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Final Deficiency Rept Re Underspecified ASME Pipe Support Fillet Weld callouts.ITT-Grinnell Analysis,Destructive Load Test Results & Design Conservatism Confirm No Safety Problem Exists.Use of Hangers W/Weld Callouts Recommended
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 05/09/1978
From: Martinez P
BLC-5936, MCAR-18, NUDOCS 8006240658
Download: ML19344D792 (69)


{{#Wiki_filter:- i 1 Bechtel Power Corporation 3 g 777 East Eisenhower Parkway , Ann Arbor, Michigan 4 MaifAmess: P.O. Box 1000, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 I l 1 May 9, 1978 - ( , BLC-5935 - Consuners Power Compan7 l THIS DOCUMEtiT C0tiTNilS Mr. c. s. Keeley,- Project Manager , P0OR QUAUTY PAGESg i 1945 L'est Parnall Road - Jackson, Michigan 49201 - Midland Units 1 and 2 - Consumers Power Cc=pany Bechtel Job 7220 ' HCAR-18 FE?AL REPORT ' s APPARENT IETDERSIZED HANGER L' ELDS Files.2417/2801

                                                                                                         '                         j

Dear Mr. Keeley:

Attached is the Final Report covering the deficiency described in MCAR-18. The Final Report incitidos a descriptics of the deficiency with a review i of undarspecified hanger fillet veld callouts, a statement of safety implications, corrective actions to prevent repetition; conclusions, and recorcendations. Although the design differs from the code require =ents, Grinnell has demon-strated that the velds are adequate to support the design loads and that a safety problem does not exist. This deficiency is now considered nonreportable. , This Final Report is responsive to the five recon = ended actions included - in MCAR-18, codified as follows: Item I-3: In lieu of a 1 percent sample of hangers, a co=plete survey, i.e., 100 percent, of Gr4* " ell detail drawings was perfor=ed. Results of this survey which identified approx 1=ately 330 under-specified velds, are included in the Report. 8 - I' O g

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     .BLC-5935 Consumers Power Company                       Bechtel Power Corporation May 9, 1978 Page 2 Item I-4: The inspection of some hangers to compare actual versus design weld size was done. Results of this reinspection are included in MCAR-19.

This Report completes all scheduled action on the subject MCAR. Very truly yours,

                                                  * & .1/ f A < % }-
                                              +c' P. A. Martinez Project Manager PAM/WGM/pp
   . Attachments (1) Final Report by Bechtel, May 3, 1978.

(2) Review g Underspecified Fillet Weld Callouts on_ ASME Pipe Support Drawings Designed by, ITT Grinnell, Jan.1978. (3) ITI Grinnell's Report g Investigation o_f,f Fillet Welds

                        ,in, Hanger Assemblies, Report No. 203';, dated April 20, 1978.

cc: Mr. R. C. Bauman w/o (, e o Mr. B. W. Marguglio w/o, \ v

Bechtel Associates Professional orporation 777 East Eisenhoner Parkway , Ann Arbor. Michigan .st Mad Amens P.O. Box 1000, Ann Arbor, Micnigan 48106


MCAR #18 (Issued 10/28/77) FINAL REPORT, Revision 1 DATE: August 1, 1978 PROJECT: Consumers Power Company Midland Plant Units 1 & 2 Bechtel Job 7220 Description of Discrepancv Approximately 330 of a group of 2,500 ASME pipe support designs supplied by ITT Grinnell had underspecified fillet veld callouts when compared to the AS1E Table XVII-2452.1-1, Appendix XVII of Section III, Subsection NA, as required by ASME, Section III, Subsection NF, Paragraphs UF3292, NF3392, and NF3400. A summary of Bechtel's review of Grinnell hanger designs is attached to this report.


Paragraph XVII-2452.1 of Subsection NA states that the minimum size design requirements of fillet welds for joining linear members are to be in compliance with Table XVII-2452.1-1. This paragraph also states

        " weld size is determined by the thicker of the two parts joined, except that the veld size need not exceed the thickness of the thinner part unless a larger size is required by calculated stress." The discrepancy is the result of Grinnell's interpreting the phrase "...the weld size need not exceed the thickness of the thinner part j:ined. . ." as permitting cny size fillet weld, properly stressed, that does not " exceed" thickness of the thinner part joined. As a result of this interpretation, Grinnell designed all fillet welds for linear members in tcres of the code ellowable weld stress levels.              This fillet weld sizing procedure is identical to the code requirements for the more stringent plate and shell classified pipe supports.

An informal request was made for a code clarification of Paragraph XVII-2452.1 at the ASME coda committee meeting of November 1, 1977. The code committee chairperson stated that if a formal inquiry were presented, he would support a code interpretation that the minimum fillet weld size must be at 1 cast the thickness of the thinnest member joined where the code ninimum weld size Tabic. XVII-2452.1-1 calls for a fillet veld equal or greater than the thickness of the thinner member. Based on this response by the ASMC committee, a formal code clarification of Paragraph XVII 2452.1 will not be pursued. ( e

1 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation MCAR #18 Page 2 Safety Implications Initially, this discrepancy was considered a potentially reportable discrepancy because a safety problem could exist if a Q-listed pipe support should fail because of a fillet veld being underspecified. However, based on the results of follow-up analysis, the design conservatism of the support designs that has been established, and the results of the full size destructive tests (details of which are attached to this report), we conclude a safety problem does not exist. Grinnell states that although some of the fillet weld sizes do not meet the requirements of Table XVII-2452.1-1, there is not a safety problem because all the welds were sized according to the calculated weld stress

    . levels and utilized weld stress allowables of only half that allowed by the codes.

To confirm Grinnell's contention that no safety problem exists because of noncompliance with Table XVII-2452.1-1, Grinnell performed full size destructive loading tests on hanger designs with the " worst case" deviations from the requirements of Table XVII-2452.1-1. On December 12 and 13, 1977, Grinnell conducted the initial full size destructive loading tests on the " worst case" and one control hanger (one without discrepant welds) with observers from Consumers Power Company and Bechtel in attendance. Grinnell subsequently repeated the tests with the nonconforming fillet ( velds being further reduced in size by 1/16-inch. The results of all the testing indicate that the minimum resulting veld safety factor was 6.33. The complete details of the testing are set forth in Grinnell's Report of Investigation of Fillet Welds in Hanger Assemblies, Midland Units 1 & 2, Consumers Power Company, dated April 20, 1978, which is an attachment to this report. . The full size destructive load testing of the " worst case" deviations from Table XVII-2452.1-1 confirm the conservatism of the hanger designs and the safety of tha plant operation is not jeopardized by the veld callouts on existing designs. This deficiency is now considered a nonreportable deficiency. Corrective Action This final report is responsive to the five recommended actions included in MCAR #18, modified as follows: Item I-3: In lieu of a 1 percent sample of hangers, a complete survey, i.e. ,100 percent, of Grinnell detail drawing- a i performed. Results of this survey which identified approximately

  • under-specified welds are included in the report.

Item I-4: The inspection of some hangers to compare actual versus design weld size was done. Results of this reinspection are (; included in.MCAR #19. L

Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation HCAR #18 Page 3 . While most of Crinnell's designs complied with Table XVII-2452.1-1 because of conservative design practices, Grinnell has, since May 1977, comformed to the ASME code cor:mittee's clarification of the requirements of Paragraph XVII-2452.1, Appendix XVII of Section III, Subsection NA. Grinnell's compliance with Paragraph XVII-2452.1 has been ec,nfirmed by the review of subsequent hanger designs. Conclusions and Recommendations , The results of Crinnell's analysis, the results of the " worst case" full size destructive load tests, and the established design conservatism confirm that no safety problem exists because of underspecified fillet ' welds' cited under this MCAR. The plant safety is not jeopardized by the discrepant fillet veld designs on existing hangers. It is recommended that the hangers and their designs having discrepant fillet veld callout j be used "as is." Submitted b - 4


Approved by 4 4 # Td?25c w , Concurrence by W.tpf DM/jp [ 7/31/1


1) Review of underspecified fillet weld callouts, January 1978
2) Report of investigation of fillet welds in hanger assemblies, Midland Units 1 & 2 Consumers Power Company-(Report 2035)

April 20, 1978 1 \, .) N ... .

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I F O P T I I F N P V 0 D O U Y Y E E S l l l l R I A F E D U I P E N C I N A E P G J e P I S P. S l l M E E S D 1 A M U 0

Notes Reactor Buildings Building A - Auxiliary Building Auxiliary Building R - Reactor Buildings (See right) s'. FW - Field Weld SW - Shop Weld h 3 y l-I 2 4.... 4

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e ,, , g- .' Hangira Received Hangere Sketcle No. I.ine haber Softding Elevation W g at Jot. site Installed Systee

             ' 603-9-8       2-1/2-ICC5-5-H4     A                 601                2  R            I            hkeup and Purification Uutt 1 603-9-10      2-1/2-ICCS-5-II6    A                 601                4  Not listed in QTS log     hkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-11      2-1/2-1CCB-1-Il5    A                 601                4  R            I            hkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-21      2-1/2-lCCS-9-H2     A                 601                4  R            I            hkeup and Purification Unit 1

603-9-24 4-!CCS-6-H10 A 602 4 R I hkeup and PurifIcetion Unit 1 603-9-15 4-!CCB-4-ll6 A 602 5 Hot listed on QTS log hkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-27 4-1CCa-9-H5 A 601 8 R I hkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-29 4-3CCB-79-H4 A 601 4 R I Hakeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-30 4-1CC8-79-115 A 601 4 R 1 Hakeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-31 2-1/2-ICCS-9-H7 A 602 2 R Nkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-9-32 2-1/2-1CC5-1-H10 A 602 2 R I hkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-11-6 2-1/2'lHCC-47116 A 641 1 5 1 hkeup and Purification Unit 1 604-3-26 3-2C05-63-113 R 614 1 hkeup and Purification

                                                                                                                  'ilait 2   a 603-5-5        4-ICCS-13-H2        A                 607                4  R                         hkeup and Purification Unit 1 a

603-5-7 4-1CC5-13-114 A 608 1 R j 1 Nkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-5-11 6-IPCB-18-il4 A 607 3 R I Hakeup and Purification Unit 1

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HMgtra Received Hangers 5bercla W. I.ina Number Buildina Rlevation W SW at Jobatte Installed System 603-5-19 4-1CCB-13-H6 A 607 4 R I Nkeup and Purification - Unit 1 603-6-4 6- t rC8-16-H4 A 609 2 R I h keup sad Purification Unit 1 ( 603-6-13 4-ICCB-1-H2 A 606 2 R 1 h keup and Purification Unit 1 '( 603-6-18 4-ICCB-1-H4 A 607 3 Hot listed in QTS Log m keup and Purification Unit 1 i 603-6-29 6-1t1C8-16-113 A 603 4 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 603-7-1 2-1/2-1CCB-12-H1 A 605 4 R I h keup and Purification Unit 1 603-7-15 2-1/2-1HCC-87-H1 A 608 4 R I Hakeup and Purification Unit 1 i 603-7-18 2-1/2-ICCB-14-ti2 A 608 2 R I Nkeup and Purification Unit 1 e 603-7-21 2-1/2-lHCC-86-ill A 621 2 R I N keup and Purification Unit 1 603-8-6 6-1FCB-15-H7 A 602 2 R I Nkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-8-7 6-I FC5-15-H8 A 602 2 R I Nkeup and Purification Unit 1 603-8-11 6-I FCB-15-ill 2 A 602 2 R Pakeup and Purification Unit 1 603-12-2 2-1/2-1HCC-55-H2 A 640 2 R Hakeup and Purification Unit 1 , 604-12-3 2-1/2-21tCC-65-H) A 641 2 R m keup and Purification Uutt 2 604-12-S 2-1/2-2HCC-65-H5 A 641 3 Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-8-6 6-2FCB-15-HF A 602 9 R I H&keup and Purification Unit 2

                  ,                  . e.                                   .

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Itu gtra Received liangers Sketch No. I.ine Number Butiding Elevation W SW at Jobatte Installed System 604-8-12 6-2FCB-17-H9 A 607 2 R hkeup and Purification Unit 2 604-8-15 4-2005-6-116 A 609 4 R I hkeup and Purification Unit 2 i 604-8-17 4-2C05-6-118 A 609 2 R Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-8-24 4-2CCB-80-H3 A 600 8 E hkeup and Purification Unit 2 605-1-4 2-1/2-lHCC-93-H4 A 654 4 he Itated in QTS tog h keup and Purification Unit 1 604-7-16 2-1/2-2CCB-2-H4 A 606 2 R I hksup and Purificatton Unit 2 610-4-27 10-IFCB-43-H2 A 593 2 R I Decay liest Removal and Core Flooding Unit 1 610-4-33 3-!FCB-28-H5 A 575 6 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 1 610-4-36 2-1/2-1FCC-1-H3 A 577 1 B I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 1 604-15-6 2-1/2-2CCC-4-H1 A 618 2 h keup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-12 2-1/2-2CCC-3-U3 A 629 2 R h keup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-13 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H4 A 629 2 R I Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-14 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H5 A 629 2 R I hkeup and Purification Unit 2 , 604-15-15 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H6 A 629 4 R 1 hkeup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-16 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H7 A 629 2 R I hkeup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-17 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H8 A 629 2 R hkeup and Purification Unit 2 a

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f f (~ HaIgirs Received Hangera Sketch W. t.ina Number Butiding Elevation W SW at Joliatte Installed Systee 604-15-18 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H9 A 629 2 R I hkaup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-19 2-1/2-2CCC-3-lllO A 629 2 R I h keup and Purification Unit 2 -( 604-15-21 2-1/2-2CCC-3-Ill2 A 629 2 R I m keup and Purification Unit 2 604-15-24 2-1/2-2CCC-3-H14 A 629 4 h keup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-31 2-1/2-2CCB-9-H11 A 602 2 R h keup and Purification Ihte 2 604-6-5 6-2FCB-16-H1 A 603 1 h keup and Purification Uutt 2 604-6-11 4-2CCR-1-H5 A 607 1 R I Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-6-13 6-2FCB-16-H3 A 608 2 R I Hakeup and Purification i Unit 2 604-6-14 6-2FCB-16-Il4 A 609 1 R I Nkeup and Purificattos. Unit 2 604-6-16 6-2FCB-17-H6 A 609 2 R I Nukeup and Purification Unit 2 610-3-7 24-IllCB-2-H7 A 578 2 R I Reactor Buttding 5 5 ray Unit 1 604-9-27 2-1/2-2CCa-9-H4 A 602 2 R I h keup and Purification Unit 2 604-18-6 2-1/2-2HCC-84-H4 A 619 2 Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 6 604-18-18 2-1/2-211CC-79-Il4 A 625 2 R I mkeup and Purification Unit 2 0 612-3-10 4-IttCB-20-HS A 569 1 R I Reactor Rullding Spray Unit 1 612-3-13 8-1CCS-16-H2 A 577 1 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 i

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linngirs Received llangera Sketch No. Line Number Building Elevation W SW at Jobatte Installed System 612-3-14 8-1CCB-16-H3 A 577 1 R I Beactor Butiding Spray Unit i 612-3-15 8-ICCB-16-H4 A 576 1 R I kesctor Building Spray Unit 1 1 612-3-17 8-1CCB-16-H6 A 576 1 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-3-23 8-ICCB-16-H12 A 586 2 R I Beactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-3-24 8-1CC5-16-1813 A 59) 2 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-3-26 8-ICCB-16-H15 A 594 4 Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 1 612-3-28 6-1CCB-17-H2 A 570 2 Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 1 611-4-4 10-2FCB-34-H4 A 572 4 Decay Heat Removal and Cors Flooding Unit 2 611-4-6 10-2FCB-34-It6 A 569 2 R I Decay Heat Removat and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-4-19 10-2FCB-19-H11 A 587 8 Hot Listed in QTS Log Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-4-35 2-1/2-FCC-1-il2 A 575 2 R I Decay lleat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-7-3 12-2CCB-25-l!20 A 593 4 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-5-2 12-2CCB-25-H11 A 575 4 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flogding Unit 2 611-5-3 12-20C5-25-1812 A 575 1 R I Decay Heat Removal and Cora Flooding Unit 2 611-5-11 2 4 -2110 5 113 A 578 2 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 611-5-14 24-2HCB-1-II6 A 578 2 R Reactor BullJing Spray Unit 2 611-5-21 18-2ilCB-1-H13 A 570 4 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2

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f f llingers Escsivid llaTgir3 Sk e t ria W. I.ine haber Building Elevation W SW at .lobatte Installed System 611-5-28 18-2GCB-3 3-H4 A 578 4 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-5-32 4-2HCB- 19-H15 A 578 2 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 5 611-5-34 4-2ilCB-19-H17 A 578 2 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 611-5-38 4-2HCB-19-l 21 A 573 4 R seactor Building Spray Unit 2 611-5-40 3-2FCB-29-li7 A 575 4 R I Decay Itaat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 613-2-2 8-2CCB-16-H17 R 601 6 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-2-3 8-2G05-16-1118 a 601 4 R Reactor Building Spray

  • Unit 2 613-2-5 8-2CCB-16-H2O R 650 2 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-2-7 8-20C5-16-1122 R 672 2 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-2-11 8-2005-16-1126 R 681 10 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 F. 4 1 3-11tCB-253-It! A 630 2 R I Fuel Pool Cooling and Purification 614-16-8 3-21:C8-253-111 A 630 2 Fuel Pool Cooling and Purlitcation 616-7-2 18-1118C-133-112 A 605 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit !

