 Hiddle School 1 1 High School 1 1 11 13 Vo-Tech -- 1 1 Other _ -- 16 16 Enrollment:

Students Grade General S p . Ed . Other Total Faculty Other Staff K 220 1 210 2 222 0 3 4

197 208 5 226 6 204


7 206 8 239 9 276  ;

10 266 11 208 12 234 2960 Other 49 Special' Ed. (26 U.P.)

24 County) -- grades K through 4 i Total 30 Special Ed. (18 U.P.

I 15 County) -- grades 5 through 8

  • 0utside of EPZ.

l l

.Al Dra f t 4 i i

l_ e_ )


() . Name Telephone / Payer Address t Key Staff:

1 Superintendent: Dr. Thomas E. Persin3 4

Relief / Designate (1): telson E. Weber Relief / Designate (2): .Dr. H. George Bonekemper Assistant Superintendent: Nelson E. Weber Transportation Coordinator / Mr. Ilichael Ulrich Supervisor:

Buses Available for Routine District Use:

  1. of Buses / # of Vans / # Station Wagons / # Cars /

(Capacity) (Capacity) (Capacity) (Capacity)

1. Owned / operated by 1/9 pass. 1/6 pass. 1/5 pass.

District -- -- -- --

2 Contracted for O. by District

  • 32(2176) 9(108) -- --
3. Sharea with other users -- -- -- --

Total Other vehicles / capacity: -



  • Levy School Bus Co.

Al-2 Dra f t 4

,. , w -, - ,- --,- , - . - - ,

ATTACHMENT 2 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM School Name: Green Lane Elementary School School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (speci fy) -

Address: Rt. 63 & Ridge Road Green Lane Telephone 234-4387 Location: Green Lane Borough EPZ: Yes Municipality: Green Lane Borough 12/82 Census: Year 1984 Term 1984-1985 Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Facul ty K 38 1 1 51 2 0 2 3

45 21 2

1 4 49 2 Total Enrollment: . 204 Total Faculty: 8 Total Other Staff: 2 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: Mr. Charles Wayes Relief / Designate (1): Mrs. Judith Seasongood Relief / Designate (2): Mrs. Diane Bardman -

Assistant Principal: None Maintenance: Mr. Richard Kulp '

Nurse: -Mrs. Betty Hildenbrand Food Service: Mr. Walter C. Spall O

A2-1 Draft 4

.. . . - . _ - _ . . _ . _ _ _ . ._ _. _ . . . _ . _ . _ . . ~ . . . . . . - _ _ _ _ _ -. .



1 l- Feeding Center: North Penn Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Valley Forge Road & Sumneytown Pike

  • i

, Route (s): Sumneytown Pike East Bus Assigned:

l 4..

Student Pick-Up

!, Access: Ridge Road Special Note: Traffic Control *


Exit: - Route 29 by police if busses are required Building Entrance: Main - Entrance at the school. DOES NOT Parking Log: Outside Maia Entrance ROUTINELY EVACUATE (SHELTER i '



l i

!O i

i 1


1 i

4 i

t lO i

f A2 Draft 4

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ATTACHMENT 2 i-SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM i School Name: Red Hill Elementary School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other j _


Address: Fifth Street

! Red Hill, PA 18076 Telephone 679-9577 Location: Red Hill Borough EPZ: No Municipality: Red Hill Borough 12/82 Census: Year 1984 Term 1984-1985 ,

Students Grade- General /Sp. Ed. Facul t/

K 66 2 1 44 2 2 69 3 3 60 3 4 55 3 Sp. Ed. 15 1 L.D. 11 1


Total Enrollment: 319 Total Faculty: 15 Total Other Staff: 5 Key Staff: Name Telanhanalo=cer Address Principal: Mr. Charles Wayes Relief / Designate (1): Hrs. Marie Port Relief / Designate (2): Mrs. Judy Roth Assistant Principal: None Maintenance: Mr. Robert Leber Nurse: Mrs. Betty Hildenbrand Food Service: Mr. Walter Spall


A2-3 Draft 4 L-___--_-_______-__

. - - _ _ _ _ __. -. . .. . . . - . . . . . . _ _ - - - . . _ . - . ~ . . - . . .


Fee' ding Center: North Penn Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Valley Forge Road & Sumneytown Pike

  • Route (s): 5th St. to Main St. Bus Assi3ned:

to Gravel Rd. South -

to Sumneytown Pike East O .

O A2-4 Draf t 4 m

i- ,



. School Name: Hereford Elementary i '

Scnool Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specif>)

Rt. 29 ,

Hereford Twp.

