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Rev 1 to TVA-COLR-BF3C9, Bfnp Unit 3 Cycle 9 Colr.
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Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/03/1999
From: Riley E
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TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Rhett t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 1 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3, Cycle 9 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

TENNESSEE VALLEYAUTHORITY Nuclear Fuel Division BWR Fuel Engineering Department Prepared By: Date. r-Earl E. Riley, Engineering Specialist BWR Fuel Engineering Verified By: Date:

Alan L. Bruce, Nuclear Engineer BWR Fuel'Engineering Approved By: y/z Py T. A. Ke s, Ma ger BWR Fuel Engineering Reviewed By: Date:

actor Engineering Supervisor Reviewed By: Date: Z-3-'V9 PORC Chairman Revision 1 (1/27/99) Include Requirements for Single Loop Operation Pages Affected: 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 11-16, 19 9'P030203i7 05000260 I,,f 9902i9'DR ADGCK p PDR '~1


,Il 'k

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TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating, Limits Rt~t t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 2 Revision Log Revision Date ~Descri tion Affected Pa es 0 9/17/98 Initial Release for New Cycle All 1/27/99 Include Requirements for Single Loop. 1, 2, 4, 6-8, Operation 11-16, 19

I TVANuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits R2$ 8h Revision. l, Page 3

1. INTRODUCTION This Core Operating Limits Report for Browns Ferry .Unit 3, Cycle 9 is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Browns Ferry Technical Specification 5.6.5. The core operating limits presented here were developed using NRC-approved methods (References 1 and 2). Results from the reload analyses for Browns Ferry Unit 3, Cycle 9 are documented in Reference 3.

The following core operating limits are included in this report:

a. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Limit (Technical Specifications 3.2.1 and 3.7.5)
b. Linear Heat Generation. Rate (LHGR) Limit (Technical Specification 3.2.3)
c. Minimum Critical Power Ratio Operating Limit (OLMCPR)

(Technical Specifications 3.2.2,, and 3.7.5)

d. Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) Flow Biased Rod Block Trip Setting (Technical Requirements. Manual Section 5.3.1 and Table 3.3.4-1)
e. Rod Block Monitor (RBM) Trip Setpoints and.Operability (Technical Specification Table f.. Shutdown Margin (SDM) Limit

,(Technical Specification 3.1.1)

TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits RPJFt t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 4


The APLHGR.limits for full power and flow conditions for each. type of fuel as a function of exposure are shown in 'Figures 1-6. The APLHGR 'limits for the GE7B, GE11 and GE13 assemblies are for the most limiting lattice'(excluding natural uranium) at each

'exposure point. The specific values for each lattice are given in Reference 4.

These APLHGR limits are adjusted'or off-rated power and flow conditions using the ARTS factors, MAPFAC(P).and MAPFA'C(F);, The reduced power factor, MAPFAC(P),

is given in Figure 7. Similarly, adjustments for reduced flow operation are performed using the MAPFAC(F) corrections given in Figure 8. Both factors are multipliers used to reduce the standard APLHGR limit. The most limiting.power-adjusted or flow-adjusted value is taken as the A'PLHGR operating limit for the off-rated condition.

The APLHGR limits in figures 1-6 are applicable for both Turbine Bypass In-Service and Out-Of-Service. The off-rated power and fiow corrections in figures 7 and 8 bound both Turbine Bypass In-Service and Out-Of-Service operation. No corrections are required to the APLHGR limits for TBOOS for either rated or off-rated operation.

For, Single. Recirculation Loop Operation (SLO), the most limiting of. either the SLO multiplier or the off-rated MAPFAC correction is used to reduce the exposure dependent APLHGR limit. The'SLO multiplier to be applied to this cycle is 0.84 (reference 3). It is not necessary to apply both the off-rated MAPFAC'nd SLO multiplier. corrections at the same time.

P TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits R~t t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 5


The LHGR limit for unit 3 cycle 9 is fuel type dependent, as:shown below:

I Fuel'.. Type. ;,, LHGR:L'imit GE7B (BP8X8R) 13.4 kw/ft GE11 14.4 kw/ft GE13 14.4 kw/ft



TVANuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits R~t Revision 1, Page'6

a. The MCPR Operating Limit for rated power and flow.conditions, OLMCPR(100),

is equal to the fuel type and exposure dependent limit shown in Figure 9. For cycle 9, only GE13 results are supplied since they bound all bundle types. As noted in Figure'9, an adder of 0.02 is applied for single loop operation. The actual OLMCPR(100) value is. dependent upon the scram time. testing results, as described below:

Cave CB

'C = 0.0 or whichever is greater where; '6, = 1.096 sec (analytical Option A scram time limit - based on dropout time for notch position 36) n i=i CVC n


  • N 2

p + 1.65

  • cz n

where; p = '0.830 sec (mean scram time used in transient analysis-based on dropout time for notch position 36) o = 0.019 sec (standard deviation of p)

N = Total. number of active rods measured'-in Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement SR3.1.4.1 n = Number of surveillance rod tests performed to date in cycle

~,. = 'Scram time (dropout time) from fully withdrawn to.notch position,36 for the i~ rod

b. Option A OLMCPR limits ('6=1.0) shall be used prior to the determination of 'C in accordance with SR
c. For off-rated power and flow conditions, power-adjusted and flow-adjusted operating limits are determined'rom Figures 10 and 11, respectively. The most limiting power-dependent or flow-dependent value is. taken as the OLMCPR for the off-rated condition.

d:. OLMCPR limits and off-rated corrections are. provided for Recirculation Pump Trip out-of-service (RPTOOS) or Turbine Bypass out-of-service (TBOOS) conditions. These events are analyzed separately and the core is not analyzed for both systems Out-Of-Service at the same time.




TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits R~t t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 7


The APRM Rod Block trip setting shall be:

SRB 5 (0.66(W-BW) + 61%) Allowable Value

'RB 5 (0.66(W-b,W) + 59%) Nominal Trip Setpoint (NTSP) where:

SRB = Rod Block setting in percent of rated thermal power (3458 MWt)

W= Loop recirculation flow rate in percent of rated bW = Difference between two-loop and single-loop effective recirculation same core flow (EW=O.'0 for two-loop operation)

The APRM Rod Block trip setting is clamped at a maximum allowable value of 115%

(corresponding to a NTSP of 113%).

41 ,Oi.

TVANuclear Fuel


The RBM trip setpoints and applicable power ranges shall be as follows:

RBM Trip. Setpoiiit 'Allowable Value. ';


""" '(NTSP)'

LPSP 27.% 25%

IPSP 62% 60%

HPSP 82% 80%

LTSP - unfiltered 118.7% 117.0%

- filtered 117.7,% 116.0% (l) (2)

ITSP - unfiltered 113.7% 1 12.0%

- filtered 112.9% .111.2% , (l) (2)

HTSP - unfiltered 108.7% 107.0%

- filtered: 107'.9% 106.2% (l),(2)

DTSP 90% 92%

Notes: (1) These setpoints are. based upon:a MCPR operating limit of 1.29 using a safety limit of 1.10. This is consistent with a MCPR operating limit of 1.25 using a safety limit of 1.07, as reported in references 6, 7, and 8.

(2) The unfiltered setpoints are consistent with a nominal RBM filter setting, of 0.0 seconds (reference 8). The filtered setpoints are consistent with a nominal RBM filter setting < 0.5 seconds (reference 7).

The RBM setpoints in Technical Specification Table are applicable when:

I-'-THERMA'L'~POWER'.~'! ",A'pplicable .

I 'INotes'<<from I, ', ,, '(%,.'Rat'ed);, ..., ';,, MCPR;"',; ';=,


> 27% and < 90% < 1.75 (a) (b) (f) (h) dual loop operation

< 1.78 (a) (b) (f) (h) single loop operation

) 90% < 1'.44 (g) dual loop operation


(1) The given MCPR operating limits are adjusted to correspond to a MCPR safety limit of 1.10 for dual loop operation (1.12,for single loop operation).