4 616-7-3 18-lif BC-13 3-II) A 604 4 R 1 component Cooling Water Unit ! 616-7-8 18-litBC-133-H4 A 599 6 R I Component Cooling Water Unit ! 616-7-9 18-1118C-133-115 A 600 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-7-10 12-1118C-316-111 A 622 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-9-7 12-IllBC-147-H1 A 594 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit ! 616-9-13 12-1115C-147-113 A 589 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1

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Hat:3srs Received Hangers Sketch No. line Number Building Elevation gM at Jobatte Installed Systen 612-6-5 4-lilCB-21-H9 A 611 2 Not Listed in QTS Log Beactor Butiding Spray Unit 1 612-6-7 4-118C5-21-1811 A 628 2 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-6-17 4-litCB-19-H4 A 625 2 m I Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-6-18 4-lHCB-19-H5 A 628 2 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-6-39 4-lHC&-19-H22 A 624 3 E I Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 613-3-3 12-218C5-6-113 A 578 4 m I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-3-7 4-218C8-20-112 A 577 4 Beactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-3-12 8-2CCB-16-H1 A 577 2 R I seactor Building Spray Unit 2 a 613-3-13 8-2CC8-16-H2 A 577 2 R I seactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 616-!!-13 8-!HBC-149-H6 A 607 4 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-11-14 8-IllBC-149-H 7 A 607 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit ! 616-11-18 8-illBC-149-Hil A 606 4 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1 614-8-27 10-OllCC-12-H3 A 609 2 Fuel Pool Cooling and Purificagion 614-8-31 10-OllCC-13-H2 A 609 6 R I Fuel Pool Cooling and Purification 614-8-3 10-OHCC-Il7-Ill A 607 3 3 R I Fuel Pool Cooling and

  • Purification s

614-8-8 10-OHCC-12-Ill A 609 6 R Fuel Pool Cooling and Purification 616-8-15 12-OHCC-3-H1 A 600 4 R Fuel Pool Cooling and Purification 614-8-21 10-OllCC-15-Il4 A 607 1 R I Fuel Fool Cooling and PurtiIcation i I

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r M2eg:rs Received Hangere Sketch Wo. Line Number Buildina Elevation I}f SH[ at Jobsite Installed System 611-3-25 12-2GCB-25-M4 A 575 1 R I Decay Heat Removal and i Core Flooding Unit 2 611-3-30 12-2CCB-25-H9 A 576 2 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 616-6-1 12-1H BC-124-III A 596 4 ' R I Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-6-4 12-lilBC-124-H4 A 588 4 a I component Cooling Water Unit 1 1 616-6-6 16-!HBC-12 3-H 2 A 592 3 3 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 1 4 616-6-20 16-lH8C-135-H1 A 607 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-6-21 16-litaC-135-H2 A 607 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-8-1 16-lHec-150-ill A 594 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-8-6 16-lHBC-135-H3 A 592 2 R I component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-8-10 16-liiBC-135-H6 A 592 2 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1 616-8-13 16-OHBC-51-H3 A 586 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 613-4-1 8-2GCB-15-III A 577 4 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-4-2 8-2C05-15-112 A 577 4 R I Reactor Building Spray t Unit 2 e 613-4-3 8-2005-15-113 A 577 4 a I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-4-4 8-2CCB-15-H4 A 576 4 a I Reactor But! ding Spray Unit 2 613-4-5 6-2CCB-15-H5 A 576 1 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-4-20 12-2tica-5-II2 A 578 4 a I Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 4

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( -- Itwatra Received Hangers Sketch No. line Number Butiding Blevation WW at Jot,atte Installed System 613-4-21 12-2HCB-5-H3 A 578 8 R I seactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-4-22 12-2sicB-5-N4 A 576 4 R I Reactor Building spray Unit 2 6 613-5-9 4-2HCB-20-H6 A 593 8 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 1 613-5-15 4-2HCB-20-H12 A 623 4 R Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-20 4-2HCB-18-H7 A 600 4 R I Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-21 4-2HCB-18-il8 A 607 2 Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-22 4-214C5-18-119 A 610 4 R I Reactor But1 ding Spray Unit 2 613-5-24 4-2ICB-18-H11 A 623 1 . R Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-25 4-2HCB-18-ill2 A 623 1 R Reactor Building Spray Uutt 2 613-5-27 4-2HCB-18-ill4 A 627 2 Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-30 4-21tCB-18-H17 A 627 2 R I Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-31 4-2ilCB-18-H19 A 627 2 R I Reactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-5-34 4-2flCB-18-il21 A 610 4 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 2, 613-5-46 18-2HCB-2-H27 A 623 2 Reactc,r Butiding spray Unit 2 613-5-49 18-2HCB-2-H30 A 628 4 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 610-6-5 10-IFCB-35-HS A 577 4 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 1 610-6-9 10-IFCB- 35-I!9 A 577 2 R I Decay liest Removal and Cota Flooding Unit 1

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                                                       .                  Received    Hangers Sketcli No.       I.ina Number      Butiding Elevation    IV SW   at Jol, mite Installed             System 610-6-16        10-1FCB-22-H13          A         588        4      R           I           Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 1 610-6-23       6-!Fca-21-H1             A         591        2     R            I           Decay Heat Bemoval and Cora Flooding Unit 1 610-5-26        la-ICCs-33-H2           A         578       4      R                        Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 1 610-5-27       18-ICCS-33-H3            A        578        4      R            I           Decay Heat Bemoval and Cora FlooJing Unit 1 610-5-33       4-lHCB-19-H15            A        578        4      a            1           Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 604-9-1        4-2CCS-6-H1              A        602        4      R            I           Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-3        4-2CCS-6-H3              A        602        2      R            I           hkeup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-5        4-2CCB-79-H2             A        601        4 R           I            Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-6        4-2CCB-79-H3             A        601        4      R           I            Hakaup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-8        4-2CCB-9-H2              A        601        6      R           I            Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-16       2-1/2-2CCB-1-H8          A        601        4      R                        Wheup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-19       2-1/2-2CCS-1-HIl        A         609        6      R                        bkeup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-20       2-1/2-2008-5-41         A         601        2      R           I            Nkeup and Purification Unit 2   ,

604-9-21 2-I/2-2CCB-5-H2 A 601 4 R I Nkeup and Purificatton Unit 2 e 604-9-22 2-1/2-2CCB-5-H3 A 601 4 R I Hakeup and Purification Unit 2 604-9-26 2-1/2-2CCB-9-H3 A 601 4 R I hkeup and Purification Unit 2 i

                 ,                  . e.



r Ecrgsrs Ruceived llangers Sketch No. 1.ine Number Buildina Elevation FW SW at .fobatte Installed System 616-12-20 3-lHCC-140-H8 A 660 1 R Component Cooling Water Unit 1 617-7-7 12-2HBC-316-H1 A 627 1 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-7-9 18-2HBC-131-ill A 590 1 R Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-7-11 18-2HBC-131-H2 A 594 1 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2


617-7-12 18-2HBC-131-Il5 A 594 1 Not Itated in QTS Log Component Cooling Water Unit 2 611-6-4 10-2 FCB-35-H4 A 577 4 R I Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-6-5 10-2FCB-35-H5 A 577 4 R I Decay Heat Removal aad Core Flooding Unit 2 = 611-6-9 10-2FCB-35-H9 A 577 4 E 1 Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-6,14 10-2FCB-35-Ill4 A 588 4 R 1 Decay Heat Removal and Core Flooding Unit 2 611-6-16 10-2 FCB H13 A 588 4 R Decay Heat kemoval and Core Flooding Unit 2 619-3-2 10-2tfBC-103-D2 R 635 1 R Service Water Reactor and i Auxiliary Building Unita 1 and 2 619-3-8 10-21tBC-103-H8 a 654 2 a I Service Water Reactor and Aux!!!ary Building Unita 1 and 2 619-3-9 10-2HBC-103-H9 R 654 1 R Service dbter Reactor and Auxtlary Building Unita 1 and 2 619-3-13 8-2HBC-103-Hil R 79 6 Service Water Reactor and Aux 111ary Building Unita 1 and 2 619-3-25 10-2HBC-102-H10 R 649 2 Service Water Reactor and Auxiliary Building Unita 1 and 2 1 n

  • b .



Cangers Received Hawgers Sketch No. I.ine Number Buildina Rlevat ion FW SW at Jobulta Installed System 619-3-26 10-2HBC-102-Hil R 678 2 R Service Water peactor and Auxiliary Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-2-7 10-2HBC-Il0-H7 R 608 2 R I Service Water Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-2-10 10-2HBC-110-H10 R 608 2 R I Service Water Reactor and Aux!!!ary Bu11Jings Units 1 and 2


619-2-13 10-2HBC-110-H13 R 608 2 Service Water peactor and Auxiliary Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-1-2 10-2HBC-109-H2 R 608 2 Service Water Reactor and Auu111ery Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-1-16 10-2HBC-109-H16 R 640 2 R 1 Service Water Eeactor and ' Auxiliary Buildings Unita 1 and 2 617-6-3 16-2HBC-134-H3 A 609 6 R I component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-6-5 16-2HBC-134-H5 A 608 3 Not Listed in QTS Log Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-6-6 16-2HBC-135-H1 A 607 4 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-6-13 12-2HBC-124-H3 A 596 4 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-6-15 12-2H8C-124-il5 A 590 4 R Component Cooling Water tinit 2 4 617-6-18 12-2HBC-124-Il8 A 595 4 R I Component Cooling Water

                                                                                          , Unit 2 617-6-20      16-2HBC-135-H7          A           597         8  R            I            component Cooling Water Unit 2 633-4-4       6-IDBC-7-H1             A          586          2  R                         Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 633-4-8       6-IDBC-2-H2             A          592          1  R                         Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 633-4-9       6-!DBC-2-H3             A          592          1  R                         Feedwater and Condensate Unit !
             ,                  . e.
                   .       9e

f' H3?gsrs Received liangers Ebercle No. I.ine Number Building Elevation W SW at Jot >si t e Installed System 633-3-15 8-Ot!BC-4 7-H15 A 595 4 Service Water Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings Units I and 2 633-2-3 8-lHBC-322-II3 A 593 4 Feedwater and Condensate e Unit 1 633-2-4 12-lHBC-322-H4 A 594 8 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 i 633-2-6 12-lH5cw322-H6 A 600 4 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 ', 633-2-13 4-1EBC-1-H6 A 594 2 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 619-7-5 26-OHBC-20-H5 A 598 1 Service Water Cooling Tmer Unite 1 and 2 619-7-7 26-OllBC-20-H7 A 595 2 R Service Water Cooling Tower Units 1 and 2 , 619-7-9 2 6-OH BC-20-Il9 A 595 1 R I service Water cooling Tower Unita 1 and 2 619-7-25 10-1HBC-101-ti5 A 607 2 R Service Water, Reactor and Aus111ary Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-14-7 10-1118C-110-117 R 654 2 R Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Unita 1 and 2 619-14-15 10-IllBC-109-II) R 635 1 R Service Water Reactor and Auxiliary Buildinga, Units 1-and 2 619-14-16 10-1118C-109-114 R 635 1 p Service Water Reactor and Auxiliary'Butidings Uutto 1 and 2 619-14-17 10-IllBC-109-H5 R 635 1 e Service Water Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings Unita 1 and 2 619-14-20 10-liiBC-109-H8 R 678 2 R Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Units ! 3 and 2

                      .       t.                                                      .

II;agtre Received Hangere Sketcte No. 1.Ine Number Building Elevation FW SW at Jobsite Installed System 639-6-17 10-IllBC-100-H) A 591 4 R Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Units 1 and 2 619-6-9 10-2it BC-100-H 1 A 625 2 R I Service Water, Reactor and 6 Auxiliary But! dings Units 1 and 2 619-6-10 10-2HBC-100-It? A 623 3 R service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildtags, Units 1 and 2 639-6-27 26-OllBC-19-ill A 627 12 8 Service Water cooling Tower Units I and 2 619-13-4 10-IttBC-103-H4 R 608 1 Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings Unita 1 and 2 619-13-16 8-IllBC-98-H 1 R 680 4 Not Listed in QTS Los Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Units 1 and 2 619-13-17 8-18i5C-98-112 R 680 1 R Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Units 1 and 2 619-5-16 26-OttBC-16-H4 A 609 5 R service Water Cooling Tower tinita 1 and 2 619-5-32 26-0118C-16-1I14 A 620 8 R Service Water Cooling Tower Units 1 and 2 639-5-1 10-2118C-96-111 A 622 1 R I Service Water, Reactor and Aux 111ery Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-5-3 10-211bC-96-H3 A 610 4 R I Service Ugter, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-5-7 I D-241bC-96-il7 A 612 2 R

  • Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Lu11 dings. Units I and 2 619-5-8 10-21tBC-96-H8 A 612 2 R Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Unita 1 and 2
  • fa ,

e to

s . Haugtra Received llange rs Sketoli Na. I.ine Nuateer Buildina Elevation FW SW at Jobatte Installed System 619-12-12 10-1815C-102-1112 R 608 2 R I Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Units 1 and 2 619-9-2 8-OttBC-22-H4 A 622 2 R Service Water,' Reactor and 4 Auxiliary Buildings Units I and 2 619-4-6 26-OHBC-15-P2 A 609 4 R Service Water Cooling Tower Units 1 and 2 611-1-1 10-2CCB-25-H3 R 605 1 R Decay Heat Removal and

  • Core Flooding Unit 2 619-4-31 26-OllBC-15-Hl! A 616 1 1 R Service Water Cooling Tower Units 1 and 2 619-4-32 26-OHBC-15-H12 A 616 1 1 R Service Water Cooling Tower Units I and 2 619-4-34 26-OllBC-15-H14 A 616 1 R Service Water Cooling .

Tower Unita 1 and 2 612-5-1 4-111C8-20-117 A 593 2 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-5-2 4-lHCB-20-H8 A 607 4 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-5-23 4-lilCB-20-H18 A 627 5 R 1 Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-5-37 18-lHCB-2-H22 A 623 1 Beactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-5-40 3-1HCB-25-H1 A 613 4 Not Listed in QTS Log Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 4 619-8-1 6-2if BC-304-H1 A 648 2 R I Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings Units 1 and 2 619-8-2 6-2118C-304-I12 A 648 2 R Service Water, Reactor and Auxt!!ary Building , Units 1 and 2 ,

 ,             x  -        ..                                                     .

i ( i- . Hangere Received Hangers Sketch No, l.Ine Mumber Buildina Elevatinn fy SW at Jobeite Installed System 619-8-3 6-2H BC- 305-H1 A 653 2 R I Service Water, Reactor and

                                     ,                                                                             Analliary Buildinge, Units 1 and 2 g    619-8-4        6-2HBC-305-H2                            A           653       2     R                       Service Water, Reactor and Ausillary Buildings, Unite 1 and 2 619-8-10       6-IllBC-304-H1                           A           648           2                         Service Water, Reactor and Aust11ary Buildings. Units 1 and 2                        )

639-8-12 3-OHBC-6-H2 A 653 1 R I Service Water, Reactor and

 ,                                                                                                                 Auxiliary Buildings, Units 1 and 2 619-8-17       3-OHBC-6-H 7                             A           652           1 R          I            Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Bu11Jings. Units 1 and 2 619-8-25       8-OHBC-17-H5                             A           623           1 R          I            Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Unita 1
 ,                                                                                                                 and 2 619-8-26       8-OHBC-17-H6                             A           624           4                         Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Bu11Jings, Unita 1 and 2 633-5-13       6-IDBC-2-H12                             A           600           8                         Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 633-5-14       6-IDBC-2-H13                             A           600       6 6   R          Y            Feedwater and Condensate Unit !

