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Applicant Exhibit E-55,consisting of Draft 3 of Methacton School District,Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Incidents at Limerick Generating Station Dtd Nov 1983
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/28/1984
OL-A-E-055, OL-A-E-55, NUDOCS 8507050130
Download: ML20128D520 (88)


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Repette M Prepared by:

Methacton' School District Kriebel Mill Road - Administration Building Fairview Village, PA 19403 215/489-5000 November 1983 O


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O l- 1 Draft 3 i

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O 11 Draft 3 L

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Table of Contents Page

. s 4

Record of Changes......................................................... 1 1

j Promulgation............................................................. 11 Tab l e o f , C ont e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i i

I. Introduction....................................................... I 1

r A. Authority...................................................... 1

, B. Purpose........................................................ I 1 C. R e f e ren c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 D. Definitions.................................................... 1 E. Objectives..................................................... 5 II. Basic P1an......................................................... 6 A. General........................................................ 6 B. Direction and Coordination..................................... 6 3

l C. Di st ri ct O rgani zati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 i

! D. Fixed Nuclear Facility Incident Situation...................... 8 i

E. Al e rt/ Noti f i c at i on Sy st em. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4


F. School Cl osi ng/ Cancel l ation of Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ,

l G. Evacuation Concepts........................................... 10 4 .H. Continuity of School Administration........................... 12  ;

I. Reent ry and Recovery, Reopeni ng of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 l J. Mutual Aid / Requests for Assi stance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i

i I

K. R es pon s i b i l i t i es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 i

, III. Training / Drills / Exercises......................................... 15 IV. Pl an Mai ntenance and Di stri buti on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 V. Concept of Operations - School i n Sess1 ca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 l

A. U nu s u al E vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 i iii. - Draft 3 l N.

B. Alert......................................................... 17

, 7- s C. Site Emergency................................................ 19 D. General Emergency............................................. 20 E. Recovery /Reoccupati on/Reopeni ng of School s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 VI. Concept of Operations'- School not in Session..................... 29 A. Unusual Event................................................. 29 B. Alert......................................................... 29 C. Site Emergency................................................ 30 D. General Emergency............................................. 31 E. R ec o ve ry/ R eoc cu p a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 VII. School D i st ri ct P ro fi l e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 VIII. Resource Requirements for Evacuation.............................. 33 Attachments Attachment 1 School Di st ri ct P rofi l e Fo rm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al-1 Attachment 2 - School Building Profile Form.................... A2-1 Attachment 3 Resources Required for Evacuation............... A3-1 Attachment 4 Lett e r to Pa rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4-1 Attachment 5 School Evacuation EBS Announcement.............. A5-1 Attachment 6 School District Organizational Chart. . . .. .. . .. .. A6-1 Attachment 7 Agreements...................................... A7-1 Attachment 8 S ch ool C a l end a r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8- 1 i


I i iv Draft 3 l

METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN I. INTRODUCTION A. Authority The authority for the preparation of this plan is provided by the Board of Education, Methacton School District, and is consistent with P. L. 1332, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Act of 1978.

B. Purpose This plan is presented to establish responsibilities, define a concept of operations, offer workable procedures for the protection of school students, and provide for the direction and control of District school facilities, staff, and students in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

C. References

1. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Act of 1978, P. L.


2. Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Annex N, School Services.
3. Conunonwealth of Pennsylvania, Disaster Operations Plan, Annex E, Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents, Appendix 11, Schools and Colleges Emergency Plans, 1981, with changes. *
4. School Emergency Planning Guide, Pennsylvania Department of Education, 1980. *
5. Resolution (# ) of the Methacton School District Board of Education, , 1983 (reference Page 11 of this Plan).
6. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG 0654, FEMA-REP-1, REV 1, November 1980. l l

D. Definitions

1. Access Control Point (ACP) - Those points manned primarily by State or local police, augmented when necessary by the National l Guard, established around all roads leading into an evacuated area, or an area where occupants are taking shelter, for the purpose of controlling access into the area.

, v i

1 Draft 3

- 2. Amateur Radio- Licensed volunteer radio amateur communications personnel affiliated with county emergency management organiza-tion. (Such organizations include Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES),

4 Wheel Drive Clubs for Emergency Services, Civil Defense / i Citizens Band, and Radio Emergency Action Teams (REACT).

3. Central Resource Receiving Point - A predesignated location outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ, suitable for the reception and distribution of supplies and equipment, j
4. Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Announcements - Official l annoucements made at the county level for the specific purpose of providing instructions or directions from the County .

Commissioners, or their designated official representative, to  !

the permanent and transient residents of the county. Announce-  !

ments are made over the legally designated EBS network. EBS l announcements at the State level are made only when they are i applicable statewide. Priorities for EBS announcements are specified in law; first priority to the Federal government, second priority to county governments, and third priority to state governments. Restriction on use of EBS announcements does ,

not preclude appropriate use of newspapers, radio ar.d television for public information statements.

5. Emergency Management - The judicious planning, assignment and coordination of all available resources in an integrated program of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery O for emergencies of any kind, whether from enemy attack, man-made or natural sources. (May be termed Emergency Preparedness.)

6 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - A facility used by state, county or municipal governments from which to direct operations in the event of an emergency. '

7 Emergency Planning Zone [EPZ) - A generic area defined about a nuclear facility to facilitate offsite emergency planning and develop a significant response base. It is defined for the plume and ingestion exposure pathways,

a. Plume Exposure Pathway'- The area surrounding a fixed nuclear facility which potentially is subject to radiation exposure as;a result of an incident involving radioactive .

material emanating from the facility. .Such potential


exposure could involve: (1) whole body external exposure to ,

gamma radiation from the plume and from deposited materials, i and (2) inhalation exposure from the passing radioactive plume. The EPZ for this pathway consists of an area of. ,

approximately ten miles in radius around the fixed nuclear {

facility. (The exact size and configuration of the plume i exposure pathway EPZ for the Limerick Generating Station was l determined in relation to local emergency response needs and capabilities as they are affected by conditions such as demography, topography, access routes, and jurisdictional 1 boundaries.

2 Draft 3 }

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b. Ingistion Expr. sura Pathway - That area surrounding a fixed nuclear facility which, as a result of a release of radioactive material, is a potential source of exposure

,O through the ingestion of water and foods, such as milk or fresh vegetables originating there. This EPZ consists of a circular area of 50 miles radius around the fixed nuclear

8. Host School - Predetermined schools outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ to which risk school students are evacuated, at which they remain under risk school officials' supervision, i until they are picked up by their parents or legal guardians.

j Students residing in the plume exposure pathway EPZ and attend-l ing school outside will be held for pick-up at the school they 4


9. Incident - An event or condition at a nuclear facility which could result in impact on public health and safety. Four emergency incident levels have been developed to facilitate planning for response to nuclear incidents:
a. Unusual Events - An occurrence which indicates a potential degradation of the level of safety of the facility. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.

1 1 b. Alert - An occurrence which involves actual or potential 1 substantial degradation of the level of safety of the facility. Any releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protective action guideline exposure levels.

l c. Site Emergency - An occurrence which involves actual or likely major failures of facility functions needed for the protection of the public. Radioactive releases are not expected to exceed the EPZ protective action guideline exposure levels except near the facility site boundary.


, d. General Emergency - An occurrence which involves actual or j iminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential for loss of containment integrity. Releases can reasonably by expected to exceed EPA protective action l guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the l immediate site area boundaries.

10. Main Evacuation Routes - Those roadways identified in state and risk county plans as the principal routes leading from the plume exposure pathway EPZ for use by vehicles in the event of an incident requiring evacuation. Traffic control points will be manned by the Pennsylvania State Police to expedite traffic 4


!O 3 Draft 3


11. Mass Cara Center - Fixed facilities suitable for providing
emergency lodging for victims of a disaster left temporarily
i. homeless. Feeding may be done within a mass care center (in suitable dining facilities) or nearby. I
12. Mobilize - The act of bringing a staff or agency to the strength required to accomplish its mission; including the prepositioning or movement of equipment or personnel.
13. , Municipality - For the purposes of this plan, the terms

! " municipality" or " municipal government" are defined or

! referring, singularly or collectively, to cities, boroughs, i townships and incorporated towns within the Commonwealth of j Pennsylvania.

14 Parent County - The county in which the nuclear facility is

. physically located. (Montgomery County for the Limerick l Generating Station.)


15. Pro.fected Dose - An estimate of the radiation dose which

! affected individuals could potentially receive if protective 4 actions are not taken.

1 i 16 Protective Action - An action taken to avoid or reduce a i projected dose of radiation. Some of the basic actions are:

l a. Sheltering - Action taken by the public to take advantage of i

the protection against radiation exposure afforded by i

remaining indoors, away from doors and windows, during and following the passage of the radioactive plume.

b. General Evacuation .The evacuation.of the entire population

, within a specified geographic area.

c. Selective Evacuation - The evacuation of specific elements of the population, such as pregnant women, pre-school children or the infirm.

17 Public Information Statements - Public announcements made by the

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) or county i official spokespersons via newspaper, radio or television to


explain government actions being taken to protect the public in event of any public emergency. The purpose of the announcement is to provide accurate information, prevent panic and counteract misinformation and rumors. Reference to the emergency incident

! itself will be made only in the context of the reasons for

, governmental actions, and not to provide detailed information l about it.


18. Radiological Emergency Response Plans (RERP) - Detailed response i

plans developed by the state and its agencies, county and.

municipal emergency management agencies, school districts, etc.

in coordination with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management

Agency and the respective fixed nuclear facility.

j j 4. Draft 3 1


19. Receptirn Centnr - A przd2signated site outsida the plume exposure pathway EPZ through which evacuees will pass to obtain information and directions to mass care centers.


20. Risk Coonty - A county located within the plume exposure pathway l] EPZ of a nuclear facility.
21. Risk School District - A school located partially or wholly ,

within the plume expsoure pathway EPZ of a fixed nuclear facility. Use of the term school district shall include all public and non-profit private schools.

22. School Services Officer - An individual appointed by the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness (0EP) who l ensures the coordination of risk school district plans for protective response and coordinates the alert / notification and resource requirements of risk schools at the time of the emer-gency incident. This individual provides staff assistance to the Montgomery County E0C and operates under the direction and control of the Montgomery County OEP Director / Coordinator.
23. Standby Status - The term used to describe state of readiness.

