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Final Deficiency Rept Re Misplaced Tendon Sheathing. Sheathing Rerouted & Ensuing Strength Losses Replaced
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 08/12/1977
From: Howell S
Shared Package
ML19331A159 List:
NUDOCS 8006110597
Download: ML19331A166 (5)


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General Of ficos: 194?i West Parnall Hood.Jethso'., MicN,ran 49:'01

  • Am code G17 7118 0453 -

. l Auguct 12,'3977 llowc-ll:0-77 ,

j Mr J G Keppler, Ecgional Director' .

Office of.Incpection and Enforcement ,  !

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Region III i 799 Roosevelt Road l

. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 l

-I MIDLAUD HUCLEAR PLAUT - UNIT NO 1 TENDON SHEATHING FINAL REPORT - DOCKET HO 50-329-Referencca: 1. Letter, S H Howell to J G Keppler, " Midland Nuclear Plant -

Unit No 1 Tendon Sheathing Interim Report - Docket No 50-329,"

Scrial Howe-82-77, dated May 19, 1977

2. Letter, S H Howell to J G Keppler, " Midland Huclear Plant -

Unit No 1 Tendon Sheathing Interim Report - Docket No 50-329,"

'- Serial Howe-ll2-77,.~ dated June 20, 1977 3 Letter, R F Heishtrin to S H Howell, Docket No 50-329 and Docket No 50-330, dated July 27, 1977.

14 Letter, J M Klacking to V R Bird, Letter No HQA-77-316, dated July 28, 19'(7 i l


S., J G- Keppler to S !! Hoaell, Docket No 50-329, dated .

. April 29, 1977 References 1 and 2 were interim reports which provided a doncription of the deficiency, an analysin of the safety implientionn, and the propoced method of repair. Thic in a final report and includen . corrective actions taken to preclude.

recurrence of a nimilar cituat. ion.

The Huclear Redulatory Conunicalon van advined of the repair method in un interim


report (attaclued to. lieference 2) and in a technten1 meeting in Ann Arbor on June 30, 19'(7 lieference 3 documented both the June P9 Had inapection of the repair aren ,

and t.hc HHC part.ielpallon in (,he .f une 30 nacet,Jng in Ann Arbor where it, was nereed I

'that Conottmera Power could proceed with the repalr. The repair van cor::plet.ed on j

' July PP, l')7'( und Bechtet Honconformance (HCH) .778 was cloced out', at that time.

Correc t.1 vo ste L ion l.nhen - by Picht.. l Power Corpc." tLi<na "La document.ed 4.nd veri rivil '

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- heferetteu Il naal JLa at.Lachment (lenth nelonol).

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- Midi
ord Tendon M!n athinn ial Heport 1

, Auguxt 12, id)TT In addition to the Hechtel cort ective act. ion, Conewaerr. Power Company expanded its inspection progr:un to include all embedments for Clanc 1 ctructuren prior to relcace for concrete placement. Thic in conciatent with the Concumern Power -

Comp:uiy commitment documented in item 3.of Reference 5 A.lco, there has been an on-going joint effort by-Connumcro Power Compiny and Dechtel to reevaluate all Bechtel Quality Control Innt. ructions (QCIc) with'the

- objective of improving the completenecc and specificity of incpection procedures and acceptance criteria. fteevaluations.have been completed for all QCIc cover-ing first-]ine inapection activitics and drafts of these reviced QCIc arc being re-reviewed with.a target date of September 15, 1977 for their final approval and implementation. Ilowever, the QCI covering the inctallation of post-tencioning componente (C-9.00) had been reviced and received final approval on April 20, 1977, incorporating the corrective actions indicated in' Reference 14 In view of the above, Consumerc Power Company believes adequate and comprehensive.

corrective action has been taken and submits this as a final report in this matter.