63)-5-15 6-IDBC-2-H14 A 600 1 R I Feedwater and Condenaste Unit ! 633-7-9 6-IDBC-5-H5 A 609 2 R I Feedwater knd Condensate Unit 1 633-6-12 6-IDBC-5-HF A 588 2 R I , Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 633-6-15 6-IDBC-5-It10 A 586 2 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 633-6-16 6-IDBC-5-H11 A 586 1 R I Feedwater and condensate , Unit 1 I

  • I*. a

___m___ _

liaistre Received Hangers Sketch No. I.ina Number Buildina Elevation {V SW at Johutta Installed System 633-6-17 6-I D8C-5-H12 A 586 1 R I Feedwater and Condensate - Unit 1 633-6-22 6-IDBC-7-H4 A 588 1 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 634-2-11 6-EBC-1-It!2 A 607 2 R I Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 634-2-13 6-ESC-1-lq 4 A 609 2 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 634-2-15 8-2ttaC-322-H2 A 593 4 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-2-22 12-2HBC-322-Il9 A 608 2 R Feedwater and conJensate Unit 2 634-2-23 12-2HBC-322-Il10 A 614 2 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-3-13 8-Ilt8C-2 3-H 3 A 593 4 R I Feedwater and Condensate Unit 1 634-3-22 8-2HBC-23-H5 A 593 2 Mot Listed in QTS Log Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-4-22 8-OllBC-4 3-H1 A 585 4 Not Listed in QTS Log Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Unita 1 and 2 634-4-25 8-0118C-43-114 A 595 2 R I Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Unita 1 and 2 634-4-26 8-0118C-43-115 A 585 16 R I Service Water, Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings, Unita 1 and 2 , 634-6-2 6-2DBC-2-H2 A 600 4 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634 3 6-2DBC-2-H3 A 600 2 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-8-1 6-2DBC-5-H9 A 609 2 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2

  • 9 a _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _

r Itwgirs Received Hangers Sketch No. 1.ine Number RutlJina Elevation W SW at Jobulte Installed System 634-8-2 6-2DBC-5-X10 A 607 1 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-8-3 6-2DBC-5-H11 A 609 1 R I Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-8-5 6-2DBC-5-H13 A 604 4 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-8-6 6-2DBC-5-HI4 A 599 1 R I Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-5-4 6-2DBC-2-It8 A 591 2 R Feedwates and Condensate Unit 2 634-5-6 6-2DBC-8-H2 A 586 4 Feedwater and Condenaste Unit 2 634-5-20 6-2DBC-2-Htt A 592 2 R I Fcedwater and Condensate Unit 2 634-5-21 6-2HBC-6-ill A 589 8 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 e 634-5-27 6-2DBC-2-Ill 7 A 595 4 R I Feedwater sad Condensate Unit 2 657-2-13 4-IllBC-19 7-H4 A 654 2 R Chilled Water Unita 1 and 2 657-2-14 4-IllBC-19 7-H5 A 654 2 Chilled Water Units 1 and 2 657-2-34 3-IllBC-217-H11 A 623 2 R Cht!!ed Water Units I and 2 657-2-35 3-illBC-217-H12 A 611 2 R Cht!!ed Water Units leand 2 657-3-6 4-2118C-249-113 A 652 4 R Chilled Water Units 1 and 2 e 639-13-5 18-2EL5-1-It5 k 616 1 R Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 639-13-11 18-2ELR-4-H2 R 619 2 Not Listed in QTS Img Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2

  • fo ,


y Haisirs Received llange rs Sketch No. 1.Ine Humber Buildina Elevation FW SW at Jobattu installed System 639-13-16 14-2ELB-4-H7 R 620 2 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 639-13-17 14-2ELB-4-H8 R 621 2 Feedwater and Condensate Unit 2 656-9-3' 2-1/2-1HBC-351-H1 A 626 4 R 1 Plant Heating Unita 1 and 2 656-9-7 2-1/2-2HBC-351-H2 A 626 4 R Plant Hasting Unita 1 and 2 657-42-16 4-2HBC-234-H1 A 649 4 R Chilled Water Unita 1 and 2 657-42-18 4-2HBC-234-H3 A 654 4 R Cht!!ed Water Unita 1 and 2 657-42-20 4-2HBC-246-H1 A 654 4 Cht!!ed Water Unita 1 and 2 6 657-39-27 4-1HBC-219-H6 A 652 2 R 1 Chilled Water Unita 1 and 2 1 657-39-28 4-!HBC-219-H7 A 652 2 R Chilled Water Unita 1 and 2 657-39-11 4-lHBC-234-Ill A 649 2 R 1 Chilled Water Unita 1 and 2 657-39-39 4-1HBC-246-H5 A 655 1 R Chilled Water Unita 1 and 2 612-4-2 8-!cCB-15-H2 A 577 4 R 1 Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 612-4-3 8-1GCB-15-H 3 A 577 4 R 1 Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 6 612-4-4 8-1CCB-15-H4 A 576 4 R 1 Reactor Building Spray Unit ! 612-4-5 8-1GCB-15-H5 A 576 4 R 1 Beactor Building Spray Unit 1 o 612-4-9 8-1GCB-15-H9 A 598 4 R Reactor Building Spray Unit 1 a

                       ,                 #   08 0         0

y y y y r r a y y e e a a a a a t t d d d d d d d d d r r r r r r a a n n n n n n n n n S p S p S p S p s p S p W W a a a a a a a a a g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g n n n n n n n n n n n m n n n n n n i i i i i i i i i i i e i i i i i i l l l l l l l l l l l d d o o o o o o o on onCo oon t d d d d o o o s l l l l l l o o on on on on Con on y i i i i i i C C C o Co S u u u u u u i i i C oi co Cot i o C o C o i i i B B B B B B t t l t l t l t l t l p l t l t l t l t r r r r n n oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa o1 o1 o! o1 r o1 r e e oc oc oc oc oc oc oc oc oc o1 n2 n2 Fi Fi Fi Pi Pi Pi Pi Fi Pi t ct t t t t t o o f f f f f f f f f ct ct ct ct ct pt pt l i li l t. l i li l i li l i l i ai en ai en ai en ai ai ai mi mi er er er er er er er er er RU en en en on on uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu RU RU RU RU RU Ct i CU FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP a d se rl el ga nt tas I In I I I 1 I I I I I I e dt aet rva tib geo cJ t

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b H X H l I H l I - - H 1 1 H 11 0 l I t I 1

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                   -     B       B        -       -       -       -         -         -         -        -           -       C           -           -       5        C e   s       C       C      B       B       8       C         C        C          C        C          C          C         C           C         C        C n   C       i l       H      C       C       C       C         C        C          0        C          C          1 1         C           C         1        l
i. C I  ! H H G H H l 1 1 H 1 2 l l

l 21 l I l I - - l  !  ! 2 2 Ol 0 O 01 - O Ol - -

                   -    2       2         -       -       -                 -         -


                                                                  -                             -        -           -      2            -           -      0         2
  • 1 1 4 4 8 3 3 8 8 8 8 1 8 8 1 1 o 0 1 3 6 7 0 0 1 7 N 2 0 1 4 5 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 4 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - -

te - - - - - - 2 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 c 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

kngsrs Received Hangers Sketcle W . 1.Ine Nunt e r BullJina E h -s t ion W SW at Jobutte Installed System 613-6-4 4-2HCB 21-H8 A 611 6 R I Beactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-6-6 4-2ilCB-21-H10 A 626 2 R I Reactor Buttding Spray Unit 2 613-6-11 4-2itCB-21-H15 A 628 1 R I Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 s 613-6-17 4-2HCB-19-H4 A 625 8 R I Beactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-6-30 18-21tCB-t-H21 A 628 2 R 1 Beactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-6-31 18-2ticB-1-H22 A 628 2 R I Beactor Butiding Spray Unit 2 613-6-36 4-21tCB-21-H22 A 624 2 Not Listed in QTS tog Reactor Building Spray Unit 2 613-6-41 18-2HCB-1-H23 A 596 4 Beactor But! ding Spray Unit 2 617-10-4 6-2ttCC-154-H 3 A 595 4 Not Liated in QTS los Component cooling Water tint t 2 616-6-18 16-1815C-134-113 A 608 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit ! 617-9-4 18-211BC-131-H3 A 592 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-9-6 18-2HBC-133-It9 A 594 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-9-8 12-2115C-147-112 A 591 3 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 , 617-8-11 16-2H BC-135-H 3 A 590 2 R I Component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-8-14 16-211BC-136-H6 A 594 4 R I component Cooling Water Unit 2 617-8-24 16-0118C-49-111 A 592 2 R Component Cooltog Water Unit 2 4 4

             ,                      . e.
                   .         v.                                                   .

a o r a a y t n n y a o o d d t d a a s i i n n a n


W a S r p S r p d n e t a c t a c a2 l t a2 l t g g n i i ai ai n n g g o f f vn vn m i i n n C i i oU oU e 1 l i i r r m m t o o d d r2 d u u eg e g s y o on l l e n P P B n B n C Co i i td a i i S i u u an d d t d td t n l t oa B B Wa r e a n a n no ao eo e oc r r d1 t leo l l Hl b n2 Fi o1 o! e a2 p1 p2 F F o f t t l s w u u y y pt li ct ct l t d t et et aa ae mt er ai ai ii ei ki ki cr cr on uu en en h n en an an eo eo cU FP RU BU CU FU HU HU DC DC . e d ee rl el ga nt as l In i I I I I I . e . dt aei _ t vs sib geo ncJ lae ._ I k t _ a B R R R R . WS 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 2 W 1 n o i

    ,              t     2       6        3       6       0     6       6       7         5         5 1

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                                                                          -              1          1 es      -    5        1        4      2     3       8       8         11         H i      5       I t

X H - H - H - - m u 3 - - - c a

                                                                  -     B         -      5         6 1       1        2       5              1       C      7        2          2                          .

N - 5 - - H - C 1 - - 0 C - B B 2 B. 1 - 5 B e B C C C - I

  • B 0 C n H C H H 2 E 2 C 0 C ._
i. 2 H 1 l / 2 / F 2 2 l - O - - 1 - 1 2 - -

6 - 8 2 - 8 - - 2 0 1 8 1 1 2 1 2 u 1 1

  • o 1 _

N 3 3 3 2 5 3  ! 2

                        !         -      3       2        -      -     !       9        4          2 h        -     0          -       -     3     3         -       -        -          -

c 8 1 5 4 4 1 7 5 5 7 t - - - - - - - - - - e 7 4 2 2 7 9 3 4 1 1 k 1 1 1 1 5 3 0 0 1 1 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ r g .

'1 "T 1T 1

  '~-      - - -                                            ITT GrinnellCorporation Ape llangerDivision 260 WestExchangeStreet Rovidena,RhodeIsland02901 April 18, 1978                              Telephone (401)831-7000 Bechtel Associates Professional Corp.                                 i P.O. Box 1000                                                         l 777 Eisenhower Parkway Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Attn: Mr. R.L. Castleberry - Proj. Engr.


Consumers Pwr. Co. l Midland Plant - Job 7220. P.O. 7220-M-106-AC l GLBH-864


Gentlemen: ( Per our previous agreements, this correspondence will summarize and provide a final dispostion for the pipe hanger underspecified weld situation at Midland Station, Units 1 & 2. In order for the conclusion to be arrived at logically, I will initially present a statement of the problem, its relationship with ASME Section III, and ITT Grinnell's strategy for arriving at a resolution. In October 1977, ITT Grinnell was informed by Bechtel that Consumer's Power, their client for the Midland Nu clear Project, had notified the NRC under the provisions of 10CFR 50.55(e) . This notification was in reference to the apparent discovery that pipe hanger welds designed by ITT Grinnell deviated from Appendix XVII-2452.1-1 of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section III Division 1, 1974 Edition. Upon reviewing a sampling of the designs in question, it was apparent that the design weld specified was smaller than that required by Table XVII-2452.1-1. However, when the appropriate paragraph, XVII-2452.1 is scrutinized, an exception to the use of Table XVII-2452.1-1 is given which allows the use of a smaller weld. It is the interpretation of this exception that resulted in the weld sizes used in the Midland Station piping supports. ITT Grinnell Application Engineering interpreted the exception to permit weld sizes smaller than the thinner ( of the two parts joined.

            - ,       -~                .-  -- . --           . - -        - . _ _ . - - _ _ _ .    - -____
    - -rG4 nww mow PA2E        2 4-18-78
 ,       To     Mr. R.L. Castleberry - Bechtel Bechtel disagreed with ITT Grinnell's inter-pretation of this paragraph; however, both mutually agreed to investigate destructive testing of hanger samples to show structural adequacy.                 ITT Grinnell then decided to load test two worst case typical hangers that deviated from Appendix XVII and one case that did not. Bechtel reviewed and approved the test specimens and test pro-
;               cedure, prior to witnessing the testing together with a Consumer's Power representative. The purpose of the testing was to demons'trate the high factor of safety in' i

the welds in question in order to prove their structural adequacy. After testing, but before a formal test report could be completed, ITT Grinnell was requested to repeat i 4 the tests with smaller weld sizes to further demonstrate the structural adequacy and holding capacity. ITT Grinnell immediately ordered new material for the requested tests together with additional material to test welds smaller by two sizes (i.e. 1/8" weld). Upon completion and documentation of all testing, ITT Grinnell Corporate RD&E wrote Report No. 2035 (attached). . i Table 1 and Appendix G of this report contain


calculated loads per linear inch and weld safety factors (see page 10 of Report No. 2035) resulting from the actual

test loads. On more than 50% of the-tests the failure .

mode was not the weld, but rather the structural steel. Thus, the actual weld factor of safety on these tests l would be even higher than shown in the table. The factors of safety fo.r those welds that failed ranged from 6.0 to 12.5, all of which were weld sizes well below the minimum required by Table XVII-2452.1-1. The obvious conclusions , from these tests is that the concern of lack of fusion ' due to a fast cooling rate between materials did not surface as a failure mode. Based upon the discussion and conclusions in Report No. 2035, ITT Grinnell concludes that a safety related problem does not exist. All ITT Grinnell piping supports as designed for Midland Station Units 1 & 2 are  ; adequate to support the loading conditions as stipulated '

in the' design specification. This conclusion is drawn from the results of the testing, which demonstrates a i very high factor of safety. Since the allowable weld lbs/

i ! in. is an ITT Crinnell engineering standard practice, j this factor of safety can be applied generically to all , hanger designs. We believe the limitations exemplified l in Table XVII-2452.1-1 are conservative, and alternatives 1 (- b to the use of this table should he allowed. For example, # the use.of low hydrogen electrodes and a slow travel I speed, both standard ITT Grinnell welding procedures, l help'to minimize the phenomemon of fast cooling rate between dissimilar thickness materials. I

' k res - v.u.

PAca 3 4-18-78 ra Mr. R.L. Castleberry - Bechtel ITT Grinnell has instituted steps to revise Appendix XVII to allow alternatives on Table XVII-2452.1-1 to bring this part of the code into a more realistic light. Addition-ally, to support our conclusions, the requirements of Table XVII-2452.1-1 have only been a code requirement for pipe supports since 1974. However, there have been no recorded hanger failures related to this phenomenon prior to 1974, when this table was net a requirement for all pipe supports. . To conclude, ITT Grinnell feels we have justified l the' structural adequacy of pipe support welds on Midland ' Station. We await your concurrence with our conclusions, and offer our assistance to present the report to your j client and the Regulatory Authorities, should this be ' necessary. very truly yours,  ; ITT GRINNELL CORP.s


R. J. MASTERSON, P.E. -( Manager of Research ] Development & Engineering . Pipe Hanger Division


cc: M. Rothwell - Bechtel,A.A. J.F. Newgen - Bechtel, Michigan D. Riat - Bechtel,A.A. R. Riblet - Cleveland H. Brennan - Taylor l R. Tomlin - Bechtel,A.A. K. Brafford - Bechtel (Prov.) H. Thielsch - Prov. P. Milman - Prov. J. Meiss - Prov. . M. Grosso - Prov. P. Stanish - Prov. N. DeCristofaro - Prov. F. Bigos - Prov. - t



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                                                       /d pu       vvv Helmut Thielsch, P.E.

i 1 l AprII 20, 1978 Report No. 2035

   . f

( INTRODUCTION For the Midland Station, Units 1 and 2, of Consumers power Company, various pipe hanger support assemblies have been furnished. Typical hanger. assemblies are shown:in Fig. 1. photographs of typical hanger assemblies are illustrated I in Fig. 2. i The hanger support assemblies ,ere welded in accordance withinormal shop fabrication practice, as has' governed this type i s

of faSrication for the past thirty years. The welding procedures utilized and the welders employed are qualified in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Hanger support assemblies of this type of fabrica tion and welding have been installed in various fossil and nuclear power plants, which are governed by Sections I or III of the ASME Boil-er and Pressure Vessel Code. The welding performed in accordance with these Standards has provided entirely satisfactory service for periods of as long as thirty years. No t a single f ailure attributable to reduced weld size has occurred in any of the fillet welds involving this type of fabrication. The proper ei ?a of the fillet welds has been previously es tablished by ds ted design calculations, and extensive tes t-ing of the load-carrying capacities of various fillet weld sizes. Their acceptance has been confirmed by extensive experience with these welds in fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, in petro-chemical plants and o ther ins talla tions , and subject to various operating and static and variable load conditions. Prior Shop practice Twenty-five years ago, specific s tandards with respect to fillet weld sizes on pipe support assemblies did not exist. Nevertheless, the shop fabrication prac tice was done in accord-ance with the Grinnell Standard attached as Appendix A. The tolerances followed recognized the normal variations between welders and electrodes, the effects of starts and s tops , position of work, etc.

Welds were judged as acceptable if 75% of the weld length met the minimum fillet weld size requirements, as shown on the shop sketches. Of the tens of thousands of fillet welded shpp assemblies fabricated, there have been no problems with these shop acceptance criteria. Tests on specific fillet welded assemblies performed over the past twenty-five years generally have confirmed that the ten-t sile loading to failure exceed the design loading conditions by factors of 5 to as much as 100. Welding Considerations Fillet welds as c, overed by the sizes applicable to.this type of fabrication are normally made by the manual shielded metal-arc welding process. This represents a manual welding ap- , plication of extensive utilization in the shop fabrication and field erec tion of piping sys tems , components and supports. Fillet welds made by manual shielded metal-arc welding will exhibit some variations in leg widths, which s normal for this type of manual welding. This variation will vary with each individual welder, assembly position, j oint spacing, root gap and various other non-uniform conditions. The normal weld ripples associated with surface freezing of molten weld metal will' produce essentially a wavy line at the interface between the weld deposit and the base material. The actual strength of fillet welds is derived from an average condition representing the entire weld cross section, as well as the weld length. Thus, the acceptance of fille t welds is based on the average weld size extending over the length of the normal fillet weld.