Telephone 679-4151 ,

Location: Rt. 29. Hereford, PA

.EPZ: No -

Municipality: Upper Hanover Township i 12/82

Census: Year 1984 Term 1984-1985 Students j Grade General /Sp. Ed. Facul ty
K 115 3 i i 113 5 2 109 4


l 3 117 4 l

4 104 4 l

[ Sp . Ed . (CO) 12 i

! Total Enrollment: 570

! Total Faculty: 24 I Total Other Staff: 8 l - .  ;

Key Staff
Narae Telephone /Pager eddress j Principal : "

i i Relief / Designate (1): Mrs. Sue Steen j Relief / Designate (2): Mrs. Norma Jonathans j Assistant Principal: None j

[ Mainterance: Donald Ortes  !

) Nurse: Mrs. Ruth :Harmon Food Service: Walter Spall l 1

A2-5 Draft 4


d Feeding Center: North Penn Senior High School Telephone:

-l Valley Forge Road & Sumneytown Pike

  • Location: ,

1 Route (s): Rt. 29 S to Bus Assigned:

4 Sumneytown Pike 4 -

East i


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1 i

l t

1, I

i 1

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j  :.




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i A2-6 Dra f t 4 i

ATTACHMENT 2 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM School Name: Upper Perkiomen Middle School School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (speci fy)

Address: Jefferson Street East Greenville, PA 18041 Telephone 679-6288 Location: East Greenville, PA 18041 EPZ: No Municipality: East Greenville Borough 12/82 Census: Year 1984 Term 1984-1935 Students Grade General / Sp. Ed. Facul ty 5 228 9 6 204 8 7 206 8 8 237 8 S p . Ed . (LA) 12 1 S p . Ed . LA (CO) 11 1 Sp. Ed. LD (UP) 18 1 Total Enrollment: -

916 Total Faculty: 36 Total Other Staff: 6 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: Mr. Stephan Yerchak Relief /0esignate (1): Mrs. Renee Treffinger Relief / Designate (2): Mr. Walter Schmidt Assistant Principal: Dr. Hubert Seemann Maintenance: Robert Koons

. Nurse: Mrs. Ruth Hormm Food Service: Walter Spall A2-7 Draft 4 k

. _ _ . - - _ . _. ._. _ . . _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ _ __ _ . _ . _ - _ _ . - _ . . . . _ . _ - = -




1 4 .

Feeding Center: North Penn Senior High School Telephone: l l

,- Location: Valley Forge Road & Sumneytown Pike

  • Route (s): Jefferson St. to Stii Bus Assigned:

St. to Rt. 29 5 to l i Sumneytown Pike East t

l :-

s i

i t

i 1

r A2-8 Dra f t 4 -


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School Name: Upper Perkiomen High School School Affiliation: X Public Pa rochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (speci fy) kidress: 2 Walt Road Pennsburg, PA 18073

- Telephone '679-5935 Location: Red Hill, PA EPZ: No Municipality: Upper Hanover Twp.

Census: N/A Year Term Students Grade General / Sp. Ed. Facul ty Special Education 9 273 students are 10 268 .

included in the , 11 210 grade totals. 12 236 Total Enrollment: 987 Total Faculty: 45 Total Other Staff: 6 Key Staff: Name - Telephone /Pager Address ,

Principal: Mr. Fred O. Dietzel 's Relief / Designate (1): Mr. John Semet Relief / Designate (2): Hr. Alton W. Frey, Jr.

Assistant Principal: Mr. Semet & Mr. Frey Maintenance: Mr. Edmund Kuhns Nurse: Mrs. Betty Hildenbrand Food Service: Walter Spall O .

A2-9 Draft 4 L-_ 1______________ ________------___-___o-


Special Requirements for Evacuation: To act as host school for Western (Montgomery County Area Vocational Technical School 4 Special Requirements: To act as an emergency worker relocation point.

I Feeding Center: North Penn Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Valley Forge Road & Sumneytown Pike

  • Route (s): School St. to Rt. Bus Assigned:

29 S to Sumneytown i

Pike East l

j Host Student Pick-Up: TBD l


Access Road:

Parking Lot:


! Staff:

Emergency Worker Relocation: TBD Entrance: to Area.

i Access Road i

Parking Lot:

Staff: Red Hill Fire ' Co.

1 Anerican Red Cross t

A2-10 Dra f t 4 l


Dear Parent:

The Upper Perkiomen School District has developed plans to protect students should an incident at the Limerick Generating Station require the protective response of the Upper Perkiomen School District. Hormally, schools will be closed before any protective actions are necessary, but in the event that protective actions are necessary before schools are closed, the District has plans for accomplishing those protective actions. If evacuation is necessary, students will be retained at the school they attend. Parents or legal guardians will be requested to pick up their children at their child's school building.

