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Applicant Exhibit A-E-101,consisting of Slide Presentation Entitled, Offsite Training Program Agricultural Community,
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/1985
OL-A-E-101, NUDOCS 8605080193
Download: ML20203P812 (21)




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~ % 1Tigt\ W Inst ruct te I. Introduction Slide - ECI (31B)

A. The purpose of this training session is to inform Slide - Limerick members of the agricultural community of what site (35R) actions they should consider taking should a serious incident ever occur at the Limerick Generating Station.

B. Most farm families already have emergency plans Emergency Workers-thought out--if not written down-- for responding those persons that to fires, floods, blizzards and droughts. perform functions that , require special protec-tion throughcut an emergency.

C. During an emergency, farm families are concerned ,

not only with protecting the safety of family members, but also with' protecting the health of ,

the livestock. For this reason, members of the -

agricultural community can be certified as emergency workers.

D. During this training program, we intend to present Slide - Farm a you with enough information that you will be able Animals (550) to develop a plan for how you would respond to an ,

accident at the Limerick Generating Plant that might release radiological materials into either '~

the air or the water.

E. Objectives:

At the conclusion of this module, participants should be able to:

1. Identify the types of radiation and radionuclides Slide - Topics for that can harm both people and livestock.

Discussion (37F)

2. State actions that could be taken to protect the health and safety of family members.
3. List those actions that could be taken to reduce the amount of radiation received by livestock. ,

8605080193 850123 1' EC 01/20/84 PDR ADOCK 05000352

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', Instructor Note

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4 Ident'[f'y the fhur levels of emergencies that I could occur at 'a-nuclear power plant and the

. actions that family members should take at L . each classification'.s s s II. Introduction to Radiation A. Radiation is the transdission of energy through Slide - Types of space or matter in the form of ' particles or waves. Radiation (10.10)

Light waves and radio Waves'are forms of radiation.

i The types of radiation'with which we are concerned s in this training sessicn are those types that can chemically alter living' cells.

These types are called " ionizing radiation." Should Slide - Ionizing an incident ever 6ccur at the power plant, state Radiation (10.11) and county officials wbuld be concerned that some sources of ionizing radiation might escape from the plant and r.ffect community residents and livestock.

B. Radiation is usually associated with nuclear power n plants and nuclear weapons. However, radiation is not a foreign substance, but, in fact, radiation always surrounds us. This is called " background t radiation."


Background radiation is radiation arising from f natural radioactive' materials always present in the air, water and ground, as well as from man-made sources. In a few minutes, we will discuss e _ how much exposurs +te receive every year from background radiation as well as from man-made sources of radiation. But before we begin to discuss the. effects of radiation, we need to define what radiation is.

C. Tvoes of Ionizino Radiatior.

There are various types of ionizing radiation: Slide - Alpha, alpha, beta, neutron, gamma and X-rays, each with Beta, Gamma different characteristics. Of these, alpha, beta Graphic (10.1B) r and gamma are of primary concern should a release ever occur at the Limerick Generating Station.

~' e

1. Alpha radiation consists of positively charged Slide - alpha particles and is emitted from naturally occur- (10Q) ring elements--such as, uranium and radium as,from some man-made elements. Alpha radiaticn will not penetrate the surface of the i

skin. It can be stopped completely by a sheet 2 EC 01/20/84

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Instructor Note of paper. However, the potential hazard that alpha-emitting materials present is due to the possibility of their being taken into the body by breathing or swallowing along with food or water. .

2. Beta radiation is a small negatively charged Slide - beta particle similar to an electron. It is more (10R) penetrating that alpha radiation and can pass through 2 millimeters of water or human flesh.

A 1/10 inch sheet of aluminum can stop beta radiation. Beta radiation can cause damage to the skin similar to a burn but cannot penetrate through the skin to affect internal organs unless taken into the body through breathing or swallowing.

