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Proposed Tech Specs 6.1,6.2 & 6.3 Incorporating Organization & Position Titles Std for All Util Nuclear Stations
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/19/1974
Shared Package
ML19312B914 List:
NUDOCS 7911270710
Download: ML19312B918 (8)


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6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 ORGANIZATION, REVIEW, AND AUDIT 6.1.1 Organization The station Manager is directly resoonsible for the safe operation of the facility. In cll matters pertaining to actual operation and maintenance and to these Technical Specifications, the station Manager shall report to and be directly responsible to the Assistant Vice President, Steam Production. The organization is shown in Figure 6.1-2. The station organization for Operations, Technical Services, and Maintenance shall be functionally as shown in Figure 6.1-1.

Minimum operating shift requirements are specified in Table 6.1-1. Incorporated in the staff of the station shall be supervisory and professional personnel meeting the minimum requirements encompassing the training and experience described in Section 4 of the ANSI 18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel."

l Retraining and replacement of station personnel shall be in l accordance with Section 5.5 of the ANSI 18.1, " Selection and l Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel." l 6.1.2 Review and Audit In matters of nuclear safety and radiation exposure, review and audit of station operation, maintenance, and technical matters shall be provided by two committees as follows: (Reference Figure 6.1-2) l Station Review Committee i I

a. Membership l l

The station Manager shall appoint an on-site review committee consisting '

of st least five members of the station supervisory staff. Representation shall be provided ftom Operations and from Technical Services. Membership shall include expertise appropriate to the items being considered by the committee.

The chairman of the on-site review committee shall be appointed by the l station Manager.

b. Meeting Frequency.

This committee shall meet at least.once each month and as required on call by the chairman.

6.1-1. .g g g g .3 h

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c. Quorum The chairman plus two members shall constitute a quorum.
d. Responsibilities The committee shall have the following responsibilities:
1. Review all new procedures or changes to existing procedures determined by the station Manager or his designate to affect operational safety.
2. Review sta* ion operation and safety considerations.
3. Review abnormal occurrences, unusual events, and violations of Technical Specifications and make recommendations to prevent recurrence.
4. Review all proposed tests that affect nuclear safety or radiation safety.
5. Review proposed changes to Technical Specifications and safety-related changes or modifications to the station design,
e. Authority The Station Review Committee shall make recommendations to the station Manager regarding Specification
f. Records Minutes of all meetings of the committee shall be kept at the station, and copies shall be sent to the station Manager, Assistant Vice President Steam Production, and the chairman of the Nuclear Safety Review Committee. ,

i Nuclear Safety Review Committee

a. The Executive Vice President and General Manager shall appoint a Nuclear i Safety Review Committee having responsibility to verify that operation of l the station is consistent with company policy and rules, approved i operating procedures, and license provisions; to review important pro-posed station changes, and tests; to verify that abnormal occurrences  ;

and unusual events are promptly investigated and corrected in a manner which reduces the probability of recurrence of such events; and to detect trends which may not be apparent to a day-to-day observer.

b. The activities of the Nuclear Safety Review Committee shall be guided by a written charter that contains the follo eing:

Subjects within the purview of the committee Responsibility and authority Mechanisms for convening meetings Provisions for use of apecialists or subgroups I

6.1-2 .

3 Authority for access to station records Reporting requirements Identification of management position to which the group reports Provisions for assuring that the committee is kept informed of matters within its purview

c. The committee shall be composed of:

Chairman At least two members from the Steam Production Department. (May include station Manager but not other Oconee N'--lear Station personnel.)

At least two members from the Engineering I'epartment Others deemed advisable. (May include consultant from outside the company.)

The commitree shall elect a vice chairman.

Qualified alternates shall be appointed or other provisions shall be made for covering the absence of full-time members of the group. The use of alternates shall be restr !cted to legitimate and unavoidable absences of principals.

d. Qualifications:

At least one-half of the members of the committee (and/or alternates attending a specific meeting) shall have extensive nuclear experience and all members and alternates shall be engineering or science graduates.

