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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Procured safety-related Electrical Equipment Not Meeting Project Requirements. Initially Reported on 821230.Task Force Established to Review Purchase Orders.Next Rept Expected by 830629
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 05/13/1983
From: Jackie Cook
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, 22197, 82-16, NUDOCS 8305200680
Download: ML20076D129 (11)


o Consumers Power James W Cook Vice President - Projects, Engineering and Construction General offices: 1945 West Parnell Road, Jackson, MI 49201 * (517) 788-0453 May 13, 1983 82-16 #3 Mr J G Keppler, Regional Administrator US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 MIDLAND NUCLEAR C0 GENERATION PLANT -



J W Cook letters to J G Keppler, Same Subject (1) Serial 19130, dated December 30, 1982 (2) Serial 20716, dated February 25, 1983 This letter, as were the referenced letters, is an interim report on a l

potential 50.55(e) condition concerning delivered, safety-related electrical

equipment not meeting project requirements. Attachment A provides a description of the problem and the overall corrective actions to resolve

! this issue. Another letter, either interim or final, will be sent on or before June 29, 1983.

sto<ar .

JWC/WRB/cd Attachment A: MCAR-66, Interin Rep t 3, dated April 28, 1983 CC: Document Control Desk, NRC Washington, DC RJCook, NRC Resident Inspector Midland Nuclear Plant 8305200600 830513 _

l DRADDCK05000g ].

l OC0583-0010A-MP01 MAY 181983 l

. 2 Serial 22197 82-16 #3 CC: CBechhoefer, ASLB Panel FPCowan, ASLB Panel JHarbour, ASLB Panel AS&L Appeal Panel MMCherry, Esq MSinclair

. BStamiris CRStephens, USNRC WDPaton, Esq, USNRC i FJKelley, Esq. Attorney General SHFreeman, Esq, Asst Attorney General WHMarshall GJMerritt, Esq TNK&J I INPO Records Center 1


9 l

l OC0583-0010A-MP01 l

i. . - , . . - _ _ , . _ . . . - - - - . . , _ . - _ . _ _ . _ . . . .

3 Serial 22197 82-16 #3 BCC JLBacon, M-1085A RCBauman, P14-312B WRBird P14-418A NRC.Corres File, P24-517 MLCurland, Midland EMHughes, Bechtel Ann Arbor LEDavis, Bechtel-Midland MADietrich, Bechtel-Midland GREagle, CPCo Ann Arbor DNReia, Bechtel Ann Arbor GFEwert, Midland WJFriedrich, Bechtel-Midland WDGreenwell, Bechtel Ann Arbor HPLeonard, Midland BWMarguglio, JSC-220A DBMiller, Midland (3)

JAMooney, P14-115A MG0'Mara, Bechtel Ann Arbor JARutgers, Bechtel Ann Arbor MJSchaeffer, Midland DATaggart, Midland RAWells, Midland REWhitaker, Midland MEGibbs, IL&B FDField, Union Electric FCWilliams,'IL&B Washington PSteptoe, IL&B-Chicago.


Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation meAR a <tss d comb.c 30. I w 2) Ii3800 l .l 3qmpicT:

o,z nefici.ncies associat.d .its worhaanshi, Conditions o.

Electrical Control Panels and Cabinets Supplied by various Vendors INTERIM REPORT 3 DATE: April 28, 1983 PROJECT: Consumers Power Company Midland Plant Un!Ts 1 and 2 Bechtel Job 7220 Introduction This report provides interim status and the course of corrective action required pursuant to MCAR 66.

Description of Deficiency Unacceptable workmanship conditions, such as insufficient solder, broken wire strands, damaged wire insulation, leads pulling from lugs, loose identification tags and markers, use of improper wire lugs, and improper crimping have been identified on electrical ,

control panels and cabinets supplied by various vendors.

Probable Cause The cause for the deficiencies is being investigated and the results will be included in a future report. Preliminary results have been reviewed and no significant problems have been identified.

Summary of Investimation and Historical Backaround To date, 37 discrepancy reports (nonconformance reports (NCRs) and quality action requests (QARs)) have been written on electrical equipment as a result of MPQAD overinspections using Consumers Power Ccapany Project Inspection Plan 01-E-78. See Attachment 3 for a list and description of the NCRs/QARs associated with this NCAR.

Two additional NCRs (Attachment 3. Items 36 and 37) have been added to the scope of MCAR 66 since the issue of the last interim report.