3. Gamma radiation can be very penetrating. It Slide - gamma can pass through the human body but would be (105) almost completely absorbed by about 40 inches Slide - comparison of concrete. Dense materials such as concrete of alpha, beta and lead are often used to provide shielding and gamma (pene-against gamma radiation. Gamma rays are very trations) (10T) similar to X-rays.

D. Terms Used in Measurino Radiation / Radioactivity

1. Exposure to radiation results in what is called Slide a radiation dose. However, as in the case of coffee, brandy or medicine, the possible effects NOTE: Sunburn can be best evaluated when the quantity of the examp.le can be material is known and the rates at which it was used instead of received are also known. For example, a single whiskey.

glass of whiskey can be drunk and no signficant side effects experienced. But what effects would drinking ten glasses have? Among other things, one would need to know whether they were consumed over 20 minutes or 20 days.

2. A roentgen is the unit of measurement used for Slide - roentgen exposure. It measures the amount of gamma (10N) radiation present in the air.
3. Frequently, you will hear the term REM (Roentgen Slide - rem Equivalent Man), which equates the effect of a (10-0) dose of a particular type of radiation, to the living tissue. The rem is a simple way of expressing radiation in terms of its impact on man. .

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Instructor Note 4 Although these terms have specific technical Slide - 1 Roentgen differences, for offsite purposes both terms = 1 Rem (10K) can be used to mean the same thing.

5. Another term we will be using is the prefix Slide - 1000 milli-milli usually in the term millirem. Milli is rem = 1 Rem (10L) a prefix used in the metric system. One,thousand milli equals one. Therefore,1,000 millirems equal 1 rem. Exposures to radiation are most commonly referred to in units of milliroentgen.

6 Exposure occurs when a person or an object is Slide - Radiation penetrated by radiation. Exposure to alpha, beta vs. Radioactive and gamma radiation does not make a person con- Material (10.1C) taminated or radioactive. Since you cannot see, smell, feel or taste radiation, the only way you yourself can know or measure the radiation you are being exposed to is to wear a dosimeter. Demonstrate use of Dosimeters measures the total amount of radiation a dosimeter and the person wearing it has been exposed to. survey meters.

7 Contamination occurs when radioactive material is deposited on people or things where it is not wanted. Contamination is detected through monitoring the object with a survey meter. If a person is contaminated, he/she can usually be decontaminated by washing with warm water and soap.

E. Biolooical Effects of Radiation

1. Damage to a human cell caused by ionizing radia- Slide - Comparison tion, if left unrepaired, could result in the of Radiation damaged cell reproducing and eventually leading Levels (10.1A) to a colony of cells retaining the identical defect of the original cell. The most common effect of radiation damage is cell "inactiva-tion," or in other words the cell loses its ability to reproduce and eventually dies. As long as the number of cells inactivated or damaged is kept to reasonable number, the body can withstand the harm done to it. However, it should be emphasized that all radiation has some effect on the cells of the body. Controlled doses for limited periods of time are tolerated well, but any exposure to radiation involves some risk of cellular damage and future effects such as cancer.

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Instructor Note

2. Radiation causes damage to livestock the same Slide - Radiation way it produces damage in humans. Generally, resistence of livestock can tolerate exposure to radiation livestock (551) better than humans. Factors such as mass, life span and body chemistry contribute to livestocks resistance to radiation induced ef fects.
3. Field crops are very resistant to radiation in Slide - crops comparison to animals. Radiation exposures of (43K) greater than 1000 roentgen are necessary to effect crop fields.

F. Natural and Man-Made Sources of Radiation

1. As we discussed earlier, people have always Slide - Natural been exposed to very small amounts of radiation Sources (101) through cosmic rays and naturally occurring radioactive minerals. This radiation occurs as a natural part of our environment and this constant occurrence should be no cause for concern.
2. People are also exposed to radiation daily Slide - Man-made from man-made sources. We are exposed every Sources (10J) time we receive a medical X-ray, watch Discuss Fiesta television or use radioactive products. Ware and Coleman Lantern Mantles.
3. If anyone is interested in determining his/her own personal annual background radiation dose, the " Guide to Emergency Preparedness" booklet contains a chart that will enable you to deter-mine your own personal annual radiation dose.

