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Forwards Amend 3 to Application for Licenses,Consisting of PSAR Update.Unit 3 Recognized in Application & Financial Info Included Per NRC 670317 Ltr.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1967
From: Willie Lee
NUDOCS 7911180015
Download: ML19312B696 (15)


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April 29, 1967 Director' Division of Reactor Licensing U S Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D C 20545 Re: Docket Nos 50-270 and 50-287 p M gulatory Suppl File Cy?

Dear Sir:

Duke Power Company is f_iling herewith Amen No 3 to its Application for Licenses for its proposed 0:enee Nuclear Station. This filing includes three signed original copies and 100 copies of material applicable to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

By this amendment, a third nuclear generating unit, to be a duplicate of each of the first two, is embraced in the application. Also, financial information is submitted as requested by the Director's letter of March 17, 1967. Further, this amendment includes replacement pages and errata sheets applicable to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report to make minor changes and to submit additional information on control rod drives.

This amendment is in a format designed to keep current the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

Yours very truly, W

W S Lee WSL/s


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) DOCKET NOS. 8-2693 DUKE POWER COMPANY ) Su-27v 50- M

[gulatory Suppl File Cy.


TO APPLICATION FOR LICENSES Duke Power Company, Applicant in the above-captioned proceeding , here-by amends it pplication for Licenses, as heretofore amended and supplemented, as follows: 44-t af -

A. Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3.

Supplement 3 to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, attached heretc

' and made a part hereof, is herewith filed for the purpose of including in the facilities for which licenses are requested a third pressurized water reactor to be known as "Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3" . Except as expressly pro-vided herein below to the contrary and subject to the supplementary and amend-atory material contained in said Supplement 3, all of the provisions of the Ap-plication as heretofore filed and amended, including the general information required by 10 CFR %50.33 and the technical information and safety analysis report required by 10 CFR 50.34, shall apply to the Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3, as though fully herein written.

The Application (10 CFR 550.33) is amended as follows:

1. On the cover sheet the words "for OCONEE NUCLEAR

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C STATION Units 1 and 2" are deleted and tha words "for OCONEE I # NUCLEAR STATION Units 1, 2 and 3", are inserted in lieu thereof.

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.( 2. On page 1 the word "two" appearing in the first s sentence of the second paragraph is deleted, and the word "three" is inserted in lieu thereof.

3. On page 7 the first line, which begins with the word " supply" and ends with the word " units", is deleted, and there is inserted in lieu thereof the following:

" supply the first two cores for each of the first two nuclear generating units, and the first core for the third nuclear generating unit" .

4. On page 7 the second sentence of the first complete paragraph beginning with the words "They will include" and ending with the words '" Units 1 and 2"' is deleted and there is inserted in lieu thereof the following:

"They will include three pressurized water reactors to be known as 'Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2 and 3 ' " .

5. On page 7 the first sentence under section f begin-ning with the words " Applicant estimates" and ending with the words "approximately $197,828,000" is deleted and there isk inserted in lieu thereof the following:

" Applicant estimates that the total cost of the Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 and 3, including the initial core for each unit, will be approximately $340,858,000".

6. The only paragraph under section h entitled "Com-pletion dates" on page 9 is deleted in its entirety and there is

, inserted in lieu thereof the following:

i (J

J O n- m i " Applicant's projected load requirements will necessi-tate full power operation of Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 1, by May 1971; Unit 2, by May 1972; and Unit 3

  • by June 1973. The earliest date for completion of construction of Unit 1 is estimated to be October 1, 1970, and the latest completion date is estimated to be February 28, 1971. Corresponding dates for Unit 2 are one year later. The earliest date for completion of construction of Unit 3 is estimated to be November 1, 1972, and the latest completion date is estimated to be August 1,1973" .
7. In the Agreement Limiting Access to Restricted Data ,

filed as Exhibit IV to the Application, the words " Units 1 and 2" A

() appearing on line 2 are deleted and the words " Units 1, 2 and 3" are inserted in lieu thereof.

