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Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1983.W/830810 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1983
From: Coffey J, Thom T
NUDOCS 8309080124
Download: ML20024F019 (42)


i TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant P. O. Box 2000 Decatur, Alabama 35602 AUG 101983 Nuclear Regulatory Commis,sion Office of Management Information and Prcgram Control Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

Enclosed is the July 1983 Monthly Operating Report to NP'.; for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units 1, 2, and 3 Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY

, /

. A. Coffey )

cting Power Plant Superintendent Enclosures cc: Director, Region II Hr. Bill Lavalee Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSAC Office of Inspection and Enforcement P. O. Box 10412 101 Marietta Street Palo Alto, CA 94303 Atlanta, GA 30303 (1 copy)

Director, Office of Inspection INP0 Records Center and Enforcement Institute of Nuclear Power Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suite 1500 Washington, D. C. 20555 (10 copies) 1100 Circle 75 Parkway Atlanta, GA 30389 Mr. A. Rubio, Director Electric Power Research Institute P. O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94304 8309080124 830801 gDRADOCK05000 I

l i An Equal Opportunity Employer


TABLE OF CONTENTS Operations Summary. . . ................... 1 Refueling Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Significant Operational Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Average Daily Unit Power Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Operating Data Reports. . .................. 17 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Plant Maintenance . . . ................... 23 Field Services Summary. . .................. 34 L

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  • Page 1 Ooerations Summary July 1983 The following summary describes the significant operation activities during the reporting period. In support of this summary, a chronological log of significant events is included in this report.

There were 21 reportable occurrences and no revisions to previous report-able occurrences reported to the NRC during the month of July.

Unit 1 The unit was in cold shutdown the entire month for the units' end-of-cycle 5 refueling outage.

Unit 2 There were no scrams on the unit during the month.

Unit 3 There was one scram on the unit during the month. On July 28, the reactor

scrammed during changeout of a burned out relay.

Principally prepared by B. L. Porter.

. _ . _ ._ , _ . _ . -. . . _ - - - _ _ - , _ _ . _ ~ _ _ . _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ - .

Page 3 Operations Summarv (Continued)

July 1983 Refuelirs Information Unit 1 Unit 1 began its fif th refueling outage on April 16, 1983 The sched-uled restart date is October 7, 1983 This refueling will involve loading 8X8R (retrofit) fuel assemblies into the core, finishing the torus modifica-tion, turbine inspection, finishing THI-2 modifications, post-accident sampling facility tie-ins, core spray changeout, and changeout of jet pump hold-down beams.

There are O fuel assemblies in the reactor vessel. The spent fuel stor-age pool presently contains 252 new fuel assemblies, 764 EOC-5 fuel assen-blies, 260 EOC-4 fuel assemblies; 232 EOC-3 fuel assemblies; 156 EOC-2 fuel assemblies; and 168 E0C-1 fuel assemblies. The present capacity is 3,471

, locations.

Unit 2 Unit 2 is scheduled for its fif th refueling beginning on or about June 8, 1984 with a scheduled restart date of November 8,1984. This refueling outage

will involve loading additional 8X8R (retrofit) fuel assemblies into the core, finishing the torus modification, turbine inspection, finishing inspection, finishing TMI-2 modifications; post-accident sampling facility tie-ins, core spray change-out, and feedwater sparger inspection.

There are 764 fuel assemblies in the reactor vessel. At the end of the month there were 248 EOC-4 fuel assemblies, 353 EOC-3 fuel assemblies, 156 E0C-2 fuel assemblies, and 132 EOC-1 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool. The present available capacity of the spent fuel pool is 861 locations.

Page 4 Operations Summary (Continued)

July 1983 Unit '4 _

Unit 3 is scheduled for its fif th refueling on or about November 11, 1983, with a scheduled restart date of May 4, 1984. This refueling will involve loading 8X8R (retrofit) assemblies into the core, finishing the torus modifications, post-accident sampling facility tie-in, core spray change-out, finishing TMI-2 modifications, turbine inspection, and change-out of jet pump hold-down beams.

There are 764 fuel assemblies presently in the reactor vessel. There are 280 EOC-4 fuel assemblies, 124 E0C-3 fuel assemblies, 144 EOC-2 fuel assem-blies, and 208 E0C-1 fuel assemblies - in the spent fuel storage pool. The present available capacity of the spent fuel pool is 993 locations.

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r-Page 2 Operations Summary (Continued)

July 1983 Fatigue Usage Evaluation The cumulative usage factors for the reactor vessel are as follows:

Location Usage Factor Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Shell at water line 0.00583 0.00465 0.00401 Feedwater nozzle 0.28294 0.19836 0.15240 Closure studs 0.22349 0.16837 0.12905 NOTE: This accumulated monthly information satisfies Technical Specification Section 6.6. A.17.B(3) reporting requirements.

Common System Approximately 1.00E+06 gallons of waste liquids were discharged containing approximately 2.88E-01 curies of activities.

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Page 3 Operations Summarv (Continued)

July 1983 Refueling Information Unit 1 Unit 1 beEan its fif th refueling outage on April 16, 1983 The sched-uled restart date is October 7, 1983 This refueling will involve loading 8X8R (retrofit) fuel assemblies .into the core, finishing the torus modifica-tion, turbine inspection, finishing TMI-2 modifications, post-accident sampling facility tie-ins, core spray changcout, and changeout of jet pump hold-down beams.

There are 0 fuel assemblies in the rea~ctor' vessel. ,The spent fuel stor-age pool presently contains 252 new fuel assemblies, 7Ch EOC-5 fuel assem-i blies, 260 EOC-4 fuel assemblies; 232 EOC-3 fuel assemblies; 156 EOC-2 fuel assemblies; and 168 EOC-1 fuel assemblies. The present capacity is 3.471 locations.

Unit 2 i

Unit 2 is scheduled for its fif t.h refueling beginning on or about June 8, 1984 with a scheduled restart date of November 8, 1984. This refueling outage will involve loading additional 8X8R (retrofit) fuel assemblies into the core, finishing the torus modification, turbine inspection, finishing inspection, finishing T!!I-2 modifications; post-accident sampling facility tie-ins, core i

spray change-out, and feedwater sparger inspection.

There are 764 fuel assemblies in the reactor vessel. At the end of the month there were 248 EOC-4 fuel assemblies, 353 EOC-3 fuel assemblies, 156


E0C-2 fuel assemblies, and 132 EOC-1 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool. The present available capacity of the spent fuel pool is 861 locations.

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Page 4 Ooerations Snwearv (Continued)

July 1983 Unit ~4 Unit 3 is scheduled for its fif th refueling on or about November 11, 1983, with a scheduled restart date of May 4, 1984. This refueling will involve loading 8X8R (retrofit) assemblies into the core, finishing the torus modifications, post-accident sampling facility tie-in, core spray change-out, finishing THI-2 modifications, turbine inspection, and change-out of jet pump hold-down beams.

There are 764 fuel assemblies presently in the reactor vessel. There are 280 E0C-4 fuel assemblies, 124 EOC-3 fuel assemblies, 144 EOC-2 fuel assem-blies, and 208 EOC-1 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool. The present available capacity of the spent fuel pool is 993 locations.

