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Submits for Review Comments Re High Energy Line Break Analysis for Third Train to Auxiliary Feedwater Sys.High Energy Line Break Analysis Not Required Provided Third Train Only Used for Emergencies
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/1980
From: Ash R
To: Clark R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8012290285
Download: ML19340D198 (4)


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nectnic ENoiNrrmiNo December 19, 1Q80 [3


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y 3's Office of %*uclear Renetor Peculation __

y U. S. Nuclear Fegulatory Connission 2D, d Washincton, D. C. 20555 T d_ $$

1 "S 5 Attn: "r. Robert A. Clark, Chief h a j Oneratinc Peactors Branch #3 -

1- Division of Licensinc Sub.iect : Cnivert Cliffs !*uclear Power Plant t Units !!os. 1 ' 2, Dockets :os. 50-317 ' 50-318

!*RC Pequirenent_n for Aux Feed Systens


(a) PGr<E letter dated 11/18/h from A. E. Lundvall, Jr.

to R. A. Clark, sn e sub.t'et.

(b) Branch Technien1 Position APCS 3 3-1, Protection Acainst Postulated Pipinc Failures in Fluid Systens Outside Containment t i (c) Branch Tachnical Position 'EB 3-1, Fostulated Break [

and Lenkare Locations in Fluid Systen Piping Outside~ t

. Containment (c) ANSI /ANS-51.10-1979, Auxiliary Feedvater Systen for Pressurized Water Reactors i,


In phone conversations with the NRC ve have discussed our position on a Hir,h Energy Line break (HELB) analysis for the third train to our Aux l Feedvater Systen. We feel that as long as the third train is only used for emergencies a HELB analysis is not required. We present the following for 3 your review.

In reference (b), page 3.6.1-16, a High-Energy Fluid Systen is defined as follows: " Fluid systens that, during normal niant conditions, are either in oneration or naintained pressurized under conditions where either or both of the following are met: a. nnximum operating tenperature l exceeds 200 F, or b. maxinun operatinc pressure exceeds 275 psig." Normal Plant Conditions are defined as: " Plant operating conditions during reactor startup, overation at power, hot standby, or reactor cooldown to cold shut-down condition." Finally, Upset Plant Conditions are defined as " Plant operating conditions during systen transients thnt may occur with noderate l frequency during plant service life and are anticinated operational occurrences, but not during.systen testing." Due to the fact that the third train would j not be used during normal plant conditions, as contrasted to upset plant conditions, it vould not be classified as a High Energy Systen.

g - 8 01220 0 3(g -


'fr. R. A. Clark Pare ? fecember 19, lo30 It en e. en psre 3.6.?-lh of reference fc); states: "'"h rou ch-vall leskare cracks instead of breaks nav be restulated in the ripire of those fluid syste s that cualify as hich-enorry f!uld vstens for only short operational reriods but cualifv as nodorate-enercv fluid systens for the ma,1or orerstional period." "oderate enercy systens are defined in reference (b ) as : " Fluid systens that , during normal plant conditions , are either in operation or naintained rrescuriced (above atnostheric pressure) under conditions where both of the followine are net: s) taxinun operatine tennerature is 200cy or lers, and b) naxinun operating nressure is ??5 pqir or less." Footnote 6.

on nase 3.6.?-14 of reference (c) states that, "An onerational period is considered "short" if the fraction cf tine that the systen operates within the prossuro-tennerature conditions srecified fer hich-crerry fluid systens is about ? rercent of the tine that the systen operates as a roderate-enerry fluid systen (e.r., systens such as reactor decay heat renoval system qualify as moderate-enerry fluid systens , hcvever, systens such no auxiliary feed-vnter Svstens crerated durine PWP reactor startup, hot stanity, or nhutdown cuali fs nr ,h,1ch-onerry fl uid sys_tems ) . " Attached you vill find .iustificatien fcr wh" ve feel we enn neet the PS criterin fer classifyinr the nvsten as a noderate-enerry systen. We feel that the footnote 6 connent reintive to aux feed systens beinc classified as hich-enerry fluid systens is in reference to those usea for nornal plant conditions.

Section 3.2.2 3 of reference (d) states, "For systens or nortions of systens which operate only durinc conditions !!, III, or IV, nine bre1ks need not te considered as initiatinc events." If the systen vere used for Condition I events (with the exception of testinr) a HELB nnalysis would have to be perforned. ANSI N13.2-lo73, section 2.1 defines the four plant operatinc conditions as:

(1) Condition I Nornal Oreration (2) Condition II Incidents of !!aderate Frequency (3) Condition III Infrequent Incidents (h) Condition IV Linitinc Faults We feel that this reference added further clarification to the references from the Standard Peviev Plan.

l In sunnary, based upon the above references , ve vill administratively control -he use of the notor-driven train of the auxiliary feedvater systen to enerFency operation only. Pipine failures vill be analyzed in accordance with Branch Technical Position ME3 3-1. We vill not restrict the use of the i

existine stent-driven train as it has already been reviewed and approved in our FSAR section 10A.5 l

l Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us. In the interest of naintaininc our schedule for the Aux Feedvater Modification, we

, request that you reply to this letter no later than 15 January 1981.

l 1

Vp s ruly yours, l

I l

l G R. F. Ash Chief Nuclear Fngineer



?'r. R. A. Clark Page 2 December 19, 1980' cc: J. A. Biddison, Esquire G. P. Weybridve, Esquire

'fessrs. E. L. Conner, Jr. - NRC J. W. Prothers - Pechtel D. G. Eisenhut - NBC P. W. Er.ase - CE W. Essel - CE t

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ATTACHMENT Exnected Run Time. Hours on Motor Driven AFW Train for 18 Month Fuel Ovele Item 1 Cooldowns Assune one (1) cooldown requiring use of AFW synten because "nin Feed unavailable - PO hrs. run time ver occurrence - 20 Hrs Total Iten 2 Testine STP-0-5 2 hrs ner month during cycle - 36 Hrs Total Post !!aintenance Testinc 10 Hrs Total Item 3 Usace after Py trin Assure nine (9) trips per cycle, duration of use equal to 91/h hrs ner trip - 83.25 Hrs Total TOTAL RUN TIME 1h9.25 Hrs No. of hrs in 18-month cycle = 365 x 2h x 1.5 = 13,10h hours

% of Run Time for Motor Driven AF'a' Train = 1h9 25 4 13,10h x 100 = 1.1h5 i