B. Information requested in letter of Dr. Peter A. Morris , Director, Division of Reactor Licensing, to Applicant dated March 17, 1967.

By letter of March 17, 1967, the Director, Division of Reactor Licensing, requested information with respect to the financial qualifications of Applicant to construct Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2. Subsequent to the filing

. of the Application, the estimated cost of Units 1 and 2 has been revised. In addition, this Amendment No. 3 incorporates Unit 3 into the Application for Units 1 and 2. Reflecting the revised estimate for Units 1 and 2 and the addi-tion of Unit 3, the requested information is given as follows:

1. Copies of Duke Power Company Annual Report for 1966 were filed with Amendment No. I dated April 1,1967.

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O >=. . GP ~ b. - - .-,; n zu, q [This page to be inserted as page 4 of Amendment No. 3]

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2. Estimated costs of Oconee Nuclear Station are a


gkx>Y2 follows: g0 e.


$ 1,379,000 Site Acquisition y 278,366,000 Direct Cost of Plant b

$ 279,745,000 Subtotal C G 10,767,000 Allowance for additional inflation  ;

18,900,000 Engineering, general overheads, and contingencies 1,387,000 Operator training - Carital portion 500,000 Licensing and special administrative ,

burdens l


33,662,000 Interest during constr,1ction l 344,961,000 Total plant with substation l 63,000,000 Initial cores '

$ 407,961,000 Grand Total No separate breakdown is available of taxes and insurance

,- covered in this cost estimate. This revision to cost estimates is

occasioned by the inflation effect on the cost of equipment, labor and materials; increased interest rates; and the cost of items added  !

l to meet licensing requirements. Applicant will own spent fuel from l l

the initial core of Unit 3, but not of Units 1 and 2.

3. The first core fuel for each unit will contain the following quantity, enrichment and dollar value (based on current AEC charge rates) of uranium:

Quantity Enrichment AEC Base Charges Ko-U Ko-U235  % Dollar Value 20,536 460 2.24 $ 3,529,727 25,546 631 2.47 5,021,322 34,657 960 2.77 7,940,958 80,739 co 2,051 S 16,492,007 l

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2. Estimated costs of Oconee Nuclear Station are as fouows: i Units 1 and 2 Unit 3 Total


146,732,000 0


$ 1,068,000 Site equisition 225,926,000 Direct cost of plant

$14 800,000 $ 79,194,000 $226,994,000 Su otal 8, 00,000 4,313,000 13,113,000 E ineering, general oderheads , and con-tingencies 403, 0 100,000 500, 00 Operator training -

Capital portion 400,000 100,000 500,000 Licensing and special administration burdens 14,166,000 371,000 22,53 000 Interest during construct-ion

$171, 566,000 $ 92,0 8,000 S 263,6 4,000 Total, without substation 5, 448,000 8,76 000 14 , 14,000 Step-up substation, in-cluding $1,174,000 interest during construction

$177, 014,000 S 100,844,00AS 2/7,858,000 Total plant with substation 36 , 290,000 26,710, 000 1 /63,000,000 Initial cores

$213 , 304,000 $ 127,554,000 40,858,000 Grand total No se'parate breakdow is a ilable of taxes and insur-ance included in Applica s' plant co truction estimates. Ap-plicant makes no speci c provision for calation in its plant estimates which are sed upon cost level obtaining as of the date of the estimat . Historically, contingen es included have been adequ e to cover escalation. Applica t will own spent fuel from e initial core of Unit 3, but not of nits 1 and 2.