Page 5 Significant Operational Events Date Time Event Unit 1 7/01 0001 End-of-cycle 5 refuel outage continues.

7/31 2400 End-of-cycle 5 refuel outage continues.

Page 6 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 2 7/01 0001 Reactor thermal power at 985, maximum flow, rod limited.

2156 Commenced reducing thermal pwoer for control rod pattern adjustment.

, 2228 Reactor thermal power at 82% for control rod pattern adjustment.

7/02 0200 Control rod pattern adjustment complete, commenced power ascension.

0230 Commenced PCIOMR from 86% thermal power.

1500 Reactor thermal power at 985, computer limited.

7/03 0700 Reactor thermal power at 995, computer limited.

1855 Computer in service, commenced power ascension.

1900 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum ficw, rod limited.

7/05 2100 Commenced reducing thermal power for No. 1 control valve maintenance (EHC leak).

2140 Reactor thermal power at 83% for repair of EHC leak on No. 1 control valve.

2240 No. 1 control valve repaired, commenced power ascension.

2400 Reactor thermal power at 100% , maximum flow, rod limited.

7/07 0240 Commenced reducing thermal power at request of load dispatcher, load not needed.

0255 Reactor thermal power at 915, load not needed.

0400 Reactor power at 90% , load not needed.

0620 Commenced power ascension from 905 0900 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/08 2330 Commenced reducing thermal power for turbine control valve test and SI's.

2400 Reactor thermal power et 95% for turbine control valve test and SI's.

7/09 0036 Turbine control valve test and SI's complete, commenced power ascension.

0115 Reactor power at 100% , maximum ficw, rod limited.

Page 7 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 2 (Continued) 7/10 0008 Commenced reducing thermal power for SI 4 3.A.2 CRD exercise.

0200 Reactor power at 94% for SI 4.3. A.2.

0300 Reactor power at 94% for SI 4 3. A.2 and SI 4.2.C-1 A APRM functional.

0415 SI 4 3.A.2 complete, holding at 945 power for SI 4.2.C-1A.

0515 SI 4.2.C-1A complete, commenced power ascension.

0830 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/12 1555 Commenced reducing thermal power in order to reduce back pressure for placing unit on cooling towers.

1610 Reactor thermal power at 935 to place unit on cooling towers.

1630 Reactor power at 92%.

1725 Commenced power ascension.

1845 Commenced PCIOMR from 99% thermal power 1930 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/14 0052 Commenced reducing thermal power for repair of EHC leak on control valve No. 3 0058 Reactor thermal power at 90% for repair of EHC leak on control valve No. 3 0350 Control valve No. 3 repaired and opened, commenced power ascension.

0520 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/15 2130 Commenced reducing thermal power for turbine control valve test and sis.

7/16 0100 Reactor power at 57% for turbine control valve test and SI's.

0145 Turbine control valve test and SI's complete, reducing power for control rod sequence exchange from "B" to "A".

0400 Reactor power at 53% for contrcl rod sequence exchange, increasing reactor power.

0545 Rod sequence exchange complete, reactor power at 55%,

scram testing in progress, increasing reactor power.

1000 Reactor power at 60%, decreasing power for control rod pattern adjustment and scram testing.

1500 Control rod pattern adjustment and scram testing complete, commenced power ascension from 59% thermal power.

Page 8 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 2 (Continued) 7/17 0230 Commenced reducing thermal power from 86% for control rod sequerce exchange from A to B.

0300 Reactor power at 66% for control rod sequence exchange.

0350 Control rod sequence exchange complete, increasing thermal power.

0625 Reactor thermal power at 80%, control rod pattern adjustment in progress, increasing reactor power.

0645 Control rod pattern adjt:stment complete, cotecnced power ascension from 825 thermal power.

0700 Commenced PCIOMR from 84% thermal power.

2200 Reactor thermal power at 96%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/18 0400 Reactor thermal power at 955, maximum flow, rod limited.

0800 Reactor thermal power at 945, maximum flow, rod limited.

1035 Commenced PCIOMR from 94% power.

1255 Reactor thermal power at 96%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/19 2205 Commenced reducing thermal power for control rod pattern adjustment.

2350 Reactor thermal power at 56% control rod pattern adjustment in progress, increasing thermal power.

7/20 0200 Control rod pattern adjustment complete, commenced power ascension from 59% thermal power.

0900 Commenced PCIOMR from 79% thermal power.

7/21 0412 Stopped PCIOMR at 95% and reducing due to CHFCP limits.

0655 Reactor thermal power at 94% (CHFCP) limited.

0700 Commenced PCIOMR from 94% power.

2220 Stopped PCIOMR at 99% (CHFLPD) limited.

2330 Commenced reducing thermal power due to CMFLPD limits.

7/22 0300 Reactor thermal power at 95%, CMFLPD limited.

0520 Commenced PCIOMR from 95% power.

0700 Reactor thermal power at 97%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/23 1945 Commenced reducing thermal power due to high water temperature at cooling tower outlet.

2000 Reactor thermal power at 87% due to high water temperature at cooling tower outlet.

2100 Reducing thermal power for control rod pattern adjustment.

Page 9 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 2 (Continued) 7/23 2130 Reactor thermal power at 64% for control rod pattern adjustment.

2145 Control rod pattern adjustment in progress, reducing thermal power.

2300 Reactor thermal power at 63% for control rod pattern adjustment.

2322 Increasing thermal power for control rod pattern adjustment.

7/24 0530 Control rod pattern adjustment complete, commenced power ascension from 68% thermal power.

0600 Commenced PCIOliR from 705 thermal power.

7/25 0800 Reactor thermal power at 96%, maximum ficw, rod limited.

7/26 1500 Reactor thermal power at 95%, maximum flow, rod limited.

2210 Commenced reducing thermal power to remove "C" string high-pressure heaters from service for maintenance.

2330 "C" string heaters isolated for maintenance, reactor power at 925 7/27 0940 Commenced reducing thermal power for maintenance on condensate domineralizer.

1200 Reactor power and 85% for maintenance of condensate demineralizers.

1230 Commenced power ascension from 855 thermal power.

7/28 1045 Commenced reducing thermal power from 96% for core shaping.

1300 Reducing thermal power from 945 to maintain core limits.

1400 Reactor power at 81% to maintain core limits.

1430 Commenced PCIOMR from 81% thermal power.

7/29 1700 Reactor thermal power at 97%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/30 0800 Reactor thermal power at 965, maximum ficw, rod limited.

2225 Commenced reducing thermal power for control rod pattern adjustment.

2400 Reactor thermal power at 75% for control rod pattern adjustment, increasing thermal power.

7/31 0530 Control rod pattern adjustment complete, commenced PCIOMR from 78% thermal power.

2200 Stopped PCIOMR at 965 and reducing thermal power to drop CHFLPD.

2400 Reactor thermal power at 945, CHFLPD limited.


Page 10 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 3 7/01 0001 Reactor thermal power at 985, maximum flow, rod limited. ~

7/02 2325 Reducing thermal power for turbine control valve test and SI's.

2330 Reactor thermal power at 935 for turbine control valve test and SI's.

7/03 0001 Turbine control valve test and SI's complete, commenced power ascension.