Standard operating procedures have been reviewed; materiel, communications and required supplies are available and adequate for initial operations; and sufficent personnel are on hand to commence operations. Augmentation personnel necessary for sustained operations are alerted and ready to report for duty when called.

24. Support County - The county or counties outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ of a nuclear facility that', through prior agreement, will provide support to a risk county in the event of an incident. Depending on size and location, the same county may be both a risk and support county.
25. Traffic Control Points (TCP) - Those points established at critical road intersections for the purpose of controlling or limiting traffic.
26. Transportation Providers - Owners / operators, school district vehicles and drivers and/or contract transportation resources provided for both routine (bus) movement of students, and any special transportation resource provided during emergency conditions.
27. Unmet Needs - Capabilities and/or resources required to support emergency operations neither available nor provided for at the respective levels of government or by the District.

E. Objectives of the Plan The plan is presented to:

o 1. Clarify lines of suthority and establish responsibilities for y) the protection of school students and staff.

5 Oraft 3 L I

2. Ensur;s that planned actions aro in consonance with Municipal, County and State RERP's.

(~N 3. Identify necessary resources and required personnel to assure

() protective actions can be implemented for the Methacton School District population. ,

4. Provide the basis for orientation of school staff, students and parents / guardians regarding appropriate actions in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

II. BASIC PLAN A. General Because a number of school districts are found within the 10-mile plume expsoure pathway EPZ of the Limerick Generating Station, all of which might be expected to implement their respectvie RERP's simultaneously, the safety of the school population can best be served through an emergency plan that is in consonance among all districts, as well as with the state and risk county RERP's.

Accordingly, the Methacton School District RERP has been developed in such a manner that it will function harmoniously with other plans without risk of conflict.

This plan is designed to protect school students while attending any school function, including classroom and/or extracurricular activities, special events or any function sponsored by the school.

B. Direction and Coordination

1. The Superintendent of Schools shall exercise all authority granted in accordance with the policies set forth by the School Board and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
2. The Superintendent of Schools is responsible to the School Board for all school emergency plans and procedures assuring the safety of students and staff in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.
3. Non-profit private schools within the territory covered by the Methacton School District come under the school district for
  • planning, notification and coordination of transportation resource requirements.
4. The Superintendent of Schools coordinates with the Montgomery County OEP for protective response to include the direction and control of evacaution and/or sheltering of students and staff and for the cancellation of school or special activities.
5. All students, school buildings, school equipment, staff and contracts will remain under the supervision and control the the Superintendent of Schools. The Methacton School District
  • Administration Office will serve as the interfacing point in 6 Draft 3

providing for , administration, information/ resource exchanga and I

management of school services.  !

, 6. School Principals are responsible to the Superintendent for

  • i school emergency plans, the coordination of protective action within their school, and for the safety of students and staff in
  • the event of incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

!. 7. Host school services are furnished at the Methacton Senior /

  • I Junior High School.

j 8. Because of the multi-district scope of a radiological amergency,  !

i the need for centralized coordination of emergency response 3 personnel and resources becomes essential. For the purposes of l this Plan, therefore, Montgomery County OEP shall exercise i responsibility for coordination and support.


9. The Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan to

! which this document shall be annexed shall govern implementation j of the Methacton School District RERP.  ;


] 10. Coordination between the counties involved shall be accomplished i by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and be '

i governed by the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania, Disaster

[ ' Operations Plan,' Annex E, Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents. ,


11. School is in session during regular classroom hours (semesters; t summer sessions; evening classes); when the authorized school j calendar applies; when students are involved in regular school ,

i sponsored activities / events; or when students occupy school

, facilities under school supervision.*


12. School not in session refers to after hours during the time of .

j the authorized school calendar (regular and sunumer school j terms). Special activities during vacation periods will be ,

incibded if school facilities are occuppied by individuals or  ;

j groups not authorized / sponsored by the School (District).*

, 13. This plan does not apply during vacation periods or when all

! school facilities are closed for. extended periods. Decisions to extend vacations, etc., are implemented using procedures specified for " School not in Session," as appropriate. All .

actions will be coordinated through the Montgomery County OEP.

l- -14. Students refer to individuals in grades Kindergarten (K) to i Twelve (12), authorized pre-school program (s) or special i

education activities.

-15. In no case will students be dismissed to their own care if

!. protective action is inninent.- School officials will remain  !

. responsible for student safety until parents / guardians can i assume responsibility.

  • A copy of the school calendar is attached (reference Attachment 8).

7 Draft 3 i'


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C. District Organization

- An Organizational Chart for the Methacton School District is included in Attachment 6.

D. Fixed Nuclear Facility Incident Situation

1. All incidents occuring at the Limerick Generating Station will be classified according to the emergency action levels: Unusual
Event, Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency.
2. A fixed nuclear facility incident could occur during school hours and result in the disruption of school services for an extended period of time.

i 3. County officials and achool administration will initiate

protective actions including all those actions considered necessary for the safety of the general population, requiring i students and staff to either initiate sheltering actions or

. evacuate directly to designated host schools.

E. Alert / Notification System a -


1. Montgomery County OEP and the Methacton School District will
  • maintain an alert / notification procedure and a primary and j backup telecommunications system to provide for alert /notifica-

, tion and information exchange in the event of an incident at the i Limerick Generating Station. The telecommunications system includes telephones located at the Methacton School District

  • 1 Administrative Office (and each school principal's office).

j Commercial telephone shall serve as the primary method of communication. Montgomery County OEP will provide for a RACES representative at the Methacton School District Office to

  • provide an alternate means of radio communication in the event of a telephone failure.

J In the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station requiring notification of schools, Montgomery County OEP will activate the "Tellabs 294" alerting system. This system

  • provides a distinctive ring and pre-recorded message to all schools in the EPZ. The Methacton School District Superinten-dent is responsible to confirm notification of all school officials.
2. School District Superintendent 4

In the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station, the Superintendent will be notified by the "Tellabs 294" or the

  • County School Services Officer from the Montgomery County E0C.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) may confirm i

notification of school Superintendents for the purpose of redundancy.

O 8 Draft 3

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2 3 School Prinicipals * '


! When school is not in session, public and non-profit private

  • school principals will be notified by the Superintendent or the i "Tellabs 294."  !

When school is in session, public and non-profit private school *

principals will be notified by the Superintendent, as provided l 4 for in District Emergency Procedures, or the Montgomery County  ;

OEP "Tellabs 294" or School Services Officer from the Montgomery *

! County EOC, should the Superintendent be unavailable. j

4. Public Notification (Tellabs 294 System)
  • i
a. The public will be alerted through the public alert system

} as activated by Montgomery County OEP. The system consists 1 of telephone company equipment capable of providing a ,

i distinctive ring and an official taped or live message to

all telephone subscribers in the EPZ. ,

i b. To assure coverage, personnel and equipment through the i j Montgomery County OEP (Fire Departments) will be dispatched 3

by the Montgomery County E0C to supplement this alerting ,

, procedure.


j c. The public alert system may be activated during Alert, Site ,

i Emergency or General Emergency when (a) there is significant j information that will reassure the public of their safety;

  • 1

, (b) the public is to be informed of plant status that may ,

j lead them to implement specific actions on their own; or (c) l j specific actions (to include protective actions) are to be  :

!= taken by the public. The system will be activated at ,

General Emergency.

d. Following public alert system activation, detailed instruc-j tions for protective actions will be made through the
Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). A school evacuation EBS

! message has been prepared (reference Attachment 5),


5. Notification of Parents / Legal Guardians


a. Parents / legal guardians will. be notified of school closing /

reopening utilizing the normal Methacton School District

. media procedures and_ parents' telephone chains, as appro-4 priate - unless preempted by public alert / notification '

procedures and/or an EBS annoucement. Parental notifica-

tions will be coordinated with Montgomery County OEP. '
b. Informational material regarding plans for the protection of '

- school students in the event of an incident at the Limerick ,

Generating Station, descriptive of school closure, evacua-tion procedures -and appropriate parent / guardian response has '

been developed for distribution to parents / guardians as a i

O cooperative effort of the Montgomery County OEP, Methacton School District and PEMA/PDE.  !

9 Draft 3 y , , - - g , , ry---3 3--r-m----y- ., , - - - - -

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F. School Closing /Cancellatien of Events /Early Dismissal f 1. If protective action becomes iminent while school is not in session, a decision will be made to keep schools closed. The decision will be made based on a recommendation made by 4

PEMA/PDE, and received from the Montgomery County OEP. The l' target times for receipt of PEMA/PDE recommendatiuons are
11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m. The recossendations will be prior to j 6 a.m. to allow time for appropriate notifications. Parents /

guardians and staff will be notified utilizing regular District j procedures / telephone chains for school closing announcements.  !

Note: Consideration for the closing of school may be made at

{ Site and General Emergency. All schools in the Methacton School

  • District will be closed, not just those in the EPZ. .


2. School special activities, extracurricular events, sports l contests, competitions, club meetings, class trips, etc. will be '

cancelled / terminated during Alert, Site Emergency, and General  !

! Erprgency and resumed only at the termination of incident classification or reduction to Unusual Event. l l

3. Schools in session will not send children home early should an  :

, evacuation appear imminent or be in progress. Regular dismissal

! policy / transportation routes will be in effect unless pre-empted by parental notification from the District and/or a protective '

action recommendation from the Montgomery County OEP.  ;

j G. Evacuation Concepts

1. Protective Action Option Evacuation is a protective action option which involves movement of the population from the plume exposure pathway EPZ. It may be accomplished on a selective or general ouis.
2. Authorization and Control l


a. The Governor, or his constitutionally designated successor, f
has the sole authority and responsibility for directing and +

compelling a selective or general evacaation.

b. Elected county or municipal officials in authority may recommend an evacuation for their respective jurisdictions..

! c. PEMA has the primary responsibility for directing and ,

i controlling an evacuation order made by the Governor.  !