III. Emergency Planning Compared to other industries, the nuclear industry has experienced a relatively safe history. However, the accident at Three Mile Island proved that even with all the back-up systems, equipment can fail. Shortly after


the TMI accident, the federal government prepared planning guidance for state and county emergency manage-ment acencies. This guidance set forth criteria that radiological response plans must meet in order to be 7aproved by the federal government.

A. Emergency Planning Zones (EPZ's)

The federal goverrment determined that there are Slide - EPZ's two different zones around a nuclear power plant (14H) 5 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note for which plans must be written to protect the residents of those areas.

1. Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ A ten-mile radius around a nuclear power Slide - Limerick plant where the hazards from a release would -

PEP EPZ (54A) be from:

a. Exposure from a passing plume composed of f radioactive materials and gases, or
b. Breathing air containing radioactive particles or gases from a passing plume.
2. Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPZ A fifty-mile radius surrounding a nuclear plant site where the main source of exposure would be from eating or drinki,ng contaminated foods or water. Health offic'als would perform sampling in this area to ensure that no contaminated meats, crops or milk would be present.

B. Protective Actions for the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ Those actions taken to avoid or reduce a projected Slide - Protective dose of radiation. The selection of a particular Actions (15.1D) protective action depends upon the conditions of the emergency. Basically there are 3 ways of reducing or avoiding a dose of radiation: Slide - Mass, shielding yourself with dense material to reduce Distance, Time your exposure, moving further away from the '(15A) radioactive material or waiting for the radio-isotopes to stabilize and lose their radioactivity.

1. For the general public
a. Sheltering Slide " Shelter-ing" (15C)

(1) When this action is recommended, the public will be advised to seek shelter in a permanent, reasonably airtight structure, such as a house, commercial building or office building. The public will be instructed to close Slide - Closing doors and windows and to reduce outside windows (15.lF) air intake f rom heating or cooling systems.

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Instructor Note (2) Persons traveling by motor vehicle in Slide - Person in the risk area will be advised to close car (15.1G) windows and vents and to turn off heat-ing or cooling systems.

b. Selective Evacuation Slide - Selective Evacuation (15.1A)

(1) Selective Evacuation is a protective action that provides for the evacuation of specific elements of the population Slide - Pre-school such as pregnant women and pre-school children (15.1E) children.

c. Evacuation Slide - General Evacuation (15.1B)

. (1) Evacuation is a protective action which may be recommended to the resident and transient populations of the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ. When an evacu-ation is recommended, all members of Slide - Traffic the public will be advised to leave the (ISM) risk area until it has been determined that all danger has passed.

(2) Only the Governor has the authority to order an evacuation of the risk area snould such an evacuation become neces-sary. County Commissioners or muni-cipal elected board of officials may recommend evacuation.

d. Evacuation Concepts Slide - Evacuation Concepts (56Q)

(1) Soontaneous Evacuation .

(a) The evacuation of members of the general public on their own and prior to the recommendation or order of public officials.

(b) Although an evacuation of the general public surrounding Three Mile Island was never recommended by public officials, certain studies estimated that 48-52% of 7 EC 01/20/84 L,

Instructor Note the general public evacuated without being instructed to do so by the officials. Spontaneous evacuation may substantially reduce the amount of people who would


later need to be' evacuated.

(2) Main Evacuation Routes Those roadways identified in advance as Slide - EPZ w/

the principal routes to evacuate people Main Evacuation f rom the risk area. Specific evacuation Routes (54B) routes would be announced at the time.