0100 Reactor thermal power at 98%, maximum ficw, rod limited.

7/04 0700 Reactor thermal power at 97%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/06 2330 Commenced reducing thermal power for control rod pattern adjustment.

7/07 0100 Reactor power at 80% for control rod pattern adjustment, increasing power.

0245 control rod pattern adjustment complete, commenced reducing thermal power from 85% thermal power at request of load dispatcher, load not needed.

0400 Reactor power at 76% , load not needed.

0620 Commenced power ascension from 76% power.

0630 Commenced PCIOMR from 78% thermal power.

1300 Stopped PCIOMR at 87% for TIP run.

1450 TIP run complete, reducing power to insert control rod l

38-27 to "00."

e 1500 Reactor thermal power at 85%, control rod inserted to l "00".

1501 Commenced PCIOMR from 85% thermal power.

7/08 0400 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod i limited.

l 0730 Commenced reducing thermal power for SI 4.2.B-36 (Instrumentation That Initiates or Controls the CSCS HPCI Turbine Steam Line High Flow.)

0900 Reactor power at 99% for SI 4.2.B-36.

0915 SI 4.2.B-36 complete, holding at 995 power for SI 4.1. A-7 (Reactor Low Water Level One-Half Scrams.)

1030 Commenced power ascension from 995 1100 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

Page 11 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 3 (continued) 7/08 1200 Commenced reducing thermal power for SI 4.1.A-7 (Reactor Low Water Level One-Half Scrama.)

1330 Reactor power at 99% for SI 4.1. A-7 1410 SI 4.1. A-7 complete, reactor power at 995, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/09 0230 Commenced reducing thermal power for turbine control valve test and SI's.

0245 Reactor power at 94% for turbine control valve test and SI's.

0320 Turbine control valve test and SI's complete, commenced power ascension.

0400 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/11 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, maximum flow, rod limited.

1700 Reduced thermal power to 98% due to problems with Baily limiter on "B" recirculation motor-generator set.

1705 Commenced power ascension.

1730 Reactor thermal power at 100%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/13 2100 Reduced thermal power to 99% to place unit on cooling towers.

2250 Unit on cooling towers, reactor power at 995, high back-pressure limited.

7/15 0220 Reactor thermal power at 995, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/16 2345 Commenced reducing thermal power for turbine control valve test and SI's.

7/17 0100 Reactor thermal power at 93% for turbine control valve test and SI's.

0115 Turbine control valve test and SI's complete, commenced power ascension.

0400 Reactor thermal power at 995, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/18 0700 Reactor thermal power at 98%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/19 2150 Reducing thermal power for SI 4.1.A-15 (Turbine Stop Valve Closure.)

2200 Reactor thermal power at 94% for SI 4.1.A-15.

2205 SI 4.1. A-15 complete, commenced power ascension.

2300 Reactor thermal power at 985, maximum flow, rod limited.

Page 12 Significant Ooerational Events Date Time Event Unit 3 (Continued) 7/21 1200 Reactor thermal power at 975, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/22 0041 Commenced reducing thermal power for cooling tower operation.

0102 Reactor thermal power at 86% for cooling tower operation.

0122 Commenced power ascension from 86% thermal power.

0330 Reactor thermal power at 975, maximum ficw, rod limited.

0921 Reactor Scram No. 112 from 97% thermal power when electrical maintenance shorted relay SAK13C (manual scram circuit.)

2200 Commenced rod withdrawal for startup.

7/23 0100 Reactor Critical No. 126.

0656 Ro3 ? ed turbine / generator.

0736 Synchronized generator, commenced power ascension.

2300 Commenced PCIOMR frca 81% thermal power.

7/24 1700 Commenced reducing thermal power from 91% for removal of "A" reactor feedwater pump from service for maintenance.

1735 Reactor thermal power at 78% "A" reactor feedwater pump out-of-service for maintenance.

2215 "A" reactor feedwater pump maintenance complete, commenced power ascension.

2300 Commenced PCIOMR from 86% thermal power.

7/25 0200 Reactor thermal power at 89%, maximum flow, rod limited.

0400 Reactor thermal power at 88%, maximum flow, rod limited.

0900 Reactor thermal power at 87%, maximum flow, rod limited.

l 1600 Reactor thermal power at 86%, maximum flow, rod limited.

2205 Commenced reducing thermal power for control rod pattern l adjustment.

l 2300 Reactor thermal power at 66% for control rod pattern adjustment, increasing thermal power.

7/26 0415 Control rod pattern adjustment complete, commenced power l ascension from 71% thermal pouer.

l 0430 Commenced PCIOMR from 73% thermal power.

7/27 0800 Reactor thermal power at 995, maximum flow, rod limited.

i l 7/28 1900 Reactor thermal power at 985, maximum flow, rod limited, l

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Page 13 Significant Ocerational Events Date Time Event Unit 3 (continued) 7/30 0310 Reduced thermal power to 95% for turbine control valve test and SI's.

0320 Turbine control valve test and SI's complete, commenced >

power ascension.

0430 Reactor thermal power at 98%, maximum flow, rod limited.

7/31 0015 Reduced thermal power to 97% for SI 4 3.A.2 (control rod exercise.)

0030 SI 4.3.A.2 complete, commenced power ascension.

0200 Reactor thermal power at 985, maximum flow, rod limited.

4 0700 Reactor thermal power at 975, maximum flow, end-of-

! cycle 5 coastdown.

I 2400 Reactor thermal power at 975, maximum flow, end-of-cycle 5 coastdown.

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Page 14

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Page 17 OPEllATING DATA !!EPOR T IHit KET NO.60-259 D\lE 3-1-83

( O\lPI ETED ltY _L Them_

i El.1:PflONI. "n5/7'4-0834 OPERA I!NG SI \1US l Not ,

1 j

1. Unit Nan.e; hriune Ferry -1 '
2. Iteporting Period: _J.ulv I983 l ^
3. Licensed Ihermal Power t\lht : 3293  ;
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross 51We p 1152  ;

5 Design Electrical Hatinu tNet Nlwep; 1065 ,

6. '.lasimum 17ependable Capacity (Gro s 5the):

10 % .4 l

7 Masimum Depentiible Capacity (Net '.1%i: _

1065 ,

5. If Ch.inges Occur in Capacity itarmes tirem, Number 3 Ihrough ') Since t.ast Rep..rt. C.ise Reason,-

N/A ___

t Net Mut i. N/A

9. Power Lesel To which Restricted,ifNAny/A
10. Reaunn i or Restris tions. If Tns -

This Month Yr to-Date Cumulasisc

11. Ilours In Reporting Period 744 5,007 78.989
12. Number of floun Reactor Critial 0 2,363.25 49,725.74 0 47.71 5,/85.02
13. !(eactor Resene Shutdown limirs
14. Ilours Generator On.Line 0 2,317.52 48,717.64
15. Unit fle ene Shutdown floon 0 0 0 C 138,557.679 lb. Grow Thermal Energy Generated (Mhill 6.78i 675 i? Grow F.iectiical Ener;y Gtnerated t \1hlii 0 2 244 900 45M45 8 0-
15. Net Elettrical Enerp Generated t Mhil, _0 2,175,548 44.325,327 lo Unit Senice Factor O 45.6 61.9 20 Unit Asai!abihis Factor 0 45.6 61.9
21. Unit Capacity Factor flaing \tDL Nc I _ _ _