The values shown correspond to operating limits of 1.70 and 1.40 given the original', 1.07 MCPR safety limit used in reference 6.

(2) Greater than 90% rated power is not attainable in single loop operation.

0 ,t TVA'uclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Re~ t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 9


The core shall be subcritical with the following margin with the strongest OPERABLE control rod fully withdrawn and all other OPERABLE. control rods fully inserted.

SDM > 0.38% dk/k

'e I



TVANuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits RP(5t Revision 1, Page 10

1. NEDE-24011-P-A-13, "General-Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel", August 1996.

2.. NEDE-24011-P-A-13-US, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (Supplement for United States)", August 1996.

3. Jl 1-'03329SRLR Rev.'0, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 Reload 8 Cycle 9", July 1998.
4. J11-03329MAPL Rev. 0, "Lattice-Dependent MAPLHGR Report for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 Reload.8 Cycle 9", July 1998.
5. NEDC-32774P Rev. 1, "Safety, Analyses for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units 1, 2and 3'Turbine Bypass and End-of-Cycle Recirculation Pump Trip Out-Of-Service", dated September 1997.
6. NEDC-32433P, "Maximum Extended Load Line Limitand.ARTS Improvement Program Analyses for Browns Ferry'Nuclear Plant Unit 1, 2,-and:3", dated April 1995.

7; EDE-28-0990 Rev. 3 Supplement E, "PRNM (APRM, RBM, and.RFM) Setpoint Calculations [ARTS/MELLL(NUMAC) - Power-Uprate Condition] for Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant", dated October 1997.

8. EDE-28-'0990 Rev. 2 Supplement E, "PRNM (APRM, RBM, and RFM) Setpoint Calculations [ARTS/MELL'L(NUMAC) - Power-Uprate Condition] for Tennessee Valley Authority Browns'Ferry.Nuclear Plant", dated October 1997.
9. GE Letter LB¹: 262-97.-133, "Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Rod Block Monitor Setpoint Clarification - GE:Proprietary Information", dated September 12, 1997.

[L32 970912 800]

10.GE Letter.JAB-T8019a, "Technical Specification Changes for Implementation of Advanced Methods",'ated June 4, 1998. [L32 980608 800]

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TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits RPJKt t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 11 Figure 1 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE13-P9HTB386-12GZ (GE13) 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 UNACCEPTABLEO PERATION 11.00 10.00 9.00 .

8.00 .

T.00 ACCEPTABLE OPERAT ION 6.00-5.00-4.00 .

3.00 2.00 .

1.00 0.00 .

0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Cyclo Exposure (GWDlST)

Most Umiting Lattice for Each Exposure Point AverageiPlanar ',LHGR:,,:; Average, Planar,,;...L'HGR'; '-,'Average':Planar,;LHGR

'-; .L'imit 'Exposure


', GWD/ST, "'"' 'Lirriit 'Expo'sure kw/ft l "'"" '-'. GWD/ST'~ ~'~', kw/ft ""'! ': GWD/ST',


'w/ft 10.94 0.0 10.83 7.0 12.03 25.0 0.2 10.94 8.0 12.19 30.0 10.24 1.0 11.08 9.0 12.36 35.0 9.55 2.0 11.25 10.0 12.51 40.0 8.87 3.0 11;41 12.5 12.53 45.0 8.20 4.0 11.57 15.0 12.27 50.0 7.53 5.0 11.72 17.5 11.95 55.0 6.85 6.0 11.88 20.0 11.62 57.62 6.48 These values apply to both Turbine Bypass In4ervice and Out-Of4ervlce.

The APLHGR limits shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. For single loop operation, these values should be multiplied by the most limiting of either 0.84 or the MAPFAC correction, as described In Section 2.

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TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits R~t t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 12 Figure 2 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE13-P9HTB372-11GZ (GE13) 15.00 14.00 13.00 .


10.00" 9.00 .

