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/03L-0 on 781025:during Pwr Oper,Intake Cooling Water Pumps Were Running When 3B Pump Motor Failed.The 3B Pump Motor Failed Because of Short Circuit in the Motor Windings
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/1978
From: Schoppman M
Shared Package
ML20064F699 List:
LER-78-016-03L, LER-78-16-3L, NUDOCS 7812040189
Download: ML20064F701 (1)



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la i 21 IDurino onwer coeration. the 3A and 38 Intake Coolina Water (ICW) oumos weret rTTrfIrunnino and the 3C oumo was in a standby status. At about 6:05 a.m.. the I t

is i i f 38 oumo motor failed and the standby pumo started automatically. At this i -

1 n , s i tooint, 2 ICW pumos were ooerable, but T.S. 3.4.5.a.1 recuires 3 coetable i O. isisiloumos. However. only 1 onmo is racuirad undar hvon+hatical accidant enn

\.,' I l o i r l Idi tions (FSAR oace 9.6-5) . tha r a fo ra . oublic health and safety was not I


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t i e o i lThe 38 oumo motor failed because of a short circuit in tha motnr windincs. I

t. . . i IThe failed motor was replaced with a soare motor. The ouac was inoperable r G .. iifor e8cet 18.s hours. T s. eer,4ts eoerat4en with 1 tcW oume i G fout-of-service for un to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. t -

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