! d. A decision to evacuate risk municipalities (including school l districts) will be announced by PEMA through the Montgomery l County OEP channels to school districts and building principals. (Note: The Pennsylvania Department of l-.. Education may notify District Superintendents for the

purpose of redundancy and municipal EMA Coordintors will .

l confirm the notification of building principals in their l l municipality.) l l 10 Draft 3 i


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o. The M2thacten School District has tha authority to closa schools at its discretion. During a fixed nuclear facility incident, the Montgomery County OEP must be kept informed of '

t- decisions to close school or have school remain closed; as I the Montgomery County OEP will coordinate school closings

{ among all districts / schools and dispatch / provide needed ,

transportation in the event of a need to evacuate.

l 3. Logistics of Evacuation L

j a. If school evacuation is required, students located within l' l the EPZ will be bussed directly to the host schools. *

Methactcn Senior / Junior High School, to await pick-up by
parent o guardian.

l l b. Transportation to host schools will be provided for all i i public ar.d non-profit private school students. Students

  • i will not de expected to utilize personal vehicles during  :

j evacuation. District policy for the use of private vehicles will apply.

e c. Sufficient transportation will be provided to move all f

} students inside the EPZ in one lift. District-owned and

  • l i contracted transportation resources will be provided giving i 2 priority to schools nearest the Limerick Gecerating Station.

l Students will be moved to the Methacton Senior / Junior High *  ;

! School as soon as transportation resources are available i 1 after evacuation is ordered. l

d. Risk school faculty / staff will accompany evacuated students
  • l to Methacton Senior / Junior High School in the buses or in

! their private vehicles, as available, and remain with j students until they are picked up by parents or legal l guardians in accordance with District policy for student  :

! pick-up.

  • i

} e. When the school attended is outside the plume exposure .

l- pathway EPZ and parents' homes are inside the plume exposure j pathway EPZ, students will remain at the school they attend {

j until picked up by parents or legal guardians. i t.

f. Students may be picked up by parent, legal guardian or j designate, as authorized in writing (reference Attachment
  • l 4),-in accordance with District policy.

1 g. Should student pick-up extend beyond 8 p.m., remaining i students buseo to (Plymouth - Whitemarsh Senior *

)- High School - T80) - the feeding center - to be fed, .

i ' properly housed and await pick-up. 'A notice will-be posted '

! to direct parents / guardians to the appropriate location, i should any movement occur. (Note: The Methacton School

! District may choose to have students remain at the Methacton

  • Senior / Junior High School, providing food, etc.4 should conditions dictate this course of action.)

t 11 Draft 3 t ,

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4. Evacuaticn Supp3rt ,
a. State, county and municipal RERP's offer detailed plans to

_[.' provide for evacuation routes, traffic control points manned

\ by police, roadway clearance, access control points, security, and emergency fuel supply.

b. Specific arrangements have been developed within the Methacton School District, to act as its own host school district (Methacton High School / Junior High School will be utilized as the host school).
c. Specific materials have been developed to provide parents /

guardians a detailed description of school evacuation procedures / host school locations. (reference Attachment 4)

5. Evacuation Transportation Resources
a. Methacton School District transporation vehicles (buses, vans, etc.) are provided for priority use within the
  • District to transport students / staff, if needed. Assignment of vehicles is detailed in Attachments 2 and 3.
b. Additional vehicle resources required will be planned for and provided through the Montgomery County OEP, and are detailed in Attachments 2 and 3.
c. Sufficient transportation resources have been provided to move all students requiring evacuation in one lift. *
d. Upon completion of school evacuation assigna.ents, District-owned vehicles will be provided to the Montgomery County OEP
  • for mutual aid assignment during evacuation.
e. District vehicles will be assigned, as appropriate, to bus students from the Methacton Senior / Junior' High to designated
  • feeding center, (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School -

TBD), (at 8 p.m.), for feeding and sheltering, as provided for in this RERP. Should conditions dictate, the Superin-tendent may request to have students remain at Methacton

  • Senior / Junior High School (to be fed).

H. Continuity of School Administration

1. In the event of a general evacuation, the Methacton School District shall transact required business at its Administrative Office Building, outside the.EPZ,-located on Kriebel Mill Road.
2. School principals will notify the District of their evacuation
  • location and provide a means for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day contact.
3. The Superintendent will notify the Montgomery County OEP School Services Officer of his evacuation location, when not at the Administrative Office.

12 Draft 3

4. Tha SuperintcndInt of Schools shall assura uninterrupted coverage of the District administrative functions defined herein, including:

v a. Designating and training of two (2) alternates to function in his absence,

b. Assisting school building principals to designate and train two (2) alternates to function in their absence.
c. Maintaining rosters, including methods of contact, telephone numbers, etc., as provided in Attachments 1 and 2.

I. Reentry and Recovery. Reopening of School

1. Reentry may be authorized by the Governor upon determination by

, the PA Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP) that it is safe.

2. Montgomery County OEP will notify the Superintendent in advance of any reentry operations and coordinate the return of evacuees to the evacuated area.
3. The Superintendent and each respective school principal, or their designated representatives, shall:
a. Return and inspect each local school building.

i b. Reestablish basic, safety and security services.

c. Report damage caused by evacuation and reentry, as well as i costs of support operations.
d. Provide for necessary repair / resupply.

4 The Superintendent shall determine the date to reopen the District schools, notifying the Montgomery County OEP Director /

i Coordinator, who will coordinate with other schools and PEMA.

, 5. Parents / guardians and students will be notified of the date of reopening, utilizing normal District procedures / telephone chains

, for school announcements. Announcements will also be published

! in all major newspapers circulated in the District's territory and coordinated with Montgomery County OEP.

J. Mutual Aid / Requests for Assistance

1. . The Superintendent, assisted by the Montgomery County OEP, is responsible for establishing mutual aid agreements with other agencies deemed necessary to assist the schools in implementing the District's RERP. Written agreements, as required, are attached to this document (reference Attachment 7).
2. Prior to and during an incident, school principals are *

, responsible to determine unmet needs for each school building 13 Draft 3

and n:tify tha Sup:rintcnd:nt of rssourco requirements. Tha Superintendent shall report unmet needs to the Montgomery County OEP (School Services Officer). Provision of unmet needs will be coordinated by the Montgomery County OEP.

K. Responsibilites

1. School District Superintendent.
a. Obtain approval of the school district plans by the District Board of Education. In event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station, exercise authority granted by the Board of Education to implement the RERP.
b. Provide uninterrupted school administration in the event of evacuation.
c. Ensure that emergency actions planned or implemented are in conformance with the Montgomery County RERP.


d. Ensure that communications systems (telephone and/or radio) necessary for the successful implementation of this plan are
available, or will be provided through Montgomery County 1 OEP.
e. Develop _and maintain any necessary Mutual Aid Agreements.
f. Determine unmet needs and inform the Montgomery County OEP.


g. Maintain expense records of personnel and resource j utilization resulting from RERP implementation.
h. Upon reentry after evacuation or reopening, ascertain all resources needed to return the district / buildings to normal operation and report them to the Montgomery County OEP.
1. Provide training for all District personnel utilized in the
implementation of the RERP.
2. School Principals *
a. Prepare and update individual school building emergency ,

(disaster) procedures and to execute the procedures described herein, including the telephone chain.

b. Determine unset needs and inform the Superintendent.
c. Maintain building expense records of personnel and resource utilization resulting from RERP implementation.
d. Upon reentry after evacuation or reopening, assist the Superintendent to ascertain all resources needed to return the school building to normal operation.

14 Draft 3 j i



e. Provide training for all building staff utilized in the irplementation of the RERP. i I

O f. Assure uninterrupted coverage of school building D administration.


A. The Superintendent, advised by the Montgomery County OEP, is responsible for providing for radiological emergency response training to Methacton School District staff and faculty. ,

B. School principal (s) shall ensure that school emergency response

  • personnel understand their responsibilites and can complete i appropriate procedures.

j C. All drills and exercises related to the Limerick Generating Station j will be coordinated through the Montgomery County OEP.  !


! 1. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring the of RERP is i current, including the development and distribution of all

changes, as well as accomplishing an annual review. '


2. All changes to the RERP shall be : 1) coordinated through the ,

Montgomery County OEP and, 2) provided to each holder of the

  • Plan.
3. All changes to the RERP which involve policy shall be approved
by tt.e Superintendent and, as appropriate, the Methacton School 4

District Board of Education, after coordination with each 1

building principal.

4. The change number and current date shall be placed on any page 4

that is changed and all changes shall be recorded on the " Record

] of Changes" page (page 1).

Plan Distribution B. I

1. Methacton School District Board of Education (9 copies) I
2. Methacton School District Superintendent ( copies) <
j. 3 Montgomery County OEP Director / Coordinator. (2 copies)
4. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (2 copies)
5. Pennsylvania Department of Education ( copies)

, c

6. Principals for each school building in the District *

(8 copies) 15 Draft 3 i

i L


-l 7. Methacton School District Transportation Coordinator (1 copy) i

8. Lower Providence Township EMA Coordinator (2 copies)

! 9. Worcester Township EMA Coordinator (2 copies)

! 10. Local police departments. ( copies) 4 1


i i

i i

j i .

l i 2

i i

i -  ;

4 i


) I i ,

i 4

4  ;

l i i 1

i 4

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.j i i

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i l

I 16 Draft 3

. , , , . . , - , . . - - . , . , - . . , . . . , - - . , - , . , , . . - - - . ...___,n.,,,.,..,,,.....-,,.,,..,_-,.,,,,._,_,.,.,,,.-,,,..,-,-.n,~,,.,.,n,

l V'. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS - SCHOOL IN SESSION l A. Unusual Event (School in Session)

No actions required and Methacton School District will not be notified of an Unusual Event.  :

B. Alert (School in Session) ,

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notifica- '

tion from the Montgomery County OEP (School Services Officer):

a. Assure operation of appropriate school district tele-communications systems.
b. Confirm rotification by the "Tellabs 294," of school
  • principals located in the EPZ (reference Attachment 2). ,
c. Notify school transportation coordinator (Tel: ) to (reference Attachment 3):

(1) Place drivers on alert / standby, using the snow emer-  :

gency notification chain.

(2) Inventory and ready transportation equipment. L (3) Review transportation assignments / maps.

(4) Fuel and maintain transportation vehicles.

(5) Provide for priority maintenance of vehicles.

(6) Report unserviceable vehicles to Superintendent (Tel: ).

d. Order District-wide cancellation of: -

(1) Special activities.

(2) Extracurricular events.

(3) Intramural / interscholastic sporting events.

(4) Competitions.

(5) Club meetings.

(6) Class trips.