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CC: Dr Ernst Volgenau,-USNBC (15) j Di. rector, Office of Management Information and Program Control, USURC (1) i f

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Bechtel Fower Corporation

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. 777 East hi::enhower Parkway .+

Ann Atbor. %chigan (p at.nevess: P.O. 0cm 1000. Ann Arbor. Mich:gan 48tCG July 28, 1977 Mr d.T R. Bird (DI:SU:!ERS PO*iER CO:T/d;Y

  • 1945 Ucst Parnall Road -

Jackson, Michigcn 49201 Midlar.d Units 1 and 2 '

Consumers Power Company Bechtel Job 7220 CLOSURE OF MCAR-17 711c: Q-2100 Daar Mr. Bird:

Attached is a Bechtel IOM verifying closure of MCAR-17 on Misplaced Tendon Sheathing. An Engineering Final Report was transmitted to CPCo on 6/17/77 describing the defic %ncy, corrective action and safety implication. Bechtel QA has ver

  • fic<' that corrective actions to prevent recurrence have been implemented.


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u J.q ; R1acLini-Project-QA En ,incer JMK/ncv

  • IlQA-77-316 .

Response: No _

Attachment Ti.*?: s~ ~..

,g.,3',g y CC:. R. C. Bauman '

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BechteFPower Corporation

. Inter-office Memorandum To P. A. Martinez Date July 28, 1977 Subject Midland Project - Job 7220 From J. M. Klacking Closurc Verification of MCAR-17 Misplaced Tendon Sheathing Of Quality Assurance File: Q2100, !!CARv-17 Copics to At Ann Arbor J. B. Violette 6.(D) Section 1 T. M. Leverette R. Hermeston E. A. Rumbaugh .

J. Milandin J. F. Ncwgen R. L. Castleberr'/

, J. P. Connolly .

G. L. Richardson


A) Project Engineering's " Final P.eport" dated 5/13/77 and revised 6/17/77 ,

D) Dochtel Letter u/ attach =cnt to CPCo, BLC-4079, datec 5/10/77 The subject MCAR is. nou closed based on conclusions, per Reference A, that the original design criteria could be not by rerouting one sheathing from belou to above the penetration uith tinor alignment adjust =cnts to the sheathing directly above. Aligncent of the three sheathing directly below the penetration vill also be revised. An evaluation by II:RYC0 indicates that the friction losses in the affected tendons have been reduced due to this revised align =ent and the capability of the containment structure to resist forces has been improved. .

Strength losses due to cuts in the penetration gusset plates and the cut-offs of rebars, both necessitated by the rerouting of the tendon shcathings, have been fully replaced by the modifications discussed in Reference A.

Therefore, there is no adverse safety implication.

Corrective actions have bcon impicmented to preclude recurrence of misplaced tendon shcathing as indicated in Reference B. These include requirements for:

1. Survey notes to receive initials verifying position of cach individual sheathing.
2. Field Engitmering to take a copy of the sheathing drauf unn ulth them durinv. in:La11ation anu che h off each cheathing

', for correct configuration.

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Page 2 ' '

!!Q A-77-314 '

7/28/71 ,

3. -Quality Control to mark up a cheathing drawing during place-ment. checkout to verify correct configuration and number of shcathing.

Additionally, Quality Control and Construction Division Managers' discussions with all Bechtel field construction personnel vore conducted emphasizing the responsibilitics of construction quality control, fic1d engineering and super-vision at the Midland jobsite.

Ecchtel QC has cxceplified the policy of stressing inspection acceptance be made on the basis of evidence which c1carly demonstrates that the hardware is in exact agreccent with applicable drauings and ' specifications by revi-sions to QCIs.

Bechtel QC is kept current on schedule changes by arca Supervision and Field Engineering personnel as part of their norcal cottunications. Additionally, QC personnel attend daily scheduling ccctings uhcre changes to the published three ucek schedule ara discussed. The importance of this co=nunication flow is continually stressed to all concerned parties.

  1. r'$4'f J.

Wb v

't. Ytacking C]h .

J1D:/h)GB/nev HQA-77-314 Response: No



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