[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217F2891999-10-13013 October 1999 Drill 99-08 Emergency Preparedness Exercise on 991013 05000382/LER-1999-014, :on 990910,reactor Shutdown Due to Loss of Controlled bleed-off Flow,Occurred.Caused by Rotating Baffle failure.Two-piece Rotating Baffle of Original Design Was Located & Installed,In Order to Repair RCP 2B1999-10-12012 October 1999
- on 990910,reactor Shutdown Due to Loss of Controlled bleed-off Flow,Occurred.Caused by Rotating Baffle failure.Two-piece Rotating Baffle of Original Design Was Located & Installed,In Order to Repair RCP 2B
ML20217G7211999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Waterford 3 Ses. with 05000382/LER-1999-013, :on 990825,exceeding TS Limits for RCS Cooldown Rate Was Discovered.Caused by Inadequate Content & Inadequate Implementation of TS Requirements.Page 2 of 2 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Not Included1999-09-23023 September 1999
- on 990825,exceeding TS Limits for RCS Cooldown Rate Was Discovered.Caused by Inadequate Content & Inadequate Implementation of TS Requirements.Page 2 of 2 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Not Included
05000382/LER-1999-012-01, :on 990812,potential Operation with Both Control Room Normal Outside Air Intakes Valves Inoperable Occurred.Cause for Event Was Indeterminate.Seat Leakage Requirements Calculated.With1999-09-13013 September 1999
- on 990812,potential Operation with Both Control Room Normal Outside Air Intakes Valves Inoperable Occurred.Cause for Event Was Indeterminate.Seat Leakage Requirements Calculated.With
ML20211Q2141999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Waterord 3 Ses.With 05000382/LER-1999-011-01, :on 990801,with Plant Operating 100% Power, Lowering RCP Seal Pressures,Along with Dropping Controlled bleed-off (Cbo) & Increasing Cbo Temp Discovered.Caused by fatigue-induced Failure of Rotating Baffle of RCP 2B1999-08-31031 August 1999
- on 990801,with Plant Operating 100% Power, Lowering RCP Seal Pressures,Along with Dropping Controlled bleed-off (Cbo) & Increasing Cbo Temp Discovered.Caused by fatigue-induced Failure of Rotating Baffle of RCP 2B
05000382/LER-1999-009-01, :on 990727,discovered App R Noncompliance Condition Involving Inadequate Separation of Safe Shutdown Cables.Caused Design Analysis Deficiency.Compensatory Measures Were Established1999-08-26026 August 1999
- on 990727,discovered App R Noncompliance Condition Involving Inadequate Separation of Safe Shutdown Cables.Caused Design Analysis Deficiency.Compensatory Measures Were Established
05000382/LER-1999-010-01, :on 990726,discovered Inadequate Pumping Capacity in Dry Cooling Tower Area.Caused by Inadequate Design Control.Portable Pumps Were Installed in Each Dry Cooling Tower Areas to Ensure Sufficient Pumping Capacity1999-08-26026 August 1999
- on 990726,discovered Inadequate Pumping Capacity in Dry Cooling Tower Area.Caused by Inadequate Design Control.Portable Pumps Were Installed in Each Dry Cooling Tower Areas to Ensure Sufficient Pumping Capacity
ML20210S0581999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Waterford 3.With ML20210Q6361999-07-31031 July 1999 Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Waterford 3 05000382/LER-1999-008-01, :on 990629,failure to Perform Testing of ESF Filtration Units Per TS Was Noted.Cause for Testing Charcoal Samples Contrary to TS Could Not Be Determined.All Future Analysis Will Be Performed IAW ASTM D3803-1989,per GL 99-021999-07-29029 July 1999
- on 990629,failure to Perform Testing of ESF Filtration Units Per TS Was Noted.Cause for Testing Charcoal Samples Contrary to TS Could Not Be Determined.All Future Analysis Will Be Performed IAW ASTM D3803-1989,per GL 99-02
05000382/LER-1999-007-01, :on 990625,operation Outside Tornado Missile Protection Licensing Basis for turbine-driven EFW Pump & Steam Supply Piping,Was Discovered.Caused Indeterminent. Entergy Will Submit 10CFR50.90 to NRC Staff1999-07-23023 July 1999
- on 990625,operation Outside Tornado Missile Protection Licensing Basis for turbine-driven EFW Pump & Steam Supply Piping,Was Discovered.Caused Indeterminent. Entergy Will Submit 10CFR50.90 to NRC Staff
ML20210D8951999-07-23023 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting First 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Plan Requests for Relief ISI-018 - ISI-020 05000382/LER-1999-006-01, :on 990614,plant Experienced Automatic Reactor Trip Following Loss of 7kV Bus.Caused by Spurious Actuation of Relay on Either RCP 1A or 2A.Personnel Performed Final Switchgear Walkdown with Indications Normal.With1999-07-14014 July 1999
