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Submits Info Re Differences Between Farley Nuclear Plant Test Procedures & Sequoyah Test Procedures for Natural Circulation W/Loss of Power Per 800714 Request
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/1980
From: Clayton F
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8010200590
Download: ML19344B418 (2)


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Director,' Nuclear lReactorRegulationi U. S. ; Nuclear Regulatory Commission-C -Washington,;DL C.; ;205551 1


Attention:' Mr.-A.1Schwencer 1 q JOSEPH'M.- FARLEY NUCLEAR' PLANT - UNIT ~2 -


Mr. 0.. G. Eisenhuhs' letter of July- 14 1980, requested'that technical

- justification be provided for--any exceptions to the Sequoyah test program.

Information regarding the differences between Farley Nuclear Plant test i procedures and Sequoyah test procedures for natural circulation with loss of power 1s)provided below'as requested in the above referenced letter and by members of your staff on October 9 1980.


The purpose of Sequoyah Test 2. Loss of Offsit'e Power,Lis' to demonstrate that decay heat can be removed via the steam' generators by maintaining steam generator levels with thel auxiliary feedwater system under simulated loss of offsite power conditions. 'The purpose of-Test 7, Loss of ~

Onsite/Offsite Power, is the'same as Test-2 except'that.a loss of all AC power will be simulated and steam generator levels will be maintained, . ~

.- with the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump. Perfoming these tests .

4 as3roposed by APC0 would result:in improved safety and enhanced operator-training. The;following is.a listing ofithe advantages of perfoming a these 1.ests as-proposed.:

' 1. :If aaxiliary feedwater valves we're'1 eft open and'auidliary feedwater <;

was' initiated as in:a loss of power event, the injection of'feedwater in. the'. steam generators would cause a rapid drop;in RCS~ temperature and -

ho-- . pressure. "This is an undesirable condition with a critical reactor

  • 'and would not be of.any benefit in . accomplishing the goal Lof the test.
The auxiliary .feedwater control- valves will be~ shut just prior to ~

s 4 stopping (all. reactor coolant pumps and the running main feedwater pump. ..


.Then the ' auxiliary feedwater: control: valves will-be throttled to main-.

A 4 itainLsteam generator levels.-

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$gg? F g &i ~W additions'wi.1bimprove(the constant isiiaportantGThe operators abilityjto: added maintain"a constant of control 2 Lthe aux d,

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M ig~ ' N 3 NSigni ficantl operatoriattentionTwill E necessary to maintain the w -

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W6 e operator? attention to:diese1) operation;and ailessEcontro11abley c w4 '

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.4.1Farley:PreoperationaliTes*.548-6-002, P'lant Response?toKIntegrated., -^

4 2 i ~ j$afeguards With Blacliout,> demonstrates"the ability of the-diesel to_

C-tstart.;cometto; rated: speed:andLvoltage aand sequentially load on' ' _

~$ a L m m l bus undervoltage:and' safety; injection.o Repeating these tests;in the: @

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inatural circulation procedurelis:redundantLand 41s not,necessary to - ,

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imeet;thel purpose ofsthe natura11 circulation 3t est? . ..

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e > .5'. iFarleyINui: lear-Plant Test ProceduretS00-7-538, Loss:of 0ffsite . Power, ~;

, (demonstrates that.thelemergency: diesels willistart.and the emergency s ms Ebuses willtsupply power to safety?related equipment toLbring the plant ~ W W_ to_~and maintain hot standby conditions subsequent to-loss of_ norma 11 _.

,, station. power;at' equa13 to or greaterJthan; ten' percent generator; power. + l 6

It is not{ repeat:thisitest as'a: natural circulttion ' 'j J




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'6. PreoperationallTest5406-002alsoiemon'stratestheabilityofthe' i, auxiliary,feedwater? system the as-designed manner. M


' Repeating-this test. insthe~natura1Jcirc11ation/ procedure would ,

6 therefore W be t redundant: and sconsequentlyfnot neces sary! to meet the _ m F objective?of the natural- circulation ~ test.


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. If'you have any;further questions, please advise.= , V

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.Yoursivery.truly.- . -


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