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Applicant Exhibit E-53,consisting of Undated Draft 7 of Owen J Roberts School District...Chester County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Incidents at Limerick Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/28/1984
OL-A-E-053, OL-A-E-53, NUDOCS 8507050119
Download: ML20128D475 (59)



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Reputu $M Prepared for:

Owen J. Roberts School District

.R.D. #1' Pottstown, PA 19464 215/469-6261 O

f 841128 05000352 Draft 7 PDR

l 6114.4 l

,s ~ Instruction

\' -] Emergencies 1

Nuclear - Limerick Generatin'g Station 1 Purposes To protect all pupils and school personnel from harm.

To clarify lines of authority and establish responsibilities for the protection of school students and staff.

To cooperate with other governmental agencies and ensure that planned actions are in consonance with Municipal, Chester County and State Radiological Emergency. Response Plans (RERP).

To identify nece'ssary resources and required personnel to implement protective actions for the District school population.

To provide the basis for orientation of school staff, students and parents /

guardians regarding appropriate actions during fixed nuclear facility incidents.

Development, Review'and Maintenance of the Plan O The Owen J. Roberts School District Task Force for Development of School Emergency Planning Guidelines has been charged by the School Board to develop a Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Board review and apprcval.

The Superintendent is responsible for updating and ensuring the currency of the RERP, including the development and distribution of all changes, as well as accomplishing an annual review. All changes to the RERP shall be: 1) reviewed and approved by the Owen J. Roberts School Board of Directors, 2) coordinated through the Chester County DES and, 3) provided to each school building principal.

Responsibility for Action The Superintendent coordinates with the Chester County DES for protective response actions which can include evacuation and/or sneltering of students and staff, and cancellation of school or special activities.

Responsibility for initiating action, based on a recommendation from the Chester County DES, rests with the Superintendent; with all students, school

' buildings, school equipment, and staff and approved contracts to remain under the Supervision and control of the Supervision.

Conditions of employment of employees, as defined by individual or collective bargaining contracts cannot be unilaterally changed as a result of this RERP.

Css' School Principals are responsible to the Superintendent for school emergency plans, the coordination of protective action within their school building, and Draft 7 l

6114.4 (1) for the safety of assigned students and staff in the event of an incident at

. the Limerick Generating Station.

, hd) u Host school service (s) furnished by (Twin Valley School District - TBD) and other designated schools / districts shall be under the operational control of the supporting host district / school.

The Chester County Radiological Emergency Response Plan, to which this document shall be annexed, shall govern im)lementation of the District RERP.

For the purposes of this Plan, therefore, Chester County DES shall exercise responsibility for coordination and support among district school facilities at risk and host schools, shall make/ convey appropriate recommendations for protective action or school closure, and will be kept informed of any approved changes to the District RERP.

4 e

b i

l i

Oraft 7

. . . _ _ .m _, .-_ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . .


- 6114.4 (a)  :

fa .

I'nstruction j


Emergencies Nuclear -- Limerick Generating St'ation = I Definition of Terms '

h '1. Amate'ur Ra'dio - Licensed volunteer radio amateur communications. personnel

! affiliated with county emergency management agencies. Such organizations j l include Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) ( ) and 4 Wheel Drive Clubs for Emergency Services (


i 2. Emergency Broa'dcast System '(EBS) Annouricements - Official _ announcements  !

. .made at the county level for the specific purpose of providing instruc- l

j. tions or directions from the County Commissioners, or their designated l . official representative, to the permanent and transient = residents of the
i. county. Announcements are made over the legally designated EBS network. ,

! EBS ' announcements at the State level are made only when they are appli- ,

j; cable statewide. Priorities for EBS ~ announcements are specified in law; .

first priority to the Federal government, second priority to county I 90vernments, and third ' priority to state governments. Restriction on use i j of EBS announcements does not preclude appropriate use of newspapers,  !

] radio and television for public information statements.

.'- ~

3.1 Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) - A generic area defined about a fixed I nuclear facility to facilitate offsite emergency planning and develop a j

i -significant response base. It is defined for the plume and ingestion j exposure pathways. A m&p is attached to this RERP (reference Attachment 1). '

i i

} a. Plume ~ Exposure Pathway - The area surrounding a fixed nuclear I

{ facility which potentially is subject to radiation exposure as a

] result of an incident involving radioactive material emanating from t j the facility. Such potential exposure could involve: (1) whole' body j external exposure to gamma radiation from the plume and from

! deposited materials, and (2)~ inhalation exposure from the passing l radioactive plume. The EPZ for this pathway, consists 'of an area of

) approximately ten miles in radius around the fixed nuclear facil-ity. The exact size and configuration of the plume exposure pathway '

i EPZ for the Limerick Generating Station was determined in relation to ,

local emergency response needs and capabilities as' they are affected  !

i foy conditions such as demography, topography, access routes, and .

l jurisdictional boundaries.

! b. Ingostion Exposure Pathway - That area surrounding a fixed nuclear I i fac< lity which, as a resu' t of a release of radioactive material, is l l a' potential source of exposure through the ingestion of water and

!- foods,~such as milk or fresh vegetables,' originating there. This EPZ ,

i; consists of a circular area of 50 miles radius around the fixed

- nuclear facility.

~4 Host School - Predetermined school outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ

[ to which risk school students are evacuated, at which they remain under f ,

, Draft 7 i c i

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' Nuclear - Limerick Generating 'Statien (Centinued) 6114.4 (b) risk school officials! supervision until they are picked-up by their

! parents or legal guardians. Students residing in the plume exposure

-pathway EPZ and attending school outside will be held for pick-up at the school they attend. Letters of Agreement with host schools are attached (reference Attachment 2).

5. Incident - An event or condition at a fixed nuclear facility which could 1mpact public health and safety. Four classifications have been identi-m fied (from the least serious to the most serious) to facilitate planning

, for response to incidents. Within each class there are specific emer- .

gency responses necessary to insure the protection of public health and safety. Description of the four incident classifications follow:

a. Unusual E' vent - An occurrence which indicates a potential degradation of the level of safety of the facility. No releases of radioactive
material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.
b. Alert - An occurrence which involves actual or potential substantial

_degradati_on of the level of safety of the facility. Any releases are

expected to be limited to small. fractions of the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) protective action guideline exposure levels.


c. Site Emergency - An occurrence which involves actual or likely major i failures of facility functions needed for the protection of the 3 public. Radioactive releases are not expected to exceed the EPA l protective action guideline exposure levels except near the facility ,

l site boundary. '

d. General Emergency - An occurrence which involves actual C inminent j substantial core degradation or melting with the potenti-l for loss i of containment integrity. Releases can reasonably be ex,n cted to
exceed EPA protective action guideline exposure levels of tsite for more than the immediate site area boundaries.

6 Mass Care Center - Facilities designated as suitable for providing j emergency lodging for victims of a disaster left temporarily homeless.

i i 7. Protective Action - An action taken to avoid or reduce possible radiation j exposure. Some of the basic actions are:

i '


a. Shelterina - Action taken by the public to take advantage of the protection afforded by remaining indoors, away from doors and l windows, during and following the passage of the radioactive plume.


l b. ~ General' Evacuation - The evacuation of the entire population within a j specified geographic area.

} c. . Selective Evacuation - The evacuation of specific elements of the

population, such as pregnant women, pre-school children or the infi rm.

t 8..


l Public Information Statements - Pubic announcements made by PEMA or

! county official spokespersons via newpaper, radio or television to s

I Draft 7 f j

j NuclFar - Limerick G:ntrating Sta' tion (Continued) 6114.4 (c)

! explain government actions being taken to protect the public in event of any public emergency. The purpose of the announcement is to provide e accurate information, prevent-panic and counteract misinformation and rumors. Reference to the emergency incident itself will be made only in i'

the context of the reasons for governmental actions, and not to provide j ' detailed information about the incident.