Analysis of Safety Implications To date, 33 NCRs/QARs have been evaluated for possible impact on safety. For the cases analyzed, it is concluded that if the workmanship deficiencies had remained uncorrected, there would be no impact on the safety of operations at Midland. Four NCRs (Attachment 3. Items 34 to 37) see under evaluation. The 0346u I

-, w . . = _.,_, g.,w

Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation i,c,R .. Ii3642 li3800 INTERIM REPORT 3 Fage 2 ,

responsible equipment vendors for Items 34 and 35 have been notified and were requested to perform an evaluation of whether the equipment can be expected to perform the. intended functions under the specified conditions. Based on vendor responses, Bechtel will perform a safety evaluation.- NCR Items 36 and 37 will be analyzed '

when they are received by Midland project engineering. Status results will be included in the next interim report.

Corrective Action A task force has been established to investigate and resolve NCAR

66. See Attachment 1 for the task force charter. As of the date of l this interim report, several corrective actions have been initiated I or completed. ,


s. An investigation to summarize the deficiencies as noted on each of the NCRs/QARs has been completed and is included in this report as Attachment 2. Workmanship-related discrepancies are identified in Attachment 3.

! b. The task force has started reviewing each purchase order affected by this NCAR, and the results will be included in a future report. The task force has also reviewed the Bechtel NCRs that were assigned disposition and concurs with the dispositions. On near-term equipment deliveries where fabrication is complete or nearly complete, a comprehensive plan of shop inspection, coupled with a parallel MPQAD in-shop overinspection to detect and correct workmanship problems before shipment, is being implemented.


c. Quality control has reviewed the source and receipt inspection program (reference: PQCI 7220/R-1.00, Rev 13) regarding vendor i

l workmanship. Based on the review, quality control believes that j the receiving program, as presently established at Midland, is adequate and no further action is required.

Reportability This condition was reported to the NRC by Consumers Power Company as potentially reportable on December 3, 1982.

l l

l l 0346u

Bechtel Ass.ociates Professional Corporation Ii3800 .c ,.. I:.3642 INTERIM REPORT 3 Page 3 i

Submitted by: [

J.G. Kovach Cognizant Group Supervisor i

Approved by: /Q$,f s.

4 E.M. Hughes ProjectEngine}er Concurrence by:

R.L. Castleberry y CognizantDisciplineChief I

Concurrence by: .

E.H. Smith Engineering Manager Concurrence by: 2 h 2N M.A. Dietrich Project Quality Assurance Engineer Attachments: 1. MCAR 66 Task Force Charter f I 2. Summary of Deficiencies for MCAR 66

3. Summary of NCRs/QARs for NCAR 66 l l

I l

l l

> 0346u l - -.

- - - + .. -.

i Attcchme2h 1 to McAR 66 Int ric R: port 3 TAsr = cs cu^m m Ii3642 ii3800

1. Review the findings from MPQAD's (Plan 01-E-78) overinspections I

of electrical control panels and cabinets, and develop recommended plans of action for the Midland project and other divisional departments to avoid recurrence on future Midland l

l Plant purchase orders (


MCAR Recommended Action Items B.2, B.3, C.1, and C.2).

2. Review and provide concurrence with project engineering dispositions so that there is a consistent approach used to '

l correct problems on existing hardware and to prevent problems on future work. Based on that review, the task force will produce a checklist to summarize the deficiencies for each purchase order. Project engineering, in support of the task force, will review each NCR and QAR and summarize the deficiencies noted on i

individual checklists for each purchase order. (


MCAR Recossended Action Items A.1 and A.2) .

3. Develop a list of considerations to be used ir_ evaluating the individual purchase orders. The task force will then review each purchase order affected by this NCAR against the evaluation checklist (Step 2) and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of each purchase order (


MCAR Recommended Action Items B.1 and B.2).

4. Identify the root causes of the workmanship deficiencies and develop plans for corrective action. (


MCAR Recommended Action Items B.2, B.3, C.1, and C.2) .

5. Prepare a summary of corrective actions for individual purchase orders under Plan 01-E-7B where there will be future releases or where there is time in the fabrication process on existing items l

to implement changes. The Midland project will review, concur with/ resolve, and implement the corrective actions (


( MCAR Recommended Action Items B.2, B.3, and C.2).


6. Develop a list of generic actions for purchase orders based on attributes other than those covered by Plan 01-E-7B. This list will be developed principally from the purchase order checklist and problem summary. The Midland project will implement the generic actions (


MCAR Recommended Action Item C.2).


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1 i ,. .

