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Final Deficiency Rept Re Inconsistent cross-referencing Between B&W & Bechtel Numbering Sys Affecting Instrument Sys.Utils Agreed That No Changes in Component Numbering Are Required.Instrument Index & Electric Schemes to Be Revised
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 10/31/1980
From: James Anderson, Jackie Cook, Curtis L
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, 9781, NUDOCS 8011040399
Download: ML20062J641 (3)


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\ .j James w cook Q j}'ll Vuce l>essJent, AtsJ!and i><qut

~: V General of fices: 1945 West Pernali Road, Jackson, Mectugan 49201 + (5171788 0640 October 31, 1980 Mr J G Keppler, Regional Director Office of Inspection and Enfcrcement US Huclear Regulatory Ccanission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 frJHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS MIDLAND NUCLEAR PLMIT POOR QUAUTY PAGES UNIT NO 1, DOCKET NO 50-329 UNIT NO 2, DOCKr :TO 50-330 USSS COMPO:!ETI I:'E'ITIFICATIC:I FILE: 0.h.9.39 UFI: 73*10*01, 02h00(S ) SERIAL: 9781


1) J W Cook letter to J G Keppler, dated May 22, 1980, Sa:ne Subject, Serial 8987
2) J W Cook letter to J G Keppler, dated August 13, 1980, Same Subject, Serial 8811 The referenced letters were interi: 50.55(e) reports cencerning inconsistent cross-referencing between 3&'4 and Sechtel numbering systems affectin6 instrument systems in Midland Plant Unit 2. This letter is the final report. The attachment to this letter provides the acticns being taken to resolve the condition. The schedule shews that all actions necessary to be completed to place the Plant in conformance vill be canpleted in the third quarter of 1981.

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' s *k WRE/lr Attachment 1: MCAR-38, Fincl Report, dated Getober 3, 1980 CC: Director of Office of Instection & Enforcement Att: Mr Victor Stcllo, US !RC (15)


< Director of Office of Management Infor:r.ation i Procrc:a Control, U3NRC (1)


R Conk, USURC Resident Inspector Midland '!aclear Flaut (1) 6 011040 393


., Attachment i Serial 9781 SU5 JECT: MCAR (38 (Co:ponent Identification) dated March 11, 1980 i

TINAL REPORT Project: Consu=ers Power po:pany 013360 Date: October 3, 1980 Midland plant Units 1 and 2 Eechtel Job 7220 In'tYoduction -

This r.cport is subritted regcrding the final status and actions taken l pursuant to MCAR f38.

Description of Discrepancy Inconsiste:.t cross-referencing has occurred on Unit 2 between E6W and Eachtel <

numbering systers for E&W-supplied, instrument syste:s [Non-Nuclear Instruncatation l

, (NNI),, Integrated Control Syste=s (ICS), E crgency Core Cooling Actuation System (ECCAS), rad Nuclear Instrenentation and Reactor Protection Syste: (NI/RPS)] and other cc:panents. This inconsistent cross-referencing has resulted in inconsistent I riring of 3&W-supplied systers. If the inconsistent viring were to re aid uncorrected, the 7CS and NNI r:uld not function properly and so=e incorrect indi-cations vould be di:playc_d to the cperator.

The nost probable cause appzars to be some risinterpretation by design perconnel regarding the systes of cress-referencing between the 3&W cud 3echtel cc:ponent at: baring system for Unit 2.

Safety Ifdplica'tf ens Based on the enpressed concern that the inconsistencies could result in inappro- '

priate operator action which coul,d adversely affect the safety of plant ope:ations, we conclude that the deficiency should be ci .ssed within the " adverse to safety" requirc:ent of 10 CFR 50.55(e).

Reportability Eased on the safety implications stated above, we conclude that the subject deficiency is reportable under 10 CFR 50.55(e). This is due to the fact that the deficiency vill be classed within the " adverse to safety" recuire ent of 10 CFR 50.55(e) AND it has been deter =ined to be within the "significant deficiency in final design" require:ent.

Corrective Action Status It was agreed a=ong Consu=ers Power Co=pany, Eechtel, and B&W that no changes in co:ponent nu: bering are required, but that the instrument index and electrical sche =es would be revised to consistently apply the appropriate Bechtel/B&W instru=ent crosc-references.

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Of the 928 Unit 2 cables placed on engineering hold pending resolution of the viring inconsistencies, 841 correct cables were released on July 17, 1980, for pulling. The scheces for the re=aining 87 incorrect cables were revised and released prio@ [ @ $tfy:ber 17, 1980. The Instrument Index is currently being revised; scheduled co=pletion is January 1, 1981.

The Midland Project Cc:ponent Nu: bering Task Group (Ch7C) is presently in the final stages of reviewing the design documents for the B&W instru=ent systems involved (NNI, ICS, ECCAS and NI/RPS) to identify and correct all nu= bering and viring inconsistencies. Design documents have been rarhed up for revision rich the corrected cc=ponent numbering. Scheduled cenpletion date for the CNTG review activities is January 1, 1981.

In a letter from B&W to Bechtel dated September 3,1980, B&W stated that no cajor technical obstacle exists that would limit this corrective action. Approximately 114 B&W docu=ents need to be revised, and it may be desirable to generate two new B&W ?& ids for Unit 2. All affected E&W documents are scheduled for correction by August 1,1981.

The Ch'TG is taking action to plan, schedule, monitor, report, cnd cause couplete implementation of these actions..

Submitted by: /"7 CM_.,

p. Anderson Approved by: _


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L.H. Curtic Concurrene by: [ /_., - , p ,, , -

K.D.' Bailiy 7/ ~

Concurrene by: Mh L.A. Dreisbach 1./'

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