9. Radiological Emergency Response Plans (RERP) - Detailed plans developed by the state and its agencies, county and municipal emergency management
  • agencies, school districts, etc., for response to a fixed nuclear i- facility incident.
10. Risk School District- A school district located partially or wholly within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of a fixed nuclear facility. A list of risk school facilities in the Owen J. Roberts school district is attached (reference Attachment 3). Use of the term school district shall include all public and non-profit private schools.

1 11. E 5chool Services Officer - An individual appointed by the Chester County e DES to ensure the coordination of risk school district plans for protec-  !

tive response and to coordinate the alert /notifiction and resource

requirements of risk schools at the time of an incident. This individual
provides staff assistance to the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and operates under the direction and control of the Chester County UES.

i The school services officer is supervised by the Director, Chester County DES.

O 12. Transportation Providers - Owners / operators, district vehicles and 1

drivers and/or contract transportation resources provided for both

routine (bus) movement of students, and any special transportation 2

resource provided during emergency conditions. Resources / rosters of i

providers are maintained at both the Chester County DES and the District j Administrative Office.

! 13 Unmet'Needs - Capabilities and/or resources required to support emergency l operations neither available nor provided for at the respective levels of j government or by the District. t i

! Glossary of Abbreviations ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service

'. BRP - Bureau of Radiation Protection, Pennsylvania Department of l Environmental Resources l DES - Department of Emergency Services, Chester County

! E0C - Emergency Operations Center i

PDE - Pennsylvania Department of Education PEMA - Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

RERP - Radiological Emergency Response Plan i List of Attachments ~

l 1. Emergency Planning Zones - Map 1

Oraft 7 I'

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'Nucirar - Limerick Gen: rating Station (Continued) 6114.4 (d)

2. Host School (s) Letter (s) of Agreement V 3. School Facilities at Risk
4. - School District Profile
5. School Building Profile
6. Resources Required for Evacuation
7. Authorization for Student Pick-up I

'8. Alternate Communications System -

9. Chester County Information Brochure 10 Letter to Parents T
11. School Evacuation EBS Announcements
12. School Calendar Emergency Situations Emergency situations requiring cancellation of special events, school closing, sheltering or evacuation are a different matter than emergency situations for employees only. The basic difference rests with the extensive and complicated transportation system involved for students.

, All incidents occurring at the Limerick Generating Station will be classified according to: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, G, *ral Emergency.

Depending on the circumstances, and the emergency situation information received from Chester County DES, school special activities may be cancelled, school may be closed or vacation periods extended. School administration may initiate protective actions including all those actions considered for the general population, requiring students and staff to either initiate sheltering actions or evacuate.

Decision - Cancellation of Special Activities School special activities, extracurricular events, sport contests, competitions, club meetings, class trips, etc., will be cancelled /

terminated during Alert, Site Emergency, and General Emergency and resumd only at the termination of incident classification or reduction to Unusual Event.

Decision - School Closure Consideration for the closing of school may be made at Site and General Emergency.

Draft 7

Nuclear - Limerick G:nerating' Station (Continu*d) 6114.4 (e) j

-The decision will be made by the District Superintendent, based on a ]

O- recomunendation made by PEMA/PDE or Chester County, and received from the Chester County DES.

Regular dismissal policy / transportation routes will be in effect unless  !

parents are notified by the District or a protective action recommenda-tion is issued from Chester County DES. Decisions to modify dismissal ,

schedules will be jointly determined by the District / County, based on the l availability of required transportation resources and the ability to

. notify transportation providers.

When in session, schools will not send students home early should protective actions (sheltering or evacuation) appear imminent or be in progress.

If protective action becomes imminent while school is not in session, a decision will be made to keep schools closed.

When the Owen J. Roberts schools are closed for the entire day, employees whose services are required during school closing, or to prepare for the reopening of schools, will be on duty as soon as'they can safely do so.

Decisions-relating to lost time due to school closings will be based on the current year's work rules. Employees required during a protective action may be certified as emergency workers by Chester County DES.

Decision - Sheltering of Students A decision will be made by the District Superintendent, based on a recommendation made by PEMA/PDE or Chester County, and received from the Cnester County DES.

A decision to shelter risk municipalities (including school districts) ,

will be made by PEMA (based on a recommendation from BRP) and the decision will be announced through the Chester County DES to districts and building principals.

If school sheltering is recommended by the County, Students located within the plume exposure pathway EPZ will be sheltered in their own school building. Should sheltering delay dismissal, parents will be notified by the District or a protective action recommendation will be issued by Chester County DES. School transportation schedules will be adjusted appropriately and parents so notified.

f Decision - Evacuation of School Facilities / Students .

The Governor, or his constitutionally designated successor,-has the sole authority and responsibility for directing and compelling a selective or general evacuation.

t Elected county or municipal officials in authority may recommend an O- evacuation for their respective jurisdictions.

Draft 7

^ - -,- --

Nuclear - Limerick Gen: rating Station (Continued) 6114.4 (f)

PEMA has the primary responsibility for directing and controlling an

[, evacuation order made by the Governor.

A decision to evacuate risk municipalities -(including school districts) will be made by PEMA/Chester County and the decision will be announced through the Chester County DES to districts and building principals.

The Owen J. Roberts School District retains the authority to close schools at its discretion. During a fixed nuclear facility incident, the Chester County DES will be kept informed of decisions to close school; as the Chester County DES will coordinate school closings among all dis-tricts/ schools and may dispatch / coordinate needed transportation.

Decision - Reopening of School The Superintendent shall determine the date to reopen district schools, notifying the Chester County DES Director who will coordinate school cpenings with other districts and PEMA. This determination will be based on information provided by the Chester County DES.

Parents / guardians and students will be notified of the date of reopening utilizing normal District procedures for school announcements.

Announcements will also be published in all major daily newspapers

circulated in the District's territory.

.. Logistics of Evacuation When school is session and school evacuation is recommended, students located within the plume exposure pathway EPZ will be bussed directly to (Twin Valley School Distrct - TBD) and other designated host schools to await pick-up by i parent or guardian.

Sufficient transportation will be coordinated, through the Chester County DES, to move.all students inside the plume exposure pathway EPZ at one time.

Students will not be expected to utilize personal vehicles riuring evacuation.

District policy for the use of private vehicles will apply. Owen J. Roberts a School District contract transportation vehicles (buses, vans, etc.) are provided for priority use by the District to transport students / staff to host schools. Additional vehicle resources required will be planned for and dis-patched through Chester County DES (reference Attachments 4, b, 6).

, Upon completion of school evacuation assignments, District contract vehicles will be released to the Chestor County DES for mutual aid assignment during evacuation.

a C

District contract vehicles will be assigned as appropriace, to bus students from'(Twin Valley School District - T80) and other designated host schools to designated feeding' centers (TBD) (a* 8 p.m.) for feeding and shaltering, as

' O V

provided for in the District RERP anj the Chester County RERP.

Risk school faculty / staff will accomptny evacuated students to designated host

schools in the buses or in their private vehicles, as available, and remain

'1 .. ._ . .- -- - - - - - - -- -

L Nuclear - Limerick Generating Station (Continued) 6114.4 (g)

with students until they are picked up by parents / legal guardians in L accordance with District policy for student pick-up.

