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Forwards Cross Ref Index to Emergency Preparedness Appraisal Items Per NRC .Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Training Matrix Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1982
From: Pilant J
To: Jay Collins
Shared Package
ML20052D715 List:
NUDOCS 8205070144
Download: ML20052D721 (8)


{{#Wiki_filter:e e F ~ ~ ~ ~ GENERAL OFFICE Nebraska Public Power District " " " ke#Meid'*"^8% "" " March 1,1982 f +iT3M.- =--{ MII* 9 t Li i R'i i imR - 31982 Mr. John J. Collins ,j\\ N' Regional Administrator g Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Suite 1000 4 Arlington, Texas 76011

Dear Mr. Collins:


Emergency Preparedness, Cooper Nuclear Station, Reference letter dated January 29,

1982, J. T. Collins to J. M. Pilant


1. Letter dated October 16, 1981, K. V. Seyfrit to J. M. Pilant 2. Letter dated December 17, 1981, J. M. Pilant to K. V. Seyfrit Pursuant to the subject letter, enclosed hecewith is the cross-reference which indexes the District's response to the NRC 4 appraisal items to the revised CNS Einergency Preparedness documents (i.e., Emergency Plan, Implementing Procedures, and Emergency Telephone Directory.) We trust that this cross-reference will assist in the review of the aforementioned Emergency Preparedness documents, and that it will aid those personnel which will act as NRC observers during the forthcoming CNS Exercise. It should be noted that in preparation for the exercise, the District has conducted extensive training (i.e., classroom, drills, etc.) for both CNS and General Office personnel. As a result of this training program, some of the Implementing Procedures are - being modified to enhance the effectiveness of the District's Emergency Preparedness Program. While these modifications will not materially affect the general philosophy or approach presented in Rev. O of the EPIPs, there are some response actions which, when " tested" during the Exercise will deviate from the procedural actions defined in the EPIPs currently being reviewed. The District envisions that Rev.1 of the EPIPs will be in place prior to the Exercise, and as such, will identify any major changes to the NRC observers prior to (or during) the exercise. 'r205070144 820503 PDR ADOCK 05000299 C PDR

Mr. John J. Collins Page 2 March 1, 1982 If you have any further questions on this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 0V% .M. Ilant Division Manager Licensing and Quality Assurance JMP/KCW/vka/ bas:26/E1P1 Enclosure

CROSS-REFERENCE TO THE NRC EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS APPRAISAL Item No. CNS Emergency Plan /EPIP Other/ Remarks 298/81-13-01 8.1.3, 8.2 298/81-13-02 8.1.3 298/81-13-03 8.1.1, 8.1.3 298/81-13-04 5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, Table 5.2-1 EPIP-5.7.7, 5.7.8, 5.7.9 298/81-13-05 Table 5.2-2 298/81-13-06 5.2.2, 5.3.1, Figures 5.2-1, 5.2-2, 5.2-3, and 5.3-1 298/81-13-07 8.1.1, 8.1.2, and Figure 8.1-1 298/81-13-08 Tables 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 298/81-13-09 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.4, 5.4.5, 5.4.6, Tables 5.4-1, 5.4-2, 5.4-3, and Figure 5.4-1 298/81-13-10 Same as 298/81-13-09 298/81-13-11 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, Figure 9.1-1, EPIP's 5.7.15 and 5.7.25 298/81-13-12 Appendix D 298/81-13-13 Table 5.2-2 Letter dated October 5, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit) 298/81-13-14 8.1.1, 8.1.2, and Figure 8.1-1 298/81-13-15 8.1.1 and Figure 8.1-1 Il 298/81-13-16 Figure 8.1-1 1 298/81-13-17 of letter dated December 17, l 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit) 298/81-13-18 Letter dated November 11, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-19 7.2.1, EPIP 5.7.7 298/81-13-20 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, EPIP's 5.7.6, 5.7.7, 5.7.8, 5.7.9

Item No. CNS Emergency Plan /EPIP Other/ Remarks 298/81-13-21 EPIP 5,7.20 298/81-13-22 Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-23 Same as 298/El-13-22 298/81-13-24 7.2.1 298/81-13-25 Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-26 Same as 298/81-13-25 298/81-13-27 Figures 7.2-1, 7.2-2, 7.2-3 298/81-13-28 5.3.1B, EPIP 5.7.23 298/81-13-29 The installation of the Post Accident Sampling System was completed during the Fall 1981 Outage. The dilution of samples ensures that only diluted samples are handled and taken to the Radiochem Lab for analysis. 298/81-13-30 EPIP 5.7.10 298/81-13-31 EPIP 5.7.21 Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-32 [2] 298/81-13-33 Figures 5.2-3, EPIP 5.7.23 298/81-13-34 Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to ~ Seyfrit). 298/81-13-35 298/81-13-36 298/81-13-37 High range in containment monitors were installed during the Fall Outage 1981. 298/81-13-38 298/81-13-39 Letter dated December 17, 1981, (Pilant'to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-40 EPIP 5.7.16 See Attachments to letter dated December 17, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-41 EPIP 5.7.17 See Attachments to letter dated December 17, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). p _,m4 . -_i -v