3. The irst core fuel for each unit will contain e fol-lowing quar ity, enrichment and dollar value (based on c rrent AEC char rates) of uranium:

Quanti Enrichment AEC Base Ch rges Kg-If Kg- U23 5  % Dollar Valuh 20 36 460 2.24 $ 3,529,727 25,546 631 2.47 5,021,322 34,657 960 2.77 7,940,958 80,739 2,051 S16,492,007



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4. Excluding interest during construction, total funding requirements for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 and 3 are estimated as follows:

Station Initial Fuel 1966 $ 349,000 $ -

1967 2,404,000 -

1968 30,326,000 -

1969 88,465,000 -

1970 70,582,000 18,000,000 1971 43,399,000 32,190,000 1972 16 ,787,000 12,810,000 1973 1,835,000 -

5. As to source of funds for the construction of Units 1, 2 and 3, it is estimated that approximately 40% of the construct-ion funds will be generated internally from retained earnings and q depreciation. The balance will be obtained initially through short


term borrowings from commercial banks, and will thereafter be permanently funded by sale of securities. Due to changing market conditions, no definite statement can be made at this time as to the type of securities which will be sold or the date of their sale.

It is presently anticipated that the Company will issue first mort-gage bonds, cumulative preferred stock and common stock during this period.

C. Replacement and Supplementary pages for Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

Filed herewith and made a part hereof are replacement and supplementary ,

pages for the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report containing'information on a revised design of control rod drives. This information is in addition to the material presented in Supplement 2 to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report k- in answer to question 4.7 in letter of Dr. Peter A. Morris , Director, Division 1

of Reactor Licensing, to Applicant dated March 23, 1967.

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Other replacement pages are also filed herewith and made a part hereof indicating various minor changes to portions of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

D. Errata Sheet.

Filed herewith and made a part hereof is an errata sheet indicating various minor changes and corrections to portions of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

WHEREFORE, Applicant renews its request for the licenses specified in its original Application.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Duke Power Company has caused its name to be hereunto signed by W. S. Lee, its Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed by James S. Sease, its Assistant Secretary, this 29th day of April,1967.

DUKE POWER COMPANY By Vice President Attest:

O h v h' istant Secretary





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s State of North Carolina )

County of Mecklenburg )

W. S. LEE, being duly sworn, states that he is Vice President of Duke Power Company; that he is authorized on the part of said Company to sign and file with the Atomic Energy Commission this Amendment No. 3 to its Applicaticri and documents appended thereto; that he has read all of the statements contained in such Amendment No. 3 and the documente ap-pended thereto and made a part thereof; and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the beat of his know-ledge, information and belief.



W. S. Lee SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this 29th day of April,1967.


, ..-; ,> r,' ',j' ' ' ,, .- , , , ,

.; Notary Public My coinmission expires: .


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'c 3 DOCKETS 50-269, 50-270 AND 50-(h DUKE POWER COMPANY OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 Errata Filed With Amendment 3 Please make tha following notations in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report to effect correction of errors and minor changes:

Note: These corrections should not be made until replacement pages have been substituted.

P_aage, Section Table of Contents Change page numbers for Sections 3.3 through 3.4 from in front of "3-78, 3-78, 3-79, 3-80, 3-86 and 3-87" to "3-75, 3-75, Volumes I and II 3-76, 3-77, 3-83 and 3-84," respectively.

1-111 List of Change title of Table 1-1 to " Engineered Safeguards Tables Equipment."

2-10 2.6 Third paragraph, add the following sentence to end oi paragraph: "The structural design criteria for the maximum hypothetical earthquake are 0.10g and 0.15g for Class I structures founded on-bedrock and over-i t .

( burden, respectively."

i Figure 2 Change elevation of 500 kv Switchyard from "730" to 2-2 "735."

3-1 Table of Change the page number for each of Sections 3.3, Content's 3.3.1, and from "3-78" to "3-75."

s i  % 3-111 List of Change the page number for Tables 3-19 and 3-20 from l h '\ Tables' "3-68" and "3-76" to "3-67" and "3-73," respectively.

y rf 4 3 Delete page 3-82 (front), 3-83 (back) and page 3-84 y (front), 3-85 (back); change page numbers 3-86, 3-87, Yl t . 3-88, 3-89 and 3-90 to 3-83, 3-84, 3-85, 3-86 and

, 9 3-87 respectively.