In some Codes, this is recognized by assigning toleran-ces to the leg dimensions of the fillet welds. Other Codes will merely assume normal tolerances applicable to the fillet weld values shown as average in the applicable tables. Another very important factor in the strength of fillet welds is derived from the chemical composition of the wel d ma-l terial utilized. For many years, AWS E6010-type electrodes or other E60XX-type electrodes were used in the fabrication and erection of pipe hanger assemblies. The practice followed for the past fifteen years has been to utilize AWS E7015, E7016 or E7018 iron powder low-hydrogen electrodes. The AWS E7018 \ types have been used primarily during the past five years. For carbon s teel f abrica tion, the use of the E7018 electrode provides a welding material with a specified as-deposited minimum tensile s trength of 72,000 psi. In order to consistently meet the ten-sile property requirements of 72,000 psi, the weld deposit prop- _erties usually range in strength from 75,000 to 80,000 psi. In addition to the excellent tensile s trength and yield s trength, the E7018 electrode produces welds with excellent impact prop-erties. Attached as Appendix B are typical material test reports - covering weld deposits made with E7018 electrodes. During the 1960 to 1965 period, extensive testing was conducted evaluating fillet welds, as used in structural steel hanger assemblies and welded by different processes and proce-dures. The following represents typical test results:

Fillet Welding Assembly Weld Pr o- Filler Failure Design

 /      Type          Size     cesses     M,e ta l   Load       Load A            1/4       SMA      E6010      24,100      2270 A            3/16      SMA      E6010       8,250      1210 A            1/4       SMA      E7018      27,300      2270 A            3/16      SMA      E7018       9,325      1210 A            1/4       MIG    Page AS25     6,650      2270 A            3/16      MIG    Page AS25     2,800      1210 A            1/4     Sub-Arc  Linde 80     26,800      2270    l Linde 36 A            3/16    Sub-Arc  Linde 80      8,900      1210 Linde 36 Fillet welds made by shielded mecal-arc welding with E6010 and E7018 electrodes provided consistently acceptable (f     results, falling within about 20% of average values, with some

.( differences attributable to different welders or tes't material properties. Failure loads with E7018 electrodes showed ranges of values.on the average about 20% higher than the results with E6010 elec trodes. Fillet welds made by submerged-arc welding generally were similar in properties to the fillet welds made with E7018 electrodes. Fillet welds made by MIG (shor t-arc) welding showed ex-tensive scattering in results, ranging from load carrying fac-tors of less than 1 to 10. The reason in the large scatter of the results was attributed primarily to lack of fusion in some of the welds. Because of these problems, the short-arc welding process has not been permitted on these types of assemblies. 1'


 ,e        Oversized fillet welds in many applications may be equal-ly as undesirable as undersized fillet welds. Undersized fillet welds would normally be assumed to be those which have at least 30% of the weld length with less than the average fillet weld leg sizes specified on the assembly sketches.

An excessively large fillet weld tends to produce signi-ficantly higher levels of residual welding stresses. Such welds may result in root (or underbead) cracking, extending from the weld root into the base metal underneath either side of the fil-let welds. This tendency increases with the thickness of the structural members, particularly in thicknesses above 3/4 to 1". REVIEW OF WELD DESIGNS FOR MIDLAND UNITS 1 AND 2 Since the weld sizes utilized for the Midland Station u Units 1 and 2 were questioned, a d'etailed review was made on a number of typical pipe hanger assemblies relating to pipe size to hanger load carrying capacity. To confirm that the load carrying capacity of the welds were far in excess of th'e requir-ed load carrying requirements of the hanger assemblies, labora-tory tests were performed, utilizing three typical hanger assem-blies. These three designs served as the basis for fabricating assemblies for loading to destruction the actual design weld si-zes and reduced weld sizes. LABORATORY TESTS Although extensive tests had been performed in the past j to confirm the adequacy of the fillet weld sizes previously es-l tablished by calculations as-detailed in the report entitled t

Field Surveyed Welds Stress Analysis abstract shown in Appendix I C. Additional tests nevertheless were performed to reconfirm the adequacy of the fillet welds. Controlled loading to failure tests were performed on welded assemblies based on three actual typical hanger assem-blies 2-604-9-18 i 2-604-9-4 1-603-9-31 shown in Figs. 3, 4 and 5 which were redrawn to produce test specimens Numbers 18A, ISB, 18B1, 4A, 4B, 4C, 31A, 31B, 31B1 as shown in Figs. 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 7C and 8A, 8B, and 8C.' Welds in the "A" specimens are the weld size as determined by the s tress in the hanger assembly due to the required loading. The "B" spec-imens have the required weld sizes reduced by 1/16", and the "C" specimen is reduced by a seccnd 1/16". Figs. 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 10C and llA, llB show photographs of the test assemblies as f abricated including close-up views to illustrate the weld dimensions. Figs. 12, 13 and 14 show test specimens numbers 18A, 4A and 31A during loading in the tensile test machine in compres-sion. The load was applied incrementally, and the deflection measured to verify performance of the member to its load bear-ing position. Also measured was the deflection of the simulated building structure. This deflection was measured to ensure that erroneous values did not result because of excessive deflection of the simulated building s truc ture. After loading to the de-sign load, the loading was increased further incrementally until

8-2 1 the section failed mechanically. In only one test hanger as- i 4 ( sembly, No. 31, was it possible to produce failure in the weld i j area. In test assemblies Number 18 and Number 4, failure oc-curred in the structural member except for Number 4C which had j the weld size reduced by a second 1/16" to give a weld size of j l 1/8". The materials used for the test assemblies were structural . j shapes to ASME Specification SA36. The Table shown in Appen-i ] dix D provides the results of the chemical analysis performed j on the Test Assembly materials to confirm conformance to the

,        chemical requirements of Specification SA36 of Section II of 1

j the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. All steel materials e .1 used in the test assemblies contained less than 0.26% carbon, j 0.04% phosphorous, and 0.055 sulfur, as required by ASME SA36. Welding was performed in accordance with Standard Welding j Procedure- 1-01-1-11. A copy is attached as Appendix E. This welding procedure has been approved for use in the Midland job.  ! The welding procedure was qualified in accordance with Section i IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as evidenced by the Procedure Qualification Certificates attached to the ] Welding Procedure. l The weld materials utilized on the test assemblies was Atom Arc E7018: 1 3/32" size ileat No. 18429 Lot No. F610N1AC 1/8" size Heat No. 411T4371 Lot No. L511N1AD 1 Copies of the Mill Test Report are shown in Appendix F. Table 1 shows the results of the mechanical loading to 1 m s-, - g n p n. -

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s TABLE 1 TEST RESULTS OF LOADING TO DESTRUCTION TEST Specified Actual Maximum Actual Calculated Load Calculated Hanger Test Average Fillet Design Load Load To in Lbs. per Weld Safety No. Fillet Weld Required Produce Linear Inch Factor Of Failure Location Factor Weld W Size Lbs. Failure Lbs. of Weld Safety

  • 18A 3/16" 3/16" 377 4800 11,638 8.5 Flange of M4 Beam Buckled 13 ISB 1/8" 377 4180 10,135 11.1 Web on M4 Beam Tore 11.1 18B1 1/8" 377 4780 11,590 12.7 Web on M4 Beam Tore 12.7 4A 1/4" 1/4" 919 48,000 10,676 5.9 Flange on W6 Beam Buckled 52.2 4B 3/16" 919 48,800 10,853 8.0 Flange on W6 Beam Buckled 53.1 4C 1/S" 919 42,300 9,408 10.3 Weld Broke (W6 Beam to 2" Plate) after W6 Beam Buckled 46.

31A 3/16" 3/16" 494 3150 8,195 6.0 Weld Broke (M4 Beam to 1 1/8" Plate) 6.38 31B 1/9" 494 4375 11,382 12.5 Weld Broke (M4 Beam to 1 1/8" Plate) 8.85 31B1 1/8" 494 3830 9,964 10.9 Weld Broke (M4 Beam to 1 1/8" Plate) 7.75

 . Allowable Desigt. Load per Linear Inch of Weld:  1350 lbs./in. for    3/16" weld,1810 lbs./in. for     1/4" Weld
  • This is based on test veld size. Actual shop welds are vider, and thus even greater safety factors will apply to the shop production welds.

ugiv 7 destruction test on the various samples. Included are the failure location and the calculated safety factor. The photographs in Figures 15, 16, and 17 show Test Assemblies 18A, 18B, 18B1, 4A, 4B, 4C and 31A, 31B and 31B1 at the completion of the test. Figures 18, 19, 20 are close-ups of the area of failure in the various test assemblies, s l 1 s

                                         '                      DISCUSSION 1

The ideal size of a fillet weld is the one that is ade-quate for the applicable service requirements; i.e., will not fail under the intended normal and assumed maximum potential loading conditions. The " theoretical" weld sizes computed on the basis of the above considerations must then be increased further suffi-ciently to allow for the effects of welding variables, toler-ances, material characteristics, etc. In turn, the thus established adequacy of fillet weld sizes must be confirmed by tests. The ultimate confirmation, of course, depends on the performance of the fillet welded assemblies during normal and abnormal operating conditions. ( All of these conditions are met by the fillet welds ap-plied to the pipe support assemblies which have been and are being fabricated at the Warren Plant. In Appendix G are the calculations to determine the load per unit length of weld sustained by the welds that were s tested to destruction. Included in Table 1 is a tabulation of the load per unit length together with the weld safety factor. The weld safety factor compares the actual test load per linear inch of weld with the standard value of the load per linear inch (ITT Grinnell Engineering Standard -ES-16, see Appendix H) used in the calculation of the weld size. This safety factor for the welds tested to destruction were 10.3, 6.0, 12.5 and 10.9, all of which are far in excess of any expected safety fact >r.

AS',IE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code stress value and cal-culated on the required load capacity provide welds which are totally adequate for the intended service. There is no safety related problem associated with the J utilization of these hangers. (

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  • STEEL:.
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                                                                                                                                                                                   .         3               , , , , , , , , ,                        ]                           y 4 QNJ,y,,g_                               4,_,__ *= .... ,_ . .,_ ]                             ,

Fig. 4 llanger Sketch 2-G04-9-4 which served as the basis for Test Specimens 4A, 4B and 4C illustrated in Fig. 7

                                             /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            T' k                                                                                                                                                                 .-
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u f- Of' VAltitI At $ AP D CPEfiATIONS SEE SKETCH NO. . DTCT. .t8.. a


ITT GRiiltJELL CCD8 7 UNS F= ry rr :a. i s., i U t-

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                    . s. . ua wit!. i;?! File 130.3                                .
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t j FAu TED i 6 .i  ! e hE V. MIL 'f[ .. p. ,' l 1-9 DE SCHiPI60N "'**

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j w-s .

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                                                                                                       ~.                                                  _.J                                                          ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ._. p                                                                                                    -

Fig. 5 IIanger 1-603-9-31 which served as the basis for Test. Specimens 31 A, 3113 and 31I11 111 us t.ra t ed in Fig. 8 A .

m N' il/Obf// b@&El[C.7 PIPE H ANGER [N GINEC AING DMCIOrd

                          .,..       ..   .......oce 26 77 .aaer... 2 .4ch..g. ./es... Ret. (........                                            , eu ,0. . . . g. . . . . e. . 4. .

O. e

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                                                    . _ _ _ _   _                   /'C)} Tf %)               _

r' ' d - STEEL. 4 M/3 MS/GN - MPT/-/ 400 a RJNGE knDr// .b.94 ' RANGE Tif/D;' C4VE.) . 37/

              &lE8 7///CK.                                                   .25f                                                                             .

lENGTH I 7E/-f A / ' U2 " (* '/4 *)

         .LENGT//                      trEm 8                              314 " (d f4 - )

LOCAr/CM OF /TEMi 8 Yb "(! Y3) . StW EDqE cf ITE M .4 . AOCA7tof of ED4E of E&~(Ye) l

             / TEM C Fecn EL;4f of irfm &

M C. 5/ i~/G 2// REA R' GPA CK Ei* (BASE RA75 2 'b' K 4 Y= ~) 1 1

                    .                                                                                                                                                                        l
                                                                                                                                .                                                            1 (I
              '               ~                                                *
   .         Fig. GA                     Sketch of Test Specimen 18A based on Hanger Sketch 2-604-9-18.                                                                                                                      -
w. -w w.ywe ve.wh . '


                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o n s E ./. ./. .~2. . ./. *. 7. 7 UC 2 t C1. .....
                                                                                                          .                 .                                  . . . . . 2.LH   . .G.

E CT.t,O. .C.. .4.

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                                               .. Ct.T E . 8//.*[/. CU3 f o u CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SYSTEM......................................


  • PROJECT.................................. PRO J E CT N O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

llO7*E: War.b East 7agg7gga eg;cm; wetoiaq en/cegr facm SHEET *.i 70 TOP PLATE MEASURE TH/S _ y.\ r . WEL.D st**E' Ano 4 gl Il _ I lNCluCE /N CATA . p _ _- _._ _. - et x - -- d., Qu CH[E7 d 1

  • t.----_---.----.) .

n ~ MAT'l : ALL 2* I y rutcc R4TE 9 Wb N  %

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o c d l . rve N - 4 Ou.:es / <a& y . l g,

                                                                                       .           / O **

C _Seericu M PHE No. 4

 . ig.-6B                  Shetch of Test Specimen 1SA based on Hanger Sketch 2-G04-9-18.

s E '2 rN e!/( rpers!!a? PtPE HAf4GER ENGttJEEAf t4G Clv!Si0rd e v. . .... .....c.u t 8 2d 8 sue;cer... 8.7.5C .. E.~ d.k I ..E . ...... sxtET NO. . .. . .....CF.. .. CW.D. BY h/ ... CA TE .//."[///72. CUS T C u ( R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYS TEM . .. . . . . ..... ........................ PROJECT . . . . %. . . . ...................... P RO J E CT N O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                               .7 s                                                             c w                                           t j . . .
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                                   /-C/-/- //                                                                                                               /d     j                                           .

VaV N . [ , P G _ %'f* lb ")

            .                                              _              isrea &                                  -

STEEL 4 M /3 M S/G N

  • M rT H 4.00 (UN45 la/Dril 3 9.?

RJNGE Td/CC CAVE.) .37/ btE8 7Hicx. . 254 . l ENGT// /7EM A / M Y: ' (* h *)

              /2NG7M               trEM 8                        3 1 4 " (:' 4 * )                                                                                                 .

L o tA T/C M O F / TEM i 8 lb " (! Y3) .

                 /M EDGE of ti?M 4
   .          40C47/05           C/* EDGE CC                              $0fY8h ITEM c Feo~t Eb5E~ of / red 8 I'7d'i           CA/                 i?Q 2// REA R.' GPA C/ Ei~ (BASE RA75 ' 2 Ts' K 4 Y.= ~)

h, ' N .

     .Eig. 6C                Sketch of Test Specimens 18B and 18B1, based on                                                                                                ,

Hanger Sketch 2-G04-9-18.

E .bne!/ Cog: tat /0/1 P1PE H ANGER ENGINEERING C:VISIOH a r.. . . .. . . carc .f./..-2. . /. .. 7. 7 svan:T. . . . . . 2. . .G. . .c.4. ..... . . . 9. . . .R. .S.A.

                                                                                                     .                                               .                                            . R. . .&.       .. G...

V. /. . . . . u cust c u ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . svsTeu...................................... cue.ev .6f(..o Ts./6'.! 71. P postOf N o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . PRC J e CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I f/org WELb EASE ToqErn'ER S E f-o R E steLwaG BRACKEY GRM.- sSNEE r " ! 70 7cp /=t4TE- ~' -- a.

                                                     ,i Me,tsuas rius                                                                                                    n-\ r                                                                       -
            . wet.D st:E ANO                                         h                                                         II hll                                                           '

kvcLuoE tat CATA p -- -- - - - - $ 'l

  • av SHEET A .L U"
                                                                                           - - - - - - - - - - - -N                    '

MAT'l: ALL .2 " w *nHCK Rs.7E 4

                                       -#g\             N N
                                           / Va. V                                                                                                        e i.
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                                                                     , ..                  S u rica M                                                                    - '" ^                                         ,

l l

. W<

1 Fig. 6D Sketch of Test Specimens ISB and 1831 based on Hanger Sketch 2-604-9-18. 1 1

( .cr.c u,,nnaavian sv. . lY ... . .. can E:E/T susacs . 2*la95~.?.~..A

                                                                                    . REM./..

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                                           };/i34)                      0                noac:no. ,.                . ..


  • V/ELO FRCCEDURE /-Q/*/~// [ '

DES /Gr/ lmb - 9/9 8

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  • g 4V

v <s'n' tk

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4 STEEL C 'w h ab


27EM A - W Ct'S$ /W IiEM 8 - M 4 x /3 D g g,4 c_ SggS7 0 *) ~ 17En O lf'xCxC pcArt toYe *('fs ') ston '(??<) STEEL PPocent/US ITEMA DES / 6^/ DEPTH C 00

  • RAUGE w/DTH S.99S
  • RA^/66 TH/CL (A /E.) 2f ?


                                              / //Yz "(! N) 27EM 8 CEP7H d.00 RMGE w/DTH                                  ,$.94 RA46E TM/CK. CA Vs.)                          37/

H/E8 ~rNKK. .2S*4 \ LZNdTH  !

                                               / -0)' 4~O YJ) 1 1 7e M C                                                                                                              1 IXPT//                                        J.Oo rat /GE kl/C7N 2.93
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                                                     '.s 7 i 7//

                                                   /:2-% f: 14)                                                ~~

Fig. 7A Sketch of Test Specimen 4A based on Hanger Sketch 2-604-9-4 1 I i 1 j

_-------T-- -- p . - ;

                                            .r... . ........... ean /6.u.- 77 sua,ea.....4. .4.9L .!. .f...E.f6.l... ..: ><a ,.o. ... 4..'u                                                                                                      ... O  er OuubUo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . 2.

c=.or 29.C..c.n A.u:72 co n cot................................. m u u ...................................... s . moncT...........................:...... most ci 8 o. . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . NYE.' WELD SASE TQQE7ggR S E p~o n c~ vigt Ow 4 SRAd 57-FROM SHEET NO.. / 70 TOP FL/ H 4 c~- - -

s. . .
                                                           ... ..           .                      . . . , . .           _              /4 $"           .


