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Joint Affidavit of Gy Suh & CS Hinson.* Advises That Authors Prepared Responses to Questions 1 & 4
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/1989
From: Hinson C, Suh G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC)
Shared Package
ML20248D476 List:
OL-2, NUDOCS 8908110061
Download: ML20248D497 (3)


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50-353-OL-2 Units 1 and 2)


(Severe Accident Mitigation



JOINT AFFIDAVIT OF GENE Y. SUH AND CHARLES S. HINSON We, Gene'Y. Suh and Charles S. Hinson, do depose and say:


I, Gene 7. Suh, am a Project Manager, Project Directorate I-2, Division of Reactor Projects I/II, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Conmission.

I am assigned to coordinate and manage the staff review of the consideration of severe accident mitigation design alternatives for the Limerick Generating Station.

I have been employed at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission since 1984. My present duties include the management and coordination of the safety and environmental review of nuclear power plant construction permit, operating license applications, and operation of nuclear reactors licensed for operation. Prior to my appointment as a Project Manager, I was a Resident Inspector at the Trojan Nuclear Plant in Rainier, Oregon for two years. As a Resident Inspector, I was responsible for the 1

inspection of the Trojan facility in the areas of operations, engineered safety features, maintenance, surveillance testing, event evaluaticus, l

radiation protection, and security.

I also served in the capacity of 1

l 8908)10061 090002 PDR ADOCK 05000352 O



. 6 Reactor Inspector in the Region V office for approximately eight months.

and performed inspections in the areas of surveillance testing, fire

, protection,.and maintenance.

My experience with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has

' included assignment to the Accident Evaluation Branch, where my duties included evaluation of engireered safety features and analysis of the consequences of design baris and severe accidents, both for licensing actions and for operating reactors.

I have performed consequence asalysis in support of the source term evaluation effort and conducted safety

. analyses for reviews of license amendments and operating. license applications.

I received a B.S. degree in nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1980.

I attended Stanford University on a National Science Foundation fellowship and received an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 1981.


I, Charles S. Hinson, am a Health Physicist, Radiation Protection Branch, Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

I am assigned to review the radiation protection aspects of the severe accident mitigation design alternatives for the Limerick Generating Station.

I have been emnloyed at the U.S 'tuclear Regulatory Commission l

since 1974. My present duties include evaluation of the radiological significance of reactor operating events, review of the radiation protection aspects of licensee amendment requests for acceptability, and 4

- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - participation in special inspections of nuclear ~ reactors to judge the adequacy of the licensee's radiaticn protection programs.

My first assignment with the Commission was as a health physicist in the Radiological Assessment Branch. My principal function was the review and evaluation of' nuclear power plant applications, both at the construction permit and operating license stages, to determine the adequacy of the


radiation protection programs and facility design features. Other duties included analysis and compilation of reactor occupational exposure data on an annual basis, review and evaluation of H sh dose maintenance jobs at power reactors, and management of severrei dose reduction contracts.

During.the period from January 1986 to March 1987 I served as a Project Manager for the Fort St. Vrain and Big Rock Point nuclear power plants.

During this time my principal function was the management and coordination of all aspects of the safety and environmental evaluations for these plants. This included the coordination of all licensing action reviews, resolution of differences of opinion between the Staff and the licensee, and evaluation of plant design changes and operational events.

I have served in my current position of Health Physicist in the Radiation Protection Branch since April 1987.

I received a B.S. degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Virginia in 1974 and a M.E. degree in nuclear engineering from the Univt.rsity of Virginia in 1976.


1 l



.4 We, Gene Y. Suh and Charles S. Hinson, prepared' the responses to Questions 1 and 4.

Those answers'are true and correct'to of our knowledge and belief.


JbrAf GeneYGSuh 64/2 AL_

Charles S. Hinson

. Subsgribed and sworn to before me

~2 d ugust, 1989.

i tary Public "

My commission. expires: '

i u

4 l

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