- on 990614,plant Experienced Automatic Reactor Trip Following Loss of 7kV Bus.Caused by Spurious Actuation of Relay on Either RCP 1A or 2A.Personnel Performed Final Switchgear Walkdown with Indications Normal.With
ML20209H3781999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Waterford 3 Ses. with 05000382/LER-1999-005-01, :on 980702,determined That Four Contacts in Control Circuits of EFW Control Valves Were Untested.Caused by Personnel Error.Untested Contacts Have Been Tested1999-06-24024 June 1999
- on 980702,determined That Four Contacts in Control Circuits of EFW Control Valves Were Untested.Caused by Personnel Error.Untested Contacts Have Been Tested
ML20195J8951999-06-17017 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Relief for Listed ISI Parts for Current Interval,Per 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) ML20195J9741999-06-16016 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 152 to License NPF-38 ML20207E8631999-06-0303 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee 990114 Submittal of one-time Request for Relief from ASME B&PV Code IST Requirements for Pressure Safety Valves at Plant,Unit 3 ML20195D5491999-06-0303 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 151 to License NPF-38 ML20195K3391999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Waterford 3 Ses.With ML20195C3041999-05-28028 May 1999 Annual Rept on Abb CE ECCS Performance Evaluation Models 05000382/LER-1999-004-02, :on 990415,discovered That Complete Response Time for ESFAS Containment Cooling Function Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Response Time Testing Deficiency. Procedures Will Be Revised to Include Subject Testing1999-05-14014 May 1999
- on 990415,discovered That Complete Response Time for ESFAS Containment Cooling Function Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Response Time Testing Deficiency. Procedures Will Be Revised to Include Subject Testing
ML20206S7401999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Waterford 3.With ML20205T2621999-04-22022 April 1999 LER 99-S02-00:on 990216,contract Employee Inappropriately Granted Unescorted Access to Plant Protected Area.Caused by Personnel Error.Security Personnel Performed Review of Work & Work Area That Individual Was Involved with ML20206A9641999-04-21021 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 150 to License NPF-38 05000382/LER-1999-003-02, :on 990311,determined That Four Containment Vacuum Relief valves,CVR-101,CVR-201,CVR-102 & CVR-202,were Not Tested.Caused by Contractor Supply of Misinformation. Details of Event Discussed with Contractor.With1999-04-0909 April 1999
- on 990311,determined That Four Containment Vacuum Relief valves,CVR-101,CVR-201,CVR-102 & CVR-202,were Not Tested.Caused by Contractor Supply of Misinformation. Details of Event Discussed with Contractor.With
ML20205N9671999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Waterford 3 Ses.With ML20205E8531999-03-30030 March 1999 Corrected Pages COLR 3/4 1-4 & COLR 3/4 2-6 to Rev 1, Cycle 10, Colr 05000382/LER-1999-002-03, :on 990225,discovered RCS Pressure Boundary Leakage on Two Inconel 600 Instrument Nozzles.Caused by Axial Cracks Near HAZ of Nozzle Partial Penetration Welds Resulting from Pwscc.Leaking Nozzles Have Been Repaired1999-03-25025 March 1999
- on 990225,discovered RCS Pressure Boundary Leakage on Two Inconel 600 Instrument Nozzles.Caused by Axial Cracks Near HAZ of Nozzle Partial Penetration Welds Resulting from Pwscc.Leaking Nozzles Have Been Repaired
ML20205A6331999-03-25025 March 1999 SER Accepting Request to Use Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assemblies as an Alternative Repair Method,Per 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) for Reactor Coolant Sys Applications at Plant,Unit 3 ML20204H1401999-03-23023 March 1999 Rev 1 to Engineering Rept C-NOME-ER-0120, Design Evaluation of Various Applications at Waterford Unit 3 ML20204H2451999-03-22022 March 1999 Rev 2 to C-NOME-SP-0067, Design Specification for Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly (Mnsa) Waterford Unit 3 ML20204H1231999-03-22022 March 1999 Rev 1 to Design Rept C-PENG-DR-006, Addendum to Cenc Rept 1444 Analytical Rept for Waterford Unit 3 Piping ML20204F0791999-03-17017 March 1999 Rev 1 to Waterford 3 COLR for Cycle 10 ML20207M9231999-03-12012 March 1999 Amended Part 21 Rept Re Cooper-Bessemer Ksv EDG Power Piston Failure.Total of 198 or More Pistons Have Been Measured at Seven Different Sites.All Potentially Defective Pistons Have Been Removed from Svc Based on Encl Results ML20207F3491999-03-0505 March 1999 LER 99-S01-00:on 990203,contraband Was Discovered in Plant Protected Area.Bottle Was Determined to Have Been There Since Original Plant Construction.Bottle Was Removed & Security Personnel Performed Search of Area.With ML20204B5141999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Waterford 3.With ML20203H8151999-02-17017 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 149 to License NPF-38 ML20203H8591999-02-17017 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Second Ten Year ISI Program & Associated Relief Requests for Plant,Unit 3 05000382/LER-1999-001, :on 990105,TS 3.0.3 Was Entered.Caused by Less than Adequate Chiller Thermostat Control.Placed Tamper Seal on Chiller Thermostat.With1999-02-0404 February 1999
