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Provides Responses to Questions Contained in NRC 800223 Ltr Re Containment Isolation Valves.Figures Re Low Pressure Injection Encl
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/1980
From: Steel C
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
030-3, 30-3, NUDOCS 8003280255
Download: ML19322E500 (5)


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Assestant to Presw$ent

{ March 24, 1980 h

030-3 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ATTN: Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Acting Director t

Operating Reactors U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


Arkansas Nuclear One-Units 1 and 2 i Docket Nos. 50-313 and 50-368 License Nos. DPR-51 and NPF-6

, LWR Primary Coolant System i Pressure Isolation Valves.

(File: 1510, 2-1510)




In accordance with your letter of February 23, 1980, Arkansas Power and j Light Company herein provides written responses under 10 CFR 50.54 (f) to your questions concerning containment isolation valves.

Question 1. Describe the valve configuration at your plant. and in-dicate if an Event V isolation valve configuration exists within the

. Class I boundary of the high pressure piping connecting RCS piping to i low pressure system piping; e.g., (1) two check valves in series, or (2) two check valves in series with a MOV; j Response - Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1 (ANO-1):

i Each low pressure injection system of ANO-1 is protected from the high pressure reactor coolant system by two check valves in series with a motor-operated valve. The configuration is represented schematically in Figure 1. These are the only Event V isolation valve configurations at ANO-1.

Response - Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2 (ANO-2):

The ANO-2 valve configuration also consists of two check valves in series with a motor-operated valve. The configuration is represented schematically in Figure 2. These are the only Event V isolation valve l

configurations at ANO-2.

Question 2. If either of the above Event V configurations exist at your facility, indicate whether continuous surveillance or periodic tests are being accomplished on such valves to ensure integrity. Also indicate whether valves have been known, or found, to lack integrity; MtMetR MeOOM SOUTH UTsuTIES SYSTEM 8003 80955 #

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Response - ANO-1:

The integrity.of DH-14A & B in conjunction with DH-13A & B is assured by monitoring total RCS leakage. The integrity of DH-14A & B is further assured, in conjunction with CF-1A & B, by monitoring core flood tank level and pressure. None of these valves have been known, or found, to lack integrity.

l Response - ANO-2:

l A method for continuous pressure surveillance on the upstream side of I

each check valve now exists. Indication of any leakage of the check >

valves would be giveu in the Control Room. None of these valves have been known, or found, to lack integrity.

Question 3. If either of the above Event V configurations exist at your facility, indicate whether plant procedures should be revised or if j plant modifications should be made to increase reliability.

1 Response - ANO-1:

To assure the functionality of these check valves as a pressure iso-lation barrier, Operating Procedures will be revised to require than an operator observe, during hot shutdown followir.g each cold shutdown or refueling, local pressure indication between the check valves and be-tween the outer check valve and the MOV. The expected pressure between the check valves is core flood tank (CFT) pressure. If DH-14A or B is

!' leaking, this pressure will equal RCS pressure. The expected pressure between the check valve and the MOV is decay heat system pressure. If DH-13A or B is leaking, this pressure will equal CFT pressure. If leak-age is indicated it will be quantified. The check valve will be de-clared inoperable if leakage exceeds five gpm.

4 The four pressure indications shown on Figure 1 will be installed prior to start-up from our next refueling outage. This outage is presently scheduled for January,1981.

Response - ANO-2:

l No plant procedure revisions or plant modifications are necessary due to

the continuous surveillance now being accomplished. This matter was l

resolved during a review of our Inservice Testing Program on March 11, 1980 with members of the Division of Systems Safety, NRC.

Very truly yours, 2 I C rles L. Steel li L . elf CLS: MAS:nak


l Attachment



Charles L. Steel, being duly sworn, states that he is Vice President /

Assistant to President for Arkansas Power and Light Company; that he is authorized on the part of said Company to sign and file with the Nuclear i Regulatory Commission this Supplementary Information; that he has reviewed or caused to have reviewed all of the statements contained in such in-formation, and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his know' 1edge, information and belief.


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m Charles L. Steel SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the County and State above named, this .M day of[//m d[ , 1980.

L h.' // Notary was Public uru hy Cem ission Expires:

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