Local conditions would determine actual evacuation routes to be used. Bus drivers will use these routes to get out of risk area and then will proceed to host school or reception center.

(Indicate routes appropriate to area.)

(3) Pick-Up Points Those precesignated locations at which members of the general public without automobiles or other means of transpor-tation will be provided with transpor-tation out of the risk area. If assigned pick-up point run, driver will receive a map from transportation staging area to Municipal EOC. Someone familiar with area will board bus and direct around area to pick up residents.

(4) Traffic control Points Those locations on main evccuation Slide - Traffic routes that would be staffed by Control / Access local police or the State Police Control Points in order to provide ease of access and (54C) continued movement of traffic.

(5) Access Control Points Those predesignated locations staffed by local police, the State Police, or by the National Guard in order to prevent entry into the risk area during an accident. These points will be located on or immediately beyond the boundary of the risk area. Check 8 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note points will stop all people from entering an area, except residents.

(6) Host Schools for Students Those places where school students and Slide - Host staff will be evacuated to and later Schools / Mass reunited with their families. Care / Reception Centers (565)

(7) Receotion Centers Those predesignated sites outside the Slide - Map (540) risk area at which evacuees will be airected to shelters if they need a place to stay. Pick-up runs will be through reception centers to mass care.

(8) Mass Care Centers Those facilities established outside the risk area at the time of an acci-dent for the purpose of providing food, lodging and medical care on a short-term basis for persons evacuating the risk area. Evacuees and their vehicles will be monitored and decontaminated if necessary.

(9) Central Resource Receivina Points Slide (56R)

A location outside the risk area suit- Slide (54F) able for receiving and distributing supplies and equipment.

(10) Transportation Stacina Area A designated location from which trans-portation resources are coordinated and/or dispatched. These are located on each of 5 major access roads into the area:

Rt. 422, Rt. 100 (Berks Rt.100 (Chester)

Rt. 63, Rt. 309, Rt. 363/202 (Montgomery)

This is the point where bus drivers will report to receive detailed information and re-assignments.

9 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note (11) Decontamination Station A facility located just outside the risk area where emergency workers undergo any necessary decontamination monitoring or decontamination. *

e. Public Alert / Notification System (1) If an accident were to occur at the LGS, emergency public information activities would be initiated to inform the public of the nature and severity of the accident. Emergency public information will be coordinated through news releases by the State, in addition to facility and key response organization spokespersons.

(2) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires that a warning system be installed around every operating nuclear power plant. The system must provide the capability for alerting and provid-ing information to residents of the plume exposure pathway EPZ.

(3) The public alert / notification system Slide - siren refers to sirens primarily for the alert and the Emergency Broadcast System for notification of the general public. Slide - loudspeak6r Monitors, mobile loudspeakers, and other special provisions for alerting supple- Slide - EBS system ment the sirens for public alert.

(4) The siren is designed to alert the 200 siren will be population at risk to tune to their installed by,PEco Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) for They will be placed important emergency information. on top of 50-foot The sounding of sirens does not mean utility poles.

that the public should take shelter or The sirens will evacuate. The sirens only indicate that rotate and can people should turn to the EBS for infor- each be heard for mation or instructions, a distance of about 4,000 feet.

(5) Specifically, this system has been Installation will designated for the capability to provide begin about Feb.1, both an alert signal and an informational 1983, and should or instructional message to the popula- be completed by tion throughout the plume exposure path- July 1, 1984.

way EPZ, within 15 minutes.

10 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note (6) Philadelphia Electric Company, following Cost of the system discussions with County and State will be about $4 officials, will purchase sirens to be million.

installed as the alert portion of the public alert / notification system.

(7) The siren system would be activated from County Offices. The siren system would procuce a 3-5 minute steady tone and would be sounded to advise persons living, working or traveling in risk portions of the County to tune to the EBS stations for further information.