_ Students may be picked up by parent, legal guardian or designate as authorized in writing in accordance witn District policy (reference Attachment 7).

[ -

Should student pick-up during evacuation extend beyond 8 p.m., remaining stu-dents may be bused to a pre-designated feeding center (TBD) to be fed, a properly housed and await pick-up. The Red Cross operates this mass care center within the framework of the Chester County DES RERP. A notice will be

} posted to adelse parents / guardians and direct them to the appropriate locatione should any movement occur. (Note: Owen J. Roberts School district may choose to have students remain at host schools, providing food, etc.,


should conditions dictate.)

Reentry ray be authorized by the Governor upon determination by BRP that it is safe.

y Chester County DES will notify the Superintendent in advance of any reentry operations and coordinate the return of evacuees to the evacuated area.


_Public Notification of Changes in School Schedules


Should it become necessary to delay the . closing of the schools or to close the schools com%etely due to an incident at the Limerick Generating Station, r public notification will be given as follows (unless pre-empted by an EBS

{ announcement outlining school evacuation or sheltering):

1. ,,All decisions to notify the public will be based on recommendations received through the Chester County DES. Chester County DES will assure that any public notification issued by the District does not conflict with an anticipated / actual EBS announcement.
2. Announcements will be broadcast by radio stations WPAZ (1370 AM)

Pottstown; WC0J (1420 AM) Coatesville; WEEU (850 AM) Reading; WCHE (1520 AM) West Chester; and WNAR (1110 AM) Norristown. Announcements concerning the closing of the public schools will be on the air by 6:10 a.m. and will be broadcast by the radio station every fifteen to twenty minutes until approximately 8:30 a.m. In cases permitting advance notice to close the schools, announcements will be on the radio prior t^ the day the public schools will be closed. However, please keep in mind that WPAZ goes off the air at sunset, or approximately 6:00 p.m.

3. Announcements concerning the closing of the public schools will be broadcast by Philadelphia radio and television stations through the Emergency Communication Headquarters of the City of Philadelphia.
4. Announcements concerning the closing of public schools will be given to

_ the Pottstown Mercury as soon as a decision is reached concerning the operation of the schools. When possible, this information will be E provided in time to be included in the morning edition of the newspaper.

In many cases, however, problems develop during the night. In these cases it is not possible to provide announcements in time to have them included in the newspaper.

Uraft 7

Nu'elraF - timerick Gen"ra'tinh Stat'f on (Crntihuid) 6114.4 (h)

Alert / Notification System

1. Chester County DES and the Owen J. Roberts Schoo'1 District will maintain an. alert / notification procedure and a primary and backup telecommunica- '

tions system to provide for alert / notification and information exchange during a fixed nuclear facility incident. The telecommunications system includes unlisted telephones located at the District Administration Building (and each school building principal's office). Commercial tele-pnone serves as the primary method of communication. The Chester County DES will provide for an ARES representative to provide an alternate means of radio communications in the event of telephone failure.

In the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station requiring notification of schools Chester County DES will activate the public alerting siren system. This system provides a three minute distinctive tone followed by an EBS message to all persons in the EPZ. The Owen J.

Roberts School District Superintendent is responsible to confirm notification of all district school officials.

7. School District Superintendent In the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station, the Superintendent will be notified by the County School Services Officer
  • from the Chester County E0C. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (POE) ,

may confirm notification of school Superintendents for the purpose of redundancy.

3. School Principals When school is not in session, district school building principals will
  • be notified by the Superintendent.

When school is in session, district school building principals will be

  • notified by either the Superintendent or Chester County School Services Officer from the Chester County EOC.

- Staff and Bus Notificatioh

1. The telephone contact system established in each school building will be used to notify members of the staff of the delayed dismissal or the closing of the schools. Members of the school staff will be contacted by telephone by the person responsible for this assignment in each building.
2. In the event of a delayed dismissal of schools, each building principal shall call the Transportation Coordinator indicating when the last bus has departed in the evening.
3. In the event of a delayed dismissal, the bus contractor will report to the Transportation Coordinator indicating when all buses have completed the'last run. The Transportation Coordinator will then relay tnis information to the Supervisor of Administrative Services. The Supervisor of Administrative Services will then notify the District Superintendent.


L Draft 7

! i I

Nuclrar - Limerick Generating Statien (Coritinued) 6114.4 (1) 1 L i

Authorization for Changes in School Operations The District Superintendent is responsible for all decisions relating to

,- delayed dismissals, protective actions or closing of the schools. In <

instances where.the District Superintendent may be out of the District, this i responsibility will be delegated in direct relation to the listing of the  ;

i position: Supervisor Administrative Services, Supervisor Pupil Personnel i j Services, Supervisor of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction. i f

Continuity of School Administration

! - 1. In the event of a general evacuation, the Owen J. Roberts School District shall transact required business at an altenate administrative office,

outside the EPZ,' located at (Twin Valley School District - TBD). *
2. School building principals will notify the District of their evacuation  !

' location and provide a means for 24' hour contact. 1

3. The Superintendent will notify the Chester County DES School Services Officer of his location, in the event of evacuation, when not at the alternate administrative office.

l 4. The Superintendent of Schools shall assure uninterrupted coverage of the j District administrative functions defined herein, including:

a. Each school building principal will designate and train two (2) f alternates to function in his/her absence.


b. Rosters including methods of. contact, telephone numbers, etc., are provided for all administrative personnel delegated responsibility.

Host School Services -

r If school evacuation is required, students located within the EPZ will be bussed  ;

i - directly to (Twin Valley School District - TBD) to await pick-up by parent or l 9uardian. L 1 Specific agreements have been developed with (Twin Valley School District (s) -TBD) to act as the host school district (s).

1 Emergency Announcement Procedures


4 f

i - To prevent unauthorized statements concerning the operation of the schools, radio stations and the Emergency Communications Headquarters of the City of Philadelphia ,

j have provided coded systems to be used in notifying the communications media of

-changes in_ school operations. Radio and television stations will not accept telephone calls unless the proper coding system is used._Therefore, only ,

j authorized school officials are to contact the communications media concerning the operation of the schools. Authorized school officials will review anticipated j statements with the-Chester County DES to assure that statements will not conflict t with anticipated / actual EBS announcements (reference Attachment 11).

i t

i p . Draft 7-

i l

Nuclrar - Limerick Gin rating Statien (Centinued) 6114.4 (j) l l

Telephone Calls to the Schools i During emergencies, teachers and other school employees should not telephone the Administration Building or their school for information relating to the operation  :

of the public schools. Every principal, teacher and other school employee is also urged to discourage this practice on the part of pupils, parents, and other citizens in the community. These calls delay proper notification of members of the school staff and seriously interfere with the handling of school operations, particularly during protective actions.

PLEASE request pupils, parents, and your friends to listen to EBS announcements, the radio station or to check the morning newspaper for announcements concerning the operation of the public schools. Cooperation in this respect will make it possible to notify members of the staff promptly of changes in school schedules, and to keep the general public informed by means of news media. An alternative communication system, developed and approved by the School Board, is outlined within the RERP (reference Attachment 8).

Information for Pupils Teachers should discuss the information contained in this bulletin with their pupils. In addition, the School District newsletter will outline the basic procedures used in case it becomes necessary to change regular school schedules or j initiate protective actions. Discussing this information with pupils will be helpful in enabling the handling of emergencies with a minimum of confusion and delay.

Informational material regarding plans for the protection of school students in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station descriptive of school closure, sheltering / evacuation procedures and appropriate parent / guardian response has been developed for annual distribution to parents / guardians as a cooperative effort by the Chester County DES and Owen J.