(7) After school activities.


e. ' Assure that all schools covered by the school . district's
  • I plan are notified (reference Attachment 2). )

O ~

l 17 Draft 3 )

n .


f. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental nt:tifications with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ). Parental notifications can be made by radio or telephone chain, as i m appropriate.*


g. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.
2. Risk school building principals / officials will, upon notifica-tion: *
a. Assure immediate update of student attendance and class rosters.
b. Update rosters at 0830, 1130 and 1430.
c. Report attendance to Superintendent three (3) times each day 0900, 1200, and 1500 hours0.0174 days <br />0.417 hours <br />0.00248 weeks <br />5.7075e-4 months <br />). (Tel: ).
d. Cancel special activities ordered by Superintendent.
e. Assure preparation of the building for sheltering, coordinating with school maintenance / security personnel:

(1) Fuel and test support systems.

(2) Secure entrances / exits / windows.

(3) Review food service capabilities.

(4) Instruct staff to prepare shelter activities / equipment.

(5) Report unmet needs to the Superintendent.

(Tel: ). -

1 f. Request the school nurse to inventory special student medical supplies /needs and advise of any resource requirements.

g. Review situation and RERP procedures with appropriate staff.
h. Determine emergency staffing requirements.
i. Implement procedures for parental pick-up of students.

(1) Distribute authorization for student pick-up records.

(2) Implement special entrance, parking lot and access road *

[ for parents to use (reference Attachment 2).

  • Reference Attachment 7-


18 Draft 3

l ,

(3) Assign administrativa staff to staff tha dzsignated

  • entrance (reference Attachment 2).

l (4) Order authorization for student pick-up records to be

. completed and returned.

~ ' '

3. Principals of schools outside the EPZ will, upon notification: *

, a. Update records of studer.ts living in the EPZ.

s b. Cancel special activities as crdered by the Superintendent.


[ c. Assure preparation of the building to host students living l

in the EPZ until 8 p.m., coordinating with maintenance /

security, food service and nursing personnel:

(1) Fuel and test support systems.

(2) Review food service capabilities.

I (3) Instruct staff to prepare shelter activities / equipment.

(4) Inventory special student medical needs/ supplies.


(5) Report unmet needs to the Superintendent (Tel: ).

d. Review situation and RERP procedures .with appropriate staff.
e. Determine emergency staffing requirements,
f. High School / Junior High School Principals will prepare their facilities to act as. host schools.

C. Site Emergency (School in Session)

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notifica-tion from the Montgomery County OEP (School Services Officer):
a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert, confirming the
  • notification of school principals located in the EPZ by the "Tellabs 294" (reference Attachment 2).
b. Report to the District administrative office, c.

Further (Tel: notify) school transportation to (reference Attachment coordinator 3):

1 (1) Prepare buses / vehicles for evacuation and update driver

, notification using snow emergency telephone chain. {


- )

(2) Priority repair out-of-service vehicles.

d. Confirm host school building evacuation routes with risk A building principals (reference Attachment 2) and transporta-( ,1 tion coordinator.

c y.

) ,

19 Draft 3 l

e. Auth riza implementation of emerg:ncy staffing including dismissal of pregnant staff / single parents, as appropriate.

A f. Report unmet needs to Montgomery County OEP School Services

\.] Officer. (Tel: ).

g. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's
  • plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).
h. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notifications with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ). Notifications can be made by radio or telephone chain, as appropriate.
1. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.
2. Risk School principals / officials will, upon notification: *
a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert.
b. Confirm resources necessary for sheltering, reporting unmet needs to Superintendent (coordinate with maintenance /

security, food service and nursing personnel).

(Tel: ).

c. Assure distribution of authorization for student pick-up forms and other supplies.
d. Initiate emergency staffing and excuse / dismiss staff as ordered by Superintendent.
3. Principals of schools outside the EPZ will, upon notification: *
a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert.
b. Confirm resources necessary for holding students at the school, reporting unmet needs to Superintendent (coordinate with maintenance / security, food service and nursing personnel) (Tel: ).
c. Assure distribution of authorization for student pickup forms and other supplies,
d. High School / Junior High School Principals will notify the Superintendent that their facilities are prepared to host risk students. (Tel: ).

D. General Emergency (School in Session)

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notifica- l tion from the Montgomery County OEP (School Services Officer):


O 20 Draft 3

.- . ~. . _ . __ . _ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _ _ _ _ . .__


a. Complcts all procedur2s outlined for Alert and Site l

Emergency, confirming the notification of school principals

  • l located in the EPZ by the "Tellabs 294" (reference '

Attachment 2).

b. Order school transportation coordinator to mobilize vehicles
  • for completion of preplanned assignments.
c. Confirm positioning of buses / evacuation vehicles and assignment of RACES mobile units, reporting unmet trans- -
portation needs, received from principals, to Montgomery
  • County OEP (Tel: ).

1 l- d. Prepare to maintain District administrative functions during evacuation.

i e. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's

  • plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).
f. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notifications i

with Montgomery County 0EP (Tel: ). Parental notifications can be made by radio or telephone chain, as 4 appropriate.

l g. Provide protective action recommendations to building j~ principals (reference Attachment 2).


(1) Order students living in the EPZ, but attending schools outside the EPZ, in Worcester Township, to be retained

  • and hosted at their own school, until dismissal is coordinated with the Montgomery County OEP.

(2) Coordinate sheltering of students attending school in 1 the EPZ, in Lower Providence Township. *

(3) At 8 p.m., coordinate Red Cross activities to establish mass care capability at.the schools hosting students i

. awaiting dismissal.

. i (4) Request that building principals outside the shelter
  • area (in Worcester. Township schools) reduce staff, as i


4  ;

(5) Order suspension of shelter advisory, as directed by l Montgomery County OEP and coordinate student dismissal I p with risk principals (Tel: ). *-

i 4

1(6) Excuse building principals / staff upon completion of

, student dismissal.  ;

i lO 21 ' Draft 3 k.

_'i_____._ . _ - , , _ , , ., _w .. . , , _ _ . , , . . . _ , . , _ , . _ _ _ _ , , ,



(1) Order students living in the EPZ but attending schools l

. O outside the EPZ, in Worcester Township, to be retained

  • t

( and hosted at the school they attend. Coordinate  !

dismissal schedule for non-EPZ students and arrange for notification of parents / guardians.  :

(2) Order evacuation of schools in the EPZ (in Lower I Providence Township), monitor evacuation process, reporting unset needs to Montgomery County OEP and direct that bus / vehicle drivers completing evacuation assignments report to the Montgomery County OEP at (King of Prussia Plaza - TBD) staging area.
  • i (3) Report student pick-up progress / problems every two (2) hours to Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ).

i (4) At 8 p.m., order closing of host school and coordinate '

4 movement of students to designated mass care centers. ,

(5) Request that principals reduce staff at host school, as * -


(6) Excuse principals / staff upon completion of student

  • l pick-up.  ;

(7) Receive student evacuation records and remain in 3 contact with Montgomery County OEP to provide census  !

information as required (Tel: ). ,

i j. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as j applicable.

i- 2. Risk School building principals / officials will, upon notifica-tion:

  • l a. Complete all' procedures outlined for Alert and Site Emergency.

}! b. Immediately suspend any non-classroom special activities, i

practices, etc., not previously cancelled and recall

students to campus or to a designated location outside the i

EPZ, as directed by the District Superintendent or

Montgomery County OEP (Tel

, c. Receive confirmation of General Emergency from Lower i Providence Township EMA Coordinator (via telephone; j Tel: ), ,



, l l (1) . Notify all school faculty and staff. <

lO 1 .

l 4

22 . Draft 3-4 l

.. .8,-

(2) Ensure that all outsida activities are tstrminated and

  • all personnel moved to predesignated shelter areas.

p (3) Direct maintenance / security staff and/or assigned faculty / staff to:

Q (a) Shut down heating / ventilation / air conditioning systems and close ducts receiving outside air.

(b) Ensure closing / locking of all exterior doors / windows.

(c) Move students to areas of the building providing the most shelter from outside environment, as appropriate. Note: Have students place dampened clothes over nose and mouth, as directed by the Superintendent.

(4) Direct food service personnel to:

(a.)-- Secure area to extent possible.

(b) Assemble drinks and snacks in shelter areas.

(c) Assemble food / snacks for an 8 p.m. schedule.

(5) Direct administrative personnel to:

l n (a) Secure all personnel records and student files as (j for weekend departure. .

(b) Take attendance records to shelter areas.

(c) Take attendance authorization for pick-up forms to shelter areas.

(6) Direct teachers or classroom monitors to:

(a) Close all windows in classroom.

(b) Maintain discipline / order.

(c) Verify classroom attendance and take attendance records to shelter area.

(d) Check non-classroom areas for students.

(e) Secure required materials for predetermined shelter area activities.

(f) Initiate pre-planned shelter activities.

I 23 Draft 3

. . , . - . - w- - - ,

(7) Dircct school nurs2 to:

(a) Augment resources as needed.

(b) Secure student health records.

(c) Assemble required health supplies in shelter area.

(8) Determine status of unmet transportation resources and inventory buses available, notify Superintendent of unmet needs. (Tel: )

(9) Assure administrative staff and maintenance supervisors prepare schools as they would for a regular weekend; closing all windows, locking doors, locking files, etc.

(10) Do not dismiss students into the EPZ.

(11) Cooperate with the Montgomery County OEP, Superinten-dent, and Red Cross to establish a mass care center at the school, should the shelter advisory require delaying dismissal beyond 8 p.m.

(12) Upon receipt of suspension of shelter advisory, prepare students for delayed dismissal schedule--as during a normal school day,


(1) Notify all faculty and staff.

(2) If not sheltered, assure updated attendance.

(3) If in sheltering, students are to be reunited with their assigned faculty member and attendance updated.

(4) Non-cancelled special activities should be immediately terminated . student attendance taken and records

  • completed.

(5) Initiate orderly movement of students to transportation vehicles and monitor loading and seating of students /


(6) Provide drivers with maps to host school / mass care centers, as required.

(7) Assure drivers accompanying students to non-cancelled special events (within EPZ or outside EPZ) directions to host school or mass care center, as appropriate.

(8) Assign-staff to accompany students in each trans-portation vehicle.

O 24 Draft 3

l (9) . Direct unasssign:d staff to accompany busts in th2ir private vehicles.

p Q

(10) Assure telecommunications capability of at least one (1) transportation vehicle assigned or obtain from Montgomery County OEP a RACES / mobile unit to accompany vehicles (Tel: ).

, (11) Provide staff with appropriate attendance records and assure recording of students in each vehicle.

(12) Supervise movement to host school, notifying Montgomery County E0C (via telecommunications) of progress / pro-blems. (Tel: )

(13) Upon disembarking in an orderly fashion, verify student attendance and provide attendance records to appropriate staff.

