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Advises That Spring 1981 Refueling Outage Postponed Until Sept 1981 Which Will Delay Mark I Containment Program Mods. Delay Caused by Delivery Problems Re Replacement Turbine Rotors
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/14/1980
From: Pilant J
To: Ippolito T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
LQA8000392, NUDOCS 8008190583
Download: ML19331C811 (1)


a LQA8000392 GEN E R An., QF F s C E Nebraska Public Power District

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August 14, 1980 Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attn:

Mr. Thomas A. Ippolito, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 2 Division of Operating Reactorc U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Mark I Containment Prograr Modifications Cooper Nuclear Station NRC Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46


1) Letter from J. M. Pilant to T. A. Ippolito Dated July 10, 1980, same subject

Dear Mr. Ippolito:

Per a staff request, Reference 1 provided the status and schedule for completion of the Mark I Program modifications at Cooper Nuclear Station.

Installation of torus miter joint saddles, modification of various torus internal structures, and modification of approximately 45 redesigned piping supports on the drywell S/RV dischargo lines were stated as being planned for the spring 1981 refueling outage which was scheduled to be completed by July 1981. Due to delivery problems relating to replacement L.P. turbine rotors, the spring 1981 refueling outage is being postponed until September 1981. This letter is written to inform you that the above three modifications will be completed during that outage. This schedule change is not considered significant from a standpoint of safety because it only results in approximately two months of additional operation (i.e. July and August) before the modifications will be performed; therefore, the District is preceeding with rescheduling the necessary containment modification manpower and equipment deliveries to support a September 1981 outage.

Likewise, the two modifications which were to be performed prior to l

June 1982 (i.e. installation of additional supports on the torus j

attached piping and S/RV discharge lines in the drywell) will be l

completed during the outage commencing approximately September 1982.

If you should require additional clarification, please contact me.

Sincerely, L

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Director of Licensing I

and Quality Assurance 8008190783

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