Roberts School District. The material will also provide parents / guardians the opportunity to designate who can pick-up their children, and includes
a. A public education brochure provided by PEMA/Chester County (reference Attachment 9)
b. A Letter t- Parents from the District (reference Attachment 10).
c. An authorization form for student pick-up (reference Attachment 7).

Resource Materials A profile of the Owen J. Roberts School District is completed as the " School District Profile Form," the " School Building Profile Forms" for each school in the District, and the " Resource Requirements Profile" for each school building (reference Attachments 4, S, and 6).

All completed forms will be reviewed for District use and updated semi-annually, within twenty-five days of the beginning of each half-year school term.

Draft 7 m

Nuclear - Limerick Gen: rating Statien (Continu!d) 6114.4 (k) p Copies of all completed forms are filed by the Owen J. Roberts School District i Superintendent for retention and District use, with copies provided to each school building principal.

Duplicates of all Profile Forms are filed semi-annually with:

1. Pennsylvania Department of Education
2. Owen J. Roberts School District Transportation Department
3. Chester County Department of Emergency Services
4. Chester County Intermediate Unit A copy of the current school calendar has been provided to Chester County UES (reference Attachment 12).

Resource material will be provided to appropriate holders of the Owen J. Roberts School District RERP on an annual basis only, as authorized by the Superintendent.

Emergency Procedures During School Hours A. Unusual Event No actions required and Owen J. Roberts School District will not be notified p of an Unusual Event.


8. Alert "
1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from the Chester County DES (School Services Officer):
a. Assure operation of appropriate school district telecommuni-cations systems and assign radio equipped district vehicles for backup.

I Vehicle Buildi'ng Assigned (1) N/A (1) High School (2) N/A (2) Middle School (3) (3) East Coventry Elementary (4) (4) East Vincent Elementary (5) (5) North Coventry Elementary (New)

(6) (6) North Coventry Elementary (Old)

(7) (7) French Creek Elementary (8) (8) Warwick Elementary (9) (9) Administration Building

b. Confirm notification of district school principals in the EPZ *

(reference Attachment S).

c. Notify school contract transportation providers to:

(1) Place drivers on alert / standby.

Draft 7

Nucirar - Limerick Gen rating Station (Continued) 6114.4 (1)

(2) Inventory and ready transportation equipment.

(3) Review transportation assignments / maps.

(4). Fuel and maintain transportation vehicles.

(S) Provide for priority maintenance of vehicles.

(6) Assemble buses at main campus and dispatch four buses to

  • East Coventry E. S.

(7) Report unserviceable vehicles to Superintendent, as appropriate (Tel: ).

d. Order District-wide cancellation of:

(1) Special activities.

(2) Extracurricular events.

(3) Intramural / interscholastic sporting events.

(4) Competitions.

(b) Club meetings.

(6) Class trips.

(7) After school activities.

e. Assure that district schools and host school are notified *

(reference Attachment S).

f. Review parental notification statements with Chester County DES (Tel: ) and monitor EBS announcements.
g. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.
h. Relocate East Coventry students /instructural program to Middle
  • School.
1. Report any unmet needs for traffic controllers to Chester County
  • DES (Tel: ).
2. Risk district school building principals will, upon notification:


a. Assure imediate update of student attendance and class rosters.
b. Update rosters at 0830 am, 1130 am, and 230 pm.

i c. Report attendance to Superintendent three (3) times each day 0900 am, 1200 noon, and 300 pm). (Tel: ).


l Draft 7


. i Nuclear - Limerick G:nnrating Statien' (Continurd) 6114.4 (m)

d. Cancel special activities ordered by Superintendent.
e. Assure preparation of the building for sheltering, coordinating with school maintenance / security personnel:

(1) Check support systems (heating / ventilation, etc.)

(2) Secure entrances / exits / windows.

(3) Review food service capabilities.

(4) Instruct staff to prepare shelter activities / equipment. ,

4 (5) Notify staff at end/ start of day to move staff cars to l

designated parking lot. Note: Use staff mail boxes for announcement.

(6) Report unmet needs to the Superintendent. (Tel: ).

f. Request the school nurse to inventory special student medical supplies /needs and advise of any resource requirements,
g. Review situation and RERP procedures with appropriate staff. ,

j h. Determine emergency staffing requirements.

i. I'mplement procedures for parental pick-up of students.

(1) Distribute authorization for student-pick-up records and/or

. walkie talkies, as available.

(2) Implement special entrance, parking lot and access road for

. parents to use.

. (3) Assure staff has moved vehicles to designated parking lot.

Note: Conduct assembly of students to allow staff to move cars, if required.

(4) Determine if outside traffic control assistance is needed and report same to Superintendent (Tel: ). *

(S) Assign administrative staff to staff the entrance.

(6) Order' authorization for student pick-up records to be completed and returned.

C. Site Emergency

. l l

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification l from the Chester County DES (School Services.0fficer):

a .- Complete all procedures outlined for Alert, confirming the

  • l notification of all district school principals in the EPZ  ;

(reference Attachment 5). l l Draft 1 l

Nucirar - Limerick Gen: rating Statien (Continutd) 6114.4 (n)


b. Report to the District administrative office. .
c. Further notify school contract transportation providers to:

(1) Prepare buses / vehicles for evacuation.

(2). Priority repair out-of-service vehicles.

(3) Institute half-tank refill procedures.

(4) Make special provisions for bus driver commutes.

(5) Station buses at Middle School /High School Complex and dispatch (4) buses to East Coventry Elementary School to move students to Middle School, if not completed

  • at Alert.
d. Confirm changes in host school building locations and staffing and evacuation routes (as provided-by Chester County DES) with risk building principals.
e. Authorize implementation of emergency staffing including dismissal of pregnant staff / single parents, as appropriate.
f. Report unmet needs to Chester County DES School Services Officer. (Tel: ).
g. Assure that district schools and host school are notified (reference Attachment 5).
h. Review parental notification statements with Chester County DES ,

(Tel: ) and monitor EBS announcements.

1. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from POE, as applicable. ,

J. Assure the relocation East Coventry students / instructional program to Middle School. *

k. Report any unmet needs for traffic controllers to Chester County DES (Tel: )
2. Risk District School building principals will, upon notification:
a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert.
b. Confirn resources necessary for shcltering (coordinate with maintenance / security, food service and nursing personnel),

reporting unmet needs to Superintendent (Tel: ).

c. Assure distribution of authorization for student pick-up forms O and other supplies.


Draft 7

Nucicar - Limerick G:nsrating Station (Continurd) 6114.4 (0) e d. Initiate emergency staffing and excuse / dismiss staff as ordered

' by Superintendent.

D. General Emergency

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from the Chester County DES (School Services Officer):
a. Complete all procedures outlined for Alert and Site Emergency, confirming the notification of district school principals located in the EPZ. (reference Attachment 5).
b. ' Order. school contract transportation providers to mobilize for completion of preplanned assignments.
c. Confirm positioning of buses / evacuation vehicles and assignment

' of ARES mobile units, reporting unmet transportation needs received from building principals to Chester County DES.

(Tel: ).

d. . Assure that district schools and host schools are notified (reference Attachment 5).
e. Establish designated temporary District administrative headquar-ters located at Twin Valley School District - TBD). *

(' f. Review parental notification statements with Chester County DES (Tel: ) and monitor EBS announcements.

g. When received from Chester County DES, provide protective action recomendations to District building principals.

1 (1) Coordinate sheltering of students attending school in the

, EPZ.

(2) Review parental notification statements with Chester County DES (Tel: ).