(14) Assign staff to remain with students at host school until all students in staff's charge are picked up by parent / guardian, until relieved by other staff or instructed to leave.

(15) Provide staff authorization for pick-up records and direct that completed lists / records be returned.

(16) Report status of student pick-up to Superintendent every two (2) hours. (Tel: ).

(17) After 8 p.m., and students remain to be picked up by their parents or legal guardians and an order has been


received from the Superintendent; assign staff and

  • accompany remaining students to the designated feeding center, (Plymouth Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD).

(a) Initiate orderly movement of students to transpor-tation vehicles.

4 (b) Assure securing of facility.

(c) Notify Superintendent of closing of host school.

(d) Post notice of movement of host school to designated feeding center. i (18) Upon arriving at designated feeding center and disembarking in an orderly fashion, verify student

  • attendance and provide attendance records to feeding center personnel.

1 (19) Assure that staff record student pick-up and remain  !

with students at designated feeding center until all

  • 1 p students in staff's charge are picked up by parent /

LJ 25 Draft 3 l


. guardian, until ralieved by othar staff, instructsd to leave, or are assigned to other duty.

,Q (20) Report completion of student pick-up to Superintendent

() and arrange to provide Superintendent pick-up/

attendance records (Tel: ).

(21) Excuse remaining staff and provide Superintendent a means of future contact - for receipt of reentry orders (Tel: ).

3. Principals of schools outside the EPZ will, upon notification: *
a. Complete all actions listed for Alert and Site Emergency. r
b. Immediately suspend any non-classroom special activities, practices, etc., not previously cancelled and recall students to campus / facility.

(1) Do not dismiss students into the EPZ.

(2) Dismiss students living outside the EPZ only as directed by the Superintendent. ,

(3) Direct food service personnel to prepare food / snacks for an 8 p.m. schedule.

(4) Direct staff to assemble students living in the EPZ in a designated area and provide for after-classroom activities. Provide authorization for student pick-up forms to appropriate staff.

(5) Assure recording of all student pick-up.

(6) Cooperate with the Montgomery County OEP, Superinten- '

dent, and Red Cross to establish a mass. care center at the school, should the sheltering advisory extend beyond 8 p.m. '

d. UPON RECOMENDATION TO EVACUATE (1) Do not dismiss students into the EPZ.  ;

(2) Hold students living outside the EPZ at the school and

-dismiss upon order from the Superintendent--when transportation: resources completing EPZ evacuation assignments are available.

(3) Direct food service personnel to provide food / snacks, .

and the school nurse to prepare ~any special medical supplies /needs/ records, for an 8 p.m.-schedule. {

O '

26 Draft 3 m y-w-v,,v vv-- we v v-y- _ww-- ,- e- n -w=eT-- +- v-e'"F^- " *

  • C "Nw"

l (4) Dir6ct staff to assemble stud::nts living in ths EPZ in a designated area, providing for after-classroom activ-ities, holding students for parent / guardian pick-up.

O Q (5) Assure staff remain with students until all students are dismissed or picked up by parent / guardian, until relieved by other staff, or instructed to leave.

(6) Provide staff authorization for pick-up forms and direct that completed lists / records be returned.

(7) Report status of student pick-up to Superintendent every two (2) hours (Tel: ).

(8) Assure administrative staff and maintenance / security personnel prepare school as they would for a regular weekend, closing all windows, locking doors, locking files, etc.

(9) At 8 p.m., and upon order from Superintendent:

(a) Assign staff to accompany remaining students 4 waiting to be picked-up to designated feeding

  • center, (Plymouth - Whitemarsh Senior High School

- TBD).

(b) Initiate orderly movement of students to transpor-

  • tation vehicles.

(c) Assure securing of facility.

(d) Post notice of movement to the designated feeding

  • center.

(10) Procede to the designated feeding center and, upon

  • disembarking in an orderly fashion, verify student attendance and provide records to feeding center personnel.

(11) Assign staff to remain with students until all students are picked-up, recording student pick-up.

(12) Report completion of student pick-up to Superintendent and arrange to provide Superintendent appropriate records (Tel: ).

(13) Excuse remaining staff and provide Superintendent a means for future contact for reopening order (Tel: ).

E. Recovery / Reoccupation / Reopening of Schools (School in Session)

1. Montgomery County OEP School Services Officer will notify the p)


Superintendent of the decision to reoccupy the evacuated area or reopen school.

27 Draft 3

2. Th2 Sup:rinttnd:nt will n:tify school principals / officials and
  • direct that buildings be inspected for reoccupation by the principal and deficiencies be reported to the Superintendent.
3. The Superintendent will report unmet needs to Montgomery County


OEP School Services Officer, coordinate necessary repair /

resupply _ and keep accurate records of costs incurred.

(Tel: ).

4. The Superintendent will, based on information received from PEMA/PDE through Montgomery County OEP, decide to reopen District school (s) and communicate this decision to school principal s. (reference Attachment 2)
5. Parents / faculty / staff will be notified of the decision to reopen schools using normal media /information procedures / telephone chains supplementing appropriate EBS announcements. Announce-ments will be published in appropriate newspapers circulated in the District's territory and coordinated with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ).
6. The Superintendent will monitor daily attendance at reopened schools until attendance returns to pre-incident levels, providing summary attendance reports the Montgomery County 0EP.

. (Tel: ).

l O

28 Draft 3

VI. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS - SCHOOL NOT IN SESSION A. Unusual Event (School not in Session) '

No actions required and alert / notification of Methacton School District officials is not expected.

B. Alert (School not in Session)

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from the Montgomery County OEP:
a. Assure telecommunications system is operating.
b. Confirm the notification of school principals in the EPZ, by
  • the "Tellabs 294" (reference Attachment 2).
c. Order District wide cancellation of:

(1) Special activities.

(2) Extracurricular events.

(3) Intramural / interscholastic sporting events.

(4) Competitions.

4 (5) Club meetings.


( (6) Class trips.

(7) After school activities.

d. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's
  • plan are notified (reference Attachment 2).
e. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notification
  • statements with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ).

Notifications can be made by radio and/or telephone chains.

f. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.
2. Risk school building principals will, upon receipt of notifi-cation:
a. Cancel / terminate special activities ordered by Superinten-dent.
b. Review RERP procedures.
c. Notify any groups or individuals occuppying the school building, requesting that all non district employees vacate (3 the building. 3 i

V ,

i 29 Oraft 3

3. ' Principals cf schools outsida tha EPZ uill, up::n recoipt of notification, cancel / terminate special activities as ordered by *
the Superintendent.

C. Site Emergency (School not in Session) 4 1. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert.

2. A recommendation to close schools or keep schools closed will be made by PEMA/PDE and be provided to Superintendents through Montgomery County OEP; and will be' targeted for receipt by 11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m.
3. The Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from '

Montgomery County OEP:

a. Implement the recommendation to close, notifying parents /
guardians and staff utilizing normal District procedures, t
i. (including telephone chains), supplementing appropriate EBS J announcements.
b. Confirm the notification of all school principals in the EPZ by the "Te11 abs 294," implementing the decision to close or
  • keep schools closed, and brief them on the situation j (reference Attachment 2).  !


c. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's * -

{ plan are notified (reference Attachment 2),

d. Receive redundant notification from PDE, as applicable.


, e. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notification  ;

i statements with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ).

Notifications can be made by radio 'and/or telephone chains.

! 4. Risk school building Principals will, upon receipt of notifica-J tion: *

]! a. Provide the Superintendent their personal (evacuation) j location and means of contact, and assure that their own i building is secured and vacated; imediately canceling any j activities (Tel: ).


b. Notify key faculty department heads and supervisors of the -

! cancellation and direct notification of faculty / staff j.


i 5. Principals of schools outside the EPZ will, upon receipt of

! noti fication:

  • i
a. Provide the Superintendent their personal (evacuation) i location and means of contact, and assure that their own l secured and vacated; immediately canceling any activities (Tel: ).

30 Draft 3 l l

l  !

L i- -. _ _ _

b. N;tify key faculty d:partment h ads and sup:rvisors of tha cancellation and direct notification of faculty / staff (utilizing staff telephone chain).

p d D. General Emergency (School not in Session)

1. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert and Site Emergency.
2. A decision to close schools or keep schools closed will be made by the Governor /PEMA/PDE/the County and be provided to Superintendents through the Montgomery County OEP; and will be targeted for receipt by 11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m.
3. Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from Montgomery County OEP:
a. Prepare to maintain District administrative functions during evacuation.
b. Confirm the notification of all school principals in the EPZ
  • by the "Tellabs 294" and implement the decision to close school (reference Attachment 2).
c. Assure that all schools covered by the school district's
  • plan are notified (reference Attachment 2),
d. Receive redundant notification from PDE, as applicable.


e. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notifications with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ). Notifications can be made by radio and/or telephone chain.
4. Risk School Building principals will, upon receipt of notifica-tion: *
a. Assure notification of faculty / staff / drivers accompanying students to special events (inside/outside the EPZ) to terminate activity and provide instructions / routes to designated mass care center should evacuation be ordered, or to a designated mass care feeding center, (Plymouth
  • Whitemarsh High School - TBD) outside the EPZ should sheltering be in effect.
b. Assign appropriate staff to supervise students, as needed
  • and notify other key staff using staff telephone chain.
5. Principals of schools outside the EPZ will, upon receipt of notification: *
a. Assure notification of faculty / staff / drivers accompanying students to special events (inside/outside the EPZ) to terminate activity and provide instructions / routes to designated mass care center, should evacuation be ordered;
  • t O


or to a designated mass care feeding center (Plymouth Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD).

31 Draft 3

b. Assign apprcpriate staff to sup;rvist studtnts, as nud:d
  • and notify other key staff (using telephone chain).  !

E. Recovery / Reoccupation / Reopening of School (School not in session)

1. Montgomery County OEP School Services Officer will notify the i Superintendent of the decision to reoccupy the evacuated area or reopen school.

l- 2. The Superintendent will direct that school buildings be

  • inspected for reoccupation by the principal and deficiencies be reported to the Superintendent.
3. The Superintendent will report unmet needs to the Montgomery J County OEP School Services Officer, coordinate necessary
repair / resupply and keep accurate records of costs incurred.

(Tel: ).

4. The Superintendent will, based on information received from i PEMA/PDE through Montgomery County OEP, decide to reopen

. District school (s) and comunicate this decision to school principals. (reference Attachment 2).