(8) Should any of the sirens fail to sound, the system would indicate County officials. Route alert teams would then be dispatched to provide public alert through the use of public address systems or bullhorns.

(9) County officials would activate the public alert / notification system.

(10) After the activation of the alert /

notification system, the County, in coordination with the State, would provide continuing emergency public information through a County Public Information Officer to be located at the County's Media Center.

(11) If conditions change, the public alert /

notification system would again be activated for the purpose of disseminat-ing such recomendations to the public.

(12) During the next several months, both Philadelphia Electric Company and County officials will be conducting a public education program. The public alert / notification system concept will be extensively discussed throughout the public education program.

2. Specifically for emergency workers
a. Radioprotective Drugs Slide "Radiopro-tective Drugs" i

(15F) 11 EC 01/20/84 I

Instructor Note (1) lodines, whether radioactive or not Emergency workers radioactive, tend to travel to and definition is accumulate in the thyroid gland. tnose persons Radioactive Iodine could be released that perform during an accident at the Limerick functions that station. Radioprotective drugs are require special substances which tend to saturate protection the thyroid with non-radioactive throughout an iodine, thus reducing the amount of emergency.

radioactive iodine absorbed by the thyroid. Potassium iodide (chemical symbol KI) is a substance that may be used for this purpose.

(2) Radioprotective drugs may be recommended for emergency workers or institution-alized persons within the plume exposure pathway EpZ at the time of an accident.

b. Limitation to Duration of Exposure Slide " Limitation to Duration of Exposure" (1SG)

(1) Limitation to duration of exposures in an identified risk area is a pro-tective action that will be considered for emergency workers.

(2) Exposure limitation will be imposed for emergency workers when radiation exposure levels approach protective action guide limits for routine opera-tions (25 rem).

c. Double Clothing Slide - Double Clothing (15.1C)

(1) Double clothing is a protective action which can be used by itself or along with other protective actions.

(2) If recommended, workers would be advised to use personal clothing (rain gear, turnout gear, boots or galoshes with pant legs tucked in, winter coats with collars turned up, gloves, etc.)

to provide protection by minimizing contamination of the skin or regular street clothing.-

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Instructor Note

d. Respiratory protection Slide "Respira-tory Protection" (ISD)

(1) Respiratory protection is an action which is used in conjunction with -


(2) When respiratory protection is recommended, people within the risk area will be advised to cover their noses and mouths with handkerchieves, cloth, or other protective materials, and to limit air intake from heating or cooling systems if they are in an enclosed area.

(3) This action may be recommended for the general public in conjunction with one '

. of the other protective actions.

C. Protective Actions for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPZ Protective actions for the 50 mile EPZ are designed Slide - IEP PA to prevent consumption of contaminated food or recommendation water. The responsibilities for establishing applic- chart. (56N) able protective action for the 50 mile EPZ rests with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Pennsylvania Departments of Environmental Resources (DER) and Agriculture would collect samples of agricultural products and water from the affected areas within the 50 mile EPZ. The samples would be analyzed by DER's Bureau of Radiation Protection to determine the types and quantities of radioactive materials contained in the samples.

DER would evaluate this information and make recommendations to the Departments of Agriculture and Health. These Departments would then provide their protective action recommendations to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. -

1. Water Spring and well water should not be affected by a release of radioactive material. Pond or reservoir water may be contaminated and should Slide - Water be tested by state or county officials. Should Supplies (140) a water supply be contaminated, uncontaminated 13 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note supplies could be rationed, other beverages could be substituted, water could be brought in from safe supplies, or critical users -

could be identified.