~ .
                                                                                                                                                                     .                                                        WELO Z/:5* A//.:
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                                                  . .                        .              .                                               n       n
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ty .. N J - f gV MAT 2 i ALL 2" TM/CK P 4 rc~

                                .                                       ?'                                                                          *            *
                                                                                     ,                                                                                          ,                                    EXCEPT 3/C A                                           l                                                            '


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2N' /!(y* 3=f .. 2~EC*r/c^/.44  ;

   , . .                                                                                                                                                        %                                                                        PM! No. d
                        ' Fig. 7B                                       Sketch of Test Specimen 4A based'on Hanger Sketch 2_so4_9_4.                                          --                        .                                  -

y; .- -

              .         .1.'L.1.* h//ffC!/ LDffC/8/IC/7                                                                                                                    PIPE HANGER ENGIN EEAirlG CfVIS!CN a f. . . .    .    . . . . . . . 0 At t . M.'k'.      Su8J t cT. . . . .         .~.N.N.~. k.". .b. . 8                                    S./...... SHEtTho......h-...CF..[..

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                          ,             -                                                                    F--                                N m'                       w   '

v/ELO PRCCEDURE l-Q /-// I e

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                                                                                                        /\%     ,                                                            \ k         s,
                                                                                                        /                                             4:*n'                    %V        %                   .

I W j Wh %V Vl '. .

                      '                                                                                                                c                                                     W
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DEPTH d.00 , FLANGE W/DrH S.996 RAM 6E 7&CC (A s/E.) .M9 . WEB TN/CK. 235 LEUGl'd / A//k "(! V4) L 17EM 8 * ~ T .. ' ' . . CEPTH

                                                                 .                                        d.00 RANGE wrorH                                                                             3.94                                                                                                    .

FLA46E YMCK. CA VE.) 37/ NE8 rHict. '

                                                                                                          .2 54-LEN4TH                                                                           / -dY4 "O Ys) 57EM C                                 -

CCPTH J.00 RAA/GE O/b7N 2.33 . fiA A/GE TH/CK { AVE] .2fo WEB 7Hicx. ,

                                                                                                          ' " .17 est u .        >

l E^/Gr rW j12 gs @ f4) Fig. 7C Sketch of Test Specimen 4B based on Hang'er Sketch 2-604-9-4 .

M Gd nc.'! Carp: ration pipe ugutata tuas ae:psna c,y,s,ers a r.. . .

                                        ....... . . . ostt Ef/. .77 sa.ter.... .$. .4 0.f ~..(.~ .M 8,(d. [.... ..... sa cri so. . ..6..... oe .1.
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x o ' S 2,k' /! O' 2k'

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r pu t uo. 4 Nfg. 7D Sketch of Test Specimen 4B based on Hanger Sketch 2-604-9-4. -

m v,:. ,,,. , w,,,a..n av,, .

                                                                                                                                                       .m ,,-. . .. u ~,uu - uu v . . u ,, .

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  • 3 . . . .

17EH A J . . . ..

                'v6PTH                               *         *
                                                                              .         C 00                                                                                                      -

FLANGE W/DrH . ii.99S . RM6E THicA: (A v'E.) .249 - WEB THICK. 235 . LEWGTH /4/Yz "(!l4) -

             .2TEt4 8                                                                 .

MPTH . d.00

           . FL4/GF W/C7H                          .
                                                                                             .$.94                         -

RAA/6E 7Mi&K. CA VE.) 37/

  • WEB rNK/:. .2 54-LEH4TH ./1-ON'~6'N)

ITEM C .. . OrprH 400 T U'tVGE sJibrH '

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                                                                    * ~
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l.E^/6 7 W . .. . _,

                                                                                    .             7:2 Q (1 f.;)                                                                       , . >
  '                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l Fig. 7E                Sketch of Test Specimen 4C based on Hanger Sketch                                                                           '
      . . . . ._               2..-604-9-4                           .

l l

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         .                        FROM SHEET NO. /                                 TO YOP ftAH4 E'                                                                               .
                                                                                                       /13"                                      -
                                                                                                                                                                                            . MK4SLRG rH/S WEl O S/25~ A//D
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              . . .                   .                                           ~.S~ECT/CA/ kk rwt wo. 4

/ - g. l Fig. 7F Sketch of Test Specimen 4C based on Hanger Sketch 2-604-9-4.



[ bf. . ..... Daft [/~d[* [ sy r.d C f . , . / M ".?.  !.. , , SMEETt.O . . L . . C# . d. h CAf t /.*/.I.* fs. 'CtJSTCVER . 8//#/*%. . Sv$f EM .. . . . . . . . . . . . PROMCf..d/d4.dNA..f/.[.d.. P40.'ECf NO. . . . . . . .. . W/2"ht'$hk ,

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3. AbR CG74/t Of V//2, W8, C' 2 " RATE SEf JHEE7 d 6. ,

t i r P PHE NS d j Fig. 8A Sketch of' Test Specimen 31A based on Hanger Sketch l l-603-9-31 y, , -. . - _ , , , . . - -.---3r--. . __.4, - - e ,~. --c+ r - ,m- ----

                .     ~.w...-,            i      n.                                                                             ...........,..............

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l'o " _ Secr,.w 4 t s,vg n, a

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l- Fig. 8B -Ske_tch of Test Specimens 31B and.31B1 based on Hanger l Sketch 1-603-9-31 i

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c -. . - - - - - . - _ = .

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                                                                                                                               -MEASURE TN/S l' 3 'It ' _                                      WEu) SIZE A!/b i
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Fig. SC Sketch of Test Specimens 31B and 31B1 based on Hanger Sketch 1-603-9-31 , , l l

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l 18A

                                                                                                         . }* -       I 18A

( l l Y a eg a

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18B1 (s Fig. 9 Photographs of test assemblies 18A and 18B1 after l fabrication including close-up views illustrating l weld sizes

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c',- U u Fig. 10 Photographs of tesc assemblies 4A and 4B after k fabrication including close-up views illustrating weld sizes y f _ ^ . ph q r _.. . . _ . ._. . _ - _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ - - - - . ~ -

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                                                                   'V. ?                                            ? 9                                    . :::.. i :, - . . :. : . ~                                                                      n                   t k      Fig. 11                              Photographs of test assemblies 31A and 31B1 after fabrication including close-up views illustrating weld sizes                                                                                                                                                                                    .

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Fig. 12 Photograph of Test Assemblies 18A, 18B and 18B1

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s i* t 4C .4C } , I 6 i, l Fig. 19 Photographs showing close-ups of the area of  ; failure in test assemblies 4A, 4B and 4C , n i

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__mm.rP m---

l*- ) . i BASIS OF DETERMETI2!G WELD SIZES FOR USE ON FIG. 66 BEAM ATTACHME!7T FILLET WELD SIZE TENSILE STRE!!GTH SHEAR STRENGTH (HICHES ) (LBS/DI.) (LBS/IN.) 1/8; 1500 1200 3/16 2500 1800 1/4 3125 2400 3/8 4375 3600


1/2 i 6250 4800


5/8 - 7500 6000


3/4 9000 7200 m - s) 6 0 9 e C. e e e- ,

o 7.=-. ..n.. . . . -

                                                            .                         Appendix B ITT Grinnell WELDING MATERIALS CERTIFICATE Manufacturer            Cher.etron Corporation Brand Name              Atom ..rc 7018                Specification          LFA 5.1 Hea t No.               620299                       Classification           E7018 Lot No.                 1317JlnC                                              As Welded Size                    3/32"

_ Chemical Analvsis Mechanical Drocerties Specification Specification . Element Recuirements Actual "e Recuirements Actual C 0.03 Yield Str. 60,000 75,700 Mn - 1.25 max.= 1.08 (Psi) P 0.010 Tensile Str. 72,000 84,900 S (psi) - 0.012 Si 0.90cax. 0.48 Elongation a 22 28 Ni 0.3Gmax.= 0.024 d Cr 0.20maz.* 0.030 Charpy V 20 ft-lb Mo 0.30 max.* 0.02 Notch n -20*F 121 Ti Sanple Force Lat.Exp. Shear Cb ft-lb Mils  % 7C-2 122 82 50 Ta, 7C-4 119 76 50 Fe - 7C-5 124 81 50 0.08roax.* 0.009

                                                         *The suu total of all elements with the asterisk shall not exceed 1.50%

Cu 0.020 Required Actual Method Ferri te' ?' N/A Radiographic Test acceptable I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1




Sworn to a o subscrijpd before me, arthur S."~Laurenson this y _,_ day of r M -.- ~, . 19p Metallurgical Enbineer

           'b ~N//AvY    iio trcy ' Public/

Appendix B ITT Grinnell 7 WELDING MATERIALS CERTIFICATE Manufacturer Chemetron Corporation Brand Name Aton Arc 7018 Specification ETA 5.1 Heat No. G2G754 Classification c ni n Lot No. A312.T1 C As Welded Size 3/32" Chemical Analysis Mechanical Procerties Specification Specification Element Recuirements Actual % Reauirements Actual C 0.03 Yield Str. 60,000 76,400 Mn 1.25 max.* 1.12 -{ psi) P. 0.08 Tensile Str. 72,000 84,000 0.012 (psi) S Si 0.90cax. 0.52 Elongation e 29. 2., Ni 0.30cax.* 0.031 # Cr 0.20cax.* 0.037 Charpy V 20 ft-lb k Mo 0.30cax.* 0.01 Notch (i-20*F 95 Ti Sample Force Lat.Exp. Shear Cb ft-lb Mils  % Ta_' 7E-1 113 77 EO Fe .' 7 -4 54 41 20 7E-5 lls 79 60 V 0.08cax.= 0.009

                                                            *The sta total of all elcacats with the Cu                             0.034            asterisk shall not exceed 1.50%.

Required Actual Method Ferrite % . 3fA Radiographic Test Acceptable I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best.of my knowledge and belief. s/ ff V ms" Sworn to and subscribed before me, Arthur S. Laurenson this j g 4 ct:y of,bb- . 19 g Metallurgical Engineer JAd_Notary _duJPucipc

c. . . .

122 Grinnell WELDING MATERIALS CERTIFICATE Manufacturer Chemetron Corporation Brand Name Atom Arc 7018 Specification A 5.1 Heat No. N 94474 Classification E7018 Lot No. K 407 L1AD As Welded Size 1/8" Chemical Analysis Mechanical Properties , Specifica tion Specification Element Recuirements Actual % Requirements Actual C 0.03 Yield Str. 60,000 ::in. 66,000 Mn 1.25" max. 1.03 (psi) p 0.008 Tensile Str. 72,000 min. 77,100 S (psi) 0.018 Si 0.90 0.61 Elongation 22 rain. 02 Ni 0.30* max. 0.026  % Cr 0.20*cax. 0.02 Charpy y 20 ft-lb min. 130

  ;      Mo            0.30amax.       . 0.08     Notch              4 -20*F

Ti Sample Impact % Shear Lat.Exp. Value Mils A-1 114 ft-lb 60 45" Ta A-3 127 ft-lb 70 47" Fe- A-4 129 ft-lb 70 48" y 0.08*~ 0.007 *The sum total of all elements with the asterisk shall not c:< :ced 1.50 percent. Cu 0.019 Required Actual Method Ferrite % N/A Radiogranhic Test Acceptable

        . Fillet Test V,vH                   Acceptable I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

f f' l' I f I r e-r, . , j, t / b\>yw i ( r _ - e.e i n u t 'Auleisen Sworn to and . subscribed before me, Metallurgical Engineer this. t1% day of wwwAc 193 hUA ?;ctary _. .h5_s.4h Public tD v -

    . .,. .-        v        "

Appendix B WELDING 11ATERIALS CERTIFICATE 3fanufacturer Chenetron Corporation Branc Name Aton Arc 7018 Specification UFA 5.1 Heat. No. N94474 Classification E7018 Lot ho. K 407 L1AD Stress relieved at 1150'F for 8 hours Size 1/8" Chemical Analysis 3fechanical Procerties Specification Specification Element Requirements Actual % Rec uireme n t s Actual C O.03 Yield Str. 60,000 ein. 64,200 Mn 1.25* max. 1.03 (psi) p 0.003 Tensile Str. 72,000 min. 77,900 S 0.018 (psi) Si 0.90 0.G1 Elongation 22 min. 35 Ni 0. 30 e:ax . 0.026  % --- Cr 0.20*cax. 0.02 Charpy i. 20 ft-lb uin. 93 yo 0.30*cax. 0.08 Notch 0 -20'F ( Ti Sample Impact  % Shcar Lat.Exp. Value .ilils Cb L-2 96 ft-lb 50 42" Ta B-3 100 ft-lb 50 42" B-4 84 ft-lb 40 40" Fe. 0.08* 0.007 *The sum total of all elements with the V asterisk shall not exceed 1.50 percent. Cu 0.019 Required Actual Method Ferrite Te 3/A Radiographic Test Acceptable Fillet Test V,OH Acceptable I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                                                    ,r -        n

( ,

 ~   Sworn to and 's ubscribed before me,                            Helmut M elsch this.      h* da y o f _ hmhn . 19'T%                   -

Metallurgical l'agineer b m kb hwh Nc :.a cy Pul. '. ic

- +   .. .   .   .

Appendix C l l r i 1

        .                          Field Surveyed Welds                    .
;                                      Stress Analysis For     -

j Bechtel Associates Professional Corp. Midland Power Station Un'its 1 &'2 - ( Midland, Michigan O e e 1 i e 0 g 9 8 1 l t w _ ~. . , , , _ , ,,.,- .__.-,.__.,n --

f ' Appendix C


i l . l . By

                          *               .;-                                           Date              /'//-78
                       !       R. Vandeputte/D. Turnquist Proj. Mgr.         Engineer
                                                          /                       .

Reviewed By b Date d -/f-78

                         .                        F. Bigos           /

Project Super visor / Approved By * [MA ' Date If' 7? A.4t'anish (Project Manager , (

                                                            /                           Date~

Y /7-78 R. 26(sterson, P.E. Mgr., Research, Development and Engineering e 1 1 I


l l

I Appendix C I l e i

                                        .        CONTENTS
                                               ,                         PAE
                     /                    l I. Introduction           /'                                1 II. Method of Survey                                         2 III. Method of Analysis                                       3 IV. Analysis of Results                      ,

4 V. Conclusions 6 VIII. Appendices: I. Letter of Authorization of Report 8 II. List of Supports with Undersize Welds lo . and Accompanying Cover Letter ( III. List of Stress Calculations 30 IV. Determining Force on Welds 54 V. Properties of Welds Treated as a Line 56 VI. Poissons Distribution Calculation 58


e 9

                                                   = = "

Appendix C - i ABSTRACT The results of a field survey of supports with shop welds, made by ITT Grinnell's Warren, Ohio l facility, conducted by Bechtel Associates Professional Corp., are analyzed to verify the adequacy of the supports on the Midland Project fabricated by ITT Grinnell in the fulfillment of Purchase Order #7220-M-106-AC Rev. 5 ' In accordance with MIL-STD-105D representative sampling guidelines, 1 125 ASME Nuclear Coda Class 2 and 3 supports are surveyed and 17 supports are found to have portions of shop welds below the size specified on the ITT Grinnell support detail. These welds are analyzed for the "as-

    , built"    stress levels using the smallest weld section found along the                                           ~

particular weld. The results of this analysis show that all surveyed supports meet weld stress requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Subsection NF. Based on the above analysis, it is determined with a high level of con-fidence that there is an extremely low probability of finding any supports with overstressed shop welds. l 1 1

                                                                            . _ . , , .     .__.--n -,-.,,,n_,,-.,,--


              .r                                                                                                                       ._                     .                        ._.

Appendix D TABLE 2 Results of Chemical Analysis on Test Assetblies

1 S t.:.p les C h a- i r - ~ _ . _ , _ ,

Piece Nu :ber 50. 1i C 1

  • l P. I S  ; 2) 1  ! .
                                                                                                   *'^+ #"
                                                                                                     /Jett E!SL'ZT l 18A         0.10       0.41    0.02S           0.021         0.01            .


            -                                                                   5
                                                                                     ,(-.)                                                                                                        p g* v4 . f. '.a
                                               - i..,....                            ;                .


'                                                                                                                                                                                                 i l                                                                      .

0.02 18B 0.18 0.45 0.028 0.c2v  ! lJ (wir gl m ,s  !

                                      }                                                                                                                                                           t Ig' We'sif 4*                                          I i;
                                                                                          ~@@                            1sc     0.10       0.43    0.015           0.027         0 . 0.'

l f, _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _ . 2* M C?CJ 4

 )                                                       g em m Tbow4 i

I 4A 0.22 0.55 0.010 0. 0':7 0.02 1

                               .~ .                                       -

N i1 u . ,- j 4B 0.18 0.44 0.01S 0.G' 0 0.03 }

                                                                  .,      t t             es.<s s ge                           g ;
                                                          ,,, . .         4 4C      O.22       0.52    0.012           0.032         0.0-
                                                                                    . . m . o .e
r. ., -. a
   .y                                                  _
 !                                                                                         .                             4G      0.10       0.43    0.015           0.027         0.03
                                                               \ ,;        d rR.ett t* r. art J

i i. i i i arrars' t [ 31A 0.19 0.42 0.018 0.031 0.02 I m.)a.= se m a w< sccr.- .