0 40.2 52.8 22 Unit Capacits F actor s Using i>f it Net , 0 40.2 52.8 23.1;mt Foiced Onta e Rate O 81 93.8 24 Shutdmun Scheduled t her .'.est ti \tonths i I s pe. D ite. and Duratmo of I ash e 25 li Shut ()own \t l'ml Of Report Peruni blunated Date of Startup OCL 1933

26. Units in lest Status (Prior io Conunercia! Operationi. l . net ast As hined INill \ L CRII!C \111 T INIll\l 1:1 l C 1 RirllY _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

r O\ttil:RCI\L OPl R \flo N _



DA TE 8-1-83

CO\lPl.EIED itY T- Thon

_ TELEPl!ONE 2n5/7?o 0834 ' e .c OPER ATING ST ATUS

1. Unit Name: Browns Ferry-2 Notn
2. Reporting Period: July 1983
3. Licensed Thermal Power (Mhti: 3293
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross 51We): 1152
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net 31We): 1065
6. Stasimum Dependable Capacity (Grow MWei: 1098.4
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity iNet MWe): 1065 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratine tirems Numbcr 3 Through 7)Since I.ast Report.Gi c Reasons:


9. Power Lesel To Which Restricted.lf Any (Net MWel: N/A 10., Reasons For Restrictions,if Any: . N/A This Month Yr..t o- Da t e Cumularise
11. Ilours in Reporting Period 744 5087 73.830
12. Number Of flours Reactor Was Critical 744 3,110.57 46.404.04
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown flours 0 102.68 13,787.50


. 14._ , Hours Generator On-Line ; 744 2,992.78 44,968.23 -

15. Unit Resene Shutdown ilours 0 0 0
16. Gross Theimal Energy Generated (MWill 2.291.782 8.719,860 129,129,707 .

17 Grow Electrical Energy Generated (MWil, 755.870 2,910,130 42,935,038

. 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MbIll 733.450 2,826,194 41,699,269 1 19. Unit Senice Factor 100.0 58.9 60.9 i~ 20. Unit Asailability Factor 100.0 58.9 60.9

-21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net, 92.6 52.2 53.0 22 Unit Capacity Factor Using DER Neti 92.6 52.2 53.0

23. Unit Forted Outage Rate 0 6.8 26.0
24. Shutdowns Scheduled ther Nest 6 Months a T3 pe. Date,and Duration of Eachi.
25. If Shut Dnun At End Of Report Perind. Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units la lest Status t Prior tu Cunnnercial Opsrationi. I nrecast As hiesed I


( O\lMERrl \l. OPI R A IlON h


P8/771 g- qe y F ,4,,, +% ; w , ,

p 1 > s$

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ ~

Page 19 J


_ TELEPflONE 4 05/7?o-0834'*.'-


Browns Ferry-3 Notes 1.' Unit Name.

2. Reporting Period: .Tuly 1983
3. Licensed Thennal Power isthis: 3293
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 1152 i
5. Design Electrical RatingINet Mbe): 1065 i
6. Masimum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1098.4
7. Slasimum Dependable Capacity (Net MWep: 1065
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since I bt Report. Gi e Reasonc

! N/A Net MWe p: N/A

9. Power Lesel To Wluch Restricted. N if Any (/A
10. Re:nons For Restrictions. If Any:

This Month Yr -to.Date Cumulatise

11. Ilours In Reporting Period 744 5_,087 56.255
12. Number Of flours Reactor Was Critical 728.35 4,581.02 42.193.30
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown flours 15.65 505.98 3.878.13

.14. Ilours Generator On-Line 721.75 .4.529.03 41.303.09

15. Unit Resene Shutdown llours 0 0 0
16. Grow Thermal Energy Generated (Mbil) 2_274.468 14.308.812 123.644.916
17. Gross Electrical Energ> Generated IMWili 732.900 4,704,660 40,744,450
15. Net Electrical Energy Generated iMWill 710,125 4.575.925 39,556.829
19. Unit Service Factor 97.0 89.0 73.4
20. Unit Asailability Factor 97.0 89.0 73.4 '

~ 21.' Unit Capacity Factor IUsing MDC Neil 89.6 ._84. 5 66.0 2.'. Unit Capa' city Factor (Using DER Net) 89.6 84.5 66.0 11.0 16.7


23. Unit' Forced Ou'tage Rate 3.0
24. Shutdown 4 Scheduled Oser Nest 6 Months T.spe. Date,and Duration of Eacht Refuel Outage Nov. 1983 6 months s

25.11t' Shut flown At I:mi Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:

26. Unih in f est Status IPrior to Commercial Operation t force.nt .h hies ed INillS L CHillCA LII Y INi il AI. I I.I C I R R. IIY CO\l\lFRCI \l. OPI'R A IIGN Pl/77)

.N.' ., s =# , E'


.. t t- ,, -

< j e'


- UNIT N AME Browns Ferrv-1 t' ~

, a:

' ~

.l, DATE 8-1-83 COMPLETED ItY T_ Thnm

~ REPORT MON fig Julv

~ ' ' TEl.EPflONE 9m /794 nnu a <


te P.- +

^<- ,

~ e ?,

.. w , r :: -

t. . E g < I C"5CC  :% Cauw & Correew,e o- .g, ,-. , pge

..,. ~ .yi i c5 ' O - =

2'E a 5"6 y* 1 -

4 -m e :py , ,4 ; jgg [ yen ;p g,7 A , , n, ,

rE C L g.'

~j fi c , 5 j ij -

Rep.ut = ,

e Prevent Recurrense 9:

t-.. L 264: 7/1/83- :S: ~744 C 4' EOC-5 Refuel Outage Continues 0

l m

, ni e2

! S w

O r




4 f .. I 1 4  :

, 1, ' i . 12. u ced - Reason : Metfod Estubit G . Instrusia,ns

' l.- -S Sclied uleil A I:61mpruent Failure (l.splaine  ! 41anual i for Preparation of Data f HAtaintenance or' les: 2-Mar ual Seram. 1.r.try Sheets f or I.acen>ce C Refuchng .t Autom.nie Scrarn. l~ sent Repini i t.I' R1 I~ite t Nt 3 RI G.

D-Reitulatory Resnietion 4-Other a l'splain t Ol til i I Operator Training & l_a.enw I sanunation l'. Ad mmistrat r.e . 5 G-Operational I.sror ti:spland - I stuhn I San.e Sooree

.. l'8/77) II-Other 11 splain) . , .


?- .

t c .o .


4 h" *

, ,, ,, .. s * -



. .. + '

p .'


3 D 4TE 1-8'l


.Tulv - COMPLETED BY T_ Tim,



T E1.EPHONE ons/7'o nR tA '

!j ,


'" =_ e. u, : ..