5. Parents / faculty / staff will be notified of the decision to reopen schools using normal media /information procedures / telephone chains, supplementing appropriate EBS announcements. Announce-ments will be published in appropriate newspapers circulated in the District's territory and coordinated with Montgomery County OEP (Tel: ).
6. The Superintendent will monitor daily attendance at reopened i schools until attendance returns to pre-incident levels, providing sumary attendance reports the Montgomery County OEP



3 h


i i O

32 Draft 3 4

i i

VII. SCHOOL DISTRICT PROFILE A. A profile of the Methacton School District is shown in Attachment 1

, " School District Profile Form" and Attachment 2 " School Building

\s Profile Form" for each school in the District,

' l 4

8. All completed forms and will be reviewed for District use and l updated semi-annually, within twenty-five days of the beginning of I each half-year school term.

C. Copies of all completed forms are filed by the Methacton School District Superintendent for retention and District use; with duplicate copies provided for the School Buildings and Transporta-tion:

c/o Mr. Ted R. Derr, Assistant Superintendent Kriebel Mill Road - Administration Building Fairview Village, PA 19403 or

c/o Dr. Laird P. Warner, Superintendent D. Duplicates of all Profile Forms are filed with

, 1. Pennsylvania Department of Education

2. Methacton School District Transportation Department c/o Mr. Charles McHenamin Kriebel Mill Road - Administration Building Fairview Village, PA 19403
3. Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness c/o Samuel L. Ely, III, Director 100 Wilson Blvd.

Eagleville, PA 19408 1

4. Montgomery County Intermediate Unit #23 1

Montgomery Ave. & Paper Mill Road Erdenheim, PA 19118 E. Resource material will be provided to all holders of the Methacton School District RERP on an annual basis only, as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.

VIII. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS FOR EVACUATION A. Protective Action " Resource Requirements Profiles" are shown in  !

Attachment 3.

33 Draft 3 f

_ _ _ . , , , . , _ . ...m.- _ _ _ _.._-.. - . _ _

B. Tha Profilss will be rsviewed for District usa, and updated semi-annually, within twenty-five days of the beginining of each school term.

O 3

V C. Copies of all completed profiles will be filed by the Methacton School District Superintendent, for retention and District use; with duplicate copies provided for the School Building and Transporta-tion:

c/o Mr. Ted R. Derr, Assistant Superintendent Kriebel Mill Road - Administration Building Fairview Village, PA 19403 or c/o Dr. Laird P. Warner, Superintendent D. Duplicates of all Resource / Profile Forms are filed with:

1. Pennsylvania Department of Education
2. Methacton School District Transportation Department '

c/o Mr. Charles McHenamin Kriebel Mill Road - Administration Building Fairview Village, PA 19403 l 3. Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness i c/o Samuel L. Ely, III, Director i 100 Wilson Blvd.

Eagleville, PA 19408

.l 4 Montgomery County Intermediate Unit #23 Montgomery Ave. & Paper Mill Road Erdenheim, PA 19118 E. Profile material will be provided to all holders of the Methacton i School District RERP on an annual basis only, as deemed appropriate by the District Superintendent. l l

., l 4

34 Draf t 3


Non-Profit ,

Public Parochial Private Total Primary 5 Intermediate 1 Junior High 1 H19h School 1 Vo-Tech --

Other --


Students Grade General Sp. Ed. Other Total Faculty Other Staff K 193 193 5 1 217 9 226 11 2 197 12 209 9 3 215 12 227 9 4 204 20 224- 9 5 219 27 246 10 73 6 283 15 298 14 7 330 19 33 647 24 38 8 406 406 9 362 362 49 32 10 380 40 420 11 344 11 355 12 351 13 364 73 34 Other Total 3701 178 33 4177 213 177 Al-1 Draft 3


( Name Telephone /Pager Address Key Staff:

Superintendent: Dr. Laird P. Warner

  • Relief / Designate (1): Allan B. Clarke Relief / Designate (2): Robert H. Holly Assistant Superintendent: Ted R. Derr Transportation Coordinator / Mr. Charles McHenamin Supervisor:

Buses Available for Routine District Use:

  1. of Buses / # of Vans / # Station Wagons / # Cars /

(Capacity) (Capacity) (Capacity) (Capacity)

1. Owned / operated by District 54(3500) 6(60) -- --


. 2. Contracted for

by District -- -- -- --
3. Shared wit'h other users -- -- -- --

Total '

Other vehicles / capacity:



Alternate Administrative location: Normal Administrative Office, Kriebel Mill Rd.




  • District Emergency Procedures Specify Call Down List b}

Al-2 Draft 3


School Name: Methacton Senior High School School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (speci fy)

Address: Kriebel Mill Rd.

Fairview Village PA 19403 Telephone 489-5000 Location: 1/4 mile off Germantown Pike - North of Kriebel Mill Road EPZ: No Municipality: Worces_ter Townshjp _

Census: Year 1983 Term Spring Students .

Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty 10 380 + 40 11 344 + 11 __

12 351 + 13 Total Enrollment: 1139 _

Total Faculty: 73 Total Other Staff: 34 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: Aldo Bonomi Relief / Designate (1): Lee Seitz Relief / Designate (2): Anthony Costello l

Assistant Principal: Anthony Costello Maintenance: George Havener Nurse: Dorothy Klock (s Food Service: Alfreda Koellner Key Faculty:

A2-1 Draft 3 l

- -- .__ l


1 Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: N/A a ,

Special Requirements for Evacuation *: To be prepared as host school.

Hold students for parental pick-up.

1 Host School: N/A Telephone:


Evacuation Route (s):

, Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD) i l Telephone:

Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road 3 Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned:

!O Parental Telephone Chain: Name Telephone 1

i 4

5 Host Student Pick-up: TBD Entrance:

Access Road:

I Parking Lot:

1 f)

j \_ /

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3)

A2-2 Draft 3



Student Pick-up: TBD

' Access Road:

Entrance: Parking Lot:

Staff Assigned:


A2-3 Draft 3


O School Name: Methacton Junior High School School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specify)

, Address: Kreilbel Mill Road Fairview Village. PA 19403 Telephone 489-5000 Location: 3/4 mile off Germantown Pike on Kriebel Mill Road EPZ: No Municipality: Worcester Township Census: Year 1983 Term Spring Students

Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty 8 406 9 362 1

i i Total Enrollment: 768

Total Faculty
49 Total Other Staff: 32 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: Andrew J. Case Relief / Designate (1)* J. R. McConnell Relief / Designate (2): James Hamilton Assistant Principal: J. R. McConnell Maintenance: Jane Cox 4 Nurse: Rador DeMarco Food Service: Ann Snyder Key Faculty:

A2-4 Draf t 3


Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: N/A l

! Special Requirements for Evacuation *: To be prepared as host school.

Hold students for parental pick-up.

Host School: N/A Telephone:


Evacuation Route (s):

Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD)


l Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned:


%j Parental Telephone Chain: Name Telephone i

Host Student Pick-up: TBD Entrance: __

Access Road:

Parking Lot: ,

1 Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3) 4 A2-5 Draft 3

i i

i 1  :

l' -


1 Staff:

i t-t

Student Pick-up
TBD  :

1 1

i Access Road:

1-1 Entrance: Parking Lot:

l Staff Assigned: l t

i i i 1

I i

4 ,

i  :

1 i


i i

4 1

i i

i t



f 1

i 4

1 1

  • 1  !

3 l 1 i

! 1 1

4 1 ,

I t

i i i t


i i 1 ,

1 1-i:


l' A2 Draft 3 4

i I.........,_. ,,...i,,,,,,_..- - , . _ . . . _ _ , -. - _ . _ . . , . . _ . . , _ , _ . .

ATTACHMENT 2 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM School Name: Worcester Elementary School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other

- (specify)

Address: Skippack Pike ___

L Worcester, PA Telephone i Location:

! EPZ: No Municipality: Worcester Township I Census: Year 1983 Term Spring Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty i K 26 1 >

1 33 2 2 26 1 3 25 1 4 27 1 i 5 29 1

IU #5 1 Total Enrollment
171 To'tal Faculty: 8 f

Total Other Staff: 7 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: Anthony Paladino Relief / Designate (1): Michael Sinkinson Relief / Designate (2): Robert Kumf ,

- Assistant Principal:

Maintenance: Paul Swope Nurse: Nancy Koehler V Food Service: Chris Snyder Key Faculty:

A2-7 Draft 3


Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: N/A Special Requirements for Evacuation *: Hold students for parental pick-up.

Host School: N/A Telephone:


Evacuation Route (s):

Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD)


Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Skippack Pike to* Valley Forge Bus Assigned:

Rd. to Germantown Pike - East i Parental Telephone Chain: Name Telephone Student Pick-up: TBD Access Road:

, Entrance: Parking Lot:

Staff Assigned: ,

4 (O)

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3)

A2-8 Draft 3


(s-School Name: Arcola Intermediate School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specify)

Address: Eagleville Road Norristown. PA 19401 Telephone 631-9403 Location:

EPZ: Yes Municipality: Lower Providence Twp.

. Census: Year 1983 Term Spring i

i Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty 6 283 + 15 14 j 7 330 + 19 19

_IU 33 5 4

Total Enrollment: 647 Total Faculty: 38 Total Other Staff: 38 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: John T. Klock Relief / Designate (1): Albert C. Barbaretta Relief / Designate (2): Daniel Mauger l

Assistant Principal: Albert C. Barbaretta  ;

Maintenance: Carmen Dicenque l Nurse: Roberta Smith

() Food Service:

Key Faculty:

Eleanor Perkins A2-9 Draft 3


A Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: _1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 35, 36, 41, 47, 49, 50 U

Special Requirements for Evacuation *:

Host School: Methacton Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Kriebel Mill Rd.

EvacuationRoute(s): Eagleville Rd. to Visitation Rd. to Fern Rd. to Ridge i Pike to Grange Ave. to Germantown Pike to Kriebel Mill Rd.

Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD) 1 Telephone:

Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned:

Parental Telephone Chain: Name Telephone I

]  !

Student Pick-up: TBD Access Road:

Entrance: Parking Lot:

Staff Assigned:

O i

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3)

A2-10 Draft 3


ATTACHMENT 2 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM O Sch ol Name: Arrowhead Elementary School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other s

Address: 232 Level Road Collegeville. PA 19426 Telephone 489-0166 Location:

} EPZ: Yes Municipality: Lower Providence Twp.

