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Final Deficiency Rept Re Sway Strut Rod Ends,Initially Reported on 800824.Installation Insp Will Be Performed by QC Prior to Stress Walkdown &/Or Sys Turnover.Project QC Instructions Will Be Revised by 810715
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 06/12/1981
From: Ballweg T, Jackie Cook, Curtis L
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-5.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, 12016, MCAR-42, NUDOCS 8106180236
Download: ML20004F366 (5)




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)C/1T S = .w w , James W Cook launigif Vice President - Projects, Engsneering

_ ,,) and construction o.a.,.i ovem : is4s we., Pernen no.a. on, w 4sroi . (si7: 7sso4s3 80-C5 #5 June 12, 1981 Di Mr J G Keppler, Regional Director f s Office of Inspection & Enforcement .c 7


US Iluelear Regulatory Cc= mission Begion III S-1 g/ 7 b u, ,'


3 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 8/4 q '

C ris /s

&O'c /4 MIDLAIID PROJECT - d DOCKET IICS 50-329, 50-330 N '/ % h ' s#

S'4AY STRUr ROD E! IDS DEFICIE lCY FILE: 0.4.9.k2 UFI: 73*10*01, 152LO(E) SERIAL: 12016


J 'd Cook letters to J G Keppler, Same


1. Serial 9784, dated October 31, 1980
2. Serial 11009, dated January 15, 1981 3 Serial 11501, dated February 27, 1981 ha Serial 11968, dated April 10, 1981 The referenced letters were interi= 50.55(e) reports concerning the sway strut rod ends deficiency. This letter is the final report.

Attachment 1 provides a su=ary of the acticns which have been taken to resolve this problem.


'4RB/lr Attachment 1: MCAR-42, Final Report (Revised June 10, 1981), " Loose Hanger Standard Parts Bushing" CC: Director of dffice of Inspection !: Enforcement Att 'r Victor Stello, US!iRC (15)

Director, Office of hnagement Information & Program Control, US::RC (1)

RJCcck, US!IRC Resident !nspector Midland ??uclear Plant (1)  ;

810618o2.3 6

f 5 -4 i 2 Scrial 12016 80-05 #5 CC: CBechhoefer, ASL3 RSDecker, ASLB FPCowan, ASLB AS&L Appeal Panel MMCherry, Esq MSinclair CRStephens, UStiRC

'4DPaton, Esq, US!!RC EJKelly, Esq, Attorney General SHFreeman, Esq, Anst Attorney General GITaylor Esq. Asst Attorney General

'4HMarshall GJMerritt , Esq, TIIK&J t

.. - - ~ - .

J ,([ " .Attachm:nt 1 Ssrial 12016 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation 80-05 #5

-032569 SU5 JECT: MCAR 42 (issued 9/24/80)

Loose Hanger Standard Parts Bushing FINAL REPORT DATE ' June 1,1981 '(Revised June 10,1981) '

f PROJECT: Consumers Power Company Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Bechtel' Job 7220 Introduction This final report is prepared in response to MCAR 42. This concludes and summarizes our actions as previously reported in Interim Reports 1 through 4.

Description of Deficiency Loose or totally disengaged rod end bushings supplied with specific sway

struts were identified in Nonconformance Reports 3108, 3109, 3110, 3130, 3131, 3174,-and 3188. The sway struts, snubbers, and shock suppressors utilizing these bushings were furnished by ITT Grinnell, NPS Industries, Corner & Lada, Inc, and Bergen-Paterson.

Potential Safety Implication A potential safety problem would exist if the cap assembly became par-tially or totally di'sengaged from the bushing causing a binding or gap between the bushing and the intersurface of the clamp or rear bracket.

Existence of this gap or binding during a seismic event could result in overstressing of piping and/or piping welds due to movement of the piping system. This overstressed condition could result in a signifi-cant safety hazard due to possible failure of the pressure boundary because of unanalyzed forces and movements.