'%* . DJ'e

.. -, a:  ;

7 5 ,' Licensee .g-r, =% r ine a courectn e 1

I ~? 4- 23$ Esent 7? M Attion to

-i "

3: $' 3< f, =s Report m ' EL .E' hesent Re.urrense u




263 7/15/83 S B Derated for Turbine Control Valve 4:

!. Tests & SI's and Control Rod

Sequence Exchange

!? 264 7/19/83 S H -Derated for Control Rod Pattern Adjustment I


265 7/23/83 S H Derated for Control Rod Pattern $*

Adjustment to

! 266 7/30/83 S H Derated for Control Rod Pattern "


i i.

i t,


j: .

i l


1, 1,  ! 2

  • 3 4 i;' 1. F.n sed Reason . Method:

N .% hi-a nte,I I s!uht C . Instiu inan m l A.I.quipment Failuie(laptain)  ! ual for 1%p,n aio.n ..t D ta H.M.iintenance or Test 2.Manu l Scram. ta,te> Sheets I.x Licensec C Reluelmg .t. Automatic Scram. 1.sent Report i1.! R 6 File s'st tHI G.

3 D Regulatos) Restriction 4 Other ilaplami Oloi j I -Operatin Training i la.cnw Iwamination l: F-AJnunntsati.e 4 j G-Operata,nal 1::ror fliplaia l i stunt 1 SIme Source

(, , l'8!77) Il Other 11 splam).


e i

l *

s. ,

'.i j , .. ..



, c ..

6 . .


- UNI T N AME Browns Ferry-3 4

- D4TE . 8-1-83 RFPOR T MON 01 July' COMPLETED BY T- mm TELEPHONE 205/729-0834 7 ., ,

n. .

r _


~? 3 h EM 1.itensee E-r, 5% rause & Curie tise N.. ,p s 3 d,4 .3 I: vent ~g g? Action no

--R= 5 i =s Report : v. L E Present Recurrente .

6. .

A c

137 ?O6/83 SI H Derated for Control Rod Pattern i <

Adj us tment , and Load not needed.

. 138 7/22/83 F 22.25 H Rx Scrammed when Electrical maintance shorted relay 5AK13C (Manual Scram Circuit)

Adj ustnient s u N


' , 1 F


2 ' , , ,

.* 4 '

1 1.nad . Reason : Method .

5 k hedu!cil .01 quipment );atture e f.splatnl it G Instru stions

!-Manual f..r Prep.irati.. et Dat 11.M sintenance i.r les: .' Manual Scram.

I utes Sheets for 1.3,ensee C- Ret'ucting 3- Autornatic S rain.

I sent 41.1 Ril .te int'Rt G-D.Hegulators Restri tion 4 Other t 1.splaint ill61 i

, l'-Operator reainmp & I imetiv I unintarn*n 12 AJnunnteatne

+ 4 G-Operat ional I t r..i e i splas.i n l'a/77 4 Il-Othen tI:spl. sin t Ish: hit! Sanc %.r.v 9

.f' 5


_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - - - -- ~. - -- - ----


E. . . . . . . , .

Cm t g ; tyt':r-V , '

4 fRh - '

.'. . N: i C F . . July.__ _ j ';_81_ . '

r F . .

f 9 ,


  • 3'

' :U. ;';F E . *<Tk:.  : G. ' X-1

CA * -

L*; 3* .;

  • A C '. C ' :.'.' ' .3 T CIE?* MW O ,

^{' '


$ I YK'L U ' I

[ ~.-_,_,

  • * .~ .' .;. 'a 6,,, *ww. -: M N .~/

. 2;

. ~u - _

' =

!~r E iJA. !CR '\'

,  ? A D'; ';C: "N I )*.i'E ;' N 'M U .

E CL'l U c -

-i: ! , .-- < . .

--141 l .

26 Pl-26-77C- '


-14 26

'None IAge .


Pl-26-78K.! Replace. None- Age Loss of indication None *


n Loss of indication None NEl ; ' 'l '


-30l 74. , PT-74-65

~! Replace.

None-90 Age

-08l l RM-90-250 IRepair ,.None Age Loss of indication None

-08.{ 63 EXM-63-8A Replace

  • None Loss of record None

-08l' "90 - 2 RM-90-249 Repair '


{EndofLife Loss of indication I None

-27 1 Age

.3 I PX-3-206 Repair. None

' Loss of record None

-27l. t 3' I PX-3-61 Repair ;None fAge .

None None

-271- '3 Age None

.PX-3-53A '

. Repair' None None

-29 Age None

~ ~7 7. LIS 77-L4ALB ;! Replace None, None End of Life Loss of indication None .

y oo




, w i w 30 : 92 APRM A. K-13 _ 8 Relav Replace None Age 09 ] 1 TR-1-l' Repair ~ None Alarm light None 10 i 85- , Age Loss of Record

< TR-85-7C. Repair. None

'None l Age, '

Loss of Record

  • s
None i f

-3; i e . ,,


.-ty 30- 0 90 }RR-90-251 Repair None Age 23! 85 -

XI-85-0000 Repair Loss of Record None None Age (4 ' rod display)' '

Loss of indication None g

4 e .

L .

9 q

7 g. .


's;,Y r >



' fBROWS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 and Common. ' Page 3; 9 , ,

., BF.EMSYL 30




Appendix B 9/29/82

, , . For the Month of- . July -19 83

- , A} e, n

.c ; :Effect on Safe

' ' Aetion Taken 4 -

' NNature of.  : Operation of ;Cause of -

Results of To Preclude

. _D:ity ,t Sv* tem- Co.ponent' '

Maintenance ~ The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurren :e *

/5/83; . Reactor Relay l161K24M IRhfuell zone jInstrument Relays 16AK24'- Refuel zone - The relay coils

.;. Building located in isolated. - channel B was and 16AK62B both isolation. were replaced 14 Hedting panel 9-5 and' 'jinoperable for failed due to and the B instru-E. and relay 16AK62B

  • Fthe reactor- bad relay. coils, ment channel e' Ventila- - located in 4 building vent- returned to tion panel 9-43. lilation reactor service.

zone. However, MR#147551

~ instrument- MR#147194

. f-t

-channel A was still operable and primary 1~

containment was m s

maintained at m oo

- all times.


. to

/6/83 Fire Cable tray ' Order of None , Bad logic board. Order of occurance Replaced the s s Protec- heat detector' cccurance logic board logic board and

r. tion panel 1 11ogic board inoperable. performed
281A order of . inoperable. SI 4.11.C.3 & 4.

f' occurance .

18#A-141927 logic board. *

[S- .

/15/83 Standby; SLC pump Smoke was -

None Motor lead e

Insulation break- t The motor leads 0 t Liquid, -' motor "A" . observed, '

' arced to ground. down. were cleaned and Con t rol .' coming from. re-insulated.

-(SLC) '

pump motor. '

MR#A-154198 Q -i .

h1 h



$ g .

,0 (

i ,1 *


s y * ...

.., 9

.h Jef f 'l t , i

.r. r! . L. 'l 2



  • 3 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR FLANT UNIT 1 and Common Appendix S
  • CSSC EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SLP!ARi 9/29/82 For the Month of July 19 83 -

Effect on Safe Action Taken Nature of Operation of Cause of -

Results of To Preclude Date Svsten Co ponent Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence -

/19/83 ' Standby SLC squib FCV lights None, unit 1 in Blown fuses F1, 1-FCV-63-8A Replaced the blown Liquid 1-FCV-63-8A. inoperable, refueling F2, and F3. inoperable. fuses.

