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Final Deficiency Rept Re Hydrogen Recombiners.Initially Reported on 821119.ITT Barton Pressure Transmitters Replaced & Disconnect Switch Eliminated from Circuit.Also Reported Per Part 21
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/1983
From: Mangan C
To: Starostecki R
REF-PT21-83 10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 8302230331
Download: ML20079L439 (2)



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M Y NIAGARA R UMOHAWK NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATl0N/300 ERIE BOULEVARD WEST, SYRACUSE, N Y.13202/ TELEPHONE (315) 474-1511 February ll,1983 Mr. R. W. Starostecki, Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I Division of Project and Resident Programs 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-410

Dear Mr. Starostecki:

Enclosed is a final report in accordance with 10CFR50.55(e) for the deficiency concerning hydrogen recombiners. Problems concerning this deficiency were reported via telephone to Mr. H. Kister of your staff on November 19, 1982 and January 18, 1983.

Very truly yours, dM Q C. V. MangaW Vice President Nuclear Engineering & Licensing xc: Director of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. R. D. Schulz, Resident Inspector 8302230331 830211 PDR ADOCK 05000410 S

PDR gt7

NIAGARA M0 HAWK POWER CORPORATION NINE MILE P0 INT UNIT 2 DOCKET N0. 50-410 FINAL REPORT FOR A REPORTABLE DEFICIENCY UNDER 10CFR50.55(e) CONCERNING HYDROGEN RECOMBINERS Description of the Rockwell International is currently undertaking a program to establish IEEE 323 qualification status of the post-LOCA hydrogen recombiners. As a result of this ongoing environmental qualification testing, Rockwell International has determined that deficiencies exist in some components of the hydrogen recombiners, as detailed below.


The ITT Barton pressure transducer (Part No. 04R-29098, 4-20 mA) will not withstand the test parameter for radiation of 1 x 107 rads.

This problem was reported by Rockwell International to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission under 10CFR21 in a letter dated October 21, 1982 (enclosed).


During the IEEE 323 environmental qualification testing and following the irradiation and associated baseline functional test, the Square D disconnect switches (Part No. 9422-RC-1) failed when they were mechanically operated due to a plastic component breaking.

This problem was reported by Rockwell International to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission under 10CFR21 in a letter dated November 3, 1982 (enclosed).

Analysis of Safety Implications Rockwell International, in its 10CFR21 reports, has stated that the failure of these components could have resulted in the loss of the intended safety function of the recombiner. Therefore, we are of the opinion that if these problems were to have remained uncorrected, they could have adversely affected the safe operation of the plant.

Corrective Action 1.

As stated by Rockwell International in its 10CFR21 report, the ITT Barton pressure transducers will be replaced with qualified transducers.


The corrective action for the disconnect switch is detailed in Rockwell International's letter dated November 3, 1982.

The switch will be eliminated from the circuit.

Rockwell International has stated that this modification is consistent with its current design, which does not use a switch for this function.



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89X De sotc, Avenue Caqa Pa% Cal.fom 91304 Rockwell International ai3,3u.wy; Tm 9t0-4941237 Teles 181017 October 21, 1982 In reply refer to 82ESG7725 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 Attention:

Mr. John Collins, Administrator, Region IV Gentlemen:


Report of Deviation / Defect (10CFR21)

Energy Systems Group is currently undertaking a program to establish IEEE-323 qualification status of the post-LOCA Hydrogen Recombiners delivered by us.

This program is designed to umbrella equipment delivered in the past as well as current designs, and therefore specifies environmental conditions severe enough to satisfy any expected customer specifications.

As a result of this qualification effort to date, it has been deter-mined that the ITT Barton pressure transducers, 4-20 ma, AP or absol-lute pressure, Part Number D4R-29998 will not withstand our test parameter for radiation of 1 x 10 rads (and may not opgrate satis-factorily after radiation exposures in excess of 1 x 10 rads TID due to gradual drifting in readings resulting in ultimate total failure).

These pressure transducers are installed in several delivered Recom-biners and are used to measure Recombiner inlet gas flow, total flow, and inlet gas pressure. A total failure of the AP units would result in Reconbiner shutdown, and the loss of its intended safety function.

Plants to which this report applies are given in Table I, along with the radiation environment indicated by their specifications.

TABLE I No. of Date Specified Radiation facility Recombiners Shipped Requirement (TID) 5 Limerick 1 & 2 4

06-77 6 x 10 rads 5

La Salle Co. 1 & 2 2

08-78 1.7 x 10 rads i

5 Nine Mile Point 2 2

02-79 1.7 x 10 rads 5


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US Nuclear Regulatory Commission October 21, 1982 Region IV 82ESG7725 Arlington, Texas These transducers should be replaced with nuclear rated transducers.

