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Experimental Corp Operating Experience Rept for Sept 1969 - Feb 1970
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1970
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280348
Download: ML20085H680 (3)


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SAXTOli liUC1EAP rgircilD5f3AL CORI(l<ma CIEldTitJG EXPEy,7y);cg ILEIDRT Yor the teriw 08Pte.ilier 1, 1969 - Februar,Y 28, 1970

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413 1 SAXTOM !!UC19.h FJ.pDilm!IAL CO?JWTION k


2. Cond! t ions
1. The A.C. vital bus is energized.

1 II. Preeriutiens g 1.

Never renve both tource rance EF, channeh frca thnn service when a core 16 installed and the intermediate"rnngc chnnucle red lere 10-10 amps. i The DF3 high voltage must be turned off when the reactor is operat ng at pow'er levels above 1010 amps on int (mediate rance.


If one power range channel fails while the reactor is in operation *tnd the channel will be deenergized for repairtThe reactor load will be held r:onntant.

be set for eingle channel operaticn. 6 III. Instructient . both ir.*.ormediat e range, and

1. For reactor startup, beth source rance.all three power t-e range chann 2.

prior to reactor startup the r.u: lear inrtrumentation 413 A-C. system must checked out in accordan e. with prmartup checkoff lists

' l ar

a. for scram recovery or for startups boire made w f ing only instrumentation a modified checkoff may be used by per om those steps in h13 A-C which are marked 3*. ff b.

Far a series of tests or training startups,steps a modified in cheek-o may be used every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by perfoming only those b13 A-C which are marked 3 and those marked l ih

    • .d c.

If the reactor startup is delayed and nore than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> have e aps from the last check-out, perform only those steps in h13 A-C wh are marked **. d cted d.

The prestartup checkoff of nuclear instrumentation must be con u by or directly supervised by a licensed reactor operator.

T hr n.inianum).

Allow sufficient wamup time (4 hre normal diat e,-

3 4.

During reactor startup closely monitor TSc the source and intemeriartup recor range level and startup rate switched as the to the higher i to

( 5. As neutron icvel is increatoc, ensure that an overla

' ' power rance channels.


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10 25-63

' stnd.t 41312

6. k' hen the intennediate range neutron level exceeds 10-30 amps tur-off the BF3 high voltage. t
7. During startup when the m wer level reaches 10%, position the power level scram selector in IIIGli and shift from single channel to coincidence serarn. Check that 10% relays have operated to turn on
the RATE SCRAM OFF lights on the Startup Rate Disconnect Panel.
8. k' hen operating at power levels of less than 10% place the power level scram selector in the ifW position and shift from coincidence to SINGII CHAlmEL.
9. During shutdown or after eergy tum on the BF3 high voltage when the intennediate range reads 10-w amps.

Sutraitted:M.$ d


Supervisor of Operations and Teste Approved e ,[ i 1[ t_ e*

'Iteactori 1[ra ~ Superintendent V g 5


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