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Requests Util Perform Ultimate Capacity Analysis of Mark III Containment for NRC Generic Review Re Effects of Hydrogen Evolving from Postulated Accident
Person / Time
Site: Phipps Bend  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/1980
From: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Parris H
NUDOCS 8101120269
Download: ML20002C879 (3)



Docket File 50-553/554 DEC 191980 LPDR PDR Docket Nos.: 50-553/554

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Mr. H. G. Parris DScaletti c'

Manager of Power ACRS(16)

U Tennessee Valley Authority IE (3) 500A Chestnut Street, Tower II


"a Chattanooga, Tenn.

37401 1


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Dear Mr. Parris:

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ULTIMATE CAPACITY ANALYSES OF MARK III CONTAINMENTS - PHIPPS BEND As part of the staff's generic review of the effects of hydrogen evolving from a postulated accident, all applicants who have either an ice condenser or Mark III pressure-suppression containment design are being requested to perform an ultimate capacity analysis for the containment.

Since the Phipps Bend Nuclear Plant utilizes the Mark III containment design, we request that you perform such an analysis, as described in the enclosure.

We further request that, within 30 days of your receipt of this letter, you identify the schedule by which the results of this analysis will be submitted to the staff.

Sincerely, Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


Ultimate Capacity Analyses of Ice Condenser and Mark III Containments cc: See next page.

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cc: Mr. Jerry E. Wills Tennessee Valley Authority 303 Power Building Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 Mr. Herbert S. Sanger, Jr.

Attorney for Applicant Division of Law Tennessee Valley Authority EllB33 C-K 400 Commerce Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Ms. Phyllis Peirce 1913 Seaver Road Kingsport, Tennessee 37660 Alan S. Rosenthal, Esq., Chairman Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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Washington, D. C.

20555 Richard S. Salzman Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washin~gton, D. C.



Dr. John H. Buck e

Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission y

Washington, D. C.



Mr. J. F. Cox i

Tennessee Valley Authority t

W10C131C 400 Commerce Avenue t

Knoxville, Tenness'ee 37902 I

Mr. H. N. Culver Tennessee Valley Authority f

249-A Hamilton Bank Building Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 f


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ULTii' ATE CAPACliY Af1ALYSES OF ICE C0!iDEtiSER AND fMRK III C0f1TAlf4MEf1TS Detailed analyses are to be performed to assess the effect on integrity of a potential hdyrogen burn.

Ultimate capacity of the contain -

ment should be evaluated using a finite element model.

Uniform static pressure capability should be calculated. Dynamic local and overall pressure cabability should also be assessed.

Based on the actual materia' strength variations indicated by mill test certificates and other uncertainties, the mean, an estimate of dispersion, and lower and upper bounds of the containment capacity should be established.

The details of the analyses and the results should be submitted in report form.The following information should be readily identifiable in the report:


Design pressure; 2.

Calculated static pressure retaining capacity; 3.

Calculated dynamic pressure strength considering appropriate pressure 4 3 time histories; 4.

The associated failure modes (axisymmetric burst pressure, buckling, rebar yielding, penetration failure, closure failure, or others);


The criteria governing the original design and the criteria used to establish failure; 6. Analysis detatis and general results; and 7.

Appropriate engineering drawings adequate to allow verification of modeling and evaluation of analyses employed for penetrations.

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