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Third Interim Deficiency Rept Re Investigation & Corrective Actions Associated W/Reported Anomalies in NSSS Seismic & LOCA Analyses.All Input Data to Be Consolidated to Provide Central Controlled Source of Data.Next Rept by 810918
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 06/19/1981
From: Jackie Cook
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, 12023, 80-07-#3, 80-7, 80-7-#3, NUDOCS 8106240080
Download: ML19350F028 (3)


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-. James W Cook


, Vice President - Projects, Engineenng y and Construction Go.,eral Offices: 1945 West Parnell Road, Jackson, MI 49201 * (517) 78s-0453 80-07 #3 g e A

June 19, 1981 8 ,

o E; g, p

  • /s ph 9 Mr J 'G Keppler, Regional Director

%g T/

Office of Inspection and Enforcement to,.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission /A Region III N 7 ,

799 Roosevelt Road J Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 MIDLAND IiUCLEAR FLANT -

UNITS 1 AND 2, DOCKEI' NOS 50-329, 50-330 USSS ANALYSIS FILE: 0.h.9.hh UFI: 73*10*01, 02000(S) SERIAL: 12023


1) CFCo letter, J W Cook to J G Keppler, same subject ,

Serial 11659, dated March 12, 1981

2) CFCo letter, J W Cock to J G Keppler, same subject ,

Serial 10065, dated December 18, 1980 This letter is the third interim report of investigation and corrective actions associated with the reported anctalies in the NSSS seismic and LOCA analyses.

The last report (reference 1) described three specific corrective actions.

The current status of these acticas is as follevs:

ORRECTIVE AC"' IONS 1. " Assure specific anomalies are adequately dispositioned,"

and 2. " Assure any required process corrective actions are in place to provide confidence in the new analysis."

A. 3echtel -

Verificaticn of Current and Future 3echtel Inpus to 35W 3echtel has ec= piled the 3echtel input data to the 3&W seismic and ic s s-o f-c colant accident (LCCA) analysis into a single centrolled document and has transmitted it to 3iW. Using the structural analysis interface definiticn provided by 2LW as a guideline, this document includes current input data and input data utilization infcrnatien.

Written confirmation frc= ELW that the single document is sufficient for 3LW analytical purpcses is anticipated in the near future.

As the design of pcMicns of the Midland plant cas nct yet been finalized, the sing'.e input icc=ent identified abcve vill require periodic revisions to inccrporate nev r revised inf:r aticn. All such 8106240 W S

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f2 Serial-12023 80-07 #3 revisions will be transmitted inL a' controlled manner to B&W, identifying the changed information. Procedures 'for the control and transmittal of

- these revisions are being developed.

It is anticipated that these proce-dures will be issued by Septemberfl8,1981.

B. ILas -

' Action taken and present status is discussed in B&W letters 'of 2/27/81

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and 6/k/81:

Item Status

1. . Verification of adequacy of input Complete.

' data 7and incorporation of all nev

. input data into on-going analyses.

2. . Consolidation of all . input data into- Scheduled for completion an " Analytical Input Requirements by T/30/81.

Specification" to provide a central controlled. source of input data.

'3-Implementation of a detailed checklist' Complete.

for the preparation and-review of seis=ic analysis.

h. Upgrading of computer programs.used Complete.

for seismic analysis, to display-more information in the cc=puter- '

produced response spectra.

5 Initiation of a training program for . ' First session of this program personnel involved in seismic has now been completed, involving structural design and analysis. 25 engineers who attended einsses 2-hourc per week for ik veeks.

This training program vill be on going and it has been incorporated into the RPGD training progra= system as a standard offering.

CCERICTIVE ACTION 3 " Assure adequacy of inter.ccmpany interface centrols."

Review of Docu=entation and Control Procedures A. The two action items for Bechtel resulting from the review of 3echtel's procedural control of external design interfaces, as described in Reference 1, are not yet ec=plet e. The revised forecast dates for these activities are:

1. Sechtel Quality Engineering (;I) is to revise MED 4.25-0. Rev 2 to delete the reference to pSAR Appendix 13. Table 1 and replace it with an appropriate reference. Cc=plenicn anticipated by July ~3,1981.


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3 Serial 12023 80-07 #3

2. Midland Project QE is to issue a new design responsibility matrix and add it to the Project Master Distribution Schedule. Ccepletion anticipated by June 30, 1981.
3. The Midland Proj ect Quality Assurance Department investigation into the adequacy of 3echtel's engineering interfacing with other major contractors and consultants, where there is a major analytical interface (ie, substantial two-way transfer of technical date.) on safety-related items, is currently in progress. This investigation presently is scheduled for completion by July 17, 1981.

Another report, either interim or final, vill be sent on or before September 18, 1981.


  • JU4/1r CC: Director of Office of Inspection i Enforcement Att Mr Victor Stello, USNEC (15)

) Director, Office of Management Information & Program Centrol, USNRC (1)

RJCook, USNRC Resirient Inspector Midland Nuclear Plant (1)

C3echhoefer, ASL3 RSDecker, ASL3 FPCcvan, ASL3 AS&L Appeal Panel MMCherr/', Esq MSinclair CRStephens, USIGC

'4DPaten, Esq, US:EC FJKelly, Esq, Attcrney General SEFreeman Esq, Asst Attorney General GTTaylor, Esq, Asst Attorney General

~4'2b.r r shall GJMerritt, Esq, THKaJ