5-1 5.1 Second paragraph, second line, change vertical wall

' thickness from "3-1/2 feet" to "3 ft-9 in."; third 1

Line, change dome thickness from "3 feet" to "3 ft-3 in."

5-12 First paragraph following Table 5-2, second line, i change "3-1/2 foot Reactor Building wall" to "3 ft-9 in. Reactor Building wall."

,q-4 1 (4- 29 -67)

O O ,



[ Errata

-- Filed With Amendment 3 g Section .

5-12 Fourth paragraph, second line, change "3-1/2 foot Reactor Building wall" to "3 f t-9 in. Recctor Building wall."

5-22 5.4 Fifth full paragraph on page, change the first sen-tence to read, " Provisions will . . . these penetra-tions, except for the main steam lines, may be pres-sure . . . operation."

7-5 Third full paragraph on page, first line, delete "three phase"; second line, change " drive assemblies" to read " drive clutch assemblies"; second line, change

" drive power supply" to read " drive clutch power sup-ply"; fifth line, change " drive power supplies" to ret.d " drive clutch power supplies"; last line, delete "three phase."

7-11 7 Delete all material on page 7-11, but retain sheet for page 7-12 on reverse side.

r' Figure 8 Change elevation of 500 kv Switchyard from "730" to (y] 8-2 "735."

~4-7 First paragraph following c., change the second sen-

,,  % tence to read, "There are two additional pumps per

,0 unit."

4-26 Eighth line on page, change " valves" to " values."

SC-4 Appendix Fifth paragraph, third, fifth and sixth lines, change SC, 3.5 "

3f'"and"g6f'"to"3gf c "and"6pc,"


5D-14 Appendix After first sentence, first paragraph, add the follow-SD, 4.2 ing sentence: "The tensile strength of the splices will equal or exceed 125 per cent of the minimum yield strength for each grade of reinforcing steel as speci-fied in the appropriate ASTM standard."

5D-15 Appendix First full paragraph, last line, delete "of the appro-5D, 4.2 priate ASTM standard" and substitute "es stated above."

8.1-1 Supplement Change third paragraph to read, "The response spectra No. I curves for the maximum hypothetical earthquake are Question showt as attached Plates 1 through 4 of answer to 8.1 quest. ion 8.5 in Supplement No.1."

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2 (4-29-67) 4

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[]./ Filed With Amendment 3 Page Section 9.7-2 Supplement In Table 1, Concrete Cover Over Reinforcing, change No. I the cover provided by Duke for the ducts for pre-Question stressed steel in the Cylinder Haunch and Cylinder 9.7 from (10" min.) and (12-1/2") respectively to (6")

, in both cases.



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s 3 (4-29-67)

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DUKE POWER COMPANY AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO APPLICATION FOR LICENSES DOCKET NOS. 50-269 50-270 50-Additional information is submitted as Supplement 3 for the pur-pose of amending the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report to include Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3:

Front Back 3 -1 3-2 3-3 3-4 (3

.) 3-5 3-6 a


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' DUKE POWER COMPANY AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO APPLICATION FOR LICENSES DOCKET NOS. 50-269 50-270 50-Errata sheets and substitution and supplementary pages to portions of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

Errata sheets , pages 1-3, for PSAR.

Substitution and supplementary pages as listed below:

Front Back Fig 1-6 -

Fig 1-9 -

2-3 2-4 3 -11 -

3-vi -

3-5 3-6 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-71


. .c' 3-72 -

3-73 3-74 3-75 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-80 3-81 3-82 Fig 3-51 Fig 3-52 Fig 3-57 Fig 3-58 Fig 3-59 Fig 3-60 Fig 7-2 -

SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 -

g n l s

  • = 4wggm -s =-m- ., - m .