Item No. CNS Emergency Plan /EPIP Other/ Remarks 298/81-13-42 EPIP 5.7.21 Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-43 EPIP's 5.7.6 and 5.7.23 298/81-13-44 Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-45 EPIP 5.7.21 298/81-13-46 See response in Reference 2. 298/81-13-47 EPIP 5.7.1, 5.7.6, 5.7.10, 5.7.13, 5.7.15, 5.7.17, and 5.7.24 298/81-13-48 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, Tables 4.1-1, 4.1-2, 4.1-3, 4.1-4, and EPIP 5.7.1 298/81-13-49 See response in Reference 2. 298/81-13-50 EPIP's 5.7.6, 5.7.7, 5.7.8, and 5.7.9 298/81-13-51 EPIP's 5.7.6 and 5.7.23 298/81-13-52 EPIP's 5.7.11, 5.7.14, 5.7.15, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, 5.7.20, and 5.7.26 298/81-13-53 5.4.1 and EPIP 5.7.18 298/81-13-54 7.4.9, EPIP 5.9.25 CNS Station Operating Procedures 298/81-13-55 Letter dated December 17, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). 298/81-13-56 EPIP's 5.7.12, 5.7.13, 5.7.14, 5.7.15, 5.7.16, and 5.7.17 298/81-13-57 EPIP 5.7.11, 5.7.12 298/81-13-58 EPIP 5.7.10 298/81-13-59 EPIP 5.7.13 298/81-13-60 5.7.10 CNS Security Plan 298/81-13-61 EPIP's 5.7.12, 5.7.15, and 5.7.25 298/81-13-62 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, and EPIP 5.7.25

.~. f Item No. CNS Emergency Plan /EPIP Other/ Remarks 298/81-13-65 EPIP's 5.7.1, 5.7.2, 5.7.3, 5.7.4, 5.7.5, and 5.7.6 298/81-13-64 5.2.2.D.6, EPIP 5.7.23 298/81-13-65 8.3 and EPIP 5.7.21 . 298/81-13-66 8.1.2 Station Operating Procedure t 298/81-13-67 -8.2[3] f 298/81-13-68' 8.2[3] 1 1 298/81-13-69 8.1.1C, Figure 8.'l-1 Exhibit I of this letter. 298/81-13-70 Appendix D 298/81-13-71 8.1.1D Letter dated November 16, 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). + 298/81-13-72 8.1.1E First annual " Media Conference" was held November 24, 1982. 298/81-13-73 8.1.2 d 298/81-13-74 See response in Reference 2. s 298/81-13-75 8.1.1, Figure 8.1-1 Exhibit I of this letter. 298/81-13-76 ALARA considerations were made during the design phase of the PASS. j 298/81-13-77 The installation of the Post Accident - Sampling' System eliminated the need, and~ l' ~ during' sampling. Letter dated December 17,- l therefore the use of the fume hood fans l 1981, (Pilant to Seyfrit). L 298/81-13-78 5.2.2 and Figures 5.2-2 and I 5.2-3 ~, t t t 7 ..p,,y m.p

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r 1 ,l Notes: 1. Formal lesson plans have been developed for each of the EPIPs identified in Appendix A of the CNS Emergency Plan. Exhibit I provides a more detailed training matrix for CNS/ General Office personnel. 2. Based upon additional information previously provided to the NRC, the Commission has indicated that ". this portion of the licensee's program now appeared to be adequate" [see page 26 of Appraisal Report]. 3. Controlled copies of the CNS Emergency Plan and EPIPs are ensured via the normal NPPD/CNS document control process. (

EXHIBle EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE TRAINING MATRIX EPIP' KeyEmergengy General No. Title Operations Chem /HP Maintenance Administration Resp. Pers. Office Local 5.7.1 Emergency Classification X X X X X X 5.7.2 NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT Implementing Actions X X 5.7.3 ALERT 1mplementing Actions X X 5.7.4 SITE AREA EMERGENCY Implementing Actions X X 5.7.5 GENERAL EMERGENCY Implementing Actions X X 5.7.6 Notification X X X X 5.7.7 Activation of the TSC X X X X 5.7.8 Activation of the OSCs X X X X 5.7.9 Activation of the E0P X X X X X I I 5.7.10 Personnel Assembly and Accountability X X X X X X 5.7.11 Evacuation of Non-Essential Site Personnel X, X X X X X g 5.7.12 Emergency Radiata.a Exposure Control X X X X 5.7.13 Personnel Monitoring and Decontamination X X I I I 5.7.14 Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking X X X X' X X 5.7.15 Rescue and Reentry X X X X g 5.7.16 Release Rate Determination X X X X 3 5.7.17 Dose Assessment X X X X g 5.7.18 Offsite and Site Boundary Monitoring X X X 5.7.19 Onsite Radiological Monitoring X X 5.7.20 Protective Action Guides X, X X 5.7.21 Emergency Equipment Inventory X X X g 5.7.22 o'ommunications X X X 5.7.23 Media X X I 5.7.24 Medical X X X X g 3 5.7.25 Recovery Operations X X X X X g 5.7.26 Long-Tern Environmental Monitoring X X X I Partial Training only 2 Station Super. Assistant to Station Super., Chem /HP Super., Eng. Super., Maint. Super ara Operations Super. l}}