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Provides Rept on Contacts Made W/Affected Employees Re Discovery on Palmetto Alliance QA Contention 6.Ltrs Sent to Terminated,Active & Former Plant QA Employees & Employees Identified in Intervenor Documents.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/1983
From: Carr A
To: Callihan A, Foster R, Kelley J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8303250146
Download: ML20069G414 (6)



. RELATED conr2SPONDIWCh DUKE POWER COMPm LEGAL DEPARTMENT E O. Box 30189 '33 "~ 24 p'):32 G2IARLorrE, N. G. 28242 ALB CRT V. CA R R, JR.

ABStSTANY GENCstah CouNst6 March 22, 1983 no m-mo Mr. James L. Kelley, Chairman Dr.' Richard F. Foster Atomic Safety and Licensing Post Office Box 4263 Board Panel Sunriver, Oregon 97702 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission W:shington, D. C. 20555 Dr. A. Dixon Callihan Union Carbide Corporation @

Post Office Box Y i 02k Ridge, Tennessee 37830 [


Re: Duke Power Company (Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2), Docket Nos. ~

50-413 & 50-414

Dear Membars of the Board:

i Pursuant to discussions in the March 18, 1983, conference call, Applicants  !

provide herein a report to the Board. This report addresses contacts made with -

affected employees concerning discovery related to Palmetto Alliance's Quality =

Assurance contentions (Contention 6). To date, letters have been sent to the  ;

following classes of individuals:

1. Terminated Catawba Quality Assurance Employees i
2. Active Catawba Quality Assurance Employees
3. Former Catawba Quality Assurance E=ployees who still work for g Duke Power Company but have been transferred from Catawba
4. Employees identified in documents made available to Intervenors Copies of these letters are attached. Applicants intend similarly to advise any  ;


' individual subsequently identified as being a member of any one of the four above classes. Applicants are unaware of any other formal written co==unication that q has originated from Duke concerning these issues. -

As noted in the March 18 conference call, we also have had discussions with employees about questions they have raised concerning discovery, primarily regarding the release of their names and addresses; we conte = plate further discussions as {[j


circumstances arise. During these discussions, employees were advised of the on-going proceeding and how it relates to them. In all instances, Applicants have been mindful of advising employees both of their right to discuss matters with Intervenors free from any intimidation by Duke Power Company and of their right to refuse to discuss matters with Intervenors.

8303250146 830322 PDR ADOCK 05000413 O PDR 2S03

. e March 22, 1983 j Massrs. Kelley, Callihan and Foster e In addition, during these meetings requests were made for documents  ;

containing information responsive to interrogatory requests.

Respectful *s 'mitted,

/fg?i ,

Albert V. r, Jr.

ed p Attachments cc: All Parties of Record 6


\ .


s. <

Duuz Powna GOMPDrY an.acraic carza, p.o. mox aa188, mrmmrz, x.c. ass 4e o.a : w.o===" Match 7, 1983 """

_ . , - - --- - (yo.) sy:p.o"es Our records indicate that you are a former employee of Duke Power. Company ,h and worked in the Quality Assurance / Quality Control Department at the Catawba Nuclear Station. This letter is to inform you that Duke currently has an application for an operating license for Catawba pending before the Nuclear ,

Rsgulatory Commission. Three groups (Palmetto Alliance, Carolina Environmental -

Study Group (CESG), and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Environmental Coalition) have intsrvened and therefore a hearing must be held before the operating license is '

issu2d. The proceeding is now before an NRC Licensing Board.

One of the issues, and a most important one, is that of Quality Assurance.

Th2 Intervenors are contending that faulty workmanship has been approved due to i

Company pressure, providing no assurance that the plant can operate safely.

Two former Duke employees, Nolan R. Hoopingarner, II and William R.

McAfee, are members of the Palmetto Alliance. Each has been identified (Ron')

i as a potential witness in this proceeding. We have learned of at least two instances in the past year where one of these individuals has. contacted Duke employees at their homes to try to get information relating to Quality Assurance and construction practices.

1 l We are now at the stage in the proceeding where we are required to furnish information to Intervenors. As a part of this process, Duke, over its objection, has been required by the Licensing Board to turn over to the  :

Intervenors the names, addresses, titles, telephone numbers, and dates of employment for all Quality Assurance personnel that have been employed at the Catawba Nuclear Station. The Licensing Board has ordered this done so that Intervenors may contact these previous employees. -

This memorandum is to inf orm you that your name has been disclosed to, and ~

l that you may .be contacted by, Intervenors. Whether you do or do not talk to Intervenors is solely your own business. However, you should understand that ~

you are under no obligation whatsoever to talk with Intervenors, and you are -

t completely within your rights to refuse to talk with the Intervenors in this +


If you have any questions, please feel ' free to contact C. N.

Alexander, Jr. with your questions at 373-5242. - -

M -

G. W. Grier .

Corporate QA Manager .

A,tria Em^yab " ws' .

February 24, 1983 To: All Quality Assurance Employees Catawba Nuclear Station R2: Discovery in the Catawba Operating License Proceeding 2

1 Duke currently has an application for an operating license for Catawba  !

p:nding before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Three groupi (Palmetto i Alliance, Carolina Environmental Study Group (CESG), and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Environmental Coalition) have intervened and therefore a hearing cust be held before the operating license is issued. The proceeding is now bbfore an NRC Licensing Board. ,

One of the issues, and a most important one, is that of Quality Assurance.

Tha Intervenors are contending that faulty workmanship has been approved due Company pressure, providing no assurance that the plant can operate safely.