Census: Year 1983 Term Spring Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty l K 37 1 O 1 2

53 + 5 40 + 1 2+1 2

3 52 + 5 2

, 4 42 + 5 2 s

5 47 + 6 2+1 IU 20 2 g Total Enrollment: 313 Total Faculty:

l 15 Total Other Staff: 21


Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: James P. Brown Relief / Designate (1): John Hersh Relief / Designate (2): Lydia Buckwalter

, Assistant Principal:

Vicent Kniezewski Nurse: Nancy Koehler Food Service: Mary Spinieo Key Faculty:

A2-11 Draft 3


Buses Assigneo for Evacuation *: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 O

Special Requirements for Evacuation *:

Host School: Methacton Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Kriebel Mill Rd.

EvacuationRoute(s): Level Rd. to Evansburg Rd. to Norristown Pike to Kriebel Mill Rd.

Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD) l Telephone:

I Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned:

O Parental Telephone Chain
Name Telephone Student Pick-up: TBD Access Road:

Entrance: Parking Lot:

Staff Assigned:


  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3)

A2-12 Draft 3 s _.

l l

ATTACHMENT 2 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM O School Name: Audubon Elementary School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specify)

Address: Eqypt Road Audubon, PA 19407 Telephone 666-5707 Location:

EPZ: Yes Municipality: Lower Providence Twp.

Census: Year 1983 Term Spring _

Students ,

Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty ,

K 38 1 O _1 2

42 44 2

2 3 41 2  !

4 52 2 __

5 52 2 _

Total Enrollment: 269 Total Faculty: 11 Total Other Staff: 11 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address


Principal: Morgan J. Rinker Relief / Designate (1): Mark Constable ,

Relief / Designate (2): Rich DiGuiseppe Assistant Principal:

Maintenance: Richard Clemens Nurse: Nancy Koehler Food Service: Mary Cahill Key Faculty: .

j A2-13 Draft 3 l



Busas Assigned for Evacuation *: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Special Requirements for Evacuation *: _

Host School: Methacton Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Kriebel Mill Rd.

EvacuationRoute(s): Eqypt Rd. to Park Ave. to Germantown Pike to Kriebel Mill Rd.

i Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD)


Location: ,

Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned:

O Parental Telephone Chain:

Name Telephone Student Pick-up: TBD Access Road: l Entrance: Parking Lot: l Staff Assigned:

Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Fonr. (Attachment 3)

A2-14 Draft 3 I

l i

ATTACHMENT 2 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM School Name: Eagleville Elementary School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (speci fy)

Address: 125 Summit Avenue Eagleville PA 19403 Telephone 631-5441 Location:

EPZ: Yes Municipality: Lower Providence Twp.

Census: Year 1983 Term Spring Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty K 50 1

__1 51 + 3 2 2 48 + 4 2 3 51 + 3 2 4 48 + 15 2

_5 57 + 21 3 IU 4 Total Enrollment: 352 Total Faculty: 16 Total Other Staff: 18 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: Alfred L. Stoudt Relief / Designate (1): Barry Swartz Relief / Designate (2): Jeanne Brunner Assistant Principal:

Maintenance: Merrill Martin Nurse: Jean Fishburn Q ' Food Service: Carylyn Bernsteil Key Faculty:

A2-15 Draft 3


Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: 1,8. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 1

Special Requirements for Evacuation *:  ;

Host School: Methacton Senior High School Telephone: _

Location: Kriebel Mill Rd.

EvacuationRoute(s): Summit Rd. to Ridge Pike to Smith Rd. to Germantown Pike to Kriebel Mill Rd.

Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD)


Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned: l O Parental Telephone Chain: Telephone Name l

Student Pick-up: -

TBD Access Road:

Entrance: Parking Lot:

Staff Assigned:

Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3)

A2-16 Draft 3

- - n I


School Name: Woodland Elementary School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (speci fy)

Address: 2700 Woodland Avenue 4

Norristown, PA 19403 Telephone 631-9407 Location:

EPZ: Yes Municipality: Lower Providence Twp.

Census: Year 1983 Term Spring Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty X 42 1_

1 38 + 1 2 2 39 + 7 2 3 45 + 4 2 4 35 2 ____

5 34 1 TI 12 1

IU 33 2 Total Enrollment
290 Total Faculty: 13 Total Other Staff: 16 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: William E. Snyder Relief / Designate (1): Patricia Rittenhouse Relief / Designate (2): Ronald Druckenmiller

-Assistant Principal:

Maintenance: Charles Fidler s Nurse: Jean Fishburn l s- Food Service: Ellen Padden l

'l l

l A2-17 Draft 3


Key Faculty:

Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: 24, 25, 27, 28, 29 Special Requirements for Evacuation *:

Host School: Methacton Senior High School Telephone:

Location: Kriebel Mill Rd.

Evacuation Route (s): Woodland Ave. to Miami Ave. to Park Ave. to Germantown Pike to Kriebel Mill Rd.

Feeding Center: (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD)


Location: Germantown Pike & High School Road Route (s): Germantown Pike East Bus Assigned:

Parental Telephone Chain: Name Telephone

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form (Attachment 3)

A2-18 Draft 3

1 1,


I-Student Pick-up: TBD

! Access Road:

Entrance: Parking Lot:

Staff Assigned:

i d

I t


=, ,

f 1

4  !

1 1

4 4

l i  :~

1 i l 4

!= ,

+ ,

l -

d P 4

1 1

1 1


4 4



i I

i 1

1 i

I i-l A2-19 Draft 3



. District: Metinacton School: Senior High Census: 1246 I. Buses j A. Primary Movement: (N/A, school not located in the EPZ) j 8. Secondary Movement:

-II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity)  :


i l III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned l


!O i

IV. Special Needs:


i V. Staff Assigned 1 2  !

VI. RACES units  !

.s i 4 f


.A3-1 Draft 3 4


ATTACHMENT 3 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O District: Methacton School: Junior High Census: 849 I. Buses A. Primary Movement: (N/A, school not located in the EPZ)

B. Secondary Movement:

1 II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity)


III. Staff /0ther Vehicles Assigned l

O IV. Special Needs:

2 V. Staff Assigned:

VI. RACES units A3-2 Draft 3

- . . _ - . .o. - . - - . . _ . . - - _ -


RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O District: Methacton School: Worcester Elem. Census: 186 I. Buses A. Primary Movement: (N/A,schodlnotlocatedinEPZ)

B. Secondary Movement:

i l

4 II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity) i III. Staff /0ther Vehicles Assigned IV. Special Needs:

i V. Staff Assigned:


VI. RACES units t

O A3-3. Draft 3

ATTACHMENT 3 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O District: Methacton School: Arcola Inter. Census: 647 I. Buses l A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Driver / Telephone Agency / Telephone 1 _


.i 4 1 5 6

35 36 41 _ ,

l 47 49 50 Capacity 791 4

B.- Secondary Movement:

II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity) ,

l A3-4 Draft 3 ,

I l

l m . , , _, ., _s


III. Staff /0ther Vehicles Assigned o

i IV. Special Needs:

V. Staff Assigned:

VI. RACES units i

O 4


< l l

, i l

4 A3-5 Draft 3 1

, . ATTACHMENT 3 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION f-w (J District: Methacton School: Arrowhead Elem. Census: 313 l I. Buses ,

A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Oriver/ Telephone Agency / Telephone 7

8 9

10 11 12 Capacity 413 2

i B. Secondary Movement:

II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity)

O A3-6 Draft 3

i t


l III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned i


I i .

I 4

IV.- Special Needs: l c  !

r F

e t

V. Staff Assigned:  ;

i- t

-l VI. RACES units i i-  !

L i I t

J i t i

! i.

l t

i f

i ,

i .

i 4

s 1


j. .

I i

i ,

i 1

t a


'A3-7 Draft 3 I

. . . . - . _. . . - . . . _ _ . . . . - . . , _ + . . . - . , . , . - . . . , - . . . . . . - . , . _ . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . - - .- . . . . .

I ATTACHMENT 3 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O District: Methacton School: Audubon Elem. Census: 269 I. Buses A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Driver / Telephone Agency / Telephone 13 14 15 16 17 Capacity 352 O


B. Secondary Movement: i II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity) i 1

/^s l U

A3-8 Draft 3 l

l 4

RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION (CONT'D.) l III. Staff /0ther Vehicles Assigned 1

j IV. Special Needs:

i V. Staff Assigned:


j. VI. RACES units

.i i

i i

1 J


.l, i

l l

A3-9 Draft 3 i,

_ _ _ . . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .______ ._ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . - - . _ _ ~ _ . -

l i

ATTACHMENT 3 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O District: Methacton School: Eagleville Elem. Census: 352 _

I. Buses i A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Driver / Telephone Agency / Telephone 18 _

19 20 21 __ .

22 23 Capacity 411


i C\

4 i

B. Secondary Movement:

1 II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity)

A3-10 Draft 3

l l


1 III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned O

f IV. Special Needs:

i i

V. Staff Assigned:

l VI. RACES units

!t i

O f

i i

i i

k .

I i

1 x

0 A3-11 Draft 3

---e-- a e4-- g .c.a -p . -,-yw- - v-, -. # a -- g .r-,e.,-r---yg- m9m,. y y- g - , , , , y .wy=


's (O' District: Methacton School: Woodland Elem. Census: 290 I. Buses A. Primary Movement:

i Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Driver / Telephone Agency / Telephone 24 25 27 28 29 j Capacity 351

.l l

v i

1 B. Secondary Movement:

II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity) r A3-12 Draft 3


l I III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned i

IV. Special Needs:

2 V. Staff Assigned:

VI. RACES units

!O i

4 l

i o A -13 Draft 3







0 Audubon Elem. 5/5 -- -- 0 Eagleville Elem. 6/6 -- --

0 Woodland Elem. 5/5 -- -- 0 Source: Methacton School District NOTE: The vehicle capacity provided as available is sufficient for

! avacuation.

UNMET NEEDS Not Applicable J

I l

  • See attached material for explanation.

A3-14 Draft 3

. - - - - - . ~ - ..-.. . - . - - . - . - - . - - . .. .- - .. .


i METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 982-1983 EMERGENCY CHAIN RADIO W-N-A-R Code: 316 i' Russ Stankin, call Charles McMenamin,' call #1-2-3-4-5

1. Brenda Moyer---------495-7290 13. Nancy Straup------489-0956 Call #14 i 2. John Winkler---------584-6344 a. Ruth Stewart------489-1137 i

! 3. George Smith---------825-0943 b. Dauna Metz--------539-0275  !