                        -                                     :-w,                                                       31B      0.20       0.50    0.010           0.021         0.02 l
                                                                           , ,, ,,,, O I         oc- ss wr I

s t We*<* b


ca., .. , 2-604-9-18 2-604-9-4 Retes: No. 1 & 2 1-603-0 -

  • 2G4 0.20 0."5 0.018 0.022 0 A2 .
      -                               All       .t"        I Sex.:: Fre- S . .c piece
                                                                              .                                                                                                                         l I

L e

                                                                                                   "'E-'              "'       '                          ,       y    ,-,.ry.,

e o Appendix E

                                                                            'APPRO.VEp Eng gi;q7,p'

. T'cp. 3 -v&v- 1 w r.Mem%v l No. 1-01-1-11 l

                               ,-= gx gqa     e ,          y
                              +1 b m a u y!                                   Rev: 11 Appr: 4 j                 =.a m8a =3= it% 71ML.~.C)n1 PROCEDURE Daie: 7/17/75 SHOP - FIELD                        pegg3 14



1. This procedure covers grcove and fillet welding of carbon steel pipe, plate, castings, forgings, bar stock, sheet, strip and structural shapes by the manual shielded metal arc process.


2. All welding shall be done by the manual shielded metal arc welding process.


3. Backing strips or rings shall be used on all butt joints.1 IV. BASE 32TAL:
4. The base metal shall conform to the spe61fications listed under P n' umber 1 in Table 011.1 of Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and as listed in the applicable fabrication specifica-tions listed below:

Fabrication product Specifica tion Nuclear Piping - Shop F-S-101N Nuclear Piping - Field F-F-101N Piping (Non-Nuclear)-Shop F-S-101 Piping (Non-Nuclear)-Field F-F-101 Hangers 'F-H 1.01 Nuclear Hangers F-H-101N

5. When Section III of the ASME Code or ANSI E31.7 apply, the base materials shall be limited accordingly.

Note 1. _ Backing rings may be o=itted in lieu is of made a rootinpass accordance deposited by another process when it with an applicable procedure specification. , Date: 7/17/75 Specification No. 1-01-1-11 , t



6. The covered electrodes shall conform to ASME
          ;                 Specification numbers SFA5.1 and SFA5.5=,

Group Number F-4 and Weld Metal Analysis A-1 and A-unclassified

  • as indicated below:

Base Metal Covered Electredes Carbon steel 70,000 psi E7018 minimum tensile strength

  ,                         and under.

Carbon steel 75,000 psi E-8018-C3* minimu=. tensile strength grades.

7. Only materials listed in Materials Specification ,

M-SF-961 shall be used. VI. POSITION:

8. Welding may be done in all positions:

Pipe - 1G, 2G, SG, 6G Plate - 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G Fillet Welds - 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F .( VII. PREHEAT:

9. General
a. When the ambient temperature of any P-1 material is less than 60*F the material shall be preheated to a temperature of 100*F prior to welding.
b. Materials in the P-1 group shall not require preheat, other than that stated in the previous paragraph, unless the material meets the specific conditions stated in the following table. When a piece to be welded meets the requirements in the table, then it shall be preheated as stated in the last column.

Date: 7/17/75 Specification No. 1-01-1-11 D

Page 3 ( Properties of ',!ater g ials Sein: Joined  ; Specification Max.

  • tin.

To Which The Peported prehest Picco Will Be Type of Weld Fo=inal Thickness Carbon. 5 Reg'd.'T Waldsd Cver 1" over .an 175*F

1) Preheat for welds exclusive of boiler exter-cal piping over 1" over .30 175'T
2) Preheat for welds in botier external piping Throat thickness - 175*F g3g gg*y
3) preheat for welds in boiler external piping of fillet 1/2" or for fillet welds attaching non-pressure parts to piping (eliminates pWHT) less 3/4" or less
                                                                                                     -        175'?
4) preheat for circu=ferential welds in pipe to be used for toiler external piping (elininates p'dhm 1-1/2" or less .m or less -
1) All welds in co=ponents,other than pressure over .30 -

vessels, except fillet. partial penetration 3/4" or less 200*F and repair welds in =aterial over 1-1/2" Over 3/4" to 1-1/2" Over .30 l incl. l t

                                                                                                      -        200*F      i SECTION III      2) Fillet, partial penetration and repair welds       3/4" or less j

in material over 1-1/2" for all co=ponents j other than pressure vessels 6

                                                                                                       -       200*F       j
3) Fillet welds in pressure vessels 3/4" or less p00*F
 \                      1) P-1 =aterials up to and including 1-1/2"             over 1-1/4"            -

f i shall not require postweld hest treatment SICTION VIII ;rovided =ateri.t1 over 1-1/4" thickness are preheated and postweld heat treat = cat is not g i required by t*#-2 e

 .        SECTION I     1) Circumferential welds in pipe tutes or              3/4" or less             -           -


10. Postweld heat treatment shall be done as required by the applicable codes and as stated in the applicable fabrication specifications listed under BASE METAL.


11. This procedure covers the welding of base material thicknesses from 1/16" to 4 1/2" and pipe with outside diameter of all sizes.

y Date: 7/17/75 Specification No. 1-01-1-11 ,


12. The base materials may be prepared by machining, grinding, sawing, shearing, abrasive disc, oxy-acetylene, arc or plasma cutting. Pipe preparation should conform to PFI Standard ES-1 and the sketches in Figure l'or as indicated on the engineering shop sketches. Plate preparation should conform to the sketches in Figure 1 or as indicated on the engin-eering shop sketches.
13. Where thermal cutting methods are used, all oxides and scale shall be removed by chipping, machining or grinding.
14. Prior to welding, all grease, oil, scale, paint, rust and other foreign materials shall be re=oved from the surfaces to be welded.


15. All welding shall be done with direct current, verse polarity (i.e., the base metal shall be on the negative side of the line).


16. The current, voltage and electrode sizes shall be in accordance with Table I.
17. The weld bead configuration, order of deposition and direction of travel shall be as indicated in Figure 2.


18. All slag or flux remaining on any weld bead shall be removed prior ts deposition of the next succassive weld bead.


19. Any weld defects such as cracks, porosity, etc.,

which appear on the surface of any weld bead shall be removed by grinding, chipping or gouging prior to deposition of the next successive weld bead.

20. Peening shall not be done.

Date: 7/17/75 Specification No. 1-01-1-11 l

e Fig. 1 Page 5 Pipe i b 97 & t ;*tt k .3 7 g, . y ,.

              / /.l ('l f 1! ('45   -
                                                                               /f l//##n\'s    /   f j f j'l       i,
                   \.-         A~c ,c      " wnst _ n~-o vva>s g -[
               .hc hi ne d                                                     Ther:r.a1 Cu
  • f so " : /
  • Ell } / _?


                                                              ,' ,                  f g, ' ?? '_ y , r '

o win / ^

                                                           )7b,/7  / .N i

y- '



                                                                     /      /!       l M.:I.

h ' / , ,/#  ! . Machined L Mo ' r kh >( .P. l..t : A 30' A WSf . l f /, // / / f . i __t V}//j' l/, , f/ / ///i .Yf'T- = ox: :.- e L t't Table I (Low IIyc:rogen Iron Powcler Type Electrodes l'XX13)

                                                                                                                    'v C u.a n ur.

rt.,rt.,tuGut RRE,,,i n Ro., o.,,n,. . S1ZE p3s73g Vortical l Fla.t Itori7.oni ai l Overhead _, 4 3/32 70-110 70-100 70-110 l 21-24 l 1/8 90-160 90-135 90-160 I 20-25 l I l 130-220 130-200 l 22-26 5/32 110-160 3/16 200-300 150-220 1S0-275 22-27 k e

4 43?%

  %e+             im eE EvA<uA1,Os

4) 4 TEST TARGET (MT-3) l.0 gmBn g m g_an m g l,l

  • bb iM l.25 1.4 1.6
    =                           6-                   >


  #4 #                                         #3 4$ 4%

4 A 4g>,,zzz),# 7 r 4$;e LL ,.: . =... . .=. -

4 4


9+/ + ,M eE Ev <e 1,e~

                                                    %'+4 TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0   l# EE DIA El$ HE I.l   [,m llllM l.25    .l.4   1.6 I

. < 6" = MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART 4% + ////h h'si,'//// .-_ -

                                                   ?kshhf5 y
7_ .


                      - = - _ . . - .  .

Fig. 2 -

.                .


                                                                            . .                                         / A
                   ,/        ,


                 .                              f(1 a              \

7f r T i 'p G;%g!6 (e['


2G Position _ a/ a

                                                                                         /[/ ]#,,/sfj',ll/
                                                                                                          >   ,    ,s .i
                                                               ,                       IG & 5G Fositions
                                                           /                        1G S

J /

           .'                  30                                          /

<~. o m ( , SG GG 4G - FILLET h* ELDS b-- or , D L 3F 4F

           *Nete Direction of Weld T,       r} -            , ' . j' . . . ;!

g g , p# 'N p k'W 9 *d 9

                                                                      'zer                                                                                                                                               Pa%D I Lmpm               ~.:.:

g,.t.. L %. yv.r  :.r., f.;_ ;;;; & h <.M..uq c. mae, w.n.. i. a. 7o ;; t %: s!' . i

                                                                                                                          \ M. .
                                                                                        'r.xww. .wrte:=. t socon. n. t e.vt RECOP.D OF WELCING QUALIFICATION TEST                                                                                                                                                                             ,

FOP. DUTT WF.LD5 I t Pit'F. (Single Arc) 1 Forrn of re,t Procedure Qualification w, en, p,c,cee.,,c .1 1 . . custiccation 8o.. - .3. 4. 5 -01 WcIdir.g Prxcts _. .. Manual Shielded Metal,,, Arc, . , , , , .__ pui.;3,3 . 2G . Materia: Carbon Steel _,,, Same . , , , . _ y,,,75,i g.eugn, A10 6. . Gr . B _. _to ..Same. . P-No. P-1 to P.xo. Same Pire sire.. ..16" . . . . . r.eckt.ers ___2 .144 " Filier . Atom Arc 7018 .. cree- aio i . E7 018 .. p.3o. F- 4 A.xv A- 1 rium er w a.,,g ca, .None _ . . , . g,cgy, g; , : p;r;u.c cafarinnell. St.d... Split Type Pr-!.+3t 27 5.* F. p.,t3,u_, 117 5

  • F.._. . 2. 144 .h. our.s_ ._ . _ . .

Weidar C.R. .Howard .. .. .. . Max. Thicknes, This Test cin::fies 41/2" . reentificaeon so .G-53. Test CoeJucted by R.S. . Scott . . . _ Dae , September _. 27.,. 1967 1: cot'CCD-SFCTIC?t 'EN5tLt TI?T - - . . Dirr.en s;en s . Speeirnen -- Ultirnate tots! Ultirnate unh stree*, Ch:'.r: cts or Wbre A* 15. t>er sq. in. and lontir's N o. W:d.:. Thicke ca,, load.11 2G-la. ..I.8 3... . 875 .. . sJ.8 5.. 51. 8.00 .. 7.E,30.0 D.uc.tll.e- B as e... Me t a1 2.G. lb . . .,74 6 .3. .871,,_

                                               .                                            650..                  49..,.550                  ,r               76.,250                                       Duc t i le- e....Me t al 2G-4a                     .779                .889                     .693                     52,500                                      75,800                                        Ductile-Base Metal 2G-4b                     .753                .878                     .661 cv56,0 cot:m                                                    75,650                               Metal Sper; .+n                   Tne ef                                                  Results-.iese .Se lo:s::en. n?tur: trd ti: e.! ny crack Na.                      Send                                                                                  cc tetring e.! spechaea.

2G .2a.. S.ide _ _ _. .No ...D e f e c_t s... . . . .. .. . . . 2G-2b Side No Defects . . . . .. . _ . . . _ . ._ 2G-3a Side No Defects 2G 3b... S,id e. . ,_ No Defects . . . . . . .. . . . .. 2G-5a Side No Defects 2G-5b Side No Defects 2G-6a . . . Side _ . . . . . . . _ . No Defect; 2G-6.b . . Si...d_e. N.o. De f e c';s . . . .. ... . .. . 7.'s is to certifv t'rie.t the sisteruer.ta runde in this record are correct and that the t.'s. wcId1 were pre pared, v.eMa<:. enet ta,'ed in fail acce.rd,nce *i'b the current requirescents et Section IX of th.. 'iMC Boiler ared. I senure Venc! Cvh ct.d =;t'2 the ASA Ca,de for Pressure Piping. Au.. gust.18, 1971 Dee . .._...-_.:...-- Grin's1'


nyt . _ . V D Helmut Tuic2sch, Director

                                                                                                                                                                                 .. f.                                                           . . . .

e Resea'rch & Developinent Division

                                                       '                                                                          2 pw?.w's. .y3:f.m .yw<ti..a                                       .4. <- q. ./,. +; u< .e%
                                                                                                                                                ..                                    7~ L;.,

Page %. a.

                                                                                                                                .... , '. h) V vt :. ,.; a;.t.

'1 'FX).CU T tVI. OF F.*E%. f"A O'.'ID >.h; M. R. I. CMI ' RECORD OF WELDINC QUALIFICATION TEST . FOtt DUTT WELDS IN Pit'E (Single Arc) Forrn of Test Pror.edure Qualification weuing Prxedure. 1-01-1 c, ant.cuton No...1. _3 4. 9 ^1 .. we: ding Process. Manual Shielded Metal. Arc.___, . ._.. pesjtien 5 G., mientCarbon Steel in Sam.e. . . _ . . mieri,t sne!3eation, A10.6 Gr.S. .. to . .Same P-N o.. P-1 t,, p.x,,, Sa=e pip, si,, . 16" ...Twicknes, 2 ..V 4. '.'. ._ .. _ Finer meal . Atom Arc 7018 .. cianir.estion . E70;LS . .F .4 .. A- 1 Flex or M.:c! *.rg Co . None ._ . 33ck.up Kme or Purir.: c.frinnell Std. . Split Type Preh:at 275*7. rest 3,3t 117 5.* F._ _ 2. _1/4. .h.our.s . . , we dcr C.R. Howard 4 W" Identi'ication No, G-53

                                                                                     . _. Max. Thicknes. This Test cuatiries Test conducte.137                          R.S. Scott                                                              . , . .                           p.y , September '27.., .1967 I:FDti ED-fEC'.;M TE.NS LE TEST
                                                                                                                                                                - . - =.

Specimen '-- Dime ror:s l

                          .Vo-                                                                     3,.             U:ti,iate to:al                       incinute unis rtress.                            Charec:er cf friint.-

Width l Thi-knm l lo.d. lb. and i+:stic, 5G-la >

                                                   .769                 .883                    .679                     "1,900                                    76,400 Ductile-Base Metal p                     5G .1.b..                     .772..
                                                                        . 8 87...               .685..

_52 3550_ .76,750 Duc tile. . Me t al SG-4a .757 .881 .667 51,500 77,200 m_ .t h 7c1 .wo .cso ct:cem!srF t3 Ductile-Base Metal 76.c50 Du CJ.ib _. .u.2_.Me t a l

                      'S.gelfr.en                       Tv;:e c,f No.                                                                                   Results--de:cr$c locr. tion, r.:tur: h.-d s:ze et sny cmck Dend or tea-ing -f weco.ien.

S G .2 a Side. No. Defects SG-2b Side No Defects - 5G-3a l Side No Defects


SG-3b. _ . . . . Side .. No Defects . . _ . 5G-Sa Side . . . . . .. . . No. . .De f..e.c

                                                                                                           . . ..  ..       ts SG-5b                                Side _ . . . .                          No Defects SG-6a           . . . .

Side No Defects 5G. 6b ..

                                                       . S i d e. .. .
                                                                 .              . . . .          No. Defects -                                    . . .            ..

I Thisla to certify that the stateruents r:sade in this record are correct and the.t the test welds were prept.ted and testao Ccde anil Uth ir.the fullASA accordCode nce forwitb Pressure abe ct:: rent requirctnests of 5cetion IX of the ASME 1:<,iler end l'resture Wes ! Pi .ing. . t

 ,._            o .,,          August 18, 1971 ts-                                                                                                                                               Gri g ,, .,_ .O       -

irc. V!\ [M.c.y , 3 Br: ]. Helmut Thiu/"ch,bV Director Roccarch e Development-Diviraion

                 ,                                                      GRISNELL                                                         Page .9 RECORD OF WELDING CUALIFICATION TEST

'. FOR BUTT WELDS IN PIPE OR PLATE AND FILLETWELD3 CN Pf?E OR PLATE FORM OF TEST: Procedure Qualification , WELD PROCEDU 1E: 1-01-1 (Sinsle Arc) 141 w

                                                                                                               . QUALIFICATION NO WELOING PROCESS:                 Manual Shielded '.*etal Arc                                  MANUAL          X       MACHINE POSITION:                        6G                                   FOREHAND OR BACKHAND: Forehand PIPE SIZE:                       2" Sch. 80                          WALL THICKNESS:                          0,218" MATERIAL SPECIFICATICNr\SME SA106 Gr. B TO                                     Same                    TO P-NO.       1   TO P.NO.      1 1/16" to Maximun
                    ^                              I'7 to 3"                              to be Welded OUALIFIED: PIPE DIA.                                         _ WALL:                                          *C LA RITY. Reverse FILLER METAL (TRADE NAME)                     Aton Arc 7018 CLAS$1FICATION:                               E7018                             ,           F-4           A.NO.       A-1
                                                                                               ^ I SHIELDING GAS COMP SITION None                          BACK UP           .Grinnell           Std. Split Tvpe PRE HEAT TEMPCRATUREt~


                                       'm,      e m e sicNs           !    ,,,,    }      ULT M AT I-  MET:inX i TrHC EN ESS t                 i TOTAL LOAD. Ib. l ui.Tw       ATE UNir j o4AAACTEM STR ESS. PSI    I cP F.uLURE aNo LCCATICN l              l               l                                   l                     l Ductile 6G-2            1 2.388 i            .213      11.454              98,000          f     67.400          i Base Metal Ductile 6G-4                2.385             212         1.448     I      96.750                66,800             Base '.:etal l-              l                                   l

( l Fig. Q-6 (d:) Sectio'n IX' GUIDED BEND TESTS cumE Nc. , mesutts- l ,Q E,^!D l mesuLTs l 6G-1 oG-a one (1) 1/1r tear Root No Def ects Root (within Code requirements) 6G-3 6G- 7 Face No Defects Face No Defects Fig. Q-7.2 Section IX OTHER This is to certify that the state:nenta made in this racerd are correct and that the test welda were prepared, welded. and tested la full accordance with the current requi-ements of section IX of the ASME Boi;er and Preesgre Vessel Code and with Ge ANSI Code for Pressure Piping.