Control outage. MR#A-147974 (SLC) '

/22/83lAirCon- Emergency Energency con- None , Bad expansion Chiller inoperable. Replaced the bad  ;

-; ditioning . control bay trol bay chil- valve. expansion valve l I(Cooling- chiller expan- ler inoperable, and performed EMI Heating) sion valve.

l 60. The chiller operated properly.

l MR#A-141003 0 1 ' m i oo 9

4 '31/83 , Radwaste 'Drywell equip- Ticers None Bad micro Timers (IF-77-14A&B) Replaced and cal- O I

1 ment d ra in inoperable. switches in inoperable, l sump puup timers. ibratedthetimersl per SI 4.2.E-4.

timers MR#A-154160 (IS-77-14A&B) MR#A-154161

l. .-

4 0


,= i


l 6 i



i s

_ - _ . - . - - ~ . ..


.< BF EMSIL 30



- ^PP'" I* I

.; 1,


9/29/82 LFer the Mo' nth of i* July 14 83-


Effect on Safe Action Taken Nature of , Operation of Cause of -

Results of Te Preclude Date Systen: Component Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence *

/29/83 ' } bin ! Steam Fuses 16A-F67 The component. The conse- Improper fuse Fuses installed Control panel

. Reactor. 16A-F69,'16A- fuses were ..quences of installation. improperly. fuses of this type

' ~

.Feedwa te r ' F66, and SA-found:to be' ' installing were inspected and Sampling 6 F27 located in -installed these fuses was corrected for Water. . ' backup control' incorrectly, such that an units 1, 2, and 3.'

Quality { panel 2-25-32. alarm would not Unit 1 Control have been MR#A-130694 Rod Drive received should Unit 2 l the fuse have MR#A-130695 l blown. Unit 3 MROA-130696 E


/29/83 Main Relay 16AK7A Croup I isola- None, there was Burned relay This relay initiated The relay was

  • Steam tion logic one operable coil, a half isolation.' replaced and M (Main Steam . trip system and returned to Line high one. tripped service. I radiation) trip system. I MR#A-154358 initiated a half isola-tion. I

,4 l } '

f /4/83 Fire Pro- Heat detector 'An alarm came This alarm The continuous A false alarm was The detector was ,

,' tection- TE-39-46B. in for reactor could have strip heat received which . straightened in i building masked signals detector had could have masked I the cable tray elevation 593 from other apparently been signals from other and the alarm fire protec- detectors which stepped on and detectors. cleared. The l . tion panel are required to bent. detector was j 2-25-311, zone be operable. functionally j l 2B, heat tested and return-detector .- ed to service.


TE-39-46B. MR#A-154383 1 .

s LER#BFRO-50-260/.l 83036 i

, , I

, . f/ '.  ! .

l SROWS FERRY Nt! CLEAR P!. ANT UNIT 2' g 39 Appendix B -


, Effect on Safe Action Taken

' Nature of Operation ci 'Cause of -

Results of To Preclude Date ,

,_ System Ccmponent ' Maintenance The Beactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence -

/5/83 Residual LPCI motor. -The MG set LPCI MG set 2EA The inboard and Required motor gen- The inboard and l Heat generator set motor.was was taken out outboard motor crator to be taken outboard bearings Removal 2EA motor. noticed to of service. bearings are out of service. were replaced and (RHR) have excessive believed to have the motor gener-vibration and failed due to a ator set returned

, I noise. lack of grease to service. All l in the bearing '

LPCI MG sets I housing.

i 8 motors for units 1, 2, and 3 were greased and l placed on the maintenance m schedule for $

periodic lubrica-9 d


MR#A-062166 LER#BFRO-50-260/

83037 l

/25/83 Core Core spray During the None Bad overload Fan inoperable.

  • The overload Spray NE room j performance of, heater.

heater was re-placed and the fan.f Cooling cooler fan.

l'SI4.2.B-60 the core spray was returned to NE room cooler '

. service.

fan failed to MR#A-06G421 operate.

l 8

l I

I f, 6 i


l Effcet en Safe Action Taken h '

Nature of Operation of Cause of -

Results of To Preclude D:< t c S y.s t ern Comnonent ' Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence -

/30/83 Diesel Annunciator . Control room None Bad inverter and Control room annun- Replaced inverter

--~ '

Generators inverter and annunciator interposing relay ciator panel for D/G and relay and relay 831X. panel for D/G 381X. - B inoperable, returned the annun--

B would not ciator panel to test. service.

l MR#A-141026

o MRfA-153381 l l I

t l

t 2

! ~,

co .

I i ,

i l  : !

<, i I i

  • 3 8


O -

Appendix B' -



4 9/29/S2 1

, For the M5 nth of- 3,, h. 19 81 ^

, c 8

Effect on Safe Action Taken i3:

Nature of Operation of Cause of Results of .To Preclude Date System Component Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence -

!h23/83 Reactor. 3A RBCCW pump. Motor'was .None. Bad motor _ . Motor was making The motor bearings j' '

Building motor.- noticed to. bearing. excessive noise, were replaced and 3i Closed have excessive- '

.the pump was ll Cooling noise. ,; . returned to

]' Water service.


MR#A-153792 s

!/30/83 4KV Shut- l Undervoltage During' the per- None, loss-of- Increases in. The undervoltage The relays were.

'to !down relays27-211 j'formance of voltage relay ambient board relay's setpoints recalibrated and '

!/5/83.' Boards lA3 onishut- -Si 4.9.A.4.C channels were room temperature. had drifted up returned to e

{~ and Buses the. component' I j.

down-board _

13EA, 27-211- . relays'were available and slightly above the service. .2

operable on all maximum allowable MRffA-062716 -%
j. '

2B3 and 27e211: f found to oper- four 4KV shut- setpoint. , LER#BFRO-50-296/w i 'l 2C3 on shut- ate between .down boards. ,

83040 *

i. l down board 3EB 3942 and 3943


j relay 27-211- volts. The

' 3C3 on shut- maximum allow-ii dow board -

j! 3EC, and 27- l'ablesetpoint is 3940 volts. g  :

.? 211-4A3 on ',, -

1- shistdown board, ' l

' r

& 3ED. -


2. ,

{/30/83 Reactor 3B RBCCW pump ' Pump motor None Bad pump motor. 3B RBCCW pump The pump motor was jf Building motor. tripped off. inoperable, replaced and the j Clocpd s pump returned to 4 Cooling service.

j, Water -



(RBCCW) ',/

f. ,


a* ./ ,

j. i


,'r o' '

i; gp -..




O 9<

s-yg . . .

g -

Page 3-3 y _




9/29/82 -

, 3 , For the Month of July 19 63 ' '

/ ,

l Effect on Safe Action Taken

} Nature of Operation of Cause of -

Results of To Preclude pa t t; System Co.ponent '

Maintenance The Reactor ' Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence *

/5/83 a Diesel- i Transfer relay While perform- None, this The relay coil- See "Effect on Safe The relay coil was 1 Generators TRB2 locat'ed ing SI4.9.A.1. failure pre- failed with an Operation". replaced and the in 3EB 4KV a (D/G monthly ' vented the per- open circuit. diesel generator shutdown test) ar.,open formance of all returned to i board, coil was found required test- service.

in-relay TRB2. ing but would MR#A-147385 not have pre- !I LERi?BFRO-50-296/

vented D/G l 83039 1 operation from '

j an accident j

i l signal. -

i l

' 7

/22/83! Neutron Relay 5A-K13C Relay was None, this Relay burned up.

f! '

None, during normal The relay was u

' Monitorins; (SRM non- observed to Le' relay is operation (run mode), replaced per coinc ident burned. required for the contacts of EMI 23.