No more than a minority of the members or alternates shall have a direct line responsibility for station operation. All members shall have a minimum of three years professional level experience in nuclear services, nuclear station operation, or nuclear engineering and the necessary overall nuclear background to detect when to call consultants and contractors for dealing with complex problems beyond the scope of their own organization,

e. Members of the co=mittee shall collectively have the capability required to review the areas of:
1. Nuclear Power Station Operations
2. Nuclear Engineering
3. Chemistry and Radiochemistry
4. Metallurgy
5. Instrumentation and control
6. Radiological Safety
7. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
8. Other appropriate fields associated with the unique characteristics of the Oconee Nuclear Station When the nature of a particular situation dictates, special consultants shall be utilized to provide expert advice to the committee.



f. Meeting Frequency:

The committee shall meet at least three times per year at intervals not to exceed five months and as required on call by the chairman. During the period of initial operation, this committee shall meet at least once per calendar quarter.

g. Quorum:

The chairman or vice-chairman plus three members, or appointed alternates, shall constitute a quorum. No more than a minority of the quorum shall have direct line responsibility for station operation.

h. Meeting Minutes:

Minutes of all scheduled meetings of the committee shall be prepared and shall identify all documentary materials reviewed. These minutes shall be formally approved, retained, and also promptly distributed to the Executive Vice President and General Manager; Senior Vice President, Engineering and Construction; Senior Vice President, Production and Trans-mission; Vice President, Design Engineering; Assistant Vice President, Steam Production; and station Manager. A copy of these minutes shall be kept ou file at the station.

i. As a safety review to the normal operating organization, the committee shall review the following:
1. Proposed tests and experiments, and results thereof, when these con-stitute an unreviewed safety question defined in 10CFR50.59.
2. Proposed changes in equipment or systems which constitute an unreviewed safety question defined in 10CFR50.59, or which are referred by the operating organization.
3. All requests to the AEC/ DOL for changes in Technical Specifications or license that involve unreviewed safety questions as defined in 10CFR50.59.
4. Violations of statutes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or internal procedures, or instructions having safety significance as determined by the NSRC.
5. Abnormal occurrences or unusual events as defined in 1.0 of these specifica tions .
6. Special reviews or investigations as required by the Assistant Vice President, Steam Production, or the station Manager.


e Manager Oconee Nuclear Station L) l l l Technical Services _

Operating _

Maintenance -

Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent


4 Performance Operating -



Engineer Engineer Engineer llealth Physics Shift Instrument and Supervisor Personnel -

Control -

Engineer w .'

Chemist -


I Executive Vice President and General Manager ~~'


Senior Vice President Nuclear Safety Production and Transmission Review Committee Assistant Vice President Steam Production ,

I Manager Oconee Nuclear Station ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 i

Station Review Committee i

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6.2 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT OF AN ABNORMAL OCCURRENCE OR UNUSUAL EVENT 6.2.1 Any abnormal occurrence or unasual event shall be investigated promptly by the station Ma:.ager.

6.2.2 The station Manager shall promptly notify the Assistant Vice President, Steam Production, of any abnormal occurrence or unusual event. The Station Review 'ommittee shall review a written report which shall describe the circumstances leading up to and resulting f;'m the occurrence and shall recommend appropriate action '.o prevent or minimize the probability of a recurrence.

6.2.3 The Station Review Committee report shall be submittad to the Nuclear Safety Review Committee for review of any recommendations.

Copies shall also be sent to the station Manager and the Assistant Vice President, Steam Production.


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6.3 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT A SAFETY LIMIT IS EXCEEDED Specification If a safety limit is exceeded:

6.3.1 The reactor shall be shut down immediately and maintained in a safe shutdown condition until otherwise authorized by the AEC.

6.3.2 The station Manager shall make an immediate report to the Assistant Vice President, Steam Production; the Senior Vice President, Production and Transmission; and the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Review Committee.

6.3.3 The ciremostances shall be promptly reported to the AEC by the Senic +; Vice President, Productian and Transmission as indicated in Section, Station Reporting Requirements.

6.3.4 The station Manager shall direct the Station Review Committee to perform an analysis of the circumstances leading up to and resulting from the situation together with recommendations to prevent a recurrence. The report ccvering this analysis shall be sent to the Nuclear Safety Review Committee for review and approval. Copies of this report shall also be submitted to the station Manager; Assistant Vice President, Steam Production; the Senior Vice President, Production and Transmission; the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Review Committee; the Senior Vice President, Engineering and Construction: Vice President, Design Engineering; and the Executive Vice President and General Manager. Appropriate analyses or reports shall be submitted to the AEC by the Senior Vice President, Production and Transmission as indicated in Section, Station Reporting Requirements.


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