If you are delayed in picking-up your son or daughter, after 8 p.m., our schools may be closed and remaining students bussed to a designated feeding center, located at (North Penn Senior High School - It10). At tnis facility.

students will be provided shelter and food, awaitin, parent / guardian arrival. The Reo Cross operates this facility. A notice will be posted at your child's school to remind you of this feeding center's location:

Children will only be released to parents or legal guardians unless prior written arrangements have been made. Please complete the attached form, p designating who can pick-up your child and have the child return the form to d school.

Should sheltering be recommended, your child will be sheltered in his own school building, if that building is located in the risk area (EPZ), until tne sheltering advisory is lifted. If your child attends school outside the risk area whose population might have to shelter (EPZ), and your home is within the risk area (EPZ), the child will remain'at his/her own school until the shelter advisory is lifted. Should the shel.ter advisory delay dismissal of students, you will be notified by radio, as you would be during a snow emer3ency, etc.

Do not attempt to pick up your child if sheltering is in effect, as it is vital to stay inside.

In order to insure the safety of the District's school children, I urgently request the cooperation of all parents.

Sincerelj, Dr.-Thomas E. Persing Superintendent 10 U

A3-1 Dra f t 4 L- - - - - .- ---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = - - _ _ _ _ _ _ ____





, _- )

I i ,

{. I hereby authorize that may be picked up, for early [

j- Stuaent's name  ;

. dismissal or during evacuation, by:

mysel f only, t i name of parent / legal guardian  :

i i mysel f or my spouse. l

! name of spouse l by j name of friend / relative School officials should not release my child to anyone else unless proper i~

authorization is received from me. I can be reached at the nut.1bers provided j l below.

j . Thank you


4 Date signature of parent / legal- guardian i

! Telephone: (work)

} (home) {

i O

.A3-1-1 Dra f t 4 - i L- __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ ------__.__________



The following message has been released by the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness. It supplements instructions given to tne punlic relative to the general evacuation announcement for an approximate ten-mile radius around the Limerick Generating Station. Please refer to the Emergency Information Brochure for Incidents at the Limerick Generating Station.


" Parents with children attending school within a ten-mile radius of the Limerick Generating Station are advised that their children will be evacuated to safe locations where they may be reunited with their parents or guardians.

Students will be bused to host schools outside the risk area. Parents are asked to meet their children at these host schools. I repeat, students will be bused directiv to safe locations in host schools outside the risk area where parents or guardians may pick them up. Parents or guardians are urged to go directly to your child's host school. Attempting to pick up children at tne schools they attend might interfere with their safe evacuation.

Parents or guardians of school children who live within the risk area of the Limerick GBnerating Station but whose children attend schools outside of it, ~~

are advised that their children will be cared for at the schools they attend until they are picked up by their parents or guardians.

Children attending schools within the risk area of Montgomery County will be (N 3 bused to the following locations where they can be picked up:

V Students of the Methacton School District attending the following schools will be bussed to (Norristown Area Senior Hign Scncol - uncer development) - located outsice Norristown. Tne Of strict Scnools include:

Arcola Intermediate Arrowhead Elementary -

Audubon Elementary Eagleville Elementary .

Woodland Elementary Students in the Perkiomen Valley School District, attending the following schools, will be bussed to the (North Penn Senior High School) located in Lansdale. The District schools include:

Perkionen Valley Senior High School Perkiomen Valley Middle School Perkf omen Valley Elementary School - North Perkiomen Valley Elementary Scnool - South Students in the Pottsgrove School District, attending the following schools, will ce bussed to the (Southern Lehigh Senior Hign School (q



Complex - under development) located in Center Valley, Lehigh County.

Tne District schools include:

A4 1 Oraft 4


~~ Pott'sgrove Hign School Pottsgrove Intermediate School


Lower Pottsgrove Elementary School p

v West Pottsgrove Elementary, School Ringing Rocks Elementary School Students in the Pottstown School District, attending the following schools, will be bussed to the (Emmaus Senior High School Complex) located in Emmaus, Lehign County. The district schools include:


._ Pottstown Senior High School  ;

Pottstown Junior High School Edgewood Elementary School Frank 1in Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Rupert Elementary School Elizabeth B. Barth Elementary School Students attending Salford Hills Elementary School in the Souderton Area School District will be bussed to the (Indian Valley Junior High School) located outside Harleysville, PA.