2. Milk and Other Food Products Slide - Radioisotopes (10C)

Public officials would also be concerned about Discuss halflives the possible contamination of food products, briefly.

particularly milk and milk products. Discuss only 1-131 if possible.

a. Radioactive iodine is a radioactive material that could be released during an accident. If the iodine were deposited on pasture and, the radioactive iodine could be consumed by dairy cattle. The substance could then be passed on to children through a

the milk. Since children are especially susceptable to radiation, plans call for state inspectors to sample milk supplies to ensure that supplies are safe,

b. Those milk or other food products that are found to be contaminated would initially be kept from the market. Those contaminated foodstuffs could be processed or stored to allow radioactive decay, diverted to non-human consumption or condemned depending upon the severity of the contamination.

IV. Protective Actions for Livestock Information on suggested protective actions for live- Slide - Livestock stock would come from the County Agricultural Extension (55T)

Agent. The County Agent would be basing this sugges- Protective actions tion on the latest radiological and weather data , for livestock and available from utility, County, State and federal crops can be

' agencies. extended to include the entire Ingestion. Exposure Pathway EPZ.

A. Evacuation of livestock is not generally recom- Slide - Evacuation mended. Priority is given to the evacuation of (ISB) the human population of the risk area. In addition, livestock evacuation may be inappro-priate due to time constraints and a lack of transportation resources.

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Instructor hote B. Sheltering and providing livestock with uncontami- Slide - Sheltering natec feed and water are more acceptable options. (15C)

1. Determine which livestock should receive the Slide - Sheltering best shelter. The following priorities are Priorities (SSH)

. recommended:

a. Dairy cattle and other milk producing animals
b. Egg producing fowl ,
c. Breeding stock
d. Other livestock and poultry
2. Some shelters provide more protection than others. The shelters listed below are listed in order of effectiveness.
a. Large concrete block barn! with full hay mounds
b. Other large barns and pole sheds
c. Small buildings
3. If sheltering of livestock is recommended, the animals should be moved into barns or other available buildings.

4 Once sheltered, provisions must be made for Slide - Protective continued care of the animals: Action for live-stock (55G)

a. Place the livestock on uncontaminated feed. i (Cover all exposed feed if possible.)
b. Uncontaminated feeds include those which are covered by a silo, bin or other enclosure.

If uncontaminated feed is not available, withhold feed until uncontaminated supplies are available or as long as possible without risking permanent harm to the animal. Most livestock can go four to five days without suffering permanent damage due to the lack of feed.

c. Provide uncontaminated water for the animals. Water which is not exposed to 15 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note the atmosphere such as water from tanks or well water would be the safest. If there is sufficient time, cover other water containers with plastic to protect from contamination. In no case should water be withheld from the livestock.

If water is in short supply, reducing feed can reduce the amount of water your livestock will require. For emergency planning purposes, a 48-hour supply of protected feed and water should be available.

d. Animals also need adequate ventilation to survive. The use of ventilating devices such as fans will decrease the effective-ness of the shelter for reducing radiation exposure and should only be used when necessa ry. However, it is better to provide the minimum ventilation necessary to ensure survival of the livestock regardless of the radiation present.

V. Protective Actions for Acricultural Products A. As we discussed earlier, the major radiological Slide - If milk concern would be the presence of Iodine 131 in the is contaminated milk products. State agricultural officials would (55J) sample milk supplies to detect high levels of Iodine 131. If samples indicate a high level, the milk could be stored or processed to allow for radiological decay or the products could be diverted to non-human consumption. If the levels are dangerously high, the supplies might have to be condemned and disposed of.

B. Poultry, meat and other food products would also Slide - Protective need to be sampled but these are less of a problem Actions for food than milk. Actions for -these include: (14C)

1. Covering of crops already harvested
2. Decontamination
3. Diversion to processed food products 4 Confiscation and disposal 16 EC 01/20/84

Instructor Note VI. Incident Classifications The protective actions to be taken during an emergency Slide - Incident depend upon the seriousness of the incident at the Classifications power plant. .


The provision of information on the level of serious-ness is extremely important since it will influence the level of response required. It is the responsi-bility of the utility to provide essential information to state and county of ficials concerning the classifi-cation of the emergency. Classifications include Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency and General Emergency.