Attechmeat 2 to MCAR 66, Interim Report 3 SUIBIARY OF DEFICIENCIES FOR IRCAR 66 3k f e ency NCR/ OAR Affected

s. Cut, nicked, broken strands 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, l

28, 29, 34, 37

b. Strands outside lug barrel 11, 12, 15, 36
c. Undersize / incorrect type wiring 5, 8, 31
d. Unidentified wiring 8, 31
e. Minimum bend radius violation 9, 25
f. Conductor not terminated 2
g. Conductor pulled out of termination 2, 4, 7, 15, 19, 34,

! 36 l


h. Conductor outside wireway / support 5, 7, 23, 31 j problem
1. Conductor insulation inside lug barrel 15
j. Conductor insulation damaged 17, 24, 33
k. Conductor not visible past lug barrel 19
1. Loose terminations 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25, 27, 34, 36, 37
m. More than two lugs on a terminal 5, 10, 22
n. Class 1E and non-Class 1E apparently 5 on same terminal
o. Color code violations 5, 7, 8, 16, 31, 33 l

I p. 6-inch separe. tion violations 1, 5, 15, 35 l

q. Lugs applied without proper tools 9, 13
r. Incorrect size lugs / incorrect type 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, lugs or terminations 21, 23, 28, 29, 31
s. Excessive / inadequate solder in lugs 15
t. Terminal block ID missing / incorrect 5, 7, 8, 31, 34
u. Terminal block barrier missing / broken 28, 29, 32, 34
v. Missing / inadequate inspection criteria 6, 7
w. Appearance / workmanship 5, 7, 9, 16, 17, 25, 33 0346h


4 .




(A3 .

j stmasART Or NCR's/QAR's g.73 ,

i e-

! Workeasehty N q j

.l Resposalble Discipline /

purchase Purchase Order Order Discrepancy Indes Number Safety 10 CFR 50.5S(e) j NCR/0AR Number compaar (7220-) vendor (see Attachment 3) Ineset Resortability Remarke

1) N01-9-1-097 Control Systeme J-201(Q) Magnetico None NA NA Not a workmaschip defieleecy - separaties =

j removed fram NCAR 66 scope 1

e 2) N01-9-1-114 Electrical E-$1B(Q) Solid State F, C No No - See CpCo Thewerknaaehtydieerepancywasregredand ,

j controle, Inc. NCR Block 17 satisfactorily retsopected. ,

    • y i l 3) N01-9-1-095 B&W A To be evaluated by CpCe CA3 CD i
4) 301-9-0-075 control systeme J-201(Q) Negnetics C No No - See CPCo Yeedor followed proper precedures alpmeet *
NCR Block 17 was 100E satisfactorily laspected ore

( g shipmentg disposities le to retts a and use f 3 as le. 4 j S) N01-9-1-075 Nechaalcal 518(Q) Delaval NW No No - See CPCs Not all of the NCR portales to NCAR 66. Some e g NCE Block 17 Items were gives a dispeettlon of *sse as  !

i to." FIN' loosed to correct dietropaneles. j h  !

P l 4) N01-9-0-064 Nechaalcol W 118A(Q) EBV Nome NA NA Not a werknaaehty defieleecy - removed from (

. NCAR 66 scope (selenic analyste report t regulred)3 reference Com 078995 f l

7) N01-9-0-064 Nechaalcal W118A(Q) BEV C. N. W No No - See CPCo Not all of the NCR portales to MCAR 663 some f a NCR Block 17 discrepeecles were deelga related eartently

a botas tracked via NCAR SSg reference com 108181

8) N01-9-0-068 Nechaalcal 5169(Q) Westinghouse C. R No No - See CPCo Referesco Com 022547 NCR Block 17 h 9) N01-9-1-004 Electrical E-513(Q) Solld State A E,Q W No No - See CPCo Reference Com 022114 j Controle, Inc. NCR Block 17
13) N01-9-0-063 Electrical E-11(Q) Solid State A. R No No - See CPCo Dispoeltlos le to *sse as le"3 reference E-19(Q) Controle, Inc WCR Block 17 Com 040595 h E-515(Q)

]' 11) N01-9-0-071 Electrical E-205(Q) ITE A, B. L. R No No - See CPCo Reference com 044815 NCR Block 17

12) QAR F-010 Electrical E-205(Q) ITE A, 3, L 50 No Bame se NCE N01-9-0-071 d) 13) N01-9-1-024 Nechanical W150(Q) Blae safety L Q. R No No - See CPCo Reference com 048484 j NCR Block 17 -

5 1 0204u 1 1




SWOBART OF NCR'8/0AR's (Centlawed) g Workmasektp ,

. Resposalble Purchase purchase Discrepeecy .l 1 Discipline / Order Order Indes Number safety 10 Crt 50.55(e)

  • ll*'

(7220-) assortability t

} NCE/04R Number Compaan vendor (see Attachment B) Insect 1

14) QAE SD-332 Control Systeme J-207(Q) Beveral R No No Not a teorknesebly discrepancy (coattel i t J-275(Q) systems), but se loopection problas.

i ~ ! J-281(Q) (mechseltal)(referenceCom10270g .