Students in the Spring-Ford Area School District, attending the - ~ ~ '

following schools, will be bussed to the (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School Complex, located east of Norristown. The district schools +


Spring-Ford Senior High School Spring-Ford Middle Scncol e Limerick Elementary School Spring-City Elementary School Oaks Elementary School Royersford Elementary School (both buildings) .

All students attending the Green Lane Elementary School in tne Upper Perkfomen School District will be retained at their school.

All students attending the Western-Montgomery County Area Vocational-

.. Technical School will be bussed to the (Upper Perkiomen Senior High <

School) located in East Greenville, PA. ,

All students attending the Collegeville Montessori Academy, Bright Spot  :

Kindergarten and Twin Acres Kindergarten will be bussed to (Lansdale Christian Academy), located in Lansdale.

All students attending St. Mary's School and St. Eleanore ' Sch'ool will be y bussed to (Corpus Christi School), located iri Lansdale. f' All students attending St. Gabriel School and St. Peter's School will be bussed to (St. Ann's School), located in Emaus, PA, Lehigh County.

All students attending ard , West-Mont Christian Academy will be bussed to (Kings Highway Elemer.tary hool), located south of Emmaus, PA, Lehign County,


i i Nt ' A4 2 .

Oraft 4 L_____.__________._______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1__.____ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __. . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ._ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Students attending St. Aloysius School will be bussed to (St. Thomas More), located in Allentown, Lehigh County.

Students attending The Hill School will ba bussed to a mass care center located at (Catasauqua Senior High School), located outside of Allentown, PA, Lenign County.

Stucents attending Chapel Christian Acadeny will be bussed to (Calvary Baptist School), Lansdale, PA.

Students attending the Wyndcroft School will be buss 6d to (The Swain School),Allentown,PA.

Students attending Sacred Heart School will be bussed to (St. Philip

.Neri School), located east of Norristown.

Students attending Ursinus College will be bussed to and provided mass care at (Jenkintown Senior High School), located in the Borough of

) Jenkintown. -

(Repeat list one time and continue message.)


Please refer to the information provided by your childs school that highlights

. these host schools and pick up procedures.

Parents are urge'd not to telephone or to go to the school-that their children are attending insice the 10-mile radius around the plant. This will only I,

create confusion. Parents are to meet their children at the assigned hest -

schools. I repeat, parents are urged not to telegnone or to go to tne school i

that their children are attending insice the 10-mile radius around the plant, but to meet tneir children at assigned host schools.

If your child attends a school outside the 10-mile radius, you may pick up your child at his own school.

Note: Read this section after 7 p.m. mnly.

,, The host schools will remain open until 8 p.m. After 4 p.m., your child will be bused to one of tne following mass care feeding centers to await your pick up.

Students hosted at Emmaus Senior High School and Kings Hwy. Elementary School will be fed and provided mass care at (Emaus Senior High School).

Students hosted at Southern Lehigh Senior High School will be fed and provided mass care at (Emaus Senior High School).

Students hosted at Nortn Penn Senior High School, Co. pus Christi School, Lansdale Cnristian Academy, Calvary Baptist School will be fed and provided mass care at (North Penn Senior High School).

Students hosted at Upper Perkiomen Senior High School, will be fed ano provided mass care at the (Nortn Penn Senior High School).

A4 -3 Draft 4 k

Students hosted at Norristown Area Senior High (T80), St. Philip Nert School and Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School will be fed and provided mass care at (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School).

Students hosted at St. Ann's School, Allentown College and (St. Thomas More), will be fed and provided mass care at (Emmaus Senior Hign School)

Student: hosted at the Swain School will be fed and provided mass care at (Catasauqua Senior Hign School).

, _- Students hosted at Jenkintown Senior High School will be fed and

,e provided mass care at this facility.

(Repeat list one time and continue message.)

The preceding has been an announcement by the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness giving parents instructions on where to meet their children who are attending school during an evacuation of the ten-mile area around tne Limerick Generating Station." ,


(Repeat this message one time then end transmission.)

(This message, or portions determined, shall be broadcast along with the -- -

General Evacuation announcement only when instructions are given by the Office of Emergency Precaredness to do so.)

() .


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b' A4 -4 Uraft 4 1

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ATTACHHENT 5 AGREEMENTS NOTE: Agreements are on file at the District Office and the Montgomery County OEP.

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O AS-1 Draft 4

ATTACHitENT 6 UPPER PERKIGHEN SCHOOL DISTRICT East Greenville. PA i 1984-1985 SCHOOL CALENDAR Note: Insert calendar.

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A6 -1 Dra f t