, scram) unit refueling relay SA-K13C are MR#A-153438

{ and startup jumpered across thus r only. removing them from 6,

the circuit. .


/23/83 Control Hand switch Broken switch None Bad switch, lland switch inoper- The hand switch Rod Drive 11S-85-48 handle. able, ,

was replaced per located on EMI 23.

panel 9-5. l MR#A-153446

! I t

/27/83 Radiat ion 3-RM-90-251 Excessive None Bad motor Excessive noise and The radiation Monitoring motor noise. bearings, heating of motor.

1 monitor motor e

was replaced and-the monitor re-turned to service..,

MR#A-130447 l

. l  ! o. i i


. 1


. ~ ' '

,; - 't' li. '

N s


.t 3, For= -

k - i Julv- .

19 8 3. .w _ ,

a . s., ,.:,4- -

. - ~ . - - - - - -a


y. c -

.n- -

%  ; i ,, . > ' '

3 , .

,, ..A,, s ' . <

j , '2' , .

. _..1, .

' _?. I.'

E ', '. . .. ..

- - - - - . _ . ~ ,.

s 1, - - -! ..

'-11. RBCCW , heat' exchanger,ic' lean heads none' unknown ~ !none 3 cleaned heads and

'B' fand tubes- ') l ;tubea l

!!1R# A151948 l lif ting eye f6r;' test' lif ting .

1> j l i f-14' RllR . non'e .-

unknown 'none l tested lifting eye FCV 74  ; eye .!

,'P- A133764 i

l' f-02 -RHRSW pump'C packing leak j none- , packing sorn ;none jreplaced packing

,  ?  !


!!R# A129133 .


.  ?

packing leak'. :

'-04 ' . FPC pump B- 'n on e ' packing worp :none adjusted packing A

,iMR# A147920 j


'7-04') FPC , pump'A 'p$cking-3eak nbne ,

packing worn inone ,adju'sted packing Q

'iMR# 'A147919 s , ,

g ,,,

ls s i i s, ~

. I t

  • t

'- 02 ' RilRSW  ? pump C ' packing ;. lcak ' none ' packing worn !none l adjusted packing i

  • 3 btRr! A153817 i  !

i"-27.' Diesel


, pilot valve on $ceplace' valve ; nonc  ! normal use fnone ,

[replacedpilot valve

' Gene ra tor '"A" air compres-

{ .

!MR# A210777 sor on "C"  ; , j j

. diesel generator l t

' 2' 7 RllRSW

- , air release  ; repair valve none float collapsed , e >n e 4

l replaced float

's , valve 23-541  ; ,

MR!? A210654

  • ; e

, i. ,

' I i .! ,


. v/* - ~

g L

4 t

  • I f

f '

i l }

I  !

- i e .

i s

{ t, t

.' 7 4 - )' ,

t i 1 .  ! ,

I t 1 ,

j .

t ,

w '


.;- .

r ;.: : '.\' .


. . MENA :.7 CA L D IN".s  ??* * - ^'.

1.. .; .'.._-  ;

For the M mth 'f _,,luly_  !'83. _.__

t, . .. _ . . . _ . . .


l :17::t ; :':: SAFF l [ '.s. il i :; T '.

9 '

N' { ' ' ' E ! ~'I

x ;--t -- .. c.

i O ' ~' P3 I'I; ' ' ' '

i ' ~I I " ' -- ' I\' II ' i *

1- '

k 7 . ,.. . .. '.c.i.

y ,g

.....,, y. _ _ l , i

  • t s. ' .._.v.',,_l,,_.. '-

,r -

  • s-

_ _ _ ., 4 . _2 . _

..s ..s.. -

, . .u ,,_ _

7-11'. Core Spray 2A PSC pump

.!ddjust imp llet none  ! unknown lnone 'adj usted ' impeller i ' '

MR# A133729

' .!  ;) 1 i j r l.. . .. .

i 7-02 . RCIC 'j'FCV 71-6B :jpackingleak none packing worn :none ladjusted packing igland


. ~!


e A154354 l 7-19 IIPCI FCV.73-35 ' repair limi-l none  ; motor wired broke coverplate and lBelzona repair

,  : jtorque  ; backwards bolts on housing i

lMR#A133772 1 ,

! . i 3

-* h

- i

' i r

.  ! i .

> i e i i' m

. D 00 l @

i  :  ! , w 5

} N


e 1 j 4 e f

f .g S

  • l $ a 6


I' f I

' I' ,

i t. ,

i t .

t  !

. .  ; , i i *

  • i


i  ! '

l 4 1 t^ f .

-  : i  : ,

t j I  !

' t I ,l

, . i ,

e t

' l '

t i i l

l  !
- t .


i. ,
l. .;  !

,f i * '

,' l j f I .


s t

l i .

-l .

Y 4

g. .

.i.  ; 1 r/ - .c, -

, 3 .. _

vrt ,. , I .

. T. uy. .-

  • c c.

t . 2-r'o r - .h. M. T. th :: July 39 83 l ,. c . .r; ,c

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July 1983

~ *

. ~

Maior Work Areas A. Refuel Floor - Received a small shipment of fuel during the first week of the month and completed fuel inspection by end of second week. Other ac-tivities included ultrasonic test (UT) of reactor pressure vessel (RPV)

' flange, cladding, RPV stud-inspection, removal of service platform and track, mapping of spent fuel pool, fuel movement in support of high density fuel storage rack (HDFSR) -shimming, and preparations for boral test of unit 3 racks and maintenance on cranes. Many activities took longer to


complete because senior reactor operator (SRO) coverage was available only on first shift. -

B. Turbine - The bucket repairs on the low-pressure "B" turbine, which was started in June, was halted when tendons cracked during installation of the bucket covers. A decision was made to perform a penetrant test (PT) exami-nation on all 13th stage turbine end tendons,which identified eight defective tendons. Unit 3 buckets for the 13th stage were available as spares and it was decided to use these buckets on unit 1. Currently, these repairs are in progress.

The unit 1 buckets will be repaired by General Electric and will be available for installation in unit 3 e




July 1983 Maior Work Areas B. (Continued)

- The low-pressure "A" buckets, being repaired by General Electric will be available for shipment from Schenectady, New York on August 12. TVA will provide its own truck and driver for shipment back to Browns Ferry.

The "B" control valve was reassembled in July.

The bull gear and turbine oil pump gear, which was scheduled to be repaired and shipped to Browns Ferry July 25, 1983, has been rescheduled for shipment to Browns Ferry on August 15. This later delivery does not impact the turbine schedule.

C. Drywell - On July 7 contracts were awarded for overlay weld repair of recirculation and residual heat removal (RHR) system. NUTECH, with subcon-

- tractor GAPCO, moved onsite on July 11. After initial setup and training the first of 26 overlay welds was started on July 18; by the end of the month nine welds were welded out with three additional in progress.