    \                                                                                           O
                                                                                                /    1 1

n DATE: August 29, 1972 sy: kjhd_.\g MA' D a'='id L. John 4ca p. us7 Print e in v. s. A. Project Enginb6r


                                                       - AND FILLETWELDS ON P!PE OP. PLATE FORM OF TEST: Procedure Oualification WELD FROCEDURE:             1-01-1 (Single Arc)                                             CUALIFICATION NO-14775 WE'.OING PRCCESS:           'fartal Shielded '.!etal Arc MANgAt       X     MACHINE 80 SIT *0N:                 6G                                      FOREHAND OR SACKHANO.              Forehand P!PE SIZE:                  10"                                    WALL THICXNESS:                     G.T50" MATERIAL SPECIFICATION. AS'E SA155 Of S75TO                              Same                  TO P NO.      1 TO P.NO.             1
                "                             3" and Over QUA FLED: P!PE DI A.                                            WALL: 3/16" to 1.50"                   e0'JRITY. Reverse FILLER METAL (TRADE NAME)                       Aton Arc 8018 CLASSlFICATION:                                  E8018-C3                            p.N O.       F-4                A.N O.    ---


              ' SPECIMEN NO.'

M 01 M . AREA l TOTAL LO AO,1b. i r"-'sC KN ESS 8 l ULTIM i ATE UNIT l CHARACitR STRESS.rSI ANO LOCATICNCF FAsLURE i luuc m e l 6G-2 749 l 581 l .4352 35,350 f S1,250 lBase Metal 6G-4 .752 .592 4452 36,000 80,900 IDuctile Base Metal

                                                                              !                                      f l

GUIDED BEND TESTS c u R s"so. l mEsutTs l ,7uR$o. ! R ESU LTS l 6 G l 6G-5 l Root INo Defects Root INo Defects 6G-3 l, 6G-7 l Face-'lNo Defects Face 15v Defects t OTHER This is to certLay that the statements made in this record are correct and that the *.est welds were prepared, welded, and tested in M1 accordance with the carrent remairementa of sectica IX of the ASME Boiler and Vessel Code and with the

        ' ANSI Code for Preescre Piping.

DATE: April 12,.'1973 sy: . />< 8 e # 70 %

                                                                                        'Dav1B L. Johnson'                     r. ua7 ennt.a ta U. s. A.

Project Engineer -

1, . T GRCSXELL Page 11

    /                                           RECORD OF WELOINCi CUALIFICATION TEST FOR BUTT WELDS IN PtPE OR PLATE AND FILLETWELDS CN PIPE OR F. ATE FORM OF TEST: Procedure Cunlification 1477G WELD PROCEDURE:            1-01-1 (Sin'zle Arc)                                         CUALIFICATION NO.

Root: :nert Gas ?.ingsten Arc with Fillar Metal pang 4L x 1ACHINE WELDING PROCESS: 221: "anual Shielded "atal Arc . 6G FOREHAND OR BACKHAND: Forehand POSITION: 12" Sch. 160 WALL THICKNESS: 1.312" ,_ PIPE SIZE: Sate TO P-NO. 1 TO P-NO. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AS"E SA106 Gr.B TO Root: Straight RANGE PIPE DIA. 3" and Over wa tt. 3 /16" to 2. 624" 'OLARITY: Bal Reverse CUALIFIED: Root: Linde G5 FILLER METAL (TRADE N AME) Pair Aton Arc 7018 Root: E70S-2 Root: 7-6 A-1 Eal? E7018 p.NO. Eal ? F-4 A NO. A-1 CLASSIFICATION: SHIELDING GAS COMPOSITICN' h*0 Ne BACK UP 3Me PRE HEAT TEMPERATURE: PURGE AND RATE INTERPASS TEMPERATURE. 60'? to 600'F= PCSTHEAT TREATMENT: Tone WELDERS NAME: Carl Marshall SCCIAL SECURITY NO. IDENTIFICATION NO. C-37 ks TEST CONDUCTED BY: Johnnie Ray T_oflin DATE OF TEST: Februarv 1. 1973 REDUCED SECTICN TENSILE TESTS speewes so. I C'" "5'C"S I anca utTw ave i utTwaTa uruT l cunactua

                                                                                                     $7mtSS.ASI es autuas l ANO LCCATICN           1 l   wicTH     a TMiCKNEP3 6               l TOT AL LO AO. 'b. t                  i IDuctile                      1 l

753 l l 1 1.062 i.7965 1 61,250 l l I 76,900 iBase Metal l 6G-2 I l l l l lDuctila 6G-4 I 752 1 1.062 I.7986 61,000 1 76,400 IBase Metal l GUIDED EEND TESTS FScuna No. l mtsutTs l ,7u$m^ so. l nasutra l u0-1 l l oG-a l Side l No Defects l Side INo Defects OG-3 6G-7 l Side No Defects Side INo Defects OTHER'

  • Revised 12/26/74 This La to certL*y that the statementa made in this reco-d are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded. and tested in 'ull secches with the currect requirewnts of section IX of the AS'.(E Boiler and Presare Vessel Code and with the ,

ANSI Code for Pressee Piping. t


DATE: April 12, 1973 gy. , .4 th David L. Aohnsca r. 44a7 riar.a ia v. s. A. Proj ect Engineer


              ..!atorial Identification
              '                                  Temp.      Toughness       Expansion   Percoat
                                                  *F.         ft.-lb.        Inches      Shcar   ,

6G-1 Weld Metal -20 133 084 70 6G-2 Weld Metal -20 34 032 56 6G-3 Weld Metal -20 - 65 052 44 6G-4 Heat Affected Zone -20 30 029 20 6G-5 Heat Affected Zone -20 24 027 20 6G-6 Heat Affected Zone -20 38 034 20 G s Procedure Qualification 14776 I cv. illy :.ha i U.e 4 Love iaformativu 13 irue and m i iv the be.s t of my knowled!:0 and laelief. ITT RINNELL ORP/' RATION l i S iv O" David L. Je!.n >n Proj ec t En:;ie,ecr t


        ;.                                                                     GRINNELL                                                                 Page '13
                                                            . RECORD OF WELDING QUALIFICATION TEST FOR EUTT WELDS IN P!PE OR PLATE AND FILLET WELCS ON P;PE OR PLATE FORM OF TEST: Procedure Qualification
           ,     WELO PROCEDURE:                 1-01-1 (Single Arc)                                                       OUALIFICATION NO-14777      '

Root: Inert Gas Tungsten Arc with Filler Metal WELDING PROCESS: Bal? 'fanual Shielded Metal Are yANugt x MACHINE

                ?OSITION:                      6G                                           FOREHAND OR BACNHAND:                         Forehand PIPE SIZE:                    12" Sch. 160                                WALL THlCKNESS:                                1 312" MATERIAL SPECIFICATION. AS?tE SA106 Gr.al_TO                                        Same                         TO P-NO.       1 TO P.NO. 1 Root: Straight RANGE QUALIFIED: PIPE DI A.

3" and Over WALL: 3/16" to 2.624" DOLARITY: Bal: Reverse Root: Linde 65 FILLER METAL (TRADE NAME) Bal: Ato1 Arc 7018 Root: E70S-2 Root: F-6 A-1 CLASSIFICATION: Bal? E7018 F.N O. Bal - T-4 A.NO. A-1



 *T             TEST CONDUCTED BY: Johnnie Rav Toflin                                      DATE OF TEST:               Febru ary 1.              1973 REDUCED SECTION TENSILE TESTS
                                           '          "     8'O I      - '                          ULTIM ATE SPECIMEN NO.           I   WICTM       i Tm C E N E 575     AREA                               l ULTIM ATE UNIT CHARACTE4 CP FALURE TOTAL LCAO, Ib. t              STR ESS, PSI           ANO LCCA?lCN 6G-2 l

750 1.062 l 7965 l l Ductile l I I 58.000 1 72.700 iBase Metal i Ductile l 6G-4 750 1.056 7920 50,500 63,750 Base Metal i l I l l l l GUIDED BEND TESTS PScu R r"No.l REsutTs ,$',^N0 ya l mEsuLTs 60-1 1 60-o l Side .INo Defects Side- l No Defects 6G-3 60-7 Side No Defects Side No Defects OTHER

  • Revised 12/26/74
This is to certify that ce statements made in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, wel, fed. and tested in M1 accordance with the current requirements of asetion IX of the ASME Bouer and Presmre Vessel Code and with the ANSI Code for Prenmare Piping.

l [ ( l [. DATE: April 12, 1973 sy: .sm ,s_g WA David L. Johnson p. 4.:$ erini.4 :a v. s. A. j- Project Engineer ,

     . g INDUSTRIAL PIPI:iG LABORATORY                             Page 14 ITT GRINNELL CORPORATION l'                   ,

PROVIDENCE, R. I. IMPACT TEST CERTIFICATE DATE: 4/12/73 CUSTO.'.:ER' S ORDER: OUR ORDER: 17-81-2538 Impact Specimen Charpy V Notch . Size 10 x 10 1B1 Testing Impact Lateral

   .       Material Identification                Temp.       Toughness           Expansion    Percent "F.         ft.-lb.              Inches      Shear 6G-1    Weld Metal                    -20              43                 033         35 6G-2    Weld Metal                    -20              70                 056         50 GG-3    Weld Metal                    -20              58                 050         40 6G-4    Heat Affected Zone            -20              89                 064         43 6G-5    Heat Affected. Zone           -20              33                 030         33 6G-6    Heat Affected Zone            -20              66                 053         44

l _. . . __,I Procedure Qualification 14777 Iher:.IIy Lii., i L i .e abvve information 1 ::, ;. rue and i.otscu.

                                                                                                     ,i, the bo., t of my knoriled! ;e and heliof.

I R IN';1:LI, O'C:POltAT iUN

                                                           !       ,            e d

0.' vi d I,. Jc t r in Pro.j cn i L:;; i ">' er

s Appendix F .31!EMETF.0M CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF ANA!.YSIS aw . .u.v en a <wc:. Y r

    ;                                                      \ \{ f,/ U                                  ,

Customer Order No. 3739 (14-23h7) Order No. P NDtional Velders Sucoly

                                                                                   ,            )f d'"},l
                                                                                                / //f 551 St5 St N.E.

Winston Salem, N.C. 27105 /

                                                                    /j#/     /<
                                                                                   /-       '
                                                                                     '/p / 'f Shipped This material conferms to S;e:!E:= tion

(, f '


a -- Av A ASMESF.k5..SEC_[Ill 1-6o E 7018 Trrd'e Ncme Atom Arc 7018 Type er Tredemark: Test No. 472 1/8" X-Ray Satisfactory Dirmster Si:e: 2 ,,e,0 0 l b. Control No. (HHHC2 7) Lst Number: L511N1A0 Moisture s 1800cF 0.27; H;ot Nummer: 411T4371 Conce n t r i c i ty L, Type Steel A-2S5 jCerben 04 j/ Mengenese .99 Test No. Fuli Split Volts Amos chromium .07 f Nickel 05 / .Tensiles & 140 Silicon 45 / 17 pacts 1 5 22

 . Columbium +                                                              -

Test AS Stress Tentolum Results: Welded Relieved M2iybdenum 05

                                              /                                                                                                 8 hrs. 51150 7.

Tungsten ~ ensile 77,500 77.300

  • 0b k[ v ield 71.900 65,300 longation 28.0% 3 0. 7,?

Phosphorus / Red of Area 75.6% 73.0% Sulphur . 015j[ 9 Charpy V-Notch !moacts Tested 2 -20 F. Vonodium -

                                                                        '                   7 vimoacts             86-100-113-12o-122               16-25-85-101-103 Lat Exp         69-72-81-83-90                   18-29-71-73-74
                                                                                              % Shear         70-70-80-80-80                   30 h0-60-65-75 ASME QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFICATE (t%TEftl ALS)

NUMBER N-1224 EXPIRES ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1978. 5tta o8 Penna. 1 SS The undersigned cerriEes that this repcrt is

- Ccunty cf                    Yo rk            )

correct and that no signiEcont change he, been mede in eny of the elements described Subscribed and swern to before me in the quali6c:tien cpprcycl. this 13th day of May 19 76 CHcMETRON CORPCRATiCN wuen.s n: cans : u s.: . Q , SEAL -,. .5 '.NJNSh..N D '

                                                                       \' A"O ' L.-

we u...,, K w coas,an e.s,es: s-21-7s av 8d q, g

            ..._.-.o                 .                        .                                                                   .

5.'< G:!.".Fi!OI! CC':"Oi.!.IlC M .


CERTIFICATE OF ANAL'/3i. ma u n.urs c .:n Appendix.F 3739 (14,0416) p / Customer Orde No. jh $ $Y 9 .f Crde No. 514621-1 F Hational Weldc:s F!

                                                                                               '(',,[l'33;,,,g 5519th Street N. E.
      .Winston Salem, N. C.                                27105               '

j ///,jff,P'/ f

                                                                                  , j,rg,     /, /

dh . moign.ol ecnforms to Speo.nceSen y

                                                                                             #                                        ASME SFA5.1 SEC. 111 g

f X)  ; AWS AS.1-69 Trad2 Nome Ato:s Arc 7018 Type _E_U_la cr Tredemerk: Test No. 940


X-Ray Satisfactory Diemster Size: 3/ 32" 11,35v- , bs .. . Centr ol No. ~JJC27 Let N;mber: F610N1AC 8 "=# Conc ent ricity

                                                                                          . .~"'    4,_a.

Hast Number: 18429 ,, . ype Steel A-232 Corben .04 Test No. Full Split Volts A :s Mengenese 1.15 Chromium .04 Tensiles& Nicke! .03 I=p ac t s 2 S 23 95 Silicon .33 %

      .                                                                  Test                             As                            Stress
      .s! +
                "'     I""

Results: Welded Relieved' c 8 Hrs. @ ll50 y, Mslybdenum .05 V

                                                /                            ield                          78,800                         73,700 Tungsten                                                         ensile                        87,600                         86,600 Copper                  .02                                 Elongation                      285                            255 Titanium                                                     Red. of Area                    69.05                          71.45 PFesphorus                                                                                                                             oc Sulphur                 .023r[/
                                       .010                                Charpy V-Notch I::p act s Tee ted G -20 _,                              .

Yonodium .03 62-64-65-65-81 cpacts 40-49-71-74-96 Lat. Exp . 41- 51-57-62-75 51-53-56-58-62 5 Shear 20 20-30-30-40 30-30-30-40-40

                                                   .                       ASME QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFICATE (!%TERIALS)

NUMBER N-1224 EXPIRES CN SEPTEMBER 8, 1973 Stata of Penna. 1 ' SS The undersigned certir~es ther this re crt is Csunty of Yoric ) correct and ther no s,igni6c=nt crcoq= bas been made in cny cf the elements des: riced Subscribed and sween to before me in the qucli6 c;crevc!. this 13th etcy of July 1976

                       .-                                                                                        CHEMETRON CORPORATION
                                                  - .                                                                    .stoirm nee rs ri,.s.o SEAL s.,ory race My ecmmission empires:              8-21-78                                          ,

BY _ b L


R. W. Boyer

      -                                                                                        ~

M GrinndlCorporation e,pe nanaen enaNn%sv?sto.n sv. .D L.T. . . TE .@.JJ.78. susaEcT.. 51.w .9-~ ... M .v.9.o.5.... 9.% 7. . .. ' SHEET NO. . . . ) . O F , . l. . i cFMD.8Y .<. .DATEb.'I.~[d CUSTCMER . . . . .h AC.5.7.E h . . ... SYSTEM. . . .. . . ... ... PRoncT . .. . !Mi.e. w.+.M R . .. PROJECT NO. . . . .

  • E- coo 4 18 Sxarew TasT
  • s A F u u w. v Wsuo Si4.s . Mec,' Loxo =


                                                                                                 .                           w i=,-                   g LSCO f                                                          e=       4. M
  • 13
                                                                                                                                                           .a. 4 -

i. S


c . 9.9 4 ~ S rett _ i 4 AA. 13

                                                                                                                ;                4l*


                                                 .                                                                 o
37 i i ,

I L,a s e.- - c = w a _e - I =' ( 3.9 + ) . 7. S s ' 8 I l A i y i Wato WE' !