(3) At 8 p.m., coordinate Red Cross activities to establish mass care capability at the schools hosting students awaiting dismissal.

-(4) Order suspension of shelter advisory, as directed by Chester County DES and coordinate student dismissal with district risk principals. (Tel: ).

(5) Excuse building principals / staff upon completion of student dismissal.


Draft 7

Nuclear - Limerick Grn rating Station (Centinued) 0114.4 (p)

(1) Order evacuation of the EPZ, monitor evacuation i process reporting unmet needs to Chester County DES and i

[V] direct that bus / vehicle drivers completing evacuation assignments report to the Chester County DE b records. (Tel: ).

Oraft 7 l

1 - _ _ .. .. ._ . ..

Nucicar - Limerick Gintrating Station (Coritinued) 6114.4 (t) m (20) Excuse remaining staff and provide Superintendent a means of future contact - for receipt of reentry orders.

(Tel: ).

Emergency Procedures After School Hours A. Unusual Event No actions required and alert / notification of Owen J. Roberts School District officials is not expected.

B. Alert

1. School District Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification

. from the Chester County DES:

a. Assure telecommunications system is operating.
b. Confirm the notification of district school principals in the EPZ. *

(reference Attachment 5).

c. Order District wide cancellation of:

(1) Special activities.

(2) Extracurricular events.

(3) Intramural / inters:Rolastic sporting events.

(4) Competitions.

(5) Club meetings.

(6) Class trips.

(7) After school activities.

d. Assure that district schools and host school are notified *

(reference Attachment-5).

e. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notification state-
ments with Chester County DES. (Tel


f. Receive redundant notification / confirmation from PDE, as applicable.
2. Risk district school principals will, upon receipt of notification:
a. = Cancel / terminate special activities ordered by Superintendent.  ;
b. Review RERP procedures.  !
c. Notify any groups or individuals occupying the school building, l requesting that all non-district employees vacate the building.

l Draft 7

l l

Nuclear - Limerick G nnrating Statien (Continued) 6114.4 (u)


,s C. Site Emergency

1. Complete all procedures outlined ~for Alert.
2. A recommendation to close schools or keep schools closed will be made by PEMA/PDE and be provided to Superintendents through Chester County DES; and will be targeted for receipt by 11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m.
3. The Superintendent will, upon receipt of notification from Chester County DES:
a. Implement the recommendation to close, notifying parents /

guardians and staff utilizing appropriate procedures.

b. Confirm the notification of all district school principals in the EPZ implementing the decision to close or keep schools closed, and brief them of the situation (reference Attachment 5).
c. Assure that district schools and host school are notified *

(reference Attachment 5).

d. Receive fedundant notification from PDE, as applicable,
e. Monitor EBS announcements and review parental notification state-ments with Chester County DES. (Tel: )

4 Risk district school Principals will, upon receipt of notification:

a. Provide the Superintendent their continued location and means of contact, and assure that their own school building is secured and vacated; immediately canceling any activities. (Tel: ).
b. Notify key faculty department heads and supervisors of the cancellation and direct notification of faculty / staff.

D. General Emergency

1. Coniplete all procedures outlined for Alert and Site Emergency.
2. A decision to close school or keep schools closed will be made by the Governor /PEMA/PDE/the County and be provided to Superintendents through the Chester County DES; and will be targeted for receipt by 11 p.m. and/or 6 a.m.
3. Superintendent will upon receipt of notification from Chester County DES:
a. Implement the decision to close, notifying parents / guardians and staff; supplementing EBS announcements, as appropriate.
b. Establish designated temporary District headquarters, located at C' (Twin Valley School District - TBD).
  • Oraft 7

Nuclear - Limerick Gtnerating Station (Continutd) 6114.4 (v) l

c. Confirm the notification of all district school principals in the EPZ by the "Tellabs 294," implementing of the decision to close or keep schools closed, and brief them of the situation (reference Attachment 5).
d. . Assure that district schools and host school are notified (reference Attachment 5).

e.- Receive redundant notification from PDE, es applicable.

f. Review parental notification statements with Chester County DES (Tel: ) and monitor EBS announcements.

4 Risk District School Building principals will, upon receipt of

  • notification:
a. Assure notification of faculty / staff / drivers accompanying students to special events (inside/outside the EPZ) to terminate activity and provide instructions / routes,to designated mass care center Downingtown Senior High School, should evacuation be ordered, or to a designated (by Chester County DES) location, outside the EPZ should sheltering be in effect.
b. Assign appropriate staff to supervise students at the designated location / mass care center, as needed.

Recovery / Reoccupation / Reopening ~of Schools

1. Chester County DES School Services Officer will notify the Superintendent of the decision to reoccupy the evacuated area or reopen school.
2. The Superintendent will notify district school principals and direct that buildings be inspected for reoccupation by the principal and deficiencies be reported to the Superintendent.

'3. The Superintendent will report unmet needs to Chester County DES School Services Officer, coordinate necessary repair / resupply, keeping accurate records of costs incurred. (Tel: ).

'4. The Superintendent will, based on information received from PEMA/PDE through Chester County DES, decide to reopen District school (s) and communicate this decision to school principals.

6. Parents / faculty / staff will be notified of the decision to reopen schools using normal media /information procedures supplementing appropriate EBS announcements. Announcements will be published in appropriate newspapers circulated in the District's territory.

m 6. The Superintendent will monitor daily attendance at reopened schools until attendance returns to pre-incident levels, providing summary attendance reports the Chester County DES. -(Tel: ).

Draft 7

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i j NOTE: Host school agreements with designated host schools are under i development and will be attached when executed.  ;

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'1. Owen J. Roberts Senior High School (1) - Public '

2. Owen J. Roberts Middle School (1) - Public 3 East Coventry and Vincent Elementary Center (2) - Public
'4 North Coventry Elementary Center (2) - Public ti . French Creek Elementary Center (2) - Public e

4 1

. I O ,

t f'

i i

O  :



Publi ~c Total Primary 3 3 Intermediate 3 3 Middle School 1 1 High School 1 1

, Vo-Tech Other Enrollment:

Students Grade General Sp. Ed. Other Total Faculty Other Staff K 232 1 234 D = 14

\ 2 214 10 = 16_ 57.5 3 245 30 4 259 5 241 6 293 i 7 349 IU = 31 62 8 345 I

9 309 10 263 0 = 12 69.3 11 276

+ 12 279 Other -3553 73 -

3626 188.8 51.3 Total

  • Forty-six (46) are classified additionally as specified.

. , < - . ,  :,---- a-, e-----,, m ---er-. . - , , - . - + - - - ,,m--

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['t Ndme Telephone /Page'r Address

\~ /

Key Staff:


Relief / Designate (1):

Relief / Designate (2):

Relief / Designate (3):

Relief / Designate (4):

Transportation Coordinator /


Maintenance Supervisor:

Buses Available for Routine District Use:

  1. of Buses / # of Vans / # Station Wagons / # Cars /

(Ca'paci t'y ) (Capacity)' (Capacity) '(Capacity)

1. Owned / operated by

(~'s District 0/0 S(50) 0/0 1(4)

. Contracted for by District 48(3456) 0/0 0/0 0/0

3. Shared with other users 0/0 0/0 U/O 0/0 Total Other vehicles / capacity: 1 '1974 P/U' Tr6ck/3 'per' son capa'c'fty 1 '-~ 1983 P/U Truck /3' person' c'ipacity' Alternate Administrative Location: (TBO)

Special Considerations: School Bus Policy:


-m MV


SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM School Name: Owen J. Roberts High School School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specify)

Address: R.D. #1,

'Pottstown, PA Telephone 469-6261 Location: Northeast' of' intprsection at Rt.100 and Rt. 23 acces's via' Rt. 23 a' rid Rt.100.