6.00 7.00 .


5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 .

1.00 ~

0.00, 0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Cyclo Exposure (GWD/ST1 Most Umittng Lattice for Each Exposure Point

': GWD/ST;,

.LHGR';,Average, Planar 'Average Planar LHGR

'Average Planar-

" "Exposure ' -Exposure "


"'Limit "", 'L'~imit" .',

.; 'Exposure: L'lmlt

GWD/ST, . kw/ft i i kw/ft,'; GWD/ST kw/ft 0.0 10.71 7.0 12.10 25.0 11.08 0.2 10.77 8.0 12.26 30.0 10.33 1.0 10.89 9.0 12.36 35.0 9.61 2.0 11.06 10.0 12.50 40.0 8.92 3.0 11.25 12.5 12.73 45.0 8.26 4.0 11A4 15.0 12.66 50.0 7.61 5.0 11.65 17.5 12.26 55.0 6.95 6.0 11.87 20.0 11.87 57.79 6.58 These values apply to both Turbine Bypass In<ervlce and Out&f<ervice.

The APLHGR limits shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. For single loop operation, these values should be multiplied by the most limiting of either 0.84 or the MAPFAC correction, as described In Section 2.


~ N4' 1

TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits R~t t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 13 Figure 3 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE11-P9HUB323-5G5.0/4G4.0 (GE11) 15 14 13 12 UNACCEPTABLE 0 PERATION 10 4-(s'CCEPTA


0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Cycle Exposure (GWD/ST)

Most Umiting Lattice for Each Exposure Point Average,'Planar

GWD/ST 0.0

';L'HGR tExposure...iL'imit:.

kw/ft'I 10.41 Average'Planar Exposure GWD/ST 7.0

'; kw/ft 12.21

'L'HGR', Average:Planar, i, ILImtt ',',,Exposure,

,GWD/ST 25.0 LHGR'l Limit kw/ft 10.97 0.2 10.44 8.0 12.42 30.0 10.25 1.0 10.54 9.0 12.64 35.0 9.57 2.0 10.75 10.0 12.82 40.0 8.93 3.0 11.01 12.5 12.70 45.0 8.24 4.0 11.30 15.0 12.38 50.0 7.49 5.0 11.62 17.5 12.06 55.0 6.55 6.0 11.95 20.0 11.73 57.70 6.08 These values apply to both Turbine Bypass In4ervice and Out-Of-Service.

The APLHGR limits shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. For single loop operation, these values should be multiplied by the most limiting of either 0.84 or the MAPFAC correction, as described ln Section 2.

0 I t

TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits RIPE t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 14 Figure 4 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE11-P9HUB323-8G4.0

.(GE11) 15.00 14.00 13.00 .

12.00- UNACCEPTABLE 0 PERATION 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 E

ACCEPT ABLE OPERAT ION 7.00 6.00-5.00 4.00-3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Cyclo Exposure (GWD/ST)

Most Umlting Lattice for Each Exposure Point j.AverageiPlanar, >> LHGR':,; I.Average;Planar<<'I, LHGR', I:Average!Planar HGR' i


" GWD/STi t! i -.>...

Limit I kw/ft i.,~,

Exposure L'imit
'i '!l GWD/ST <li~~'!ii~i 'w/ft! I

Exposure GWD/STi! .;

'Limit kw/ft '!

0.0 10.81 7.0 12.38 25.0 10.97 0.2 10.83 8.0 12.51 30.0 10.25 1.0 10.91 9.0 12.65 35.0 9.57 2.0 10.0 12.79 40.0 8.93 3.0 11.36 12.5 12.71 45.0 8.25 4.0 11.63 15.0 12.39 50.0 7.51 5.0 11.93 17;5 12.07 55.0 6.58 6.0 12.25 20.0 11.72 57.72 6.10 These values apply to both Turbine Bypass In4ervlce and Out-Of4ervlce.

The APLHGR limits shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. For single loop operation, these values should be multiplied by the most limiting of either 0.84 or the MAPFAC correction, as described In Section 2.

