0CAN059003, Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-313/90-05 & 50-368/90-05.Corrective Actions:Personnel Involved Received Counselling Re Incident & Operations Personnel Being Trained on Significance of Surveillance Requirements

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Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-313/90-05 & 50-368/90-05.Corrective Actions:Personnel Involved Received Counselling Re Incident & Operations Personnel Being Trained on Significance of Surveillance Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1990
From: Ewing E
0CAN059003, CAN59003, NUDOCS 9005230178
Download: ML20043A836 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:' e i Arkansas Power & Light Company G-' kkansas Nociem One 7-Rmse 3 Pcm 137 G RuaseNita. AR 72!O1 Te! 501964 3hT f a May 7, 1990 SCAN 059003 I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Mail Station P1-137 F Washington, D. C. 20555


Arkansas Nuclear One - Units 1 and 2 L Docket Nos. 50-313/50-368 License Nos. DPR-51 and NPF-6 Response to Inspection Report 50-313/90-05; 50-368/90-05 s Gentlemen: Pursuant to the provisions of 10CFR2.201, attached is the response to the violation regarding the failure to perform a Technical Specification surveillcnce on the containment personnel air lock within the required time interval. ~ l Very truly yours, ' 'E, C. Ewing t General Manager, i Technical Support and Assessment ECE/DWB/sgw . Attachment cc: Regional Administrator f Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite ~1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 9005230178-900507 rEo/- PDR-ADOCK 05000313 An [ney Compey d

w a !L' 11' S. NRC i L'

  1. ' 7 BCAN959993 4

'Page 2 1 .May 7, 1990 i Notice of Violation Unit 2 Technical Specification, surveillance requirement for containment air locks, states, in part, that "Each containment air lock 1 _shall be demonstrated ope s.le;

a. After each opening, except when the air lock is being used for multi le entries, then at least once per 72 hours, by

. verifying seal leakage...p' In addition,10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, Paragraph III.D.2(b)(iii) states, in part, that " Air locks opened during i periods when containment integrity is required by plant's. Technical Specifications shall be tested within three days after being opened." Contrary to the above, on March 11, 1990, greater than 4 days had expired since the last opening of the air lock without the Surveillance test being performed. This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement I)(368/9005-03) Response to Violation 368/9005-03 (1) The reason for the violation [ The reason for the missed surveillance on the containment personnel air 1 lock was determined to be personnel error. The Shift Operations Supervisor and the Control Room licensed operators failed to recognize that a seal leakage test had not been performed. The key to the containment personnel air lock is under the strict administrative L control of the Snift Operations Supervisor and issued by him. The Shift Operations Supervisor Key Control procedure specifically states 1 that the Shift Operations Supervisor shall ensure that a seal leakage j test is-performed. Additionally, the requirement for the leakage test r i< was annotated on a Safety System Status Board located in the Control Room. Although the requirement to perform the surveillance was documented, the Shift Operations Supervisors and licensed Control Room l operators failed to be aware of the requirement. ~ (2)~ Corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved: The personnel involved received counselling regarding the incident. t a The event.has been reviewed with each Shift Operations Supervisor, Operations personnel are being trained on the significance of surveillance requirements using this event as an example. t P ^^ m m_

i t S ' U.. S.' ' NRC - ' ' ~ 8CANf59563 Page 3

u May 7, 1990 V

L i-F Additionally, a surveillance testing group has been established to F manage.the ANO Surveillance Test Program for both units. The super-visor position and one, of two, staff positions have been filled. An F offer has been extended and verbally accepted for tb second staff o position. Procedure 1015.03B, " Unit Two Operations Logs", has been h revised to require the performance of a daily check regarding the status of surveillance requirements which are not routinely tracked l. through an established surveillance tracking program. Also, the Safety-System Status Board has been enlarged and rearranged to increase the. visibility of the requirement to p'erform specific surveillances. A new L l-section. " Administrative Controls, has been added to the status board which contains a. subsection titled, "Surveillances Due." The " Hatch -Leak Rate" surveillance is printed as an entry under this sub-section. L i Since the implementation of the procedure revision to 1015.03B and the changes to the Safety System Status Board, no additional surveillances have been missed. f (3) Corrective steps which will be taken to prevent recurrence: a l ANO Business Plan item C.1 had previously been initiated tc address l this issue.. The action plan associated with item C.1 was reviewed in i detail with the NRC at a meeting on April 24, 1990. As part of this action plan, an evaluation of the surveillance program is being i conducted to identify problem areas and develop a plan which will j t provide. resolution of the identified problems. The evaluation is scheduled.to be completed by May-15, 1990. t (4) Date of full comp 1'iance i ~' Full compliance with Technical Specification surveillance requirement was achieved at 2210 hours on March 11,.1990, when the containment personnel air lock seal leakage test was satisfactorily "j completed with'no discrepancies noted. Therefore, there were no safety i concerns. i .The. surveillance program evaluation is scheduled to be' completed by May 15, 1990. The surveillance test group positions will be fully staffed - by May 15, 1590. The' individual sniected to fill the second staff [ position in the surveillance testing group is scheduled to report to [ -ANO on, or before, May 21, 1990. l Full compliance will be achieved on May 21, 1990. I i l 4 1 'o =.}}