EPZ: Yes Municipality: South 'Coventry' Township i

Census: Year 1984-84 Term Fall i

5tudsnts Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty 9 352

, 10 309

' ll 282

' 12 2S3 Total Enrollment: 1196

, Total Faculty: 81 Total Other Staff: ~24 Key Staff: Namh Telephone /P'ager ' Address Principal: Owen J. Roberts Relief / Designate (1): High School Relief / Designate (2): R.D. #1 Assistant Principal: Pottstown, PA 19464 Maintenance:


Food Service:



Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: HS1' HS2, HS3. . . HS17 Special Requirements for Evacuation *: Buses use faculty lot (same as Middle School).

Host School: (Twin Valley High School - Telephone:

i under development)

Location: Rt. 23 Evacuation Route (s): Cadmus Rd. to Rt.

100S to Rt. 23W Feeding Center: Downingtown Area Senior High School Telephone:

Location: -

Route (s): Bus Assigned:

O Student Pick-up: Activity bus pick-up lot Police Dept.:

] Access Road: Cadmus Rd. from Rt. 100 Telephone:

Entrance: 9th Grade N.' Wing' Entrance (2 walkie talkies from lot / office)

Parking Lot: Activity bus pick-up lot and roads Staff Assigned: Assistant Principal Secretaries (S)

Gen ~eral Administrator (1)

Guidance Counselors as primary back-up Note: Faculty cars to be parked on baseball or football practice field.

Note: Staff to be posted at exit doors to direct students to appropriate exits.

Traffic Controllers: ~ 6 (shared with Middle School)

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form t

+, ,- , - - . ,. , , , - ,-,,,.-v- -,y, , - , . - , , , , - . . , , - . . .--



. J School Name: Owen J. Roberts Middle School School Affiliation:

X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specify)

Address: R.D. #1

'Pottstown,'PA l'9464 Telephone ' 469-6261 Location: ' North'dast 6f' int'ersect' ion "of Rt. 23 arid Rt .' IUU 'at ' Bu'dk' town, PA'.


! EPZ: Yes ' Municipality: S6uth Cuventry Fall Census: Year 1984-85 Term Studsnts Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty 6 260 7 246 8 313 6-12 I_.U. Spec. Ed. = 6 Total Enrollment: 825 Total Faculty: 71 Total Other Staff: 25 Key Staff: Naine Teldphone/ Pag r Address i

4 Principal:  : R.D. #1 Relief / Designate (1): Pottstown, PA Relief / Designate (2): 19464  ;

Assistant Principal:


l Nurse:

Food Service:



M51, MS2,'MS3... . MS16 Buses Assigned for Evacuation *: l O +

  • Special Reauir'ements for Evacuation *: Buses use faculty parking lot.

Internal evacuation by't'eams, at' host 4 ' school students to be separated by


t Host School: '(Twin Valley High School - Telephone:

under development)

Location: Rt. 23 Evacuation Route (s): "Cadmus Rd. to Rt.

' 100S to Rt'.' 23W Feeding Center: Downingtown Area Senior High School Telephone:


Route (s): Bus Assigned:

Student Pick-up: From Bus Pick-up Loop Police Department:


Access Road: Rt. 23 Entrance Entrance: Main Entrance Parking Lot: Bus Pick-up Lo6p (2 walkie talkies to loop / office)

Staff Assigned: Assistant Principal Se'cretaries'(3)'

Guidance Counselor Central Office Administrator as backup Preparation Period Teachers as 2nd backup Note: Faculty cars to be parked in district receiving area / shop parking lot during Alert, Site Emergency and General Emergency. No cars to be parked below metal shop entrance.

Traffic Controllers: 6 (shared with High School).

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form

-, , -, ,- _ , . , , . --. .m , . . , . , . . . , . . . , , , , . ~ . , , . . , - , - - . _ . , , , . . . . ,

l l


SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM School Name: East 'Coventry and Vincent Elementary Schools i School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other (specify)

Address: R.D. #1 Pottstown, PA 19464 Telephone 469-6261 1 mile west of Rt. 724 Location: E. Cov. - Sanatoga Rd. I mile east of Cedarville Rd.

Vincent - On Rt. 23 3 miles east of Rt. 23 EPZ: Yes Municipality: East Coventry & East Vincent Twp.

Census: Year 1984-85 Term Fall Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty O K 92 Vincent 1 96 2 ea 3 58 East Coventry 4 64

'5 96 Total Enrollment: 491*

Total Faculty: 34 Total Other Staff: 22 l I

. Key Staff: Name Telephone /Page'r Addres's i l

Principal: East Coventry Relief / Designate (1): r Elem. School Relief / Designate (2): R.U. #1


Assistant Principal: Pottstown, PA

19464 Nurse:

Food Service:

  • Twenty-five (25) are cla'ssified additionally as Special Ed.


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D E. Coventry ' EC1, EC2, EC3 (d '

  • Buses Assigned for Evacuation *:

Vincent VI, V2, V3, V4, VS Special Requirements for Evacuation *$ East Coventry relocates to Middle School at Site Emergency East Coventry positions buses in back driveway


Vincent positions buses at back of playground. ' i Host School: '(Twin Valley Elementary Centers- Telephone:

under 'develo'pment) ' i ,



Rt. 23' West , ,

Rt.~ 23'W (Vincent Element /ry Only) Note: EastCoven$y Evacuation Route (s):

to move to Middle oy Saratoga Rd. to Cedervilie Rd. to School Aouse Rd. to Porter's Hill Rd. to Cadmus Rd. ,

( ,


Feeding Center: Downingtown Area Senior Hich School Telephone:


Route (s): Bus Assigned:

% 1

_ t l

Student Pick-up: East Coventry Poli ce' Dept. :

Access Road: . Santatoga Rd. to Driv'eway Telephone: N$

Entrance: Front Entrance Parking Lot: ~ Main Drivaway F'ront of B'uilding and East Lot I ,-

Staff Assigned: Secretary / Note: Facult'y cars block .

Classroom Aide f _

loop path at 'SW a6d NE u- , \

1.ibrary Aids 1 ' corners. '

3 Nurse i d

/$ Custodian '

t  ;[

- 'i"


Traffic Controllers: 3 (



' t, '

l i

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form



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i V

' f, T_


.. s' +


Student Pick-up: East Vincent Access Road: Rt. 23 to W.-Loop Driveway Entrance Office Entrance' Entrance:


Parking Lot: ' Driveway Loop

Staff Assigned
Secretary Note: Custodian to direct Classroom Aides (2) cars to West Entrance.

Library Aide Staf f cars to park midway Nurse in playground.

Custodian Traffic Controllers: 3


s i 'T I e t



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School Name: French ' Creek Valley Elementary /Warwick Elementary School Affiliation:

  • ~

X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private Nursery Other s (specify) i Address: French Creek School - R.D. #1, Pottstown, PA 19464 Warwick School - R.D. #1,' Pott' stown, PA 19464 l

Telephone '469-6261 I


Location: French Creek - Coventryville Rd. I mile South of Rt. 23


  • Warwick - Village of Knaurt'own - Rt. 23" French Creek - East Nantmeal Twp.

EPZ: Yes Municipality: Warwick - Warwick Twp.