For an operating plant {LaSalle only from the Table I list) it is possible to operate the Recombiners with a relatively simple, temporary wiring modi-fication in the control cabinet which will allow operation of the recom-tiner and performance of its safety function in the manual flow control mode. An Engineering Field Bulletin will be issued to provide instruc-tions for the temporary fix by October 29, 1982.

In the meantime, a pre-liminary draft of the field bulletin change is descrited in our letter of October 21, 1982 to the La Salle plant operator notifying them of this potential problem with the transducers. The pennanent modification (re-placement of the transducers) can then be made during plant shutdown when access to the recombiner skid is possible.

These ITT Barton transducers were also installed in the E.1. Hatch and Fermi Recombiners.

Although there were no radiation requirements for thtse plants, the Utilities are being notified of the transducer opera-tional limits so that they can evaluate the impact to them and take any action deemed appropriate.

Since Hatch is an operating plant, they are also receiving the temporary wiring instructions for operating in the normal flow control mode as noted above for La Salle.

If you have any further questions or need more information, please call me at (213) 700-3926.

Very truly yours, Director Quality Assurance O

Energy Systems Group 8900 De solo Avenue Canoga Park.Cokfomia 91304 Rockwell International Ter.pnone:gri33 341.iooO TWX: 910-4941237 Telex;181017 November 3, 1982 In reply refer to 82ESG7948 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 Attention:

Mr. John Collins, Administrator Region IV


1) ESG Letter 82ESG7725, D. C. Empey to John Collins

" Report of Deviation / Defect'(10CFR21)" dated October 21, 1982

2) ESG Letter 82ESG8085, D. C. Empey to John Collins,

" Report of Possible Defect (10CFR21)" dated November 3, 1982 Gentlemen:


Report of Possible Defect (10CFR21)

Energy Systems Group is currently undertaking a program to establish IEEE-323 qualification of our post-LOCl. Hydrogen Recombiner designs.

This program is structured to umbrella equipment delivered in the past as well as current and future production, and therefore speci-fies environmental conditions severe enough to satisfy any expected customer specifications.

As a result of this qualification effort to date, it has been deter-mined that the below noted component may not operate properly follow-ing the radiation exposure given in the ESG qualification program.

COMP 0NENT DESCRIPTION Square D disconnect switch, three-pole nonfusible unit, 30A,15 hp at 480 VAC or 20 hp at 600 VAC, P/N 9422-RC-1.

Test Results During the IEEE 323 Environmental Qualification testing and following the Irradiation and Associated Baseline Functional Test the discor.nect switches failed when they were mechanically operated due to a plastic p v7M M'

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.8(t h M b Cli lnuirii'.it'ni' Mr. John Collins, Administrator Page 2 Region IV November 3, 1982 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 82ESG7948 7

component breaking.

It was concluded that the applied dose of 1.1 x 10 rads degraded the plastic sufficiently to initiate the failure. The switch is the main disconnect switch for the recombiner skid 480 VAC, 3-phase, power bus for the inlet gas, recirculating gas and water valve motor cir-cuits; its failure would prevent operation of the recombiner.

Corrective Action /Coments Failure analysis

  • of the component shows that the switch could fail open during a seismic event thus disrupting the 480 VAC power to the recombiner radiation doses less than 1.1 x 10ger or not the switch would f ail with skid. ESG has not determined whet rads, but we believe that since there is a reasonable chance of failure, the switch should be eliminated from the circuit. This modification is consistent with current design which does not use a switch for this function.

An Engineering Field Bulletin has been issued with instructions to by-pass the switch.

Affected Plants NRC Licensed Date Specified Radiation Customer Name Facility / Activity Sty _

Shipped Dose Rads TID Detroit Edison Fermi 2 NPS 2

08-76 Not specified 5

Philadelphia Limerick I & 2 NPS 4

06-30-77 6 x 10 F.lectric Co.

Georgia Power Hatch 2 NPS 2

06-14-77 Not specified Company 5

Comonwealth LaSalle County 1 & 2 2

08-29-78 1.7 x 10 Edison Co.

5 Niagara Mohawk Nine Mile Pt 2 NPS 2

02-23-79 1.7 x 10 Power Corp.




Mr. John Collins, Administrator Page 3 Region IV November 3, 1982 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 82ESG7948


Notifications Each listed plant operator has been notified of the results of our 1EEE-323 qualification testing along with the above mentioned bulletin on by-passing of the disconnect switch. Additional components which failed to function properly following the qualification program are given in the References.

If you require further information or clarification, please call me at (213)700-3926.

Very truly yours, D. C. Empey Director Quality Assurance cc:


Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


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