Two former Duke employees, Nolan R. Hoopingarner, II and William R. (Ron)

McAfee, are members of the Palmetto Alliance. Each has been identified as a potential witness in this proceeding. We have learned of at least two ,

instances in the past year where one of these individuals has contacted Duke employees at their homes to try to get information relating to Quality Assurance and construction practices.

We are now at the stage in the proceeding where we are required to furnish j As a part of this process, -Duke, over its information to Intervenors.

objection, has been required by the Licensing Board to turn over to the Intervenors the names, addresses, titles, telephone numbers, and dates of employment for all Quality Assurance personnel employed in the Catawba Projects Division. The Licensing Board has ordered this done so that Intervenors may contact Quality Assurance employees.

This memorandum is to inform you that your name has been disclosed to, and that you may be contacted by, Intervenors. Whether you do or do not talk to Intervenors is solely your own business. However, you should understand that you are under no obligation whatsoever to talk with Intervenors, and you are completely within your rights to refuse to talk with the Intervenors in this proceeding.

If you have any questions, contact your supervisor.


/ L~

G. W. er Corpora e QA Manager

Duxz Powza GOMPANY .

  • xx.aorazc czwrza, p.o. mox assas, == =mrra, x.c. ses4a G=

_-= W. Gamm- . . . _ March 7, 1983 m" m l This letter is to inform you that Duke currently has an application for an -

opsrating license for Catawba pending before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Thrte groups (Palmetto Alliance, Carolina Environmental Study. Group (CESG), and ,

thn Charlotte-Mecklenburg Environmental Coalition) have intervened and th2refore a hearing must be held before the operating license is issued. The -

proceeding is now before an NRC Licensing Board. This letter is being sent to ~

anyone who has worked in the Quality Assurance / Quality Control Department at ~

thn Catawba Nuclear Station.

. One of the issues, and a most important one, is that of Quality Assurance.

The Intervenors are contending that faulty workmanship has been approved due to Company pressure, providing no assurance that the plant can operate safely.

Two former Duke employees, Nolan R. Hoopingarner, II and William R. (Ron)

McAfee, are members of the Palmetto Alliance. Each has been identified as a -

potential witness in this proceeding. We have learned of at least two -

, instances in the past year where one of these individuals has contacted Duke cmployees at their homes to try to get information relating to Quality

. Assurance and construction practices.

We are now at the stage in the proceeding where we are required to furnish information to Intervenors. As a part of this process, Duke, over its objection, has been required by the Licensing Board to turn over to the ~

Intervenors the names, addresses, titles, telephone numbers, and dates of  :

employment for all Quality Assurance personnel that have been employed at the Cattwba Nuclear Station. The Licensing Board has ordered this done so that Intervenors may contact these previous employees.

This memorandum is to inform you that your name has been disclosed to, and that you may be contacted by, Intervenors. Whether you do or do not talk to Intervenors is solely your own business. However, you should understand that l you are under no obligation whatsoever to talk with Intervenors, and you are completely within your rights to refuse to talk with the Intervenors in this proceeding.

If you have .any questions, please feel free to contact C. N.

Alexander, Jr. with your questions at 373-5242.

/ -


G. W. Grier ,

Corporcte QA Manag,er i


.__ ----.---,,--m_ , , _ . _ - _ ~ . -- - - - - - - . - . - . .~_-- - _ . - - - - -

,,e March 16, 1983 .


Re: Discovery in the Catawba Operating License Proceeding As you may or may not know, Duke currently has an application for an operating license for Catawba pending before the NRC. Three groups (Palmetto

Alliance, Carolina Enviornmental Study Group (CESG), and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Environmen~tal Coalition) have intervened and therefore a hearing must be held before the operating license is issued. The proceeding is now before an NRC Licensing Board.

One of the issues raised by Intervenors, and a most important one, is that of Quality Assurance / Quality Control. The thrust of this issue is toward

al hged company attitudes and practices. Put briefly, Intervenors are l

contending that there is company pressure to approve faulty workmanship at Catawba, and, therefore, there is no assurance that the plant can operate safely.

Two former Duke employees at Catawba, Nolan R. Hoopingarner, II and William R. (Ron) McAfee, are members of the Palmetto Alliance. Each of these individuals has signed an affidavit, which has been submitted to the NRC, in which he alleges that he is personally aware of substandard construction and quality assurance practices. Each has been identified as a potential witness in this proceeding. We have learned of at least two instances in the past year where one of these individuals has contacted Duke employees at their homes to try to get information relating to QA/QC and construction practices.

We are now at the stage in the proceeding where we are required to furnish information to Intervenors on the issues which will be the subject of the hearing. As a part of this, Duke has been required to identify any instances of (1) disagreements between a QA Inspector and his or her supervisors and/or Duke management; or (2) any complaints or suggestions by workers regarding substandard workmanship and significant deficiencies in plant design and construction or pressure to approve faulty workrranship. In responding to this inquiry, your name was identified in connection with (1) a November 11, 1982 disagreement related to work at Catawba, and (2) the Welding Inspector Task Force Report.

i This memorandum is to inform you that your name, as required by the l

Licensing Board, has been disclosed to, and that you may be contacted by, Intervenors. Whether you do or do not talk to Intervenors is solely your own business. However, you should understand that you are under no obligation whatsoever to talk with Intervenors, and you are completely within you rights to refuse to talk with, or cooperate with in any way, the Intervenors in this proceeding.

G. W. Grier Corporate QA Manager