I'II TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Rc~ t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 15 Figure 5 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE11-P9HUB325-14GZ (GE11) 15.00 14.00 13.00-12.00 . UNACCEPTABLE 0 PERATION 11.00.

10.00 9.00 ~

8.00 .

E 7.00 .


4.00-3.00 2.00 .

1.00 .

0.00" 0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Cycle Exposure (GWD/ST)

Most Limiting Lattice for Each Exposure Point i AverageiPlanar'i i:L'HGR',', Average'Planar. " 'LHGR", .'Average',Planar, LHGR



"i'i'WD/STi 0.0

'!", "kw/ft:"i!

9.48 i'"' GWD/ST:,

7.0 L'imlt

'w/ft 11.80 Exposure I'WD/ST 25.0

'w/ft, Limit 10.87 t

0.2 9.57 8.0 12.07 30.0 10.18 1.0 9.79 9.0 12.23 35.0 9.52 2.0 10.08 10.0 12.37 40.0 8.88 3.0 10.38 12.5 12.36 45.0 8.24 4.0 10.71 15.0 12.13 50.0 7.60 5.0 11.06 17.5 11.90 55.0 6.81 6.0 11.44 20.0 11.59 57.27 6.41 These values apply to both Turbine Bypass In4ervlce and Out-Of4ervlce.

The APLHGR limits shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. For single loop operation, these values should be multiplied by the most limiting of either 0.84 or the MAPFAC correction, as described ln Section 2.

,%I .



TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits RPJFt t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 16 Figure 6 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type BPSDRB2S4L (GE7B) 15.0 14.0 UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 ACCEP TABLE 0 PERATIO N 8.0 E

7.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 Cyclo Exposure (GWDIST1

.'Aveiage.'P.lan'ar Exposure

-'L'HGR" Limit

.',Aver'age.'Planar Exposure L'HGR

..Limit Average: Planar Exposure

HGR L'imit I GWD/STi J I Itw/ft "" i'WD/ST ,

kw/ft i "( GWD/ST 'w/ft 0.2 11.2 15.0 12.0 35.0 10.1 1.0 11.3 20.0 11.9 40.0 9.4 5.0 11.8 25.0 11.3 45.0 8.8 10.0 12.0 30.0 10.8 These values apply to both Turbine Bypass In4ervice and Outf4ervlce.

The APLHGR limits shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. For single loop operation, these values should be multiplied by the most limiting of either 0.84 or the MAPFAC correction, as described in Section 2.

0" gl 41 .Oi.

TVA Nuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits R8$ %t Revision 1, Page 17 Figure 7 Power Dependent MAPLHGR Factor - MAPFAC(P) 1.2 0.8 ~

(50% Co re Flow O

'< 06.

N 0.4 ',

'0 I


> 50% Core Flow 0.2; I I


10 20 30 40 50 60 70'ower 90'00

(% Rated)

MAPLHGR(P) = MAPFAC(P) x MAPLHGRstd For For 25% >

25% < P <


MAPLHGRstd.= Standard MAPLHGR Limits 30%:


MAPFAC(P) = 0.46+ 0.005(P-30%) Fol' 50% CORE FLOW For 30% <.P  : MAPFAC(P) = 1.0+'0.005224(P-100%)

These values bound both Turbine Bypass Inervlce and Out-Ofervlce

J P.


TVANuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits R~t t TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Revision 1, Page 18 Figure 8 Flow Dependent MAPLHGR Factor - MAPFAC(F)

MAXFLOW > 102.5'/o 0.9- XJ 0.8 O

u+ 0.7--

I MAXFLOW > 10711 0.6 0.5'.4 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Coro Flow (% Rated)


  • Wc /100+ Bfj Wc = % Rated Core Flow Af and Bf are Constants Given Below:

"Maximum,'.; ,

. l

.:. 'Core Flow'I,'A'f':



%'Rated .; I 102.5 0.6784 0.4861 107.0 0.6758 0.4574 These values bound both Turbine Bypass In-Service and Out-Of-Service.