4 Summary of Investigation and Historical Background Loose bushings were identified on pipe support sway struts supplied by i- Corner & Lada, Inc to Union Electric Calloway Unit 1 and Kansas Gas and Electric Wolf Creek Generating Station. The deficiencies in the' sway

. struts for Wolf Creek Generating Station were reported by Bechtel to the

. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Inspection and Enforcement (I&E)

Region IV in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55(e). Subsequently, these deficiencies were reported by Bechtel to the NRC I&E Region I in accor-dance with 10 CFR 21.


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03256S Becht:1 Associates Professional Corporation MCAR 42 Final Report-June 1, 1981 (Revised June 9, 1981)

Page 2 Based on this information, an investigation was performed'at the Midland Plant Units 1 and 2. Deficiencies were noted in sway struts manu-factured by ITT Grinnell, Pacific Scientific Industries,"and NPS Indus-tries, as well as those manufactured by Corner & Lada, Inc, previously identified in NCRs 3108, 3109, 3110, 3130, 3131, 3174, and 3188.

Bechtel informed the manufacturers of the deficiencies and requested they provide spacers as a generic solution to prevent disengagement of the bushings without precluding warranty. Bechtel has performed a dimensional analysis of all the relevant manufacturers' data to deter-mine whether spacers would actually prevent the rod end bushings from becoming disengaged. The results of the analysis for the respective manufacturers are as follows:

1. ITT Grinnell Bechtel review of spacer sizes and bearing movement data provided by Grinnell indicated that only one mechanical shock arrestor (Figure 306/307, Size 1) can dislodge from its bushing. All other sizes of sway struts and mechanical shock arrestors were i7und to be acceptable. Grinnell indicated that it would provide larger spacers to replace those. originally provided for Figure 3'6/307, Size 1 shock arrestors.

'2. Bergen-Paterson Bechtel review of data provided by Bergen-Paterson indicated that installation of the recommended size spacers would prevent the bushings from becoming totally dislodged.

3. NPS Industries Bechtel review of data provided by NPS Industries, using the flexible bearing retainer dimensions with the spacer / washer dimensions pre-viously provided, indicated that the rod end bushings would not be-come disengaged. However, the space between the upper clamp ears


would be expanded as a result of the addition of these spacers. NPS was questioned about this discrepancy and stated it would not effect the sway strut design function. Bechtel finds this accep-table.

4. Corner & Lada, Inc Jechtel has received all necessary data from Corner & Lada, Inc and performed a dimensional analysis. The results of the dimensional analysis indicate that installation of the recommended size spacers would prevent the bushings from becoming totally dislodged.

.,- I i

l Becht:1 Associates Professional Corporation l I

4 MCAR 42 a Final Report Obb June 1,1981 (Revised June 9,1981)

Page 3 Corrective Action Because the majority of sway struts have been received, rec,eipt inspec-tion procedures will not be modified as addressed in Interim Report 1, Corrective Action Item 4. Therefore, installation inspection will be 6/9/81 performed by quality control prior to stress walkdown and/or system turnover.

Project. engineering has accepted the Vendor's criteria for spacer / washer flexible bearing retainer requirements for each of the identified suppliers. The Vendor's criteria are set forth in controlled documents (Vendor drawings).

Construction quality control is scheduled to incorporate the engineering accepted criteria to prepare or revise existing Project Quality Control Instructions (by July 15, 1981) that will require verification of-proper 6/9/81 spacer / washer flexible bearing retainer installation of all sway struts, snubbers, and shock arrestors.

Reportability Consumers Power Company reported this deficiency by telephone on August 24, 1980, to Mr. R. Sutphin, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Region III, NRC, as a reportable, deficiency for Midland Units 1 and 2 in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55(e).

This deficiency was reported, both verbally and by letter, by Bcchtel on October 8,1980, in accordance with 10 CFR 21 to Mr. James Keppler and Mr. R. Knopp, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Region III NRC, by Mr. H. Wahl, Ann Arbor Power Division.

bmitted by: /[

Approved b k L.H. Curtist A I'

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