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Forwards Final Response to Notice of Violation Described in IE Insp Repts 50-553/80-08 & 50-554/80-07.Concrete Cylinder Breaks for Samples Representing safety-related Structure Placements Made 800507-09 Have Been Reviewed
Person / Time
Site: Phipps Bend  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/1980
From: Mills L
To: James O'Reilly
NUDOCS 8006250252
Download: ML19318B329 (3)


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e TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY CH ATTANOCGA. TENNESSEE 37401 400 Chestnut Street Tower II June 19, 1980 e

Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory h 4=sion Region II - Suite 3100 101 Marietta Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. O'Reilly Enclosed is our response to C. E. Murphy's May 28, 1980, letter, RIItJJL 50-553/80-08 and 50-554/80-07, regarding activities at the Phipps Bend Nuclear Plant which appeared to have been in violation of NRC regulaticas.

We have reviewed the subject inspection report and find no proprietary information in the report. If you have any questions regarding this j

natter, please call Jim Domer at FIS 857-2014.

1 Very truly yours,


i TENNESSEE VALLET AUTHORITY L. M. Mt11a, Manager Nuclear Regulation and Safsty Enclosure cc Mr. Victor Stallo, Director (Enclosure), /

Office of Inspection and Enforcement V

U.S. Dwlame Regulatory Cosutission Washington, DC 20555 e


006250A61 8

An Ecua: Ococetunity Empiover

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ENCLOSURE F* *'AL RESPONSE TO NRC LETTER FRFA C. E. MURPHT TO H. G. PARRIS DATED MAY 28, 1980 (REFERENCE RII:JJL 50-553/80-08, 50-554/80-07) r This report responds to the Notice of Violation described in Appendix A of the OIE Inspection Report referenced above. This is the final report on the subject noncompliance.

Noncompliance Item - Deficiency 50-553/80-08-01, 50-554/80-07-01 As required by Criterion V of Appendix B to 10CFR50, implemented by PSAR Section 17.1A.5, " Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings...

and shall be accomplished in Accordance with these instructions, procedures, or drawings." TVA, specification G-32 requires delivery of materials from the batching equipment to be within the following limits of the mix design proportions determined in laboratory and field adjusted mixes: Flyash, 1 percent; sand, 2 percent; and 3/8-inch aggregate, 2 percent. Quality Control Instruction' (QCI)

C-212 requires the concrete batch plant inspector to visually inspect all scale dials as they weigh up and make or witness adjustments if scale dials indicate weights other than design mix weights. QCI-C-212 i

also requires the batch plant inspector to verify visually that the continuous recceder chart readings coincide with scale readings.'

l Contrary to the above 1.

In batching of concrets for placement in safety-related structures, flyash quantity exceeded the specified mix design quantity by 8 percent, the sand quantity exceeded specified mix design quantity by 4 percent, and the 3/8-inch aggregate exceeded specified mix design quantity by 6 percent.


The batch plant inspector did not visually inspect the scale dials as they weighed up and make or witness adjustments when scale dials indicated weights other than design mix weights.

3 The batch plant inspector did not verify visually that the


continuous recorder chart readings coincided with dial scale readings.

k'his is a deficiency.




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Corrective Steps Taken and Results Achieved The concrete cylinder breaks for samples representing safety-related structure placements which were made from May 7, 1980, through May 9, 1980, have been reviewed. All compressive I

strengths exceeded design strength requirements after the 28-day

, -curing time was complete. Also, the batch plant inspector r

involved was immediately assigned to other inspection duties.

He did not resume batch plant duties until June 2,1980, which was after his being admonished as to the correct'peccedures and his obligations in fulfilling those procedures.


Corrective Steps Taken to Avoid Further Noncompliance All unit batch plant inspectors have been reminded to inspect the scale dials more closely during weigh up and to make or witness adjustments if the scale dials indicate weights other than design mix weights. The batch plant inspectors were also reminded to check the continuous recorder chart readings to ensure that they coincide with dial scale readings with allowabl,e tolerances.

Additionally, the final and over limits are being adjusted for each mix so that the under light on the control panel will stay on while mix weights are below the final limit and the over light will come on if mix weights exceed allowable tolerances.

i This will help warn the batch plant inspector and op3rator when a dial setting is not within the allowable mix tolerances.

3 Date When Full Compliance Was Achieved Full compliance was achieved on May 14, 1980.

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