During the last week of July the total number of weld repairs for NUTECH increased from 26 to 29 Weld repair of four sweep-o-lets will be performed by welding services, starting in August. All weld overlays are scheduled to be complete in early September, if specially designed welding heads can be fabricated in time and equipment-trained welders and fitters can be replaced when maximum allowable exposure is reached. Presently weld repair work is running close to schedule, except no final UT of weld repair



July 1983 Maior Work Areas C. (Continued) can be performed until calibration blocks and procedures are received.

In addition, there is a strong possibility that weld repair cannot be worked in parallel with final UT and/or core reload because high-frequency welding machines in use will upset instrumentation. This problem could cause the core reload date to slip if weld repair work falls behind schedule.

Main steam isolation valve (MSIV) work continued throughout the month of July and now bonnets are reinstalled on all inboards and operators on "B" and "D" inboards. Backseat lapping, guide rib grinding, and measuring con-tinued on all outboards. All poppets have been welded and machined.

D. Electrical / Instrumentation - During the month of July the prime emphasis was placed on the major modifications, recirculation motor maintenance, and EMI-7/71 testing to support systems required to be in service during fuel load.

A brief status of the modifications and maintenance work is listed below.

1. Modifications
a. P0399 Long-Term Solution to Instrument and control Bus Problems -

Completed all tie-ins and functional testing. This modification is complete.

a -



July 1983 HaMor Work Areas D. (Continued)

1. Modifications (Continued)
b. PO422 Provide Redundant Class IE Protection at Interface of Non-class IE Power Supplies and the Reactor Protection System -

Completed all tie-ins and functional testing. This modification is complete.

c. P0533 Torus Temperature Monitoring System - Work was started on El. 519 outside the torus this month. Sixteen junction boxes were installed (El. 519) and associated conduit was run to junction boxes. Continued installation on conduit on El. 593 This modification is currently 65-percent complete.
d. P0322/P0323 Drywell Wide-range Pressure Monitors and P0323 Torus Wide-range Level Transmitters - Conduit installation continued during July. The P0322 modification requires the relocation of instruments on El. 593 Currently awaiting ENDES ECN revision.

P0322/P0323 are 90-percent complete.

e. P0324 Containment Wide-range Radiation Monitors - Work continued on the modification during July with mounting of Drackets in dry-well for radiation monitor installation. Pulled cables from dry-

_ well penetrations and control room to the auxiliary instrument room. Mounted recorders in control room. This modification is


75-percent complete.

e 4 - - - - , e--- gn , - ,-o ,. -4 - -,- -- - .- ,



July 1983 Ma.ior Work Areas D. (Continued)

f. Electrical Maintenance Completed all maintenance work on the recirculation motor-generator sets (M-G) "A" and "B." Will run M-G sets when TACF form is approved.

Continued the outside electrical work required for the three new buildings. Continued the electrical support of torus and supported NUTECH, weld repair contractor.

Continued to perform the EMI-7 and 71 testing and continued to work the recirculation "A" and "B" motors. 80% complete on maintenance.

E. Mechanical - P0664 ducting for diesel generators was completed for units 3B, 30, and 3D by July 5, and by July 18 the last of unit 1 and 2 diesel generators was completed.

Probolog contractor completed remaining feedwater heaters 1 A3,1 A4,1 AS, 101,102,1C3, and 1C4 and reactor building closed cooling water (RBCCW) heat exchangers 1A and 1B. Residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger 1C after partial probolog and evaluation.became suspect of chlorine pitting in one tube. Preparations were made in July for tube removal and tube plugging and further evaluation.

1 k



July 1983 Major Work Areas E. (Continued) ,

Power Service Shop completed retubing and reinstallation of "A" stator cooler, diffuser box was installed in "B" condenser, and work started with replacement of reactor vent valves 3-98/99 ANI Requirements - P0392 scram discharge header work required ANI involvement, P0613 MSIV guide ribs and P0361 attached piping. Hold points have been established in workplans. Maintenance items under Section X during the month of July did not require any welding work.

ALARA - During July the primary ALARA concerns were as follows: support of the recirculation system overlay repair, removal of sparger platform from the refuel floor and shipment offsite, torus cleaning upon completion of sandblasting, deconning of TIP indexers, "B" feedwater check valve repair (HP support), and overall unit 1 housekeeping reports and followup.

F. Planning and Scheduling - Considerable time and effort were spent on moni-toring and planning of the RHR and recirculation system weld repairs and its increasing scope of work; also developed a schedule for MSIV work, i

l attached piping, and torus modifications for unit 3 cycle 5.

O. Torus - While Williams Paint Contractor was sandblasting in bays 8 thru 11, modification work continued in the remaining bays of the torus. On July 5 released bays 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, and on July 12 bays 1, 2, 3,15, and 16 were released. The last two bays, 4 and 5, were released on July 16.

Page 40 FIELD SERVICES SUliMARY July 1983 Maior Work Areas G. (Continued)

Williams work progressed as follows: completed painting in bays 8-11 on July 6 and started setup of heatcure. Heateure started 'on July 12 at 0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br /> in bay 10. At this point sandblasting and painting were approxi-mately 30-percent complete. Temperatures started rising inside the torus and by the time bay 9 heatcure was complete, average temperature was 119 F, prohibiting painting. Twelve cases of heat exhaustion were reported during this. period. Heateure operations were shut down on July 20 at 0230 hours0.00266 days <br />0.0639 hours <br />3.80291e-4 weeks <br />8.7515e-5 months <br /> to complete sandblasting and painting. Heateuring resumed on July 28 at 1200 hours0.0139 days <br />0.333 hours <br />0.00198 weeks <br />4.566e-4 months <br /> and bays 8, 9, and 10, only, were completed in July. The new projected torus fill date had become day 142 (September 4,1983), instead of day 132 (August 25, 1983) in the outage.

Attached piping support efforts continued throughout the month and a total of 71 supports were completed, boosting the total to 290 of 385, which includes spring cannister mods and ECCS supports. By system the following progress was made: HPCI - 100-percent, RCIC percent, RHR Loop I percent, RHR Loop 2 percent, CS Loop 1 percent, CS Loop 2 percent, drywell and torus purge percent, PSC ringheader percent complete. The total attached piping program is 70-percent complete.



July 1983 Maior Work Areas H. Administrative - The overtime percentage for the month of June was 28- _

percent with 148,609 straight-time hours and 58,387 overtime hours. As of June 30, 1983, year-to-date overtime percentage was 21-percent, 1,255.795 straight-time hours and 334,971 overtime hours. The overall goal of the overtime percentage is 17-percent.

The O&M budget for June was $2,802,872 and the expenditures were $4,203,274 with year-to-date budget being $24,959,334, and actual year-to-date expenditures being $25,657,360. The capital budget was $3,410,351 and the expenditures were $3,543,941 with year-to-date budget being $32,921,720, and actual year-to-date expenditures being $19,487,848. Overall budget was

$6,213,223 and the overall expenditures were 47,749,985 with year-to-date budget being $57,881,054, and actual year-to-date expenditures being



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