   .l 3.875 A s =, . ; w s.          , =. w a         A. s o u~    p e    w,.      A i ) Tw a S s c:rio s AAeouuus On Twe Waue (L ) = ( 5.S 75 ) ( 3.9 :.)                                                                           'iB.ZG ,~:-
             ?_ ) -- w a MowasT isouceo                              A--        Tus W au=                  -    ( ST ) (4800) = ' 7 7, G C C .u - u:

i-.ecc - W' a


dn 8 E. Os%oiNa CT 5t.s st ,b, ON iHE Wsuo ;i1

                                                                                                                    =                         2                  -

y i g ,,-, 3

4) Twa S - 4 2. w. 5 uu,6s Os Tsc Wsu: - #f..r,y, - 60 9 ,-
                                                                -                                                           c_

k E I%% Fx e- o , O- S xn a :-v O *4 T-s Wa-o - *** = 8.5

                                                                                                                           \S GO ~
                   ,.    ---a       _ ass w             .o    ,-s     =e . w - w.a                       -

we s em w %_c= l WAs J s .a o '. % ~' w a h A -r s . s Fee C.c% es:d.a. . w. l t F-a.d ia E 5. - \ C3 R. av . C l [ PH E v . 4 l i

           -.       .n.- _           . _ .          .    . - - - - . . .    - -.             .-.              .                    . . - -      .-.                        . -.

N Gritrid/C0/pydt/0/1 PtPE HANGER ENG N IV SICN ! av. .D t.T. . . rE el.7K. susaset...E!.w.M.Id.56.35..Y.Y.57.. . . 'sHEETNO. ...E. . CF . 3. . CHEO.SY .0ATEb .k. 7.h CUSTOMER . . . . . . .h .E.C.'"* .7.# .9. . . . . . . SYSTEM. ..... . ... ... .


t m aaecr . . ..% i.e.w.=.n.o.. ... .. mEcr no. . . . . .. . Sw.svew

  • 2.-604-9-18 Tas r
  • I S S Fiuusw Waus S i a.s -  %>' Loxo = 41 S O
                                                                                        , -.                              =
                                                                                        -f-                ,

4\SO g Foz A M w. 12; l

                                                                                        ,                                                            g . 4-l gr. 3.% -

se..u , l 4M 13 41* 1 1 i

                                                                                                              ++                                                                l 37                    i                                                 I I                                                                                        I
                                                                                        !                                                Lassyw Ca wous'
                                                                                        !                                                  = 2. (,3.% ). 7.S6'                  i i

A i y I I Ng/ bVst.o 3.8'T5 Assuwt Ti me t N ea. A. sout "P o i w - A I ) Tw a S ec. vie w Moouuu s On Twe We.t.o (L ) s ( 3.S75 ) ( 3.C)4) = '9.7.Gs  ; iw:

         ? ) T- a AAowam? Inoucso AT Two W aum

( 37 ) ( AI BO) = bo u - Ls 6 g h g l

4) Tw a S w n A w. E w.s gs , f. -

i Os Twa Wauc . ' '. S $ d s 5 2.> O 7 %.

3) TH g F x e.v e ,. O- S Aw a :-v 0% T%e W aue - 9tO *
                                                                                                                                         -   i t .1 i
              %4           ue 4      5%O*M          O      be C            C 4 ee - \ =dMI            t.6 4      b6A%                Ai     E o W a. s      Jsao        i%    -a                A % hv s s          O   c t. C c w s e:R.% a.~ i s w.
                -it-     F=cx         E . S. - i c2     R av. C PH E No. 4

O E 6f1MCO/parat/Off PIPt! HANGER ENG N IV S!CN sv. .D LT. , t .@i".?#. susJECT.. 5!.% h r ... M .56.3 5.. Y.* ST .. ... ~ SM EET NQ. . . . .h. . . . OF . 3. . / CHno.8Y .CATEb.k.7..k CUSTCMER . . . . . . . .h .3.T.5.7.M .b . . ..... SYSTEM . .. .. . .. ... .

  ;(                                                                  M CJECT.       ..O[.D.6.A.M.C.....                     PpoJECT NO. .                 ..           . ..

I .

  .!                                                                S i<. u r t w
  • P_- GO4 18 Tasy * :s B.

i P s u u-v Wsuo S i a.s . '/8' LoAo 4~7 SO ' - i

  ,                                                                                                  ?.:.)-                      t-7 SO
  .                                                                                                  e                      a                      A i                                                                                                  !

4 i l Foa. 4Ms 15 - i i d ' 4'

l g c . 3.9 ' -

Svuuu  ;

  ;                                                   4 M 13                                         l                                           41*
                                                                                                     ,                   37                         l I

j La ~ c. w on wat.o *

                                                                                                                              ,                            = ?. (, => .M ) . 7. S $

i l A . 9 I VEL.o M . 3.875' A ss u ma Yi a-i w o A mou,- Feia, A I ) Tw s S ec:riew Moouuu s On Twe Wauo (Zwi) = ( S.S 75 ) ( 3.94) = i9.1G .~2  ! 2.) Tw a AA o w amT tsoucso At Two W euc = ( ST ) (17 80) = iTCa. S co o m - to i - ,i a.,7.

                                                                                                                                                   . -.      i
                    'S) Tw a S e s oiw ci,                  Sen.sss , &w i                   Ow T* e Waus                       -

I 2. ..o = Ii13 9 O '*/~.i i

4) Twa 5 - s2 m. 5 ss% ,6wi -

Os Tus Wsuo . *Mf

                                                                                                                                                - 600           */.y.

1 Y) T w s Fac.vo s C= S A.= a--y O~ Two W at_= - a 12.7 9to w l J ++ Ta t a~ s- --- o T w e.. =% - w ua Te Se w % _a= W a. s Usac n% Ta h w vsss  % : q. C c~ ss:ts A i+ w

                        +         F9.6 %       e . S. - 4               h v. C PH E No. 4
  'ET Crinnh'iCorporation
  • PIPE HAfl@M00[ir431:41c hiNu Liv 83094 - - ~

SUBJECT,...... h t.E.7....'.+/ShD.2.E.9.T........ SHEET f 40. . . . S . . 0F . 3. . sv...PA'T..... . D AT E N.~. I.".78. . CH c. BYI ., . . D A T E If.5.9.4. cusTO u En . . . . . . 3 s .c .c .e.v. . . . . . . . . . snTEu..................................... PROJ E CT . . . . . . . . . . S.'.O.v.t.':4. 9 . . . . . . . . . PROJECT NO. . .... ......................... f- / - . sxe rc-

  • t - co or e.- Tesr 4A l' W at.o Siis = I/.4

I oAo '48.000 au

                                              .                                         t
       .'                                                               48.000                                    -
                                                                                               /- 4 % x.13                                                .
                                                                                                                                                            - .     ~

o y F o a. W G w. 19.5 . .

d. G~ .

bC 9.995'

                                                                                                         /~ T G " 193                                                           -

I i M/at_O

                                    \                                                   _
                                                                                            ,             c k                                                     A                                             .
t. ...



t A%uus Ti p p m c. Aeout Poie 'A . YNE b E C"f l o w M oo v uu s Oc Tuc W et.o @w.) = (O (5.99 N 5 33.97 m.' 2.) T s e /Aomew r- Nouceo AT Tsu M/Es o s (8) (48.000) = 384.000 i>4-to. IO.G T G Lb/ ,

        '); THE S e w e in ci. Steess , fw, AT Tus W st.o                                                                                        ((3
                                                                                                                                          =                   =
                                                                                                                                              ,0 m Fxe-r e g               Oc SAccry                        Ow Tue VJeto                                  =                    = 5
4) Tue 33,o,
                                                                                                                            .e e    m.

4 W d' .

  • e
          .I F e.o w                        'E . S . - I G     ,    R ev. C
  • PHE N: 4

.__H.C GaimcKEviparatias Appanaa a vanenmeewnovannsa,wvmnennr Su caccr. . . . . . . . 5 e.9.7. . . .N.cwo . .T.9.T. . . . . . . . . sH tti no. . . . . 9. . . . . or . 9. . ev.. .c : T . . . . . . . o At t .#. .C.W. . . SYSTEM..................................... CHKD. BY [. . D A T E .N.~.4.I .& CUST C M ER . . . . . . . .D .4.Cr .9 R.4. . . . . . . . . .

                                                    !.                    raoster . . . . . . . . . . u> e.+.+.v.n . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                          .                              m oster no... ..............................

) s .

                                                                                            *       -604                       Tasr AS Ske res Fi v_ c,-             W a t_o S rz.c = %%

Loxo ' 48.800 " f 6'- 48,800 - 7- 4 m x 13


Fo= W G < 19.5 . _d_ . G-s c . s.ess- y-wcue.s .

                                                                                                        ,           /~ W et_o                               .


                                           \                                             .

1 t A%uu c Tippine. Aeoor Poiu- - A . ~- _ f I') T s e. SLc riou /A eo u t.u s Oc Tsc W et.o (7 w.') . ('G') (5.9 9 5) = M.97 m.2-

                 ?) Tw a /A o m e w,-                                lucocco                    A,- Tw c 4/ s t_o                            4   (8') (48,800) = 'MO.4Co m-t.w.
               ' 3) Ts e.            S e w o i u c.                  S t ee%           ,     fsmi Ar Tse Wet o                                   -
                                                                                                                                                      ]((7 - = ! 10. S*> b L%d.,

4') Tsc he, e a oc h e e t -< Ow Ts e M/ e s_o = ' (($ , = 8.0 r - . r . v, w - g

                 ...'9   -

how 8. S. - % , R ev. C

  • PH t NO 4

F D1'GnnncHt.zapahon mm v _ er...9.G... DAT E . .fCf. .??. . . SUDJECT....... 6 M .C.7....'?/.% C.. . % T......... SH EET f40. . . . . .@. . . 0F . . 9. .

                            ".'"     .DATEI.7.M.~.                          CU3T CP.iER . . . . . . . .D .% A .W T+.4. . . . . . . . . . SYSTEM......................................

CHKD. BY f - PROJ ECT . . . . . . . . . . [D.'.O.v.t.%O . . . . . . . . . " PRO J ECT N O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )y . Sxe res

  • E- 604 A Tasr Ac Loxe__=47'$OO Fs us e-r Wat o Silc = '/8"
                                                                               .                  8.---,
                                                ,                                                  e                                      t             -

4E500 I [ 4.fA x 13 .

                                                                                                       /                                       -

Foa. W G < 19.9 . p,. G-b y. - 9.995 '


g f- MG ^ tM - 1 W e.t o

                                                                                                   .      ,              c                                                                                           .
                          -                                                                          - A

_ A%vge Ti e ai n e. Aeou-r Pois -r A_ . t) T w e. S ec.-rio u /A co u t. is oc Tac NJet.o (hd = (G) (9.9 9 9) = 2 5.97 m.' 2.) T w e /Aomes r Neocco Ar Tue M/et.o s- (8') (4z,soo ) = %8,400 m-tt.

            6') T a c S e w e i s c.                                  ST ,            -fsm,               Ar Tus '+/ et.o                      =
                                                                                                                                                                 *((.               =      9.409                      L b,4,. .

y 4 e%

                                                                                                                                        .        e 18 ge%$

e e 3

               .s     + 'Feow                     E.S. - lG                    ,    Rev. C                                                      .

6 *

                                         *                 -*                                                                                                                                                          % ( P. * .
                                    .                                Appendix G
               . 6a.nne//Corporat/on                                                                              PlPE HANGER ENGINEERING DIVIS10t1 sY..b4.T.........      DATE.til[#....        SUBJECT. . . . . f.'.% .E.T . . . $ .E.'8. '~$.%T. . . . . . . . . ' SHEET NO. . . . . I. . . . . OF . 9. .

SYSTEM.,................................. CHKO. 8Y /( DATE.f.*.h. CUSTOM ER . . . . . .D E.C.7.3.9.h . . . . . . . .

                                                   - enoJECT .    .....%i91-SM.o.               ...... PROJECT NO. .         ......... ..... ... .. ... .


  • 31A ha r c a b co o s Si T as-Ficus r wave c i =. . =  %* Loso = 3 \ So
  • I a e J -"'T 3190 !_. .# m '
                                                                                                          .i Fo se. 4 M x 13 d_ =  4.'       .

4 m x t3 \ ' teu c.r u oc weue b_f, - S .9 4 ' 4I' E ( 5. *) ' ') = 7. S 6 E. W et.o F") g. \ d .

(. .

Assowa Tipaise. Ascor Po . w r A .,

1) Ta Sec mo~ M o o u t.a s on Twe wsue (h,') = (9.o4) ( 4) = G.% m :-

2.) Twe Mowsu r isoveco A- Tus w et.o - (41) (:2 ',50 ) = 17.9 G O m.- t.e. 3.) Twe S a w o m c, S - ca e s s os w et_o. g w, =

                                                                                                                 'Ml 2.?co a
                                                                                                                                    ,  ! s ,\ 9 5
4. HE 6MEAR OTREss ON Wauo , f uv = 9'59
7. S c 40-0 "" (-

9 6.) Twe E c. r o sa. Om S A=evy 09: Ts e Weuo = 9t =.3.o o .

  • G.O
  • Fgem =. S . t. G R av. C
                  '                                                                                                                                                PH E No. 4

Appendix G PtPE HANGER EMGINEERING OlVISICN 6/////le//G/p0/3//0/1 SUOJECT. . . . . f.'.s .t .G:T. . .Y. .C.k D. . 3.E.*9T. . . . . . . . . ~ SH EET N D. . . . . .k. . . . C F . 3. , sv. . R.8.T. . . . . . . . . . . D AT E .N .-7!.7[. .. CHMO.BY .DATE.I.*$.I. CUSTOM ER . . . . . . . .D .Eh.Y.T.S. ........ SYSTEM......................................

                                                       . PROJECT . . . . . . . . . .%\ 9.Wi P. . . . . . . .      PRO J ECT N O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 . S:.s r c g *'1-Co0 3 oh 3) Test

  • Sia Fit _s.ev Wei o S i e_e = '/ s * ,

L_ o A, o s 4375 . 4S75 ,' wl

                                                                           -q  [                 -

i F o e. 4 A y. 13

                            -d-4~                           4 mx13 \

Leu c., u Oe w e t o_

w. , e z ( s.m = ,.es u.

Wet _o (Tve) 4 7 i - (- . Assuue Tip pia g_ A s c e r Po ism A. , 1.) Tsc "sec rio s M oo o t.u s om Tsc was_o (Lvi) = (9.94) ( 4) = %.7G m : E) Tse Moweav t w ou AT Tst Vles o = (41 ') (.437 5 ) = 17 9,37 3 is.- m 3.) Tse B e w e s u cm Sreess Ow W et.o ,.- f b w , - '"?., na co

                                                                                                                                               '          i t. 3 SC I-%.

4.) Tse Sk e xn. S raess os W e t. o , -F s.u -

                                                                                                                        "Q3 Ses %.

9.) Tse he. r o ca. Oa- SAwevy On T s e v / e t. o =

                                                                                                                                             ,, .=                t?_.6 L
t. i i
               **.     + Feo m . E . S . - t C-o , R ev . C.
                                      's.  .

PH E No. 4

PlPE HANGER ENGINEER!? G DIVISlo,N b 6//nne//CO//10fal/On ^ SUOJECT. . . . 6.'.'.L .E. 7. . .N. S.': C. . . 55.ST. . . . . . . . . ~ SH EET NO. . . . . .$ . .


sv....O.G.........DATE.MN..~II... C o..y douEs 4/78 CusTouEn ........wa.c.v.xe.'i........ sy s1 Eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT . . . . . . . . . .%1 R.k hM R. . . . . . . . . PROJ E CT N O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / S w.s r c. u

  • i - G O S - 9 ~6) 'T~es r
  • Si s s
                                                                      =                                  .

Ficuev Wes o Sise 3.

                                                               '/e *                                                                .L.o A o =SBSO w,                                                 -

3850 ,' -y -


Fo st. 4&w \S 4 m x t3 Lewaru O= weuo d .- 4 ' w3.+ 3. w K 4, e( s.9 e s

                                                                 'VJc.uo.                                   .
                                                                  .(Tv e)                        A                    e
                                                                                      >        1 i


  • Assows Tig eis s Aacor Foiwr A
  • r, 1.) Tss Sec rio s M oootes On Tse Waue (Ew ) = (6.94) ( 4) = '15.iCo m ^
2) Tac M o w e s -r luoutco Ar Twa 'vdevo =. ( 41 ') ( e t o) = G 1,0 S O - m.-i_u.
                     '5.)   Tse        Bewom a              S.reess             ON Wsuo , 6w,_ = ]        ,


                                                                                                                                     'O 4.) Tse S e e xa. S-r n e ss                         ou Wauo , -F. w                   ,



4Sco '%, 9.) Tse F xe.-v o a. O= S Anc. ry on Ts e Waue = T[. = to.oJ x,

                  'I      T- Faom . E. G . - l G , R. ev . C.
  • PH E No. 4

Appendix H


[ ALLOWABLE LOADS PER LINEAR INCH OF WELD FOR LINEAR COMPONENT SUPPORTS E60XX or E70XX Electrodes (for A36 Structural Steel) Fillet Allowable Load Size, Per Linear Inch 1/8" 9104 3/16". 13604 1/4" 18104 5/16" 22704 3/8" 27204 1/2" 36204 5/8" 45304 - 3/4" 54404 7/8" 63404 , 1" 72504 Notes

1. All loads based upon allowable stress levels per Subsection NF of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III.
2. Controlling factor in determining these allewables was the e maximum design stress in the through thickness direction.
3. When specifying a weld, always check to ensure that the '

requirements of Appendix XVII-2450 of the Code are satisfied.