J-284(Q) weedoro used leculated lage f.! Electrical E-6(Q) 8'"

  • E-7(Q) d l Wechselcal b18(Q) fM

.  ?


. i bl69(Q) ,

No - See CpCo Reference com 0898393 same problent ss

15) N01-9-1-128 Control systeme J-201(Q) Masset!ce A,B,C,I L,8 No

. NCR Block 17 N01-9-0-075 .


g ,

16) N01-9-1-136 Nechselcal bit (Q) Delaval W No No - See CpCo Origleal purchase order did met regulee the s
NCE 31ock 17 listed as discrepeecles (reforesee com
095713); DCP !seued to repair discrepeneles N


17) N01-9-1-129 Control systeme J-201(Q) Magnetice J. L. W No No - See CpCo Fleid to rework fleid damage and retightes ,,

i NCE alock 17 loose vendor teraientlose E ~*

18) N01-9-1-140 Electrical E-7(Q) ITE L No No - see CPCo Reference Cor2 049432 NCE Block 17 W i:

k; CO '!.

t 19) N01-9-1-142 Electrical E-7(Q) ITE C. E. L No No - See CpCo Neference ces 049431 c> t


NCR Block 17 g . l,

20) QAR SD-382 Volded f
21) QAa F-007 Electelcal E-7(Q) ITE Nose NA NA Dispoeltlee le to "use se le*3 removed from NCAR 66 scope
22) N01-9-0-067 Wechselcal bl50(Q) Else safety None NA NA Reference Cem 0883978 removed from NCAR 66

} ecope a fl 23) QAR F-070 Electrical E-Sla(Q) solid state None NA NA Dispoolklos le to "use se le": removed from f Controle. Inc. NCAR 66 scopeg Reference Com 042026

24) N01-6-1-043 Electrical E-7(Q) ITE Nose NA NA Deelse eoestderstles set locluded la the p scope of NCAR 66
25) QAE F-114 Electrical E-19(Q) Solid State E. L. W No llo Reference Com 044010; discrepeecles were controle, Inc. repaired

'h 3 26) 301-9-1-120 Volded



,j .

d a 0284u 2 0


- l.

-n. -~ _ - -- _-_

it SWetARY OF NCR'8/0AR's (Coettened)

' Workmaaskly ,

Responsible Purchase Purchase Discrepeecy ,

Discipline / Order Order ledes Number Safety 10 Crt 50.55(e)

_BCP/QAR Number Compens (7220-1 Vendor (see Attachment 3) Innset Resortability asmarke W CO

27) N01-9-1-139 Electrical R-7(Q) ITE L No No - See CPCo Reference com 048642 o
NCE 31ock 17 c
28) N01-9-1-150 BW A. R. U To be' evaluated by CPCo 8
29) QAR F-133 BW a. R. U To be evaluated by CFCo W

? . CF) l

30) N01-9-1-137 Volded .p .

, 31) N01-9-1-151 Nechselcal 15-169(Q) Westleshouse C D.N,O.R.T No No - See CFCo Reference Com 096341 ~l' NCR Block 17 g

i 11 h' *

32) N01-9-2-082 BW U To be evaluated by Cree ,
33) N01-9-2-150 control systems J-275(Q) Vitro J. O W No No Reference SCRE 663 reference com 102311

. 34) N01-9-2-139 Nechanical N-18 Delaval A. L. C, U Open (reference SCER 64):

vendor motifled via Ces 111741. .


35) N01-9-2-173 Nechaalcal N-14 Terry Turbleet slo - see CPCo Open (reference scat 68 and Ces 100170)3

, Blosham - NCR Block 24 Vendor mottfled via com 111926.

willamette No - See CPCo Openg added to MCAR 64 la aseerdance with

j 36) N01-9-3-089 Control Systems J-204(Q) Consip L, 3. O NCR Block 24 CFCo Serial 20749 (3/30/83) .
37) N01-9-3-098 Control systems J-202(Q) Narlo A, L No - See CPCo Openg added to NCAR 66 la esserdesco with NCE Block 24 CPCo Serial 20749 (3/30/83) ll l?

J1 a ..

5 Y.}



. 0284u 3 N.


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