Census: Year 1983 ' Term Spring Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty K 68 l French Creek 1 67

'2 81 3 63 Warwick 4 S3 5 66 f Total Enrollment: 398 Total Faculty: 36 Total Other Staff: 17 Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address i

Principal: R.D. #1 Relief / Designate (1): Pottstown, PA Relief / Designate (2): 19464 Assistant Principal:


Nurse: i Food Service:


Buses Assigned for Evacuation *:

ON French Creek FC1', FC2, FC3, FC4 to Kindergarten Loop Warwick W1,' W2 Special Requirennnts for Evacuation *: Primary Access Road'to French Creek E.S. - 1 Lane Rustic Bridge - road will flood on both' sides. Buses use St. Peter's Rd. and main entrance at Warwick E.S.

Host School: Twin Valley Junior High School - urider development Telephone:

Location: Rt. 23 Evacuation Route (s): French Creek: Warwick Rd. to'Rt. 23W to Rt. 10 S to Rt. 322E

'Warwick: Rt. 23 W to Rt.10 S to Rt. 322 E Feeding Center: Downtingtown Area Senio~r High School Telephone:


Route (s): Bus Assigned:

O Student Pick-up: Frer,ch Creek Police Department:


Access Road: Main Driveway Entrance: Lobby Entrance /APR Parking Lot: Office Parking Area (Access through office windows) l Staff Assigned: Library Aide' Note: Faculty to park cars on grass Classroom Aide opposite third grade wing.

Traffic Controller: 3 Building: Warwick Access Road: Playground parking lot Entrance: Playground Entrrnce Parking Lot: Playground (Access through Rm. 4 window)

Staff Assigned: Q TAide Note: Faculty cars park in front lot Sec.. to block access off St. Peter's Rd.

Traffic Controllers: 3 O

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form

1 l

ATTACHMENT 5 SCHOOL BUILDING PROFILE FORM V School Name: North Coventry Elementary - Old/New (2 Buildings)

-School Affiliation: X Public Parochial Non-Profit Private l Nursery Other (speci fy)

Address: 'R.D. #1

'Pottstown. PA 19464 Telephone 469-6261 Location: 'H'anover St'reet 1/4 mile'Soeth of Rt. 724' EPZ: Yes Municipality: North Coventry Twp.

Census: Year 1984-85 Term Fall Students Grade General /Sp. Ed. Faculty K 75

'1 89 2 85 3 85 4 88 5 91 Sp. Ed. 8 Total Enrollment: 521 i Total Faculty: 33 Total Other Staff: 19 -

l Key Staff: Name Telephone /Pager Address Principal: R.D. #1 l 4

Relief / Designate (1): Pottstown, PA l

Relief / Designate (2): 19464 l l

Assistant Principal:  !

l Maintenance

! Nurse: l Food Service-

  • Twenty-one (21) are classified additionally as Special Ed. l l

l l

l l


Buses Assigned'for' Evacuation *: NC1, NC2, NC3, NC4, NCb, NC6, NC7, NC8 j 1

I Special Requirements for Evacuation *:

Host School: TTwin Valley Elementary Center - Telephone:

under development) location: Rt. 23 W EvacuationRoute(s): S on West Chester Pike to Rt. 23 W Feeding Center: Downtingtown Area' Senior High School Telephone:


Route (s): Bus Assigned:

4 m Student Pick-up: Old Building Police Dept.: '

Access Road: Hanover Street Telephone:

Entrance: Back entrance off the qymnasium Parking Lot: Main Driveway Staff Assigned: Teacher - Physical Ed'. Note: Faculty cars moved to

! Teacher - Music municipal field opposite Custodian (acts as runner) Township Building.

Access Road: Urner Street l Entrance: Back entrance off all ' purpose Yoom Parking Lot: Macadam area off township garage

, Staff Assigned: Head Teacher Note: Faculty cars moved to Secretary grass areas.

Traffic Controllers: 4 Note: When buses arrive, block bus path at new building with staff vehicles.

Block path at old building at Alert, with custodian's car (s).

  • Obtain from " Resources Required for Evacuation" Form

, . , . - , _ , , - - - ,_ ._..% ,p.., , ..,.m..,,.. . - . _ . , - -c-,,.,

ATTACHMENT 6 c- 3ESOURCESREQUIREDFOREVACUATION District: Owen J. Roberts School: Senior High Census: 1196 I. Buses A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Dri ver/ Tele' phone Agency / Telephone I

HS1'- 72 School District 469-6261 HS2 - 72

'. HS3 - 72 I

HS4 - 72 HSS - 72 HS6 - 72 HS7 - 72 HS8' k- HS9 - 72

] HS10 - 72 HS11 - 72 HS12 - 72 HS13 - 72 l HS14 - 72 '

HS15 - 72 HS16 - 72 HS17 - 72 Van 1 Van 2 i

Van 3 Van 4 Van b B. Secondary Movement:

4 9-e.-- + y,-m- -. +, y- , . , - ,, y,., , ,y,.,p. ,p._,__ g_-., ,I

,7, ._p-....7.y 9 _ 9%, ,,_-..,7y.,,

,.99.c 3%.


O D II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity) l l

. )

1 III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned )

2 IV. Special Needs:

.h ,

. V. ' Staff Assigned:

4 VI. ARES units:

i c

I i -


e 4


1 .

I i

i i

b l

i er.,,c, ,w -,-w -r , , , , -,-,---,w.,-.m--,.--+-,-wv,v-v.w-e., m pv. ,.w-n-


RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION District: Dwen J. Roberts School: ' Middle School Census: 825 1

I. Buses A. Primary Movement:

-Buses Assigned /

' (Capacity) Driv ~er/ Telephone Agency / Telephone MS1 - 72 TBD School D'istrict 469-6261 MS2 - 72 ,

TBD MS3 - 72 TB0

~MS4~- 72' TBD MS5 - 72 TBD MS6~- 72 'TBD MS7 - 72 TBD MS8 - 72 . TB0~

M!,3 - 72 TBD MS10 - 72 TBD 4 MS11 - 72 TBD MS12 - 72 'TBD

. B. Secondary Movement:

II. Specialty Vans Assigned (Capacity)

III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned i

i e l

l t

i O l

- . . - . . .. . - _ . - - . _ =


IV. Sp'ecial Needsi , l

. V. Staff AssigWdd:

VI. ARES' units 4

4 d

4 s

l 4

l l

, - . . - . . _ - - ,..---,-,._.m__ ,, - , , - . . , _ , , - , . , , , , _ . , _ , _ _ , . . , _ , , _ , , _ , _ _ _ , _ . , , , , _ , , , , . , . .,,. _,_,,,l

ATTACHMENT 6 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O East Coventry Elem. 218 District: Owen J. Roberts School: Vincent Elementary Census: 273 1

1. Buses A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned / .

(Capacity) Driver / Telephone Agency / Telephone EC1 - 72 EC2 '72 4

EC3 - 72 EC4 - 72' VI - 72' 4

V2 - 72 V3 - 72 V4 - 72 O



B. . Secondary Movement:

II. Specialty Vans Assigned '(Capacity) i e

D O  ;


- ,- , . . - . , ., , .. ., . - - . . . , . . - - , , . - - . - . . , ~ . - . - . - , . - , - - , . - .



