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Responds to IE Bulletin 80-17,Suppl 1, Failure of 76 of 185 Control Rods to Fully Insert During Scram at Bwr. Design & Functional Adequacy of Check Valve & Associated Vent & Drain Sys Analyzed.Deficiencies Not Identified
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1980
From: Pilant J
To: Seyfrit K
IEB-80-17, LQA8000390, NUDOCS 8008190430
Download: ML19331C715 (3)





LOA 8000390 CCopER NL. CLcAR STATION P.o. Box 18. SRoWNVILLE. NESR ASKA 63321 Nebraska Public Power Distr. t ic reLt~o~c oui m.:m August 12, 1980 Mr. Karl V.

Seyfrit, Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region IV 611 Ryan Pla:a Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011


II Sulletin.No. 30-17, Supplement 1 Failure of 76 of 185 Control Rods to Fully Inser: During a Scras at a 3WR

Dear Mr. Seyfri :

This letter is written in response to I:es A requirements of the first supplement to IE Bulletin No. 30-17.

As indicated to you in our let:er dated August 11, 1980, our response was delayed so that we could submi:

the "as-built" condi: ions for :he check valves installed on August 8, 1930.

A1, Respense e

A review of the "as-built" SDV systen and associated vent and drain systens has been co=pleted. An analysis with respect to the design and functional adequacy of these sys:e s has been perfor=ed in-cluding :he following parace:ers:


Calculated voluces and =easured volumes.


Continuous sloped SDV header and drain line.


Func:icnal vent and drain valves including a check valve (vacuu: breaker) on each ven: valve.

An additional check valve was installed in parallel wi:h the ex-isting check valve associated with each vent valve.

This provides a redundant vent path through the check valve (vacuu breaker) to the ven: valve.

3ased on :he above analyses and the test results =andated by II 3u11etin No. S0-17, NPPD considers the "as-built" configuration of the SDV system and the associated vent and drains to be adequate with respect :o the existing design criteria. No design and/or 0\\

installation deficiencies have been identified.

09 O


8008190 qg

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Mr. Karl V. Seyfri August 12, 1980 Page 2.

Inclosed for your review are the following drawings reflecting verified "as-buil:" pipe and co=ponent configurations, including the new parallel check valve (vacuus breaker) installation.

RSlS5778 2" ANSI 6001 SW 70-27-1 DRTS Control Valve (SDV Drain Valve)

RSlS5f77 1" ANSI 600# SW 70-27-1 DRI Control Valve (SDV Vent Valve)

B&R 2039 Control Rod Drive Flow Diagram SK-5-27-71 Scram Header Isometric C?-009 CRD H.S. Hangers CP-002 1 of 3 CRD H.S. General Arrange =en:

C?-007 CRD H.S. Scram Monitoring Statica 27IS-10 Reac:or Building Drain Pipe Iso =etric 27!S-22 Reac:or Building Drain Pipe Iso =etric C?-001 1 of 1 CRD H.S. Diagras 3-51063 Vogt Swing Check Valve (SDV Vacuum 3reaker)

N??D CRD Discharge Pipe Co=posi:e Isometric NPPD Scram Monitoring Sta: ion Composite Isometric The above drawings were given to the NRC representative at the Region III/IV =eeting in Chicago on July 30, 1980. These drawings did not reflect the parallel check valve (vacuum breaker) instel-lation.



Our present operating procedures provide clear guidance to the licensed opera or in the control roo regarding when he should initiate the SLCS wi:hout obtaining prior supervisory approval. No procedure revisions are required.



?rocedures exist which require the SDV be drained if water is found in the SDV system. The procedures also s:1pulate that station

=anagement be notified and that if the volu=e cannot be drained,

he reactor should be shutdown by inser:ing control rods with the reactor =anual control system.



Our present operating procedures ensure tha: the ZiCS key is i=-

mediately available to the licensed con:rol roo= operator. The key is kept in an unlocked key cabinet near the control :com operator's desk.

y-o Mr. Karl V. Seyfrit August 12,.980 Page 3.



The scram discharge volumes are being monitored for water levels daily.

If you have any questions concerning this subject, please contact me.

Sincerely, 4

J... F11 ant Director of Licensing and Quality Assurance JMP:LCL:cg cc:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission w/o encl.

Office of Inspection & Enforcement Division of Reactor Operations Inspection Washington, DC 20555 i

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