- on 990105,TS 3.0.3 Was Entered.Caused by Less than Adequate Chiller Thermostat Control.Placed Tamper Seal on Chiller Thermostat.With
ML20202H9161999-02-0202 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 148 to License NPF-38 ML20199H6261999-01-21021 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Classification of Instrument Air Tubing & Components for Safety Related Valve Top Works.Staff Recommends That EOI Revise Licensing Basis to Permit Incorporation of Change ML20199C9101998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Waterford 3.With 05000382/LER-1998-020, :on 981204,determined That Certain Core Power Distribution SRs Had Been Incorrectly Scheduled.Caused by TS Change Implementation Error.Will Perform Final Review of TS SRs with 4.0.4 Exemption.With1998-12-31031 December 1998
- on 981204,determined That Certain Core Power Distribution SRs Had Been Incorrectly Scheduled.Caused by TS Change Implementation Error.Will Perform Final Review of TS SRs with 4.0.4 Exemption.With
ML20198F4691998-12-21021 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 147 to License NPF-38 ML20196F4911998-12-0101 December 1998 SER Accepting Request for Relief ISI2-09 for Waterford Steam Electric Station,Unit 3 & Arkansas Nuclear One,Unit 2 ML20206N4131998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Waterford 3.With ML20195C4841998-11-0606 November 1998 SER Accepting QA Program Change to Consolidate Four Existing QA Programs for Arkansas Nuclear One,Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,River Bend Station & Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Into Single QA Program 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
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' j SECY-83-41 January 28, 1983 ADJUDICATORY ISSUE (Commission Meeting)
The Coyaigioners f
- Office of Policy Evaluation
To provide OPE's immediate effectiveness analysis of the Waterford ASLB Partial Initial Decision D_I M'% ION:
'he Licensing Board for the Waterford Stean Electric Station Unit 3 issued on November 3,1982 the first of two Partial Initial Decisions (PID) related to full-power operation.
The Waterford facility is located on the west bank of the Mississippi River approximately 24 mil?s west of New Orleans, Louisiana, and utilizes a nuclear steam supply system designed by Ccimbustion Engineering (CE).
The applicant's present expected date of plant completion is May 12, 1983.
In the hearing the Board addressed Joint Intervenors' contentions on the potential synergistic effects of icw-level radiation and chemical carcinogens and en emergency planning (EP) issues. The Board was unable to resolve, because of an incomplete hearing reccrd, one EP issue involving the emergency planninc brochure.
The Board has scheduled a further hearing on the brochure in February and will issue a second PID (now expected in mid-April 1983).
On the contested issues that were addressed in the first PID, the Licensing Board fcund in favor of the applicant and, pending favorable resolution of the remaining EP issue and subject to a number of conditions, authorized issuance of an operating license for Waterfcrd.
In its PID the Licensing Board also addressed as an uncontested issue the unresolved safety issue en shutdown decay heat removal and ccncluded they wanted to " bring this issue to the attention of the Commission and urge that an in-cepth assessment of the reliability cf the Waterford Unit 3 shutdcwn l
decay heat renoval systen be made by an incependent laboratory..."
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J Peter Riehm, OPE X-43295
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The Commissioners 2
, Enclos_ure 1 providesysummarvd-the decision.
Based on our review and f
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i We provide below our comments I
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CONTESTED ISSUES Synergism At issue was whether, as a result of synergistic actions between radiation frcm 1laterford-3 and chemical carcinogens from nearby industries, the total health effects would exceed the sum of the health effects from each agent (i.e., radiation or chemicals) acting independently.