A. Unusual Event

1. Unusual Event indicates that a minor change has Slide - Unusual occurred in the normal plant operating proce- Event (2C) dures. At this point in time, county and state emergency management officials would be notified by the utility.

B. Alert

1. An Alert means that abnormal plant conditions Slide - Alert (2E) exist and very small amounts of radiation may be released. During an Alert, emergency response organizations would be placed on Standby.

C. Site Imergency

1. Site Emergency means that plant functions Slide - Site needed to protect the public have failed or Emergency (2G) may fail. Releases of radiological materials from the plant will be in very small amounts; however, protective actions could be recom-mended at this time depending upon plant, weather and road conditions.

D. General Emergency

1. A General Emergency means that a threat to the Slide - General general public either currently exists or is Emergency (21) likely to occur in the near future. This is the most severe emergency action level and protective actions could be recommended at this time.

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Instructor No e VII. Incident Classification Actions A. Unusual Event

1. No action is suggested for the agricultural "

Slide - Unusual community during an Unusual Event. Event (55A)

B. Alert

1. During an Alert, the County Agricultural Agent Slide (55B) would be notified by the County. The County Agent would remain in his/her office, maintain communications with the County E0C and represent county agricultural interests. The Agent would review plans and procedures and answer questions raised by the agricultural community.
2. Contact locations:

Montgomery County - Joe Way Agriculture and Home Economic's Extension Office Court House Annex 400 Markley Street Norristown, PA Chester County - Cheryl Fairvairn Dagne Building 235 W. Market Street West Chester, PA 19380 Berks County - Henry Bonn, Jr., Director USDA Emergency Board Berks County Agriculture Center R.D. #1, Leesport, PA C. Site Emergency

1. Farmers with dairy cattle / goats within two Slide - Actions miles from the plant could be notified that (55C) animals should be placed on stored feed.

Livestock owners should monitor radio news for more information.

2. As a precautionary measure, livestock owners may wish to check supplies of stored feeds and water and herd livestock into the general vicinity of the shelters.

18 EC 01/20/84

FJ Instructor Note D. General Emergency 1.. Farmers with dairy cattle / goats witnin ten miles of the plant would be notified that these animals should be placed on stored feed. ,

2. As a precautionary measure, shelter all live-stock to the extent possible. Provide them with stored feed and water. Improve sheltering capabilities of buildings to the extent possible.
3. Continue to monitor EBS for additional infor-mation concerning the protection of residents and livestock.

4 If sheltering of livestock is recommended: Slide - Actions (55D)

a. Ensure that all livestock are sheltered to the extent possible.
b. Ensure rations of stored feed and water are available to the livestock.
c. Close doors and windows on barns.
d. Turn back ventilation fan speed or filter if possible.
5. If sheltering is recommended for you and your Slide - Blank family:
a. Seek shelter inside your house.
b. Close doors and windows and shut off or reduce air intake from heating or cooling systems.
c. If not done previously, shelter livestock.
d. Monitor your EBS station for further i nformation.
6. If evacuation is recommended: Slide - Actions (SSE)
a. Ensure that livestock are sheltered to the extent possible and have been provided with stored feed and water.

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Instructor Note

b. After your family is evacuated, report to the County Agricultural Agent and request Emergency Worker Certification, dosimetry and KI.
c. Return to the farm only as of ten and long as necessary to provide essential care to the livestock. Follow instructions for monitoring exposure levels and using KI.
d. After leaving the farm, report directly to the designated decontamination center for radiological survey and possible decontami-nation.

VIII. For More Information A. Contact the county agriculture extension agent.

B. A new correspondence course entitled, " Radiation Protection for Family, Food and Farm". This course was developed by Penn State and reviewed by the Pennsylvania Farmers Association. The cost is 56.75 and can be ordered from RADIATION, Department 5000, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802.

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