4. David Detwiler-------287-8431 c. Debbie Hoyle------272-6809


5. Peg Regar------------666-5494 Cal l #6 14. Patty Montgomery--Unlisted Call #15

! l

j. a. Olga Adamow----------584-4207 a. Joe Pi geon--------933-0694 '

! b. Peg Allebach---------631-1328 b. Jean Anderson-----539-8037 ,

{ c. Elizabeth Bailey-----Unlisted c. Brenda Ivent------631-1376 ,

j d. Roy Smith------------666-5677 d. Sandria Doherty---948-0729  !

i 6. Ethel Buckwalter-----489-4514 Call #7 15. Tyrone Johnson----666-0171 .

a. Ester Baniewicz------539-5556 a. Peter Buckwalter--489-3239 *
b. Estelle Jordan-------539-6131 b. George Petrecz----279-5305
c. Arlington Shade------539-3753 c. Lloyd Bement------666-5475 ,

l d. James Shafer------666-9380 j 7. Dorotny Opperman-----489-4514 Call #8 '


a. _ Robert Dougherty-----489-9756 l b. Leonard Stevens------489-7796
c. James McGrath--------256-9984  ;

ll 8. Beverly Fitzenarles--489-9485 Call #9 FROM THE OFFICE

a. Joan Karr------------489-9197 ,

{ b. Judy Horvath---------489-3792 Brian O'Connor---------323-2216 i

c. Barbara Krauss-------489-9504- Joan Hodges------------489-1137 i Diana Brown------------323-3554 1 9. Peg Haraczka---------489-9296 Call #10 *
a. Clint Buckwalter-----489-4651
b. Eleanor Collins------539-8382 l c. Jackie Bond-----'-----699-4010
10. Judy Hi ggins---------539-4602 Call #11
a. Russ Lord------------539-9437 4
b. Peter-Praczek--------539-6532 i
c. Harvey'Sypherd-------539-6139  ;


11. Grace Miller---------539-8947 Call #12
a. Dora Schultz---------584-4772 l
b. Dolly Gordon---------584-5954 '
.c. Gus Interrante-------539-0908

} 12.. Carol Nester---------584-9126 Call #13

a. Joyce Hoover---------Unlisted l b. Dotty Stoy-----------275-1709 j
c. Joseph Balboni-------542-9426 i

l' A3-15~ Draft 3 i

,-. .. ..-- , ,O, 7 .~,. -, , y- ~,,,-.,,_,.,m_.y.,,_,_,-__...m..m,.-, -

..,-,,,.- - w .y -. . ~, ~ ,_.,.. m

ARROWHEAD ELEMENTARY 3.7 miles Approx. 10 minutes from Arrowhead to Jr./Sr. High i .

v -. . -

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. _ _3 A3-17 Draft 3

AUDUBON ELEMENTARY 5.2 miles Approx. 15 minutes from Audubon to Jr./Sr. .High

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EAGLEVILLE ELEMENTARY 1.2 miP3 Approx. 5 minutes from Eagleville to Jr./Sr. High

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A3-19 Draf t 3

WOODLAND ELEMENTARY 3.8 t;iles Approx. 10 minut s from Wndland to Jr./Sr. High v_t G - , , . ..

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(see other side) g 's .J_

A3-20 Draft 3


Dear Parent:

The Methacton School District has developed plans to protect students should an incident at the Limerick Generating Station require the protective response of the Methacton School District. Normally, schools will be closed before any protective actions are necessary, but in the event that sheltering or evacuation are necessary before schools are closed, the District has plans for accomplishing those protective actions. If evacuation is necessary, students will be safely bussed directly to the Methacton Senior High School.

  • Parents or legal guardians will be requested to pick up their children at the host school building. Directions to the High School follow:

When evacuation of students is required, the District is concerned that any evacuation be safe and orderly, that an accurate school attendance be maintained throughout, and that parents / guardians be reunited with students as quickly and conveniently as possible. School staff will accompany students during evacuation, host schools are located along predetermined evacuation routes and close to the normal mass care centers for the general public.

O School staff will remain with students until all students are picked-up. It is not necessary to rush, drive safely to the host school and your child will be waiting for you under the supervision of school staff.

Because it is important that school driveways and access roads be kept open for buses, the District requests that parents / guardians refrain from trying to pick-up students at risk schools when an evacuation has been ordered '

or appears immenent. In addition, while preparing to evacuate, it is difficult to release students and keep a current and accurate school census.

If you are delayed in picking-up your son or daughter. after 8 p.m.,

students will be bused to (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior high School - TBD) on

  • Germantown Pike East of Norristown, provided shelter and food, awaiting parent / guardian arrival. The Red Cross supports this effort.

Should you reside in the risk area whose population might have to l evacuate (EPZ), and your child attend a school outside the risk area (EPZ),

the District will retain your child at his/her school for your pick-up. After 8 p.m., these students will also be bussed to the designated feeding center

  • listed above to await your arrival.

Children will only be released to parents or legal guardians unless prior written arrangements have been made. Please complete the attached form,  ;

designating who can pick-up your child and have the child return the form to - '


A4-1 Draft 3

Sample Letter #1 i

Should sheltering be recommended, your child will be sheltered in his own school building, if that building is located in the risk area whose population might have to shelter (EPZ), until the sheltering advisory is lifted. If your child attends school outside the risk area (EPZ), and your home is within the risk area (EPZ), the child will remain at his/her own school until the shelter advisory is lifted. Should the shelter advisory delay dismissal of students, you will be notified by radio or telephone chain as you would be during a snow emergency, etc.

In order to insure the safety of the District's school children, I urgently request the cooperation of all parents. -

Sincerely, Dr. Laird P. Warner Superintendent O

O A4-2 Draft 3


Dear Parent:

l The Nethacton School District has developed plans to protect the students in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station. Normally '

school will be closed in the event of an incident; however, plans have been developed to address any situations while school may be in session. To make the plans effective, the Methacton School District needs your cooperation and approval.


  • Students will remain within their own School building (s).
  • Student dismissal will be delayed until the order is lifted.
  • Dismissal times will be announced.
  • PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PICK UP YOUR CHILDREN AT their own School because Tt is important to remain inside during a SHELTER ADVISORY.
  • Students living in the risk area whose population might have to shelter-( Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) and attending school outside the EPZ,

\ will remain at their own School until the shelter advisory is lifted.

  • No student will be dismissed into the EPZ.


  • Students will be safely transported to the Methacton Senior High
  • School.
  • The " host" school is Methacton Senior High (see reverse side for directions).
  • Parents or legal guardians are requested to pick up their children at the " host" school.
  • PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PICK UP YOUR CHILDREN AT their own School (because it is important that school driveways and access roads remain open for buses. In addition, while preparing to evacuate, it is difficult to releases students and keep a current and accurate school census).
  • During -the entire process, the students will remain under the super-vision of School staff (meals will be provided).

A4-3 Draft 3

Sample Letter #2

  • Students will only be released to parents, legal guardians or


x- ') individuals having prior approval (Approval form is attached).

DO NOT RUSH, DRIVE S A F E L Y, the host school is located near an official evacuation route.

  • At 8 p.m., students remaining to be picked up will be bused to (Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School - TBD) to be fed by the Red
  • Cross (directions on reverse).

Students living in the risk are whose populat on might have to evacuate (EPZ) and attending school outside the EPZ, will remain at their own School awaiting your arrival (or the arrival of an authorized individual).

Thank you for your cooperation. After you have read and understand the process, please sign and return the copy of this letter to your child's School. Be sure to disignate who can pick-up your child on the attached

" Authorization for Student Pick-Up" record.

This approval shall remain in effect until cancelled by the parent, legal guardian or upon transfer of the student from the District or School.

l Sincerely,


\s Dr. Laird P. Warner Superintendent i



A4-4 Draft 3 4


METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT I I hereby authorize that may be picked up, for early Student's name dismissal or during evacuation, by:

myself only, name of parent / legal guardian

! myself or my spouse, name of spouse by name of friend / relative School officials should not release my child to anyone else unless proper authorization is received from me. I can be reached at the numbers provided below.

Thank you i

j Date signature of parent / legal guardian i

Telephone: (work)


O '

1 1

A4-1-1 Draft 3 l l




, i 4

5 .' (


i  !'


.i .

! -TBD-1 1

4 NOTE: Obtain from Montgomery County  !

j Office of Emergency Preparedness l 1

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4 4

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!, AS-1 Draft 3 i

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j. ~A6-1 Draft 3

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i 1

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l l

Methacton School District is hosting its own students and providing NOTE:

,! its own evacuation. bussing.  :

1 t'


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i j A7-1 Draft 3 4

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ATTACHMENT 8 evi d 7/27 2 METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Revised 10/26/82

" 1#8#'

1982-83 SCHOOL CALENDAR jTotalStudentDays 179/180 Total Teacher Days 181 Student Teacher Dava Student Teacher JULYb Days Days Davs (4) SEPTEMBER (5 ) (19) FEBRUARY {9 )

S M T W T T S S M T W T F 5

h2 XXh4 8 9 10 11 6 7 1

8 2

9 10 3

11 4

S 5

12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -

22 20 Q21 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 (10) OCTOBER (10) MARCH

- S M T W T . F S (23) ( 23)

S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 *13 14 15 16 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 31

( NOVEMBER (20) (19) APRIL (20)

[. 20)

]M T W T F S .


(/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 l1l S

2, 8 10 7

14 15 16 9

17 11 18 12 19 13 20 3

10 X

11 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 [23] ['Z6"l 27 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (20) DECEMBER (20)

S M T W (21) MAY (21)

T F S S H T W T F S 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 [Y71 28 29 30 $ 29l30l 31 (21) JANUARY (21) (22) JUNE S M T W T F S (22)

S M T .W T F S 1 1 7 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 ~ T6^ 17 18 21 22 19 Y 21 l C 22 23 D 24

{ 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 26 27 28 29 30 E 25 ,

30 31 i

~ IA j DISTRICT CLOSED A - Last student day for Seniors, Audubon, Worecst(

IN-SERVICE - TEACHERS, NO CLASSES B - Last student day for' Woodland i f' SCHOOL OPENS - PUPILS ast stu h nt day for Eagle M e g D - Last student day for Arrowhead i

J LAST DAY OF SCHOOL E - Last student day for Arcola, Junior High, and k ~

Grades 10 & 11.

A8-1 Draft 3