The 102.5% maximum flow line ls used for operation up to 100% rated flow.

The 107% maximum flow line ls used for operation up to 105% rated flow (ICF).

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ie'VA 1


Nuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits R~t Revision 1, Page 19 Figure 9 MCPR Operating Limit for All Bundle Types 1.44 1.43 .

1.42 1.41 . PTOOS

~ ~

1.4 ~

O 1.39 TBOOS I 1.38 B 1.37 a 1.36.

B c 1.35 ~

1.34 .

1.33 ~

1.32 ~

Turbine Bypass and Recirculation Pump Trip In<orvlco 1.31 1.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Option B Option A Tau (~)

Exposure!Range t Out-Of-Service .Option A Option'B eau=1'.0 i

'Tau=0;0'.31 BOC9 to EOC9 na 1.34 1 BOC9 to EOC9 Turbine B ass TBOOS 1.38 1.35 BOC9 to EOC9 Recirculation Pum Tri RPTOOS 1.43 1.35 Notes

1. Use this value prior to performing scram time testing per SR
2. Either Turbine Bypass or Recirculation Pump Trip may be Out-Of-Service.

The core is not analyzed for both TBOOS and RPTOOS at the same time.

3. The values shown are for dual recirculation loop operation. Increase any value shown by 0.02 for single loop operation.

h b~

TVANuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits R t Revision l, Page 20 Figure 10 Power Dependent MCPR(P) Limits 3.2

>>50% FLow (teoosj 3

2.6 0 m 4

m lO 2,6 gA w

<<c>> o >>50% FLOW 2.2 Y (L (Equlpmanl tn-Savke 5 Rproost c>>P l~


<50% FLOW

%f 16 (Eqdpmenl a RpToos) 16 1.4 1.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Power I% Rated),


Kp = [Kbyp.+ 0.02(30%-P)]/OLMCPR(100)

Turbine B ass and RPT In-Service or RPT Out-Of<ervlce RPTOOS Kbyp =1.97 For < 50% CORE FLOW Kbyp=2.21 For > 50% CORE FLOW Turbine B ass Out-Of-Service TBOOS Kbyp=2.01 For < 50% CORE FLOW Kbyp= 3.01 For > 50% CORE FLOW For 30% < P<45%  : Kp = 1.28 + 0.01340(45%-P)

For 45% < P<60%  : Kp = 1.15+ 0.00867(60%-P)

Fol'0% < P Kp = 1.00+ 0.00375(100%-P)

Note: Either Turbine Bypass or Recirculation Pump Trip may be Out-Of<ervice.

The core is not analyzed for both TBOOS and RPTOOS at the same time.



4l P wf t

TVANuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF3C9 Core Operating Limits RIPE vision 1, Page 21 (Final)

Figure 11 Flow Dependent MCPR Operating Limit - MCPR(F) 1.7 1.6 1.5 O

1.4 .

MAXFLOWS 1 hW( FLOW ~ 1028%

1.2 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Flow (% Rated)

For Wc < 40%  : MCPR(F) = (Af"Wc/100+ Bf)'[1+0.0032(40-Wc)]

For Wc > 40%  : MCPR(F) = MAX(1.23, Af'Wc/100+ Bf)

Wc =% Rated Core Flow I,',

Af and Bf are Constants Given Below:



, i ';

Core Flow,'. -

Af <Bf

, '=(% Rated),:

102.5 -0.587 1.701 107.0 -0.603 1.745 These values bound both Turbine Bypass In4ervlce and Out-Of4ervlce.

These values bound both Recirculation Pump Trip In-Service and Out-Of4ervice Either Turbine Bypass or Recirculation Pump Trip may be Out-Of-Service.

The core ls not analyzed for a combination of TBOOS and RPTOOS.

The 102.5% maximum flow line is used for operation up to 100% rated flow.

The 107% maximum flow line ls used for operation up to 105% rated flow (ICF).


'le 4