III. Staff /Other Vehicles Assigned


IV. Special Needs
' ~


Staff Assigned:

VI. ARES units '

4 i

l ,

t I

i i

l I 1 l l i


, . . , , . , _ , . _ .. ,.. , _ - . _ . , . , , . . , , . . _ . , , , _ _ . . . - _ _ ._.v__._ .,_,..,,,,_,.._,,-...,_,y., - , ..w.,, .rm___,_,,__,



French Creek District: Owen J. Roberts School: Valley Elem.* Census: 279 Warwick Elem. 119 I. Buses A. Primary Movement:

Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Driver / Telephone Agency / Tele ~p hone FC 1

~ FC 2 FC-3 FC 4 W1 i W2 B. Secondary Moyenent:

II. Specialty Vans Assigne'd (Capacity)

III. Staff /0ther Vehicles Assigned l

IV. Special Needs:


. , -- , , , . = . _ , _ . , _ . . - - _ _ _ _


V. . St'aff Assigned:

VI. ARES unit's O


' ATTACHMENT 6 RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION O District: Owen J. Roberts School: North Coventry Elem.* Census: 521 (2 buildings-same campus Old/New)

I. Buses A. Primary Movement:

, Buses Assigned /

(Capacity) Driv ~er/ Telephone Agency / Telephone NC 1 I

NC 2 NC 3 NC 4 i NC 5 NC 6 NC 7 NC 8

B. Secondary Movement:

II. Speci~alty Vans Assigned'(C'apacity) 9 III. Staff /0ther Vehicles Assigned

  • Special Education-Mixed Category-maximum 20 O ,

1 4


1 IV. Special Needs:

, V. Sta'ff Assignedi 1

r VI. ARES unit'. s Z



j i

a f i f


4 4

f 6

J e









High School 17/1 S/S -- 16 Middle School 12/3 -- -- 9 E. Coventry & Vincent

. Elementary Center 8/8 -- -- .

N. Coventry Elementary Center 8/8 -- --

j French Creek /Warwick Elementary Center 6/6 -- --

Source: (a) Owen J. Roberts Contract Vehicles (Gross)

(b) Owen J. Roberts Vehicles (c) -TBD-Note: Unmet needs are provided as follows:

Facility # of Buses Source High School 16 TBD Middle School 9 TBD r o 4

9 O


4 r

- ATTACHMENT 7 AUTHORIZATON FOR STUDENT PICK-UP OWEN J. ROBERTS SCHOOL DISTRICT I hereby authorize that may be picked up, for early Student's name dismissal or during evacuation, by:

myself only, ,

i. name of parent / legal guardian myself or my spouse, name of spouse '


name of friend / relative School officials should not release my child to anyone else unless proper authorization is received from me. I can be reached at the numbers provided below.
Thank you
Date signature of parent / legal guardian Telephone: (work)


My child drives his/her own car to school, and during an evacuation I would authorize /not authorize my child to evacuate-in this car.

i Date signature of parent / legal guardian o ~



j NOTE: This system will include ARES communication assigned to the district

office and district radio equipped vehicles assigned to the fide
school locations.

1 1


l l-4 I

i 8

h 4

I w

r l



O .


l b

i O

. ~ -. - __ ~ . . - - - .. . - . . .- . - . - . . -




Dear Parent:


. The Owen J. Roberts School District has developed plans to protect '

' students should an incident at the Limerick Generating Station require the protective response of the Owen J.. Roberts School District. Normally, schools
will be closed before any protective actions are necessary, but in the event l that sheltering or evacuation are necessary before schools are closed, the

! District has plans for accomplishing those protective actions. If evacuation

, is necessary, students will be safely bussed directly to schools in a host i- school district. The host school district for our District is (Twin Valley School District - under development), located in the Honeybrook and Elverson

  • i- areas. . Parents or legal guardians will be requested to pick up their children
at the host school building. A list of host schools for each District school

, building follows:

District School Host School / Address

When evacuation of students is required, the District is concerned that
any evacuation be safe and orderly, that an accurate schenl attendance be
maintained throughout, and that parents / guardians be reunited with students as quV and conveniently as possible. School staff will accompany students d, evacuation, host schrols are located along predetermined evacuation ,

l rou. and close to the normal mass care centers for the general public.

School staff will remain with students until all ' students are picked-up. It i 4

is not necessary to rush, drive safely to the host school and your child will be waiting for you under the supervision of school staff.

Because it is important that school driveways and access roads be kept

! open for buses, the District requests that parents / guardians refrain from j trying to pick-up students at risk schools when an evacuation has been ordered i or appears immenent. In addition, while preparing to evacuate, it is

difficult to release students and keep a current.and accurate school census.

! If you are delayed in picking-up your son or daughter, after 8 p.m., host j schools may be closed and remaining students bussed to a designated mass care

  • i feeding center located at . At this facility, students

! will be provided shelter and food, awaiting parent / guardian arrival. The Red Cross operates this facility. A notice will be posted at the hest school to

remind you of this mass care center's location

l lO i

I e

- , - . , - ,,m. ,,.,--..,.,..n.. -.,,,.,,,.,,,.,.,-...,..n.,- ,.n,,.n..n,n,,-,... . , . , -,nn,.-_,,.,,,,,..nn,._,.n,.

j Sample Letter #1

() . Children will only be released to parents or legal guardians unless prior written arrangements have been made. Please complete the attached form, designating who~ can pick-up your child and have the child return the form to school.

Should sheltering be recommended, your child will be sheltered in his own school building, until the sheltering advisory is lifted. Should the shelter advisory delay dismissal of students, you will be notified by radio, as you i would be during a snow emergency, etc.

In order to insure the safety of the District's school children, I urgently request the cooperation of all parents.

) Sincerely,

Dr.. Roy C. Claypool Superintendent 4

1 O .

I 1


- ,- - , - , , _ . - ,- ...,,..n.. ..n.,,. - ,, ,~.,u . - - - - - , , , . . , , , , - , . . , .

, l O,,


SCHOOL EVACUATION EBS ANNOUNCEMENT The following message has been' released by the Chester County Departeor.t of

_ Emergency Services. It supplements instructions given to the public relative to-the general evacuation annuncement for the approximate ten-mile area around the Limerick Generating Station.


" Parents with children attending school within a ten-mile area of tne Lirr.erick Generating'. Station a're advised that their children will be evacuated to a safe location where they can be reunited with their parents or guardian 3. Cailcren will be bused to safe locations at host schools outside the risk area.

Parents are asked to meet; their cnlldren there. I repeat, children will oe bused directly to safe locations at host schools outside the risk area where parents or guardians may pick them up. Parents or guardians are urged to go i

directly to the host schools. Attempting to pick them up at the scnools they 4 attend might interfere with their safe evacuation.

Children attending Chester County schools within the 10-mile area around the Limerick Generating Station.will be bused to locations wnere they can be picked up.-

Please refer to the information provided by your cnild's school tnat p)

( highlights these host schools and pick up procedures.

l Parents are urged not to telepnone or to 90 to tne school tnat their cnildren

are attending insiae the ten-mile radius of the plant. This will only create

' confusion. Parents are to meet their children at the assigned nost scnools.

I repeat,, parents are urged not to telephone or to 90 to the scnool tnat tneir

children-are attending inside the' approximate ten-mile area, but to meet tneir i cnildren at assigned host schools.

'If your child attends a scnool outside tne ten-mile radius, you may pick up

i. -your child at that school.

< These iost schools will remain open until 8 p.m. After 8 p.m., ycur cnild

< .will be bused to Downingtown Jr./Sr. High School to await pickup. l 4-

.The preceding has been an announcement by the Chester County Department of Emergency Services giving parents instructions on where to' meet their nildre:1

> "who are attending school in'the approximate ten-mile area around tne Limerick ,

Generating Station." l (Repeat this message one time then end transmission.)

(Tnis message will be broadcast along with the General Evacuation announcement {

wnen instructions are given by tne Department ~of Emergency Services to do so.)

O l 4



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-TBD-4 1

8 4

I h

i t



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