,.appli.callt had not previous]y_ evaluated thisaffect.)
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The Comissioners 3
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,(l CPE believes Emeroency Planning Joint Intervenors' contentions focused on two aspects of the offsite emergency planning. One of the Joint Intervenors' major contentions en the EP was that the State plan did not include provisions for predistribution of-potassium iodide (KI) to the general population.
Based on the staff's and applicant's testimony, the Board found that the State's decision not to predistribute KI was not inconsistent with NRC and FEMA gui.fance (i.e., the decision to dispense KI is the prerogative of the state).
The second area of contention concerned alleged inadequacies in certain aspects of planning for evacuation of individuals within the 10-mile plume exposure EPZ, namely:
notification to residents of evacuation procedures; the roads and highways necessary for evacuation; the evacuation warning system; the command decision structure; the content of the evacuation drills; and evacuation of people with special needs (e.g., the sick or hospitalized).
Although the Board found that the provisions for evacuation were adequate and met the Comission's regulations, the Board did impose several conditions on OL issuance related to arrangements with neighboring parishes (counties) on use of emergency vehicles, evacuation of prisoners, and the content of emergency public notification messages.
These conditions are listed in By the conclusion of the hearing the emergency planning brochure had not yet been drafted and in this respect the Board determined the record to be inadequate.
The Board reopened the record and, at the Board's cirection, the applicant submitted his draft emergency planning brochure and the staff, FEMA and Joint Intervenors submitted ccmments to it. Joint Intervenors, in addition, requested that a further hearing be held on the centent of the brochure. The applicant agreed that a hearing would be the most expedient methcd for resolving this issue. but asked that it be permitted to submit a revised brochure to address the other partiet ' comments.
Subsecuently, the Board ordered a further hearing (scheduled fo-February 8-11, 1983) and announced that the adequacy of the revised brtchure will be the subject of a g PID (expected mid-April 1983).
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} OPE believes that f
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I The Commissioners 4
UNRESOLVED GENERIC SAFETY ISSUE Shutdown Decay Heat Removal The Board was concerned whether Waterford can be operated safely prior to a generic resolution of the need for an alternative means of shutdcwn decay heat removal.
The Waterford reactor coolant system design does not include power-operated relief valves (PORVs) on the pressurizer.
In addition, the high-pressure coolant-injection system (HPIS) cannot inject coolant at the pressure setpoint (2500 psi) of the pressurizer safety valves. Hence, an alternative high-pressure shutdown heat removal capability known as " feed and bleed" is not available at Waterford.
Earlier the Board in its March 18, 1982 Memorandum and Order had raised sua sponte the issue of shutdown decay heat removal.
In a subsequent Memorandum ano Order of April 27, 1982, the Boaro explained its reasons for withdrawing i
this sua sponte consideration, stating that it was granting the Applicant's Motion for Reconsideration based on the fact that sua sponte authority in this instance is precluded by 10 CFR 92.760a.
Although the Board withdrew its sua sponte question, the Beard stated in its April 27 Memorandum and Order:
"We do not agree... that feed-and-bleed back-up for the EFWS is not a serious matter.
We believe that it is and that the matter should be i
Moreover, we are now convinced that the issue should and will be explored on a generic basis."
l Notwithstanding the April 27 Memorandum and Order, the Bcard addressed in its PID this shutdown decay heat removal issue within the scope of its review of 13 unresolved generic safety issues in compliance with the Appeal Board policy established in the decision in Viroinia Electric and Power Comoany (Ncrth Anna Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2), ALAB-491, 8 hPC 245 i
(1978). The Boaro stated in the PID its dissatisfaction with the Staff's treatment of this issue and urged "an in-depth assessment of the Waterford 3 shutccwn decay heat removal system... by an indepenoent laboratory, such as Sandia National Laboratory."
The staff, as part of its plan to resolve generic issue A-45, is conducting a cetailed tecFnical stuoy at Sandia Naticnal Laboratory on shutdown decay heat removal. This study will include a representative sample of plant-specific shutdown decay heat removal system evaluations and will provide recommendations to determine the adequacy of existing shutdown decay heat removal system requirements and the desirability of, and pcssible design requirements for, alternetive shutdown decay heat removal system (s).
Cre specific subtask of this study is to deternine, using probabilistic and deterministic methods, the reliability cf existing shutdown decay heat removal systems.
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As stated This paper is tentatively scheduled for discussion at a Closed Meeting during the Week of February 28, 1983.
Please refer.to the appropriate Weekly Commission Schedule, when published, for a specific date and time.
Commissioners OGC OPE OIA SECY
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